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  • Текст добавлен: 19 сентября 2016, 14:11

Текст книги "Traded"

Автор книги: Rebecca Brooke

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Текущая страница: 15 (всего у книги 19 страниц)




No other word could accurately describe how I felt on the drive home. There were so many things I had to tell Elena. The three months were almost up and I’d yet to ask her to stay. My plan had been to beat her home, make dinner, then tell her how I felt.

Then shit went downhill.

It started when the alcohol order for The Bluewater Grill didn’t come in and I spent the whole damn night trying to balance two bars of liquor between three restaurants. Then it only got worse when Pierre called me away. I had no idea that it was to deal with a debtor.

* * *

“Mr. Hawes, there is a gentleman asking for you? Says he owes you money.”

“What the fuck?” slipped from my lips before I had a chance to rein it in.

Pierre raised his hands, helpless. “I don’t know, sir. I’m sorry, I tried to dissuade him from staying. He wasn’t listening. Refused to stop making a scene at his table until I got you.”

“Thank you, Pierre,” I said, my hands shoved in my pockets to hide that they were balled into fists. “Point me to him and I’ll take care of it.”

Take care of it was right. I could pretty much guarantee that he would be leaving in worse shape than he arrived.

Pierre pointed to the table in the corner, where the man sat, arms crossed over his chest, a smirk playing about his lips.


I was going to kill someone. Using all my self-control, I walked over to him. Bastard was sitting alone. When I was sure I was close enough to be out of earshot. I bent down and said softly, “You will follow me to my office right now.” His eyes widened at my tone. “And if you even attempt to do anything but that, I will find you later and I guarantee I will be even less pleasant than I am right now.

He swallowed hard and nodded.

Spinning on my heel, I walked toward the kitchen door and down the back hallway to my office.

Stepping through the door, I turned and waited for him to follow me. The minute he was over the threshold, I shut the door and turned on him.

Grabbing his wrist, I wrenched it behind his back and stepped up into his body. If he moved, he would shatter his own wrist. A cry of pain slipped past his lips.

“You motherfucker. You crossed a line coming here today. I’m not sure what makes you think it’s okay for you to come here to handle our business, but I can guarantee you were fucking wrong.” I kept my voice low and controlled so as not to alert my staff.

“But, I—”

“I don’t want to hear another goddamn word from your mouth. You went too fucking far.” With an extra push down, I heard the bones of his wrist crack at the same time his knees buckled.

Blood seeped from between his lips, from biting either the inside of his cheek or his tongue. Either way, at that moment, I didn’t give a shit.

“I see you’re wise enough not to call any more attention to yourself. Let’s see if you can continue to use your brain.”

He nodded once, sharply.

“You’re going to walk out of here like nothing is wrong. Later you’re going to get your wrist checked out, and tell them you caught yourself with it when you tripped. Finally you’re going to meet me at the designated meeting place the next home game. That’s where we’ll discuss your loan and the increased interest rate. Do I make myself clear?

“Yes,” he choked out.

“Good, now get the fuck out of my sight before you leave with more than a broken wrist.”

He walked out and I flopped down into the couch in my office. I’d let anger control me again. I didn’t like the man I was without Elena and that bullshit kept me from seeing her before she left, pushing me over the edge.

* * *

At the stoplight, I glanced down at the clock. It was long after midnight. When I realized there was no way I’d be getting home at a reasonable hour, I’d called Miller and asked him to go over to my house and keep her company. After the bullshit with Palmer a few nights ago and now people coming to the restaurant to discuss business, I didn’t feel comfortable leaving her alone—even with all the security I had on the house. I’m sure she’d already noticed the fact that Brock or Lewis went with her everywhere she went. Unless I was there, obviously.

Hitting the button to connect the phone to the car, I called Miller.

“Yo, bro, you on your way finally?”

“No hello?

“Hey, I spent the night hanging out with your woman, and since you won’t let me have a go at her I kind of want to go out and find one of my own.”

My fingers clenched around the wheel. “You son of a bitch, you better keep your hands to yourself. I hope she kicks you in the balls for saying that.”

He burst into laughter. “Do you think I’m stupid? I like her. I don’t want her to hate me. She fell asleep on the couch about an hour ago.”

I sighed. I’d missed my chance . . . again. The words had almost slipped out in the restaurant, until Pierre interrupted.

Fucking hell.

“All right. I’ll be home in ten.”

I hit the end button before he said anything else to piss me off. Elena had been through so much. I just wanted everything to be perfect. She deserved it. The sight of the garage door was like a weight off my shoulders.

I quickly found Miller and Elena in the great room; Elena curled up at one end of the couch, Miller reclining in one of the chairs. Even asleep she was the sexiest woman I’d ever had.

With a nod to Miller, I walked over and scooped Elena up into my arms. For a moment I thought she’d wake up, but she only cuddled closer to my chest. Warmth spread through me at the trust she showed me every day when, given her history, she’d be within her right to be afraid to trust anyone.

“I’ll be right back,” I whispered.

Elena was light as a feather and I had no trouble carrying her up the stairs. I quietly tucked her into our bed.

Our bed.

I fucking loved the way that sounded.

I went back downstairs to talk to Miller. The second I stepped into the room, he put a glass of scotch in my hand.

I dropped down into one of the recliners, too exhausted to bother taking off my jacket or tie, and sank the entire glass in one.

“That bad?” he asked, lifting his own glass to his lips.

“You could say that.” The liquor burned my throat and I felt its warmth spread through my body. Setting the tumbler on the side table, I took my glasses off to rub at my eyes. “Adam Thompson showed up during the lunch rush to talk about the money he owes me that he doesn’t have.”

Miller’s jaw clenched. “What is with these fuckers?” he said through gritted teeth.

“I have no idea, but I sent a very clear message. I still have to deal with the rest of the inventory mess in the morning.”

“Good. Hopefully after word gets out about Palmer and Thompson that will be the end of it.

“I hope so.” I put my glasses back on and looked at Miller. “Was she upset I got stuck at work?”

Miller sighed. “Yes and no. She would have been fine had you not got her all worked up about needing to talk to her.”

I sat up so fast, I thought I’d fall out of the chair. “Goddamn it.”

“What were you going to tell her anyway?”

“I’m going to ask her to stay. I know she plans on leaving that piece of shit and I want her to stay her with me.”

He chuckled. “I figured that was it. She’s afraid, you know?”

I ran a hand through my hair and got to my feet, pacing the floor. “How could she not be? Look at what she’s dealt with up until now. Anyone would have reservations jumping into something else so quickly, not to mention trusting someone.”

“I knew you were falling for her.” He smirked.

I stopped in my tracks. “Can you be serious for a moment?”

“Yes, and my serious answer is you need to tell her how you feel. She’s not going to trust it until she hears it from your lips.”

“I’ll tell her tomorrow.”

Miller rolled his eyes. “Good, because the both of you are driving me crazy with your lovesick ways.”

I glared at him. “Didn’t you say you had plans?”

“Yes, yes I did.” He drained his glass and turned toward the hall, looking back to say, “Seriously, big brother, tell her. She’s the first woman to make you smile in a long time.”

I felt that in my chest, because he was right. It was true that I’d had more than a few bed-partners, but none could compare to Elena. None had staying power. Until she’d come into my life I’d wondered if I would ever settle down; I’m sure my family had questioned the same. But being with her made me want different things. I wanted to give her the life she deserved.

“Thanks for staying with her tonight.”

“Anytime.” He nodded and left.

I sat back down, alone with my thoughts for the first time all day. No matter how crazy life got, I knew I needed to tell her what I wanted.

The sooner the better.


But the time was never right.

The next day came and went with no chance to speak. Then rehearsals got longer. Things at the restaurants just got busier and busier, requiring more and more of my time. Add in self-defense classes and there was no time for anything. We’d barely spent any time together; much less had a chance to talk.

Before I knew it, two weeks had passed. Time was almost up. And Elena still didn’t know I wanted her to stay; and not just until she got her feet on the ground.


Miller gave me shit every time I saw him, but he conveniently forgot that not once in my whole life had I wanted a woman to move into my place and become a part of my life. It wouldn’t be something I jumped into lightly. There had to be a right time to tell her, and I was determined to find it.

“Ashton,” her soft voice called from down the hall.

“In here.”

A few seconds later, her head popped around the corner, her glossy dark hair falling to the side. “I’m getting ready to head over to the theater. Are you sure you want to come?”

Elena might want to play it off like she wasn’t nervous as hell about her opening night, but after so many weeks together, I could see it. The small fidgety things she did: wringing her hands, trying to make it look like she was cracking her knuckles, or continually tucking the same strand of hair behind her ear. They were like a bright flashing neon sign to me, even as she did everything in her power to hide them.

I moved from my desk and took her hand, pulling her into the room with me and cupping her face in my hands, I traced my thumb across her cheek. The words I love you almost slipped from my lips but I realized that if on the small chance she didn’t want to hear them, I’d ruin whatever calm she’d built up for the performance. Whatever my feelings, they could wait until afterward.

“I told you, I can’t wait to see you perform. Are you sure you want me there?”

“Yes,” she breathed. “It’ll be nice to have support in the audience, besides Gretchen.”

What she didn’t know was that I’d arranged for her parents to fly out and see the show, as well as my own. Mr. and Mrs. Brighton had been staying in a hotel for the last two days, doing everything they could to hide their presence from their daughter until later tonight at the party I’d arranged at La Tratoria.

“Then I’ll be there.”

Bending down, I brushed my lips over hers. If I couldn’t tell her that I loved her, I’d at least show her before she left. A shudder ran through my body at the touch of her fingers as they brushed over my abs and up my chest, eventually finding their way into my hair. The moment her tongue slipped into my mouth to tangle with mine, I lost all control of what had started out as a gentle kiss. Breathless and disappointed it had to end, I broke the kiss. She narrowed her eyes at me.

“If we keep going we’ll end up in the bedroom, and then you’ll never make it to the theater.”

I reached down and adjusted myself, making it clear just how serious I was. She blushed and started to back out of the room. “I’ll see you at the theater, then I’m all yours.” With a wink, she turned and walked back down the hall.

I heard the front door open and close. Lewis should be waiting for her out front. Not once had she questioned why whenever she went somewhere she was always accompanied by someone, but I was just grateful that she was. I needed her to be safe, and if that meant being a tad on the cautious side, then that’s what I’d do.

Moving back to my desk, I dropped down into the chair. The whole situation was frustrating the hell out of me. Used to being in control, I found it hard to have so little control when it came to Elena.

My phone vibrated on my desk. Swiping my finger across the screen I answered. “Why hello, my dear, I haven’t seen you in so long.”

Her laugh was melodic. “I figured this was the safer way to talk since you can’t keep your hands to yourself.”

“I can’t keep my hands to myself,” I scoffed. “I seem to remember you being the one to push things further that time.”

“What can I say? You’re irresistible.” I heard a smack. “Oh God, did I just say that out loud?”

I pictured Elena, smacking herself in the head, her face the color of a stoplight. “That’s okay. I find you pretty irresistible myself.”

She sighed but the sound was joyful instead of annoyed. I did everything in my power to focus on what she was saying instead of the image of her naked beneath me, screaming my name as orgasm overtook her.

“I . . .” her voice sounded husky. After clearing her throat she continued. “I wanted to tell you that I heard from one of the lawyers. They attempted to deliver the papers yesterday, but Dominic didn’t answer the door. They’ll try again on Monday, starting with his work.”

Those were words I wanted to hear. “Good. The sooner the better.”

“I couldn’t agree more. I figured you could use another positive thought while you work your way through that mountain of paperwork on your desk.”

The mountain was higher than it needed to be, mostly contracts for a new liquor distributor. “You can say that again. Why didn’t you tell me before you left?”

She laughed. “Umm . .  . did you forget your threat to take me upstairs and make me late?”

“Good point. But just think of the fun we’d have had.”

“We will later.”

“I’ll keep that in mind to help me through the boring paperwork.”

“You do that.”

“I’ll see you tonight. Break a leg.” I’d gotten an hour-long lecture from Alan as to why I had to say break a leg instead of good luck. It happened to be a history lesson I could have done without, but if it helped Elena then so be it.

“Thank you. I’ll see you after the show. ’Bye.”


I disconnected the call and dialed the number of the hotel where Elena’s parents were staying.

“Hello,” a soft voice answered.

“Mrs. Brighton?”

“Yes. Is that you Ashton?”

“It is. I wanted to let you know the car will be there around six to pick you and Mr. Brighton up.”

“Thank you and, please, call me Elizabeth. I can’t wait to see her.”

I smiled, thinking back to one of our conversations about her parents. “I know she’ll be thrilled to see you.”

“I hope so,” she said wistfully. “It’s been more than five years since we’ve had even a glimpse of our daughter.”

“Then I’m glad I could make that happen.”

“Thank you, Ashton. I look forward to meeting you tonight.”

When the call ended I tried to focus on the paperwork. After the debacle a few weeks ago, I didn’t want a repeat. Taking a sip of the coffee I’d brought with me, I began sifting through contract after contract.

* * *

It took me most of the day, but I eventually found someone to use. Setting aside his application for Monday, I looked over at the clock. It was time to get ready to leave. Halfway through buttoning my shirt, a soft vibration came from my dresser. I picked up the phone to see a new text message.

A. Newell: Hey just got tickets for the game on Tuesday. Wanna go?

Damn it.

Sooner or later I’d need to introduce Elena to all of this world, although, I had a pretty good idea she knew what she would be getting herself into if she stayed with me. It was, after all, how she came to me.

Me: I think I have box seats that night if you want to join me.

A. Newell: That sounds even better. I’ll see if anyone at work wants these.

With the meeting set, I pulled on my jacket and walked out the door. I made sure Elena had taken a dress with her; telling her we’d celebrate after the show. What she didn’t know was who would be joining us.

I arrived at the theater, hoping that everyone else was already there. I had Alan set the tickets aside at will call so they could pick them up as they arrived and didn’t have to wait for me.

“Ashton,” my mother’s voice called from somewhere in the crowd.

Scanning the lobby I finally saw Dad, a head above most people in the room. I made my way to them, bending down and placing a kiss on Mom’s cheek.

“Thanks for coming, I know she’s really nervous.”

“Of course we’d be here. You haven’t told her yet, have you?”

I groaned. “Why is everyone on my case about this?”

“Don’t talk to your mother like that,” Dad snapped.

“Sorry,” I said, feeling like a five year old being reprimanded in school. “I didn’t mean it to sound like that. It’s just Miller’s bugged me every day for the last two weeks. I was going to tell her today before she left, but she was already so nervous I decided to wait until after.”

Mom cupped my face in her hands. “My baby’s fallen in love.”

“Never expected it in a million years.”

“Never expected what?” Miller walked up to us.

“That your brother would find the right woman.” Mom beamed. She turned back to me. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Did you finally grow a set and tell her?”

“Miller!” Mom scolded.

“I’m telling her after the show.”

Miller rolled his eyes at me and, thankfully, just the thought of punching him satisfied my desire to actually do it. I wouldn’t cause a scene. I couldn’t do it to Elena. Not to mention knowing what my mother would do if I did hit Miller. He looked over at Mom and Dad.

“Mom, this is Katelyn. Katelyn, this is my Mom and Dad.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” the voluptuous blonde at his side said, reaching out her hand.

Miller finished the introductions but I wasn’t entirely sure why he bothered—she’d be old news by next week.

I glanced at my watch. “I think we should go in.”

I’d bought center stage orchestra seats, a few rows back, on Alan’s advice. After climbing down to the orchestra level, we found Aunt Veronica and Samuel along with another couple, who could only be the Brightons. Elena was the perfect mix of her parents, getting her dark hair from her father and chocolate eyes from her mother.

“Mr. and Mrs. Brighton?”

The man stood, his hand extended. “Yes, and you must be Ashton.”

I returned his handshake. “I am. It’s a pleasure to meet both of you.”

Mrs. Brighton stood when her husband let go of my hands, wrapping her arms around my waist, practically squeezing the air from my lungs. “Thank you so much for helping us to share this with our daughter. We couldn’t be happier she found a wonderful man like you. I’m sure things will be easier, now that the papers have been filed.”

I had to remind myself they knew nothing of the circumstances surrounding Elena coming to live me, including what I did for the family business—and it would stay that way. Her parents didn’t need to know how bad it had become with Tolley, or that I was involved in illegal activities. I wanted them to like me. They’d worried about their daughter for long enough. I wouldn’t give them any further reason.”

The lights flashed above us. “You’re welcome. We’ll get more time to talk at dinner.”

She nodded and we took our seats. It might not have been me up on that stage, but my heart started to race nonetheless. Elena still hadn’t let me hear her sing, telling me I had to wait for opening night.

The curtain opened on the stage and the music began. I was captivated by the whole experience. Then a woman broke out in song. I didn’t need to see the singer to know that the unbelievably gorgeous voice belonged to Elena. She stepped onto the stage and I wanted to jump to my feet and applaud.

I glanced around at the awed expressions on the faces of my family. They were just as surprised as I was at how beautifully she sang. It took a moment to reconcile this Elena with the pathologically shy woman who first came to stay with me.

The only two people not in a state of shock were her parents. Tears streamed down her mother’s cheeks, her face filled with pride. Her father’s look was almost identical. They were proud, and not afraid to show it.

And I was too. I was simply awestruck at the amount of raw talent Elena possessed. No wonder Alan had yelled at me.


I spun around, looking for the source of the voice to see Alan coming toward me. We were standing in the lobby waiting for the second act to begin. “Alan. Great show.” I reached out to clasp his hand in mine.

“Thank you. She’s amazing isn’t she?”

My eyes were still wide with surprise. “I had no idea.”

“Please tell me she’s going to stick around for a while? I keep thinking of different shows I could do with a voice like hers.”

“That’s the plan.”

He watched me for a moment. “Ashton, we’ve known each other for a long time, and I can tell when something isn’t right with you, so spit it out.”

He was right. Alan and I had known each other for forever. We didn’t really have secrets between us. “I’m asking Elena to move in with me. I really think she’s the one.”

“Holy shit. Really?”

“Tell me about it. Never saw it coming until she hit me like a freight train. If she says yes, she’ll be around as long as I can keep her here.”

“Wow, that’s a big step. Elena’s good for you, though. In all the years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you so relaxed.”

“She is.”

The lights inside the theater flashed. “I’ve got to get back up there. We’ll talk more at the party.”

I nodded and made my way back to my seat.

The second half of the show was even better than the first; almost like she’d been building her confidence through the first act and found it by the second. When the show ended, everyone quickly left to head over to the restaurant. They didn’t want to give away anything by being seen at the theater.

I waited for Elena in the back hall by the dressing room. It was my turn to fidget as I paced back and forth outside her door. After about fifteen minutes, it swung open to reveal Elena in a sapphire blue strapless cocktail dress. The color gave her skin a healthy glow.

“Hi,” she said, a bit on the shy side.

Wanting to take away her fear, I quickly wrapped her in my arms. “You were fantastic. I’ve never seen anything like that.”

A blush rose on her cheeks. “I’m so glad you liked it.”

“I loved it.” Taking her hand, I led her to the front of the theater and down the steps, all the while recounting my favorite parts of the show.

I brought her to the fountain across the street. She looked around, confused.

“There’s something I want to talk to you about,” I said, and she nodded, taking a seat at the edge of the fountain, staring down at the coins resting on the bottom. Taking the seat next to her, I used my finger to lift her chin to face me, tucking a small strand of hair behind her ear and saying, “Elena, remember how I told you that you could stay with me as long as you needed to get yourself on your feet again.

She swallowed hard. “Yes.”

“I don’t want that anymore.”

Her eyes instantly filled with tears and she tried to stand up and walk away, but I took her hand in mine and stopped her, urging her to sit back down. “That didn’t come out right. Please stay and listen.” I was annoyed with myself. Not once in my life had I had trouble talking to women, but right now I sounded like a tongue-tied idiot. “What I’m trying to say is that I don’t want you to leave. Even when you get back on your feet, I want you to stay and be mine.”

Her eyes widened and I watched as her body went tight.

“I love you, Elena.”

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