Текст книги "Throb"
Автор книги: Vi Keeland
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chapter fourteen
“Your father would be proud right now, Cooper,” Ben Seidman says, a stack of papers sitting in front of each of us. Red and green tabs stick out from the sides, indicating dozens of places we both need to sign to formalize the deal.
Ben’s right—my father would be proud. Co-produced movies are a rarity in the film business, especially when the two production houses are the number one and number two producers in the world. But if any two companies can make it work, it’s Diamond Entertainment and Montgomery Productions. My father’s best friend is a formidable opponent, and will make an even better feature film partner.
“Fucking Grip,” Ben grumbles as he reaches the bottom of the signing pile. “The old bastard was whipped before he retired, now he’s all but hog tied to Bernice.”
I’d forgotten it was card night. “You need a fourth?”
“Nah. Frank got someone. Don’t you have a hot date or something better to do than sit around losing all your hard-earned money anyway?” He signs the last document and tosses his pen on the desk, leaning back in his chair. “Isn’t anything sacred anymore? Jack and I, we never missed once in twenty-eight years.”
I slide the paper he just signed across the desk to my side. One more signature and we’ll be changing the film industry as we know it. I lift my Montblanc, thinking I’m putting this pen aside. The one Dad used to ink his first film deal is sitting in my top right hand desk drawer. This one should keep it company. “Who’s filling in tonight?”
“That cute little card shark girl.”
I put the pen down before signing on the last empty line. “Ben,” I say, “there’s one more condition to this deal …”
Case of disgusting Budweiser in hand, I stroll into the studio, letting the loud slam of the door echo through the tall, open space. My eyes are already trained on Kate when she looks up. Eyes wide as saucers, sharp inhale—she’s surprised to see me. Tonight is all about winning. I’m going to use the element of surprise to my advantage.
“I thought you were going to be Ben,” Frank says.
“Change of plans. Ben’s not coming,” I respond to Frank, but my eyes don’t leave Kate.
“Whadda you mean, Ben’s not coming? He hasn’t missed a night in twenty-five years.”
“Twenty-eight,” I correct him.
“Is he all right?”
“He’s fine.”
“What the hell was so important that he would miss? It’s not like Ben.”
“I’d tell you why he can’t make it, but I wouldn’t want to break the no-business-talk rule before I even sit down.”
“Whatever,” Frank grumbles and waves my comment off. “You remember Kate?”
“I do.” I arch an eyebrow at Kate and nod.
“Carl hasn’t played with Kate yet. I told him to take it easy on her.” Frank winks, shuffling the deck.
Aggressive women were always a turn-off for me. But aggressive card-playing women—that’s apparently a whole different ballgame. Kate folds the first two hands, Carl raking in the pot both times. Hand three, even I caught Carl’s facial tic when he picked up his cards, indicating he thought he had a winner. I nearly laughed out loud when Kate took two cards and her eyes bulged from her head. Even a novice card player would cover up better than that. But Carl bought her shit—hook, line and sinker. And Frank and I quickly bowed out to enjoy the show.
On his raise, Carl pushes in a tall stack of chips. Kate actually nibbles on her lip a bit, pretending to debate whether she should go all in or not. The smile on Carl’s face when she shrugs and pensively pushes her chips in is absolutely priceless. He turns over three queens, gloating, hands already reaching toward the center of the table.
“Does this beat three of a kind?” Kate asks innocently, laying a full house down on the table.
We let poor Carl lose his shirt, not letting him in on the joke until we take the usual bathroom break. “You guys are assholes,” he mutters, throwing his cards down on the table before stalking off to the restroom. Frank follows him out, chanting, “You got beat by a girl. You got beat by a girl.”
“You must have gotten lost on your way to my office after lunch this afternoon,” I say when the door slams shut, leaving just the two of us. “Avoiding me won’t solve the problem.” The room is so quiet I can hear the distinct hitch in her breath, even though she tries to conceal the effect my words have on her.
“What will?” She busies herself collecting the cards from the table and speaks without looking at me.
“Working through it.”
“Am I supposed to believe you’re here by coincidence? If you want something, set it free, if it comes back to you, it was meant to be … or something like that?”
“Do you believe in that stuff?”
She pauses for a moment, considering my question, and then begins shuffling again. “I think I do. Do you?”
“I’m more of the school of if you want something bad enough, pursue it aggressively until you wear it down and it gives in.”
Her mouth twitches with suppressed amusement, but she still doesn’t look up.
“You didn’t push my hand away today,” I say, my eyes never leaving her face.
“I didn’t want to make a scene.”
“You liked it there. The way my fingers traced the outline of the lace. I could feel the heat. You wanted me to dip my fingers inside and feel how wet you were as much as I did.”
She closes her eyes.
I stand and step around the table.
“It made me insane to see his hand on you,” I admit as I graze my knuckles lightly down her cheek. She still doesn’t look up.
“Look at me,” I say, quietly but firm.
Her eyes close again.
“I can’t, Cooper.” There’s sadness in her voice. “I can’t spend time around you and do what I need to do.”
I take her chin in my hands and force her gaze to meet mine. “And I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Bet me.”
“What?” Her brows furrow.
“If I win, give me tonight.”
“That’s crazy.”
“Is it? Leave it up to fate. You just said you’re a believer.”
“Cooper,” she warns uncertainly.
I kiss her lips. Sweetly this time, even though all I really want to do is grab her and pounce.
“Last hand,” I breathe, hating to pull my lips from hers.
“I don’t know …”
The door opens, and the boisterous sound of Frank still needling Carl interrupts us before I can get her to agree. A part of me wants to clear the room. Tell Frank and Carl I need them to leave so I can finish our conversation. But I don’t. I respect the hell out of these guys, and when we leave work at the door, we leave me being the boss there too.
We play for two more hours. Frank peppers Kate with all kinds of questions about her family and plenty about her infamous father. I suspect he has a bit of a crush on Kate; my guess is she knows it too. She flirts playfully with him. It makes me smile almost as much as it does Frank.
“That’s two in a row you lost to Frank. Are you letting him win or is your luck starting to turn?” Tipping my beer up, I eye Kate.
“My luck must be running out. I only let people win to build their confidence.”
“Well, my confidence is dwindling here, maybe you should throw some charity my way.” I motion to the sparse pile of chips in front of me.
“I don’t think you’ve ever experienced a shortage in confidence, Mr. Montgomery.”
Frank snickers. “You got this one pegged. Hard to be lacking in confidence when you’re walking around with Ms. Laroix on your arm.”
“She’s beautiful. I saw you with her today. Is she your girlfriend?” Kate asks, a sly smirk on her face.
“No.” I throw two chips into the pot, even though I have another shit hand.
“Looked cozy.” She shrugs. “Friends with benefits?”
My eyebrows jump. “No. Not friends with benefits either.”
“Ohhhhhh,” she says, as if something dawns on her for the first time. Then says nothing more.
“What?” Eventually I take the bait.
“I didn’t realize you played for the other team.”
Cute. Really cute. I’ll show you what team I play for. “No. I don’t play for the other team. I actually just met someone.”
She tosses her cards on the table, folding for the third time in a row.
“Looks like your luck really is running low,” I say. “You know what, guys, I have an early morning tomorrow. What do you say we make next hand the last hand?” She knows exactly what I’m doing. Yet I don’t have a damn clue what she’s up to. For all I know, she can be playing us all. Folding three hands in a row and taking my mind off the game.
“You have those diamond four-leaf clover cufflinks your old man used to wear? I’d love to get my hands on them in a last-hand pot,” Frank says.
“No. Wish I did. He lost them in a game. He swore it was the reason his luck changed.” Kate’s face saddens.
“Sorry, kid.”
She forces a conciliatory smile.
Frank rakes in the final pot of chips for the night and everyone digs for their final ante. Frank tosses in a business card holder with my initials on it. I haven’t seen that thing in ten years. Carl tosses in Frank’s high school ring, and I throw a custom Montblanc platinum pen engraved with Ben’s initials into the mix. Kate is busy in her purse.
Just like the first time we met, she tears a piece of paper. Grinning, she picks out the fifteen-hundred-dollar pen from the pot and scribbles something, her hand covering the content like a schoolgirl writing a note. She folds it a few times, concealing what she’s offering to the winner.
Frank chuckles. “You know I already have your phone number?”
“Maybe it’s not my phone number,” she says cryptically, smiling at Frank fondly. But her eyes blaze when they turn to me.
Carl’s the first one out. He hisses and pushes back from the table.
I eye the stack of chips in front of Kate and dig into my pocket. My eyes never leave hers when I toss a wad of hundreds into the pile—Tiffany money clip and all.
Frank bows out. “Too rich for my blood with the crap cards I got.”
And then there’s just the two of us again.
Kate and I stand off, her eyes gyrating through an assessment I’ve become familiar with. First she squints, looking deep into my eyes, then her eyes relax again. Her gaze drops to my lips and then slowly makes its way back to my eyes. An ever-so-slight uptick on the right side of her mouth is the only indication that she thinks she’s got me.
She pushes all of her chips in.
I take a deep breath and turn over my cards.
Three kings.
And two tens. I haven’t had a full house this high since, well … ever.
The guys whistle.
Kate’s eyes sparkle. I hold my breath as her eyes drop down to read my cards and then quickly return to mine. She throws her cards into the pot. Face down. Defeated.
Laughter erupts in the room. Carl stands, grabbing his jacket. “Damn. That was intense. Nice job, Coop. Glad one of us didn’t get beat by a girl. It was a pleasure, though,” he says to Kate. Then he nods to Frank. “Come on, I’ll help clean this up.”
“Go ahead, guys. I got it.”
“You sure, Coop?”
“No problem. Have a good night, gentlemen.”
Frank slaps me on the back as he leaves. “If I can’t have your old man around, you’re the next best thing. You turned out good, kid. You turned out good.”
The room goes quiet as the two men exit. Neither Kate nor I have moved from our seats. We stare intently at each other. I watch as her pupils dilate and the rise and fall of her chest seems to grow deeper with each breath. And then something happens. It hits me. And I realize playing the game really is all about reading people. So I reach into the ante pile and my hand hovers over the folded-up paper for a long count. Then I veer slightly to the left and flip over her cards.
Four of a kind.
Beats my full house by a mile.
Kate grins and arches an eyebrow. I don’t bother to clean up. She grabs my hand and we head for the door, leaving her folded-up bet that reads One Night unopened.
chapter fifteen
“I’ll follow you,” I say as we reach the warm summer air outside.
“No. I’ll drive you.”
“But I need my car to go home later.”
“You aren’t going home tonight.”
“But …”
Cooper stops in place. He takes my face into his hands and speaks. “I won one night. I get the full night.”
“I don’t have any clothes.”
“You won’t be needing them.” He opens the door to his car and leads me in.
“But what about my toothbrush?” I grasp at something. I know it was my decision, but I need a minute to think about the consequences of what I’ve just done.
“You can use mine.”
“But …”
He interrupts me. “Buckle up.”
I pull the seatbelt on and the engine roars to life. I give it one last college try. “I need …”
Cooper cuts me off. Again. “I’m not giving you a chance to change your mind.”
“How do you know I’ll change my mind?”
“Because you already are.”
“I’m n …” I trail off.
He removes his hand from the gear shifter and turns to me. “Look at me.”
“Bossy,” I say under my breath, but he hears it.
“You haven’t even begun to see bossy yet. Tonight I’m going to tell you to do things, and you’re going to do them. When I tell you to open wider, or take my cock deeper, you’re going to listen. You know why? Because since the moment we met, all I’ve wanted to do is make you feel good. Hell, I don’t even need to get off physically. Because I’m going to get off watching you every minute. So, yeah, I’m going to be bossy. Now let’s put the rest of this behind us. Do you want to be with me tonight?”
After that prelude, I nod my head fast. I’m no fool. Who wouldn’t?
The short drive is enough to make me flip-flop twenty times. I’ve never wanted to be with another man more than I want to be with Cooper right now. But I’m being selfish—risking losing—a prize my family needs. With each elimination ceremony, my odds increase. I’m fooling myself by thinking tonight won’t tilt the odds in the other direction. I could get caught. How will I look into the eyes of another man after giving another piece of myself to Cooper tonight? I know this is a bad idea. But then I look over at Cooper and my resolve weakens.
One night … it’s just one night. I can do this. We can do this.
Arriving at his sleek high-rise, Cooper nods to the doorman and whisks me past. His hand at the small of my back, he quickly steers me inside a waiting elevator.
I stare up at the numbers slowly lighting as the elevator painstakingly climbs the floors. Cooper stands quietly behind me, close but not touching—although I can still feel him. Panic sets in as the floors move to double-digit numbers. What the hell am I doing? I take a deep breath and speak low. “This isn’t going to work, you know?”
He’s quiet for a moment before he answers. “Why not?” His hand snakes around my hip, gripping it tightly.
“Because you’re not the type of man who gives in easily.”
He grips my hip tighter. “I’m not giving in.”
The elevator slides to an abrupt stop and the doors slide open. An older couple smiles pleasantly and begins to step toward the car. Cooper says brusquely, “We’re going up.”
“That’s okay. We’ll take the ride up.”
“If you don’t mind, could you wait for the next one?” He pushes the button to the top floor, even though it’s already lit.
“That was rude,” I say as the doors slide closed on the confused couple.
Cooper turns me, searching my face. He ignores my comment, still completely focused on our conversation before the elevator dinged. “Is that what you think I’m doing? Giving in?”
In the dim, confined space, the green in his eyes look almost grey. The intensity of his stare scares me a little, but sucks me in at the same time. “You want more than one night, but you agreed to tonight only.”
“That’s not giving in, Kate.”
“It’s not?” I’m almost afraid to ask.
He shakes his head slowly. A sinister smile quirks at his sexy lips. His know-it-all attitude pisses me off, yet turns me on. But it’s the pisses-me-off part that flows from my mouth. “You asked me out. I said no. We agreed to one night. Isn’t that giving in?”
I take an exaggerated, frustrated breath and roll my eyes. “Okay then. Enlighten me. What do you call it?”
His eyes darken and his face lowers to align with mine. “This isn’t giving in. This is staking my claim. I’ll send you back to him tomorrow if that’s what you want. But you won’t be able to sit without thinking of me for a week. Every time your sexy ass touches down, you’ll be reminded of what it feels like with me buried deep inside you. Your bones will ache from the relentless pounding I plan to deliver.”
Despite my irritation at how full of himself he is, my mouth drops open and body buzzes at the visual he’s planted in my head. Cocky arrogance or not, the man has a way of setting my body on fire.
“I’d rather not send you back tomorrow. But get one thing straight right now, Kate. I’m not giving in. I’m meeting you halfway. And you can be damn straight agreeing to one night won’t stop me from trying to take the rest of what you don’t give tonight.”
The elevator car glides to a stop, reaching the top floor. The ease of his manners is so starkly different from the seduction of his voice. “Shall we?” The doors slide open and he leisurely extends his arm to the looming double doors marked Penthouse. I get the feeling that I’m about to step through the wardrobe. And the lion is right behind me.
“Would you like a drink?”
“A glass of wine would be good.” Perhaps a bottle to calm my nerves.
He nods and gestures toward the bar stools on the other side of the kitchen island. The floor to ceiling windows in the adjoining living room catch my attention. Perched high on a cliff, the apartment’s view of the sparkling lights of downtown LA almost appear fantasy like. It’s amazing how a little distance between things can sometimes make you see a very different picture than the reality of being up close. “That’s some view.”
Cooper fills two crystal glasses and offers me one. He follows where my attention is fixed. “I don’t think I’ve noticed it in years.”
“Really?” I’m utterly perplexed at his statement. But he’s serious. “Why?”
“I’m not here much.”
“Where are you normally?”
“The office. The gym. A lot of work-related functions.”
“What’s your typical day like?” I sip my wine.
“Up at five. Gym at five thirty. Office by seven. Home by ten.”
“I work late a lot.”
“Where do you eat?”
“At the office usually. Or at a function. I do a lot of business over meals.”
“Sounds like you need to stop and look around every once in a while.”
“You’re right. I do.” Cooper sips his wine, his eyes no longer admiring the view. Instead they’re focused intently on me.
“Can we go out on the balcony?” I ask, not turning in his direction.
“Are you stalling?”
I smile at how astute he is in reading me. He’s already figured me out better than the last guy I dated for six months. “Maybe. Is that a problem?”
“Not at all.”
He leads me to the balcony. It’s a beautiful night. Warm, breezy air wafts a hint of saltwater from off in the distance. The sky is so clear, not even the massive light pollution of LA can dim the twinkling stars. Standing behind me, one hand on either side of the railing, we quietly take in the view. Then his arm wraps around my waist and he buries his nose in my hair with a deep inhale. With his hard chest pressed tightly against my back and strong arms holding me, it’s easy to let my head loll back and relax.
“This is nice,” I say, exhaling a long cleansing breath that washes away some of my fears.
“It is.”
We stay silent for long minutes, enjoying the view and relaxing. I probably should have stayed that way, but sometimes my mind wanders and pushes out words past my filter. “It’s one night. Does that mean you’ll be dating someone else by next week?”
“Will you?” he asks in a curt voice. Of course I will—he knows that. I’m going back to dating another man tomorrow. And possibly heading for an overnight date pretty soon.
“That’s not an answer.”
“What do you want me to say, Kate? That I’ll stay celibate while I wait for you to finish dating another man?”
I turn to face him. The thought of Cooper being with another woman makes me crazy. So I channel everything I’m feeling and haul myself up on him, grabbing his neck and pulling him down for a kiss at the same time I lift and wrap my legs around his waist.
Our passion quickly ignites—turning angry, frustrated jealousy and confusion into a ball of fire that burns into a smoldering kiss. He pushes back as hard as I press, until our bodies meld together. He cups and squeezes my ass with one hand, the other maneuvering my head where he wants it so he can devour my mouth. I may have started the kiss, but there’s no mistaking who controls it.
Movement into the apartment and down the long hallway to his bedroom doesn’t even register until we finally break for air. “What was that for?” We’re both breathing hard; his voice is hoarse with need.
“I don’t want to waste any more time. I only have so many hours to wear you out enough so that you’ll be useless to another woman for six weeks.”
Cooper throws his head back, laughing. He finds me projecting his own superlative promises back at him entertaining. Reaching the bed, he leans forward and gently lays me down. The amusement dancing in his eyes quickly turns into something stormier as he stands and takes in the sight of me lying on his bed.
Lowering his body, one hand on either side of me supporting his weight, Cooper presses his lips gently to my exposed collarbone. He kisses his way up my neck, light nips alternating with whispery caresses. By the time he reaches my ear, the nips and kisses have escalated to bites and sucking.
His hand makes its way down my body, slowing to appreciate my curves before traveling lower. He lingers at the hem of my skirt before slipping beneath. A moan escapes from my lips when his fingers stroke me through the lace of my panties.
“You’re so wet. I feel it without even putting my fingers inside.” He finds my clit easily and massages up and down. “First I’m going to fuck you with my fingers. Because I want to watch you the first time I make you come.” Oh lord. My body is halfway there just hearing him say fuck you with my fingers. Seriously, there’s a pre-orgasm buzz pulsing through my body. I may not even make it until his fingers feign their first pump.
His hand slips under my panties. “Look at me.” His voice is throaty and incredibly masculine. “And then, I’m going to lick you until you scream my name.” He dips one finger inside of me. My eyes shut. It’s been a long time. Too long, but I’m suddenly happy I’ve been on a self-imposed hiatus.
“You’re so tight,” he groans. “Jesus, Kate.” He works me slowly, my wetness allowing him to glide in and out. Feeling my body surrender, he pulls almost all the way out and pushes back in with two fingers. A few pumps and my body greedily accepts him, my back arching off the bed as I climb closer to release.
Covering my clit with his thumb, he growls when I let out a shameless moan of pleasure. His eyes flare with desire and our gazes lock. It takes all of my willpower not to close my eyes as blissful waves of orgasm roll over me. My hips writhe to meet each wave, riding the rollercoaster from explosion to euphoria.
Cooper’s hoarse voice mumbles something, but the words are incoherent over the sound of my heart beating wildly. What remains of my clothes are rapidly discarded, and it isn’t until I feel him hauling me down the bed that I’m even aware of what he’s doing.
Dropping to his knees, my ass hovering at the foot of the bed, he parts my shaky legs and his mouth is on me before I can object. A futile attempt to push him away is short lived when his tongue flutters over my clit. Jesus. The man has me on the edge again within thirty seconds.
Abandoning my efforts to stop him in favor of raveling my fingers through his hair and pulling him closer as he laps at me hungrily, I yield to his skilled mouth. My body trembles as his tongue dips inside me, luring an unabashed moan as my second orgasm threatens quickly. His hands push my thighs wider, his mouth licking and sucking, his tongue lashing furiously over my swollen clit until I explode again, this time gasping his name.
I think I may have lost a few moments in time, somewhere between orgasm number two and his repositioning me in the center of his heavenly king-sized bed. But then the lush green eyes filled with golden sunflowers are staring down at me, his rigid cock throbbing near my tender opening.
“Reach up,” he says in a firm, yet strained, voice.
My heavily hooded eyes must display my confusion.
“Hold the headboard with both hands.”
“But …”
“Do it, Kate.”
I lift my arms, reaching over my head for the iron headboard. It’s cold, but I wrap my heated palms around the rounded metal and squeeze tight.
Cooper raises his head slightly, admiring the full view—me, underneath him, looking glazed and vulnerable.
“Beautiful,” he murmurs in my ear. “Don’t let go.”
I nod, unable to form words, his warm breath spreading heat throughout my body. He licks the shell of my ear, and then his tongue travels down my neck, making its way to my taut nipple. He sucks hard, then bites, his teeth not releasing me until I whimper. Then he lavishes sweet kisses on the swollen buds he just assaulted, making them more than better.
He spends time worshiping my body, the length of him frequently rubbing up against me, teasing me mercilessly. Even after two energy-draining orgasms, he’s able to work me back into a frenzy. Eventually I can’t take it anymore and I reach down, desperate to feel his thick, hard erection.
“Back on the headboard,” he growls, stopping me before I’m able to touch.
“But I want—”
“Don’t let go again,” he warns, cutting me off and ignoring my plea.
Seriously? I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off of him. Every ridge of his ridiculously toned body is calling my name. His cock taunting me the loudest.
“I don’t think I can.”
My honesty is rewarded with a wicked grin. His already massive ego just shot up another stratosphere. One hand deftly rolls on a condom. Knowing my eyes are fixed on the way his fingers curl around his thickness, his hand lingers, stroking himself up and down leisurely. “Tell me what you need. I’ll give it to you.”
“I want to touch you.”
“What do you want to touch, Kate?”
I’m laying spread-eagled beneath this man, yet I feel bashful saying the words. “You know.” My face flushes.
“Why, Kate.” His mouth is back at my ear, his hand working my breasts, kneading my sensitive nipple. Every tweak sends pleasure shooting through my nerves. I even feel it down in my toes. “Does my sharp-tongued woman not like to say naughty words?”
“You’re trying to torture me.”
“Tell me what you want.”
“You.” I buck underneath him.
“Say it. Say what you want. What you were reaching for.”
He surprises me by pushing two fingers back inside me. My body clenches down, tightening around them. “Is this what you want? You want my fingers inside of you?” He strokes in and out, rubbing me close, but it doesn’t satisfy the need I have. I need more.
I shake my head.
“Then tell me,” he croons, his fingers pumping in and out faster.
“Please,” I moan.
“Please what?” He sucks on the sensitive flesh beneath my ear.
“You know,” I groan, breathless from his expert touch.
“Say it.” His strained, throaty voice quivers at my ear. I’d pretty much say or do anything to get him to give me what I need.
“Your cock. Please. I want your cock inside of me.”
A flash of virile male satisfaction crosses his face, but a shadow shudders over the ego, turning to a possessive darkness. His jaw clenches tight and he takes one of my hands white-knuckling the headboard above me and brings it to his mouth. Gently, he kisses my hand, then replaces it on the headboard to grab hold.
I gasp loudly when he rams deep inside of me, giving me what I desperately need. “Oh, god,” I pant, my body convulsing at the rock-hard intrusion. He’s so thick, it’s almost a struggle to accommodate his girth. If I wasn’t primed sodden, taking him in so deep might fall on the other side of the slim wall that separates pain and pleasure.
He lets my body adjust and then begins to move. Stroking places inside of me to find ecstasy like he’s been doing it forever instead of it being just our first time. It doesn’t take long for him to lure the orgasm from my hungry body. But after he does, he groans and his thrusts intensify to a deliciously ravenous pounding that my body longed to feel.
Sometime in the aftermath of our escapades, in between kisses that feel like so much more than just kisses, I realize why I feel such a remarkable sense of relief. It wasn’t the hours of foreplay building to a crescendo. I’d been waiting for this moment since the first time I met him.
I wake to the distant sound of Cooper’s voice coming from the other room. He’s on the phone, so I only hear one side of the conversation. But it makes me smile nonetheless. He’s barking orders at someone; his voice, full of authority, leaves no question as to who’s the boss. There was certainly no question last night either. Without a doubt, the man takes charge, there’s no mistaking he’s an alpha male. Yet there’s something different in him. Something other bossy men are missing that makes the world of difference. Cooper may seem like he takes control away from me, but he’d never take it unless I was giving it to him. I never realized letting someone else take the lead could be so empowering and yet freeing at the same time.
I pick the dress shirt he was wearing yesterday up from the floor, button it enough to cover me, and go searching for the voice.
“He can have until five tonight to decide. After that we’re moving on and going with our second choice.” Cooper is wearing lounge pants and no shirt, his back to me, but he turns, sensing me, even though I make no sound with my bare feet. His eyes sweep over me, taking their time as they crawl up my bare legs and linger finding the hint of breast peeking out of the scarcely closed shirt. I only fastened one button up from the navel. He crooks a finger at me with a grin. I roll my eyes dramatically, but walk to him anyway, quite enjoying the way he watches my every step intently.
“Just let me know by five.” He hangs up the phone without even saying goodbye and tosses it on the granite.
“I like your shirt.” He wraps me in his arms.
“Thanks. Coffee?”
“Already made.” He kisses my forehead and leads me to the island to sit while he fixes me a steaming mug.