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  • Текст добавлен: 19 сентября 2016, 14:11

Текст книги "Traded"

Автор книги: Rebecca Brooke

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Текущая страница: 19 (всего у книги 19 страниц)



We were halfway home when Ashton glanced over at me. “It’s later.”

I knew exactly what he wanted but I decided to play coy anyway. “I guess that happens when time passes.”

He chuckled. “When did you become a smartass?”

“Let’s just say I had a great teacher.” I took a deep breath, letting my voice take on a serious tone. “I did learn something about you tonight.”

His hands twisted around the steering wheel, waiting to hear what I had to say. “And that is?”

“That your clients are lucky to deal with you, instead of your brother or father.” He glanced over like he wanted to say something, but I continued before he got the chance. “Don’t get me wrong, both of them have been wonderful to me since I met them. But I know there’s no way they would have let that man out of the box without injury for not having the money. You’re willing to give people a second chance when they truly deserve one.” I reached over and covered his thigh with my hand. “It may not be the ideal situation, but I understand.”

A deep sigh escaped his lips and his grip loosened, the corners of his mouth turning up into a grin. “You make me sound like some kind of knight.”

I giggled. “A dark, sexy knight maybe.”

“You think I’m sexy?”

Déjà vu made me answer the question the same way he did what seemed like forever ago. “Fuck yes, I think you’re sexy.”

He groaned. “God, I love it when you curse at me.”

Ashton leaned on the accelerator and my back was pushed against the seat. He seemed anxious to get home; but so was I. I could only imagine what he had in store for me when we got home.

Whatever it might be, I was more than ready.


A week had passed and there was no sign of Dominic. The divorce papers had been served, and Arthur assured me that he’d already asked for a court date for a contested divorce in case Dominic refused to sign them. Either way, I didn’t have to stay married to him.

“Elena, where are you?”

“In your room.”

I was getting my things together for the day’s shows. Saturdays were hectic because there was a matinee as well as an evening performance.

“How many times do I need to remind you—this is our bedroom, not mine.”

“Sorry. I’m still trying to get used to it. It’s still a little weird for me.”

He smiled and wound his arms around my waist. “I wanted to tell you to break a leg tonight. I’m not happy I’m missing both shows.”

I still couldn’t believe he’d been to every single performance, despite being ridiculously busy with the restaurants and work for Malcolm. Somehow, he always managed to buy the same seat so I knew where to look for him. Even though I didn’t mind that he had to work, it was going to be weird looking over to see someone else in “his” seat.

“I know, but missing one isn’t a big deal. We still have five weeks of shows left. Besides, you need to deal with that wedding tonight.”

“Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

“No, it doesn’t, but I’ll have Brock and Lewis bring me to you when I’m done and we can go get something to eat.”

“I think that’s a great idea. Are you still okay with Brock and Lewis going with you?”

I nodded. “Yeah. I think Dominic might have skipped town.”

“The fucker still owes me money, but losing the money is worth it if it means he stays away from you.”

“Everything will be fine. Now go, before you’re late. I’ll see you tonight.”

Ashton gave me more than a quick peck to remember him by before leaving for the restaurant. I threw the last few pieces into my bag and headed out.

When we arrived at the theater, I told Brock and Lewis they didn’t need to sit through both performances today. I’d be back stage with security. They could come back around nine, which should be a little after intermission.

“Only if you’re sure,” Brock said.

“I’m positive. Brock, you’ve been here so much, you know this show as well as I do. I’m safe here, take a break.”

He watched me for a second then nodded. “Okay. We’re going to grab something to eat down the street. We’ll come back every so often to check on you.”

“Okay.” I smiled.

I wasn’t trying to get rid of him—he could have stayed if he really wanted to, but this was the first time he’d have to sit through the show twice on the same day. I just couldn’t do that to him. With all of the security in place to keep out the crazies I was fine, as long as I stayed back stage.

That was the thing with having two shows: there wasn’t any time to get bored. Between sound checks and costume changes, lunch breaks, and shows, the day passed quickly.

The final performance over, I was in my room, changing to meet Ashton for dinner. Brock had already stopped inside and I’d told him I’d be a few. He searched the place, then told me he’d be in the car waiting. It had been our routine for the last few weeks, ever since Ashton had been arrested. Brock still scared me to a certain degree, but I was beginning to see flashes of the real him, and we’d built a good routine. He was a good guy, and I was pleased I had him around to keep an eye on me.

Stepping through the door, the crisp night air wrapped around me cooling my skin. Across the lot sat the Bentley. Everyone else was still inside, having a drink, celebrating the show, but I’d made my excuses, wanting to get to Ashton. It was weirder than I’d thought to not have him watch the show, and I was anxious to get to him.

Two steps toward the car a hand gripped my arm pulling me to a stop. A shudder raced down my spine when the voice spoke next to my ear.

“My dumb little wife thinks she’s moved onto bigger and better things, does she?” Dominic’s voice slithered across my senses.

“Get your hands off me.”

“Fuck that. You’re coming home with me, where you belong.”

I attempted to jerk my arm out of his grasp. My gaze darted to the car and I realized that he’d pulled me out of their line of sight. Eventually they would come looking for me, but it was still early. I was going to have to deal with Dominic on my own.

“I don’t belong anywhere near you. You want a slave you can emotionally destroy, not a wife.”

“A wife is supposed to serve her husband in every way.”

When he moved his head, I noticed the crazy glint to his eyes. He’d always been cruel to me, but now he looked as if he’d completely lost it. I clenched my fists to keep him from seeing my hands tremble.

“No, marriage is supposed to be a partnership. Ashton has shown me exactly how I deserve to be treated and it’s nothing like the way you tortured me.”

He growled, slapped me across the face hard enough to bring tears to my eyes and slammed me against the wall of the building. Pain reverberated down my back. With both of his hands holding my upper arms, I used the self-defense training Ashton insisted I learn, and drove my knee up into his groin as hard as I possibly could. He let go of me instantly to cup his crotch.

Run, Elena. Run!

Seeing a clear path, I started to run toward the car. Halfway there I was thrown to the ground by Dominic’s weight. Spinning my body, I threw him off but I wasn’t fast enough and he jumped to his feet, coming toward me, pulling a pistol out of the back of his pants.

“Now, you’re going to come with me quietly, or I’m going to turn this gun on the goons in the car.”

There was only one way this could end.

Throwing out my leg, I was able to knock him to the ground. The clang of metal against the concrete drew my attention to the gun that had slipped from his grip. Scrambling forward, I tried to get to the gun first. The second my hand slid around the barrel, I rolled, and pointed the gun at Dominic.

I pulled the trigger and the sound echoed through the lot.

Footsteps pounded across the pavement toward me as Dominic’s eyes met mine, his hands covering the hole in his stomach. He dropped to his knees.

There was blood.

A lot of it.


“Elena,” Brock shouted, grabbing Dominic’s shirt and pushing him away from me.

Lewis pulled his phone out of his pocket, calling first the police then Ashton. Brock sat next to me, taking the gun from my hand. “Are you okay, Elena?”

The sight of Dominic’s body, oozing life, held me immobile.

“Physically she’s fine.” Their voices sounded like they were coming down a tunnel. “Yeah, I’m not sure she’ll answer. She seems to be in shock. Of course I called the fucking police. No reason for us to clean up this mess. She was defending herself. Hold on.”

A phone was pushed into my hand and raised to my ear.


I couldn’t speak. My voice was trapped.

“She’s listening,” a male voice called out. “Just talk to her.”

“Elena, babe, please listen to me. I’m on my way.” Horns blared in the background. “I know you didn’t want to hurt him, but he left you no choice.

Sirens came closer and closer.

“Elena, please talk to me. I love you. Please.”

Something in Ashton’s pleading tone snapped me out of it. “Ashton?” I whispered.

“Yeah, baby, it’s good to hear your voice. I’ll be there soon. Are you okay?”

Flashing lights surrounded us.

“The police are here.” My tone was flat, unfeeling.

“Elena, please keep talking to me. Just listen to my voice.”

Police were everywhere, yelling for us to put our hands in the air. I didn’t want to lose my connection to Ashton, but I had no choice. I dropped the phone to the asphalt and held up my hands, palms out.

After determining we weren’t armed, the officers separated us. They took me to a medic, who looked me over as they began to question me about what happened.

“Elena,” Ashton called from behind the police tape.

They wouldn’t let him through. Didn’t they understand that I needed him? Ignoring the officer talking to me, I spun and ran toward Ashton. The second his arms wrapped around me I lost it, heavy sobs ripping from my body as I collapsed against him. Eventually they let Ashton through when they realized it would be the only way to get me to finish answering questions.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I heard Brock and Lewis apologize to Ashton. I continued to answer questions. My whole body was functioning on autopilot. It was so bad, I barely noticed Ashton leading me to his car and helping me inside.

The entire drive home, I stared out the window. Dominic’s lifeless body wouldn’t leave my thoughts.

We pulled up outside the house and Ashton left the car at the curb, lifting me and carrying me through the front door. He set me down in the kitchen, getting a cloth and wiping at my skin, checking me over. I wasn’t even sure where I was hurt at that point.

His fingers brushed over my cheek and I flinched. His hands were shaking. He clenched his fists.

“If that motherfucker wasn’t already dead, I kill him myself.”

Once again, my eyes filled with tears and he cursed under his breath.

“Babe, I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m just so fucking angry I wasn’t there to protect you.”

“I . . . killed . . . a man,” I cried.

Ashton pulled me to him, his hand sliding up into my hair to hold my head to his chest. “Oh, baby, I know. But you had to. You have no idea how much I wish I was the person who could have done that for you.”

For long moments he held me in his arms. The scent of his cologne started to have an effect on me. I wanted him and I wanted him badly. Gazing up, I saw the same needed reflected back at me.

And then his mouth was on mine. His tongue slipped inside, caressing every inch and dancing with mine.

“Elena, I need you so fucking bad. I need to know you’re okay. If you don’t want this, say now.”

I ran my fingers down his face. “You can have me anytime.”

The first thing to hit the floor was my shirt, then my bra, quickly followed by Ashton’s shirt. Our lips reconnected, his thumb brushing over my hardened nipple and the feeling shot through me, straight to my core. I was Ashton’s musical instrument and damn he was an expert at playing me.

His lips moved down my neck, stopping to suck on my pulse point, then moved lower until they closed around my nipple, almost causing my knees to buckle. Pushing me flush against the door, he held my weight up with his own.

I need more.

His hands and mouth weren’t enough. My hips started grinding against his. When one of his hands slipped up underneath my skirt, pushing my panties to the side until his fingers brushed over my exposed clit, my hips bucking of their own volition.

“Please, again.”

I didn’t care that I was begging.

I needed to come.

I wanted him inside me.

His fingers flicked over my clit again. “Please, I don’t need slow and sweet, I need you to fuck me.”

His eyes widened for a moment, then lust took over and his belt was off and his pants unzipped in a matter of seconds, his cock bobbing freely in front of him. He didn’t even bother taking off my skirt and panties. Lifting me by the ass, he plunged deep inside.

The feeling was exquisite.

“You feel so fucking good,” he growled.

“Please, move.”

I didn’t need to ask twice. My body was forced against the wall, his thrusts quick and sharp until I could feel my muscles tightening, my body reaching for its peak. I knew Ashton was close. His eyes bore straight into mine and I saw dazed passion in his unfocused gaze.

As my body went down in fire quicker than I ever thought possible, I cried out, repeating his name over and over until I was hoarse. Ashton followed almost immediately, his breath coming in sharp pants.

There was a thud as his head hit the door behind me. Slowly, we regained our strength and I unhooked my legs from around his waist, allowing him to set my feet back on the floor.

Ashton stared into my eyes, lightly caressing the bruise that was most likely forming right beneath my eye. “Elena, I love you so much. You are my whole world.”

Tears blurred my vision and I couldn’t stop them from falling. “I love you too. Thank you for saving me.”

“I didn’t save you. You saved yourself.”

And for the first time in my entire life, I felt at peace. I had a wonderful man who loved me and who showed me how true love should be. He taught me to stand on my own two feet and introduced me to a world of pleasure I’d never known before.

I was pretty sure life couldn’t get any better.



Five weeks had passed since the night Elena was forced to kill her ex-husband to save her own life, and it was taking time for her mind to heal. After a thorough investigation, the police declared it self-defense, but it was hard to get Elena to see that at first. Nightmares plagued her, making her restless and tired. I did my best to wear her out each night. Exhausting her so she had no option but to sleep.

But none of it stopped her from going to the theater each night, performing her best. She proved to me that you can do anything you put your mind to.

It gave me the courage to talk to my dad about his business. Elena made me realize that it was better for me to collect the debts than Miller or my dad. Apparently, I was more sympathetic. Either way, I agreed to collect debts only. The loans had to be taken out with them.

It was her final performance. She’d told me that, while she was sad to see it end, she was excited to keep increasing her experience in the theater world. Alan said she could work on any show he had. That brought a smile to her face so large I wanted to sponsor a show for him just to see it again.

The lights dimmed and I sat and waited for my favorite part of the play. The curtains opened and her voice took over. It was beautiful and soothing. Then she entered the stage and all thoughts of the rest of the show fled my mind.

The gorgeous vixen standing on stage was the woman of my dreams. We might have got here through some fucked up circumstances, but I wouldn’t trade a moment with her. More than anything, I wanted her to be my wife. Someday she’d be ready, and when she was, I’d be there waiting to slip a ring on her finger.

Who would have guessed when I walked into the stadium that night, that I wouldn’t just be trading for money, but for the rest of my life.


Writing Traded was a new experience for me. Taking on a subject like domestic abuse was harder than I expected. Not only for the difficulty of writing, but the emotional experience that comes with it. So many times I wanted to yell at Elena and I had to remind myself of all she’d been through. All of that abuse shaped her into the woman she was, but she rose above it, proving that we all deserve to be treated like a princess. Never settle for less.

Sommer and Lauren, this cover is beyond anything I ever imagined. From the beauty of the picture to the way the design represents Elena and Ashton’s story. Thank you for bringing my vision to life.

Writing about something outside of my comfort zone took so much, but with a story like this research can only get you so far. Mecca, I can’t thank you enough for your expertise. You helped me to understand everything Elena had gone through.

Kelley, Christine, and Miranda, thank you for all of your beta notes. Each set helps me to improve my writing bit by bit. I also must thank you for spreading the word about my books and introducing me to new readers.

As always, Brandy, thank you for listening and letting me bounce ideas off of you. Just talking it out helps me every time I get stuck. Thank you for pushing me and helping me to get this story done.

Ryn, I’ve missed you. You take my words and make them pretty. Let’s just say, punctuation is not my friend. You helped me to take Traded to a whole new level. Thank you so much for everything.


Forgiven Series:





Standalone Titles:

Letters Home

Coming Home

Beautiful Lessons



The Folstad Prophecies:

Twin Runes

Coming Soon:

Second Chances

Binding Consequences


Rebecca Brooke grew up in the shore towns of South Jersey. She loves to hit the beach, but always with her kindle on hand. She is married to the most wonderful man, who puts up with all of her craziness. Together they have two beautiful children who keep her on her toes. When she isn’t writing or reading (which is very rarely) she loves to bake and watch episodes of Shameless and True Blood.







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