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Wicked Surrender
  • Текст добавлен: 31 октября 2016, 03:55

Текст книги "Wicked Surrender"

Автор книги: T. A. Grey

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Текущая страница: 9 (всего у книги 9 страниц)

Chapter Thirteen

The Justicars arrived within the hour. They took her and Jacks’ statements and wrapped up Conner’s body. Ariss was still alive and Vera didn’t feel sorry for her as they locked her up and stuffed her in the back of a black van. She would get her day in court right next to her Master Claude whom the Justicars said they captured earlier that day.

As the last of the cars drove away, Vane hugged her tight. He’d looked so scared when he came running up and Vera hated that look. It was the same panicked look he had when they found out their parents had died. She sent him and a wide-eyed Sarina back home with hugs and smiles—this time genuine ones.

Quiet crept back over her cabin. The chirp of crickets ascended now that the danger was gone. Vera kept her head down as she walked back to the cabin, passing Jacks. Now that it was over, she couldn’t stop the feeling of unease that settled in her.

The floorboards creaked as he walked away from the cabin, she almost cried out for him to stop as panic clutched her. He went over towards the trees and picked something up—a red box. He came back, his eyes not meeting hers, his steps silent on the gravel.

“Here,” he said gruffly, thrusting the box at her.

Vera gulped hard at the knot in her throat. She took the box, holding it like the most precious thing in the world. A hot liquid pressed against her eyes.

“Why don’t you open it inside,” he suggested when she just stood there.

She nodded faintly and went inside to plop down on the couch. She fingered the paper for a moment, then carefully tore at the sides on the left then on the right. Gently, she tore the paper across the bottom then slid the paper off. It was an ugly cardboard box underneath the paper, she smirked at it. He would wrap a present in a cardboard box.

She felt the couch dip next to her as he took a seat. She used her fingernail to tear open the tape and, like she was receiving her very first present, she opened one side of the cardboard box, then the other.

White tissue paper stared back at her, crinkled under her fingers as she spread it wide. Her eyebrow puckered as she looked at what lay beneath—a white dress. Vera fingered the soft material and lifted it out of the box. It was long, sleeveless, and utterly beautiful. It had elaborate beading on the front and an elegant, big bow at the back.

“You...bought me a dress?” She looked over at him but he was staring hard at the wood floor, as if he was trying to decipher what kind of wood it was.

“Yeah,” he said gruffly. “There’s more underneath it.” Vera closed her mouth and gently laid the dress over her lap. The material of the dress, judging by the look of it—was expensive. It felt like satin at her fingertips, and she was pretty damn sure it was a wedding gown.

Even though he’d said there was more in the box, it was still a surprise to find a pair of matching opal colored high heels. She read the label and bit her lip from giggling like a, well, girl. They were her favorite brand. Strappy, pretty, and with a little point at the end.

“I know you like your shoes.” She stared at him like she’d never seen him before.

“How do you know that?”

“Vera you don’t have to tell me everything for me to figure it out. You’re always wearing nice expensive-looking shoes, and damn near a different pair for each day.” The man truly was after her heart. “Do you like it?”

“I...I love it.” And you.

“See the reason why I wanted to give that to you is because,” he slid to the ground in front of her on both knees and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small black box. He held the box up like an offering and Vera quickly shoved the cardboard box away.

“I, um, I wanted to know if you’d marry...me.” He flipped the box open with his thumb and a sparkling diamond ring with a gold band winked up at her. The warm liquid that had been swimming in her eyes was trying to get out, but no way was she going to blur this image with tears.

When she could only stare, a smile pulled at the corner of his mouth. He took the ring out and gently picked up her hand. His touch warmed her, felt so perfect. He settled the thin band around her fingernail and held it there.

“I know you lykaens have a different tradition, and I may be an undead, half-dead, whatever you want to call it vampire thing, but I’m still a human at heart. And in the world where I grew up in, when there’s a brilliant woman you love more than anything, you marry her. So Vera Kategan, will you marry me? Before you answer,” he said quickly when she opened her mouth, “know that I am not a perfect son of a bitch, but I promise to love you and no other until the end of my days. And I promise to never, ever lay a hand on you in anger. I am not my father. I won’t have a single drop of alcohol, ever. I vow it.”

A frown tugged at Vera’s lips as she struggled not to cry.

“Ah baby, don’t cry. You don’t have to marry me if you don’t want to, but that doesn’t mean I’ll leave you alone, because I can’t. I can’t live without you, baby. The past four weeks were harder on me than the years I spent in the military, drinking away my father’s memory, my fucking problems. I was mad for a while, that you made me feel worse than that. But I went and saw my mom. Yeah, I did. She made me realize how stupid I was.

Go figure she could do that. She wants to meet you, said she’ll make you your favorite pie.” He swallowed hard. “Just say yes, say you still love me and we can work through anything. I’m prepared to fight for you for as long as it takes because I love you so damned much.”

Vera slid to her knees in front of him, her finger catching on the ring. It slid perfectly up her finger.

She wrapped her arms around him, slanted her mouth across his, and showed him without words her answer.

Groans filled the air as bodies strained to get closer; lips tasted and learned each other. Vera pulled his tongue into her mouth and sucked on it. With a growl, he pulled back, breathing hard.

“Tell me that was one helluva yes, baby.”

Vera laughed and hugged him hard. “That’s a yes, lumara.” He laughed with her, the sound rich, music to add to her symphony.

“Thank God,” he said so seriously that she broke into a fit of laughter, raining kisses along his hard jaw and neck. “Baby, I have a question for you.”

“Mmmm,” she said curiously, as her mouth teased his ear.

“Tell me you’re naked under that robe.” Vera pulled back and looked down at herself. So much had happened in the last few hours, she’d completely forgotten she was wearing the white terry cloth robe from when she got out of the shower. Licking her lips, she gave him a coy stare and said, “What are you going to do about it if I am?”

Her body was already on liquid fire for him. His eyes left hers to trail over the thick robe. His eyes darkened, hot and wild, as if he could see her clearly through the material.

When he spoke, his voice was a hoarse croak, “I need you, and I can’t go easy. If you can’t take it, then I want you to get up and leave the room right now, because otherwise I’m going to be on you and in you in under a minute.”

“But your hurt.”

He shook his head and lifted his shirt showing her a cut that already looked like it’d healed a week. “Dmetri told me that not all vampires can heal fast, but he can, and since I have his blood now I can too.”

Shivering, Vera untied the rope around her waist and shrugged out of the robe. It hissed and slithered down to the floor around her.

“Last chance,” he warned. His gaze scorched over her naked body. His eyes widened, nostrils flared, and then his mouth was on hers, his tongue thrusting in her mouth, owning her, possessing her.

Hot, rough hands searched over her body—not with gentle romantic sweeps but with urgent, eager grasps. Plumping her ass cheeks, rubbing her back, pinching her nipples, and squeezing her breasts until finally she let her head fall back.

His mouth replaced his hands and licked her nipples deep, flicking and sucking them until an answering pleasure throbbed from between her legs. She was wet as if she’d been having foreplay for hours, not mere seconds. Being so long without him had her starved.

“Jacks.” Her voice was laden with arousal.

“Can’t wait anymore.” She watched languidly as he ripped open his pants, spread her knees wide, and thrust at her entrance. He slid in like he was made to.

He didn’t stop. His thrusts were that of a starved man. A man hungry for his mate. His hips slapped against hers as his thrusts pushed her against the couch, her ass bouncing off of it.

With them both on their knees, he wasn’t hitting her as deep as she wanted it, but he was moving so fast through her wet pussy—pushing her towards something beautiful and earth shattering.

His hands cupped her bottom and spread her cheeks wide, reminding her of the delicious time he’d taken her in that special way. His mouth came down on hers and nothing could stop the bubbling pleasure that burst forth from her. She turned her head away and screamed as an intense, hard orgasm ripped through her trembling body.

Before she could float back down to earth, he was right there with her, thrusting jerkily then exploding in hot surges inside her.

“Vera, baby.” His voice held wonder in it.

He wrapped her in his arms and fell back to the floor with her. Vera didn’t know how long they lay like that, but their bodies turned cold, their breathing returned to normal. She tried to think of a time when she’d enjoyed something as much as she did this, but for the life of her, she couldn’t.

He held her, his fingers tracing small patterns on her back. Vera had a sudden, wicked thought and propped herself up on an elbow to look down at him.

“Baby?” He seemed to have a hard time opening his eyes, but finally he did and looked at her with a cocked eyebrow. “Are you hungry?”

All at once, his soft cock hardened against her thigh like a steel pipe. His eyes darkened and his lips parted. Jackpot.

“I shouldn’t. I don’t want to hurt you.” She could hear the regret in his voice so she kissed him wetly on the mouth for it.

“But I’d love to feed you,” she whispered huskily and rolled her hips so his cock rested at the entrance to her pussy.

Several things happened at once and she didn’t know which happened first. A hand cupped her neck, tilting her head to the side. And then sharp pressure at her neck like sharp teeth. Thick, hard pressure and then his cock was inside her.

A fleeting pain and her soft skin broke under the pressure of his bite.

Instantly she was bombarded with sharp, incredible sensations throughout her body. The sensation at her neck was so intense that she lazily lifted herself up and down on his cock. Her eyes closed, his name a whisper from her lips, she held him within her body as he took her life essence into his body.

Each draw wrought a sharp sensation from deep inside her. Her body warmed and pulsed, her pussy tightening and releasing with each kiss at her neck. His tongue licked at her torn skin reverently, his lips pulled tight against her neck as he sucked and pulled.

It was too much, he completely overwhelmed her. He must have known it too because he thrust up inside her, filling her hard and completely, as he drank from her neck. The orgasm that ripped through her was blinding.

Her screams blasted off the cabin walls, and she was certain her body would have trembled away had he not held on to her so tightly.

He pulled away from her neck with a lingering lick, then settled down against the floor just holding her, letting her catch her breath.

When she could talk without gasping, she kissed his cheek and said, “Why did you stop?” She lifted her hips in question and his hard cock slipped almost out of her before she pushed back down and shoved him deep. His harsh groan turned into a hiss at the movement.

“Because I want to take you to the bedroom.” He wrapped her arms around his neck and stood with a strength and ease that even she found impressive.

“Tell me how you lifted me so easily. Is it your amazing vampire strength or could you lift me like that as a human? Don’t lie now.”

He laughed and started up the stairs. “I’d never lie to you, Vera. I think you overestimate how much you weigh. Yeah, I could have held you before. You’re nothing to hold, baby.” She inhaled his rich, masculine scent and smiled.

He reached the threshold of her bedroom and suddenly stopped. Vera felt the tension tighten in his shoulders.

“What is it?”

He opened his mouth to say something, but then clamped it closed hard. He strode into the bedroom and tossed her onto the bed. Vera flopped around on the bed like ragdoll and sputtered, “Hey, what the hell, vampire?”

“Do you always resort to name calling when you’re mad?”

“I don’t know.” He leaned nonchalantly against her doorframe and looked around her bedroom with assessing eyes. When his eyes finally landed on hers, it was like electricity passing between them.

“We need to discuss a few things.”

Vera’s stomach dropped through the floor. “Is that just another way of saying ‘we need to talk’?” His rich laughter made her relax, somewhat. He crossed his arms loosely around his chest. She tried not to stare at the way his muscles thickened and bulged, but it was hard.

“Don’t worry baby, it’s nothing bad. I just need to know if you’ll,” his face darkened and he looked wildly around the room before finding her again, “mate with me.” Vera’s mouth opened and closed several times as a rushing sensation swept through her. God she loved this man. What he was asking for was so much more than a marriage. It was a soul-gripping union between two mates.

“Of course I will. I love you so much, Jackson Marsh.” The look on his face was raw love. She could see the young man who’d endured through an abusive father, could see the older man struggling with a past that ate at him, and now the man standing here before her accepting and ready for something new.

He went to her, wrapping her in his arms as he spread her legs and thrust inside her. “I love you, Vera.” He moved hard and fast inside of her, feeling her muscles clench and squeeze his cock.

Vera had no choice but to hold onto him, her fingernails curling into his strong back as his hips whipped back and forth over her. He pulled back, his fangs white in the darkened room, and bit down into his wrist.

Suddenly his thrusts slowed to a lazy but intense rhythm that had her heart fluttering and her blood pounding loudly in her ears. Blood flowed out in rivulets from his wrist but he merely looked at her, a question in his eyes.

She nodded and parted her lips.

His heartfelt grown had her thighs tightening around his. Then he put his wrist against her lips and she drank from him.

His taste was rich like wine, dark like him, and everything she could ever want. Their eyes stayed locked together for endless moments as together their life forces were exchanged. His pulse beat rapidly against her lips, his eyes darkened to black, his pupils widened. She could have stayed like that forever. Just him and her.

When he pushed down on her chin and pulled his wrist away, it was the most natural thing in the world to kiss him with his blood still fresh on her tongue, her lips.

He licked himself off her, kissing her deep and long. He withdrew his cock to the tip then slammed back in as if to remind her he was still there. She moaned loud, wildly as he pulled back again and drove in. Faster, harder he thrust. Until finally he was hammering into her, stabbing at her until she was hovering over the border and about to pop.

His hand curled into her hair, holding her as his lips found hers, kissing her again and again. She was so close. She was stuck. Each thrust hit her perfectly, almost pushing her over but keeping her on the border and not letting her go over.

With a feral growl, he tore himself away from her mouth and pulled her hair to the side. “You’re going to come on my cock, mate. Or I’m going to keep fucking your pussy until you do.” His words in that rough, eager voice shoved her the last bit she needed and she convulsed, her pussy milking and clenching.

“Yeah, that’s it baby. Feel my cock owning you. I’m going to do this every single day for the rest of your life. You belong to me now.” He pounded into her quivering pussy muscles again and again, and amazingly, his words sent her over again, sent her into a quivering, moaning mass of sensations until her hips were rocking tight and wildly against his.

“Ahhh, that’s it,” he groaned, slamming into her so fast. “Going to come,” he warned and then he shoved in deep, the spray of his cum so hot and deep inside her. He twitched and jerked against her as he emptied himself deep into her.

“I love you, lumara,” she whispered with a smile.

“And I love you, mate.”

He kissed her again, a promise of a future together.

About the Author

T. A. Grey lives in Missouri where she spends her days writing and reading heart pounding stories in the comfort of her home. She has two wild cats that never leave her alone and a loving fiancé who surprises her with gifts of cherry taffy. She has a weakness for feeding stray cats, old music, and trying out new recipes. After graduating with her Bachelor of Science in Professional Writing, she has since spent her days filling up pages with sexy and imaginative stories. You can learn more about her books at www.tagrey.com.

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