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Dead Breath
  • Текст добавлен: 3 мая 2021, 15:03

Текст книги "Dead Breath"

Автор книги: Melody Jade Allen

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Текущая страница: 3 (всего у книги 4 страниц)

Chapter 4

“We are leaving! Immediately!” Leandra screamed.

Mireya looked around – she was standing in the middle of the hotel room, the walls and some furniture were in the embrace of a flame; outside there was the sound of a fire alarm.

“I can’t leave!” Mireya shouted back at her. “They will find me!”

“No, they will not! But you can hide alone, but I could not!” Leandra smiled and walked closer. “There are not many people you can trust, Mireya. Give me the opportunity to be your true friend, whom I used to be. It’s all because of that damn Los Angeles.”

“What?” Mireya retreated.


The fire burned it down…

Mireya opened her eyes. She slept in her room of the motel “The heart of Las Vegas”; no fire, no Leandra. She was alone.

Mireya got up. Tom was obviously in his room; the night lamp was on. She went to the window and looked at the street – it was already night, Tom’s car was gone. “What the heck?” She said and took her backpack with her stuff, she ran out.

That “Cowboy” was still in the hall of the motel, drinking coffee from a mug with the cover of Back to the Future 3 Movie and reading a book.

“Sorry?” Mireya approached him. “I was here with a guy; do you know when he left the motel?”

Cowboy turned the page. “About three hours ago, Miss. But he said that he will return.”

“Yes…?” Mireya ran her hand over the tangled hair. “He did not say when exactly?”

Cowboy shrugged his shoulders. “He didn’t. And I didn’t ask.”

“I understood. Thank you.” Mireya came out; slightly cool night air made her finally clear her thoughts, there was parked one more car. Someone was inside and looking at her…

“Hey!” She came closer. “What the hell are you…?” She didn’t have time to finish her words before the car moved from the spot and disappeared under her enchanted gaze in the midnight darkness.

Another car…

Mireya turned around – Tom.

“Hello, Lady.” He stopped in front of her and lowered the glass of the passenger seat. “Let’s ride?”

Mireya raised her eyebrows.

“To Leandra’s apartment. I promised we will visit there tonight. Or have you changed your mind?”

“No way.” Mireya got into the car. “Are we going?”

Tom nodded and pressed the gas.

“I think I’m getting paranoia.” Mireya blurted out.

“Huh?” Tom a little distracted, but looked at the road.

“When I got out of the motel, there was a car; there was a man inside of it. I didn’t see his face, but he looked directly at me. When I approached him to ask what was the matter, he just drove away. And I did not see the car plate numbers.”

“What kind of car was it?”

“It was the dark sedan.”

“Wow! You cut the list by a couple of million, but the list of suspects is still about a few hundred thousand and it’s only in Las Vegas.” Tom grinned.

“Thank you, I appreciate your support.” Mireya rolled her eyes.

“Come on, it must have been someone like us. Someone came there by night to hide and you didn’t let him in.”

“That sounds logical. But I’m not entirely sure.”

Tom shrugged his shoulders.

“By the way…” Mireya looked at him. “Is Tom Walt a fictitious name?”

“Only Walt is. My full name is Thomas. But call me Tom. Are you Mireya Jalinda Rothe?”

Mireya narrowed her eyes. “Yes. Did she say it?”

Tom chuckled. “Is it such a big secret?”

“No, it’s not. I just didn’t think Leandra talked so much about me behind my back. How long do we have to go to her last home?”

“It’s about a few hours.”

“Where have you been?”

Tom slightly reduced the speed of the car. “Sorry?”

“Well, you left our motel. Where did you go?”

“There is a gas station nearby, on the other side.” Tom tightened his grip on the steering wheel. “I just didn’t want to waste time when we go together.”

“Why does it seem to me that you are lying?”

“It’s because I am.” Tom smiled meaningfully and again exceeded speed.

Mireya felt drowsy, which was unusual for her after a recent awakening, but she tried to hold on. “Can we stop and buy coffee?”

Tom didn’t answer.

“What?” Mireya asked.

“You said there was a dark sedan?” He said.

Mireya held her breath for a moment. “Yes.”

“He is following us.”

The car filled with silence. Mireya’s could hear some creaking in her ears. “So, what’s the plan?”

“I don’t have one yet. I don’t want problems on the road. Sometimes the police patrol somewhere around here. Don’t take chances if you don’t mind.”

“But what if it’s a policeman?”

“No. That’s hardly.”

“Why not?”

“He would have already arrested you, Mireya. Now you’re a federal criminal.” Tom slowed down and turned off the high beam.

The car turned to the side of the road and began to slowly stop. The dark sedan stopped behind.

“And what the hell did you do?” Mireya said to Tom, sliding down and clinging more firmly to the seat.

“Everything’s under control.” Tom answered, looking in the rear-view mirror. “We can break away from it in the city, lost in the flow of cars, but if he needs to see us, he will find us again.”

“You don’t even know who he is and what he is capable of, but you are ready to go into battle? Come on!”

“I’m not going to fight without a weapon. And I’m saying literally.” Tom unbuttoned his black leather jacket and took out the gun from his inner pocket.

Mireya exhaled. “It is to use illegal weapons with impunity? And where does it come from?”

“I don’t give away my sources, Lady.” Tom winked.

Mireya turned, looking at the dark sedan. “Tom?” She straightened up.

The dark sedan extinguished the lights and slowly drove for the road. It stopped next to them, they saw the silhouette of a man – now, they were sure it was a male. But they could not see his face. After a few seconds the sedan switched on the lights again and moved along.

Mireya looked at him in bewilderment. “Is he crazy?”

Tom put the gun away. “If this is some kind of joker…”

“Yes, it’s pretty funny for such a joke like spying.”

Tom lowered the window and inhaled the night air. “So, do you think we’re dealing with a spy? Are there any suspects?”

Mireya smiled falsely. “If I had a list of suspects, you would be the first in it.”

“Ah, yeah?” Tom laughed and pressed the gas pedal. “That’s what happens – you save someone and that someone starts to suspect you. Nice!”

The car continued its way.


Las Vegas night was like a picture with advertising for travellers – millions of lights, neon, luxury cars, lots of entertainment and, of course, a lot of people, as they expected. Mireya and Tom stopped at the parking lot of the gaming house, where someone’s private party was taking place and nobody cares about all these cars that came and drove away every minute. They passed a little forward; Mireya noticed a multi-storey residential building between the hotel and the shopping centre.

“We are almost there.” Tom told her and with a sign to follow him, he headed for this house.

They entered its open door, the concierge at the entrance was dozing, being on his chair and seeing them he only nodded slightly and closed his eyes again. Mireya and Tom entered the elevator and got up to the 17th floor. The apartment number 121.

Tom stepped to the door and began to open it. Mireya’s cell rang again. “Give me a couple of minutes?”

Tom nodded.

Mireya walked away and accepted Leandra's next call.

“I insist that you visit my new house on wheels!” Leandra spoke this time against a background of many voices. Mireya recognized this day – they were in college and Leandra told her about the new purchase, her new home on wheels and how she was glad to finally leave the room in the hostel.

“And, by the way… I got a wooden box.” Leandra continued. “Well, you know, it’s a musical box, but it keeps a secret. And in addiction, it was done in a hand-made master from Arizona. You must see it, Mireya. Someday this day will come.”

The call was interrupted.

Mireya and Tom entered Leandra’s apartment, which until now was filled with the smell of her perfume. Mireya closed the curtains; Tom lit a few sconces that lit up the room. The apartment wasn’t big – just a living room, a small bedroom, a bathroom, and a cramped dressing room. She had a counter with books, between which there were frames with photos, and Mireya saw herself on one of them… this summer day, they were happily hugging each other against the background of new Leandra’s house on wheels. It was a happy summer.

“So, I think…” Tom said, “…you need to search her bedroom – I don’t want to touch her underwear, so I’ll take the living room. And by the way, I’ll give you the honour of looking her dressing room.”

“Thank you, I’m flattered.” Mireya said with sarcasm in her voice. “We will search the rooms together. That will be faster. And we will be at each other’s sight.”

“Do you think I can hide something for myself?”

Mireya shrugged her shoulders.

“All right, Lady.” Tom spread his hands. “If you wish so…”

They began to examine every inch of the living room; Mireya found several albums with photos, empty diary, and laptop with only a few films, music, and minor notes. Her gaze fell on a book called Midnight Wind, which was so beloved by Mireya and she gave it to Leandra for Christmas. Mireya smiled inside and went to the counter with the books she pulled a hand to her gift. Taking it into her hands, she flipped through several pages; Leandra used their general photograph as a bookmark and highlighted some quotations with a transparent marker. She was going to put the book on its place, but noticed what she had heard a few minutes ago – the music box. It was the box that Leandra showed in her new house on wheels. Mireya took it in hand. An ordinary box with girlish attributes inside – a mini hair brush, hair clip, hygienic lipstick… Leandra insisted that this box keeps a much bigger secret than it shows. Mireya forgot about these words long time ago, but someone reminded her… Obviously it was not in vain.

“I will take it.” Mireya said and put the box back in her backpack.

“Okay.” Tom agreed. “Will we continue?”

Follow-up minutes, after almost an hour and a half their search didn’t any another results – everything was just the stuff of a classical resident of Las Vegas. Nothing superfluous, mystical and mysterious.

“Are we done?” Tom asked, coming to the door.

Mireya looked around for the last time. “Yes, completely.” They left Leandra’s apartment, taking with them the first answers…

Chapter 5

In the morning at the Los Angeles police station, Adrianna studied Leandra’s biography comparing it to the biography of Mireya; it seemed to her these two girls were like two opposite shores of different oceans, but still they were really friends. Good friends.

“Hale?” Captain Locke walked past her. “Go to my office right now.”

When Adrianna entered Locke’s office, he went down into his seat and looked at her as if expecting some explanation. Adrianna was silent, waiting for questions or answers.

“I have to get you away from Leandra Ray’s case.” The Captain said.

“What…?” Adrianna stepped toward him. “Why? What did I do wrong?”

“People above me talked about it. They learned about your friendship with Mireya Rothe who is currently on the wanted list.”

“Do they consider me an unreliable worker?”

“They gave me to understand that. They suspect you may have an unofficial connection with her and you can deliberately hide her current location and moreover, they assume that you could help her escape. After all, you violated the protocol, leaving the suspect alone with herself.”

Adrianna nodded. “Yes, I admit my mistake. But Sir, I want to prove her innocence, but I would never insist on her being released from responsibility.”

“That’s much the better for you.” The Captain got up. “They don’t insist on your removal yet, but trust me it’s only a matter of time.”

“I understand. But can I continue for now? Do we have something new?”

“Yes, and you will not like it.” The Captain took the document from his desk and handed it to the detective. “Look at it. This is an extract of Leandra’s e-mail. She corresponded with someone with a non-tracked email, and it was a person with MJR initials – Mireya Jalinda Rothe.”

Adrianna grinned. “This is only speculation! Even the judge would not accept it! And you know, I had a friend named Michael Jerry Rogers. Maybe it’s his fault, eh?” Adrianna felt her blood getting hot.

“Adrianna, calm down.” The Captain raised his hand. “I want to clarify – it’s all really conjectures, but if it was Rothe, we will prove it.”


“According to information from the messages – read this dialogue that you see before you.”

Adrianna looked down at the document in her hands,

Leandra: “You know, I like living in that house on wheels. Sorry you’ve been there only a few times.”

M: Well, my room in the hostel was not bad either.”

Leandra: “By the way, how is our mutual friend?”

M: “We will not talk about it. I’m going to attend a lecture about psychology in Seattle. August 26th. Will you make me a company?”

Leandra: “Only if I’m not the third extra.”

M: “Of course you are not! (smiley) You are the only one!”

Leandra: “You’re cute! Okay, I have to go. I’ll see you at the party tonight. Do not forget about the bikini! (winking smiley)”

Adrianna looked at the Captain. “Have you checked everything?”

The Captain crossed his arms. “Yes, Adrianna, we checked it out, comparing the time of correspondence between events in the life of the victim. It was a couple of days before Leandra Ray moved from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. There are general photos in her social network. She and Mireya Rothe were at the party of their common friend Tim Murray. A party with a bikini. The house on wheels, owned by Ray and Mireya Rothe, of course, visited it. And by the way, judging by another correspondence from Facebook, Mireya flew to Seattle on August 26 for a lecture on psychology and returned the next day, there’s even a picture of how Leandra meets her at the airport. Then… a few months later all the messages became hostile.”

“What exactly was said in them?”

“That Leandra made a serious mistake, decided to return once again. And that she would pay for what she did if she really did it. Leandra returned. And now she's dead. What kind of a serious mistake did she commit?”


“We are leaving Las Vegas.” Tom told Mireya, driving his car along the highway

Mireya was sitting next to him, studying Leandra’s music box. “Yes, that’s a good idea.”

“What are you trying to find in it?”

“Well, Leandra was talking about some kind of secret in this a damn piece of a wood. I think there is a double bottom or something like that.”

Tom chuckled. “And are you really going to look for that secret? Gosh, she could mean anything like storing a picture of a guy that she was crazy about. You understand everything too literally.”

“No, you see everything superficially.” Mireya teased.

“Sometimes I do.” Tom smiled. “But I don’t live with illusions.”

“Hey!” Mireya slapped Tom on the shoulder. “Do you think I live with illusions?”

“Partly! What did you do before?”

Mireya looked at the road. Indeed, she didn’t even contact Rick to explain to him what had happened in her life. Although, for sure, it did not matter anymore – the police had already notified him and she had already been dismissed. “I was a graphic editor.”

“Not bad.”

“Well, yes.” Mireya looked at Tom. “What about you?”

He looked at her. “I’m here illegally, do you remember?”

“But you did something, right?”

Tom stopped the car in front of a red traffic light. “You know that I worked with Leandra. I already told you.”

“But that is not everything?”

“No.” Tom pressed the gas again, looking at the green light. “Okay, if you insist. In addition to this entire hacking world, I was also a con man. It’s nothing spectacular. I told people that I was like a psychic. It was stupid.”

“And how did you do it?”

“With Dennis’ help, who was looking for information about my clients. Well, it also was just my fantasy.”

“Oh…” Mireya exhaled. “It’s disgusting.”

“Yes, you’re right, Lady.” Tom grinned.

“So where are we going now?”

Another incoming call to Mireya’s cell phone didn’t allow her to get an answer; she took it out of her pocket and looked at the caller's name. “This is Dennis.”

Tom turned the steering wheel and stopped the car on the roadside. “Well, answer him.”

Mireya pressed the green button. “Dennis? This is Mireya, Tom is with me.”

Dennis said from the other end, “Then turn on the speakerphone.”

Mireya did so.

“Are you are brother and sister for troubles now?” Dennis said as if mocking.

“It’s a long story, my friend.” Tom said. “What do you have?”

“Okay, I was trying to track down Leandra’s phone as you asked, Mireya.” Dennis paused. “You see… The signal comes from the hotel room in Los Angeles where she was killed.”

“What kind of nonsense?” Tom exchanged glances with Mireya. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely I am!” Dennis answered. “I’ve checked several times to make sure I also know what it looks like, Tom.”

“It’s clear…” Mireya thought about it. “Is there something else?”

“No, that’s all.” Dennis said. “Our Boss is here, I have to go. Good luck there.”

“Thanks for the info, Dennis.” Mireya said and the phone interrupted.

“So Leandra’s phone is in the room where she was killed.” Mireya ran her hand over her forehead.

“Yup…” Tom snorted. “And her killer is hiding under the bed. By the way, why did you ask to find her phone number?”

“I needed it.”

“I got what you mean. But what for?”

“You know, not only one of us has secrets.” Mireya crossed her arms.

“Well. But since we are in the same boat, maybe it’s worth starting to share them?”

“You lied to me.”


Mireya looked at him silently for a few seconds. “I didn’t want to betray Dennis. But he said you are her ex-boyfriend. That’s where you got the keys to her apartment. By the way, I found a pair of men’s T-shirts and jeans in her dressing room – your size.”

“Did you find the second toothbrush in her bathroom?”


Tom exhaled loudly. “Okay, damn it. Yes, I was her boyfriend.”

“Why you didn’t tell me?”

“Because it could give me a motive for her murder. We quarrelled before she left Las Vegas’ and the quarrel was about money.”

“What you…?”

Tom raised his hand, not letting Mireya finish her question. “We made bets. She worked in a Casino Hotel, and we had a kind of business in it. I understand the programming of gaming machines, so we often cheated. I also worked there for a while as a so-called psychic, but then I gave it up to work with her. The profit was not big, but it was enough. We decided to save money to start a new life in another country. The day before she left, I noticed that the money was gone – we kept them in a case. Leandra said she needed go to Los Angeles to save someone and she needed money for that. I didn’t believe her. I decided she just betrayed me. Nothing terrible happened – I just called her a bitch and walked away, slamming the door. I did not go to Los Angeles for her… I can’t just buy a plane ticket, in short… That’s the whole story.”

Mireya smiled slightly at him. “Thank you for this truth, Tom.”

Not saying a word, Tom pressed the gas again, and under the first rays of the Sun they continued their way together…


“What are you distracted by?” Mireya asked Leandra, standing in front of the refrigerators with drinks in the supermarket of Los Angeles.

Leandra was fascinated by her mobile phone, but was distracted by hearing the words of her friend. “Don’t worry… Do you want something with caffeine?”

“Leandra?” Mireya noticed the cold in her eyes.

“It’s all right. There’s just a guy who’s going to get me.” Leandra lied.

“A guy?” Mireya took a bottle of energy from the refrigerator. “Who is he, blondie?”

“Just… someone.” Leandra waved and looked at the rack with the chips.

When they left the supermarket and already got into Mireya’s car, Leandra said she forgot to buy wet wipes and dry shampoo, so she headed back, leaving her cell phone. She was not a few minutes, but it kept on compulsively ringing. In the end, Mireya could not stand it and answered the call.

“Leandra?” A man’s voice said.

“No, this is her friend.” Mireya answered him. “Who am I talking to right now?”

“Where is she?”

Mireya realized that the voice was partly not male – it was computer. “She went out. Can I help you?”

“Tell her that she does not have as much time as she thinks. And they will be here soon. She will understand what I meant. Bye, Snow White.”

The call was ended.

“Snow White?” Mireya chuckled. “What the…?”

“Hey?” Leandra got in the car, holding the bag with new purchases. “Did you just answer my call?”

“Sorry, but it put pressure on my brains.” Mireya repeated what the caller told her.

“Wow.” Leandra laughed after her words. “Okay, thank you for the information.” She took her phone back.

“And what does all of this mean?”

“Mireya, sweetheart, you don’t need to think about it – you need a good night’s sleep, right?”

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