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My daring highlander
  • Текст добавлен: 31 октября 2016, 06:01

Текст книги "My daring highlander"

Автор книги: Vonda Sinclair

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Текущая страница: 16 (всего у книги 20 страниц)

Chapter Twenty-Six

Seona paced in her room, knowing supper was being served in the great hall. Wentworth was there, waiting to get to know her. Well, she didn’t want to get to know him at all. His unnerving smile made her nauseous.

A knock sounded at her door. She jumped, then moved across the floor. Opening the portal, she found Aunt Patience outside, her dark hair styled to perfection.

“Your father sent me to fetch you for supper.”

“I’m eating in my chamber.” Seona motioned toward the tray of food one of the servants had already brought her.

Patience raised a brow and shook her head. “Your father said if you refuse to come to the great hall, he will send one of the guards to carry you.”

Wanting to call her father a vile name, Seona gritted her teeth.

“Very well.” She slammed the door on her way out. “I wonder why he won’t order Talia to supper so everyone can see all the bruises he gave her.”

“You’d best watch your mouth, lassie,” her aunt hissed.

“Why did you tell him that Dirk and Isobel were not betrothed when they arrived in Durness? I was trying to protect them. They are my friends.”

Her aunt’s glare was spiteful. “At least I didn’t tell him about finding you and Keegan kissing in your bedchamber.”

Icy cold washed over Seona. “And I hope you won’t, or we shall both face dire circumstances.”

“I’m keeping my mouth shut about that as long as you keep my secret also.”

Seona nodded. “Agreed.”

They crossed the great hall and several of the men at the high table turned to stare at her. When they drew closer, most of the men stood, Keegan, Rebbie and Wentworth among them. Her aunt rushed forward and claimed one of the chairs. The only vacant seat was between Wentworth and her father.

Blast! She slowed her steps.

“Please, come and sit, daughter,” her father said in a forced pleasant tone that gave her sickened chills. “Have some food.”

Sending Keegan a longing glance, she proceeded to the chair.


Keegan wanted to crawl down the table and beat Wentworth’s eyes shut. He detested the smug and lustful way the man watched Seona. Keegan would not abandon her to the bastard even if he had to steal her away tonight.

Rebbie, sitting to his right, lightly elbowed Keegan in the arm, then gave him a lifted brow look.

Aye, Keegan knew he probably looked angry enough to kill someone. But who could blame him? Another man was courting the woman he loved. He drew in a deep breath and focused on his food so no one would suspect the level of his fury.

He needed to talk to her again, right away, but couldn’t with her glowering father looking on.

At the end of the meal, the music started and Chief Murray encouraged Seona to dance with Wentworth. How the devil was Keegan supposed to sit and watch this? Murray smirked at him. Battle-lust tore through Keegan’s veins. His hand clenched, craving the solid feel of his sword hilt in it.

After one dance, Chief Murray directed Lady Patience to escort Seona from the great hall. Keegan could only assume she was headed toward her bedchamber. To see her there would be a risky endeavor, especially since Chief Murray watched him closely. Without doubt, he had servants spying on Seona, too, in order to see if she would indeed slip into Rebbie’s chamber. He wouldn’t be there, of course, but Murray didn’t know that yet.

’Slud. Keegan wouldn’t get to see her this night. Tomorrow night, then. A plan was forming in his mind.

It gored him to realize he was either going to have to betray Dirk and the MacKay clan by stealing Seona away. Or leave her here to the mercy of a demon chief and his minion.

Dirk obviously trusted Keegan more than anyone else, and that was why he’d made him the tanist. He depended on Keegan to do what was best for the MacKay clan, but taking Seona away from this place was the worst thing he could do for the clan. Murray would seek vengeance.

Keegan’s job was supposed to be simple—escort Seona home, bring the gift and smooth things over with Murray. Dirk didn’t want conflict. Neither did Keegan. But conflict was exactly what he was going to stir up by protecting Lady Seona. ’Haps even clan war.


Seona stood in her father’s solar the next morn. He had summoned her again and she was growing exceedingly tired of being treated like his servant. Or his pawn.

“You did not slip into Rebbinglen’s chamber last night as I commanded you to do.” Her father turned from the fireplace and pinned her with a dark glower.

“It could not be helped,” she said. “Someone told me he slept in the barracks with the rest of the men.”

“Aye, and why did he choose to do that?” her father asked, suspicion written on his face.

“I know not. I haven’t talked to him.”

“I’ll tell you why. Because you warned him of my plans!” His yell echoed off the stone walls.

Staring past her father’s shoulder toward the gray light at the window, Seona remained silent. Of course, she’d known he would figure it out. Her father was not only vicious but also canny.

“Did you not?” he asked.


“You are lying again!”

She didn’t respond, simply stared past him. She didn’t care what he thought of her. If he came toward her, she’d flee out the door. If he caught her… she didn’t know. Could she stab her own father?

“Well then, you leave me no choice. You’ll marry Wentworth the day after tomorrow. I’ll talk to him and arrange everything.” His voice hardened. “And you’ll willingly marry him or you’ll find yourself far more bruised and battered than Talia was.”

Day after tomorrow? Mo creach! She had to find a way to escape her father’s plans.

“Next week, Talia will marry the Comyn chief,” he said. “That has already been arranged.”

“Does she know when she is to be married?”

“Aye. She also knows I will do her grievous harm if she doesn’t sweetly go along with the marriage.”

Seona gritted her teeth. Damn the man.

“I want you both married and gone from here!”

She would love to be gone from here, but she would not marry the man her father chose for her.


That evening after supper, Chief Murray waited in his solar for one of the chambermaids to bring Talia to him. He needed to see if her face was healed so that he might present her to Rebbinglen. If the earl took a fancy to her, mayhap a match could be made. Aye, Murray had already signed a contract with the Comyn chief, but he would come up with a good excuse… the earl compromised her or… stole her away. Out of his control. Besides, who would nay-say an earl?

Talia entered, but remained by the door. His guard outside closed the door back. In the dimness, Murray couldn’t see the tone of her skin.

“Come closer, lass.”

She inched forward timidly, but her dark, arrow-sharp gaze met his. Aye, she was rebellious, but also brave. He was proud to see she took after him in looks and temperament. Damn, why couldn’t she have been a lad? ’Twas the greatest disappointment of his life.

Perhaps her future son might also resemble him. And if the boy was sired by an earl, he’d be a powerful man one day.

Talia paused several feet away.

“Closer,” he commanded.

She took a couple more steps. “What is it you want, Father?” Her tone was submissive and he was glad for it.

“To see how your face looks. The bruise is gone, aye?”


“I’m glad. Do not defy me again and you’ll not receive another one.”

Her eyes narrowed threateningly, and he wanted to snort with wry amusement.

“I’ll leave your door unlocked if you promise to conduct yourself as a biddable lady. I’ll not have you throwing tantrums like a maddening bairn.”

She stared at the floor. “I promise.”

“You’ll marry the Comyn chief next week… unless you can somehow convince the Earl of Rebbinglen to marry you.”

She frowned, her confused but wary gaze on him again.

“I will introduce you to him in the morn,” Murray said.

“Very well.” She clasped her hands before her demurely.

“Off with you, then.”

He was glad to see she quickly vacated the room instead of arguing, as she had done the last time. Aye, ’haps Rebbinglen would find her lovely and lose his head over her. Murray grinned.


Just before dark, Haldane and his men lurked outside the walls of Gillenmor Castle. He had lost several men in that last skirmish, but had enough left to get the job done. He’d hired over a dozen in Inverness days ago.

The MacKays had to leave the castle eventually, heading back home, and he intended to kill Keegan and any other MacKay he could. The fewer of them left, the fewer he’d have to fight in Durness. Seona would be the ultimate prize, of course, but he doubted she’d leave the walls anytime soon.

Moments later, his attention riveted on a lass of about Seona’s height, slipping out the postern gate. “It can’t be,” he whispered. She was covered head to toe in a dull plaid arisaid, keeping her identity a secret. She had to be a maid or someone of no importance. Didn’t she?

Haldane crept through the bushes as silently as possible, the brisk wind helping to conceal his movements. Transfixed, he knelt and watched her in the low light where gloaming meets darkness. The lass moved exactly like Seona. And he should know; he’d watched her often enough back at Dunnakeil last autumn.

When the lass hiked her skirts off her shoes and sprinted toward the village, he tore out after her. He easily caught up and grabbed her around the waist from behind. He covered her mouth with his hand to muffle her screams. He couldn’t let her alert the guards. Glimpsing part of her face in the faint glow of the distant torches, he saw that ’twas indeed Lady Seona. Why on earth was she fleeing?

She kicked her heels against his shins. Her sharp elbows drove into his stomach and ribs. Damnation, what a hellcat. No wonder he loved her. He smiled.

“Come on,” he growled low to McMurdo as he rushed past where he was stationed. “I’ve got her. Let’s go.”

McMurdo and the other men raced after him to the edge of the wood where they’d left their mounts.

“Get something to tie her hands and feet,” Haldane said. “A gag, too.”

Once they had her bound so she couldn’t escape or scream, he climbed onto his horse. “Lift her up to me.”

McMurdo and one of the new men named Edgings put her across Haldane’s lap. Her light weight felt good there, but he had no time for carnal thoughts. He had to get the hell out of here before anyone realized she was missing.

Though he was eager to leave posthaste, they walked their horses silently a few hundred yards, then picked up the pace, their horses galloping toward the shore. ’Twas time to head for Durness.


A soft knock sounded at Seona’s bedchamber door. She sat bolt upright in bed. Though ’twas the middle of the night, she had not slept, trying to determine a way out of this trap. Could Keegan have slipped along the corridors of the castle to visit her? She had not seen him all day. Her heart thumped in her ears, with both excitement and fear for his safety.

After belting the arisaid around herself over her smock, she moved close to the door. “Who’s there?”

“Abigail, m’lady.”

One of the chambermaids? What could she want? Although a bit disappointed, Seona was glad Keegan had not risked his life to come to her bedchamber. She opened the door to find a flaxen-haired woman of about her own age standing outside, holding a candle.


Abigail stepped into the room and closed the door. “Laird Rebbinglen sent me,” she whispered, then pulled a folded paper from the pouch at her waist.

A missive? What on earth? Seona broke the wax seal and unfolded the paper.

It is time for us to make our escape. Bring a change of clothing.

It was signed with a K.

Saints! Dare she run away with Keegan now? Right under her father’s nose? ’Twould put both their lives in danger, for her father would send his men after them.

But maybe they could hide somewhere far from here. Life on the run with Keegan would be better than any sort of life without him. ’Twas a great risk, but this might be her only opportunity.

If she remained here, her father would force her to marry Wentworth the day after tomorrow. And her father might send the MacKay men away at any time. If she left with Keegan, she had to bring her sister. How on earth would she get Talia out of her locked and guarded chamber? Mayhap if Seona took Abigail with her to visit Talia, the maid and Talia could switch clothing and Talia, with a cowl over her head, could escape, while her maid remained behind.

“Where am I to go?” Seona asked Abigail.

“I know not, m’lady. Laird Rebbinglen simply asked me to bring you to him.”

’Haps Keegan waited in the stables. Could Abigail be trusted? Why had Rebbie trusted her? Too many things were left unanswered, but one thing she knew—she had to rescue her sister.

“Would you help me do something, Abigail?”

“Aye, if you wish.”

“It might be dangerous.”

The maid’s face paled, but she gave a little nod.

“I need for you to pretend to be Talia so that I can slip her out of her chamber.”

“Her chamber is nay longer guarded or locked, m’lady.”

What? “When did this happen?”

“Just after supper. Her father had me to bring her to his solar. Her bruise had faded.”

“Oh, I thank you.” Why on earth hadn’t Talia told her? Feeling a surge of victory, Seona opened the door and stuck her head out into the corridor. No one was about. “Come with me and bring the candle,” she whispered.

The two slipped silently to Talia’s chamber. When Seona unlatched the door, it opened. She poked her head inside the dim room.

“Talia?” she said in a loud whisper.

“She’s not here, m’lady.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

“What?” Talia was not in her chamber? Seona opened the door and urged Abigail into the room. Talia’s maid, Beth, stood near the fireplace, but the bed was made. “Where did she go?”

“She told me she was going to the attic. She used to hide up there sometimes, you ken?”

Blast! ’Twas true. When she was younger, her sister had a habit of hiding in the unused portion of the attic to get away from their father. At times, it would take Seona hours to locate her.

“Will you two help me find her?”

“Aye, m’lady, but…” Abigail whispered into her ear so Beth couldn’t hear. “Laird Rebbinglen said you must hurry down to meet him in the kitchen, otherwise ’twill be too late.”

Seona wanted to use some of the frustrated curses she’d heard Keegan mutter. Instead, she clenched her jaw until it hurt. She couldn’t run away and leave Talia behind. She would meet with Keegan and tell him that.

“Very well. I must… go on an errand, Beth. But please look for Talia in the attic tonight. Tell her I will have important news and to wait for me here or in my chamber.”

“Aye, m’lady.” Beth’s eyes were wide as platters. The young maid was likely terrified of going into the attic alone in the dark.

“Would you help her, Abigail?” Seona asked.


“’Tis a matter of life and death.”

Both maids nodded, their faces growing even paler.

Seona covered her head with her plaid arisaid, hurried along the corridor and down the back stairs to the kitchen, trying to keep her footsteps silent.

Laird Rebbinglen waited there, holding a long black cloak. “Here, put this on and no one will recognize you.”

“Where is he?” she asked, as he pulled the deep cowl over her head.

“’Tis a secret. Come. We must be quiet but quick.” He offered his arm, then opened the door.

Because she trusted Rebbie almost as much as she trusted Keegan, she took his elbow.

At a near trot, Rebbie escorted her along the side of the castle and across the cobblestone barmkin. The only illumination came from two torches secured to the stone walls. When he didn’t take her to the stables, she truly wondered where Keegan was.

She considered telling Rebbie about her sister, but she’d rather talk to Keegan about it first. Besides, it would take a while for the maids to find Talia.

Where were the Murray guards? Seona glanced around. All the men nearby appeared to be MacKays or MacKenzies.

Rebbie opened the small iron postern gate and rushed her through. Fraser sat on his horse just outside.

Rebbie quickly lifted her up onto the pillion behind Fraser. “Have a care.”

“I thank you,” Seona said.

Fraser kneed the horse forward at a slow and silent pace. Four other men… guards… rode at a distance, two in front and two behind.

“Where are the Murray guards?” she whispered.

“We gifted them with three large jugs of whisky infused with poppy. They are all near passed out with drunkenness in the stables.” The smile was evident in Fraser’s voice. He walked the horse forward, taking his time so as to not create much noise. Less than a quarter hour later, they entered the village.

Fraser stopped in front of the tavern and someone strode from the shadows, their moonlit silhouette familiar.

“Keegan?” she whispered.

“Aye.” He reached up and helped her dismount. “Did you not bring extra clothing?”

“Nay.” She grasped onto the plaid at his chest. “I cannot run away tonight. I must bring my sister.”

“This will be our only opportunity,” he said, his voice urgent. “’Twill be impossible to slip you out again. Why did you not bring her?”

“I wanted to, but I couldn’t find her.”

“Saints,” he hissed.

“We must talk,” she said.

“Come.” Keegan led her toward the tavern door.

“I’ll wait out here,” Fraser said, then dismounted and moved into the shadows.

“I thank you,” Keegan said, opening the door.

Seona had never been into a tavern before, but she supposed it would be a sheltered location where she and Keegan could talk. She had to explain to him why it was so important that she bring her sister.

They entered the dim building, and if anyone was drinking in the tavern at this late hour, she didn’t see or hear them. A lantern or candle burned somewhere off to her right providing a bit of illumination.

They climbed the rickety old steps to the next floor. Keegan opened one of the doors and drew her inside the warm room.

She shoved the cowl off her head while Keegan lit a candle from the glowing hearth coals.

“Have you been staying here?” she asked, glancing around the room. She saw none of his possessions but the room seemed lived in, though the bed was neat and tidy.

“Aye, but not long.” He placed the candle upon the mantel, then added two small pieces of wood to the coals.


“Your father sent word by one of his servants that I was to sleep in the barracks with the guards and Rebbie. ’Tis very crowded and busy there. I needed time to think, so I rented this room.”

Seona was ashamed of how her father treated people. “I’m sorry he has been so rude to you.”

Keegan shrugged. “The important thing is we must leave tonight. We won’t be able to get all the Murray guards drunk again. Your father may punish them if he realizes they allowed you to escape. Everyone will be even more vigilant.” Keegan frowned. “What were you telling me about your sister? You couldn’t find her?”

“For the last several years, she’s had a habit of hiding in the deserted attic when she’s upset.”

“Why is she upset?”

“My father has arranged for her to marry the Comyn chief next week. He is a ruthless man who is much too old for Talia. I know marriages such as this are often arranged, but she’s only eighteen summers. And the Comyn is at least fifty. Just before we arrived, she resisted and Father beat her so badly, half her face was blue.”

“What? That bastard,” Keegan growled. “Has he struck you?”

“Not recently. But in the past, aye.”

“Damn him,” Keegan said through clenched teeth and placed a hand upon his sword hilt. His eyes were so filled with fury, she feared he might storm the castle now and hunt down her father. ’Twas exactly the reason she hadn’t told Keegan before. Not because she was trying to protect her father, but because she feared her father’s guards would slay Keegan.

Though it might be sacrilege, she didn’t care what happened to her father. What occupied her mind most was what would her father do to Talia if he found her first? He might send several of his men to scour the attic, or even the smaller lads to search the nooks and crannies. She couldn’t hide forever.

“How will I find Talia in time and get her out?” Tears burned Seona’s eyes.

“Shh.” Keegan pulled her into a warm embrace. She slipped her arms around him and laid her forehead against his shoulder. His tall, powerful body felt so wonderful and comforting. If only she could draw some of his strength into herself.

Keegan kissed the top of Seona’s head and fisted his hand in her unbound hair.

A battle rage such as Keegan had never felt pounded through his veins. He wanted to kill Chief Ambrose Murray. What was wrong with a man who would beat his beautiful young daughters? He had to be a madman.

Keegan pulled back and stared down at Seona’s hand within his, so much smaller and more delicate than his own. He kissed her slender fingers, unable to imagine how anyone would want to hurt her in any way. Aye, he knew she possessed great inner strength—she must in order to deal with her detestable father all her life. But Keegan had to protect her; ’twas his responsibility and his wish.

He’d never even seen Lady Talia, and now he knew why. “Did your father lock your sister in her chamber?”

“Aye. How did you know?” Seona gazed up at him, trust and worry in her dark blue eyes.

“I wondered why I hadn’t seen her. If her face has a great bruise on it, he’s not going to want anyone to see that.”

“Indeed. Just before I left the castle, I learned that my father had unlocked her door after supper because the bruise had faded.”

“How will we get her out of the castle?”

Maybe he could ask Rebbie or Fraser to sneak her sister out, but he couldn’t let Seona go back. There was too much of a chance her father would beat her.

“What does your sister look like?” Keegan asked.

“She looks much like me, except she has dark brown eyes.”

Keegan released her hands and stepped back. “Wait here. I’ll go see if Fraser and Rebbie can slip into the castle, find her, and bring her here.”

“’Twould be wonderful, but very dangerous for them should my father discover them.”

“They live for danger.” Keegan sent her a smirk, hoping she would stop worrying so much.

“Very well. Two of the maids, Abigail and Beth, are looking for Talia in the attic right now. I told them to bring her to her chamber or mine when they find her.”

Keegan nodded, then hurried down the stairs and outside. “Fraser?”

“Aye.” He stepped from the shadows of the building.

“I need for you or Rebbie, or both of you if possible, to steal into the castle and find Seona’s younger sister, Talia. Chief Murray beat her recently, leaving her face black and blue. We have to rescue her, too, or he may beat her again. Or worse.”

“Damn the man,” Fraser muttered. “I agree.”

“She has a tendency to hide from her father in the deserted attic. Two maids named Abigail and Beth are searching for her there now. Talia resembles Seona, except Talia has brown eyes.”

“We’ll find her.” Fraser mounted and headed back to the castle.


Seona awaited Keegan in the inn’s chamber, praying Rebbie or Fraser could indeed find Talia and bring her here before it was too late. She worried for her sister’s safety more than her own.

Keegan entered the room, closed the door, and locked it with a large key. “He said he would do it.”

“Oh, I hope they can find her. I thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

The candle and the fire burned brightly, the orange glow illuminating Keegan’s striking face and gilding his hair. She drank in the appealing sight of him, wanting so badly to touch him. To kiss him and show him her gratitude.

“When they find her and bring her here, where will we go?” she asked.

Keegan knelt at the hearth and placed another stick of wood on the fire. “We’ll go south with a small group of MacKay guards. The MacKenzies will head back to Teasairg to tell Dirk what’s happened. The remaining MacKays will return to Dunnakeil as quickly as possible to prepare the clan and castle for a possible attack from your father. Hopefully, once he knows you’re not there, he’ll leave.”

“This is terrible,” she whispered, her stomach aching. “I never wanted to endanger your clan. I love them like mine own.”

“I ken it. I wish you’d told me earlier about your father beating your sister.”

“I figured if you knew that, you’d also assume—rightly—that my father has beaten me in the past. I feared you might retaliate against him, putting your own life in danger.”

He stood and faced her, frowning. “You were trying to protect me by leaving yourself in danger?”

“I suppose I was.”

“Seona.” He shook his head. “I don’t need protecting. I’m the protector.”

“But you are not immortal,” she said fiercely, tears burning her eyes. “I love you, and I could never live with myself if you were hurt or… killed because of me.”

“Lass.” He moved forward and drew her close. She loved the way his strong arms tightened about her, surrounding her with protection. She felt safer than ever before. He kissed the top of her head, and his affection flowed sweetly through her.

Oh, why could he not be hers?

Sliding her arms around his neck, she rose on tiptoes and kissed his prickly chin. He bent and captured her mouth with his own. All thoughts scattered from her mind. His lips were so warm and firm, yet also silky soft. Gentle, yet forceful. And his tongue was erotic seduction itself. He tasted of virile male, spiced wine and apples.

Desire for him burned through her and passion exploded like a lightning bolt. His hands cupped her derriere, tugging her closer, tight against his hard shaft. He felt so divine, she couldn’t stop herself from rubbing against him. A scorching tingle shot through her, inciting an ache in her lower belly. Somehow, she knew he could relieve the feverish need he always stirred up within her.

“I want you, Keegan,” she whispered against his mouth.

He moaned and gave her another deep kiss.

She drew back an inch. “You must show me what love means between a man and a woman.”

“Saints, Seona,” he hissed. “You drive me mad with your teasing.”

“I am not teasing,” she said most firmly. “I want you to… show me how to please you… in bed. I want you to take me.”

He growled and closed his eyes, his jaw clenching so tightly the muscle in his cheek flexed. After drawing in a deep breath, he opened his eyes. “I need for you to do something first.”


His blue gaze burned into hers. “Marry me.”

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