Текст книги "Blood & Loyalties"
Автор книги: Ryan Michele
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Chapter 22
One Month Later
NIGHTMARES. EVERY DAMN night, it was the same one. Me, strapped to a bed, being injected with drugs and wanting to scream yet not being able to find a strong enough voice.
It wasn’t a nightmare.
It had been reality, one that, when I closed my eyes at night, replayed over and over again, not relenting. Even lying in Jag’s arms, the nightmares came, and I saw that man. I could even hear the smirk in his voice.
When I woke up screaming, Jag was always there, trying to calm me. I would scream, yell, kick, and fight until I finally woke up and saw it was Jag who was holding me. He had taken quite a few hits from me, one catching him off guard and giving him a black eye. I had never felt so horrible about something in my life.
Yet, even after all the dreams and thrashings, he was still there. He refused to leave. I was positive I wouldn’t have made it as far as I had, even in small steps, without him there every day.
I had gone to the doctor the day before and told her all about my dreams. She had prescribed me some medicine that was supposed to help me sleep. We would see how that worked. She had also told me all my infections were healed and had been for a while now.
I sat, waiting for Jag in the living room with Scraper over in the corner. I wasn’t able to move far without him attached to me. Rex had to go somewhere, and Jag wouldn’t tell me where or what he was doing, only that he would be back. I also hadn’t seen Val in that time, either. The rest of my family had hounded me. I loved them, but the first few days were hard. Then Jag finally put his foot down, and I was able to relax more.
“Hey, dolcezza.”
I jumped at the voice behind me, turning quickly. Jag’s smile pulled my heart. After everything we had been through, he was still giving me those smiles.
I stood from the couch. “Hey, where are we going?” I walked in front of Jag and wrapped my arms around him. His lips fell down on mine in a caressing kiss, and I fell into it, loving the sensation of him.
I knew I was very lucky that I wasn’t hurt sexually while I was gone. Thank God.
He pulled slowly away from me, and my eyes fluttered open to stare into his beautiful denim eyes, the ones that, no matter how many times I saw them, melted me.
“Hold that thought.”
Before I could ask, he tugged my arm, pulling me through the house.
“Where are we going?” I giggled as he pulled me out of the room, not answering me.
We walked down the hallway and toward the rush. Jag opened the door, kicking it with his foot before dragging me into the vacant room. He shut the door behind us with a click.
“Why are we here?” If anything, this was odd. We never came down here. Jag had meetings, but I hadn’t stepped foot in here since I’d had to meet with my dad and uncle.
He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to his body. “You know how many meetings I’ve had in here?”
I shook my head, because recently, there had been many.
“Lots.” His breath tickled my nose, the mint of his toothpaste right there for me to taste. The scruff of his beard sending tingles to my skin. “And every time I sit in this room, I think about how I will lay you out and feast on you, how I will fuck you on every single surface of this room.” His lips dipped to my ear. “And today, I make it happen.”
My insides quivered. “Really? You think I’m that easy, huh?” I sassed.
“Baby, you are in no way easy, but you’re fucking mine, and if I want it, you’ll give it.” He was right. I would, eventually.
I stepped out of his grasp, a smirk playing on my lips. “Gonna have to catch me first.”
I darted off to the other side of the room, only making it a few steps before Jag’s strong arms gripped me from behind.
“Like this?” Jag asked as I pretended to struggle and laughed.
I turned in his arms. “Yeah.”
His lips crashed down on mine, sucking every bit of air from me. His hands moved up and down my body as our lips began fighting each other for dominance. I knew I would lose, but it was fun trying.
He ripped his lips away from mine. “Naked. Now,” he ordered, pulling out one of the chairs from the table and holding out his hand. “Up on the table.” I paused for a moment, needing just a second, then reached out for his hand and climbed up on the table.
My shoes were the first to go. One thing I didn’t want was to fall flat on my face. That would just scream sexy.
Ever so slowly, I began pulling my clothing from my body, trying to do it as seductively as possible. I didn’t think I was hitting the mark, but when Jag got up from the chair and stripped out of his clothes then sat down, dick in hand, I was sure I was onto something.
I swiveled my hips and ran my hands up and down my body, grabbing my breasts, pinching and twisting my nipples.
“Get down,” Jag commanded, snapping me out of my dance.
One look into the fire burning in his eyes and I complied. My feet didn’t hit the ground before Jag flew to me, pinning my chest to the table.
“Spread your legs.”
My heart pounded as scalding heat seeped out of my pussy. I wanted him now, so I complied instantly.
He thrust inside of me, and I groaned at the delectable intrusion. I laid my hands out in front of me, the slick table providing nothing for me to grasp on to.
His thrusts were hard and deep, catching every nerve in my body on fire.
“Don’t you dare come. We do this together.”
I tried holding it back, but it was bubbling in my gut and wanted to explode. I tried thinking of other things, but then he hit the G-spot deep in my body. I gritted my teeth, trying to hold on to it.
“Hurry up, Jag. I’m going to come.”
“Almost. Put your leg up on the table.” He gripped my hips and pulled me farther back to him, my tits scraping the table.
Thrust after thrust, my body was wound so tightly it needed to blow.
“Come with me, baby.”
After two more thrusts in and out, I exploded, and screams left me as I floated toward a beautiful place.
Chapter 23
THEY FUCKING GOT them, both of those stupid motherfuckers. The only thing I was pissed off about was not being the one to pull the fucking trigger.
Flynn and Ghost were relaxing in South America, and Val and Rex planned their take out. It took two months from start to finish, but that didn’t matter. Flynn had always been a pain in the family’s ass. They’d learned he planted Ghost in to get inside information. When Jake went to Zan for revenge on me, Zan connected everyone as payback for my father’s death. He was the mastermind behind the entire thing. While I was happy that all the players were found out; all I needed were the words they are dead. Catarina would not be hurt by them ever again.
I knocked on the door in front of me before I heard, “Come in,” from Sal’s mouth.
He had wanted to meet with me for a while now, but I had been so busy taking care of Catarina we were only able to have phone conversations. Being as it was his daughter, he had let that shit slide, but I hadn’t been stupid enough to think it would stay that way.
Sal sat at his desk, the cherry wood and dark walls giving off a comforting impression.
“Come on in, son, and shut the door.” Sal waved to the chair in front of him, and I sat.
“What can I do for ya, boss?”
He steepled his hands, giving me that stare that would have most men quivering in their seats. Not me. I knew he meant business, but I hadn’t done anything to warrant any anger.
“You did good finding my Catarina.”
“I had to find her. It wasn’t an option.” I would have looked for her until I took my dying breath.
“Good to hear. So, you want to be permanently set here?”
I had stated that on more than one occasion, but with everything going to shit, we had never had a chance to discuss it.
“Yes. I’m not going back, sir.” I knew I was digging myself deep here because no one talked to him that way. Regardless, I was hoping, since it was his daughter, he would understand. “I love her. I’m not leaving her again.”
We sat in silence as Sal stared at me as if he were weeding into my brain. I stayed strong, never wavering from his stare as I waited for him to speak.
“Who do you suggest run California?”
“Diego. He’s been my right hand for years, and he loves it there.” I knew he would know exactly what needed to be done and when. I knew his sons and nephews weren’t an option because Sal wanted them close to home, especially after what happened to Catarina. I understood that.
“Done.” He sat back in his chair while I stared in shock for a bit.
That was it? Nothing else to it? Just done?
“Don’t look at me like that. You are good for my girl, but it still stands. If you hurt her, I’ll fucking kill you and not think twice about it.”
I’d never had a doubt.
“Never. I’ll always protect her.” I stopped for a moment. “What about my position in the organization?” The thought had never occurred that I would be demoted until that moment. That was something I didn’t fucking want at all.
“Same unless you prove otherwise,” Sal stated matter-of-factly.
“I won’t.”
“I have faith you won’t. Now go. I have shit to do.”
I snickered, getting up from my chair. Finally, shit was going right in my life.
Three Months Later
I PLACED THE phone receiver down on the cradle, taking a calming breath. These past three months had been a bit of a whirlwind. Jag had now fully moved in with me and had these grand ideas of marriage. Not that he had asked, but if he did, I wouldn’t say no. I loved him, even if he was a demanding, annoying jerk sometimes. I loved those parts, too.
Jag had flown his mother here to meet me about a month before. We had been going to take a trip there, but I just couldn’t do it. Just the thought of the confines of the plane and not being able to escape made me a basket case. Being chained to a bed and not allowed to move for days could do that to a person, but the good thing was that my nightmares had calmed down significantly. Now I wasn’t so terrified to go to sleep. There were nights when I didn’t even think about it, and those were the best.
Jag’s mom was a very lovely woman, but her eyes showed quite a bit of heartache. Every time she looked at her son, though, she lit up. I liked seeing that part. She stayed for a week then went back to Cali. I could tell from Jag’s moodiness a few days later that he was having a hard time with her leaving. It always made me wonder if he would leave and go back across the country, so I asked him. He told me that he would never leave me again, that the only way he would go was if I wanted to, and I believed him.
A knock on my office door drew my attention.
“Come in.”
In stepped my handsome man. His denim eyes and shaggy hair mixed with his tight as sin muscles still had my insides quivering.
“Hey, dolcezza. You ready?”
I smiled, gathering up the last of my things quickly. We were due for dinner that night at my father’s house.
“Absolutely.” I walked around the desk after picking up my bag.
Jag grabbed my waist, pulling me to his body before crashing his lips to mine. I would never get tired of his taste on my lips.
“I love you,” I whispered when he pulled away.
“I love you, too, dolcezza, and tonight, I’ll show you how much.”
“Rina, you do not need to help me!” my mom exclaimed as she walked into the kitchen. “I will get all of those.”
The sudsy water sloshed over the sink as I wiped each plate and cup from dinner. Mom had outdone herself once again, making homemade tortellini and sauce, lasagna, and fettuccine alfredo. I knew there were a lot of mouths to feed, but she had really gone overboard judging by the amount of leftovers I had just packed up and put in the fridge. I had snuck some to take home, too. There were reasons to help with dishes.
“Oh, Mom, just let me help. It’ll go a lot faster if we do it together.”
Mom sidled up to me, her forehead crinkled like she wanted to disagree. Mom always had a certain way of doing things—her way. Sometimes, we kids would do it right, but most of the time not.
She let out a deep breath. “Fine.”
We fell into a comfortable silence and worked together quickly.
Strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me into hard, muscled flesh. “Hey, dolcezza, come in the living room with me?”
I nodded, closing my eyes and enjoying his warmth. He let go, stepping back, and I was instantly sad, missing his touch.
I finished washing the sink out hastily then grabbed a towel to wipe my hands.
“Okay.” I smiled up at him, seeing his face with the same smile I had fallen in love with over a year ago.
“You, too, Mrs. Lambardoni.” He nodded to Mom who followed behind.
Making our way to the living room, I noticed my brothers were giving each other shit for God knew what. Dad was sitting back, watching the show, just waiting for when he had to voice his disapproval.
Jag stopped and wrapped his arms around me as I did the same. I rested my head on his heart, listening to it beat; the sound always calmed and soothed me.
“Can I have your attention?” I jumped when Jag spoke, but he held me securely to his chest. “As you all know, I am in love with your daughter and sister. She is the light in my world and the star in my life. I will protect her until my last breath and love her just the same.”
When Jag pulled out of my grasp then went down on one knee, my hand flew to my mouth as a loud gasp left me. My eyes never strayed from Jag’s. Even though others were in the room, they didn’t exist in that moment. Butterflies started a war in my stomach.
“Catarina, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
Tears rolled down my cheeks. My heart clenched and filled with so much love in that moment I thought it would burst into a million pieces. “Yes.”
Jag smiled, reaching into his pocket. “Give me your hand, dolcezza.” I held out my hand, and he laughed. “I need the left one, babe. That’s kinda how this works.”
Shit. I quickly switched out my hand, and Jag slid a ring onto my finger. Then he held my hand and kissed it once before he held it up for me to see.
I couldn’t breathe, really couldn’t breathe. I thought I just might faint. I had no idea how big the diamond was, but it was princess cut with diamonds around the band. It was absolutely stunning.
“It’s beautiful.”
He stood up and wrapped his arms around my body. “Not as beautiful as you.”
I held onto him, allowing the tears to free fall.
“I love you,” I whispered into his chest.
“I love you, too. And you know the best part?” I pulled away slightly, looking into his eyes. He moved to my ear. “Now I get to fuck you anytime I want for the rest of our lives,” he whispered softly.
I laughed. I guess he could, and I couldn’t be happier.
Click the link below
Where to even start.
My readers. You are the best. Thank you for going on this ride with me and sticking by me throughout my different books. I appreciate each and every one of you! Thank you!!!
Chelsea Camaron—I love ya girl. Thank you for…everything. Words can’t express how awesome it is to have a friend like you. One I can call on at all hours of the day or night and you don’t think I’ve totally lost my marbles. One who listens, brainstorms and there no matter what. Thank you for not being afraid to tell me when something sucks and I need to change it. I appreciate that more than you will ever know. There really is no way that I will ever be able to repay you, except to give you my undying friendship.
Terri Anne Browning—I love ya, too. I’m so happy that we met and became the friends we are today. I value your friendship so very much. Thank you for the time you took to read this book and help me out. A thousand times over, thank you, thank you, thank you. It wouldn’t be the same without you.
My family. I know I’m crazy. I know I spend hours and hours and hours on books and book related things. I know I get stressed out. I know you go without cooked meals. I know that laundry stays clean in baskets for days, weeks without being folded. But with all this, you stand beside me and encourage me throughout my writing journey. I wouldn’t be where I am today without your love and support. I love you from the bottom of my heart.
Ashleigh—thanks for going on this crazy ride with me.
About the Author
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Other Titles by Ryan Michele
Ravage MC Series
Ravage Me (Ravage MC #1) http://amzn.to/1hc2998
Seduce Me (Ravage MC #2) http://amzn.to/1J67Nzg
Consume Me (Ravage MC #3) http://amzn.to/1EtwEMl
Inflame Me (Ravage MC #4) http://amzn.to/1UVfKQf
Captivate Me (Ravage Me #5) Coming 2016
Satisfy Me http://amzn.to/1J680Cx
Rattle Me http://amzn.to/1hc2t7M
Ravage MC Box Set http://amzn.to/1EtwIvO
Raber Wolf Pack Series
Raber Wolf Pack Book One http://amzn.to/1hc2FUF
Raber Wolf Pack Book Two http://amzn.to/1EtwMvn
Raber Wolf Pack Book Three http://amzn.to/1EtwPaJ
Raber Wolf Pack Box Set http://amzn.to/1LlnxW0
Safe http://amzn.to/1J68tVy
Wanting You http://amzn.to/1PqM0aU
Blood & Loyalties http://amzn.to/1POwIfR
Angel’s Halo (Angel’s Halo MC) By Terri Anne Browning
© Terri Anne Browning
Chapter 1
I know it’s going to be a shit day as soon as I hear the thunder rumble outside my window. Groaning, I pull my comforter over my head and close my eyes, willing the world to go away for at least another few hours.
It doesn’t. Of course it doesn’t. It never fucking does.
My phone buzzes on my pillow and I grope for it with my hand. When I feel the bejeweled skull case of my iPhone, I jerk my hand back and see that I have a text from one of my brothers.
SOS! New girl quit. Get your ass down here… Please.
I glare at the screen. I knew the second my horndog brother said he was hiring his latest fuck buddy, and in turn offering me my first Friday night off since I had started working at our family-owned bar, that this would happen. Raider’s interest in any one girl never lasts past the first week, and as soon as he moves on—which had been the night before—our new girl is out the door.
I mutter a few curses that would have made every one of my brothers swat my ass because ladies don’t swear, and shoot a quick response back to Colt, who’s manning the bar tonight. If he hadn’t said please I would have told him to go fuck himself, but Colt’s the youngest of my four older brothers and doesn’t take me for granted … much.
As soon as the text is sent I toss back my covers, push my long blonde hair back from my face, and head for the bathroom down the hall. My room had been a last minute addition to our house, because I had been a last minute addition to the family, so I don’t have my own private bathroom like my fucktard brothers do. My parents hadn’t been expecting me having decided that four monstrous boys were enough to keep the Hannigan legacy going strong. When I ended up being a girl, not a boy like everyone had been expecting, everyone got the surprise of their lives; there hadn’t been a Hannigan daughter in over seven generations.
A quick five minute shower, where I veto washing my hair because it’ll take a good half hour to blow it dry, and I’m back in my room pulling on a pair of hip-hugging, distressed jeans and a white tank top with the words Hannigan’s Biker Bar on the back and smaller version of the logo on my left breast. My heeled biker boots complete my work attire. I don’t bother with makeup because I hate that shit.
I grab the keys to my black Challenger, a gift from all of my brothers for my eighteenth birthday, and head out the door. It doesn’t surprise me to see that the driveway next door is already overflowing with hogs, muscle cars, and a few prissy sports cars. The two prissy cars belong to the girlfriends of my neighbors. Those two were trust fund bitches dating two of the town’s biggest bad boy bikers to get back at Daddy for not showing them enough attention.
The loud music blares from the house next door, and I rolled my eyes as I climbed behind the wheel of my car and gunned the engine. A few heads come out of the front door of the neighbor’s house when they hear me revving, and I see my brother Hawk waving at me. I roll my window down just enough to yell a goodbye without getting wet.
“You be careful, Rave!” Hawk shouts. “Those damn roads are drenched.”
“Yes, Mom!” I roll my eyes and back out of our driveway.
“Raven Anne!” I hear my middle name as I switched gears quick and sure and punched the gas.
A grin teases my lips as I picture my brother and his dickwad friends glaring. I’m going to get it later when he and the rest of the gang come into the bar, but for now I’ll enjoy the fact that they’re thinking about me and not the orgy I had interrupted.
The roads are really wet but I don’t bother to slow down. It’s ten minutes to the bar and I get there in under four. The parking lot is packed, and I jump out trying to make a run for the front entrance to keep from getting soaked. It doesn’t matter because my hair was dripping by the time I walk through the door.
Familiar rock music blasts from the overhead speakers. The scent of smoke and booze greets me, and I turn a few heads as I weave my way through the overcrowded bar. My white shirt is plastered to my breasts, bringing attention to my black bra, the cool air of the air conditioning causing my nipples harden. Male eyes catch sight of me, narrow, and then quickly look away as soon as they realize who I am.
There is only one true rule in here: no one touches Raven Hannigan.
Hannigan’s is the hangout for Angel’s Halo Motorcycle Club. My dad had been the president of the Club until he died. My Uncle Jack should have taken over as president, but he wanted the Club under a younger ruling. The title had passed to my oldest brother Jet, until recent events had happened, but he’s still technically president. Technically.
Colt and Raider, the younger two of my four older brothers, are high on the totem pole in the Club. It isn’t because their last names are Hannigan either. I wasn’t allowed to know what they did for the Club, culpable deniability and all that crap. They are both hustling to mix drinks and pour beers. They give me a relieved grin as I walk toward them. I shoot Raider the middle finger, disgusted with him for not being able to keep his dick in his pants for at least another twenty-four hours so I can have a night off to sleep, as I rush into the office to get an apron and tie my wet hair back.
Neither of my brothers say a word to me as I grab a tray and start making my rounds. I pick up a handful of empty bottles from the closest table and toss them in the trash before asking if the three bikers want anything else. They barely glance at me as they ask for a bottle of Patron and a salt shaker.
It takes me thirty minutes to make my way through the bar until I get to the booth in the back. I hadn’t bothered with the patrons of that table until now because I know that once I get back there I won’t be able to leave for at least ten minutes.
As soon as I reach the six men sitting at the booth, I offer them a smile. This is where the Originals sit. The Originals along with my dad had founded the Club and all the younger members looked to them for the guidance in life, sex, and business. They only come in on Friday nights. Shoot the shit, handle business. Make sure that the pups still know that in the biker world they were the law, second only to the Club’s president.
“Hey there, girl!” They all greet me with a welcoming smile. Their old eyes light up with affection and appreciation. I look just like my mother, or so I’ve been told at least a million times. I don’t remember her because her life had been tragically cut short, but I’ve seen the pictures and there is a resemblance. If I’m half as hot as she was, I guess I’m not that bad.
I stop beside my Uncle Jack. He’s not really my uncle but that’s what I call the Originals, each and every one of them. “What kind of trouble are you old fuckers causing tonight?” I ask, bending my head to smack a kiss on Jack’s cheek. I don’t expect them to actually tell me what they’ve been doing back here all evening. Not knowing is my safety net.
A beefy arm wraps around my waist. “You and that smart-ass mouth, Raven.” He shakes his head at me but he’s grinning. “Your poor momma is rolling over in her grave at how those boys let you talk.”
I shrug. My mother supposedly never even raised her voice, let alone cursed. Everyone that describes her says the same thing. “Maggie Hannigan was a lady.” I’m nothing like my mother. I had grown up in a house with five bikers and no female influence at all, unless you counted the trail of one night stands that had come and gone through the front door. I talk and act just like I am—the spawn of a biker.
“You guys need anything?” I glance at the open bottles on the table between them: a half-empty bottle of Jack Daniels, quarter of a bottle of Patron, longneck beer bottles, and a few glasses of draft.
“We’re good for now, Raven,” Uncle Chaz assures me. “But we sure wouldn’t turn down a few minutes of sunshine in this stale ass place.”
I wink at Chaz. He’s sixty-three and has a granddaughter my age that he never sees. Chaz doesn’t see any of his family much, except for the only one of his sons that had joined the club at eighteen. His wife tucked tail and ran after Chaz had nearly died from a knife fight here in the bar long before I had even been a gleam in my dad’s eye.
“I’m always happy to oblige, Uncle Chaz.”
The door opens letting in the scent of rain and summer air. I wouldn’t have normally looked up, but the heat of eyes on me has the fine hairs on my neck rising, forcing me to turn my head …
All the oxygen traps in my lungs as my eyes land on the beast of a man standing by the still-open door. Uncle Jack, his arm still around me, feels me stiffen and raises his head. I hear him mutter something that sounds like a curse before he stands. The other five Originals follow suit, heading toward the man that just entered the bar,
Leaving me standing there feeling like someone just stabbed me in the heart.
The enforcer is back.
The story continues… http://amzn.to/1K2Eo9s