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Электронная библиотека книг » Devon Hartford » книга "Reckless"
Reckless - Devon Hartford
  • Книга добавлена: 22 сентября 2016, 11:22
обложка книги Reckless - Devon Hartford

Название книги: Reckless

Автор книги:

9-10Часов на чтение
133 тыс.Всего слов

Язык книги: русский
Издательство: Devon Hartford
Год издания: 2013
Размер: 275 Кб
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Описание книги

Samantha and Christos ARE BACK!!!!

“I’ve never given my heart to anyone, agápi mou.

You are my first. And you will be my last.

You are my forever.”

- Christos Manos, in RECKLESS

Now that Samantha Smith has confronted the demons from her dark past in FEARLESS, she’s excited to jump into adulthood with newfound confidence and friends Romeo, Madison, and Kamiko.

Samantha passionately hopes that her dreams of becoming an artist are more than girlish fancy. All she has to do for them to come true is change her major from Accounting to Art. When she finally reveals her decision to her parents, they fly off the handle and take drastic action.

Christos Manos, the ultimate bad-boy boyfriend, is committed to staying by Samantha’s side, nurturing her and helping her discover her potential., no matter what obstacles are thrown in her way.

When Samantha’s life starts to unravel, Christos is the only person she can turn to for the emergency support she needs. But he’s fighting his own dark demons and tangled secrets he’s kept hidden from the beginning. Circumstances quickly spiral out of control, threatening to fracture their fledgling love beyond repair and steal Christos away from her permanently.

Samantha will be tested to the limits of her resilience, and must discover how truly Fearless she can be in the name of love.

WARNING!! The steam factor in RECKLESS will be significantly steamier than it was in FEARLESS.

  • Просмотров: 323 |

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