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Blood Legacy
  • Текст добавлен: 10 октября 2016, 00:47

Текст книги " Blood Legacy"

Автор книги: Michael A. Stackpole

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Текущая страница: 6 (всего у книги 25 страниц)


Clan Council Chamber, Hall of the Wolves

Strana Mechty, Beyond the Periphery

28 February 3051


"I, Natasha Kerensky, swear on my honor as a member of the Wolf clan to tell the entire Truth and not to rest until Justice is done in this matter."

Seated behind Cyrilla, Phelan smiled at Natasha's defiant tone. It was news to none that she resented being called up for "interrogation by her peers."The way she said it left no doubt how few of the Council she considered her equal. The day's session promised to be full of fireworks.

The Loremaster looked down at Natasha as she settled uncomfortably into the witness chair. "Your cooperation in this investigation is most appreciated, Colonel Kerensky. The matter of whether or not Wolf Dragoons are guilty of treason against the Clans is a matter for the Grand Council. We are here to decide if there is sufficient evidence to warrant recommending the Grand Council's jurisdiction."

Natasha looked around the Council with a hard stare not muted by its expansion onto the screens above the central dais. "I believe, Loremaster, that I understand quite well what is going on here." In her black jumpsuit unzipped enough to reveal a red t-shirt with a black widow design, Natasha looked, to Phelan, much more the warrior than the other Council members.

Carol Leroux started to position herself as Interrogator, but Natasha waved away the other flame-haired woman. "Go away, child. I don't want these jackals hiding behind you. If they have questions, let them ask me directly. It's time we deal with the puppeteers, not the puppets."

Leroux appealed mutely to the Loremaster, but before he could respond, one Council member stood up near the front now. "Loremaster, I request you instruct ColonelKerensky that in this place we conduct our business in a civilized manner. She should comport herself with more dignity."

The Loremaster stared the Council member back into his seat, then glanced at Natasha. "Colonel Kerensky, Carol Leroux has been appointed your Advocate in this matter. Burke Carson will be your Inquisitor."

A slender man moved down to the floor of the Council Chamber and adjusted the listening device in his right ear. Even though his head had been shaved to promote good contact with a neurohelmet, the man's build and ease of movement would have told Phelan he was a MechWarrior. And the sneer on his face revealed his contempt for Natasha.

She laughed harshly. "Come then, little boy, and do your worst. Learn why I am called the Black Widow."

Phelan saw a number of Council members nod and chuckle, but many more appeared shocked and offended at her remark. He leaned forward to Cyrilla. "I take it this is a resumption of the political infighting that prompted the review of my adoption?"

"Yes, in some ways it is." She half-closed her eyes. "This is more slashing at the political philosophy that Ulric, Natasha, and I embrace. It is a battle of Crusaders versus Wardens."

Phelan shook his head. "Crusaders? Wardens?"

"It is a complex division in our people, but let me try to simplify it for you. The Wardens believe that the Clans should stay out of the affairs of the Inner Sphere, acting only if an outside force threatens the Successor States. The Crusaders believe that the old Star League was a paradise that they are destined to reestablish. Even if it means destroying the Successor States in the process."

Cyrilla's eyes narrowed. "The problem is that the means they wish to employ cut away at the very heart of what it means to be a Clan Warrior."

The young man shook his head. "I don't understand."

The Ward matriarch's face hardened. "The Crusaders, in pressing a charge of treason against Wolf's Dragoons, seek to block the Dragoons' DNA from ever being used in a breeding program!"

The look that Burke Carson was giving Natasha at that moment reminded Phelan of the look the Honor Board headman had given him the day they kicked him out of the Nagelring. "Perhaps, Natasha, you could inform us of the duties to which the Khan assigned the Wolf Dragoons when he first sent you on the mission to the Inner Sphere."

"Gladly. One of the two Wolf Khans at that time was Nadia Winson. She directed us to seek employment as mercenaries with one of the Great Houses, and she acted at the behest of the Grand Council. Our entry vector into the Successor States, chosen to hide the location of the Clan worlds, brought us first into contact with House Davion on 11 April 3005. We negotiated a contract with Prince Ian Davion and fought against the Capellan Confederation. Over the next five years, we were able to gauge the strengths and weaknesses of the Capellan troops, as well as learn how well the Federated Suns forces worked.

"In 3009, we returned to make our report at the rendezvous point preselected by the Khan. She told us to continue to seek employment with each House in succession so that we might continue to gather information. This we did, moving on to a new employer every five years or so. In 3010, we took employ with House Liao, in 3015 with House Marik, in 3020 with House Steiner, and in 3022 with House Kurita. In 3028, we again entered the service of House Davion, who gave us the world of Outreach as our own in the year 3030."

The slender man folded his arms across his chest. "If your mission was to report on the preparedness of the Inner-Sphere, why are there no records of the information you communicated to the Khan?"

Natasha's blue eyes glittered coldly. "Are you saying there is no record or that you are not privy to those records?"

The Loremaster shook his head. "No, Natasha, that answer is not acceptable. Remember, this is the Clan Council. You may not like our reason for asking these questions, but we have the right to do so. Please answer."

The Black Widow nodded reluctantly. "As you say, Loremaster. In 3015, we sent a small party back to the rendezvous and transmitted the data we had gathered on House Liao and House Marik. We also reported the death of Joshua Wolf—her hands gathered into fists—"and of his assassin."

She hesitated, then continued in a slightly subdued voice. "We received no more orders at that time. Our last run for supplies came in 3019. At that time, we were met by Khan Kerlin Ward of this Clan, who issued us a new set of orders."

Carol Leroux, sensing a chance for Natasha to defend herself, pressed for details. "And what were those orders?"

Natasha kept her voice even. "I may not be free to reveal them."

Phelan saw Cyrilla stiffen at that answer, and a number of Council members turned to one another, apparently commenting on the Widow's refusal to answer. The Loremaster's eyes narrowed angrily. "Natasha, you cannot refuse to answer."

Cyrilla stood and settled her earphone and microphone in place. "Loremaster, if I might be permitted. I was a Khan of the Wolf Clan at that time, elected to rule alongside my uncle. I believe that Natasha and the other Wolves in the Dragoons were under strict orders not to discuss their new mission with anyone from the Clans."

From the screen above, the huge image of the Loremaster's face looked down at Cyrilla. "It would seem, then, that we are at an impasse."

"Perhaps not," Cyrilla countered. "Though I was not present at the meeting, I was later privy to the orders given, with no promise of secrecy exacted from me. In fact, Kerlin did that precisely in the event a situation such as this might arise. He was proud of what the Dragoons had done. Were he here now, I am sure Kerlin would free Natasha from her vow of secrecy. He would want to use any and all means to defend the Dragoons' right to participate in breeding programs. Natasha is far more eloquent than I. Perhaps she would give voice to those orders."

Cyrilla bowed her head. "If she does not, I will be forced to report what I know."

Natasha nodded, and a wolfish grin began to spread across her features. "Khan Kerlin Ward charged us with four duties. The first was to continue our survey of the military strengths of the Successor States. He asked us to accelerate our pace, which we did. The second was to examine the problem of training Successor State units to our level of proficiency in 'Mech warfare."

"Third," she said, raising her voice above the din of whispers filling the chamber, "was to locate and secure a world where we could begin to manufacture OmniMechs. The Khan provided us with full technical data on the OmniMechs at that time as well as parts and prototypes for some of the more advanced items your WeaponMasters had created."

The shocked roar threatened to drown her out, but Natasha stood and spoke all the more forcefully. Even the hammering of the Loremaster's gavel did not stop her. "And his last order was to refuse to obey any Khan but himself. He wanted us to prepare the Inner Sphere for the invasion he felt was inevitable and he wanted no outside interference with his plan."

"How dare you suggest Kerlin Ward ordered your treason!" Burke Carson thumped his own chest. "Have you any proof those orders were given?"

Natasha shook her head.

He turned to Cyrilla. "And you, Cyrilla, have you any proof of what you reported?"

"No, Burke, I do not."

Burke turned his attention to Natasha. "So, we have nothing but your word, and the word of your friend, that a Khan ordered you to abandon your original reconnaissance mission and turn it into a crusade to create suitable opposition for the Clans. Such lies are unconscionable in this hallowed body!"

Carol Leroux grabbed Carson's arm. "That is more than enough, Star Commander! You are out of line!"

Furious, Natasha shot from her chair. "How dare you accuse me of lying! I have sworn to tell the truth in this body and I am doing so. I was awarded my Bloodname before your parents left their sibko! I may have been long absent from this Council, but I do recall that we have ways of settling questions of honor. I will meet you on the Field of Combat, Burke Carson."

Carson held his head up high. "A duel of honor is limited to Mech Warriors, Natasha Kerensky. Were you one, I would oblige you. As things are now, I have no reason to accept the challenge of an antique."

"What!" Natasha's fist slammed into the railing of the witness box. "How can you even hint I am not a MechWarrior? I have been fighting for the last forty-five years in the Successor States. I brought with me years' worth of holovids and holotapes showing the Dragoons in action." She pointed at a short, bearded man sitting next to her Council seat. "This archivist has chronicled the affairs of the Inner Sphere for the past twenty years and he can cite you, chapter and verse, engagements and results for the whole of the Dragoons career. I have every right to claim the title of MechWarrior, no matter what my age!"

"I am not interested in what fictions your personal apologist might have concocted, Natasha." Carson pointed to the Loremaster. "Ask him. He has the rolls of the Wolf Clan Warriors there. The last time you were tested as in 3003. Though it confirmed your qualification for a Galaxy command, your Galaxy never saw combat. That you commanded a Triple or even a Cluster during your time in the Inner Sphere has no bearing here because it was never officially sanctioned by your superiors. You have no standing as a MechWarrior, Natasha Kerensky, and you were permitted to tutor this Phelan Wolf because we did not know what else to do with you. Had you the good grace and sanity of any other fossil, you would have wandered off to die ages ago."

Amid the growing maelstrom of Council members arguing among themselves and the heated exchange between Carson and Natasha, Khan Ulric rose from his seat. "Enough!" The outrage in his voice cut the din like a laser through smoke. "Both Khan Garth and I have reviewed the material Natasha and her archivist brought from the Inner Sphere. It cannot be denied, in the face of this evidence, that Natasha Kerensky andthe Wolf Dragoons have been a combat unit of formidable power and influence since they entered the Inner Sphere.

Natasha herself has become infamous for her courage and daring. It is inconceivable that you would make such an accusation against her, Burke."

Ulric nodded toward the Loremaster. "Furthermore, we have long had a tradition of granting appropriate status to any Warrior who has been out of action and unable to test for some reason. As I recall, Burke, you were unable to test for six months after your right leg was shattered in a battle with the Jade Falcons. Would you not accord Natasha Kerensky the same courtesy?"

Phelan saw Carson's inner conflict raging on his face. The man hated being forced to agree with Ulric, but had little choice. "That is our custom, as you point out, my Khan, but for Mech Warriors of a more recent vintage. If not for Natasha's advanced age, I would not oppose denying her the temporary honor, but what is the purpose? She cannot conceivably win out or even survive testing against Warriors four generations younger. I would also point out that I am not required to accept the challenge of a Warrior whose status is only honorary."

"Acknowledged." Ulric smiled at Natasha. "Are you willing to undergo testing to determine your ranking and status among the Mech Warriors of the Wolf Clan?"

The flame-haired MechWarrior nodded solemnly. "I will be prepared to be tested in just under the six months Carson was given for his broken leg. And," she added, shooting him a hooded glance, "I would even be willing to permit Carson as one of my opponents during the testing."

That offer clearly took Carson by surprise. "We shall see if the opportunity presents itself."

"Good." Ulric nodded. "And now back to the original question before us: shall we allow the breeding of the DNA of the Wolf Dragoons?" Ulric looked around the assembly. "It strikes me that Natasha's sworn testimony that the Wolf Dragoons were merely following the Khan's orders resolves the question of treason in a satisfactory manner. How can one commit treason if treason is defined as working against the will of the Clans but the Khan is the embodiment of that will?"

Burke Carson pressed his hand against his earphone and repeated the question coming through to him from a Council member. "Your question is valid, my Khan, and can only be answered in the consciences of the members present. My question, however, is of a different nature. Colonel Kerensky, if you were under orders not to obey the orders of anyone but Khan Kerlin Ward, why did you return to the Clans at this time?"

"I returned to the Clans because, for the first time since our mission began, we received a broadcast demanding all members of the Clan Council return in preparation for the election of an ilKhan. As I was the only member of the expedition who had attained a Bloodname before we left, I was the only one bound by my duty to the Wolf Clan. I did not see my attendance here as contradictory to my orders." She smiled evenly. "In fact, I saw my return as a way to keep faith with those orders."

Carol Leroux smiled slightly. "What do you mean?"

Natasha leaned forward. "The Khan charged us with the duty of preparing the Successor States to oppose an invasion. As a member of the Clan Council, it is my duty to advise the Clan and its Khans on the wisdom of continuing the assault on the Inner Sphere."

Sarcasm dripping from his voice, Carson turned on Natasha again. "And, pray tell, what would you advise us?"

"I would advise that your successes so far came because you took the Inner Sphere by surprise. The time it will take to elect a new ilKhan and resume the assault will negate that advantage. Your superiority of weapons and materiel will be slowly reduced as the Successor States are able to bring newer model 'Mechs on line. Already, as was seen in the Combine and the Lyran sector of the Federated Commonwealth, the Inner Sphere's troops learn quickly and can counter your attacks." Natasha leaned back. "I would advise, ultimately, that the Clans leave the Inner Sphere and never return."

"And leave our Star League in the hands of its destroyers?"

"The Star League ceased being ours when we abandoned it!"

A sharp rap of the Loremaster's gavel stopped their argument cold. "As Khan Ulric has pointed out, the discussion wanders from the issue of the disposition of Dragoon genetic material. We have heard that the Dragoons apparently obeyed the Khan's orders in both letter and spirit. That we do not agree with or sanction those orders is not grounds for recommending review of this matter to the Council of Khans. An excellent point made earlier was that this question can only be decided in the consciences of the Council members.

"I now call for a vote on the matter. As it is most serious, it will require a two-thirds majority to deny the inclusion of Dragoons' DNA in breeding programs. An Aye vote is for destruction of all sperm and ova taken from the Dragoons when they left on their mission. A Nay will kill the matter here and now, allowing our brave brethren fulfillment of their destiny. You have five minutes to post your vote."

Phelan watched as Cyrilla reached her hand toward the red Aye button on her console. "Wait! What are you doing? How can you deny Jaime Wolf and his people the right to reproduce?"

Cyrilla patted Phelan's knee. "Phelan, the moment Natasha and I reported that Khan Kerlin Ward gave the Dragoons orders to do what they did without reporting back, the issue was closed. There is no way that two-thirds of the Wolves will vote to have the Dragoons' DNA destroyed. The records Natasha brought back with her contain so much information that our scientists have only begun to analyze it. As each Blood House has members within the Dragoons, they will not deny themselves the chance of discovering a genetic diamond in the rough. Therefore, knowing the issue will be defeated, I choose to sow discord among the Crusaders by helping inflate their vote total."

"Wait, wait. How can you be sure the vote will go the way you want it to?"

Cyrilla sighed. "Phelan, those of us who have been around for a long time build up a storehouse of favors owed from members of other Houses. We also exert considerable influence over our own kin. Through exchanging a few favors with other Houses, I was able to gain an accurate picture of how the voting would likely go, and to change some minds so we could manufacture a pleasing picture for our Crusader friends."

Phelan nibbled on his lower lip. "How close will it get?"

Cyrilla shrugged. "Close enough that the Crusaders will believe they can replace one or both of our Khans in the next election."

Ah, I think I see now."With the vote ending up closer than they expected, they will believe themselves closer to victory and will not work as hard to gather the votes they need."

"And those Wardens who have consistently underestimated the Crusader threat will be alarmed at the situation." Cyrilla smiled knowingly as she punched the button that registered an affirmative vote. "After the final vote is tallied, one of the Crusaders, an Elemental by the name of Karl Nevski, will issue a preemptory challenge of the vote. Evantha Fetladral will accept the challenge."

Confused again, Phelan furrowed his brow. "Even a fair vote can be challenged through combat?"

"Certainly." Cyrilla laid a hand on Phelan's shoulder. "We are the Clans, we are warriors. Our final court of appeal has always been the battlefield. If Nevski's forces can defeat those gathered by Evantha, and do so convincingly in the eyes of the Loremaster, the vote will be overturned."

Phelan shook his head slowly. "The ultimate in might making right."

"It is tradition among our people," Cyrilla said. The elder Ward smiled as her eyes focused far away. "You see, Phelan, within the Clans, fighting does not end when you leave the cockpit of a 'Mech. There is always conflict everywhere. He who is not ready for it will be destroyed by it."


ComStar First Circuit Compound, Hilton Head Island

 North America, Terra

 5 March 3051


Precentor Martial Focht bowed deeply to Primus Myndo Waterly as he entered the room. Standing in the midst of her personal chamber, he felt uncomfortable and more than a little intimidated. He cleared his throat before speaking. "I came as soon as I received word you wanted to see me." He was about to apologize for the sweat-stained fatigues he wore when the Primus signalled him to be silent.

She turned slowly from the large window overlooking the courtyard below, obviously fighting back the urge to unleash her fury. "I am not pleased that you were 'out of radio contact.' Were I of a suspicious nature, I might think it was an attempt to somehow evade me." She still wore the formal robe of her office, but her mane of long white hair was loose rather than bound.

Anastasius Focht closed his one good eye and shook his head. "Far from it, Primus. I was engaged in an exercise that demanded total radio silence. We have been simulating the effects of long-term operation in Clan-occupied areas. In this way, we can better determine the abilities of our troops in a long campaign against the Clans."

The Primus raised an eyebrow. "That is foolishness. Ourforces will not be fighting the Clans."

"Apologies, Primus. I meant the term 'our' to refer to troops from the various Houses of the Inner Sphere. I did not mean to imply we would be engaging the Clans in the near future."

The Primus smiled with the condescension of a parent correcting an errant child. "We will never fight the Clans as long as there is a chance of taking them over from within. They are the hammer for reforging mankind, and ComStar is the anvil on which the New Man is being beaten into shape."

"Primus, I acknowledge the truth of what you say. Blessed be the will of Blake. These exercises, however, are necessary so that we can calculate what resistance the Successor States are likely to offer our allies when battle is joined again. The successes of the Davion forces on Twycross and the Kurita forces on Wolcott were a surprise."

Myndo nodded and turned away. She touched a hidden panel beside the round pane, and a shade slowly descended over it. As the light from the window died, the computer equalized the room's illumination by bringing up the interior lights. Their glow burnished the oak-panelled walls and floor with rich highlights.

"I appreciate, Precentor Martial, your desire to maintain our troops as an ace-in-the-hole if the Clans do become unruly, but I think your time is better spent assessing the strengths and weaknesses of potential targets for Clan conquest."

Focht's grim expression pulled his lips into a taut line. "At this point in time, Primus, the Clans have the ability to take any world they choose. Because of the ilKhan's death, most of their front-line troops have withdrawn to a position somewhere beyond the Periphery. This withdrawal comes because many of these elite troops have Bloodnames—a kind of hereditary order among them, as near as I can tell. These Bloodnamed individuals will elect a new ilKhan.

"Though the troops they have left behind to garrison their conquests are not normally seen as offensively capable, they could easily start adding to the Clans' holdings."

Myndo gestured casually toward the desk and data terminal in a corner of the chamber. "This I know, Precentor. I have read your reports and have found them, as always, to be informative and concise. I have noted, however, that you and I disagree on the worlds best suited to Clan conquest."

"I am not certain I follow your meaning, Primus." Focht was beginning to feel uneasy. "Worlds are selected based on their garrison strength, the value of their resources and industry, and the overall size of their populations. We choose those with high resources or industries, but weak defenses and low populations, as the primary targets. They are easier to take and hold."

"Perhaps for the military this is true." The Primus' blue eyes glittered like ice. "ComStar, on the other hand, has other interests. Because the Clans see fit to let us administer their conquered worlds and to reeducate the populations, your criteria are flawed. By advising the conquest of worlds with larger populations first, we gain a larger audience for the Sacred Word of Blake."

The Precentor Martial forced himself to count silently to ten. With equal deliberation, he clasped his hands behind his back. "Primus, I understand your desire to gain access to as many people as possible within the conquered territories. However, to advocate the conquest of high-density population worlds increases the chance of civilian casualties."

"And you see a problem with that?" Myndo's eyes flared wide. "Bloodshed is just what people need to shake them from their complacency. If civilians die, it only builds resentment against the Clans, making it all the easier for us to play the role of savior when we come as intermediary between the populace and the Clans. The passion of the people becomes our passion, and through it, we can enlighten them."

"Surely, Primus, you would not advocate the commission of atrocities against civilians?"

Myndo vetoed that idea with the wave of a hand. "Never, Precentor Martial, would I issue such orders. But you know as well as I that the people of worlds where civilians have suffered are more quickly transformed into a docile citizenry."

"I see." Focht looked down at the golden ComStar insignia inlaid into the floor of the chamber. "Then I take it the re-education programs are going well?"

"Not as well as I hoped, but the withdrawal of the Clan leadership has lifted some of the pressure from the people. Some of them dare believe the Clans will not continue the invasion, though our agents assure them the Clans intend to fight on. Yet, in just over a year, the people of many a conquered world see ComStar as the only means to getting things done. If we can continue as advocates for the people against their conquerors for another two or three years, we will be able to engineer a mass uprising to overthrow the Clans when the time is right."

Focht's head came back up. "What news of the negotiations on Outreach? Is Wolf going to be able to unite the feuding factions of the Inner Sphere into an army?"

The petulant look that swept the Primus' features was an eloquent answer. "We have little or no news. We have not infiltrated any agents into the cadre of outsiders Wolf allows on his world. Even if we had, it would be impossible for such an agent to report until he was out of the system. As nearly as we can tell, people are going into Outreach, but no one has left. I believe this means that negotiations are not proceeding as smoothly as Wolf had hoped, for no action has been taken in direct response to orders issued from Outreach."

"On the other hand, Primus, it could also mean negotiations are going very well, and the planning precludes the issuance of orders."

The Primus shrugged. "Either way, I do not believe the armies of the Great Houses could ever pose a threat to the Clans, even if united. Was it not you who time and again has underscored the technological advantage the Clans have over any forces in the Inner Sphere? Reading your reports, it has occurred to me that cooperation between the Great Houses would result in the Clans abandoning their silly practice of bidding away strength. Only we can stop them, and we will do it from within."

"I realize, Primus, that you disdain dealing with hypothetical situations, but the current state of affairs does demand some speculation." Focht rubbed the white stubble on his chin with his left hand. "Twenty years ago, a Star League memory core fell into the hands of Hanse Davion. A covert ComStar assault on the New Avalon Institute of Science failed to recover or destroy it. Since that time, a number of technological advancements have emerged in medicine, planetology, astrophysics, and other sciences. These suggest that the computer core provided breakthroughs to the rediscovery of much knowledge lost after the First Succession War."

"Yes, but we have seen no developments in weapons or 'Mech technology."

"True, Primus, but it would not be the first time that the Successor States have withheld information from us. It could be that they are keeping a tight guard on the secret of new advancements. You will recall that twenty years ago House Davion revealed a new myomer fiber that made 'Mechs faster and stronger than ever before."

Myndo's eyes narrowed. "But that myomer fiber combusted when in contact with a gas Davion scientists had created. That was why Davion did not outfit his 'Mechs with the pseudomuscle, but was more than willing to let House Liao have the secret so he could use it against them. I remember well the raid on Sian, Precentor Martial. I also know that two decades of research by Liao scientists have not succeeded in finding a way to coat or change the muscle so that it is not combustible in the presence of that gas."

"I do not bring this to your attention to upset you, Primus." Focht held his hands open in a gesture of peace. "I do hasten to point out, however, that the triple-strength myomer has not been released for use in industrial 'Mechs where the gas is not usually present. It strikes me as likely that the myomer is the subject of continued classified researches. Even if the Davion scientists have not found a way to make the myomer immune to the gas, they could equip their 'Mechs with the more powerful muscles anyway, just as House Liao has done with recon 'Mechs like the Locustand the Raven.These 'Mechs could be used on airless worlds or ones constantly lashed by storms to present the Clans with a nasty surprise."

"We shall inform the Clans of the gas and instruct them in its use."

Focht nodded. "I have already done so, Primus. That is not the issue.. I explain all this to emphasize that we do not know the state of Davion weapons research on a secret that is twenty years old. How can we be certain Davion or Kurita or even Thomas Marik has not initiated a weapons research program that will close the technological gap with the Clans?"

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