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The Religion of the Crow Indians - Robert Harry Lowie
  • Книга добавлена: 10 октября 2016, 01:29
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Название книги: The Religion of the Crow Indians

Автор книги:

Язык книги: русский
Издательство: The American Museum Of Natural History
Город: New York
Год издания: 1922
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Описание книги

First published in 1935, The Crow Indians offers a concise and accessible introduction to the nineteenth-century world of the Crow Indians. Drawing on interviews with Crow elders in the early twentieth century, Robert H. Lowie showcases many facets of Crow life, including ceremonies, religious beliefs, a rich storytelling tradition, everyday life, the ties of kinship and the practice of war, and the relations between men and women. Lowie also tells of memorable individuals, including Gray-bull, the great visionary Medicine-crow, and Yellow-brow, the gifted storyteller.

The Crow nation today is vital and active, creatively blending the old and the new. The way of life recounted in these pages provides insight into both the historical foundation and the enduring, vibrant heart of the Crow people in the twenty-first century.


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