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Slow Play
  • Текст добавлен: 4 октября 2016, 22:58

Текст книги "Slow Play"

Автор книги: Monica Murphy

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“You’re mean.” I slump into the chair and glare at Kelli from across the table. She sips from her Starbucks cup, the little smile she’s wearing smug as hell. “Why are we meeting so early on a Sunday again?”

“To get this hellish task over and done with for the day. Kind of like ripping off a Band Aid you know? Quick and easy,” she says with a yawn. Guess the Starbucks isn’t kicking in just yet. “Besides, it’s not that early.”

“It’s ten.”


I say nothing, leaping from the chair when I hear my name called. I grab my drink from the counter and head back to our table, hoping the triple espresso shot I added to my regular PSL will do the trick and wake me up.

Yet again another bad night of restless sleep. What a surprise. All I could do was run over everything that happened in my mind, the moments playing in a constant loop. The kiss. The kisses. I couldn’t let those go when I should. I so should. He’s such a player he’s probably already kissed two girls since he was last with me. The asshole.

Tristan is going to drive me to taking sleeping pills I’m sure.

“Is ten really too early for you on a Sunday morning?” Kelli asks when I settle back in at our table. She sounds concerned, which is hilarious. Though Mama Kelli does rear her ugly head on such occasions.

“Well, yeah. With school and now my new work schedule in the mix, I think Sunday’s going to end up being my one morning I get to really sleep in, you know? So I want to savor my delicious warm bed, not worry about studying for our stupid stats quiz. I worked really hard yesterday. I was tired, you saw me.” Well, that’s not necessarily a lie. I was tired after working yesterday. But it was Tristan who kept me awake. Tristan and his magic hands and lips and words…oh, his words.

They are the worst. Yet they’re also such an incredible turn-on. What guy tells you he’s not nice? That he just takes what he wants?

A hot guy like Tristan, that’s who.

“We never did talk about your first day on the job.” Kelli takes a sip of her drink. “How was it?”

“I liked it. The owner, Sandie, is really nice and easy to talk to. She’s giving me around fifteen hours a week at first and she’ll give me a few more if I think I can handle it.”

“That’s awesome. I’m so happy for you!” Kelli leans over and grabs her backpack, unzipping it so she can pull out our statistics book. “You ready for this?”

No. I never will be either. I despise this class. “Isn’t it counterproductive to cram for a test in the morning when we won’t be taking it until at least twenty four hours later? Actually closer to thirty six?”

“It was the only time I could fit this in. I have to write a paper this afternoon. I’m meeting with my study group over at the library.” Kelli flips open her book and grimaces at what greets her. “God, what does all this stuff even mean?”

“You don’t know?” I chug half my PSL as quick as possible, needing that extra caffeine to jolt my system awake. “Why am I studying with you again?”

“Because I have the hook up.” Kelli’s sly smile tells me everything I need to know without wasting a word. “He should be here any minute.”

Oh. Crap. She’s talking about…

“I’m going to kill you,” I mutter as I cross my arms onto the table and let my head fall on top of it. Damn it, he better not show up. I don’t want to see him. My lack of sleep is all his fault and I look like ass because of it so I’m blaming him for that too.

He’s going to take the blame for everything right now and I don’t feel one ounce of guilt over it either.

“Good morning, ladies.”

His deep, slightly rough, totally sexy voice is super close and I lift my head, cracking my eyes open. Kelli’s watching me with this amused expression on her face and I know he’s standing behind me. Above me. Whatever. I can feel him. All of his warm, deliciously sexy vibes are coming straight at me, trying to draw me into his dangerous web.

Slowly I turn and tilt my head back until my gaze meets his. He’s smiling at me, as friendly as ever, without a care in the world. Looking so freaking good in jeans and a—yep you guessed it—dark green Henley long-sleeved shirt that conforms to his shoulders and chest, making his eyes look more green than blue. His hair is damp, as if he just got out of the shower only moments ago and he’s got a coffee in his hand. The epitome of casual nonchalance, like a good friend stopping by to help us out of the kindness of his warm and giving heart. A heart I don’t believe exists if you want my honest opinion.

“Looking fresh and bright eyed this morning, aren’t you,” he drawls, staring pointedly at me. There’s not a flicker of acknowledgement of what happened between us last night in his expression.

Yeah. Fine. No big deal. If he can act nonchalant, so can I.

“I can’t shake you, can I?” I ask wryly. I’m pretending too. Like he didn’t have his tongue shoved in my mouth and his hands all over my body only a few hours ago. Like I wasn’t moaning and rubbing against him, my hands in his hair and every bit of common sense fleeing my brain.

Laughing, he pulls out the chair next to mine—did you expect he would sit next to Kelli? Please—and settles in, his arm bumping against my elbow. “I’m here to help you, Alexandria. I know statistics is your worst subject.”

“It is.” I reach into my backpack and pull out my stupid textbook, determined to make this all about school and nothing else.

“Why is that anyway?”

“Because it’s math, duh.” Oh, I sound like a petulant child. He should tell me to grow up. I deserve it. He did help us a few days ago at the library. I can’t forget that. He’s here on a Sunday morning, taking the time to help us cram. Either he’s just being nice or has ulterior motives.

I’m pretty certain it’s ulterior motives bringing him here but I guess I should take advantage of his help while I can.

“I’ve discovered those who hate math are usually just scared of it,” he says, his gaze snagging mine. For a moment I see a flicker of something dark in his eyes. A reminder of the Tristan I was with last night. The one who kissed me and touched me and drove me out of my freaking mind with lust. “You shouldn’t be afraid of simple logic. It can’t hurt you.”

Is he talking about stats or himself?

Kelli clears her throat and Tristan jerks his gaze from mine. “This test is huge,” she stresses. “Not just a weekly quiz, Tris, but a complete review of everything we’ve learned so far this semester. I’ve forgotten pretty much everything from the first few weeks of class. Haven’t you, Alex?”

I nod, unable to speak. My heart feels like it’s bouncing around in my chest like a basketball and I don’t think I can blame the espresso shots in my latte.

“Not a problem,” he says breezily, reaching over to snag my textbook. I mutter a noise of protest but he ignores me, bending his head over the pages as he starts flipping through them. His hair falls over his forehead, brown highlighted with gold and so tempting. As in tempting me to push it away. Run my fingers through it because it’s so soft and I like the way it clung to my fingers…

Making an irritated sound in my throat, I glance up at Kelli and send her a stern look, one that says I cannot freaking believe you. But she just smiles and waggles her eyebrows.

And so begins an hour of absolute, pure torture. Not just the stats review because that’s bad enough. No, the worst part of it all is sitting next to Tristan, listening to him speak, watching his hands move over the paper as he demonstrates a formula, as he taps the book spread out in front of us to point out something in particular. He has nice hands.

Beautiful hands, with long fingers, wide palms, hands that knew just how to touch me. Now they’re being wasted on paper and textbooks, running over statistics problems and trying their best to get me to focus. But I can’t. I can’t focus when all I can do is feel him. Smell him. His hair is now dry and it curls around his ears and neck. He still has scruff on his jaw and chin, which tells me he didn’t shave this morning and I want to feel it. Run my hands over his face and feel the prick of his stubble against my palm.

Clearly I’m losing my mind. I’m also going to fail this test because I’m not retaining a word he’s saying.

“You’re so smart, Tristan,” Kelli says for about the twentieth time. “I don’t know what we’d do without you.”

I say nothing because he’s not helping me whatsoever.

“I need another drink.” Kelli rises to her feet and panic washes through me. I should go with her. Or go use the restroom—anything to avoid spending time with Tristan alone.

But I do nothing. Just sit in gape-mouthed horror as Kelli heads over to the front counter to place her order. I can feel Tristan looking at me and I remain facing forward. Biting off the little gasp that forms when he gently grabs my hand and interlaces our fingers together.

Just as he said last night, sparks form between our palms, sending a trail of heat up my arm, coursing through my veins. I swallow hard and work my jaw, trying to come up with something to say when he beats me to the punch.

“You’re not listening to a thing I’m saying are you?”

His gruff voice melts my resolve and I dare to look over at him. Still can’t seem to muster up a word to say yet though.

He must think I’m an idiot.

His smile is soft, unlike the normal, cocky smirk that he usually flashes at me and I’m instantly wary. “Are you getting it? Or is it all just going over your head?”

I shrug, my mouth twisting to the side in a grimace. I don’t want to tell him I’m not getting it because the mere sound of his voice is too distracting? Or the fact that I can smell his clean, soapy scent and it’s making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside? I can’t even speak because he’s touching me, his fingers curling around mine…

“Alexandria.” My gaze zeroes in on his mouth as he says my name. I like how he pronounces it, the way his lips form, that little glimpse of tongue I see when he trips over the second syllable. “Have you turned mute? Deaf—ah hell, maybe both? Shit, are you Helen Keller reincarnated?”

I release his hand and shove at his shoulder, making him laugh. “Stop,” I mumble.

His laughter dies. “Seriously, do you want me to go over something again? I know this particular section is tough.” He flips the pages of my book, pointing.

I rest my hand on his arm and he turns to look at me. “Why are you being so nice to me?”

It’s a legitimate question. He doesn’t do nice. He said that himself last night. He’s proved that time and again. So why is he helping us study for our test? He’s already taken this course. He should be sleeping in or rolling around in bed with some pretty girl, not wasting his time trying to teach Kelli and me statistics.

His lips part and his eyes go blank. Like a curtain dropping, masking any emotion that he might’ve been feeling only a moment ago. “I’m doing it for Kelli.”

I slowly shake my head. “Don’t lie to me, Tristan.”

“I want to get in your panties? This way you’ll owe me?” He lifts his eyebrows.

Okay, there’s a glimpse of the real Tristan. Maybe. “So now you’re trading your stats skills for sex?”

He smiles. “Whatever works, right?”

“You still want to have sex with me?”

“You don’t have to fish for compliments.” He reaches for my face, presses his thumb to the corner of my lips. “I’d fuck you in the bathroom right now if you said you were up for it.”

“Gross.” I swat his hand away and he chuckles. I really hope he’s joking. Well, sort of. Being here with him like this, acting so normal on a Sunday morning in a Starbucks, I don’t know what to think. How to feel. He’s…sweet like this. Trying to help us out, patiently explaining everything, going over each example step by step. Who knew Tristan had it in him?

“Do I have to want something from you when I offer my help?”

“I don’t know. Do you? I get a sense you don’t normally help anyone.”

He frowns. “I don’t.”

But I’m willing to help her. Why? This goes beyond wanting to get her naked. Or…no. No, it doesn’t. I’m just so damn intrigued by this girl I’ll do just about anything to get her to come around and see my way of things.

And my way of things involves getting her naked. That’s it. End of story.

“So why me?” she asks, prodding me in the side with her index finger.

Damn, she’s pushy. And pretty. So pretty. No makeup on, her dark blonde hair in a ponytail on top of her head, skin clear and smooth, those questioning eyes watching me, waiting for me to what? Give her a proper explanation?

How can I do that when I don’t understand my motives myself?

“Because you’re extremely fuckable?” I wince the moment the words leave my mouth and she glares. Girls at a bar on a Thursday night three drinks in love it when I say they’re fuckable. They fall for that line every single time.

Sunday morning at a Starbucks cramming for a stats test…I’m thinking fuckable doesn’t work.

“You make me sound like a dirty stuffed animal. ‘Oh, she’s so adorably fuckable’.” Alexandria makes a face.

“Maybe that was a bad choice of words,” I start but she cuts me off.

“You think?”

“I know,” I stress. “And I take it back. You’re not fuckable.”

Oh, look at that. Her expression changes and she looks downright sad that I took back the fuckable remark. Make up your mind, gorgeous. You either want my attention or not.

“Are you two fighting?” Kelli asks as she settles back into her seat.

“I’m done.” Alexandria pulls her book away from me and slams it shut, then stuffs it into her backpack. “Either I’ve got this or I don’t. Thanks for your help, Tristan,” she says, not even bothering to look at me as she stands. “See you tomorrow in class, Kelli.”

She buzzes out of the Starbucks before Kelli or I can say anything to stop her.

“That was weird,” Kelli says slowly, sipping from her drink. “What just happened?”

“I don’t know.” I study the door, wishing she would come back. Wishing more that I could chase after her. But I don’t chase after women. Not like this. The conquest happens because they come to me. I draw them in like bees to honey. It’s easy. Smile, say something flirty, drop an innuendo, make eye contact, touch them and bam. They’re yours for the night. Sometimes they’d like to be yours beyond the night but I never let them get to that point. Not really. Unless they’re psycho and have wedding dreams from the first moment they meet you.

I had one of those my freshman year. Scariest shit ever. She was a straight up stalker. Gabe and Shep found it hilarious.

They would.

“You said something to offend her.” Kelli states this, not asking like a normal person would.

“I don’t know.” I throw my hands up into the air, frustration slipping through my veins. “She’s hard to read.”

“She says the same thing about you.”

I go still. “She does?”

Kelli nods, still sipping from her drink. The stats book lies between us, totally forgotten. Now that Alexandria is gone, I don’t want to help. I don’t even want to look at that stupid book.

Sorry Kelli.

“What else does she say about me?” I ask when Kelli still hasn’t said anything.

“Nothing much. She’s trying to resist you.”

No shit.

“She likes Steven but isn’t into him.”

“And you know this how?”

Kelli arches a brow. “Are you worried Steven is going to steal her from under your nose?”

“There’s nothing to steal. I’m not interested in her in that way.” Kelli’s brow goes even higher. How does she do that? “I’m serious. Steven wants to buy her flowers and take her out and make her his girlfriend. I just want to get her naked and have sweaty, amazing sex with her.”

“You don’t usually spend so much time in hot pursuit of one girl,” Kelli points out. “You’re not acting normal.”

“What is normal anyway?”

“For you? Let’s see.” She taps her finger against her pursed lips, contemplating my question. I practically squirm in my seat. I don’t want to hear this, especially from Kelli who’s been watching me for a while now. “One woman after the other, one for every night of the week. A little moody, a lot grumpy, always giving your friends shit when they decide to settle down.”

I don’t look at her. She’s right.

“I’m getting the sense that when it was the three of you against the world, you were happy. Comfortable. In your element.” Kelli pauses and I glance up to see that she’s watching me with what—sympathy in her eyes? Please. I get more tail now than I ever did when I had to split it with Gabe and Shep. “They’ve changed it up on you and you’re scrambling. The lone wolf among all the salivating women lined up wanting a piece of you.”

“Is that how you see it?”

“Kind of,” she admits. “Is that all you see when you look at Alex? Another piece of ass?”

No. And that’s the scary part. I would never admit that to Kelli. She wouldn’t understand. Or she’d run off and tell Alexandria. Fuck that. If I can’t work up the nerve to admit it, then no one else is doing it for me.

I immediately break out into a sweat. Do I actually like Alexandria? As in, do I want to spend time with her beyond the usual fucking around and being done with it?


Nooo. I don’t believe it. I can’t believe it. My anti-relationship stance is still firmly in place. I’m just like Dad. My mom has said that more than once when I was growing up. He’s a decent guy, hard working to the point of obsessive. Sometimes a little callous. Has a hard time showing affection. When pushed he’ll joke around with enough bite beneath the words to make you feel like shit. I know if I were to become involved with a woman, I’ll most likely end up treating her just like Dad treated Mom. Driving them away, driving them to drink, pushing them into another man’s arms, pushing them into madness.

I can’t do it. I refuse to do it. Better to be alone than to make someone you might care about absolutely miserable.

“She’s a pretty fine piece of ass, don’t you think?” I say with a smirk as I stand, grabbing my empty coffee cup so I can throw it in the garbage on my way out. “Gotta go, K. Hope you do well on your test tomorrow.”

“Tristan, wait,” she calls after me but I ignore her. I toss the cup into the trash, offer the barista a flirtatious smile and a wave and then get the hell out of there.

My plan to earn my way into Alexandria’s good graces didn’t work out quite like I wanted to. Maybe I should move on.

Or maybe I should move on to plan B.

“Steven asked me out,” I say conversationally, waiting for the impending reaction.

It comes within seconds, as expected.

“Get out.” Kelli shoves my shoulder with the tips of her fingers and I make like I’m going to fall over. “Why are you wasting your time on that guy?”

I shrug, watching him in my living room, in his usual perch on the beanbag playing video games with Conrad. “He’s nice. I like how attentive he is.”

“Suffocating.” Kelli yawns.

“He’s funny.”

“If you like nerds.”

“Oh my God, are we still in high school?” I turn to glare at her. “He’s smart, he’s cute and he’s respectful. What more could I ask for?”

“I don’t know, maybe melting hot passion? Undeniable chemistry?” She peers at me, her narrowed eyes trying their best to see everything. I throw up that wall that I’ve become so good at, blocking her attempts. “Do you feel any of that with good ol’ Steven?”

I scowl. “You’re being mean.”

Her eyes pop wide, her expression one of complete innocence. We’re sitting at the small dining room table going over our stats homework on an otherwise boring Monday night. We got our grades back on our tests that we took a week ago—I got a C+. Kelli got a B-. Clearly she wasn’t as distracted by our study guide as I was.

I refuse to think of his name. It’s easier that way.

“How in the world am I being mean? I’m asking you a simple question, that’s it. Have you even kissed that guy?” She waves a hand in the general direction of the living room.

“No,” I whisper, shaking my head. “He hasn’t made a move yet.”

“What’s he waiting for?”

I don’t know. I almost wish he would kiss me so I can wipe the memory of my last kiss from my brain once and for all. I told myself I wouldn’t become involved with Steven or Tristan and so far, Steven’s been the more persistent one, which is surprising. I haven’t heard from Tristan since I walked out of the Starbucks last Sunday. It’s been an entire week and I haven’t caught a glimpse of him, heard a single word uttered about him, nothing.

I tell myself I prefer it that way. The faster he’s out of my life completely the better.

“When are you two lovebirds going out?” Kelli asks.

“Friday night.” Dinner and a movie. So normal. Just the way I prefer it.

Kelli’s face falls. “But Jade’s having a party on Friday night.”

“What sort of party?”

“A special lady party.” She lifts her brow, a weird smile on her face. That’s the thing about Kelli. Her moods shift constantly. “Sexual aids and the like.”

I gape. “Are you serious?”

“Shep put her up to it. He wants the free shit, is what he told her. The more she sells at her party, the more she earns in free product. It’s like Tupperware but with vibrators.”

My cheeks go hot at the word vibrator. I mean—I own one. Received it as a joke birthday gift two years ago from one of my high school friends and promptly threw it in a box where it remained until I moved in here a few months ago. I found it when I was unpacking, took it out of the package, put some batteries in it and sent myself straight into orgasm land the Sunday before school started.

Talk about relieving the tension. I might’ve used it a few times since then too.

“Well, I guess I can’t go since I already have plans,” I say.

“Screw that.” Kelli stands and cups her hand around her mouth. “Steven!” she shouts. “Get in here!”

“What are you doing?” I hiss whisper at her when she sits.

“Watch and learn,” she says with a pleased smile.

Steven practically runs into the dining room, coming to a skidding stop right beside my chair. “What’s up?” he says, trying to sound cool.

I’m amazed at how fast he did her bidding. She yells and he comes running.


“Listen, I know you and Alex have a date on Friday night and I think that’s fabulous. You two make the cutest couple.” He blushes. “But…I really want Alex to come to a party with me on Friday night.”

“Oh. Uh, well…” He sounds so sad. I’m about to say something in his defense and tell her to knock it off, but Kelli sits up straighter, giving me a look before she continues.

“Trust me, you’ll eventually benefit from this party we’re going to attend,” Kelli says mysteriously. “And I’m sure you two could get together Saturday night, right?”

“Is that okay with you, Alex?” Steven asks.

I glance up at him and smile. I like that he asks me first. He doesn’t just assume or take what he wants. “I work Saturday afternoon but I’m off at five.”

He nods. “That works. I’m cool with it.” He turns to look at Kelli. “She’s all yours on Friday, Kel.”

She beams. “Thanks Steven. You’re a doll.”

He blushes and nods some more before he heads back to the living room.

“Maybe I didn’t want to go to your sexy party,” I tell her the moment Steven’s gone.

Kelli laughs. “You sound like Stewie from Family Guy. He was always throwing sexy parties. And please, you so want to go.”

“No, I really don’t,” I stress. I’m sure it’s at Jade’s house. Which is really Shep’s house. Which is also Tristan’s house.

Um, yeah. No way.

“Stop being such a prude. It’ll be fun.”

“And what’s up with you calling Steven a doll?”

“He’s like a cute little doll with those big brown eyes always blinking behind his glasses. He’s adorable. I can see the appeal,” she explains as she resumes doing her homework.

I just stare at her. She thinks Steven is adorable? Just two minutes ago she thought he was a suffocating nerd. “How did you convince him so quick to agree anyway?” That had been pretty impressive.

“Jedi mind trick. That and my V-neck sweater always seem to do it if nothing else.”

My gaze drops to her chest, where her ample cleavage is on display. “You flashed him your boobs?”

“Not really. I just squeezed my arms together a little bit. Makes my tits pop nicely.”

“You are too much,” I say, shaking my head.

“You love it. And speaking of too much, have you talked to Tristan?”

My stomach dips just hearing his name. “No.” A pause. I mentally count to ten. “Have you?”

“He texted me last Friday night asking if I was going out but I said no. That was it.” She watches me. “He hasn’t texted you?”

“No.” I shake my head. The jerk. Why hasn’t he texted me? I don’t want him to but still. “I’m glad. I don’t need his drama.”

“What? His drama? He’s the most drama free guy out there. With Tristan, you know what you’re getting.”

“And what’s that exactly? Because he’s been sending me conflicting messages since I met him.”

Kelli frowns. “Conflicting messages? That doesn’t sound like him. He was chasing after you hard. I’m assuming you two never did the deed.”

My cheeks warm. “Of course not. I’m not into one night stands.”

“I’ve heard he’s worth it.”

“You kissed him.” I pause, a little squicked out by that. “How was it?”

Kelli smirks. “You tell me.”

“I haven’t kissed him,” I lie. I don’t like lying but I really don’t want to compare notes on the taste of Tristan’s lips with Kelli.

In fact, knowing that she kissed him drives a white-hot blade of jealousy into my stomach, which is totally ridiculous.

“Really? Well, that’s a shame. Though honestly, I don’t remember much about our kiss. I was drunk, it was awkward, the end.” She waves a hand, dismissing the conversation. “Maybe he’s moved on.”

“From me?” I ask.

She nods, her gaze full of worry.

“I’d be okay with that.” I’m lying again. I don’t mind that he’s kept his distance. Well, a tiny part of me would like to see him but the bigger, louder part of me is saying I should stay away. So if he stays away instead, that makes it easier, right?

“Good. Then you can focus on your sweet little brown eyed nerd and have fun.” She taps her pencil against the textbook in front of her. “Though it would be kind of exciting to have both Steven and Tristan vying for your attention.”

“That sounds like a nightmare. I hate drama. Remember?” I’ve had enough to last me a lifetime thanks to my parents. “I bet you’re right. He’s given up on me.” Oh, I sound pitiful but Kelli is the only one I can discuss this stuff with.


I nod.

“I don’t know. Maybe he’s just biding his time. Jade’s party is at his house, after all. Maybe he’s hoping he’ll see you there.”

“I doubt that,” I mutter as I refocus my attention on the problems in front of me.

But the numbers and formulas start to blur the longer I stare at them. I’m just wasting my time so I think about other things. Like how nice it is to have new friends and a guy that’s interested in me whereas before I was stuck in limbo, unsure which way my life was going next.

I’m finally able to forge a new life and have new experiences versus being worried about my parents all the time. You’d think they would’ve written their only daughter from prison by now…

Your thinking would be incorrect.

Pushing all thoughts of my shitty parents out of mind, I tap my pencil in the middle of the page Kelli’s looking at to get her attention. “Let’s do some vodka shots.”

The slow smile stretching Kelli’s mouth is infectious. “Are you serious?”

“Definitely. I need to loosen up. I’m too tense trying to prep for this stupid quiz that I’m bound to fail.”

We both get up and head for the freezer where a half-full bottle of Grey Goose sits. “Is it the stats test that’s making you tense or all your man trouble?” Kelli asks.

“Both,” I tell her truthfully.

“I don’t want you at the house tonight,” Jade says firmly, her gaze directed at me. Not that she could be talking to anyone else, considering we’re the only ones here.

I’m sitting at the kitchen counter eating cereal for lunch. I’m too lazy to leave the house to grab something and I definitely don’t cook. Jade’s bustling around the kitchen pulling shit out of the pantry she’s going to use to make her appetizers for her little gathering later this evening. She’s even wearing an apron—a rather domesticated scene that’s making me extremely uncomfortable.

Does Shep even understand what he’s doing by living with Jade and letting her have full reign of his house? He’s insane.

“Why can’t I stick around? It’s my house too,” I mumble around a mouthful of Fruit Loops.

“Ew, don’t talk with your mouth full.” She swats me with a dishtowel and I duck out of her way. “No girl is going to want you if you talk to her with milk dribbling down your chin.”

I immediately touch my chin, which is bone ass dry. Jade grins. “Made you check.”

Grumbling beneath my breath, I shovel another spoonful of fruity loops in my mouth, chew and swallow before I speak again. “All the girls want me, Jade. I don’t think a little milk drool is going to hurt my game.”

She rolls her eyes. “Are you for real right now?”

My answer is a shrug, which seems to irritate her more.

“You need to go out. Maybe you and Shep could go to a bar. Or to the gambling house,” she suggests. That she’s encouraging me to drag Shep’s ass to a bar is unbelievable—and tells me she’s serious about getting us out of here.

“I don’t want to go out.” The weather is for shit today. Cloudy and gloomy and rainy. A big storm is forecasted for later tonight—thanks Ginger Zee on Good Morning America—and I really don’t want to get stuck out in it.

Do I sound like an old man or what?

“Seriously? The one night I will practically pay you to go to a bar with my man and you’re not interested?” She stops on the other side of the island, directly in front of me. I look up to meet her irritated gaze. “What can I do to convince you to leave?”

“You’re not going to pay me?” Like I’d take her money.

She shakes her head.

“So you really don’t want me around.”

“Absolutely not.” She even mock shudders for the full effect.

“Because of your party?”


“What kind of party is it?” No one has said. I think it’s weird that Jade is entertaining her friends like my mom would on a Friday night. With appetizers and wine and all that bullshit.

The look on Jade’s face is immediately sketchy. “Just a little something to get all the girls together.”

Uh, huh. She’s not telling me everything. Pushing my empty bowl away from me, I fold my arms on top of the counter and contemplate her. “I won’t disturb your little something. I’ll lock myself away in my room for the entire night. I promise.”

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