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Blood Legacy
  • Текст добавлен: 10 октября 2016, 00:47

Текст книги " Blood Legacy"

Автор книги: Michael A. Stackpole

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Текущая страница: 18 (всего у книги 25 страниц)


First Circuit Compound, Hilton Head Island

North America , Terra

21 November 3051


Myndo Waterly successfully hid her pleasure at the shocked expression on Huthrin Vandel's florid face. "Yes, Precentor Tharkad, I did say Luthien. Does that surprise you?" She looked at the other members of the First Circuit. "Did I not tell you that these Clansmen were bold?"

Gardner Riis, the platinum-haired Precentor from Rasalhague, looked over at Precentor Dieron, then back to the Primus. "Forgive me, Primus, but do we supply the requested information for the assault on the Draconis capital?"

Brushing her long hair back from her shoulders, Myndo strode down from her dais to stand directiy on the gold star set into the floor of the circular chamber. "Is there a reason we should not, Precentor Rasalhague? The projected date is more than six weeks off. That is more than enough time to obtain the information, is it not?"

Riis nodded, flinching uncomfortably from her attention. "Yes, Primus, but that battle is likely to be hard-fought. Theodore Kurita will never permit Luthien to fall. This could be the place where the Combine makes its final stand."

"And you see that as a problem?"

Huthrin Vandel had recovered his composure enough to intervene. "Primus, I believe my colleague fears ComStar's association with what could be a grave loss for the Smoke Jaguars and Nova Cats. If the Precentor Martial reads Clan politics correctly, we could be discredited along with the ilKhan. And should that occur, we would certainly lose our position as administrators on Clan-occupied worlds."

Myndo blithely ignored Vandel's protest and turned her attention to Sharilar Mori. "Precentor Dieron, what say you of the Combine's chances of successfully defending Luthien?"

"It is difficult to predict, Primus." Sharilar folded her arms and tucked her hands into the sleeves of her scarlet robe. "I believe Luthien is home to the First Sword of Light, the Otomo, the Second Legion of Vega, and both Genyosha Regiments. The Kanrei might also call in one or two of the Ghost regiments as reinforcements. It all depends, of course, on how much advance warning Theodore Kurita has and what are his current plans."

Ulthan Everson, Precentor from New Avalon, leaned forward on his crystalline podium. "That coincides with all reports I have seen concerning Luthien. I wonder, though, if Theodore mightn't also call in some of the Ryuken regiments. They are currently operating in the Pesht Military District."

Sharilar looked at the Primus. "If it would please you, Primus, we might use a projection map to clarify the situation." Myndo nodded and Sharilar commanded a map of the Combine from the computer. "As you can see, the line of conquest runs from Tamby on the Periphery on down toward Pesht. The Clans have not seen fit to enlighten us on why they do not sweep out in a push through the Draconis backwater. Nevertheless, I believe the Precentor Martial to be correct in pointing out that their current axis of attack makes for shorter lines of supply than if they tried to take everything at once."

She pointed at the world of Pesht. "The Ryuken are using Pesht as a base in preparation for a series of attacks against Clan-occupied worlds. This is a variation on the Davion strategy. Even if Theodore could recall these units to help defend Luthien, I do not think he would. Though an audacious warrior, he will continue with the attacks to the enemy's rear to distract them. Of course, he will bring in the Ryuken if the situation becomes grave."

Myndo flashed a smile at Riis and Vandel. "So you predict that the Clans could defeat Luthien?"

Precentor Dieron considered her reply just long enough to annoy Myndo slightly. "I believe, Primus, that the Clans can win against any forces they find on Luthien. I would not, however, wish to be present on that world during or after the fighting."

Myndo rewarded Sharilar's characteristic directness with a smile. "I think your prediction of serious fighting is accurate, Precentor Dieron. I also share your opinion of the outcome for the Clans. I see no risk in providing the Clans with the information they request."

Huthrin Vandel hissed like a cat. "Primus, now is a time for caution. Recall that the Free Worlds League has agreed to create 'Mechs and parts for both the Combine and the Federated Commonwealth. These reinforcements could make a big difference in how battles go."

"How good of you to remind me of trivial matters." Myndo slowly returned to her dais, proudly refusing to acknowledge that she was in retreat from Vandel's attack. "You know as well as I that Precentor Atreus is on his way to the planet Atreus to speak with Thomas Marik about just this matter. Thomas was once one of us. We can persuade him not to assist the forces of the Inner Sphere."

"But the agreement has not yet been overturned, has it?" Vandel pressed his advantage. "Thomas has been quite independent since leaving ComStar and taking over as Captain-General of the League. I understand from Precentor New Avalon that Joshua is responding to treatment at the NAIS, though he is still quite ill. Do you think Thomas will renege on the deal while his son's life is at stake?"

Why have I tolerated you all these years?"I would remind you, Precentor Tharkad, that patience is a virtue at which ComStar excels. The 'Mechs Marik has agreed to turn over to Hanse Davion and Theodore Kurita would not come on line for a year or so anyway. That gives us ample time to formulate our own plans, including one that will lead to Thomas' replacement, if it comes to that."

Vandel shook his head. "Any such overt move would tip our hand and reveal that we are working with the Clans– which I do not think is a good idea."

"Your continual objections to our alliance have been scrupulously noted, though I acknowledge merit to your concern. That is why I ask you all to return to your stations for consultation with the leaders of the Inner Sphere." Myndo smiled cruelly. "Tell them that ComStar is deeply concerned about the invasion and will, therefore, cut our fees for military communications by ninety percent, with guarantees of instant transmission of data from intelligence agents behind the Clan lines."

"What?" Gardner Riis blinked at Myndo. "If the Clans learn of this, they will destroy us!"

Myndo laughed lightly. "Someday, Precentor Rasalhague, you will learn that there are wheels within wheels. You will make those pronouncements to the leaders of the Successor States. We will check any information they pass through us for authenticity and then relay it to the Clans. You will also tell the Great House leaders that I, the Primus of ComStar, have gone out to meet with the Clans' ilKhan in hopes of working out a peaceful settlement of the conflict."

The only sound in the chamber came as Precentor New Avalon applauded the Primus. "This is masterful, Myndo. You should arrive at the Clans just in time to bring the ilKhan the news that Luthien has fallen."

"Precisely my intention." Myndo smiled coldly. "And when I return, I will bring with me the Clans' terms for the unconditional surrender of the rest of the Inner Sphere."


Unity Palace, Imperial City, Luthien

Pesht Military District, Draconis Combine

22 November 3051


The funereal silence of the briefing room shared by Hohiro Kurita and his father shocked Shin Yodama. Finding himself neither noticed nor welcomed as he crossed the threshold, the yakuza MechWarrior knew how grave matters had become. Without speaking, he went to his customary position at Hohiro's left hand and punched his recognition code into the computer terminal.

Behind him, the leaders of the military units stationed on Luthien filed into the room and took their places at the black table. Seeing Narimasa Asano, leader of the Genyosha, seated across from him, Shin drew strength from the man's calm demeanor. The other military men showed more apprehension and irritation at having been summoned so abruptly. Some still rubbed sleep from their eyes, probably having caught a few more moments of sleep as their aides drove them to the palace in the middle of the night.

Though Theodore did nothing to acknowledge their presence, he approached the head of the table when the last general was seated and the doors had been shut. The Kanrei hit several buttons on the console at his right hand, engaging the anti-listening capabilities of the room. Though Shin had grown accustomed to it, Theodore's plodding, methodical way of punching each button, like an executioner mechanically lopping head after head with an axe, struck him as a most dire omen.

Theodore kept his voice quiet and low. He enunciated his words carefully, as though precision could somehow mitigate the disastrous message he had to deliver. "I have learned through an unimpeachable source that the Clans have chosen their next target in our space, and that it is Luthien."

Nausea twisted Shin's stomach like a python trying to crush a rabbit. Luthien! They mean to decapitate the Combine, just as they have the Free Rasalhague Republic.His hands clenched into fists as he looked around at the shocked expressions of the other military men around the table. Only Narimasa Asano was able to conceal his reaction to the news, though his composure was not perfect.

"Are you certain?" someone inquired from further down the table.

"Hai."Theodore took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. "I learned of this intended strike only an hour ago and immediately sent for all of you. We have five regiments on Luthien, and can call up another three of militia and retired military, though our equipment is not so good."

Tai-saOda Hideyoshi, leader of the fanatical Otomo, pressed his palms flat against the table's surface. "We must defend Luthien. If we lose it, we lose everything."

Across from Hideyoshi, a wizened older man whose close-cropped black hair and big ears made him look to Shin like a monkey-spirit, nodded in agreement. "Kanrei, the First Sword of Light stands ready to repulse these invaders, but we are not able to do it alone. Acknowledging the spirit of the Otomo, the Genyosha, and your Second Legion of Vega, may I suggest that you recall the Ryuken regiments from Pesht to reinforce us here."

Theodore looked at the Genyosha leader. "Do you concur, Tai-sa?'

Asano leaned back in his chair, his dark eyes revealing nothing of his thoughts. "Forgive me, Kanrei, but we have not enough information to render that judgement. We have five regiments here, which translate roughly into a Clan force half our size. We have not seen a Clan assault with more than two of their regiments, except the rumored force they used to take Rasalhague. I also assume that the pattern of previous attacks means that we will be facing the Smoke Jaguars and Nova Cats, while the Ghost Bears and their new allies, the Steel Vipers, will strike further into our territory."

Theodore nodded. "I was not given any information on a Ghost Bear or Steel Viper attack, but I have no reason to assume you are wrong."

"Then I would have to agree that reinforcement is crucial, but let it be a general reinforcement of our whole line. Luthien may be the capital, but it is not the whole of the Combine."

The other officers stared at Asano as though he were mad, but Shin began to see at what the old man hinted. Shin knew the Ryuken were prepared to stage raids into Clan-held territory and that they had a sanctuary on Wolcott that the Clans would not hit. Pulling the Ryuken back would only keep the Combine on the defensive, while letting them loose would force the Clans to be more cautious.

Theodore leaned forward, pressing his fingertips to the ta-bletop. "Time and again, we have had to rediscover the key to modern warfare. We no longer have fronts, and ownership of planets means nothing. The only way to defeat an enemy is to destroy his capacity to wage war. This is done by destroying his troops and disrupting his supply lines. We all know this, but our pride often blinds us to this truth.

"Twenty years ago, we saw two sharp examples of this truth. The Liao strike at the Kathil ship yards was misguided and unsuccessful, yet could have crippled Hanse Davion's war had it come off as planned. There was also Katrina Steiner's strike at my JumpShips, preventing our invasion of the Isle of Skye, at no greater cost than a handful of agents."

The First Swords leader, Yoshida, raised a counterpoint. "What you say is true, but how can you discount how the loss of Luthien would affect our population? The dishonor ..."

"Damn the dishonor! Yes, the loss of Luthien would be a blow, but a successful defense of other worlds would temper that, as would the reconquest of worlds the Clans have previously taken." Theodore's blue eyes blazed like a PPC beam. "So far all we have done is react to attacks by the Clans. But if they want to throw forces at Luthien, it means they do not have troops to hold other worlds. It means they're devoting too much of their munitions and spare parts to one world, making them vulnerable elsewhere. That vulnerability is exactly what I intend to exploit."

The Kanrei looked at Shin. "Sho-saYodama, please punch up Case Tako."

Octopus?Shin typed the request into the computer and saw a map of the Combine materialize and hover over the center of the table. Golden sparks of light glowed on each world where the Combine maintained troops. Slender golden threads representing supply circuits connected worlds in a wispy web.

Without his doing anything, the picture slowly changed. Ninety percent of the line units on the border with the Federated Commonwealth—both along the Draconis March and the Isle of Skye—drifted up toward the Clan lines, and the supply web shifted to support them. More important, supply lines to frontline worlds increased, giving those units enough material to launch strikes at the enemy. Shin realized that even if the Combine's attacks were little more than raids, by the time the Clans could react to them, attack units shifted from the Davion border would be arriving to reinforce the planets they would attack.

"This is it, my Lords. We reallocate our forces to provide far more resistance than the Clans can imagine. The field modification kits are being shipped to the units I want to use for strikes, so the Clans will be facing 'Mechs that are close to their equal. We'll have the Ryuken strike at their rear and feint toward the Periphery, as though intending to backtrack the Clans and strike at their home."

Asano smiled ever so slightly. "Audacious, to say the least. Will you concentrate on reinforcing and supplying units with strong aerospace wings, the only combat arena where we seem to fight on even ground with the Clans?"

"Of course." Theodore straightened up. "We are also upgrading conventional air forces to aid in anti-'Mech activities. The cost will be high in terms of personnel, but it will give the Clan fighter pilots even more to think about, as well as keeping their 'Mech forces off guard."

The leader of the Otomo shook his head. "This plan certainly seems to offer the solution to dealing with the Clans, but I fear we are burning the roof to warm us against the cold night. Stripping forces from the Davion border is madness. Davion will be on us like a shark to a bleeding fish."

"Hanse Davion has given me his word that he will not strike."

"And you believe him?" Hideyoshi could barely disguise his incredulity. "That is a grave error, and one your father has never made."

Shin saw Theodore stiffen at the mention of Takashi Kurita. His father, still the Coordinator of the Draconis Combine, claimed the loyalty of many old-line military men who believed Theodore's reforms had emasculated the Combine and stripped it of honor. As a yakuza, Shin would never have been allowed to serve his nation or have risen to his present position except for Theodore's reforms. The thought made him flush slightly, whether in anger or embarrassment, he was not sure.

"Tai-saHideyoshi, I hasten to remind you that my father very nearly delivered us into Hanse Davion's hands twenty years ago. He also managed to alienate the most powerful mercenary units in the Successor States through his Death to Mercenaries order. Had it been my father leading the defense of the Combine against Hanse Davion only ten years ago, he would have lost the Dieron district and half of the Galedon district as well."

Theodore's words came quietly, but the anger in them was enough to subdue his listeners immediately. "My father's hatred and distrust of Hanse Davion is born of prejudicial contempt. Takashi dismissed Davion as an inferior, which leads him to underestimate the Prince of the Federated Commonwealth. I do not make that mistake. I treat Hanse Davion as the deadly foe he is. That is why I understand that because it is not in his best interest to attack us, he will not."

Stubborn as a pit bull, Hideyoshi refused to let go the matter of the Davion threat. "Perhaps you do not find it odd to be considering Hanse Davion's best interests, but I have never approved of this alliance you made."

"Do you have more than your old traditions to back this distrust, or are you caught in a repetitive groove that will not let you free?"

"Let us assume it is as you say. Let us assume that Hanse Davion will not hit us right now. But the moment he learns that Luthien is vulnerable, he will have to strike us. This is his one chance to end our threat to him. And if Luthien falls, he must hit us. Not only will that be in his best interest, but he can claim merely to be bolstering your faltering realm. Then you marry your daughter off to his son, and Hanse Davion becomes the First Lord of the new Star League."

Watching Hideyoshi impassively through half-shut eyes, Theodore stroked the stubble on his chin. "I see that the court gossips have your ear, Tai-sa.Though we are here to discuss military matters, you seem determined to deflect the discussion into some dialogue on politics. I do not intend to honor that gambit because matters at hand are too grave for us to be sidetracked by fairy tales, rumors, gossip, or any other foolishness."

The Kanrei clasped his hands behind his back. "I likewise reject your distrust of Hanse Davion. I have been with him. I have looked him in the eye. He is a man of great power in our time, and we know he will never give it up easily and will always seek to increase the power he wields. We saw greed in his strike at the Capellan Confederation twenty years ago, and the same in his attack on us ten years ago. Hanse Davion, however, saw something else. He saw himself striking a blow for freedom and humanity.

"Misguided though he may be, that is his motivation. That is the force driving him. I would be the last to claim he is incapable of deceit or treachery, but I believe he descends to that level in the name of his goal, something that he sees as a great vision. Besides, we must trust Hanse Davion. We have no choice."

Hideyoshi sighed heavily and Shin heard the resignation in it. "Then do not let Hanse Davion know that the Clans have attacked Luthien until you are able to inform him of our victory in throwing the invader back."

Theodore shook his head slowly. "Too late. A message informing Davion of the impending strike on Luthien is already on its way to him."

The Otomo leader raised his hands in despair. "We are lost."

"No, Hideyoshi, we are not." Theodore smiled carefully.

"You are right that Hanse Davion must come after us if we lose Luthien. But there lies the solution to the problem. No matter what the Clans throw at us, we will never let Luthien fall."


Avalon City , New Avalon

Cruris March, Federated Commonwealth

27 November 3051


Hanse Davion watched as the muted light of the briefing room glinted off silvery scars on Justin Allard's black metal left hand. "I never expected to hear those words from you, Justin."

The Intelligence Secretary shrugged helplessly. "It grieves me to disappoint you, Highness, but our mutual discomfort does nothing to answer your question. The construction of the fax message—everything from the syntax to the brush strokes used—indicate it originated in the Draconis Combine. My experts trace it from Luthien and even suggest it may have come from the brush of Theodore Kurita himself. I have no way of authenticating beyond that."

The Prince looked to Alex Mallory. "Have you anything to add, Deputy Secretary?"

The slender blond man shook his head. "I can only echo what Justin tells you, Highness. The fax appears to have originated from within the Combine."

Hanse felt a flutter of fear. "Do you realize what you're saying? If the Combine has somehow gotten hold of one of our fax machines, they've been privy to our communications for the past twenty years!" He shook his head sadly. "No wonder we lost a war ten years ago. I'm more surprised Theodore Kurita has not shown up at our doorstep at the head of his army."

"You overestimate the threat, my Prince." Justin's expression showed the reflective calm that Hanse had seen and learned to depend on over the years. "Every Black Box was accounted for at the end of the Liao war. We have proof that all were either destroyed or remained in our hands, though the possibility of deception cannot be dismissed. The evidence is less compelling in the 3039 war, and that may be when Theodore could have obtained one. It was just that danger that made us encode all military messages we have sent over the past two decades, and we have also improved the speed of the machines. In fact, one of our machines on Murchison picked up this message, then transmitted it to New Avalon. The original message won't reach us until the beginning of next month."

Melissa interlaced her fingers and placed her hands on the hardwood table. "So you believe that the threat to our security is minimal?"

"I would characterize no threat to the Federated Commonwealth as minimal, Archon, but the threat is within normal limits and has been handled in an appropriate manner. We treat faxes as subject to discovery and always include some disinformation to make things difficult for the ISF or ComStar if they are intercepting our messages."

Justin held up the sheet of paper from Theodore. "This merely confirms our suspicion that the Combine did capture one of our machines."

"Well, then," Hanse said, wearying of all the explanation, "what about the content of the message?" Hanse studied his copy again. "Can we believe Theodore that the Clans are on the way to attack Luthien?"

Alex punched a request for data into the keyboard at his place. "The reports we've gotten from our agents on the borders of the Draconis March and the Isle of Skye report massive recall of troops. The Combine has left a few worlds with 'Mech units in place, but it is usually one company from a crack regiment, with reinforcements cobbled together from yakuza elements and militia forces. They're stripping off all air and aerospace assets especially.

"I read that as a definite move to reinforce the front with the Clans."

"As Kurita moves the troops toward the fight, other troops move to Luthien." Melissa chewed on her lower lip. "A strike at Luthien could seriously damage the Combine's ability to fight. Their people are so tied to honor, they could start committing seppukuin droves out of shame for a fallen Luthien."

Hanse nodded. "Worse yet, you'd have a replay of the Ronin Invasions. Units would head out to avenge Luthien, without direction or supply. The front would be chaos, then it would collapse. This is very bad." My buffer with the Clans is about to disintegrate.

His head came up. "Assessment of the threat to Luthien, Justin?"

"Serious." Justin's hands curled down into fists, then opened again in a slow, rhythmic display of frustration. "At best, we show them with four line regiments, one political regiment, and another three weak regiments of reserves. The troops are some of their best, but we have no way of judging what the Clans will throw at them. The Wolves used three full regiments to pacify Rasalhague, but that was only a fraction of their available force. With the Clans' new strategy of hitting heavily defended worlds while skipping others, they will, undoubtedly, send whatever they need to take the world. With two Clans operating in that area, I have no doubt they will have the resources they need to do the job."

But Theodore is very crafty."What if Theodore successfully outbids the Clans, as was done on Wolcott?"

The Intelligence Secretary nodded. "A good point, but I doubt the Smoke Jaguars will let themselves be humiliated again. Given their defeat on Wolcott, I'd wager they chose Luthien precisely to redeem themselves."

"Luthien." Hanse felt goosebumps rising on his arms. "For years, I dreamed of capturing Kurita's Black Pearl, but now the idea of its fall fills me with dread." Or is it only that you hate the idea of someone else taking it instead?

"The implications of Luthien's fall are not good." Alex's quick fingerwork on the keyboard brought a holographic map burning to life over the Jable. "Luthien's loss means

Pesht would be isolated. If it goes, so does the whole Pesht Military District."

The top half of the Combine's red triangle went black. "If Theodore survived, he would have to pull all the way back to Benjamin to have a secure capital world. Benjamin, as a world, holds significance for the people of the Combine, so the loss of face would not be overwhelming. He could organize a defense from there, and with fewer planets to defend, he could hold out for a long while. However, he wouldn't have the industrial backing needed to defeat the Clans and reconquer the worlds he had lost. The Galedon District would go, leaving Theodore with the Benjamin and Dieron Districts, but no hope of ever again being a power."

The loss of the Galedon District reduced the map of the once proud Draconis Combine to a small rectangle of space roughly half again the size of the Capellan Confederation. The Clans' conquest of the Galedon District would put them directly on the border of the Draconis March, posing a direct threat to the Federated Suns portion of the Federated Commonwealth.

"Alex, I commend your projections, but do they take into account how long it would take for the troops that have been moved off the border to return to defensible lines?" Hanse studied the map closely. "Many of Theodore's troops could get caught without transport or supplies. That would accelerate the timetable of conquest, would it not?"

"I agree, Highness, it would."

"So, you're telling my husband and me that if Luthien falls, the Combine is destroyed?"

Justin nodded. "That is the long and short of it." He broke eye contact with Hanse and looked down. "Forgive me, my Prince, but I must now make a suggestion that I feel is my duty as your Secretary of Intelligence. We have fifteen regiments in position to consolidate the conquest of the Dieron District. If Theodore's time prediction for the strike on Luthien is correct, we could be at Benjamin and Galedon when the Clans hit."

Hanse felt an acid burn in his stomach. "Break my vow to Theodore? Hit the Combine?"

His face set in a mask of stone, Justin nodded solemnly. "They could not stop us. The Combine would be ours."

The Kurita curse lifted from my people forever!He pointed at the map. "Show me where we have units."

Little golden lights flared to life like muzzle-flashes all across the Draconis March and Isle of Skye borders. The line continued up the Rasalhague border, with two units deep in Rasalhague territory, and then traced a line that defined the Jade Falcons' incursion into the Lyran Commonwealth. Opposing his forces in the Dieron District, Hanse saw only a pitiful scattering of red pinpricks.

"The death of Luthien betokens the death of the Combine?"

Justin nodded with the finality of the Grim Reaper himself. "Without a head, how can the Dragon's body survive?"

The Fox shut his eyes as he came to a decision. "Orders will go out over my signature within the hour."

Melissa clutched his left arm. "Hanse, what are you going to do?"

"What I must do, beloved, just as with Thomas Marik. I have no choice." He stared at the gold sparks floating above the table. "I'm going to send them."

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