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  • Текст добавлен: 21 октября 2016, 17:18

Текст книги "Painless"

Автор книги: Devon Hartford

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Текущая страница: 5 (всего у книги 32 страниц)

“Russell Merriweather, on behalf of Mr. Manos.”

The judge shuffled papers and files on the desk in front of her, setting everything in order. When she was finished, she folded her hands on the desk in front of her. “Thank you, counselors. We have a number of motions to work through. I suggest we begin with the State. Mr. Schlosser?”

George Schlosser stepped up to the podium between the prosecution table and the defense table and said, “Mr. Manos is identified through witness statements and descriptions as the perpetrator in the assault and battery in question.”

 Schlosser then proceeded to dive into a litany of evidentiary motions. In other words, Schlosser told the judge all the things he was going to do at my trial to prove I was the bad guy, that I had swung first at poor old Horst Grossman for no good reason.

It was all uncomfortably familiar.

How many times had I sat behind the defense table for similar reasons? I’d lost count. In the past, I’d never cared. But I hadn’t had much to care about. Now things were different.

Now I had Samantha to worry about. Seeing her flourish and find success in life was my number one priority.

I grit my teeth. I couldn’t wait for this shit to be over.

When Schlosser finished sketching out what the State would argue on Friday at my trial, he returned to his seat and Russell took over the podium.

The entire time Russell spoke, Schlosser watched him closely, taking notes and periodically whispering to his assistants. I knew Schlosser was strategizing, looking for any weakness in Russell’s case that he could exploit during my trial. For the most part, nothing was whetting Schlosser’s carnivorous appetite. He almost looked bored. Russell Merriweather ran a tight ship, and I knew he’d worked up a solid case for my claim of self defense. The real action wouldn’t really start until Friday.

“Will you be calling any other witnesses at trial, Mr. Merriweather?” Judge Moody asked, her eyes on her desk while she jotted down a note on some paperwork.

Before Your Love by Kelly Clarkson began playing from my suit jacket. It wasn’t very loud, but in the crypt quiet courtroom, it sounded like a primo sound system at full blast. Shit. I thought I’d turned the ringer off before coming into court. I must’ve done it wrong. I fumbled with my jacket, trying to shut the phone off through the material. No good. I had to pull it out.

The judge cannoned a hard glare at me. “Do we have a problem, Mr. Manos?”

“No, I, uh,” I mumbled as I fished my phone out of my suit.

“Perhaps we can reconvene when it’s more convenient for you, Mr. Manos?” the judge asked sarcastically. I wasn’t scoring any points with her today.

Schlosser and his team shared a chuckle at my expense.

Finally, I dug the phone out and shut it off, but not before noticing who had called. Samantha. Why the fuck would she be calling me now? Whatever it was, it could wait. I made sure the ringer was off and stuffed the phone back in my suit.

“Are you finished?” Judge Moody asked.

“Yeah, sorry. It won’t happen again.”

“I should hope not, Mr. Manos. For your sake.”

Fucking great. Nothing like a bad first impression. In this case, it was more like a bad first, second, and third impression.

“As I was saying,” the judge fired a final glare at me, “before we were so rudely interrupted,” then she turned to Russell, “Mr. Merriweather, do you intend to call any other witnesses at trial?”

Russell flicked me a pointed glance. Just loud enough for me to hear, he said, “We gonna do this?”

My phone jumped in my pocket and vibrated once. I almost flinched, but managed to hold my shit together. I could tell from the vibration pattern that it was a text coming in. I ignored it.

I nodded at Russell.

He turned to the judge, and in a confident voice said, “Yes, your honor. I will also be calling Mr. Manos to testify on his own behalf.”

A hush fell over the courtroom.

The three D.A.s looked like a pack of hyenas whose ears had pricked up and noses had twitched the moment they’d caught scent of a wounded wildebeest limping by. Schlosser dug his fingers into the armrests of his chair. He was practically climbing out of it. The greedy smile on Stanley Whitehead’s face had curled into a twist. I was just waiting for his tongue to snake out and hungrily lick his lips. Kind hearted Natalia Valenzuela’s cheeks had reddened as if she was suddenly turned on. Yeah, her earlier demeanor had been nothing but a front. She got off on desperation. I could feel it. These three had smelled my blood and were thirsty for a drink.

So what? Fuck ‘em. I wasn’t a wounded wildebeest. I was always ready for a fight. Because you knew the second the badass male lion came bounding out of the bush with his big mane on display, those hyenas scattered like ants in a sandstorm.

Too bad I wasn’t allowed to throw punches and elbows in court. Not by law, anyway. But Russell could. In the courtroom, he was a bigger lion than I was.

He was going to eat those D.A. fuckers for lunch.

Somebody hand me a knife and fork.

Chapter 5


After lunch, I went to the Main Library to study. No matter how many times I called or texted Christos, he never answered. I tried to concentrate on my Sociology and History reading, but it was tough going. I was too worried about Christos.

Eventually I gave up on homework and packed up my books and laptop. On my way to the north parking lot where I’d parked, I texted Christos one final time.

Meet me at ur place 4 dinner?

When I reached my VW, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was right where I’d left it, seemingly intact. I’d sort of expected to find it either gone, somehow towed away by Tiffany Shitstain-Hateface, or perhaps a mangled heap. I wouldn’t put it past Tiffany to hire some guy to drive a bulldozer over it.

I strolled around my car, looking for any fresh key gouges or slashed tires. Nothing. Somehow, I imagined Tiffany was simply biding her time. Waiting for the most opportune moment to strike.

I climbed in my car and turned the ignition, wincing in anticipation of a car bomb going off. Nope, the engine started smoothly.

A moment later, I heard my phone jingle. A text from Christos.

Dinner is waiting for you at your new home, agapi mou.

Yay! I heaved a sigh of relief. I really needed to talk to him about his trial. I just hoped it wasn’t too late to make a difference.

I backed out of my space and drove down the aisle. Maybe Tiffany had cut my brake lines? How did one check brake lines anyway? I had no idea. Oh wait, I know!

I glanced in my rearview mirror. When I saw no one was behind me, I braked hard. My car stopped abruptly. The brakes seemed to be working. For now. Maybe it took awhile?

Screw it. I didn’t have time to worry about whatever that vengeful bitch Tiffany might be planning. I had more important things to worry about than her petty jealousy. I had to get home to my man.

Traffic was light and I made it to Christos’ house in record time. I parked in the driveway next to his Camaro. I pulled out my key to let myself in. I really needed to pack up all my stuff and move in ASAP. I’d already given my apartment manager my 30 day notice to vacate.

Sadly, I doubted there was time for me to move everything before Friday. I hadn’t even started packing. Then what? Would I be sharing this huge house with Spiridon while we waited who knew how long for Christos to be released from jail?

I didn’t want to think about it.

I jammed my key in the lock and walked inside.

For now, I was going to enjoy our time together as best I could.

Samoula!” Spiridon smiled as I walked into the kitchen. “Dinner is almost ready.” He wrapped me up in a huge hug.

Christos walked in with a huge platter of lamb kebab skewers. “I just pulled these off the grill outside. I hope you’re hungry, agápi mou,” he smiled.

“You bet,” I grinned and tip-toed up to circle an arm around his neck and kiss his cheek.

Christos was so tall, he had to lean over for me to reach him. He twisted at the last second, holding the kebabs in one hand while he wrapped an arm around my waist and smooched me on the lips. “That’s more like it,” he said. “I’ve been waiting for that all day.”

“Your Spanakopita is almost ready,” Spiridon said to Christos. “It smells delicious.”

“Awesome,” Christos said as he set the platter of skewers on the counter top. I noticed chunks of grilled onions wedged on the skewers between the lamb. He grabbed an oven mitt and used it to pull a baking pan out of the oven.

“Wow, that looks uber yum!” I said. “What is it?”

“Spanakopita. Spinach pie.”

The crust was a perfect golden brown and looked flaky. I couldn’t wait to dig in.

“Sit down, you two,” Christos said while he cut up slices of Spanakopita and dished them up with the lamb skewers and cucumber salad.

“Mmm, Tzatziki! I can’t wait,” I smiled as Christos set plates in front of me and Spiridon.

Christos joined us at the table and we dug in.

As usual, conversation with Christos and his grandfather was fun and full of laughs. I relished these simple moments. Dinner with my parents was never like this. I was starting to believe my parents had no idea how to enjoy themselves, as if they consciously avoided laughter and joy. Groan. Maybe Spiridon and Christos could give them lessons. Not.

I continued to enjoy the good dinner vibes, but Christos’ trial kept nagging at the back of my mind. I couldn’t decide if Christos was avoiding the topic. He’d probably talked with Spiridon about it at length when I wasn’t around. It had been five months since Christos’ arrest, so they were probably sick of it. I wasn’t going to spoil dinner by bringing it up for the billionth time. I’d wait until afterward.

When we finished eating, I got up to clear the plates and do the dishes.

“Let me get those, koritsáki mou,” Spiridon said. “You go spend some time with my grandson.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Yes,” he smiled, a faint sadness swirling in his eyes.

“All right,” I said uncertainly.

“Go,” he said, “enjoy yourselves.”

“What the man said,” Christos grinned. “Wanna help me clean up the grill?”

“Sure,” I said.

We walked onto the back deck and Christos grabbed a steel brush to scrub down the grill. His muscles flexed and popped as he worked the brush, hypnotizing me instantly. I couldn’t concentrate. What did I need to talk to Christos about that was so important? Was it the fact his tattooed arms made me dizzy and my thighs were now quivering? No. Something else. Was it the way my stomach was somersaulting and my cheeks glowed red when his sexy lips curled into a smile as he glanced over at me like my mere presence had made his day? No, couldn’t be that either.

“Admit it,” he said, “once again, seeing me cleaning something is turning you on.”

Guilty. I rolled my eyes. “Totally not turned on.”

He flashed me a dimple grin. “Uh huh. I see the way your eyes are spinning in circles. You can barely stand up.”

So what if he was right? I wouldn’t admit it, not even in front of a jury after swearing on a stack of Bibles. Crap. That broke the spell. We needed to discuss his trial. I sighed sadly. “Did you get my call today?”

Christos chuckled as he scrubbed. “Yeah. Right in the middle of court. The judge gave me a ton of shit because my phone rang.”

“Oh no! I’m so sorry, I’m such an idiot. I should’ve waited to call.”

“It’s not your fault, agápi mou,” Christos reassured. “Don’t worry about it.”

No matter how anxious I was, Christos’ even demeanor could always calm me down. I took a deep, cleansing breath. “Did you get my text or have a chance to listen to my message?”

He set down the wire brush. “I did.”


“And what?”

“And,” I said, “I can testify for you. It’s not too late, is it?”

Christos ran a heavy hand across his stubbled cheeks. His always sexy cheeks. Why did he have to be so damn handsome? I could never get enough of my magazine cover model boyfriend. He was eye crack. I’m surprised my eyes didn’t go into withdrawal when he was out of my sight. At least I could get a fix right now. Wait, he was doing it again! Trying to distract me with his sexiness!

“Please, Christos, can you stop being sexy for one second so we can discuss this?”

“I’d rather be sexy,” he smirked. “It amuses me to watch your eyes cross like that.”

“My eyes aren’t crossing!”

“They were a second ago,” he winked.

“You’re such a man,” I groused.


Wow. Cocky as ever. If it was me who was two days away from going to court, I’d be freaking out. Maybe Christos could give confidence lessons to packed stadiums and make a mint in the self help industry. Or maybe we could just bottle his ego and put heroin out of business. Either way, we’d retire young and rich.

I remembered thinking of him as Good Time Christos at the Halloween party at Jake’s house last year. It turned out that had been an accurate title for him.

Christos lowered the lid on the grill and hung the brush on the side. “Shall we go inside? All this exercise has got me all worked up. I need to relax.”

“Okay,” I fawned dreamily. Then I shook my head. “Wait! Stop! Quit charming me with your hotness powers. We need to talk about your trial.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Must we? I wanted to enjoy this evening with you. And I’ve got a present for you.” He smoothed a loose lock of hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead.


“You do?” I sighed. Who didn’t like presents? Wait a second, he was doing it again! I squinted at him and jammed my hands on my hips. “Is this another distraction tactic, Christos?”

“No, I really have a present.”

“Fine. Do we discuss the trial before or after the present?”

He considered. “Before. That way, my present will get you back in the mood.”

“Mood?” I said skeptically. “Are you trying to get me into bed, Christos Manos?”

He nodded confidently and slid an arm around my waist.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. “Fine. But not until after we talk.”

“Works for me.” He leaned forward and kissed me passionately.

After a minute, I could barely stand up. My legs had officially melted because of the forest fire deep in my…forest.

I shook my head and pushed away. “Stop! We need to talk,” I pleaded. Who needed talking when the hottest man on the planet had his arms around my waist? I’m pretty sure that was the devil voice on my shoulder talking. Devil voice liked to have a good time. But Angel voice reminded her that there would be no more parties in my panties if Christos was in jail. Sigh. “Christos, you know I want you, but I don’t want you just for tonight. I’d also like to have you tomorrow night, and the night after that, and the night after that, and—”

He smiled. “I get the idea. Look, my attorney has got everything wrapped up. I totally appreciate your desire to help. But everything is going to be fine.”

“Christos, I don’t know much about how court works, but I do know that I was there that day. You’re going to trial because of that guy who yelled at me the day we met, aren’t you?”

He nodded. “You figured it out. I’m not surprised. Your smarts are half of what attracted me to you in the first place.”

“Really? I’m not just a pretty face?” I struck a fashion model lip pout pose and piled my hair on my head with both hands.

He chuckled. “You’re a pretty face too. The prettiest.”

“Then you’ll totally want me in your trial so I can win over all the male jurors. I’ll have them wrapped around my finger after I’m through.”

“I’m sure you would. But you don’t need to do anything. It’s going to be fine.”

“Come on, Christos. We both know I was an eyewitness. And my eyes were closer to that jerk than anyone else’s. My version of events would totally help you. Am I wrong?”


“Then how do I get into the trial? What do I have to do to tell my side of things?”

“You don’t.”

I frowned at him. “Why not?”

“It’s too late.”

“What? Can you please explain in detail?”

He sighed. “We had to tell the judge at the pre-trial today which witnesses we’re going to call to the stand on Friday. It’s too late to add more.”

“That’s stupid! Why?”

“Because the D.A. has to have a chance to hear whatever testimony you might give before the trial starts. So they have time to prepare.”

“No problem. I’ll call them right now!” I stomped my foot.

“It doesn’t work like that. You have to go through the system. It takes time.”

“That’s ridiculous!” I felt my anger rising like a volcano. I wanted to protect Christos more than I wanted to draw another breath. “We still have two days!”

“No, we had two days two days ago.” he said calmly.

“What if I—”

He shook his head.

“I could—”

“No, agápi mou,” he said. “It’s too late.”

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I wanted to pound him on the chest in frustration. “I could’ve helped!”

“You’ve already helped me more than you will ever realize.”

“Who cares?” I was raging at him now. “If you’re in jail because I didn’t tell everyone what happened in court, it doesn’t matter! I don’t want you behind bars for even a second! Don’t you get it? This is so stupid!” I pushed out of his arms and stalked across the deck until I was standing at the edge of the swimming pool. I suddenly had the desire to dive in and swim a hundred laps in my clothes. I was furious. But swimming wouldn’t get me where I wanted to go.

I felt warm arms wrap around me from behind. He kissed the top of my head and I leaned into him.

I was crying now. “Why didn’t you tell me, Christos?”

“Because I didn’t want you to waste your time on this. I got myself into this mess, I’ll get myself out.”

“But I want to help!” I cried.

Agápi mou, you need to focus on your classes and your jobs. Speaking of which, didn’t you have a shift at Grab-n-Dash tonight?”

I stiffened in Christos’ arms. Oh shit. Oh fuckity shit! I’d forgot all about it. I was so stressed about Christos not answering my calls, I had gone space cadet.

“You forgot, didn’t you?” he asked.

I winced, “Uh…maybe?”

“Samantha, this is what I’m talking about. You’re so wound up worrying about me when you should be worrying about you.”

I spun around in his arms. “Don’t you get it? You’re always helping me, Christos. This is finally the one time I can do something to really help you, and you won’t let me. My stupid job at Grab-n-Dash doesn’t matter. I’m not going to be a convenience store clerk for the rest of my life. I can find another job. But if I’m not mistaken, you only get one trial, right?”

“Unless there’s a mistrial. But yeah, usually there’s only one.”

“So quit being so bull headed and let me help you, damn it!”

He smiled his dimpled grin at me. “I would if I could, but it’s out of my hands. Anyway, the trial is not until Friday. I have tonight and all of tomorrow to enjoy my freedom. And you, agápi mou. Can’t we enjoy tonight and forget about what’s around the corner?”

The pleading look in his eyes melted my heart. I snuggled my cheek against his rock hard chest. Stupid muscles. Stupid dimples. Stupid Christos! I wound my arms around him and squeezed him as tightly as I could. I would do my best to block out the trial and focus on the now.

I sighed. “I believe you’d mentioned a present of some sort?”

“I did,” he said seductively. “But before we get to that, maybe you should call your boss and tell him you can’t make it?”


My boss could take his neon urine colored Grab-n-Dash uniform shirt and shove it up his ass. Since I was moving in with Christos, and would be saving on rent, did I really need the job? Oh wait, ever since my parents had gone bonkers and decided to stop sending me any money for college, yes. Not only did I need Grab-n-Dash, I could use three more jobs on top of it. There was no way I could pay my tuition with what I made working at the SDU art museum and Grab-n-Dash combined.

My life was truly screwing me in every orifice. Worse, not only were my main orifi getting the shaft from every direction, including my ears, nostrils, and eye sockets, but I imagined millions of tiny microscopic dicks busily raping every pore on my body.

Screw it. I may as well enjoy my evening with Christos.

Because things couldn’t get any worse, could they?

* * *

Christos and I went inside and I immediately called my boss at Grab-n-Dash on my phone. I apologized profusely for not coming in and asked what I could do to make it up to him.

He promptly told me I was fired.

“Oh yeah?” I shouted into the phone, “Well, your uniforms look like pee and they smell like hot dogs! I don’t need your stupid job!” I heard him hang up on me. “And your eyebrows look like caterpillars!” I screamed.

“That went well,” Christos said dryly.

“I always hated that place anyway. I didn’t even get free ICEEs when I was on the clock! My boss was a total miser.”

“You’ll find something better,” Christos encouraged. “Who knows, maybe you’ll sell some more art.”

I wondered if The Wombat paid for comic strips? I’d have to ask the editor, Justin Tomlinson. Gulp. I could worry about that later. Christos now.

“So, you said something about a present?” I asked sheepishly. I admit it. I was greedy for a good gift. It had been a long day.

“Yes,” he grinned. “You’re going to love it. Come on, I’ll show you.” He led me through the house until we ended up in the garage. He flipped on the lights.

The first thing I noticed was an old station wagon with wood paneling on the sides and white wall tires. I’d never seen one like it before. I wrinkled my nose. “Did you get me a car?”

“What,” Christos looked confused, “the Woody?”

I snorted a laugh.

He narrowed his eyes, “You don’t know what a Woody is, do you?”

“Christos!” I giggled. “Of course I do.”

He smirked at me. “Okay, what is it?”

“Duh. A woody is a hard on.”

“A what?” he asked, amused.

“You know,” I insisted.

“No. Tell me. I’m all ears.”

“An erection.”

“A what?”

“Christos, how could you of all people not know what I’m talking about?”

He shook his head, totally confused.

“An erect penis?” I said uncertainly.

He still looked confused.

“Am I not speaking English?” I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders.

“Okay,” I blurted, “now I know you’re messing with me.”

He cracked up laughing.

I swatted his arm. “Jerk!”

He dodged away from another swat and cackled, “You’re super sexy when you’re mad! I totally need a picture of your face right now!”

“Boys!” I folded my arms. “So, what is woody, Mr. Smarty Pants?”

“This particular Woody is my grandad’s 1949 Plymouth station wagon. He bought it when my dad was a kid and they restored it together back in the 1970s.”

“Oh. It’s really nice. How come I never see your grandfather driving it?”

“It’s a classic. He only takes it out now and then. Before they finished restoring it all the way, my granddad would load up the surfboards and take my dad surfing up and down the coast when he was a kid.”

“That sounds like fun.” I’d never done anything nearly that cool with my parents. Once again, I felt that pinch of jealousy every time Christos told me yet another casual story about his family life. I don’t think he thought anything of it. To him, it was normal. To me it was exotic, romantic, and almost unbelievable. Did people really enjoy their lives this much? My parents hadn’t. For them, everything had been about work, taking precautions, planning for the future. What about living in the moment? I don’t think they knew what that was.

“So,” Christos said, “the first part of your present. Boxes.”


He walked over to a stack of new boxes leaning against the wall of the garage. “Moving boxes. And packing supplies. For you.”

“For me?” I looked at the boxes. There was a bunch of different sizes, including one of those wardrobe boxes for hanging clothes.

“If we’re going to get you moved in with me, we’re going to need to pack everything up, right?” He smiled at me.

My heart melted instantly. I’d been running around like cray-cray for the last two days, yet somehow Christos had managed to keep his eye on the prize, so to speak. I said tentatively, “Are you sure?”

He scoffed. “Of course I’m sure.”

“But, the other night you flipped out and bolted from my apartment after telling me about your trial. I thought maybe you’d changed your mind.” I wanted to hide my face. I was about to cry. I willed my tears to stay put, lest they ruin my dreams, which were coming true right before my eyes.

“I owe you an apology for that, agápi mou. I totally flipped out.” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

I stared up into his lustrous blue eyes. They pierced my heart so easily. I felt warmth drizzling into me as my eyes drank the love shining from his. “It’s okay, Christos. I understand.”

“You didn’t deserve for me to run out like that, especially after your parents blew gaskets about your plan to move in with me. I should’ve been there for you. I think I was so freaked out by what your parents said, combined with the stress of my trial, it was like I couldn’t do anything to stop the landslide. After I cooled off, I had to remind myself that I can’t control what your parents say or do, and I can’t control the outcome of my trial. But that doesn’t mean the rest of my life has to grind to a halt. We talked about moving in together, and I meant it. Shit, you already have a sweet art studio here. May as well seal the deal. This house is your house. I want you to live with me, no matter what happens.”

I think I was floating outside my body. Any second I expected to see a light at the end of a dark tunnel and hear a choir of angels welcoming me to heaven. Oh wait, the light was just the love glowing in Christos’ eyes. “Yes,” I said hoarsely. I had to clear my throat, I was so choked up. “Yes!” I laughed. “I totally want to move in with you!”

“Awesome,” he smiled, his eyes darkening with tangible desire. “I’ve already got Jake and a bunch of my buddies lined up tomorrow. One of them has a big pickup. If you’re willing, I thought me and the boys could go to your apartment while you’re at school and pack everything up for you. We can put your furniture in the garage. We’ll have all your stuff moved in before you’re back from campus. What do you think?”

“Wow! That sounds awesome! Are you sure? I mean, moving isn’t usually people’s number one social activity.”

“It’s totally cool. As long as you’re cool with us doing it. I’d need to get your apartment key. And you should probably tell your manager and your neighbors so they don’t think we’re robbing you.”

I laughed. “I’ll do that. Oh, one thing.”


“Don’t let any of your buddies sniff my underwear,” I giggled.

He chuckled. “They won’t have a chance. I’ll be too busy hogging all of it for myself.” He inhaled loudly, “Ah yeah, that’s the shit!”

I swatted his arm again. “I can’t decide whether that’s disgusting or a total turn on.”

“I like how your pussy smells, so I’m going with turn on.”

I winced. “Gross!”

He shook his head and smiled. “One day we’re going to have to break you of your prudish ways, agápi mou. I like how your pussy smells. I like how it tastes. I generally think about jamming my face between your legs every five minutes.”

“You are so crude!”

He smiled his dimpled grin. “What can I say? You turn me on more than any woman has ever turned a man on in the history of men. I’m the luckiest guy on the planet and I like to indulge in it. Your pussy, that is. Nectar of the Gods and shit.”

I had to admit, the hot throb between my legs was totally unintentional. I took no responsibility for being turned on by Christos’ crass behavior. I was a proper girl without a single slutty bone in my body. Christos, on the other hand, had the soul of a male slut, and for some reason, I wanted his slutty bone in my body. Err, I meant, I wanted his slut bone in parts of me for which I was not responsible, the wet drenched center in particular.

He arched a cocky eyebrow, emphasis on the cocky part. “Ready to go upstairs?”

“Why do we have to go upstairs?” The hood of the Woody seemed like as good a place as any to me.

“To see your other presents,” he murmured.

“Presents are good,” I said softly, gazing up into his eyes.

Christos squatted down and scooped me into his arms.

Okay, I admit it, he’d carried me places a thousand times by now, and I liked it better every time. We went upstairs and he carried me into his bedroom. This time, I really felt like we had just crossed an important threshold. We had stepped into something permanent. Wow, I was hot from head to toe.

He flipped on the lights.

The bed was now covered in a new comforter and piles of pillows were stacked against the headboard.

“I thought the bed could be plushed up a bit, since you’ll be spending so much time in it,” he said.

“I love it!”

Still cradled in his arms, he walked me around the room.

“I also bought you a chest of drawers for your clothes.” A new dark wood chest stood angled in one corner. “And I made room in the closet for you to hang stuff.” He opened one of the mirrored doors. Plenty of room. “And you can put shoes and shit on the shelves and the floor. If you turn into a shoe whore, we can rent a storage locker,” he grinned.

“Lucky for you, I’m broke,” I smiled.

“That won’t stop you from going to Goodwill or the thrift shops. Shoes are shoes. I know how you ladies get when it comes to footwear.”

“Are you encouraging me?” I grinned. “I’m not above bargain hunting.”

He rolled his eyes. “Give me at least a month before you go nuts. I’d at least like to enjoy the illusion of a shoe free household for that long.”

Christos was still holding me in his arms. I snuggled my cheek against the large muscles of his chest. I inhaled his manly scent. Wow, I was living in a fantasy world. Somebody wake me up! On second thought, don’t!

“When did you do all this?” I asked.

“Today. My pre-trial went pretty quick. There’s still one or two more things.”

“Oh? How many presents do I get?”

“As many as you want,” he winked as he opened the bathroom door and walked me inside.

“Oh my god,” I murmured. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Lit candles lined the room. Rose petals carpeted the floor and the edge of the jacuzzi tub, which was full of bubbles. Two big bouquets of fresh red roses were positioned on the counter top between the sinks. In the middle of everything was a big heart shaped box of chocolates.

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