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Rescue of Araklia
  • Текст добавлен: 16 июня 2021, 12:33

Текст книги "Rescue of Araklia"

Автор книги: Игорь Княгницкий

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Текущая страница: 2 (всего у книги 4 страниц)

Chapter 3

After she walked approximately half way, the forest around her changed drastically. There were no more yellowed autumn trees, the air became warmer, and the wind brought a pleasant scent of blooming spring meadows. Shortly Alice began to doubt if she is going back the right way. The path she was following sharply turned to the right and went slightly uphill. But Alice wasn`t in the thick of the forest. She knew any path would lead her somewhere sooner or later.

When the ascent was over and the path become straight again, she saw something in the distance that she hadn`t expected to see there. A very small house stood on the right side of the path she was following. Alice walked a little faster and when she got very close, she was even more surprised to see a little old man sitting on a stump and smoking a long pipe. He was dressed in a warm caftan, which is wasn`t appropriate for the weather at all, and his face was hidden under the visor of a huge hat. Only a thick gray beard fell almost to his knees. Alice spoke first:

– Greetings, Grandfather. My name is Alice. I would like to ask you how can I get to the road?

– Hmmm – the old man chuckled – Hello to you as well, young lady. My name is Oks and to be honest, I have no idea what road you're talking about – he replied and looked at her with a suspicious view of his small gray eyes. Catching the nature of this view, Alice asked:

– Is something wrong?

– It's strange to see a man in this forest – the old man muttered.

– What's so strange about that, Grandpa?

– This is a very ancient forest. Not every person dares to come here. Maybe elves could come, but the humans…

The surprise on Alice's face, after a moment, was replaced by a grin, and she said:

– What are you talking about, Grandpa? The elves? My house is a couple of miles away from here. There can't be any elves here. They can`t exist, – she paused briefly – except in fairy tales.

– Do you really think so? – The old man looked very attentively into the Alice's eyes, so she was confused.

– Well – she drawled – I guess.

– Okay, let's go inside, I'll treat you to some delicious herbal tea – the interlocutor offered then got up from the stump and took Alice by the hand.

– But I need to… – she started to saying.

– Come on, you will tell me inside.

When Alice entered, she was plunged into the semi-darkness of a small room, with a round table in the center, a couple of stools, a fireplace, and a bed in the corner. A couple of candles were burning on the table, and a few fire woods were smoldering in the fireplace. The air was filled with the smell of smoke and some unknown herbs.

– Sit down at the table, my dear. I'm going to light the fire, put a pot with water on it, and while it's warming up, you will tell me everything.

The girl sat down at the table and watched the old man. He brought some fire woods from the other side of the room, put them into the fireplace, whispered something, made a pass with his hand, and the flame flared up as if it had been splash with gasoline.

– Wow! – Said Alice, surprised – How did you…

– How did I light the fire so quickly? – The old man interrupted.

– Yeah.

– Well, it is an old trick – he said – it's not important now. You'd better tell me how did you get here? Don`t rush, slowly, step by step. Because you know, I'm an old man already, I can miss something.

Alice did not go into the details of her entire life since childhood, but only told about what happened with her over the past two days.

– Will you show me this box?

The girl slowly took out her mother’s gift from her pocket and gives it to the old man. After turning it over in his hands for a while, he asked Alice for the key. Opening the box, he didn`t look at the key that was inside for a long time. Shortly he asked thoughtfully:

– What is this key? What does it unlock?

– Good question. It would be good to know – Alice shrugged.

– Hmmm… The verse on the bottom seems to be Elven, they are masters of poetry. Maybe this key is just a trinket, or maybe it is very expensive. I think you should ask the elves about this. They are very wise and more likely will tell you.

– Where can I find them?

The old man got up from his chair and went to the far corner of the room to his bed. Taking a small chest from under it, he took out a rolled-up piece of paper and returned to Alice at the table. He unfolded it in front of her and pressed it into the corners with the candlesticks.

– So, this is a map of our world. We are here – he pointed with his finger at the bottom of the paper. You should go North. Through the Plains and The Canyon of Death you will come to the Middle Pathway, and there you`ll find Elven Kingdom very close – The old man said, and immediately heard fire woods sizzle in the fireplace.

– Oh, I'm a fool! I completely forgot about the water!

Taking off the pot, Oks put some dried flowers and herbs from a bag hanging on the wall into the mug, filled it with hot water and pushed it to Alice.

– Your tea, please. You can drink it.

– Right away? Shouldn't it be allowed to brew?

– No, no need. This is not a simple tea, but a magic one. Just drink carefully, – he interrupted the girl, who was beginning to raise the cup to her lips – it's still very hot. Oks smiled strangely. Alice blew on the surface of the water in a mug. The pleasant smell of unknown herbs immediately pleased her and she took a few small sips. And despite the fact she always drank tea with sugar, it seemed to her just amazing taste even without it. After the next two or three sips, Alice even didn`t notice that she fell asleep right at the table.

Chapter 4

Ikru ran as fast as she could. The shocked residents of the forest kingdom, whom she passed like a gust of wind, had never seen her so worried. If the usual walking distance from her home to the castle of the lord of the forest kingdom Tonnord, took about fifteen minutes, she covered that distance in less than five.

Shortly she was detected by the watchers from the towers. The head of the guard, and her good friend Nill, immediately mentally contacted her.

– Ikru, what's wrong?

– Nill, open the gate quickly, I need to see Tonnord! It's urgent!

– He won't be able to see you right now. He has a meeting with Bronton.

– The fate of our world depends on this information!!! Open it quickly, before I blow them to hell!

Nill didn't answer, but when she was almost at the gate, Ikru saw the doors open. Quickly passing through a small glade, she was running up the narrow spiral staircase that skirted the Great Oak of the forest kingdom. The conference room was located just below the throne room. Here Tonnord always welcomed high-ranking guests from other kingdoms, with whom the elves have keeping friendly relations. The large room, with a beautifully carved table and chairs in the center, was decorated with tapestries of the deceased lords of the forest kingdom. Almost all of them died in battles, which came like a wave in the country, after the capture of Arakel. The calm and measured conversation between Tonnord and the dwarf king Bronton, was interrupted by the sudden crash of the door, which is almost flew off from the hinges.

– Lord Tonnord, I beg you, listen to me in the name of the Creator! – The elf exclaimed, and fell to her knees right in front of the entrance.

Tall and strong elf, in shining armor of the best Elven craftsmanship, got up from the table and unhurriedly went to the Ikru, saying:

– Stand up, my dear. The elves don't fall to the knees before their fellows, especially since you are the Seer of our kingdom. And if you came here with such a ruckus, it means you have something to tell us.

– The Keeper… Appeared… in our world… – she gasped.

Tonnord and Bronton eyes become widened. The Elven Lord continued:

– Please have a seat at the table my dear and tell me and king Bronton what exactly you saw. Did you see Lisa in your visions?

– No, my Lord. Lisa is dead – Ikru said, and after a short pause she continued – Her granddaughter, Alice, is now a guardian. She was at the sleeping Ont. I saw the box with the wings in her hands.

– Really? What a unfortunate turn of events. Where is she now?

– The visions showed me her in Izemburn. She was with Oks.

– With Oks? This is very strange. I saw him a couple of days ago. He said he was going to King Grifgerd in the Preeosted, and then go back to his forest. In our area there are no secret trails like in Izemburn, he couldn`t make this journey so quickly.

– Maybe it wasn't Oks – Bronton supposed.

– Maybe. But I really hope it was he but not someone else. Anyway, it's all very strange and there's no point for guessing. We don't have enough information. We need to find out where is he now.

Tonnord closed his eyes and mentally connected with the commander-in-chief of the entire Elven garrison:

“Tagrin, are you hear me?”

“Yes, Tonnord.”

“Tagrin, we need to know where is Oks now. Send three of our trackers. One to the Preeosted. One to the Izemburn. One to the Gragos. As soon as you will know something, let me know."

“Yes, my Lord.”

Tonnord continued aloud:

– I've sent three of our trackers. To the Preeosted, to the Izemburn and in your kingdom Bronton, into the Gragos. In case if Oks suddenly decided to visit the mountain people. But I know for sure he wasn't going to. He had an important conversation with king Grifgerd. Ikru, – he said to the seer – please stay in the castle. Take the best room as you want. Try to see all of the Alice's movements and all of the news please report back to me right away. Go now Ikru.

– Yes, my Lord – said Ikru, and left.

– What are you thinking about, Bronton?

– That fact the guardian and the key have returned to our world is certainly good. But I wouldn't want to waste my time with a hope, which can fade as quickly as appeared. The girl, even she granddaughter of the previous guardian, does not know how to use her power. And now she's an easy target. If she won`t be protected in time, the key might be in the hands of the swamp trolls. And then will fall into the hands of black magicians… and everything we have fought for, for so many years will turn to dust! And our world will be plunged into the darkness forever.

– Don't think so negative, Bronton. So far, only three people know about it – you, me, and Ikru. Perhaps I needn't worry, and Oks actually met the guardian so quickly. Then he will bring her to Afleeakwein, because only here we will be able to teach her the magic of a keeper.

Chapter 5

Alice woke up because of terrible cold piercing her bones. When she opened her eyes, she expected to see herself at the table and a nice old man somewhere nearby, but the reality was completely different. She was sitting alone, on a wet rotten stump, her hands was on the small tree trunk, which was broken at the base. It was deep at the night. The wonderful warm weather suddenly changed to terrible cold of the deep night with a bone-chilling north wind. It was look like no house and old man had ever been in this place. Strange noises came from all directions. Crackles, groans, howls. Alice was afraid. And even before the thought had come to mind, her hands were already convulsively searching her pockets. “The box! Oh, my God, where is it?” After searching herself from head to toe, she realized the box was missing. Then she fell to her knees and started look for it on the ground, trying to find the box in the darkness of a cold night. But soon, after replaying all the recent events in her head and realizing what had happened, Alice sat down under the tree hugged her knees with her hands and began to cry bitterly.

– Oh, what a bastard you are… damn little thief… d-d-drugged me and robbed me… Oh, my God! – She sobbed – Grandmother, forgive me for being a fool… I failed you… If you can hear me, I'm so sorry… I'm so sorry…

Perhaps Alice would have sit here all night, grieving and blaming herself for everything, but after a while she began to hear more and more clearly the crunching of dry branches and someone's unkind growl. Whatever it was, or whoever it was, she didn't want to meet him. Alice looked out from the tree. A few pairs of small points of light were a little way away from her. “Wolves!” – The first thought flashed – Are they going to eat me? No way, bastards! Ok, so catch me up first. I'll run until I die! And if I`ll live, I'll find that damned grandfather and strangle him with my own hands! – whispered Alice, and ran as fast as she could. She could barely to see the trunks of the trees in the pitch-blackness, and almost at the last moment she was run around them. She knew if she face into something, tripped and fell down, it will be her last race. The chase was right behind her. Alice knew that she would not be able to run indefinitely in this pace and shortly will run out of breath. The thought flashed in her mind, “What if I climb up some tree, climb higher”, but almost immediately she dismissed it, because in such darkness it would take a lot of time to find a tree like that, and she didn`t have even five seconds.

Just as Alice began to choke, she heard someone else was running on her left side. In the beginning she couldn't figure out who it was by the sound. But the sound very quickly approached and intensified. “Oh my God! It's a horse! Maybe a rider? Can I get some help?” When the rider was almost at the same level with Alice, she heard:

– Kalan tol ana anim!!

A bright white light flashed in the rider's right hand and Alice could see that the rider was a graceful young elf with long golden hair and bright blue eyes. With a quick movement, the elf placed a bright glowing ball in a transparent flask, which was woven into the mane of his horse, then held out his hand to Alice and shouted:

– Give me your hand! Quickly!

As soon as the girl reached her hand, the elf threw her into the saddle in front of him with a slight tug, as if she weighed nothing at all. Then he tore off the flask with the shining light in it, whispered something into its base, turned around and sharply threw it back. A loud bang, and then a bright flash light up the dark forest. The chase fell behind.


They rode in silence for a while. Alice turned back from time to time, to make sure that there was no pursuit. But in reality, she just looked into the elf`s face who had saved her life. He had proper facial features, deep blue eyes and golden hair falling to his shoulders… For the first time in her life, Alice saw a live elf in front of her. She had never thought that a person could be so beautiful. Those guys she'd met in her life were nothing to compare with this Elven beauty. His flamboyant appearance, his knowledge of magic, and the fact that he saved her life played a key role – she liked him madly.

– Don't worry, they haven't been following us for a long time.

Alice just took a deep breath in response.

– Are you okay?"

– Well… – the girl said slowly – I scratched my face by some shrubs while I was running and tore my jacket. The rest… yeah, I`m okay. Thank you so much for saving me from them! I'm not going to be anyone's dinner tonight.

– Hmm. That's for sure. What's your name?

– Alice. And you?

– Enilice. And how did you appear in Izemburn? Where are you from?

– Izemburn? – Alice re-asked.

– Yes. Izemburn is the name of this forest.

Without directly answering the question, Alice asked:

– If we're no longer being chased by those beasts, can you make a stop for a while? I'm not comfortable to talk while we are gallop and I'd like to inspect my face, I think I'm bleeding from my cheek.

Enilice stopped his horse and dismounted.

– Actually, we shouldn't stop. Night in Izemburn is not a good time to rest. We need to leave it as soon as possible and go out into the Plains.

Without saying anything in response, Alice took out a small makeup bag from the inside pocket of her jacket. She wiped her cheek with a napkin and taped it up with a band-aid, keep looking to the Enilice from time to time, who was standing in front of her. As she put her makeup bag back in her inside pocket, she threw her view at the old pepper spray in it and thought: “Maybe I'll need it again”, and said:

– You know Enilice, it doesn't really matter how I got here. What's more important now is to find that sneaky old scoundrel and take back the thing he stole from me!

Slightly straightening up and pushing his chest forward the elf asked in surprise:

– Who are you talking about? Did you meet someone here?

– Yes, damn it, I did! – She answered angrily – He drugged me with sleeping drink and robbed me. And then he left me alone in the middle of the night, in this dark forest!

– Hmm… Interesting… What is the old man? Can you describe it to me?

– Well… Quite small in stature… At my five-foot-six, he was about chest-high. He had a long gray beard which is almost reached his knees. Big hat. He also smoked a long pipe all the time.

– Did he say his name?

– Yes, he said his name is Oks.

Enilice`s eyes become widened. He was one of the three trackers lord Tonnord had ordered to sent out to find the location of Oks.

– There's something wrong. I don't understand. That's crazy.

– What are you talking about? You don't believe me?

– A few hours ago, we received an order from Afleeakwein from our commander in chief. The essence of the order was to find the location of this particular old man Oks. I don't know why. I'm a good tracker and I know Izemburn good enough, so they chose me. We have a small outpost in the Plains, not so far from here. It`s about a couple of hours away. From there I moved to Izemburn and started to look for him in places where he was most often. He constantly moves around the forest, checking it. Putting things in order. Heals sick trees, helps to grow the young one. But I didn't find Oks. More precisely, the noise of the chase distracted me. So I found a girl escaping from a pack of hungry Wargs. Enilice smiled.

– Pack of hungry what? Wargs? So they weren't wolves?

– They were wolves once. But because of the effects of dark magic on them, they mutated. They are much larger, hardier, and stronger than normal wolves. We call them Wargs.

– I see. I'm sorry for interrupt.

– So, Oks is the guardian of the Ont forest. He is a very good old man, never offends anyone. Well, unless only those who “offend” his forest. And it's difficult to imagine he could steal something from someone! He doesn't need anything. Trees, shrubs, flowers, grass – this is his treasure. He doesn't care about people's trinkets.

– That's exactly what he said: “It's either just a trinket or it might be sell dearly!” Damn him!

– Sell??? What exactly did he steal from you?

Alice was afraid to tell the truth, but she decided to tell it, because she thought it wouldn`t make it worse. The elf saved her life and maybe he will help her find the thief and the stolen item. She understood in this completely new world for her, she won`t be able to handle anything without help. Trying to be not a verbose, but at the same time to convey the essence, Alice told Enilice about her grandmother, her fairy tales about Arakel when she was a child, and hopelessly lost, as it seemed to her now, the box with the key.

– In the name of the Creator! You're the new Keeper – Enilice said, thought for a moment, and then suddenly continued – We urgently need to leave Izemburn! I have to report everything to Afleeakwein, but I can't do that in this forest, because there is a very ancient and powerful magic in it. It silences the elven telepathy. And one more thing. It wasn't Oks!

–So, who was that??? – Alice asked, surprised.

– Doppelganger. Doppelgangers are the result of magical experiments with the trolls by Dark Magicians. As a result, they received magical creatures that can take on any appearance, people or animals, and they are also able to cast illusory magic on their enemies. But as a result of the same dark magic, they became stupid. But they weren't very smart, anyway. Everything what they want from life is money and pleasure. They exist only for the sake of it. So when you mentioned he said “to sell it dearly”, I knew that right away. And I know where he's going.

– Where?

– In Pleepmorr. This is a very bad place. But we`ll talk about it later. And by the way, everything you saw – a house in the woods, a table, chairs, candles, delicious tea – it was an illusion. The map was probably real. All over Araklia you can buy the map like that. The drink was real, too. But it wasn't tea, it was “mune”. A good sleeping drink. Don't worry, it's really herb-based, harmless. But the taste and smell of the fragrant flowers were an illusion.

– It's crazy – Alice drawled – Enilice, I'm sorry. I don't want to ask you too many questions because I don't wanna look like a fool, but I'm completely confused. Tell me, do you know what that key was for?

– Yes, I know.

– For what?

Once upon a time, – the elf began – the Creator sent seven Angels and said to them: “Create beautiful worlds, populate them with different races and all kinds of animals, plants and flowers, reservoirs and fields, keep them and protect them so that they flourish…” That`s the way how our world was created – Araclia. One of the seven. And the angel Eraqel was its creator. For many centuries we have lived and prospered. Humans, elves, dwarfs, trolls, orks… Our world was perfect. There were no wars, no diseases, no pestilence, no envy, no greed… Everyone was equal and friendly with each other. But one day an ancient and powerful evil has invaded to us from the outworld. Neither living nor dead, bodiless shadows with great magical power and the ability to suck the life from other creatures. We call them Naabs. Naabs couldn't directly invade in our world while Eraqel was alive and protected us. To do this, they had to destroy him. They found a loophole through the thin magical channels which connecting our world with six others, and sent a squad of their minions endowed with dark magic. They began to bribe people, because they were the weakest and most easily succumb to the temptation. Naabs gave them great magical powers and promised them eternal power in all seven worlds. So the race of people was divided into "two camps". Those who accepted the dark power and went against their creator, and those who rejected their offer and opposed them. Eraqel`s Throne is in heaven. That's where his power is concentrated. Eraqel never came down to us, avoid to put himself and us in danger. Because if he descends from the Throne, he will become vulnerable. The Naabs had to find a way how to get him down. They sent a plague on our world. A terrible disease that only children were exposed to. They became seriously ill and then died. Parents are greatly grieved and begged Eraqel to help. At first, there were a few cases. But later, when the disease got all the children, our world began to pray Eraqel about help. Millions of fathers and mothers prayed to him day and night to come down to them and save their innocent kids.

– So, he came down?

– Of course. Children are innocent, they can't suffer like this. Many saw him high in the heaven that day. He made a few flaps of his snow-white wings, and myriads of shining particles, like small stars, began to fall from the sky. All the children were cured in the same hour. But he could not return back to the Throne. With the most powerful spell of the Naabs, the people captured him and imprisoned him in a dungeon. It was a small matter, to hand over the key of the dungeon to the Naabs and our world would be plunged into darkness forever. But still it didn't happen… Shortly before this event, the elves found out about the plans of the people. The Seer of our nation, Ikru, had a vision. Of course, the elves could not resist the human magicians, who were endowed with incredible power, but at the very last moment, when the magicians wanted to give the key to the Naabs, they stole it. It was clear that the dark magicians would find the key sooner or later. And doesn`t matter how many lives they had to take. All the races of Araclia fought for their lives, because they knew if the key fell into the hands of evil from the outworld, Eraqel will be destroyed, and we will cease to exist forever. The key was given to Lisa, a girl who grew up in Afleeakwein. Her appearance was slightly changed to make her look more like a human and with powerful spell she has been sent to ANOTHER world. The place where no one can find her. Into your world. Of course, we all survived, but the dark magicians turned the life of entire world into a nightmare. For about ten years there were bloody wars. In search of the key, the dark mages and their armies swept away everything in their path. A human, elves, dwarfs, orks, trolls. They destroyed everyone who opposed them. The ground was flooded with the blood of the innocent. After a while, when they realized the key is not in our world, they calmed down and began to look for it in other worlds. And we began to live relatively calmly. Everyone by itself, in our own kingdoms, behind huge walls with high towers. Every day in expectation of a new war.

Alice listened to the elf like she was in a trance, not looking away for a second and even didn`t notice how it began to sunrise. All the fairy tales that her grandmother had told her in the childhood weren`t fairy tales at all. Her heart has cramp because of resentment. She got a huge responsibility, and she almost at the first moment lost the most precious thing which was entrusted to her. Enilice certainly noticed that.

– I was only seven years old when my grandmother died. Apart from her fairy tales and the box which my mother gave me only for my eighteenth birthday, I had nothing else. Only some of my thoughts, guesses. I was thinking…

– Don't be sad, and don't blame yourself. You didn't know. And no one could have prepared you for this – Enilice tried to console her, and climbed into the saddle. – We will return the key. We have to! As soon as possible! So hold on tight, we need to hurry up before the Doppelganger thief goes too far.

Enilice put spurs to his horse and they quickly ride to the edge of the forest.

– How do we find him, if he can transform into anyone and create illusions?

– Doppelgangers have their own “magical smell”. So, we will follow this “magical traces”. I was taught by search skill when I was in the Academy of Afleeakwein. But I don't feel it here. The ancient magic of Izemburn mutes Elven telepathy, as well as magical sense of smell.

– So you're also a mage?

– No, I'm not a mage. I'm a tracker. But I know the basic spells which are known for almost all the elves, who do service in Elven army. We are all taught those spells in Academy. You saw one of them.

– Oh, yeah! That was awesome! Teach me! Please.

– Well, I think in Afleeakwein you will have a much better teacher than me. More experienced, true elven mage who knows a lot of different spells. Maybe you will be taught by Ikru, the Seer of our people.

– A seer? How is that? – Alice asked.

– Well, for example, she can see you and me. Where we are and what we are doing, no matter how far away we are from her. She's also a very powerful mage.

– I see – Alice answered indistinctly and realized that her eyes were starting to close. The long walks in the woods, the chase and the horse racing had worn her out. She wanted to go to her own bed with a duvet and soft pillows, but all she could do now was doze off as she sat on a galloping horse. After some time, Alice and Enilice left Izemburn.

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