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Текст книги "Torn"

Автор книги: Monica Murphy

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Текущая страница: 8 (всего у книги 11 страниц)

“I’m glad you and my father got along so well,” I say.

“Truthfully? I’m surprised,” he admits.

Laughing, I shake my head. “So am I. I thought he might hate you . . . or love you.”

“I know.” Gage chuckles. “He’s a good guy though. I like him.”

“So are you. A good guy,” I say softly, drinking Gage in, arousal heating my blood. It doesn’t take much for me to want him. And seeing him behind the wheel of one of his powerful cars always makes me want to jump his bones.

When it comes to Gage, I’m incredibly weak. But I don’t mind, because when I’m with him, I feel strong. Like I can do anything.

“Archer called yesterday.” He sends me a quick look. “He said the two of you met a few days ago.”

“We did.” I nod. “He wanted to hammer out the details.”

“That’s amazing. I’m happy for you. Why didn’t you tell me about it?” He sounds a little incredulous.

Leave it to Gage to get right to the point. Not that I can blame him. He deserves to know what’s going on. “I was afraid I’d jinx it.”

“Even to me?” He looks wounded. Silly man.

Leaning over the console, I press a kiss to his cheek, resting my hand on his muscular thigh so I can give it a squeeze. “Especially to you. You’ll pump me up and get me so excited, I’ll believe I can do no wrong. What if it didn’t work out?”

“I would never let it not work out.” His expression goes tight and his lips thin. “I’d kick Archer’s ass before that would happen.”

“That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you,” I say, laughing. “This is not about you kicking Archer’s ass. This is about Archer and me coming to a business decision. I can’t have you glowering in the background, out to tear anyone apart who dares defy me.”

“Why not? I can’t help it if I’m protective of you.”

He is so sweet I almost want to cry. Or do him. I’d prefer the latter.

“I love how protective you are of me,” I murmur, smoothing my hand up and down his thigh. God, I love his body. He’s so hard . . . everywhere. “I’ve never had someone defend me before.”

“Well, I’m all yours. Don’t forget it.” He flinches and yelps when I cup his burgeoning erection. “Damn it, Marina. I’m driving.”

“Yes, you are. And I’m touching you. Don’t mind me.” I undo the button fly on his jeans and slip my hand within, encountering warm, thin cotton stretched across his hard, thick cock. My panties dampen just touching him, and I release a shuddering breath.

“Don’t you dare do what I think you’re doing,” he admonishes but his voice is weak. He’s such a sucker for my touch.

Almost as much as I’m a sucker for his.

“I could give you a hand job while you drive.” I scooch closer to him, my mouth at his ear, and I curl my fingers around his length. “Or a blow job. Remember when I did that last week?”

That had been fun. He’d been driving this powerful car, looking so sexy and in command I hadn’t been able to resist. Next thing I knew, I was sprawled across the front seat of the Maserati with my head in his lap and his erection in my mouth. He’d had to pull over so I could finish him off without him wrecking.

Hot. He makes me so hot it’s ridiculous. I’m with him, and I feel like a giddy teenager just out for a good time. I think he feels the same way.

At least we’re in this together.

“Baby, I love it when you put your mouth on me, but I’m trying to get us home in one piece so I can have my mouth all over you.” He stifles a groan when I deliberately stroke him. “Fuck, I swear you like seeing me in agony.”

I do. I love torturing him. Only because I know he wants me so bad. It’s a heady feeling, wielding this much power over Gage. And he has power over me as well, there’s no denying it. I think we make a great team.

I can only hope my family feels the same. And eventually they can forgive him—specifically my mother—when he buys up our properties in downtown St. Helena and resells it. That’s what his plan is. He doesn’t even have to tell me. I already know.

And I finally think I’m okay with his plan. If I have to give up the bakery, then so be it. It chokes me up to think about it, but I need to act like a grownup. Archer and I have discussed my possibly working with him very casually, and I know he means his offer. He’s mentioned me taking on a management position within one of his restaurants. I don’t know if I would actually pursue it, but hey, it’s an option. One I appreciate Archer making for me.

“We’ll be home soon, okay?” He settles his hand over mine, giving it a squeeze. I, in turn, give his cock another squeeze. His ragged moan sends a little thrill through me that urges me to keep going. “And then you can do whatever you want to me.”

“Really? Whatever I want?” I raise my brows. There are so many things we haven’t attempted yet that I’d love to try out. I’m so comfortable with him, I know whatever I suggest, he’d be game for it.

“Definitely whatever you want. But you need to get your hand off my dick. I feel like I’m gonna blow,” he says through gritted teeth.

I burst out laughing. “I’ve barely touched you!”

“Yeah, but that’s all it takes, Marina. Haven’t you realized that by now?” He turns to look at me, the heated glow in his eyes so intense, it steals my breath.

And makes my heart expand. He’s so far gone over me, I love it.

Especially since I feel the same exact way.

Chapter Twelve


I’VE WAITED FOR this moment for what feels like a lifetime. Hounded this man until I’m sure he was sick and tired of hearing and seeing my name. Now that the time has come, and I’m sitting across from him in my San Francisco office, and despite being on my turf I’m so full of nerves I swear I’m going to be sick.

I am also a complete wuss. My biggest fear? That I’ll somehow fuck it all up and lose everything.

Including Marina.

“My daughter likes you,” Scott Knight says, his gaze razor sharp as it meets mine. I don’t back down. Just keep my expression neutral and hope like hell he can’t tell I’m sweating beneath my suit. “But just because she likes you doesn’t mean I have to.”

Jesus. Way to boost my confidence.

“I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt though. Marina doesn’t make bad choices. She’s a smart girl. I like to think I had something to do with that.” Scott turns his head toward the window, seemingly lost in thought. “So with that said, I think it’s time we discuss you purchasing the property downtown.”

Fucking finally. I practically sag in my chair. The relief that’s ready to consume me is strong, but I’d also have to be an idiot to believe all is well. This could be a trick.

I’ve been tricked before.

But no. Without hesitation, he launches into the specifics. Costs and current leases and documents and the details regarding the preliminary contract he had his lawyer draw up. Photos and the history of the buildings and that one single question: I don’t plan on tearing it all down so I can rebuild, do I?

Hell no, I answer, knowing that I pleased him just by the look on his face.

I scan all the documents as he pushes them toward me, knowing I’m going to have my lawyer review them anyway, so I don’t read them over too carefully beyond the asking price. Nod my head in all the right places and ask the appropriate questions when prompted. But all the while I’m wondering, why? Why now? Why me?

It’s to the point that I can’t hold back. I’ve gotta know.

“Why do you want to sell to me now?” I ask after he hands over a thick stack of papers. The contract his lawyer has drawn up. I’ll be countering with a contract my lawyer will have put together, but there’s no need to mention it at the moment. “After all this time, why me?”

Scott stares at me like I’m crazy. “Why not you? First, you barrage me with calls and messages for months. Practically to the point of harassment. My plan was to ignore you. I wasn’t ready to sell yet.”

Swallowing hard, I rest my forearms on the edge of my desk, remaining as neutral as possible.

“Then you start dating my daughter and I wonder.” His all-seeing gaze lands on me again, and I can tell he’s trying to figure me out. “Are you using her to get to me? Tell me the truth.”

Damn. I can’t confess that was my original intention. It’s not anymore. If I’m being truthful with myself, I can admit I’m halfway in love with her. More than halfway. It’s just hard to come to grips with that sort of thing and admit it, especially to her father.

I haven’t even told Marina how I feel. Yet.

“Would that change your price if I told you I was?” I ask, pretending to be the shrewd, ruthless businessman I used to be.

We glare at each other from across my desk, neither of us moving until he finally shakes his head.

“You’re a bullshitter. It’s written all over your face,” he says.

“What are you talking about?”

“I can see that you’re in love with Marina.” I open my mouth to protest, but he narrows his gaze, silencing me with a single look that reminds me eerily of Marina. “Don’t bother denying it. I know the two of you have been spending most of your time together.”

He hasn’t really been around lately, so I’m surprised he’s noticed.

“I keep tabs on everything where my daughter is concerned.” Another pointed look delivered by the man who I’m thinking might be my—gulp—father-in-law someday. How I can even think that way blows my mind. “That she even gave you a chance despite knowing what you wanted shows me she somehow saw beneath your surface.”

Agreed. She’s perceptive, my Marina. Smart and strong and beautiful and sexy as hell.

“I want to give her the bakery,” I blurt, clamping my lips shut as soon as the words leave me. I hadn’t meant to admit that yet.

“I think that’s a good idea.” Scott doesn’t even flinch at my admission. Like he knew I’d planned it all along.

Strange. But perceptive. Kind of like his daughter.

“I want to keep it in your family. Give her the bakery as a gift, though she’ll probably freak out if I offer it as a gift,” I say, muttering the last few words.

“My daughter is full of pride. Sometimes it’s foolish, sometimes it’s not.” Scott smiles. “I’m sure she’ll be very appreciative of your generous gift.”

“And wary,” I add with a shake of my head. “She’ll probably think there are strings attached to it.”

“Are there?”

“Not at all.” She loves the bakery. It’s a part of her and her aunt, and I hate to see them lose it. “It means too much to her, and I can’t let it slip out of her fingers.”

“That right there is exactly why I’m ready to sell you the property. Though I can’t deny there are financial reasons as well.” The grimace on Scott Knight’s face is unmistakable. “We’ve suffered these last few years. The economy hit the family businesses so hard, it’s been a struggle to recuperate. I held on to the bakery and the buildings that surround it specifically for Marina and my sister-in-law for as long as I could. I know they both love it. I couldn’t stand the thought of taking it away from them.”

He just earned points for that admission.

“And now that you’ve confirmed that you want them to keep the bakery, I know my decision to sell to you was the right one.” I’m guessing I just earned points as well.

“I want to take care of her, that’s all,” I say, stunned that I’d even admit such a thing to her father. But it’s true. I want to provide her with what she wants, what she needs. There’s something about her that makes me want to give her everything.

“That’s an admirable trait,” he says carefully.

Damn. I didn’t mean to turn the conversation in this direction, but I guess I can’t help it. Marina has slowly seeped into my world, and I can’t imagine her out of it. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t say anything about me giving the bakery to Marina just yet,” I say, because damn it, I want to be the one to tell her. “I want it to be a surprise.”

“Of course. I completely understand.” The smile on his face is small but there. “She’ll be thrilled.”

Hell, let’s hope so.


“I MISSED YOU today.” I snuggled closer to Gage, feeling like the clingy, simpering girlfriend, but for once I didn’t care. I did miss him. I hate it when he goes to the city for business. I hate it worse when he’s gone for a few days at a time, though that hasn’t happened often. I love having him close.

Like right now, the both of us are naked in bed after an extremely sweaty bout of reunion sex. So we were apart for less than twenty-four hours; it’s still considered reunion sex in my book.

Sighing, I turn my head and kiss his chest. Feeling his still-thundering heart beneath my lips. I’ve got it so bad for this man, it’s ridiculous.

Ridiculously scary.

“I missed you too,” he says, his deep voice gravelly. He’s trailing his fingers up and down my arm, his touch soothing. Arousing. Closing my eyes, I get lost in the moment. Being with Gage helps me forget all my troubles. My nagging mother, my failing business, all of it slips away until I can only focus on Gage and how good he makes me feel.

“How was San Francisco?” We hadn’t bothered with the preliminaries when I’d shown up on his doorstep not quite an hour ago. He’d taken my hand, dragged me inside, and proceeded to strip me of my clothing and kiss every bare inch of my skin.

“It was . . . fine.”

Hmm. I glance up at him to see his eyes are closed, his brow furrowed. I wonder if he’s keeping something from me.

“Who’d you meet with?”

“Investors. No one important,” he answers quickly. Tipping his head, he kisses my forehead, his lips lingering, making my eyes shut again. “I don’t want to talk about business.”

He’s definitely hiding something. But what? I don’t get it. Maybe he had a bad day and doesn’t want to focus on it. Maybe he’s in secret negotiations with someone and doesn’t trust me enough to let me know what’s going on.

Ouch. That hurts far more than I care to admit. I know we haven’t been seeing each other very long, but I’ve become closer to Gage than any other human being on the planet. I didn’t think this was possible. When I first learned of him, I hated him on sight, and I didn’t even know him.

Now I’m falling for him. Scary.

“You should come with me sometime.” When I don’t say anything he continues. “To San Francisco. We can stay a few nights at the apartment I keep there.”

“And what? Never leave the bed?” I tease.

He chuckles, then kisses my forehead again. “I could take you out.”

“Maybe I don’t want to go out.” I tip my head back so I can see his handsome face. “Maybe I like keeping you all to myself.”

Leaning in, he kisses me, soft and damp. “I like keeping you to myself, too.”

“See? We don’t need to go anywhere. We don’t even have to leave this bed. We could stay here forever,” I say.

He moves so fast I burst out laughing. He’s over me, his hips pressed to mine, his growing erection nudging against my belly. Just like that he wants me.

And just like that, I want him too.

“Didn’t we already do this?” I murmur before he kisses me deeply. Our tongues tangle, my brain empties, and I’m done with thinking. Talking.

All I can do is feel.

Feel his mouth on mine, already familiar yet delicious. The velvety glide of his tongue, the way his hands roam my body, the thrust of his cock against my belly reminding me he wants me. Again.

It’s a heady, exhilarating sensation, knowing how much power I wield over Gage Emerson. He wants me always.

I feel the same way.

“You’re probably tired,” he whispers against my lips, one large hand cupping my breast, his thumb playing with my nipple.

I arch into his palm. “It’s still early.”

“And sore,” he continues, rearing up so he’s on his knees between my spread legs. He grips the base of his erection and brushes the head against my sex, making me gasp. “I sort of lost control with you earlier.”

He’d pounded inside of me hard. My orgasm had been intense. But like the greedy woman I am, I want another one.


“I liked it,” I murmur, reaching out so I can touch him. I race my hands over his chest, down his stomach, until I’m touching his cock and making him groan. “Grab a condom, Gage.”

He wastes no time, reaching for the stash he keeps in his bedside table and tearing one open. I watch in fascination as he rolls it on, loving how he moves, how he handles himself. He’s a beautiful, sexy man and my heart literally fills with happiness knowing he’s my man.

All mine.

“I wanna make this last,” he whispers, sounding a little desperate as he grabs hold of my hips and flips us over so now I’m the one on top of him. “Give me a show, baby.”

Smiling, I lower myself on him, until he’s completely imbedded inside of me. He settles his hands on my waist, holding me there, his eyes glowing with some sort of unfamiliar emotion that makes my heart race.

He’s looking at me like he can’t get enough of me. And that’s scary. Exciting.


Slowly, I start to move, trying to prolong it but already feeling anxious. He grips my ass, lifts up so he can take a nipple in his mouth and suck it, and I groan, tossing my head back as I slip my hands into his hair and hold him to me.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispers against my skin. “So goddamn beautiful I can’t believe you’re mine.”

I feel the same way. The same exact way. I know my parents don’t necessarily approve of us together. I know the way we met was sort of unusual. I didn’t like him very much. I don’t think he liked me either.

But the connection between us can’t be denied. We’re in so deep I don’t think I ever want it to end. And I never think that way. I don’t think Gage does either.

He leans back against the pillows, the satisfied smirk on his face downright arrogant as he watches me ride him. I increase my pace, gather my hair up in my hands and hold it there, sitting up straight so he can get that show he wants. Thrusting my chest out, I let go of my hair, shivering as the strands slide all over my breasts, tickling my hard, still-damp nipples. I shift forward, taking his cock deeper inside my body, and the agonized groan that leaves him makes me laugh.

“You’re wicked,” he murmurs, slipping a hand between our bodies so he can stroke my clit with his index finger.

It’s my turn to gasp. “So are you.”

“I want to watch you come.” His touch firms, and I move faster, my entire body tingling with my impending orgasm. “Reach for it, baby.”

Funny thing is I don’t have to reach for it. He makes it so easy. His assured touch, the way he talks to me, looks at me: all of it sends me straight over the edge and into orgasmic bliss.

“Yeah, that’s it,” he says as I start to tremble, a little whimper escaping me. “Come for me, Marina.”

I do. My entire body stills above his as my climax takes over. I moan his name, reaching out so I can grip his shoulders hard, and then he’s coming as well, whispering my name against my hair as I collapse on top of him, the both of us shaking in each other’s arms.

“Damn, woman,” he mutters seconds, maybe minutes later, his hands gripping my butt once more, holding me close. Like he never wants to let me go.

“I know,” I whisper, pressing my lips against his neck, tasting his delicious salty skin. “I feel the same way.”

God. It would be so easy to fall in love with this man.

In fact, I think I’m already close to being there.

Chapter Thirteen


A LOT CAN change in a few weeks; heck, even a month. I was single and lonely, working my butt off day in and day out with little reward beyond growing a relationship with my aunt, which I cherish, but still. I’d watched the business I love slowly start to fail and it was eating at my very soul. The disappointment from my family—my ever-traveling, too-busy father and overprotective mother—was growing harder and harder to bear.

I had no friends. Many of them had moved away. Or I had no time to spend with the few friends I had.

Life had kind of sucked. I latched onto the fact that Gage Emerson was trying to buy out my family and ruin our lives. I went to that stupid little event more in the hopes of talking to him rather than conducting business, which had been my original intent. Maybe sling an insult or three at him, too, and then walk out, satisfied that I’d let the guy trying to take away my family legacy know I was onto him.

Well. We got the insult-slinging part right, at least.

Everything is completely different now. I have a friend, one I spend a lot of time with. Ivy Emerson and I made good on that San Francisco shopping trip and went last week. She helped me try on a ton of clothes, things I would never have looked twice at. I ended up buying a few things, not wanting to go beyond my self-imposed budget. She helped with that.

She helps with a lot of things.

Archer and I finalized the deal and Aunt Gina’s desserts are in his hotel restaurants. Gina’s thrilled. Archer’s taken her completely under his wing. I’ll be lucky to keep her with me at the bakery, what with the way he coddles her. I think Archer wants to steal her away from me.

My dad is still traveling a lot for business. My mom is still overprotective. I can’t change them, I just have to learn how to live with them.

And then there’s Gage.

I still can’t quite define what’s happening between us, but we’re definitely . . . involved. I can’t get enough of him. It seems he can’t get enough of me either.

My entire life has changed for the better. A lot of it I owe to Gage. The very man who I believed was my enemy. He’s introduced me to my newest friend. He helped me put together a business deal with Archer, his best friend. And he’s made me . . .

Fall completely in love with him.

Just thinking about it makes me want to both jump for joy and throw up.

Especially now, what with the headache I have going on. I don’t know what caused it, but I had to leave the bakery to take a little break. I couldn’t deal.

“So you’re going out with him tonight. Again.”

Great. Talk about now being able to deal.

I turn to find my mother standing in my doorway, her arms crossed in front of her chest, her expression sour. She’s reluctantly gone along with me dating Gage. Only lately has she piped up and vocalized her opinions. I think she’s afraid I’m falling for him.

Too late.

“I am.” I mirror her position, feeling defensive. Since my dad has been out of town so much doing God knows what, she’s become even more of a meddler. I know I live at home, but I’m freaking twenty-three years old. I’m hardly here anyway. I spend quite a few nights at the little house Gage keeps here in St. Helena. I stay there sometimes even when he goes back to his place in San Francisco to conduct business. Hopefully, someday soon I’ll go with him.

But with my obligation to the bakery, I can hardly leave. Before Gage came into my life, I had no reason to leave.

Now I want to be wherever Gage is. Silly, but true.

“Do you know why he was in San Francisco last week?” She drops her arms at her sides and strides into my room, her expression full of fierce determination. “Do you? Did your new boyfriend tell you about the meeting he had with your father?”

“Wait. What?” I blink at her, not sure I heard her right. “Daddy and Gage met?” And Gage never told me? I knew they were getting along and had discussed setting up an appointment to talk further, but Gage didn’t tell me they’d talked in San Francisco.

She nods, the satisfaction on her face painful to witness. It’s almost like she wants to hurt me with this news. “It’s happening, Marina. Gage Emerson is buying the entire strip of buildings the Molina Corp owns on Main Street. They’ll belong to him within the next sixty days as long as all the paperwork is processed in a timely manner and they hit no snags.”

Sixty days. I can’t believe he didn’t tell me. I don’t understand why he kept this from me. What was his motive? Was he afraid I’d freak out? I’m more upset he kept it a secret. I’d finally come to grips with the possibility of losing the bakery. This revelation is throwing me for a loop.

“He’ll most likely close down the bakery since it’s the only business within the strip that’s still owned by us. Unless the two of you can come up with some sort of lease agreement together? I’m sure he’d be willing to work with you,” she says snidely.

“Why do you hate him so much?” I ask, my voice quiet. Inside I’m reeling, devastated by Gage’s betrayal. When exactly was he going to tell me about this? Never? Right before he shut down my bakery? It makes no sense.

My mother trying to tear me down doesn’t make any sense either.

“I don’t hate him. I dislike what he’s done to us.”

“Mom.” I go to her, grabbing her hands and giving them a squeeze. “We had to sell. You and Dad both worry about your retirement, about everyone in the family ending up with nothing when we’ve all counted on the properties to earn us income. This way you’ll have ready cash flow and won’t have to worry so much.”

“He stole your future,” she says bitterly, jerking out of my touch. “That man you’re dating and spending the night with stole everything from you! Don’t you get it? You’re our only daughter, you have no real prospects beyond the very man who’s ruining your life, and you act like you’re making the right choice! What in the world is wrong with you?”

I blink at her, shocked by her outburst. Mom doesn’t have outbursts. She’s always calm and cool and so very, very wise. I used to go to her all the time when I was younger for advice. She’s great under pressure—the exception being when it comes to me and the choices I make.

“He’s not stealing from me,” I tell her. “Can’t you see how this will help you guys? I’ll be fine. I don’t need the bakery.” But I do. What will I do without it? Gina has a job lined up already. Archer is secretly trying to woo her. He’s totally being a dirty rat, but can I fault him for it? No. And at least he tells me to my face.

Gage just keeps his secrets to himself and pretends everything’s fine. So do I. But everything is definitely not fine. I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself when I lose the bakery. There’s no point in denying it now.

Autumn Harvest is done for.

“You needed to know,” Mom says firmly, going to sit on the edge of my bed. “I can’t stand that he’s kept you in the dark. You need to come up with another plan.”

“Like what?” I sit on the bed next to her, my mind too full trying to process everything.

“Break it off with him. Finish your time at the bakery until it closes. Then go to Italy and visit your cousins,” she suggests hopefully. “You can have a nice three-month-long vacation there. Enjoy the sights. Meet new people.”

Dread fills me. The trip to Italy is one all unmarried Italian girls make in the hope that they can find a husband. Either they end up staying there for the rest of their lives with their new husbands or they bring them home. I’ve seen a few cousins do this very thing. Only one came back, with a macho, irritating-as-hell Italian who refused to speak English and bossed her around all the time.

She eventually divorced him, not that anyone could blame her. Though her mama acted like she thought her daughter was going straight to hell.

Sometimes, I really despise being a part of such a traditional family.

“I’m not going to Italy,” I say vehemently. She needs to know that suggestion can’t even make its way onto the table.

“Fine. Break up with him. Find something else to do. Go work with Gina at the hotel. You need to do something. Unless you have no problem living here with us for the rest of your life, unmarried and miserable.”

“Are you living in the stone ages? What in the world is wrong with you?” I stand, glaring down at her. “You act like my being single and jobless is a kiss of death!”

She stares up at me pointedly, not saying a word.

She doesn’t have to. I heard what I said. And it’s slowly sinking in that yes, indeed, being single and jobless is the kiss of death.

For me.

Yet again, proving how life can change in an instant. I’ve gone from bad to fabulous to absolutely terrible.

All in the matter of approximately four weeks.


“I LOVE AUTUMN Harvest.” Ivy sighs, scrolling through the photos of the bakery I just uploaded on my laptop from my phone. “But we can definitely spruce it up for her. I’m almost finished with Matt’s job and have something lined up right after it, but I can do this on the side. The bakery and café already have good bones, so it won’t be too difficult. I can put something together quick.”

“I don’t want some slapped-together job, Ivy,” I warn her, scrolling through the photos of the bakery that’s so much a part of Marina, I can’t imagine her not working there.

The bakery I now own. The building I’m going to give her as a gift.

Right before I ask her to marry me.

“I still can’t believe you’re doing this.” Ivy smiles at me, slowly shaking her head. “I never thought I’d see you fall, Gage. You were such a jackass about Archer and me getting together. And now look at you.”

“Hey, I was trying to protect you. I know how Archer is. Was,” I correct when she sends me a pointed look.

“And I know how you were. A workaholic stick-in-the-mud who only found pleasure with the many cars you purchased.”

Jesus. She makes me sound like a total loser. “Thanks a lot,” I mutter.

She nudges me. “I only say that because I’m your sister, and I can be brutally honest.” Pausing, Ivy contemplates me. “Can I tell you something else?”

“Can I handle it?” I ask warily.

“Oh yeah.” She smiles, her eyes going soft, almost misty. She’s so damn sentimental lately, I don’t know what’s wrong with her. “Marina is so good for you. And you’re good for her. I love seeing the two of you together. I’m so excited. And thankful I like her.”

“Yeah?” An ache forms in my chest, making me grab my sister and pull her in for a hug. “Thanks, Ive. It means a lot to have your approval.”

“You’re welcome.” She pulls away from me, pressing her hand against the side of my head. Her eyes are swimming with tears. “I’m so glad I get along with Marina. She’s going to make a great sister-in-law.”

“Why are you crying?” I catch a tear with my thumb as it slides down her cheek, worry consuming me. My sister doesn’t cry much. She doesn’t have reason to cry. Archer keeps her too damn happy for her to ever be sad.

“Don’t worry about me.” She waves a hand, sniffing loudly. “I’m just pregnant.”

“What the hell?” I stare at her, overcome with . . . all sorts of overwhelming emotions. Happiness. Shock. And plenty of murderous thoughts because holy hell, Archer impregnated my sister? I could kill him.

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