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  • Текст добавлен: 8 октября 2016, 13:02

Текст книги "Enslaved"

Автор книги: Anderson Evangeline

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Текущая страница: 18 (всего у книги 34 страниц)

Chapter Twenty-two

“Good morning.” Trin smiled as she seated herself beside Lady Malroth at the long table in the huge First Meal Hall. Thankfully, the first meal of the day wasn’t nearly such a formal occasion as dinner. The slaves were eating at a separate table, specially reserved for them, and the mistresses were on their own.

The menu included steaming bright green porridge which smelled sweet and bland and large, curving blue fruits longer than Trin’s arm. When the fruit was opened, however, it was revealed to be mostly thick blue peal. Inside were three to five tiny, tender morsels no bigger than the end of Trin’s thumb.

These sweet, juicy nuggets were apparently quite a delicacy and, after inquiring discretely to be certain they wouldn’t have any strange effects on her, Trin had eaten several of them. They were said to expand in one’s stomach and keep you from being hungry the rest of the day. An effect she was sure she’d be glad of if she had to spend anymore time at Dreaming Hills. Although she had been planning to leave today.

“Good morning, you say?” Lady Malroth demanded, frowning at her. “And what’s good about it, I’d like to know?”

“Well…I…” Trin wasn’t sure what to say to this. She’d been hoping that she’d fulfilled her obligations by attending the feast the night before as Lady Tam-tam had wanted, and that Lady Malroth would consent to make the deal. But Lady Malroth’s lips were pursed as though she’d been sucking on an unripe sour fruit—clearly she wasn’t pleased.

“I heard about your performance—if you can call it that—last night,” Lady Malroth snapped.

“You did?” Trin felt like she might faint from embarrassment. “Did you…see us?” Knowing they were probably being watched and actually having it confirmed were two different things. The idea of Lady Malroth watching her and Thrace do…intimate things made her feel sick with shame.

“No, I didn’t see it,” Lady Malroth snapped, to Trin’s intense relief. “Lady Tam-tam rarely allows anyone inside her private viewing room. But she told me all about it—she was very disappointed. Apparently all you did was let your slave suck your nipples and finger you a little. He didn’t even penetrate you with his tongue—though I understand he kissed you quite a bit!”

“Of course he didn’t penetrate me!” Trin exclaimed, feeling her cheeks get hot. “I’m one of the Unpenetrated—the elite of Zetta Prime.”

“Is that right?” Lady Malroth said nastily. “Well I’m afraid you’ll have to relinquish that title after tonight’s banquet.”

“What are you talking about?” Trin demanded. “I could never let my slave do that. I mean—”

“No, no—I don’t mean you should let him penetrate you with his shaft—we’re not all as depraved as Lady Needra. Imagine—letting her slave put his cock right in her pussy! And at the dinner table no less. Ugh!” Lady Malroth made a face.

“Well, I’m glad you see it the same way I do,” Trin said carefully. “But I wasn’t really planning on being at the feast tonight anyway. I was hoping we could conclude our deal today.”

“What—so you could leave? While Lady Tam-tam is still in such a terrible mood? I don’t think so,” Lady Malroth said flatly. “You will attend tonight’s banquet and you will wear the ritual uniform as will we all.”

“What uniform?” Trin looked down at herself. She had on another of the ridiculous Yonnie Six dresses. This one was scarlet with black lace across her breasts and crotch. It had tiny red and black panties to match. She hated it but could something worse be in store for her? The idea of some kind of “uniform” sounded ominous.

“It’s the celebration of male submission so you must wear a phallus,” Lady Malroth said. “If you didn’t bring your own, you can get one from the slave set up in the corner as you leave. He’s handing them out to everyone who needs one.”

“A phallus?” Trin had heard of such things—the mistresses of Yonnie Six often called such an accoutrement “the rod” and used it to punish wayward slaves. But she’d never thought to wear one herself. “You mean the kind that straps on?” she asked.

Lady Malroth gave her a very unpleasant smirk.

“Among other things.”

“But what if I don’t want to wear one?”

We’re all going to be wearing them tonight—you will as well or the deal is off. You have to at least look like a proper mistress, even if you’re not going to act like one.”

Trin stiffened in her seat.

“I don’t like being threatened, Lady Malroth.”

“And I don’t like being made to look a fool in front of my most important business client,” Lady Malroth snapped. “Your crystals may be good quality and cheap but there are others in the universe, you know. And if you don’t behave like a proper mistress—if you don’t wear what everyone else is wearing and act like everyone else is acting and most important, please Lady Tam-tam—then I will be damn sure you never have an opportunity to sell those crystals anywhere.”

With that, Lady Malroth got up and flounced away, leaving Trin to sit and stare after her and wonder what she was supposed to do. Aside from strapping on a phallus, that was. Please Lady Tam-tam, Lady Malroth had said. But if their “display” from the night before hadn’t made her happy, Trin didn’t know what would. Or rather, she did have an idea of what might please Lady Tam-tam but she didn’t think she could go there.

“Well, she doesn’t seem too happy.” Thrace’s low voice in her ear startled her and she turned to see him standing on the other side of her, a concerned look on her face.

“She’s not,” she said and sighed. “And she doesn’t want to do the deal. Not yet. Not until we ‘please’ Lady Tam-tam by attending the feast tonight.”

“About that,” Thrace growled. “I have some bad news for you—it may be a deal breaker.”

“I know.” Trin’s cheeks felt hot. “I’m supposed to wear a phallus.”

“Huh—thought you’d be more upset about it than that.” Thrace looked surprised.

“Why? I mean, it’s sure to look ridiculous but every mistress is going to be wearing one. Apparently it’s the ‘uniform’ for tonight’s theme.”

“Right—the beauty of male submission.” Thrace sounded grim as he helped her up from the table.

“Don’t worry,” Trin said, squeezing his arm. “I’m sure it’s just for show. I would never use it on you.”

“I would never let you,” he growled.

Trin raised an eyebrow. “What happened to your oath that there was nothing you wouldn’t do for me?”

“Within reason.” He shuttered and for a moment his big hands curled into fists. “I would give you anything in my power, Mistress. But some things…are beyond me.”

The strange look on his face struck a chord with her for some reason. For a moment Trin felt something nibbling at the edges of her memory…she seemed to hear voices echo in her head. Say it—say the words… Stop—don’t do it! Leave him alone… But when she reached for the disturbing thought, it vanished like a puff of smoke.

“I understand,” she said gently. “I feel the same way about such…penetration, as you know.”

“I know.” He took a deep breath and seemed to shake off the strange mood that had come over him. “Which is why it surprised me that you didn’t mind wearing a phallus.”

“What are you talking about? It just straps on. I mean—”

“Good morrow, my lovely lady. And how did you sleep?”

The deep, smooth voice belonged to Lord X who had somehow managed to creep up behind them without either Trin or Thrace noticing him, despite the big black boots he wore.

Trin whirled around, feeling her heart pound for some reason. She really didn’t like this male though she could give no actual reason for her emotions. A low growl from Thrace let her know he felt the same.

“Oh, forgive me—did I startle you?” Lord X smiled unconvincingly—the expression never reached those strange red-black eyes of his.

“No, we’re fine,” Trin said quickly. “Good morning.”

“Good morrow,” he repeated in that odd way of his. “You’re looking very well this morning, may I say.” Taking her hand, he bowed low over it. He was about to kiss it but Thrace grabbed her wrist and jerked her hand away before he could.

“No one touches my lady but me,” he growled.

“Is that right? A pity—I so wanted to taste her soft skin.” Lord X smiled. “May I at least inquire as to how you slept last night, my lady?” he asked Trin.

“Oh…well. Very well indeed,” she said. She knew she ought to reprove Thrace for yanking her hand away but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She was too relieved not to be touching Lord X to summon any rebuke for the big Havoc.

“Really?” He raised one glossy black eyebrow. “No…bad dreams? No nightmares at all?”

“Of course no—” Trin started to say but the words died on her lips. There was a knowing glint in those cold, red-black eyes. Lord X knew about the horrible dream she’d had last night. But how? Had he been watching them in the private viewing room as well as Lady Tam-tam? The very thought made her feel ill. Apparently Thrace picked up on the idea as well.

“What do you know about it?” he demanded, stepping forward so that he was face to face with the other male. “What do you know about my lady’s night terrors last night?”

“Night terrors you say?” Lord X appeared not the least intimidated. He raised his eyebrows in surprise and made a tsking sound. “My, my—that sounds dreadful. I am so sorry to hear of it, my Lady,” he said to Trin.

“I said, what do you know about it?” Thrace barked.

“Why, nothing but what you’ve just told me.” Lord X raised both hands in a sign of peace. “Forgive me, but I think I see Lady Tam-tam motioning to me. Mustn’t keep our lovely hostess waiting.” With a final knowing smirk, he glided off, his large muscular body moving as smoothly as if he was on wheels.

“That bastard,” Thrace growled, glaring after him. “He knew. Somehow he knew!”

“But how?” Trin asked. “Do you think he could have been watching us? Lady Malroth said that Lady Tam-tam never allows anyone else inside her private viewing room but—”

“Private viewing room?” Thrace interrupted, his eyebrows raised. “Seriously?”

“Yes,” Trin said shortly. “It shouldn’t be a surprise, we knew she, uh, liked to watch.” She dropped her voice, making it for his ears only. “Where did you think she was watching from?”

Thrace shook his head. “I don’t know. I guess I just didn’t expect her to have a whole room devoted to it.” He sighed. “All right. Well, then I guess we should go collect your phallus.”

“I guess we should.” Trin grimaced. This was sure to be embarrassing. She just hoped she wouldn’t have to wear some huge, ridiculous, golden, engraved rod between her thighs for everyone to see. But it sounded like the kind of thing Lady Tam-Tam would require so she’d better get used to the idea.

“Honestly,” she said to Thrace in a low tone as they crossed the vast dining area to where the male slave was sitting in a corner behind a long table. “Speaking of the private viewing room, I’m more worried about the other part of Lady Malroth’s demand than the fact that I have to wear a stupid phallus.”

“What did she say? I only caught the last part,” he murmured, bending his head so they could talk more discretely.

“She said that our ‘performance’ last night didn’t please Lady Tam-tam.” Trin felt herself blushing again. “I mean…can you imagine? After everything we did she’s still not satisfied?”

“All I did was suck your nipples a little and rub your pussy,” Thrace remarked mildly. “Well, and pay obeisance to you with a few kisses. But if she’s used to seeing hard core performances from the likes of Lady Needra and Yorth, it’s probably not surprising that we didn’t please her.”

“Well what we did felt pretty ‘hard core’ to me,” Trin whispered back, her face flushing. “I never dreamed I’d do anything like that with a male. And yet I let you…let you…”

“You let me ease your pain and need,” Thrace reminded her in a soft growl. “Don’t start feeling guilty about it again, Trin. It was necessary.”

“I guess so.” Trin bit her lip. “It’s just…I never expected to do anything like that—you know.”

“I know.” Thrace’s face remained impassive. “Quiet now though—here we are.”

They had arrived in front of the table where she was to pick up her “uniform” for the evening’s feast. There was a male slave in Lady Tam-tam’s purple and orange livery sitting at it. Spread across the table in orderly rows were little velvet bags in different colors. He seemed to have some kind of system for keeping track of them because he was entering information on a lighted implant imbedded in his left forearm.

“Good morning,” Thrace said, addressing the slave who was typing rapidly on his left forearm with his right hand. “My lady Trin needs…ah equipment for tonight’s feast.”

“Forgot your phallus, did you?” The slave looked up from his tapping. “What size do you need?”

“Um…what sizes do you have?” Trin asked. She had a mental image of being forced to walk around with an improbably huge rod strapped to her crotch—probably the bigger it was, the greater the wearer’s status. How awful! “I mean, most likely the smallest but—”

“All right, my lady. It’s not uncommon for a mistress not to know her size.” The slave nodded at Thrace. “Come on—let’s see what you’ve got.”

“What do you want him to do?” Trin asked blankly. “How can he tell you what I should use?”

“Well he can’t really tell me. But he can show me, if you know what I mean.” The slave winked at her in a way that made Trin most uncomfortable. “I mean, we all know how mistresses aren’t supposed to allow their love-slaves to penetrate them. And yet somehow the size of the slave’s cock is almost always the size phallus she needs. So come on—let’s see it.” He reached across the table and twitched the black loin cloth that covered Thrace’s shaft to one side. What he saw made him give a long, low whistle. “Well, extra-extra large it is, then, Mistress.”

“Hey! Hands to yourself, you bastard!” Thrace made a snatch for his wrist but the slave was too quick. He was back across the table and pulling open a black velvet bag before Thrace could catch him.

“Here we are, my lady. One extra-extra large phallus for your pleasure to wear at the Feast of Male Submission tonight.”

He drew a shining metal contraption out of the bag and handed it to her. Trin turned it this way and that—at first her eyes couldn’t make sense of it. It appeared to be two long shafts attached in the middle with a bumpy gold disk.

“I don’t understand,” she said examining the gleaming, curved surfaces. One end was clearly ornamental—it was smooth and gold with fine markings drawn in red and black on its shiny surface. It was fairly slim and very sleek and stylish—if such an implement could be labeled stylish, that was. The other end, however, looked like it was meant to be all business. It was thicker than Trin’s wrist and deep scarlet, made of some shiny material as dark as blood. “What is this?” Trin asked, frowning as she examined both ends.

“Oh—the material? The one side is gold—that’s the end you use on your slave. Well, if you want to, I mean. It’s not required,” the slave explained helpfully. “And the other side is carved from pure heart’s blood. It’s a very rare stone from Caprax Five—quite valuable but you may keep it. Lady Tam-tam says to consider it a ‘party favor.’” He tittered and winked at her. “It’s both useful and pleasurable—it warms to your body heat and stimulates you as it moves within you.”

“Within you?” Trin began to get a very bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. “What do you mean within you? Where…where are the straps to hold it on?”

“Oh, no straps are needed, my lady,” the slave answered. “Once the heart’s blood end of the shaft is inserted into your…ahem…womanhood, it remains in place no matter how, ah vigorous your activity, until you choose to remove it. It’s intuitive, do you see? That’s what makes it so rare and valuable. Oh—and the bumps on the central disk are pleasure-givers. They’ll stimulate your outer areas Your…ahem…love button so to speak.”

Through all his chatter, only a few words had made it through to Trin’s brain.

“Inserted into my…womanhood? This?” She stared at the thick, blood-red shaft curving from the bumpy golden disk.

“Well…yes, my lady.” The slave looked perplexed. “That’s how you wear it. Haven’t you ever worn a phallus before?”

“I…I don’t…” Trin was almost speechless.

“My lady doesn’t need this.” Thrace took the strange device from her and dropped it into the slave’s hands.

“Oh yes she does,” the slave countered, trying to hand it back. “If she wants to be properly dressed and admitted to the feast tonight. No mistress will be allowed in without one, I can promise you that.”

“Very well,” Thrace growled. “Then give us the smallest you’ve got.”

“The smallest?” The slave looked as though he couldn’t believe it. “But you know, the heart’s blood stone is so valuable. Most mistresses are choosing to take an even larger size than they normally would just so they can have a more costly souvenir to take home.”

“I don’t give a good Goddess-damn about any of that,” Thrace snapped. “Give me the smallest you’ve got now.”

The slave shrugged his narrow shoulders.

“As you wish.”

He put the huge double ended phallus back into its black velvet bag carefully and then reached for one on the other end of the table. It came in a light blue bag and when he pulled it out, the heart’s blood end was a bit shorter and much more slender. This one, Trin estimated numbly, was barely as big as two of her fingers put together.

“Here you go.” He tried to hand it to Trin but she stepped back from the table, her hands behind her back. Shrugging again, he gave it to Thrace instead. “Good feasting, my lady,” he told her. “And if you wish to break in your new phallus, may I suggest you do that soon. The festivities begin early tonight.”

Chapter Twenty-three

“Goddess…” Trin paced around the vast room, her hands still clutched behind her back. Thrace sat on the sleeping platform, the light blue velvet bag held loosely in one large hand and watched her. He couldn’t recall ever seeing her so agitated.

“Mistress?” he asked, concerned at the wild look in her eyes. “Trin?”

“I can’t…” She paced back and forth, her long scarlet dress rustling as she moved. “I can’t.”

“I understand,” Thrace said gently. Honestly, he had expected nothing else. She’d been raised in a religion built around being unpenetrated—unsullied by allowing herself to be filled. It wasn’t surprising that the teachings of her childhood still had a vast influence on her—Thrace still remembered the things his own Sire had taught him so many years ago.

“But if I don’t do it…” She stopped pacing for a moment and looked down at her hands. “If I don’t wear it, I’ll never sell those damn crystals. I won’t be able to make the last payment on The Alacrity…or pay my crew…or buy enough fuel to do another mission. If I don’t wear it, I’m screwed—figuratively speaking.” She gave a jagged laugh that worried Thrace even more. “And if I do wear it I’m literally screwed. Looks like I’m screwed either way.”

“Come here.” He laid down the blue velvet bag on the bed and reached out a hand to her. “Come here and let’s talk about it.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” But she came to him anyway.

“We’ll find a way to make it work.” Thrace took her small hands in his—she was cold, he noticed—probably with shock. He rubbed her hands gently, trying to warm her up. “We have enough fuel to make it to the nearest station. I can get some work there—I’m a hell of a mechanic when I have to be. We’ll earn enough eventually.”

Trin gave that bitter laugh again.

Eventually. But the payment on The Alacrity is already past due and the interest is mounting up.” She sighed. “I guess I could ask my mother for credit…but I don’t want to do that. I’ve never borrowed from anyone. I make my own way.”

“I respect that about you,” Thrace said evenly. “All right, so let’s talk about the other way. Tell me about your religion. Do you believe you’ll be damned for all eternity if you allow yourself to be penetrated?”

“Well…no.” Trin shook her head. “No, it’s not like that exactly. Really, if you go by the letter of the law it says that only allowing yourself to be penetrated by a male’s shaft is blasphemy—an affront to the Goddess herself.”

“What about being penetrated in other ways? With other objects or…” Thrace cleared his throat. “Other body parts?”

“What…you mean like…fingers?” Trin’s creamy cheeks went dark with a blush.

“Or the phallus.” He nodded at the blue velvet bag where the hated implement rested. “Is that forbidden?”

“Well…not forbidden per say but if it happened—if I wore it—I could certainly no longer call myself one of the Unpenetrated.”

“And how important is that to you?” Thrace asked. He wanted to know for his own curiosity too—not just the situation at hand. “How does it affect your life? Is there some kind of grand parade or celebration back home on Zetta Prime where all the Unpenetrated get to march down the street waving flags or something?”

“No, of course not.” Trin gave a startled little laugh and he was glad to see the agitation fading from her dark eyes. “Nothing like that—it’s private. I mean it’s just…it’s between you and the Goddess.”

“And do you believe the Goddess would never forgive you if you lost your status as one of the Unpenetrated?” Thrace asked.

“Well…I mean, it’s not like all daughters of Zetta Prime are called to it…” Trin hesitated, nibbling her lower lip in a way Thrace found distractingly erotic. “Most of them pair up with another female and they penetrate each other with long silver rods for sexual pleasure. If they want to—it’s not required or anything. Some of them prefer…other forms of stimulation.”

“So most the females who pair up, they’re not Unpenetrated and the Goddess of Judgment still loves them, right?” Thrace asked.

Slowly, she nodded. “Well…yes. I mean, she doesn’t really love anyone. It’s more like…she approves of you.”

“So if wearing the phallus won’t damn you to the Seven Hells and no one back home will ever know about it, then why not just wear the damn thing?” Thrace asked reasonably. “I mean, it’s only for one evening, right?”

“I suppose…” Trin bit her lip again. “It’s just…”

“Just what?” he said gently.

“Just that…Goddess, I feel like such an idiot saying this.” She sighed and ran a hand through her long, dark hair. “It’s just that what if it hurts? I mean, I’ve never had anything up there before. The daughters of Zetta prime don’t have any kind of barrier—what they call a maidenhead—like they do in some species. But still, we’re very tight and my entire life I’ve been taught I should never put anything up there and I just…” She sighed and sank down on the bed beside him. “I guess I’m afraid. Stupid, huh?”

“Well, coming from the female who was brave enough to walk into the Demon’s Eye by herself…” Thrace began.

“Like I said, stupid.”

“No. Uncertain. Cautious. And there’s nothing wrong with that.” He took her hand again and laced their fingers together. “What if I told you I could help you wear it without pain? That I could put it into you and give you nothing but pleasure, no matter how tight you are?”

“What? How?” Trin frowned. “Do you have some kind of ritual?”

“A ritual?”

“Yes. Before they make a life bond, females on my planet have an entire ritual they go through to get each other ready for the silver penetration rods. Is it something like that?”

“Well…not exactly like that but… Thrace frowned, trying to think the best way to put it. “Look, with any female, the key to not hurting her when you, well…when you penetrate her, is getting her ready first.”

“Ready? As in…?”

“As in aroused.” He looked into her eyes. “You need to be hot—sexually hot enough to take the shaft inside you without pain. I can help you with that.”

“I…” Trin was back to nibbling her lip. “How?”

Thrace shrugged. “Mostly by doing the same things we did last night. Sucking your nipples…rubbing your pussy.”

“Oh, um…” Trin’s creamy cheeks were growing dark again.

“But in order to absolutely guarantee you have no pain, you’ll have to let me go a little further than before,” Trace murmured.

“Further…how?” she whispered.

“Well, rubbing your pussy won’t be enough. I’ll need to taste it—taste you—too.”

“You will?” Was her breathing a little faster? “Why?”

“I have…compounds in my saliva that will help you open.”

“You do?” Her eyes widened. “Is that some kind of a Havoc trait?”

Thrace nodded. “It is. You may have noticed I’m not exactly…small.” He nodded to the area between his thighs. “Well, no Havoc is. So to compensate and ease the way for any female we make love with, our bodies produce chemicals that help even the tightest and smallest female open. It’s not that unusual—some of the Kindred produce similar chemicals for their females.”

“But in order to do that…to help me open…”

“I’d have to lick you. A lot,” Thrace emphasized. “And not just on your outer pussy. I’ll need to put my tongue deep inside you.”

“You’re sure that’s necessary?” Her voice sounded soft and breathless.

Thrace nodded slowly. “It’s the only way to be sure you can open with no pain.” He tried to speak nonchalantly, as though it was no big deal. As thought the idea of spreading her creamy thighs and licking her sweet, wet pussy while she moaned and trembled under his tongue didn’t make him hard as a rock. “Also,” he murmured, “It’ll be a good way to get you used to penetration…a good way to work up to wearing the phallus.”

“Get me used to it? How…how exactly do you mean?” She was definitely breathing faster now and the warm, feminine scent of her arousal was filling the air around them.

“What I mean,” Thrace said in a low voice, looking into her eyes, “Is if I penetrate you very softly and gently, first with my tongue and then with my fingers, you’ll be much more open and ready to take that damn shaft inside you too.” He nodded at the blue velvet bag.

“So…you don’t just want to put the phallus in me. You want put parts of yourself as well.” Trin frowned but her heartbeat was galloping—Thrace could hear it. He was so attuned to her right now he felt like he could have heard her breathing a parsec away.

“I want to work you up to it—get you ready for it. Remember, you’re going to be wearing it all night. You need to feel comfortable and open before you put it in,” he reminded her.

“And you’re sure you’re not just offering to do this because you want to…to touch me that way. To taste me?” Trin looked skeptically at the hard ridge of flesh which had risen under the black loincloth covering the opening in the crotchless black leather trousers he wore.

Thrace cupped her cheek. “Baby,” he said softly. “I honestly want to help you through this. But I’d be lying to you and to myself if I said I didn’t want to get on my knees and worship your pussy with my tongue. Because that’s what it is,” he went on before she could protest. “Worship—a sacrament. To my people, anyway.”

“I thought the Havoc didn’t bond,” Trin whispered breathlessly.

“We don’t. Well, we try not to.” Thrace sighed. “But when we taste a female, we take it very seriously. Many of my kind believe it is an offering to the Goddess—the Mother of All Life. I know you think of it as some kind of blasphemy but to us it is the ultimate act of devotion and worship. If not to the Mother herself, then to the female we adore.” He lifted her hand and placed a slow, hot kiss in her palm. “Plus, we absolutely fucking love to do it.”

“Why?” Trin asked, her voice trembling a little. “What pleasure could you get from it?”

“The pleasure of having a beautiful woman spread out before you, her most tender and intimate places exposed, her sweet pussy wet and trembling and ready…” Thrace licked his lips, picturing how Trin would look in such a situation. “Then, the first taste…the drag of your tongue across her cleft, the sweet, salty flavor of her juices…the way she moans and gasps when you trace her clit with the tip of your tongue…when you press lower and thrust it inside her…”

“Oh…” The word was a long sigh escaping her lush lips.

“The way she trembles under your mouth as you bring her to the edge,” Thrace continued, unable to stop himself. “The way she pulls your hair and begs and calls your name when she gets close…and the way her pussy gushes with honey when she comes under your tongue.” He let out a low growl of desire. “There’s nothing like it in the universe. Nothing I’d rather do.” He looked at Trin. “I’d like to do it with you. Will you let me?”

* * * * *

Trin looked at him uncertainly. Those hot, forbidden words he’d been saying had made her feel shaky inside—like everything from the waist down had turned to molten lust. She’d never been affected like this by anyone before. No one had ever made her feel weak with need, just by talking to her.

But he’s a male! You shouldn’t do this—you know it’s wrong!

She knew the guilty little voice in her head spoke the truth. But… it sounded like letting him taste her was the only way she could wear the heart’s blood phallus inside herself without having any pain. And considering how tight and tiny she was, Trin honestly felt like it was necessary.

Riiiiight. And that’s the only reason you want to do it, the little voice murmured sarcastically.

No, not the only reason, Trin admitted to herself. She looked at Thrace who was sitting there quietly beside her, waiting to hear what she would say. He was being patient but there was a lust burning far back in his piercing silver-blue eyes that made her stomach feel fluttery and strange.

He really wants to do this, she thought. And I want to let him. And…I’m going to let him. After all, it’s not really blasphemy unless he penetrates me with his shaft. True, I won’t be one of the Unpenetrated anymore but that can’t be helped. And anyway, it’s only just this once. After we get finished here I’ll leave Yonnie Six and never think about what I had to do here again.

She had almost rationalized it to herself but there was still one thing bothering her. The idea that she wasn’t only agreeing to this out of necessity.

“Well?” Thrace rumbled softly, watching her through half-lidded eyes.

Trin looked up at him.

“I…I shouldn’t want you to do this,” she whispered at last, trying to put her thoughts into words. “I shouldn’t want this.”

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