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Wicked Surrender
  • Текст добавлен: 31 октября 2016, 03:55

Текст книги "Wicked Surrender"

Автор книги: T. A. Grey

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Текущая страница: 6 (всего у книги 9 страниц)

Sweat formed over her body in a sheen. Her hips danced against his mouth over and over, yearning for his touch to be firmer . Her heart was beating so loud that the only thing she could hear was it and her choppy breathing.

“Jacks,” she moaned, her stomach quivering. He pulled back and blew a cool stream of air over her swollen, aching clit. Then he looked at her. The look hit her like an arrow in the heart. It was Alpha. The demanding, possessive look she’d only seen between Vane, Rome , and their mates. A look that said : This is mine.

Her body acted on its own. She was slave to it.

Vera threw back her head, lifting her body into an elegant arch, and spread her legs open. Giving herself to him, offering her obedience to her Alpha.

Jacks groaned, and then his tongue fell on her. Swift, excruciatingly intense pleasure that bordered on pain and brought liquid fire boiling in her blood swept through her in a pulse . She came in seconds, her pleasure pouring out from her mouth, her pussy in moans and waves of liquid heat.

She moaned as he pet her, murm ur ing husky words of approval of how beautiful she was, and then he turned her over gently. Vera’s body was so loose she couldn’t lif t her arm if she had to.

Strong fingers coaxed into the muscles around her spine. A soft sigh teased past her lips. She was more than content to let him massage the muscles of her back.

His touch was s trong and sure, almost reverent . The first touch of his lips to her spine sent chills through her body. He trailed kisses, nips, and licks down the length of her back until finally coming to rest at her buttocks . His hands boldly cupped and shaped the flesh , spreading the cheeks wide, then up.

Vera turned her cheek to the side and closed her eyes, simply feeling the pleasure of him touching her. She’d never felt anything like it , had never had a man worship her with his hands and mouth, and that’s exactly what he was doing. He was paying homage to her body like she was the most the beautiful woman in the world.

The first touch of his finger in the cleft of her cheeks was like lightning in her body. Wild, forbidden, exciting. She held her breath, squeez ed her eyes shut and let her body feel.

She felt the excitement in his hands to be touching her like this; they were gentler than usual but shook enough for her to feel it.

He reached between her legs and spread them open in a vee. Two fingers dove into her pussy eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her. He rocked his fingers insider her, curled them, spread them, then finally pulled them out. She heard a wet sound and opened her eyes to find him licking her cream away like it was forbidden fruit.

His eyes never met hers, were focused on her cleft and sex. He looked mesmerized. Predatorily . When his fingers returned, they rubbed over her clit, pushed back into her pussy then finally rubbed over her tight hole. The first touch sent her ass thrusting back at him.

He chuckled at her, the sound rasping. “Eager, aren’t you.” It wasn’t a question so she didn’t answer.

His finger circled her closed anus then pushed a fraction inside. Vera moaned at the sensation, so similar to being filled in her pussy, yet different all the same. The cream from her orgasm worked wonders as he pulled the finger out and back in, working only the tip inside.

While his finger worked a teased, her pussy tightened and cried out. She’d felt this before, when he’d first put his finger inside her when they’d been against the wall , but this was so different. Before his cock had been fucking her, and the sweet delicious friction of both lengths working inside her had been mind-blowing , stunningly wonderful.

This though was different. Her pussy wept cream with each tiny thrust of his fingers, jealous at the intrusion .

“Put your cock in me,” she said between clenched teeth.

His chuckle was one of supreme masculine satisfaction. “No can do baby, you’re not ready yet.”

She growled the sound no longer human. “I meant in my pussy.” He only laughed at her.

“Be patient baby and you’ll get something so much better.” Her hands fisted in the bedsheets .

“Why can’t I have both?”

“Another time,” he promised. “For now, just feel, relax. Aaah, that’s it.” He pulled his wet finger out and worked it in slowly until he couldn’t go in any further. From there he thrust his finger . The pleasure had her gasping. Vera could sense his patience waning.

“So fucking beautiful. I can barely wait.”

His finger left her and then the bed dipped and she heard footsteps. She turned her cheek to the other side to see him going to the bathroom.

“You better not leave me like this.” He came back with a bottle in his hand. “What is that?” Unease had her legs closing.

He came back to her and split her legs back open again . “It’s lube.”

She couldn’t stop from laughing. “And what, you just brought that with you on the trip? You know just in case.”

He laughed. “No, it was in a drawer in the bathroom. It’s meant for massages or...”

She heard the cap open and the sound sent chills down her arms. A heavy hand fell to her ass, plumped, and massaged the flesh with a possessive hand.

“God I love your ass.” The way he said it made her melt. The man was simply after her heart, there was no doubt about it.

She felt a finger stroking gently over her tight entry almost as if...seeking permission. Her body was thrummed so tight that if he sucked her nipple hard enough she was sure she’d come.

She nodded against the bed and then there was pressure and his finger worked back through her muscles. She sighed at the intrusion. He’d oiled his finger and now it slid in easily.

He pulled back and she couldn’t stop the pitiful groan that left her. Just as quickly, two fingers were pushing into her. She tightened against the much wider invasion feeling like she was splitting apart. It hurt at first but then pain left and only felt... incredible.

“Wow,” she said, having a hard time making her mouth work. She heard his grunt of approval , then he was working those two fingers in and out, the passage way was slick and so tight. She could feel everything about his fingers, the bump of his knuckles, the skin rubbing inside her.

His fingers pulled out of her and when they didn’t return, she turned to see what he was doing. His hand caught the back of her head and turned her back away. Alpha. The man reeked of dominance.

It was as though her confession about control h ad set something off inside him or maybe he just wanted to out do Dmetri, or maybe he just really loved her ass. Either way she was dying to know.

She heard the cap on the bottle again squeeze then snap shut. The bed dipped and his hands cupped her buttocks squeezing them firmly and moving them wide. She wanted to turn to see him but knew he wanted her to stay just like this. She felt like an offering. Except he was the human. God, he didn’t feel that way though.

A hard round nudge pushed at her tight entrance . It hurt and she naturally tightened her muscles . The hands on her cheeks grew softer, ran loving strokes up and down her back.

“Relax baby, trust me. You know you can trust me , right? I would never do anything to hurt you, Vera.”

She did know that. This man had spent his whole protecting people, especially women. She nodded her head and made her body relax.

He came back again and she was surprised how easily her body opened and gave around him. He kept just the head of him there and already her breathing was wild.

It was pain yet it didn’t hurt. She felt full yet he wasn’t inside. Her body was thrumming on the brink of something huge and he wasn’t even inside her. She didn’t know if she wanted to buck him away or have him plunge inside.

His hands came back, stroking softly through her hair, rubbing the tense muscles in her back, relaxing her, coaxing her body into softening. And she did. She pushed in further and couldn’t stop from crying out. It wasn’t a cry of pain though.

He didn’t miss it either. He pulled back to leave just his wide head inside her, then gently pushed back in a few inches, rocking so slowly inside her.

“I wish you could see how beautiful you look wrapped around me. To be the only man here. You’re mine, b aby. Do you hear me? All mine.”

She started to respond, but he stabbed all the way in. She keened below him, her hips rocking, fighting against him at being so fully taken. She clawed at the bedsheets like an animal and tried to pull herself away from him.

It was too much. Yet so damn good. She had no idea what to do, but her body was bucking wild at the big intrusion. Jacks hand fell between her shoulders blades and held her down. She tried to push against him but it was useless. There was no moving this man. As he held her down, he worked his cock out of her tight muscles, sliding with the lube he used, and there was a lot of it, she felt it dripping out of her, sliding between her thighs.

He worked his cock out to the tip then pushed in. Again and again as her body fought below. On the fourth stroke, it was like magic. Her wild cries turned soft and sexy. Moans filled her as the most incredible sensation rushed through her.

“Good baby, you’re doing real good.” His other hand stroked her back, her hips, and ass cheeks so softly compared to his thrusts that grew rough and wild.

She could feel his orgasm pulling up tight in him. His breathing changed, his grip tightened, and his hips jerked faster and faster, harder until the sound of his hips slapping loud against her ass echoed off the walls.

Vera screamed as her body seized up tight. Her orgasm exploded from her body like a rocket. Her ass and pussy clamped down hard as she fought to stay conscious and not fly off the bed with her orgasm.

Jacks slammed into her one last time, the muscles working him were too tight, too strong, and he lost himself. She felt the long, hot spurts of cum filling her as his cock pulsed again and again. Hot liquid filled her deep .

She’d never felt anything like it. She tightened her muscles and clamped down on him, wanting to keep him there forever.

He groaned above her and only after she wrung him dry did he pull out and fall next to her, pulling her into his arms.

“I think I’m in love,” he laughed, toying with a lock of her hair.

Vera’s breath caught and she was glad that she had her face buried in his neck so he couldn’t see the pain ed look on her face. Or worse, the hope that had lit up her eyes for a second before he laughed.

A horrible cold surrounded her heart. He would never love her. After they got back home, he’d say goodbye and that would be the end. It was almost too painful to think about.

Just like Dmetri. A very small part of her had been happy when he finally broke it off. The first time she’d told him she loved him, she was met with awkward silence—that was two months in to the relationship. She’d said it only three other times in the year they were together. Each time, he’d smile at her and kiss her, an uncomfortable glint in his eyes.

Vera relaxed into his strong arms and listened to the strong beat of his heart.

One thing was sure . There was no way she could continue to see Jacks. She’d tried that kind of relationship before, and she was worth more than that. She meant what she said to Dmetri, she deserved someone who actually loved her.

She would cherish every last moment together with him. Then she would spend the rest of her life picking up the pieces of her heart and try to put them back together.

Chapter Ten

“I think that covers everything for the Kategan treaty,” Brayden said. “I am sorry about the complications with Ariss; I assure you that she, her guardian, and Master Claude will be dealt with accordingly.”

“When you find her, you mean,” Jacks said, a lethal scowl on his face. Vera turned away from him before he could see just how much she liked the ferocity in him.

“We will find her. She and her guardian can’t stay hidden forever.”

“Thanks Brayden, maybe I’ll see you next year.” Vera smiled at the old vampire. The man looked anything but old, but she knew he’d been walking the earth for a very long time. Just a hint of a smile formed on his lips.

“Of course you will. Have a safe trip home.”

Vera waved and was almost to the door when Dmetri stopped her. Jacks took a step toward him but Vera put a hand on his arm to stay him. She couldn’t stop the spark of pleasure that came over her at seeing Jacks so protective of her. She was really setting herself up for a world of pain.

Last night had been something special for her, something she’d never shared with anyone. While her heart twisted knowing that he’d never fully give himself to her, she was ready to embrace what she could have with him. If only temporary.

“Yes, Dmetri?” she prompted. She stood between the two men feeling a little like a sexy sandwich. Just press closer, boys.

He glared at Jacks then said to her, “I wanted to say I’m sorry about the wine and everything.” He lifted a hand towards her cheek. Jacks bared his teeth and took another step forward, pushing his body into her back. Her heart fluttered painfully. He’d be perfect if he weren’t too scared to try a relationship. Hell, she’d said the same thing about him being human. At least she’d learned from that.

“Thank you for saying that Dmetri. I know you regret what happened. Listen, let’s just put it past us, okay? No harm no foul. I just want you to be happy. You’ve lived a long time and most of it has been alone. I hope that you can find someone to fulfill you. I just wasn’t that woman. For both our sakes, I’m glad I realized that.”

A deep sadness clouded his eyes, and then he nodded. “Yeah, thanks Vera. Have a safe trip.”

Vera and Jacks left the mansion and stepped out into the late evening air. Their bags were already packed and loaded into their rental. Jacks stepped past her and snatched the keys out of her hand.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m driving, baby,” he said and slid into the driver’s seat. Vera’s stomach did a cartwheel. The man used her weakness against her without even realizing what he was doing. She’d divulged her deepest secret of relinquishing control and now he used it in the bedroom and in normal activities like this. Did he even realize it? Probably not, the man oozed confidence from every pore on his body.

She slid into the seat next to him as he started the car. He barely waited for her to latch her seatbelt before he cupped the back of her neck and brought her face close for a toe-curling kiss. The kiss was gentle but demanding. It was a kiss of possession, and Vera kissed him back with every ounce of need in her, trying to say without words what she wanted, needed. He pulled back from her, breathing heavy. His eyes glittered with arousal as he tracked over her face and neck.

He nodded, satisfied with what he’d done, then pulled away from the gothic mansion. Vera watched the house receding in the side view mirror. When the car turned and she could no longer see the mansion, she smiled. Dmetri was gone from her life and for the first time in years, she was happy about it.

Vera settled her hand on Jacks’ thigh. He peered at her quickly then looked back at the road. The way he drove was precise and smooth, the kind of man who really knew what he was doing. Who knew such a simple thing could turn her on.

“Are you sore today?” His voice was gruff and filled with concern. Vera let her hand travel up his leg and back to his knee before answering.

“Only a little.” She bit her lip, an unconscious gesture, as she trailed her hand back up his thigh. He was so wide and strong there; his thighs like sold tree trunks of muscle. She’d always had thing for legs, and this man passed with flying colors.

“What are you doing?”

She didn’t think it possible, but his voice grew even huskier. Her pussy throbbed with arousal at the sound of it. He had the same voice when he was buried inside her. Her hand squeezed over his thigh and felt the muscle jump underneath.

“I love your legs. Some women prefer butts, chests, hands, or cocks, but me, I love legs. Strong, powerful, muscular legs. The kind of legs that show a girl you’re strong enough to give her a real good time.”

Jacks cut her another glittering stare. “You’re wet, aren’t you?” Vera controlled the flush that threatened to stray up to her cheeks and nodded. “So what if I am?”

She watched him take a deep, choppy breath then pop his neck. He kept sneaking short looks over at her as if he was studying her. Finally his gaze fell to her the bottom of her dress resting against the middle of her thighs.

“I’ve never know a woman to wear so many dresses and skirts.” He sounded angry about it.

“Is that a problem for you?”

He choked on a laugh. “Not at all. It just drives a man wild. Pull your dress up to your waist; let me see your legs.”

The abrupt change in topic had Vera’s stomach churning nervously while her pussy was threatening to spread her legs for her if she didn’t do it herself. Vera remembered that her time with him was limited, so she leaned back into the seat and slowly dragged the hem of her dress up her thighs, inch by inch.

He continued to cut quick glances at her. His nostrils flared when finally her panties were bared. Today she’d thrown on a pair of her black lace boy-short panties that sat low on her wide hips. He looked away and wiped a hand over his mouth.

“Pull your panties down and spread your legs. Show me your pussy.”

A nervous thrill going through her, Vera obeyed, pulling her panties down until they rested around her ankles, then spreading her knees wide. Her scent filled the air in the tight confines of the car. Jacks’ grip on the steering wheel tightened.

“Like this?” she asked sweetly and ran her hands up her bare thighs.

His cheeks flushed and she recognized the hot look that came into his eyes. She knew if she unzipped his jeans, she’d find his cock rock hard and leaking at the round head just for her.

“Lay down in my lap, baby.” Vera arched a delicate eyebrow then slid into his lap. She rubbed her cheek along the incredible erection pulsing against his zipper like a cat. Delicately she used her teeth and pressed a path along the ridge of his cock up and down. His hand came down in her hair to stay her.

“No, turn around.”

Vera pouted, but turned around so that she could look up at his face. She felt trapped between him and the steering wheel; her knees were bent and spread open at this angle, one on the floorboard, the other resting against the passenger seat.

His right hand shot out and flattened on her stomach. “Ohh,” she gasped.

Now she got it.

His hand bunched up the fabric of her dress that had slipped back down and pulled it up high to her waist. Then she felt the hot press of his hand on her bare stomach, low on her hips. His fingers spread wide, then his pinky passed over her thin strip of hair.

“Jacks,” she gasped and couldn’t keep still any longer. Her hands dipped under his t-shirt and ran up his chest. She felt his legs tighten under her back and an image flew through her head of mounting him while he drove.

“You are so beautiful. Soft and smooth. I just want to lick you all over.” Vera moaned when his hand boldly cupped her naked pussy. She heard his sound of approval at her wetness and wanted to preen in delight.

From that point on he controlled her body, told her body what to feel and how much to feel.

A thick finger slid inside her, pumping in and out like a cock. Vera’s hand clenched on his chest as hot pleasure bloomed inside her. He petted her pussy, stroked her deep, then circled her needy bud all the while talking to her in the deep, sexy voice.

“You have the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen. You’re so tight and small you grip my finger like a little fist.” He thrust in with two fingers, pumping them in and out. “And your nipples, baby, shit. Fucking perfect dusky, hard-tipped nipples that I want to lick and nibble on like a damn baby.”

Vera’s head was spinning. She was a gasping, panting pile of lust at the mercy of his hands. Her hips arched into his touch with each downward thrust. All she needed was a little more and she was going to split apart.

“Jacks, Jacks.” He must have heard the urgency in her voice because he pulled his fingers from her tight channel and began circling them over her clitoris with her own cream. Vera felt like a bitch in heat with her skirt pulled up and his hand petting her so good. She wanted his cock in her, pumping deep and hard.

She shook her head side to side as unimaginable pleasure stayed just out of reach. He was rubbing her too softly. She needed him to press harder, but every time her hips rocked up, he let up on the pressure. She lazily opened her eyes and saw the lines of strain bracketing his mouth and eyes.

“Do it. I need you, Jacks.”

His nostrils flared, and then he looked down at her. “Not until you tell me you’re mine.” Vera’s pulse boomed in her ears as her body teetered on the brink of orgasm with his teasing, gentle rubs. Mine? He wanted her to claim she was his. If only he knew how true it was.

“I’m yours, lumara. I’m yours.”

Jacks finally, blissfully, rubbed her pussy in earnest. He gave her no leave, but sought only to wring every ounce of pleasure from her body with only his fingertips. Vera’s head kicked back, a wild moan leaving her as her body exploded apart. Her hips shot off the seat and bounced against his hand while she tried desperately to hold on to his chest for some kind of grip in reality.

Her body dissolved into a blissful puddle in his lap. She didn’t know how long she stayed there, she felt as though she drifted in and out of sleep. But when her eyes slowly slid open, she could feel the rigid press of his cock against the back of her head.

One hand steered the car while the other stroked her stomach in loving passes. She looked down to see he’d pulled her dress back down and covered her naked pussy. That little thought thrilled her more than it probably should.

It was completely dark outside now with only the occasional passing car lights lighting his face in bright sweeps of light. Vera’s heart tightened in her chest. She bit her lip to keep from saying the words she so desperately wanted to.

Suddenly his hand left her stomach to curl under her chin. He passed his thumb across her lip, giving her no choice but to stop biting it. She could smell her essence on his fingers and pride filled her. While he made her state her claim on him, she’d claimed him in the most basic of ways. Her scent was all over him.

“What’s wrong, baby?”

“I...nothing. Why do you ask?”

“You were biting your lip like it was a tasty steak. You only do that when you’re bothered with something.” Vera sputtered. Like hell, how did he know that? She didn’t even know that about herself.

“It was nothing; I was just thinking I guess.”

“About what?” About how I love you and you can’t even date me. About how when we get back to Chicago you’re going to kiss me goodbye and never see me again. About how certain she was, she’d never be the same. He was her mate. There was no doubt in her bones as to that.

When she’d asked Vane and Rome about it, they’d told her the same thing. That it was an unquestioning truth they’d realized; there was no doubt or hesitance, only pure understanding from their souls and their beast. Vera thought it sounded like a bunch of guys who just found love for the first time, but now she knew she’d been way wrong. It was true. Her lykaen, her heart wanted to keep this man at her side forever and ever.

“I was just thinking about how I owe you,” she said and wiggled against his hard erection. He bared his teeth in a pained grimace and was already shaking his head.

“Thanks, but we can’t baby. I can’t drive while you touch me. It was hard just touching you and focusing.”

Vera grinned and ignored all the nasty thoughts popping in on her by rolling over. She rubbed her cheek over his zipper like he was a genie’s lamp and she was ready to get her wish.

“Dammit woman did you not hear a word I just said? If you touch me there I might run this car off the fucking road.” A desperate urgency was inside her. She had to do this. It was the only connection he had to her. She released the button of his jeans and the hiss of the zipper sounded.

Already she could hear his breathing deepen. When a big hand curled in her hair, she knew she’d won. She pulled down his tight jeans until his cock popped free. She wanted to tease him like he’d done her but couldn’t bring herself to. Her emotions were too raw. And some evil part of her wanted him to remember her after he left her, to remember this moment for the rest of his life. For every woman he had yet to fuck and make smile.

She licked a path up the long length of his cock, then circled the head and took him into her mouth. She moaned at his flavor and licked the leaking semen away at the tip. He was so hot in her mouth and soft against her tongue. His taste was so unique. So masculine, heady, and delicious.

She brought her hand into the mix and began pumping him from the base of his cock. His cock pulsed and flexed in her hand like it had a mind of its own.

“Vera,” he said darkly. She didn’t know if it was a warning or a threat, so she ignored it and began sucking his cock in earnest.

She pumped her fist and took him deep, bobbing fast up and down his hard cock. She didn’t leave any place untouched but moved her hand so she could taste his entire length. He bumped the back of her throat and she swallowed convulsively around him. The hand in her hair tightened, then held her there as he let out a feral growl that echoed in the car.

She lifted her head then sucked him deep again and again. His cock was soaking wet from her mouth and she used her fist again to pump him hard and fast. She could hear his breath catch and it was like music to her ears. She sucked him in deep with a desperation bearing from deep inside her. He pressed her down and she tasted the subtle saltiness of precum, and then his legs twitched underneath her and she knew he was close.

Closer and closer he pushed her until she moved her hand away and his short groin hairs pressed to her lips. Then he shuddered hard, his cock swelling wider, and hot squirts erupted in her mouth, landing thickly in her throat, on her tongue. She swallowed over him and he groaned long and hard. He kept coming, filling her mouth up so that she had to swallow again.

Finally his hand eased up in her hair and she pulled away, tucking him back in his jeans and settling back into the cold passenger seat. She jerked her panties up her thighs and rebuckled her seatbelt.

He casted a jerked glance at her. “What’s wrong?” His voice sounded like it’d been run over with sandpaper.

“Nothing,” she said and plastered on a smile. His eyes narrowed on it and her smile faltered, then faded completely. The one man she desperately wanted to bluff right now and he could see through her fake smile like some kind of magician.

“The hell it’s nothing. I just felt a wave of cold from you that has my balls damn near shriveling in despair.”

Vera giggled. She couldn’t help it. Then she shot him an accusatory glare for making her laugh. His frown softened.

“Baby, tell me what’s wrong.”

Vera took a deep breath, trying to think quickly. She’d never been very good at making quick decisions. She thought about it then nodded, coming to a conclusion.

“Fine you asked for it.” She turned to face him in her seat. “I love you. I sure as hell never thought it’d happen with someone like you. A damn human. But obviously fate is a cruel bitch. Not only that but fate settled me with someone who has such big relationship issues that he’s never even been in one!” He didn’t say anything. It felt like hours passed before he finally did. Vera was sure her hair had turned gray by that point.

“You don’t understand. I can’t risk being in a relationship with a woman. What happens when I get mad? Do I have to make you and I learn the hard way whether or not I’m like my dad?” Vera closed her gaping mouth, her heart went out to him, wanting to comfort him, but she knew he’d reject her touch right now.

“Have you ever felt the urge to hit a woman you’ve been mad at?”

“Of course not, but it’s different when people are actually in a relationship. I tazered Sandra after I learned she was part of a hoax to get me away from the mansion that day at Conlin’s. If I was willing to do that in a split second, then I don’t know. I have no idea what I’ll be like. What if I can’t control myself?” He looked at her with such raw intensity that tears warmed her eyes. Oh, baby.

“But your father drank and you don’t. That was his catalyst. I’m sure you don’t have the same one. You hated what he was like; you are in control of yourself, not him and his actions.”

“No, I don’t drink much anymore, but I used to...a lot. The marines helped to straighten me out, and so did Rome, but don’t kid yourself Vera. It took a long time for that to happen. I was out every night I wasn’t working whether Monday or Saturday pounding them back until I was too shitfaced to see straight.”

Tears fell down her face and there was no stopping them.

“I got into fights with any and all motherfuckers who crossed me. Did Rome tell you that I was shitfaced when we first met? That’s why I was so pissed off he ran into me. I didn’t want to tell you before, but now you know. I was a fucking drunk, just like him. Drowning my bullshit problems. And you know what? My problems were still there when I came out of it. Mom was still left alone with him while I was passing out on the barroom floor.”

Vera choked back a sob and he turned to give her a disgusted glance. All the passion and sweetness was completely wiped from his face and all was left was raw pain that had been festering for far too long. Years too long.

“I’m weak, Vera. Susceptible just like he is. I’d hate myself if I ever hit a woman like that.” Vera wiped futilely at her tears, desperately feeling like she was quickly losing him.

“But I’m not weak. I wouldn’t let you hit me if it ever came to that. Don’t you see, I’d be the perfect woman to try to see how you are? And you don’t drink. Did you ever have the urge to fight when you weren’t drinking?”

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