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My daring highlander
  • Текст добавлен: 31 октября 2016, 06:01

Текст книги "My daring highlander"

Автор книги: Vonda Sinclair

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Текущая страница: 8 (всего у книги 20 страниц)

Nay, she wished to see Keegan again. ’Haps he would escort her to the high table and she would get to touch him for a few moments. ’Twas one of the few joys in life.

A maid arrived to tell her supper was being served. Her heart rate sped up with excitement. But she would not get to talk to Keegan if her aunt joined them. She knocked at Aunt Patience’s door. Getting no answer, she poked her head in.

“How are you feeling, aunt?”

“Awful. Just awful!” she griped from the large four-poster bed. “I thought this blasted seasickness would cease once I got off the water.”

“I’m sure it will go away soon. Can I bring you something to eat?”

She groaned. “Nay, the very mention of food turns my stomach. I only wish to sleep.”

“Very well.” Seona exited, and closed the door. She was truly sorry her aunt was so miserable, but maybe she would get some time to talk with Keegan.

In the great hall, everyone was gathering for the meal. She paused, glancing over the crowded room, and Keegan appeared at her side, as he often had at Dunnakeil.

“A good eve to you, Lady Seona.” He offered his arm.

“Good eve.” She savored the familiar and comforting motion of sliding her hand around his arm and feeling his hard muscles.

“You look lovely,” he murmured.

She noticed his hair was still damp from a recent bath and that he’d changed into his finer clothing—a newer blue and green plaid, a clean white linen shirt, and a green doublet. “I thank you. And so do you.”

He grinned. “I look lovely, do I?”

“Indeed.” She smiled. “Astonishingly handsome, too.”

“Och. Lady Seona, you do ken well how to flatter a man.” He lowered his voice to a deep, seductive murmur. “That can get you into trouble.”

A heated blush seared her skin just as they arrived at the table. Keegan pulled out the chair beside Isobel’s and Seona sat.

“I thank you,” she told him.

He gave a wee bow and stepped down from the dais.

“How is Laird Dirk?” Seona asked Isobel, hoping her blush was fading.

A small frown drew Isobel’s dark brows together. “He is sleeping now. Earlier, the healer soaked his injured leg in hot water and various herbs, then she put some kind of smelly poultice on it. She assured me it would draw the infection from the wound.”

“Oh, I certainly hope it does.”

“Aye, indeed. My stomach has been in knots with worry.”

“He will likely show improvement very soon.”

The chair next to Seona slid out. She glanced up to find Keegan taking a seat beside her. She smiled, but then felt her blasted blush returning. Why could she not stop doing that? He sent her a wee smile.

Everyone else took their seats at the high table, including Rebbie and Isobel’s five brothers. She had met four of them when they’d visited Durness last winter. They were devilishly dark and attractive men. But none of them captured her interest the way Keegan did with his tawny hair and blue eyes.

After grace, the meal was served, starting with succulent quail and brown crusty bread with butter. Seona didn’t realize how hungry she was until she started eating. Never had food tasted this delicious. She barely paid attention to the conversation going on around her about their journey from Durness and the attacks. Enjoying Keegan sitting beside her, which he rarely did, she focused on devouring her food. Though she tried to mind her manners.

“We would like to stay here until Dirk is recovered,” Isobel said, drawing Seona’s attention. She would also like to stay here, or anywhere Keegan was, instead of going home, but that was impossible.

“Aye. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Cyrus said. He had the look of a formidable chief and warrior, tall and broad of shoulder, with long black hair and penetrating dark eyes. Seona found him to be an intimidating man. But when it came to his family, ’twas obvious he cared deeply for them. After all, he had allowed Isobel to choose her own husband.

“Dirk was planning to go with the rest of the men to escort Lady Seona and her aunt home and take her father a gift,” Isobel said. “But now he won’t be able to.”

“What gift?” Fraser MacKenzie asked. Isobel had told her that Fraser was the second youngest brother. He appeared to be in his mid-twenties, but he had to be younger than Isobel, who was five-and-twenty. Fraser resembled Cyrus, except he had blue eyes and his expression was much lighter and carefree. In fact, almost every time she’d seen him, he’d been grinning or smirking. And he possessed a leaner build.

“The horse,” Keegan said. “’Tis the finest ever bred at the MacKay stables.”

Seona felt bad that Chief Dirk had to give up such a valuable animal because of her. She thought her father would like the horse, but very few things made him happy.

“Why is he taking him such an expensive gift?” Fraser asked.

“Because Lady Seona was not able to marry the MacKay chief. ’Tis complicated,” Isobel said.

All eyes turned to Seona and she was glad she didn’t have a mouthful of food at that moment. She blotted the linen square against her lips.

“You stole her husband to be?” Fraser asked Isobel with a wide grin, his gaze darting back and forth between the two women. “I didn’t know that. You kept that quiet while we were in Durness.”

“Nay,” Seona spoke up. “In truth, I was never betrothed to Dirk.”

“There was merely an old contract between Seona’s father and the late MacKay chief,” Isobel said.

“Dirk’s father?” Dermott asked.

This was the first time Seona had met Dermott, Isobel’s second eldest brother, because he hadn’t traveled with the others to Durness last winter. He appeared to be around thirty summers. He possessed dark brown hair and green eyes and was not quite as massive in stature as his oldest brother.

“Aye. He was also Aiden’s and Haldane’s father. They are Dirk’s half-brothers,” Isobel said.

“We thought Aiden would be chief and that I would marry him,” Seona said. “Aiden was chief for about a month, and then Dirk returned.”

“Since Dirk is the older son and a stronger leader, the clan agreed that he should be chief. And Dirk was already in love with me…” Isobel smiled.

“Indeed,” Seona said. “I did not wish to marry Aiden or Dirk anyway. And especially not their youngest brother, Haldane.” Seona wanted to make sure those present knew she held no grudges. “I’m glad Isobel and Dirk found happiness.”

“So… who will you marry, Lady Seona?” Fraser asked with a grin, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in his chair.

Seona’s face heated and she forced herself not to glance at Keegan to gauge his expression. “That remains to be seen,” she said, staring down at her almost empty trencher of food. “As you know, very few ladies are permitted to choose their own husbands.” She hoped they would soon be off the subject of her marital status.

“’Haps Keegan would be interested in the position,” Fraser said.

Chapter Twelve

Keegan glared at Fraser where he sat at the end of the high table. Aye, Keegan was most definitely interested in becoming Seona’s husband, but he couldn’t announce it at a meal.

“Any man who marries Lady Seona will be fortunate indeed,” Keegan said.

“Don’t be such a beastie, Fraser, teasing Seona in such a way,” Isobel scolded. She looked as if she’d box his ears if he were closer. “Why don’t we talk about who you’re going to marry?”

“No one,” Fraser said, sobering. “And I meant no harm. Pray pardon, Lady Seona. I agree with Keegan. Any man who snares you will be lucky.”

Seona’s blush was still bright enough to light a dim room and Keegan felt bad for her discomfort. Saints, he wished he could declare his intentions now in front of everyone, but first, he wanted to ask Seona to marry him. Regardless of what her father said when Keegan asked for her hand, he wanted to know if Seona was interested in marrying him. To Keegan, that was the most important thing.

When should he ask her?


The next evening, Dirk was well enough to join the others in the great hall for supper, and Keegan was glad of it. He’d hated Dirk’s talk of if something happens to me. Dirk was one of the strongest men Keegan knew and he didn’t want to even imagine him dying. Life was precious and precarious and Keegan preferred to savor each good moment, as his father had taught him.

Life was especially grand at the moment, for he again found an empty seat at the high table right beside Lady Seona.

“Good evening, m’lady.”

“Good evening, Keegan.” The shy, intimate smile that he relished peeked out. He loved it because ’twas a smile she only bestowed on him. Sure, she smiled at the others, the ladies mostly, but it was not the same smile. And the way she said his name heated him from the inside out.

“How is Lady Patience feeling today?”

“She is not yet fully recovered from the seasickness, although ’tis not as severe as yesterday. Her ankle is still sore. This whole journey has worn her out.”

“I’m sorry to hear it.” He truly was, but he was glad Lady Patience’s hawkish glare was not pinned on him this evening. He and Seona might actually get some time alone to talk or…’haps he might steal another kiss.

He had been reliving the kisses they’d shared and was yearning for another. He was a rogue, he knew, but he could not stop thinking about her and imagining what it might be like to touch her in ways he shouldn’t.

He also had to ask her if she would marry him… if he could get her father to agree. ’Haps he should speak to Dirk about it first to get advice on what to do if Chief Murray refused his suit. The last thing Dirk or Keegan wanted was a clan war. And yet, Keegan could not accept a nay from her father.

After Fraser had embarrassed her the night before, she’d soon excused herself, pleading exhaustion, and retreated to her room. He was certain it wasn’t simply an excuse. She had to be tired from all the traveling. He was glad to see she was in fine spirits this evening.

After the meal, the music and dancing started. Seona could not believe her good fortune in being allowed to sit by Keegan again this evening. Although she was not happy about her aunt’s illness, she was glad to have a bit of freedom. In fact, she liked it so much she was determined to get out from under her aunt’s thumb permanently. But how would she ever escape her father’s heavy hand?

Beside her, Keegan leaned in. “Would you like to dance, Lady Seona?”

She flushed, feeling as if she’d been drenched in hot bathwater, but an icy chill quickly followed. Indeed, she would love to dance with him, but she recalled the last time she’d danced with a man. Her father had ordered him tossed out and severely beaten. She remembered the horror of seeing him the next day, his face covered in bruises, his lip split. “Oh… nay, Keegan. I don’t think I should.”

“And why not?” He sent her the devil’s own grin, full of mischief and daring. She had to force her gaze away so she wouldn’t get pulled into his charm.

Indeed, half the men who’d been sitting at the high table were now on the floor. Even Isobel was dancing with one of her brothers, since Dirk was unable. He had encouraged it since he knew how much she enjoyed dancing.

Seona could not think of a good reason to avoid the dance floor. Her father was not here and her aunt wasn’t watching. Likely no one present would care if she danced with Keegan. But what if one of them told her aunt, or what if the servants gossiped?

Her father, and therefore by extension, his sister, Aunt Patience, would only allow her to associate with certain types of men—those who were titled and wealthy, and who would make husbands they’d approve of. All others were off limits. To their way of thinking, there was no reason to dance with a man if she couldn’t eventually marry him.

But… she glanced back at Keegan. He lifted a brow and held out his hand. She could not resist taking it and delighting in his warm skin, roughened from handling a sword and being out in the cold wind so much. He lowered their hands, his thumb stroking her sensitive palm and sending shivers up her arm to her breasts. Heavens! What a sinful sensation he sent through her body with no more than a light touch to her hand. She bit her lip and forced herself not to look at him.

“Seona?” he whispered, her name more intimate without the formal title of Lady attached to it.

She dared to glance up at him and found that his light and playful gaze had changed to midnight blue.

“Aye. I would like to dance,” she said to cover her true feelings, which were far grander than simply wanting a dance. She did not understand the enormity of the emotions and yearnings that came over her. She had never experienced anything of the like before.

Keegan led her to the dance floor where they joined the two dozen other couples, most of whom belonged to the MacKenzie clan. She felt more comfortable dancing among strangers. She could be herself and not worry about anyone telling her aunt or her father she was doing something they wouldn’t approve of.

She imagined for a brief time that the man touching her and holding her hands was the one she would marry. Wouldn’t that be a blissful paradise?

They danced for two more songs, until Seona was out of breath and sweating.

“I think that is all I can take for the moment,” she told Keegan.

As he escorted her back to the table, he leaned over and murmured close to her ear, “Meet me in that alcove just beyond your chamber?”

What? Was he mad?

He pulled out her chair and she sat down. Glancing up at him, she took in his dark blue eyes and intense expression.

He dropped into the chair beside hers and pretended to watch the dancing couples, but she felt his attention on her.

Seona sucked in a sharp breath. Had he meant it? And if so, could she slip from the room without anyone noticing, or suspecting they were meeting? What would he say to her and, more importantly, what would he do in the dark alcove? How did he know where her chamber was? Was his chamber off the same corridor? A shiver of anticipation passed over her skin.

She glanced aside to find Keegan’s gaze steady upon her.

Of course, she would love a stolen moment in private with him, but what would the cost be? What if someone saw them?

“I must speak to the guards. A good evening to you, Lady Seona.” Keegan bowed over her hand, kissed it, and left the table. He then said a few quiet words to the two guards who stood behind Dirk. Seona watched Keegan carefully to see what he was up to. After speaking to Dirk, he moved toward the exit and talked to one of the MacKay guards stationed there. Then, he circled back, his gaze scanning the room, and went up the stairs. Was he going to the alcove he’d mentioned?

Saints! What if her aunt suddenly felt better, left her room and saw them? Seona could get into trouble. On the other hand, she was tired of playing it safe and following everyone’s rules but her own. What about what she wanted with all her heart? Didn’t that matter?

Since most of the people who’d been seated at the high table were dancing, aside from Dirk and three more who were deep in conversation, no one paid her any mind. When Isobel headed back toward the table, catching everyone’s attention, Seona rose and headed up the spiral stone stairs, her moral side warning her to tread carefully. She would simply check on her aunt. Aye, that was it, she decided at the top of the stairs.

She knocked lightly at Aunt Patience’s door.

“Who is it?” The snarl came from inside.

Seona opened the door and stuck her head into the dark room, the low-burning fire in the hearth providing a bit of light. “’Tis only me, aunt. How are you feeling?”

“Same as before. Horrible.”

“Can I get you anything to eat or drink?”

“Nay. I told you before, the thought of food makes me want to retch. Earlier, Isobel brought that healer in here and she practically forced me to drink some sort of bitter concoction.”

“Maybe it will help.” Seona remembered drinking a bitter herbal tea when she was sick as a child, and she had recovered soon after. “Where are the maids?”

“I sent them downstairs. I could no longer abide their fidgeting. I just want quiet.”

“I will leave you to sleep, then.”

“Aye, please do.”

Seona backed into the corridor and softly closed the door. She halted for a moment, holding her breath. Did she dare walk thirty more feet to the alcove? Was Keegan awaiting her there?

She drew in a deep breath for courage, then slowly and silently crept forward, her heart pounding louder with each step. Thankfully, the solid floor boards emitted no sounds.

She stopped and peered around the corner. Keegan stood there, leaning against the wall. Even in the dimness she perceived his charming smile. Though he drew her like a lodestone, fear kept her rooted to the spot. She didn’t know if she had the courage to take life by the horns as if it were a mad bull. What if she wasn’t strong enough to overcome?

Keegan pushed away from the wall and moved toward her. Stopping a few feet away, in the middle of the generous alcove, he held out his hand and waited.

His captivating gaze broke through her paralysis and she approached him. Unable to wait to touch him, she placed her hand into his. He pressed a warm, sweet kiss to it, then drew her back, deeper into the dimness and further from the lantern’s glow down the corridor. The only light outside the window was a torch far below.

“Seona,” he whispered in her ear and embraced her. She sucked in a surprised breath at the sensation of his hard physique pressed to her body. She nestled closer, her breasts flattening against the granite-like muscles of his chest.

“Oh,” she sighed. She had forgotten how delicious he felt.

His hand slid around her waist and pulled her tighter to him. He kissed her temple. Although it was a chaste, friendly kiss, heat seared her. Her hand fisted in the plaid draped across his shoulder and inadvertently drew him closer. He kissed her cheek, his lips hot and firm but also seductively soft. Another kiss, closer to her mouth. Her breath fled as Keegan’s mouth hovered over hers. He had kissed her before, and she recalled everything about those blissful moments, but this was different somehow. A fire burned in her chest…a fire that both terrified her and compelled her to lean into him and take everything he would give her. She trembled with the force of the strange emotions.

“Seona?” He lifted his hand to gently tilt her chin up and caress her cheek. His breath teased her lips and his nose touched hers briefly.

“Aye,” she responded.

His masculine scent and that of spices from the mulled wine stole her thoughts. When his lips touched hers like a light brush of silk, she was ensnared and her breath remained trapped in her chest.

Some instinct within her surged to the surface and she pressed her lips firmly against his, then she shocked herself by flicking out her tongue to taste his lips.

He growled deep in his chest and embraced her more firmly, one of his hands around her waist, the other cradling her face. She opened her mouth to him, wishing he’d devour her completely. And he did… almost. She certainly felt like a feast he might be having, the way he sank his tongue into her mouth and tormented her. Her body melded to his, and she thought she might drop to the floor, for her legs lost all strength. But he held her up.

“Mmm, Seona, you are sweeter than a strawberry comfit.”

What nonsense was he speaking?

She buried her hands in his long, thick hair and wrapped it about her fingers. She wanted to be completely ensnared by him.

Keegan raised his head abruptly as if listening. And then she heard it, voices in the corridor. He moved her deeper into the corner and put her behind him. She recognized the voices… Dirk and Isobel, along with Rebbie, helping his friend to his chamber. Seona held her breath, but it wasn’t long before Rebbie bid them goodnight. The door closed and footsteps receded.

Seona relaxed, thankful they’d not been caught. Even though she knew Isobel would keep the secret. In fact, she’d probably encourage Seona to steal more kisses from Keegan. And Rebbie had already caught them once; she was fairly certain he would say naught.

Keegan slipped forward, peered around the corner, then returned. “One of Dirk’s guards is stationed in the corridor,” he whispered against her ear.

Mo creach!

“I’ll go tell him not to say anything, and you can go into your chamber.”

“Very well,” she whispered, although she truly didn’t want to. She’d much prefer to indulge in several more kisses with Keegan.

He kissed her forehead, his affection warming her heart, then turned and strolled down the corridor. Low murmurs reached her as he talked to the guard.

She peered out and Keegan motioned to her. She rushed down the corridor and the guard pretended not to know she was around. How much would Keegan have to pay the guard for that? She silently opened her bedchamber door and hurried inside. Wanting to feel more secure, she barred the door.

Well… that was close. But she smiled at the excitement rushing through her veins. She would’ve never guessed she’d enjoy taking such risks. Was she mad?

Nay. Keegan was worth any risk.

Seona struggled out of her clothing without a maid’s help and crawled into the high, comfortable bed. After lying awake more than two hours it seemed, she realized she would never be able to sleep after Keegan’s seductive kiss. Most likely, she would have disturbing, sensual dreams of him all night, and those would keep her half awake.

She craved another of his kisses.

Daft lass. She knew she was foolish and wanton for responding to him. She could never be with him. Her father wouldn’t allow it. Her aunt had sent him a missive months ago about Seona being unable to marry the MacKay chief. Even now, her father probably had another chief waiting for her to marry. She prayed he wasn’t some ancient laird with rotted teeth. If that was the case, how could she endure it? ’Twould be like torture to receive his attentions in the bedchamber. She cringed just imagining it. An abusive younger man would be just as bad.

A knock sounded at Seona’s door, making her jump. Heavens! Who could that be? She got up and cracked open the door. Millie stood in the corridor holding a candle, the wide-eyed Edwina beside her.

“What is it? Is Aunt Patience worse?” Seona asked, apprehension slithering through her.

“Nay, m’lady. She is much improved and asked for some food,” Millie said.

Seona sighed with relief. “I’m glad she is feeling better.”

“Aye. We need to go to the kitchen and find her something to eat, but Edwina refuses to go unless someone comes with us. She’s afraid of the dark in this unfamiliar castle.”

“Very well. I’ll go with you. Let me put on my arisaid.” Seona quickly belted the wool plaid around her waist, secured the brooch at her chest and joined the two maids in the corridor.

“I’m sorry to bother you, m’lady. I simply didn’t know what else to do.”

“’Tis no bother. Do you ken where the kitchen is?”

“Aye, we were there earlier, but ’tis a long trek.”

The door where the guard was stationed opened and Isobel stuck her head out. “Is something wrong?” she whispered. “I heard noises out here.”

“Nay. Aunt Patience is hungry,” Seona said.

“Good. She is improving, then. Wait just a moment.” Isobel returned a minute later, also wearing her arisaid. “I will show you where the kitchen is. I’m certain there must be some leftover bread and cheese. I need to go down there anyway.” Carrying a lantern and a small flask, Isobel led the way.

Seona knew Isobel hated whisky, but maybe Dirk needed more.

“Is Laird Dirk feeling well?”

“Aye, he is sleeping now but when he wakes up he may want more wine or whisky for pain.”

The four descended the spiral stairwell, took two turns along a corridor, then descended another stairwell. Finally, they entered the stone-vaulted kitchen. The fires burned low but the room was still cozy. Seona had always enjoyed visiting kitchens because of the warmth and scent of fresh baked bread or savory stew.

Isobel placed a wooden tray on the high cook’s table, then moved about the kitchen gathering food items—a wooden bowl of venison broth, bread, hard yellow cheese, and mulled wine.

“Is something wrong, ladies?”

Seona turned to find Keegan behind them, holding a thick candle. Heated excitement rushed over her. “Nay,” she said. “’Tis only that Aunt Patience is finally hungry.”

His brows lifted. “Ah, ’tis good news, then. Her seasickness must have passed.”

“How did you know we were down here?” Isobel asked.

“MacMillan is on guard duty, and he saw the four of you sneak by his post at the bottom of the steps. He told me immediately.”

“Where was he? I didn’t see him,” Isobel said.

“Come now, ladies. Surely you pay more attention than that to what is around you.”

“Nay, we depend on you men to do that for us.” Isobel smirked.

“Aye, treat us all no better than guard dogs, then.”

Seona snickered, and Keegan grinned in response.

“There now,” Isobel told Millie. “Take that tray to Lady Patience. If she needs more, feel free to come down here and get it. There is naught to fear, Edwina. This castle is safe. As a child, I used to wander all over it, even at night. Indeed, sometimes I would wake up and find myself here, in the kitchen.”

The timid maid nodded, but didn’t appear convinced.

“I thank you, m’lady,” Millie said. “Come, Edwina. Carry the candle.”

The two proceeded up the steps.

“What are you doing up this late, Keegan?” Isobel asked.

“I was playing cards with three of your brothers.”

“I hope you beat them.”

“Aye, I won a few. I’ll be glad when Dirk is recovered enough to play a few hands.”

“He feels better, but his leg still pains him greatly. That reminds me… I need to get a bottle of mulled wine and fill up the whisky flask.” Taking the small lantern, she disappeared down a short corridor and into the storeroom off the side of the kitchen.

Seona could not stop her gaze from wandering back to Keegan. He was already watching her, his normally light blue eyes much darker in the dim room, lit only by the low-burning kitchen fire and the candle he had brought with him and set on the scarred table.

The kiss they’d shared in the alcove upstairs burned through her mind. Saints! He had made her weak with powerful yearnings and emotions she didn’t understand.

“I’m glad your aunt is much improved,” Keegan said. “Likely, she will be kicking up her heels tomorrow.”

Seona held back a grin. “I don’t know about that, but at least she is craving food again.”

“You will escort Seona back to her room when you are done talking, will you not, Keegan?” Isobel asked, startling Seona.


“Aye, of course.”

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