Текст книги "Indecent Cravings: Part Two"
Автор книги: S. K. Cross
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“I’m sure,” I say.
In an instant, I know that everything is all right with this man. Everything is perfectly fine. I’m in good hands. Safe and protected.
Then, as fast as those eyes turned nice, they revert back to the dominant director I know.
“Back to your meal, Cockhound Slut!” he says, pulling my hair from the nape of my neck and shoving my mouth down onto Nikki’s mound.
“I’m very disappointed in you, Cockhound Slut. You nearly got your sweet little ass booted out just then. But now, I need you to eat Useless Fuckhole’s pussy like she’s never had it before.
This time I’m determined to please him. I dive in.
Oh God, this is . . . um . . . well . . . different. Not so bad the second time around. My saliva and Nikki’s pussy juice seem to fuse, creating a combined substance that is much lighter on the palate.
I gotta say . . . not so bad. Getting used to it now. I devour her lips, darting my tongue all along her, all the way up to the knobby cute little head of her clit. I tap it with my tongue and she quivers all over. I tap it again and she quivers again. God, I love that she is so responsive.
I kind of lose myself, drifting off into weightless space as I lick, her juices flowing around my lips into my mouth, her hips bucking. More shakes. More squeals.
I hear Lukas say something, but I’m so lost in a netherworld of delight that I don’t hear what he says.
Suddenly I’m aware of a presence beside me. I jump and turn.
It’s her! It’s the bitch Kayla!
I turn to see her face less than an inch from mine.
“Cowgirl Whore, kiss Cockhound Slut,” I hear Lukas say.
Oh no! I will not! I–
Before I know it, Kayla’s tongue is in my mouth! She licks Nikki’s pussy juice off my lips and goes full bore into me.
God, what the fuck?
“Kiss her back, Cockhound Slut! Enjoy it!”
Oh God, this sucks. But I do it. I’m determined to please Lukas.
So I kiss Kayla. Her lips are soft, her teeth feel like they glisten by the soft swishes of my tongue inside her mouth.
My anger softens and I drift.
“Permission to move freely granted. Feel the scene. Get into it. Let yourself go!”
I move my right hand through Kayla’s long flowing blonde hair and touch her shoulder, pulling her slightly into me.
A surge of desire fires up deep inside me. God, am I actually enjoying this?
Yes! says a voice from deep within me. Yes you are!
I give in. I let go. I’m licking and kissing girls. And it’s okay. It’s super-okay. It’s fucking awesome, actually. I kiss Kayla like a lover who has known her for years. Her hand goes up to my neck, pulling her harder into me.
“Good girls, but don’t forget poor Useless Fuckhole. She’s being ignored. Don’t you think she needs some fun? Lick that pussy while kissing each other!”
Kayla looks at me and smiles. I put aside my hatred and kiss her again.
Fierce this time.
It’s amazing how much power and passion can go into a kiss with someone you hate.
She feels it too. She can’t stand me, but here we are. We have to be intimate and we both realize it and we both love it.
We then turn to Nikki’s muff, which has never been an inch from us this entire time.
I dive in, munching on the now-delicious folds. When did they get so tasty? Don’t know. Don’t care. Now I love them. I want to drink Nikki juice.
I spring up, nodding to Kayla.
She smiles and dives in. I get a charge watching a beautiful blonde girl giving sweet wet love to the pussy of a hot black girl.
I dive into Kayla’s neck and lick all the way up to her ear, sinking my tongue into the delectable white flesh.
“Cockhound Slut!” says Lukas.
Uh oh.
“How may I please you, Director?” I say.
“Cockhound Slut, why did you just lick Cowgirl Whore’s neck?”
“I’m sorry to displease you, Director.”
“Did I tell you to lick Cowgirl Whore’s neck?”
“No, Director. I’m sorry to displease you, Director.”
“I will let that slide, because you are showing an affection I like. But don’t let it happen again!”
“If it pleases you, Director.”
“For that, you will be punished.”
“Move down to Cowgirl Whore’s ass.”
Oh God, no. No, he isn’t. No, he isn’t! No! I refuse! I’m not ready for that!
“Since you like Cowgirl Whore so much, you’re going to bite her left ass cheek.”
Oh, whew, that I can handle. I thought he was going to make me . . . oh, never mind. I bite Kayla’s sweet round ass cheek.
“Do you like it?”
“If it pleases you, Director.”
“Tell me why you like it so much. Permission to speak freely.”
“It’s beautiful and round, Director.”
“Very good. Now dive into Cowgirl Whore’s pussy. Useless Fuckhole, move further up the table. Cowgirl Whore, move up with her and onto your side and lift your leg to give Cockhound Slut access to your cunt. And keep licking Useless Fuckhole to orgasm.”
“If it pleases you, Director,” Kayla and I say at the same time.
I bend over the table, ass up in the air, to get at Kayla’s pussy. After already having eaten Nikki’s pussy, Kayla’s is refreshing. Totally different taste. Wow, how can two pussies taste so totally different? This one is pungent in a completely different way. I think about what pleases me and lick her folds. I hear her moan.
“Good girls,” says Lukas, as he moves up behind me and strokes my hair while I lick and suck.
Oh God, there’s that electrical energy again. Just like when he first touched my hair at Lorena’s party.
I’m eating the pussy of a girl, but the touch of Lukas Thorn’s hand on my hair has more effect on me.
His hand drifts down to my back. I forget that I’m licking as I feel his fingers trace lines down my spine to the top of my fully exposed ass.
God, this is so weird!
I mean, I’ve had sex before. But never have I been on display like this. Part of me is embarrassed, but another part of me loves the fact that Lukas Thorn can just look down and see my all of me fully spread.
His fingers graze across me and tap my asshole.
Then his fingers move down and lightly stroke my folds.
Orgasm on deck now.
Goosebumps form all over me, a trembling shake awakening an inner surge. My pussy flushes with juice to help his fingers do their thing.
Then he pulls them out and spanks my right ass cheek.
Oh God! I giggle.
“What’s that, Cockhound Slut?”
“Sorry, Director. I mean sorry to displease you, Director.”
“I don’t think you’re sorry at all.”
He spanks my left ass cheek.
I giggle again, as waves of pleasure zap through my body.
Oh God, that was good. Why is that so good? Why do I like that so much?
Oh God.
He spanks me again, this time hard enough to get my pussy and asshole both.
“You’re a bad girl, Cockhound Slut! A very bad girl!”
I tremble again uncontrollably. Holy fucking shit, can I come from spanking? My breathing is heavy and by pulse is a thousand miles a minute as his hand lands on my ass cheek even harder.
“You need a good spanking, you filthy dirty slut!”
Mmmmmmmm . . . God, yes!
“You’ve been so bad . . . so so bad, you naughty . . .”
Mmmmnnnnnnn . . .
“ . . . slutty . . .”
Ahhhhhhhhhh . . .
“ . . . cockhound . . .”
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . . .
“ . . . slut!”
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!
I come.
And . . .
I . . .
Uhhhhhhhh . . .
So . . .
Good . . .
Come . . .
again . . .
Oh my fucking god, oh my fucking god, oh my fucking god.
Did I just come from getting spanked?
Yes, I did.
Smack! Smack! Smack! He wails on my ass again.
And I come a third time.
I think I love this.
I think I love him.
Everything stops.
The world stops its rotation.
Silence ensues all over.
I open my eyes. Didn’t even know they were closed. The world re-materializes around me. I’m still face deep in Kayla’s pussy but I hadn’t noticed. It was like I got lifted off into space there for a few intense seconds.
What the fuck? What happened?
“Up!” says Lukas. His tone is different. Cold and disinterested. “Session is over. Report to Erica at the desk.”
What the fuck? Really?
Lukas briskly walks through the door and shuts it, leaving the three of us alone again. Three very horny girls still in a position that nobody ever thought they’d be in.
We stay like that for a frozen moment, like we’re a statue. That ended way too abruptly.
“Was that it?” says Nikki, lifting her head up to look at Kayla and me.
Kayla and I glance at each other, unsure of what to say. Something happened. All the energy suddenly dropped out of the room and nobody seems to know how or why.
Why did he stop? What bothered him? Something made him snap and stop. What was it? What the fuck happened?
“Uhm, I don’t know,” I say, suddenly aware of the awkwardness of the situation.
Without Lukas, we are directionless. We are nothing.
The cowgirl whose neck I licked in a frenzy of passion resumes her distrustful stare. Nikki gets up off the table and folds her arms across her breasts, covering herself even though her dripping snatch is still on full display.
We stay like that for a few awkward moments more, then Kayla says, “Well, guess we better do as he says and shower and report.”
“Yeah,” I say.
Nikki just nods.
Chapter 7
We’re back in Erica’s stupid little office, the three of us sitting facing her. The fax machine hums to life. Who still uses a fax machine, seriously?
Erica types some things into her computer, then makes a note into a leather binder, then takes a sticky note and places it on another board.
Is she even aware that we’re here?
Finally, Erica turns to the clipboard. I recognize it as the same one Lukas had.
She studies it intently, circling some items.
God, this is ridiculous. There is so much tension in this room.
I steal a glance at Nikki and Kayla. Nikki looks forlorn, like she’s devastated. To be honest, I want to go over and hug her. Maybe kiss her.
Kayla, on the other hand, is fiercely angry. She meets my eyes with a new contempt. WTF? We were ferocious lovers just a short thirty minutes ago.
I look back at Erica, a new fire starting up in my pussy.
Goddammit, what doesn’t start a fire in my pussy? Anything? Anything at all? An eraser? A houseplant? Wallpaper?
No, that’s unfair. Erica is gorgeous. Really fucking gorgeous. I get a flash of my entire hand in her hot wet pussy. I bet it glows like the rest of her.
I wonder, are she and Lukas related? He seems to glow too. Well, no, just the sapphire eyes. Oh God, Lukas, what did I do? Did I fuck this up? Will I see you again?
Erica finally smiles and folds her hands.
“Ladies,” she says. “Great job today. You all did really well. I’m so proud of you.”
Yeah, right. Something’s off here.
“But one of you I’m sorry to say won’t be staying.”
I can hear my heart beating in my eardrums.
“Nikki, you did very well at responding to commands, but didn’t do very well with self-control. You orgasmed twenty-seven times. You’re going to need to control that better. Do you have a medical condition?”
“Not that I’m aware of,” Nikki says.
“You might want to see a doctor and see if something is off.”
“Okay.” Nikki looks down again.
Twenty-seven? That’s impossible! Nobody can do that! That’s ridiculous!
Although, come to think of it, there were a shitload of squeals and shakes from that gorgeous little black body as I licked her. Hmmm.
“Kayla, you did very well at bringing energy and enthusiasm to the scene, but you didn’t do very well with cooperation. You must respect your teammates.”
“Okay,” says Kayla with a fuck-off tone as she crosses her legs and folds her arms.
“Which brings us to Jayd. Jayd, you had problems following commands and you really didn’t do well with self-control. It is the opinion of the Director and the program that you be dismissed.”
Kayla turns to me with a happy smile that burns right through me.
What the fuck? Really what the fuck?
I try to speak, but I’m in shock.
Nikki looks at me with sad eyes. I turn to Erica, who is leaning forward with a huge smile, hands folded. “I’m sorry,” she says with an even bigger happy smile. “You may go now. I think you know where the door is. You’ve stormed out of it before.”
“This is unfair!” I say, my inner diva awakening. “I did everything as well as they did.”
“The Director disagrees. He doesn’t want you in the program. And don’t go running to Miss MacCall. It won’t do any good. He has the final say on applicants. So, buh-bye now.”
“He couldn’t have! He didn’t! Let me speak to him. I want to speak to him right now!”
“Sorry. He’s gone home for the day. Buh-bye now.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! You’ve seriously got to be fucking kidding me!”
“Buh-bye. Buh. Bye. Get going please. You don’t want me to call security, trust me. They are very unpleasant.”
I stand up, my vision clouding. I feel a wet stream running down my cheek.
“Fuck you!” I say, fueled by my Inner Diva. I turn to Kayla. “And you too, bitch! Your cunt tastes like shit, by the way!”
Kayla gives me the finger. Nikki has tears in her eyes.
I have about three hundred and eighty one more things to say but I close my eyes, take a deep breath, kick my chair over onto its side, and storm out into the late afternoon heat.
Chapter 8
I think I’m going to be sick.
I’m on the bus heading back to Karissa’s apartment. I’m keeping my head pressed up against the glass of the window seat so that nobody will see the tears flowing down my face.
What did I do? Where did I fuck up? I did everything that asshole Lukas Thorn told me to do!
Oh God, this pisses me off. I don’t deserve this! I don’t fucking deserve this! How dare he dismiss me!
You know what?
Fuck him!
I’m sick of this!
I’m fucking sick of this! All this was a mistake! I hate everybody right now. Lukas Fucking Director Thorn Asshole can take his academy-slash-placement-agency-slash-whore-palace and shove it up his ass! Lorena Bitch Whore MacCall can go jump off her balcony!
That’s it, I’m going home! This experiment is a big fucking failure!
Why did I have to run into the most gorgeous man on the planet on that plane? That’s where everything went haywire. God, what if I had been on a different flight?
Nope, I still would have run into him anyway, wouldn’t I? Because I still would have met him at Bogart when he saved my life, and I still would have met Lorena.
There is something fishy about all this. What was that thing he said to me about happenstance and enemy action? What did he mean by that?
Fuck it! Just fuck it! I don’t care! I don’t give a shit anymore! I’m going to book a flight back home and to back to my stupid life in Massachusetts. Just like nothing happened.
Back to bright red and orange leaves in the fall, riding the crowded and smelly MBTA, boring classes, and figuring out what I want to do when I grow up.
It’s good. It’s fine. I still have my senior year at Wellesley, anyway. It will be fine. None of this happened. It’s all bullshit anyway! Lukas Thorn is bullshit! Bull fucking shit! Florida is bullshit! This fucking heat sucks!
The bus pulls up to my corner. I get out, wipe my eyes, hold my head up high, and walk the two blocks.
As I near Karissa’s apartment, I notice a limousine parked outside. That’s odd. Don’t see many limos in Karissa’s neighborhood, and certainly not at the luxurious Clarion Towers. (Count ‘em. Two.)
An alarm bell goes off in my head, but I ignore it. Too many alarm bells lately. I walk past the limo and toward the stairs. Then, I hear a car door open behind me.
“Smudge!” says a voice I know only too well.
I turn around to see one of the most gorgeous men who has ever walked the face of the earth.
“Trevor!” I say.
I can’t help it. I run toward him and wrap my arms around him. He lifts me off the ground in a big hug, spinning me around. It’s so good to see a familiar face, and not just any familiar face but my Trevor, my dear amazing Trevor!
“How’s it going, Smudge?” That’s been Trevor’s nickname for me ever since I painted my face with Sherwin-Williams latex eggshell white when I was four years old.
I let go. “What are you doing here? Oh my God! Oh my God! It’s really you!” I hug him tight again, burying my face in his hard huge chest muscles. “So good to see you! I’ve missed you so much! Oh wait. Oh no. If you’re here driving a limo, that means . . . oh shit, Dad’s in there, isn’t he?”
“No, I’m standing outside the ritzy Clarion Towers in a skeevy Miami neighborhood in front of a limo because I couldn’t figure out how else to pass the time.”
I smack him on the arm. “Still a dick, I see.”
He laughs. “Yeah, your old man is in there waiting for you. I’ve been texting you all day to warn you. Why don’t you fucking answer?”
“Yeah, my phone died. I forgot to charge it last night. How did he get in?”
“Black chick opened the door and let us in. He told me to wait in the car, which is fine by me. She gave me the creeps.”
“Oh my God! Karissa!” I put my hands up to my mouth.
He smiles, his gorgeous white teeth glimmering in the Florida sunshine. His black hair in his trademark crew-cut has the hint of a receding hairline, but it looks good on him. His face has a few more lines than I noticed before. God, he must be forty now, maybe older, but he barely looks a day over twenty-five. I forgot how good-looking he is . . . and how huge his shoulders are. My Trevor.
“So what’s up with this Karissa chick? She’s your roommate, right?”
“Yes, um, it’s just that she’s um . . . not somebody the family would approve of.”
“Well, no shit, Miss Marple. I noticed. Not that the fucking family approves of almost anybody except themselves.” (Now you know where I learned profanity.)
“Shit, maybe I’ll just not go up there.” I tug at the lapel of his suit jacket. “Let’s go out for drinks, just you and me.”
“Oh, that would go over well, me leaving your father here in this neighborhood. Just go up there. You can handle him. You’ll be fine, Smudge. It’s just your dad. It’s not like your mom would lower herself to come here. You’re good with your dad. Just work your magic and you’ll be fine. He always gives in to you. But, Smudge,” he touches my cheek with his thumb, “I gotta ask . . . are you okay down here? I’ve been worried about you. You look like you’ve been crying.”
I glance around at the courtyard. The old man with the towel is smiling at me.
“I’m fine,” I say. “I think so, anyway. I’m thinking about coming home.”
Trevor’s face lights up. “When?”
“Tomorrow. Or hell, tonight.”
He folds his arms, his shoulder muscles flexing through his white shirt. God, I miss him. He stares off across the street. “I don’t blame you for running away,” he says. “You needed to be away from all that, especially after what happened with Zander.”
I stare at the ground, a flash of poor Zander in my head. “Yeah.”
“I wish you had told me, though.”
“Well, I didn’t even know I was going to do it myself. I had that conversation with Addison and the next day I got on the plane. God, I can’t believe that was only two weeks ago. Feels like a lifetime.”
“Hey,” he says, then says it again when I don’t look into his eyes, placing his finger under my chin to raise my face. “I miss you, Smudge.”
“I miss you too.”
“But if you’re going to come back home, don’t do it ‘cuz of them. Do it for you. You can do anything, you know. You’re so much smarter than Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum.” I laugh. Those were his nicknames for my sisters, who have always treated him as hired help.
“Thanks.” We have a moment, one of our many moments of connection we’ve shared throughout the years. He leans forward, rubbing the backs of his fingers along my cheek. I notice my hand, all of its own accord, reaches up and squeezes his thick wrist.
I swear he’s about to lean in and kiss me, but he pulls back. “Now, get in there and talk to your dad. Buy yourself another month. You don’t really want to come back yet. It’s still July. You don’t need to be back at Wellesley until the last week of August. Your dad will understand. Just work him like you always do.”
“You know, you may be right. I’ve just had a bad day. A really bad day. I’m not thinking clearly.”
“So get up there!”
I giggle and turn. He slaps me on the ass.
God, I don’t know how I would have ever survived without Trevor while growing up. He was the perfect buffer between me and my family. And look, now here he is in this very strange place doing it again!
He was my nanny, my protector, my older brother, my guardian, my driver, and one night . . . well, let’s not go there. We stopped it before it actually started, and we’ve both put that behind us.
The one thing Trevor always does is boost my confidence with his drill sergeant style. As I walk up the steps of the building to Karissa’s apartment, I’m filled with a burst of energy and a determined spirit.
No, I’m not leaving yet. Hell no! I’m not going to let Lukas Thorn win. I’m better than him. I don’t need him. I came here to explore life away from my fucked-up family. And I’m going to do it anyway . . . without Lukas Fucking Thorn!
I take out my keys, but I notice the door is unlocked. I turn the handle and open it, my head held high as I walk into Karissa’s apartment.
The sight that greets me causes me causes me to drop my keys.
I gasp.
Karissa is standing in the middle of the living room wearing only a bikini top.
On his knees in front of her is my dad, her huge cock in his mouth.
* * *