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  • Текст добавлен: 8 октября 2016, 13:02

Текст книги "Enslaved"

Автор книги: Anderson Evangeline

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Текущая страница: 12 (всего у книги 34 страниц)

Chapter Seventeen

The doors swung open, revealing a vast room filled with well dressed mistresses and their body-slaves. Flanking the doorway were two muscular male guards in brilliant purple and orange uniforms that matched Lady Tam-tam’s mu-mu.

“The Lady Tam-tam, mistress of Dreaming Hills and of all our hearts. And your hostess here tonight,” one of the guards proclaimed. The entire room erupted in applause—apparently Lady Tam-tam was well liked. Or at least her guests knew they’d better pretend they liked her.

Trin wondered which it was—not that she really cared. All she wanted to do was get through this reception and make the deal with Lady Malroth. After that, she was leaving Dreaming Hills, hopefully forever.

Lady Tam-tam stood framed in the doorway with her chin lifted and surveyed the crowd as the applause swelled dramatically. Then she inclined her head majestically and swept into the room like a queen approaching her throne.

After such an entrance, all eyes were on Lady Tam-tam. Seeing an opportunity, Trin slipped quietly past the door guards and along the perimeter of the room rather that waiting to be announced.

“What are you doing?” Thrace growled softly from behind her as he followed. “You’re supposed to wait to be announced—you just broke a major rule of etiquette.”

“It’ll be fine.” Trin tried to make her voice light. “No one even noticed.”

“You’d better hope not,” he remarked grimly. “Or you’re going to be in a galaxy of trouble.”

Trin felt a stab of apprehension but she refused to show it.

“Stop worrying so much—we’re fine.”

“As long as nobody calls you on it.” He touched her arm lightly, turning her to face him. “Were you that afraid to let me kiss your panties, Mistress?”

Trin bristled. “Of course not—don’t be silly.” Although she had to admit that the idea of letting the big Havoc press his face to the place between her thighs did make her stomach feel tight and her palms damp. “I just…wanted to avoid a scene,” she said.

Thrace snorted. “Right.”

“Don’t make me wish you still had the pain collar on,” Trin snapped. “Now come on—let’s mingle. Look, I think I see Lady Malroth over there.”

The brightly dressed mistresses—all wearing the same revealing fashions that Trin herself had on, were mingling and talking, their high, light voices filling the air. The lower tones of their body-slaves were less frequent but they were joining in the conversation at times, Trin saw.

It seemed evident that some of the mistresses and body-slaves truly cared for each other. There were hands being held and shy but loving glances being exchanged by many couples. Possibly this was the first public gathering they’d ever attended where they felt free to show their true feelings.

It was sweet, Trin thought. Even though she’d been raised to think of males as savages and animals, she knew differently now. She risked a glance at Thrace who was still frowning. If she’d been born someplace where males were considered equals would she have formed a relationship with one of them? A romantic relationship? Even…a sexual one?

Don’t be crude, whispered a little voice in her head which sounded disturbingly like her mother. You know that having sexual relations with a male is no better than having sexual relations with an animal. Only a female with no self respect or dignity would even consider such a thing. You were raised better than that!

Trin sighed. She wished she didn’t have to keep having this conversation with herself. Honestly, she’d never given any male a second thought before she met Thrace. Now, everything seemed so upside down and backwards somehow.

It’s just until after you do the deal, she told herself comfortingly. Then you’ll go your separate ways and you won’t have to think of it ever again. For now, just find Lady Malroth and get it done.

Almost as soon as she thought it, she saw the very woman she was looking for. Lady Malroth appeared to belong to a second set of mistresses—the ones who were standing a little apart from their body-slaves with bored or irritated looks on their faces. Clearly they were here for business or social networking reasons—not because they had secretly fallen in love with their slaves.

Lady Malroth was standing at the far edge of the crowd, sipping a glass of deep blue wine and looking with complete disinterest at her own body-slave. He was standing beside her but it was clear he had no interest in her either, other than guarding her as part of his job. In fact, the look on his face was so expressionless Trin had no idea what he was thinking—or if he was thinking at all.

“Oh, Lady Trin,” she said icily when Trin and Thrace walked up. “How good of you to finally join the rest of us commoners. But I can see why you were late—you were in exalted company.”

“I was late because I woke up with a horrible headache and Thrace had to fetch me some mint oil,” Trin said. “We just happened to meet Lady Tam-tam on the way.”

“Of course you did.” It was clear Lady Malroth didn’t believe a word of her story.

Trin decided to try a different approach.

“I’m really sorry we…intruded earlier when we first met Lady Tam-tam,” she said. “I never meant for that to happen or for her to give us your room.”

“Are you joking? Not sleeping in the dreaming suite is a relief.” Lady Malroth laughed nastily. “Let someone else perform for her for a change.”

“Perform for her?” Trin exchanged glances with Thrace. “What do you mean?”

“What do you think I mean?” Lady Malroth snapped. “The viewscreen across from the bed—it records images.”

“It does?” Trin exclaimed. So Thrace had been right about Lady Tam-tam wanting to watch, even if he’d been wrong about where the images were being captured. What were the black dots on the bedposts then?

Lady Malroth took another big sip of wine and nodded.

“The 3-D viewer in the fresher does as well. So be sure you put on a good show tonight—I guarantee Lady Tam-tam will be watching.” She sneered. “That shouldn’t be too hard—seeing as how you and your pet male are so in love.”

Trin ignored the jab.

“What? What if I don’t want to put on a show?”

Lady Malroth shrugged.

“Then we have no deal, my dear Lady Trin. I am your sponsor here so what you do reflects on me. Please lady Tam-tam and it looks good for me, as I brought you here. Displease her and it will tarnish my reputation—not good at all either for my social life or my business as most of the mistresses gathered here tonight are my trade partners.”

“So you’re saying we need to do what Lady Tam-tam wants in order to make you look good. Otherwise, no deal,” Thrace growled.

Lady Malroth glowered at him and then turned to Trin.

“Kindly tell your slave not to speak to me as if he were my equal. I know we’re here at Dreaming Hills where free love between mistresses and slaves is the order of the day but I will not tolerate insolence.”

“He wasn’t being insolent,” Trin protested, feeling a surge of protective anger. “He was simply restating your point.”

“He was speaking directly to me as if he had every right.” Lady Malroth looked at the big Havoc coolly. “If we were back in Opulex instead of stuck out here in this Goddess-forsaken wilderness, I’d have his tongue cut out for even daring to address me unless I spoke to him first.”

“He—” Trin began, her fists clenched at her sides. But Thrace cut her off.

“Forgive me, Mistress,” he said smoothly, making a deep and respectful bow to Lady Malroth. “I did not mean to offend.”

Trin looked at him, amazed that he could remain so unaffected by Lady Malroth’s highhandedness. Far back in the depths of those silver-blue eyes she thought she detected a hot spark burning. But his strong features were set in lines of honest repentance, as though he was really sorry for making the other mistress so upset.

“Well…” Lady Malroth looked somewhat mollified. “That’s better. At least he knows how to behave when prompted.” She looked at Trin, who was still angry and irritated, though she was trying not to let it show on her face. “So—even though it was badly put, your body-slave is correct. Please Lady Tam-tam and I will still deal with you. Incur her wrath or displeasure and you incur mine as well. In that case the deal is off and you can flush the crystals into deep space for all I care.”

“But…how do I please her? What does she want?” Trin asked in exasperation.

“What do you think she wants?” Lady Malroth snapped. “She’s a dirty old woman! As for what she’s in the mood to see tonight, don’t worry—she’ll drop some hints at dinner. I noticed you’re sitting in the place of honor at her right hand—the very place I was supposed to sit.”

“Again, I’m sorry,” Trin said. “I never meant for that to happen either.”

“No matter.” Lady Malroth dismissed the matter with an airy wave of her hand. “Yet another embarrassment you’ve saved me. Those swaying love chairs they have at the head table are not at all comfortable. As I’m sure you’ll find out.” She grinned nastily.

“Love chairs?” Trin was beginning to feel more and more worried. “What—”

But just at that moment three high, sweet chiming notes sounded loudly throughout the vast room and a male voice proclaimed, “Dinner is served my ladies!”

“Better hurry or you’ll be late,” Lady Malroth remarked coolly. “Good evening, Lady Trin. I’ll see you tomorrow if all goes well tonight.”

Then she swept away with her body-slave in tow, leaving Trin to look after her in disbelief.

* * * * *

“Looks like we’re stuck here—at least for the night,” Thrace remarked under his breath. Trin was looking pale and upset and he wanted to get her talking and make sure she was all right.

“Did you hear what she said?” Trin turned to him, ignoring the crowd of mistresses and slaves that were making their way to another large room through a vast golden archway.

“Yeah, I heard. Sounds like you have a choice to make,” Thrace said. “Either forget about the deal or put on a show for Lady Tam-tam tonight.”

“Why only me? Why am I the only one making the choice?” Trin demanded, her eyes flashing. “This involves you too. Don’t you care that Lady Malroth is basically telling us we have to prostitute ourselves to earn her business?”

Thrace shrugged. “Honestly? No.” He let his eyes travel over her body from the rectangle of see-though lace pulled tight over her full breasts to the tiny scrap of turquoise fabric which barely covered her pussy mound. “You’re gorgeous and soft and curved in all the right places,” he said, letting his eyes return to hers. “And you smell so damn good it makes me ache. I have no problem in ‘putting on a show’ for Lady Tam-tam if it means I get to stroke your soft skin and bring you pleasure.”

“Thrace!” Trin bit her lip and crossed her arms protectively over her breasts. “You’re not supposed to talk like that. It’s not…”

“Proper? Here it is,” he pointed out. “But I’m not trying to embarrass you. You asked me a question and I gave you an honest answer. If you want to go through with the deal, we’ll have to do whatever Lady Tam-tam wants. It’s up to you.”

“Maybe…” Trin bit her lip. “Maybe she doesn’t want much—just something romantic. Like you holding me, the way you did last night.”

“Maybe,” Thrace acknowledged although he couldn’t help hoping for a little more. Not that he wanted to make Trin uncomfortable or take what she didn’t want to give, but even now her scent was hot. She might not know what she wanted, but her body clearly did.

“Or maybe we can pretend—act like we’re doing…whatever it is without actually doing it.” Trin was beginning to sound more hopeful.

Thrace shrugged again. “It’s worth a try.”

“All right, we’ll do it.” Trin lifted her chin. “I need this deal to go through. Normally I would never consider anything like this but since you don’t mind…”

“Not a bit,” Thrace growled. He took her hand in his. “Didn’t you hear me tell Lady Tam-tam there was nothing I wouldn’t do for you?”

“But…” Her cheeks got flushed. “You were just trying to charm her when you said that.”

“I was telling the truth,” Thrace said quietly. “I owe you a great debt, Trin. One I can never truly repay. I’ll do whatever it takes…whatever you want to get this done. And I’ll do it with pleasure.” He raised her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm gently. Gods, he loved kissing her soft little hands. He just wished he could kiss the rest of her as well!

“Thrace…” Her dark eyes were wide and uncertain. “I—”

“Forgive me, my lady, but the dinner chime rang five minutes ago. If you don’t hurry you will be late.”

It was one of the door guards, dressed in his orange and purple uniform. He bowed low and indicated the broad golden archway at the end of the room which most of the other mistresses had already gone through.

“Oh, of course. Thank you.” Trin nodded in confusion and looked at Thrace. “I guess we’d better go.”

“I guess so,” he said. But he couldn’t help wondering what was in store for them later that night. And if Trin would allow herself to enjoy it.

Chapter Eighteen

The head dining table was at the far end of the long, high-ceilinged rectangular room. Two long tables ran the length of the vast hall and all the other mistresses were already seated along them with their slaves.

Trin and Thrace had to walk all the way from one end of the banquet hall to the other with everyone staring at them. Trin could feel her cheeks heating as they strode down the narrow isle between the lengthy tables but she kept her head high and her shoulders back. She refused to be embarrassed by a lot of women she didn’t know and didn’t care about—at least, that was what she told herself.

“Ah, my dear—here you are. I was beginning to get worried!” Lady Tam-tam said when they finally reached the head table which was covered in a gold lace tablecloth and laid with gem encrusted goblets and plates. Lady Tam-tam was seated on a vast golden throne-like chair right in the center of the table.

There were chairs on either side of her, but they weren’t normal plasti-wood ones like the kind the other mistresses and slaves were seated on at the two long tables. Instead, the chairs at the head table appeared to be a kind of high-backed sitting swing made of padded mesh and suspended from the arching ceiling above. Trin saw, with some dismay, that the chairs were meant for two—but not to sit side-by-side. No, the arrangement appeared to be much more…intimate than that.

From what she could see, the body-slave sat in the swing first and leaned back against the padded mesh and then his mistress sat in his lap. It looked rather awkward for the few couples who didn’t appear to want to be together or touching but there were several mistress and slave pairs seated around Lady Tam-tam who seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely. One of them was a little blonde mistress and her slave seated directly to Trin’s left. They were giggling and snuggling like a pair of love birds, obviously perfectly comfortable in the strange swing-seat.

There was an empty swinging seat to Lady Tam-tam’s right, right beside the giggling couple, but when Trin moved to go to it, their hostess raised a hand to stop her.

“Wait, Lady Trin. Through some oversight by the door guards I don’t believe you were announced as we came into the reception hall.”

Trin’s mouth went dry and her palms began to sweat.

“Oh, well that’s all right, Lady Tam-tam. I don’t mind, really,” she said, trying to smile.

“But I do.” Lady Tam-tam got a mulish expression on her face. “You’re my special guest—you must be announced! And there is no time like the present. Guard!” she said and one of the guards in orange and purple livery rushed over at once.

“Yes, my Mistress?”

“Announce Lady Trin at once. Yes—right here will do,” indicating the open spot in front of the table. “And see that you speak nice and loudly so everyone can hear.”

Trin had never been a particularly shy person but she felt she wanted to melt into the ground when the guard turned and bellowed,

“Announcing Lady Trin, the special guest of our hostess and the mistress of all our hearts, Lady Tam-tam of Dreaming Hills!”

Trin made a brief bow to all those assembled but she knew she couldn’t be seated yet. Thrace was standing right beside her, waiting for her signal. But somehow she couldn’t give it.

“Well, go on my dear,” Lady Tam-tam hissed behind her. “Have your love-slave make obeisance to you. Then the feast can begin.”

She looked at Thrace, her heart pounding. Goddess, I can’t do this in front of all these people. I can’t

Thrace seemed to understand her trouble—the way she was frozen to the spot and unable to move, unable to give him the correct signal to make obeisance to her.

“Mistress,” he murmured and bent towards her. But instead of getting on his knees at once, he leaned forward and cupped her breasts. Bringing them to his mouth, he laid a soft, gentle kiss on each nipple, making Trin bite back a gasp. His breath was hot through the thin lace and her nipples, already erect from the slight chill in the air, were suddenly tight, aching little points at the ends of her breasts.

From behind her, she heard Lady Tam-tam give a murmur of approval but Thrace wasn’t done yet—he knelt before her and put his hands on her waist. He looked up at her, holding her gaze with his own, and then pressed his mouth carefully to the tiny triangle of turquoise lace at the center of her mound.

This time Trin couldn’t stop the moan that escaped her as his hot breath caressed the curve of her sex. She could feel his open mouth pressing against her outer pussy lips and his eyes were half lidded with desire as he looked up at her and kissed her—kissed her as though he wished the panties weren’t in his way.

Trin wanted to look away but she couldn’t—she was caught in that silver-blue gaze and unable to get free. As he nuzzled close and pressed deeper so that she felt her pussy lips parting under the thin material, she couldn’t help remembering the things he’d said about tasting her, about how he longed to lap her juices right from the source…

“Th-thrace,” she gasped, almost unable to get the words out. “That’s enough.”

He ended the kiss with obvious reluctance and rose slowly to his feet. Then he took her by the shoulders.

“Never enough, Mistress,” he growled, his eyes burning with lust. “It’s never enough with you.” Leaning down, he pressed a soft, open-mouthed kiss to her lips before taking her hand. “Come, it’s time we were seated.”

Trin followed him in a daze to the swinging seat on the right of Lady Tam-tam and the left of the blonde mistress and her slave.

“Oh my dears, that was lovely! Such a beautiful obeisance,” Lady Tam-tam exclaimed, beaming at Trin. “And the kiss on the mouth at the end…did you teach him that?”

“Um, no. That was…his own idea.” Trin felt flushed all over, her pulse racing and her breath coming short. Why did her body react to the big Havoc this way? Was it simply the embarrassment of having to perform in front of a crowd? Or something else?

Except Thrace was the one doing the performing, wasn’t he? whispered a little voice in her ear. You just stood there and let him act on you…let him do things you know aren’t right.

Trin tried to push it away. What was done was done—the important thing now was just getting through dinner.

“Well, be seated my dears,” Lady Tam-tam directed, nodding at the high-backed chair suspended from the ceiling beside her. “The servers are about to bring the first course—I wouldn’t want you to miss it.”

“Of…of course.” Trin cleared her throat and looked at Thrace. “Let’s be seated.”

“Of course, mistress.” Copying the other couples at the table, the big Havoc seated himself in the swinging chair, which seemed surprisingly stable, and patted his thighs. “Well? Come on, Mistress.”

Trin started to sit down…but then she hesitated. Her dress was still open in front and back, baring her ass and Thrace was still wearing the leather trousers with no crotch. Only the thin black silk loincloth he wore belted around his trim waist covered that area. And it was clear from the hard ridge of flesh rising under the black silk that he was aroused.

“Sorry,” he growled when she looked at him. “Can’t help it. Kissing you makes me hard.”

Lady Tam-tam noticed Trin’s dilemma as well.

“Oh my—it seems your love-slave truly cares for you,” she said, smiling at Trin. “You lucky girl! Don’t be shy—go on and sit in his lap. Ask Lady Needra to your left if you need any pointers.” She nodded at Thrace’s erection significantly and giggled like a naughty school girl.

“Um, thank you, Lady Tam-tam,” Trin said weakly.

She turned her attention to the young blonde mistress she’d noticed earlier who was wearing a purple dress and sitting in her love-slave’s lap. He was large and muscular with brown hair and he appeared to adore his lady—if the way he was cradling her against him was any indication. The mistress seemed to return his affection, snuggling back against him and making happy little murmurs as he cupped her breasts through the thin lace of her dress.

“Hello,” Trin said, since Lady Tam-tam had seemed to want her to talk to them.

“Hi, I’m Needra.” The blonde mistress smiled encouragingly. “And this is my love-slave, Yorth.” She nodded at her slave. “I see your slave has the same problem Yorth did,” she added, nodding at Thrace who was sitting with his legs spread, as though to make room for the hard ridge of flesh rising from between his thighs.

“Yes, um…” Trin cleared her throat. “But it’s all right. I’ll just…sit on his knee or something.”

“Oh, you can’t do that,” Needra said, her eyes wide. “The love chair will over balance if you do and spill you right on the floor! The only way is to sit way back in his lap and, well…I find it works best if you just kind of let his shaft rest between your legs. See?” She twitched a fold of fabric which had been hiding her inner thighs to one side and Trin saw the broad, plum-shaped head of her body-slave’s shaft was resting between her legs, right against the thin panties that covered her pussy.

“Oh…” she said, her eyes going wide. “I didn’t know…”

“Of course, it works best if you just slide him inside your panties,” Needra continued, demonstrating with her own tiny pair of purple panties which matched her dress. Slipping the bottom string of the small garment aside, she slid her slave’s thick shaft inside so that the thin, stretchy material of the panties held him in place against her bare cunt. He was too long to be contained in this way, however, and Trin could plainly see the head of his cock thrusting up over the edge of the panties as the long ridge of flesh rubbed his mistress’s outer pussy lips.

“This way it kinds of holds the shaft against you and you don’t have to worry about him slipping around too much,” Lady Needra said with a giggle. She wiggled against her slave and Trin was shocked to see that his shaft was actually parting his mistress’s outer pussy lips and rubbing against her slippery inner folds.

Oh my Goddess, his shaft is right up against her! If she’s not careful he’s going to penetrate her!

She couldn’t keep the shock from her face but she tried to keep her voice even as she spoke.

“I don’t know…I don’t think we should…I mean, it seems like you might be taking a…a risk there.”

Lady Needra seemed to read her mind.

“Oh, you mean that Yorth here might penetrate me?” she asked and gave Trin a naughty wink. “Well, you know how these things go. I mean, if I lean over and reach for something on the table…” She demonstrated, rising a little way off his lap and reaching casually for a golden goblet which appeared to contain the same blue wine Lady Malroth had been sipping. “And then sit back down without being careful…” she went on, sinking back slowly into her slave’s lap. He gave a low groan and Lady Needra gave an answering moan before looking up at Trin. “Then I suppose it might happen,” she said breathlessly.

Trin bit back a gasp as she saw that the broad head of the slave’s cock was no longer in view—presumably because it was buried in his mistress’s cunt.

“I…I…” She shook her head, unable to speak.

“But of course that’s just an accident,” Lady Needra went on, her eyelids fluttering with obvious pleasure. “And Yorth here knows that he needs to hold very, very still if such an accident occurs. Isn’t that right, Yorth?”

“Yes, Mistress.” Her body-slave’s voice was hoarse but he held perfectly still as Lady Needra sat on his lap, her thighs spread wide to accommodate his girth inside her.

“Because if he moved, you see,” his mistress continued, still speaking to Trin, “If he…thrust inside me for instance—well, it’s hard to explain. You’d better show her what I mean, Yorth.”

“As my lady pleases,” her slave growled. Cupping her breasts, he pinched her pert pink nipples between his thumbs and fingers tightly. Then, with a slow, deep movement of his pelvis, he pushed up, clearly seating his cock as deeply inside his mistress’s pussy as he could.

Lady Needra closed her eyes for a moment and moaned, obviously enjoying the sensation of being filled by her slave. When she opened them again, they were hazy with pleasure. “Thank you, Yorth—that will do.”

“Yes, Mistress.” He subsided, sinking back against the love-chair again.

“You see, if Yorth did that, he would be actually penetrating me on purpose—fucking me.” Lady Needra’s eyes flashed. “But if he holds still, well, it’s just an accident. And as soon as I notice it, I’ll correct it.”

She settled deeper into her slave’s lap for a moment and ground against him, moving her hips and, drawing another groan from his lips, before rising slowly and repositioning his shaft between her pussy lips as before. Only this time, Trin saw, the head of his cock was shiny and wet—clearly he had been to the root inside his mistress’s pussy just now and just as clearly Lady Needra didn’t mind at all. In fact, she had actually seemed to like it.

Goddess of Judgment, how can she like that? How can she enjoy allowing a male to penetrate her pussy? It’s sacrilege…blasphemy…it’s…why is it so hot in here? Trin fanned herself with one hand. Why did she feel so overheated and out of breath when all she’d been doing was standing there, watching with Thrace at her back? Speaking of hot, she could feel his big body like a line of heat down her spine.

“So,” Lady Needra said brightly, looking up at Trina and breaking her train of thought. “What are you waiting for? Sit down.”

“Oh, I can’t…I mean I couldn’t…” Trin began. Then, looking up for a moment, she caught the eye of Lady Malroth who was sitting at one end of the long table closest to her. Lady Malroth’s eyes flashed and she raised a goblet towards Trin and glared. Her meaning was clear. Do it or the deal is off.

“What is the trouble, my dear? Why are you still standing?” Lady Tam-tam’s voice made Trin look away from Lady Malroth. “Are you having trouble getting seated in your chair?”

“It’s just…as I told you, Thrace is my first body-slave…er, love-slave and I just can’t let him…”

“Penetrate you? Oh my no, of course not. Has that naughty Lady Needra shocked you with her little display?” Lady Tam-tam giggled and winked at the blonde mistress who waved her fingers and smiled back.

“Well…yes,” Trin said truthfully. In fact, what she’d just seen had been the single most pornographic display she had ever witnessed in her life. It should have revolted her and turned her stomach. Instead, she felt things low in her belly clench and tighten and her pussy felt wet and swollen with desire. What was wrong with her? Why was she feeling like this? Why wasn’t she having the correct response to the graphic display she’d just witnessed?

“Well, don’t worry,” Lady Tam-tam said comfortingly. “Lady Needra just likes to be shocking—that’s why she’s one of my favorites, you know. She always has the first dreaming suite reserved for her anytime she comes to Dreaming Hills.”

“I see,” said Trin faintly, feeling out of her depth. If Lady Needra had gotten to be a favorite of their hostess by putting on such blatant shows, what hope had she that Lady Tam-tam would be content to watch her simply snuggle with Thrace tonight?

I ought to go right now. Ought to just leave.

But there was her crew to consider. If she didn’t make this sale, she wouldn’t be able to make the payment on her ship. And if she lost The Alacrity, she and all the rest of the people who depended on her would lose their livelihoods.

“Just sit right down on your slave’s lap and don’t be shy,” Lady Tam-tam urged. “I know you’re a first time mistress which makes the relationship between the two of you even more charming. But though he’s such a big brute of a male, I’m certain Thrace there won’t hurt you.”

“Lady Tam-tam is correct,” the big Havoc rumbled, looking up at Trin. “Come, Mistress—let me cradle your body with mine. You know I would never harm you.”

Of course he was simply putting on an act for Lady Tam-tam but the soft way he said the words and the gentle look in his eyes made Trin feel somehow better.

I can do this, she told herself. I can handle it.

“All…all right,” she said at last. Taking a deep breath, she started to settle herself in his lap.

“Wait!” Lady Needra said before Trin’s bare behind could make contact with the tented loincloth between his thighs. “You must remove that first.” She pointed at the black silk cloth. “Your slave must be bare to sit on a love seat with you or you can’t get a comfortable fit.”

“Oh, of course Needra is correct.” Lady Tam-tam nodded sagely. “Go on, my dear—raise the cloth,” she said to Thrace.

The big Havoc kept a completely blank look on his face as he lifted the black silk cloth aside. There were admiring murmurs from Lady Tam-tam and Lady Needra and even Trin bit her lip. She’s seen him before and felt him against her thighs the night before but he’d never seemed quite so huge as he did right now. Huge and throbbing and hard…and all because of her.

“There now—much better,” Lady Tam-tam chirped. “Now just settle yourself down onto him, my dear. And mind you don’t have an accident like naughty Lady Needra there.”

The blonde mistress giggled. “Oh, I don’t know—sometimes accidents are fun.”

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