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Dead Breath
  • Текст добавлен: 3 мая 2021, 15:03

Текст книги "Dead Breath"

Автор книги: Melody Jade Allen

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Текущая страница: 1 (всего у книги 4 страниц)

Melody Jade Allen
Dead Breath

Chapter 1

What does friendship mean to people? Absolute trust, support, dedication… But, as you know, there is nothing perfect in the world. Friendship also means accepting the dark side of your friend, and sometimes you switch to that side on your own… Will your friend be able to save you?

Another day in June in Los Angeles monotonously counted down the hours until Midnight under the scorching Sun. This city has hardly changed, andr its people have not changed. Many of them had a vanity, although unlike many others they didn’t have a habit of hiding or having it – for them, the mask was a sign that you accepted yourself and your essence. Here everyone could be who he really is – no judgments, just one of many faces…

Mireya Rothe, a 26-year-old blonde with big eyes and a fragile figure was a graphic editor in the company of her long-time friend Rick O’Connell. Sitting in the office in front of her computer, she looked at her colleague through a sip of latte. Her colleague George was standing in front of the shelves of documents; his voice always annoyed Mireya – George was a guy with squeaky, overly bright shirts with flowers and funny bright trousers that were painfully combined with sneakers or classic slippers. She took a deep breath and sipped her coffee again, feeling it burned her throat.

“Will you come tomorrow?” George asked, stepping closer to her desk.

Mireya looked away from the monitor and looked at him questioningly.

“Well, tomorrow is it like a corporate party?” George explained.

Mireya leaned back in her wide computer chair made of black leather, “I always missed it. And you noticed it. Then why the question is?”

George backed away. “I just asked.”

Mireya threw her head back, closing her eyes. Too often he asked her stupid questions.

Rick went up to them and put the folder with documents in front of Mireya, winking. “This should be done before next Friday, you have a lot of time.”

Mireya smiled. “No questions asked.”

Rick gave a predatory look to George as if preparing for an attack. “What are you doing here? Buddy, you didn’t even complete the day before yesterday. Do you want me to hire someone to replace you? I personally don’t mind.”

“No, I…” George looked around awkwardly, “I’m leaving, I’m sorry.” He tripped over something, heading back to his workplace.

“I would like to re-educate him,” Rick said.

Mireya pressed her lips together. “I think he’s just not made for the job. Sometimes I even feel sorry for him, Rick. He seems to be a lot nervous.”

“Well yes. We will discuss this later.” Rick replied, his cell phone distracting him. Answering another call, he walked away.

Mireya’s cell phone vibrated, she exhaled irritably. She didn’t like it when someone called her during the working day. She took the phone from her desk drawer and looked at the display – Leandra Rae. She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Mireya and Leandra were best friends before and even after they went to college together. But at some point, Leandra left their common path and after she left college, she moved to Las Vegas to work at the Casino Hotel. Nevertheless, not understanding her choice Mireya tried to communicate with her as often as possible, but in the end they drifted away, and as it seemed to her, their communication stopped. They haven’t heard of each other for months, but now something seems to have changed.

Mireya doubted whether to start a new dialogue, and decided to press the green button, taking the call. “Yes?” She said into the [hone.

“Mireya?” The voice of Leandra answered, “God, I haven’t heard you for so long! How do you?”

Mireya rolled her eyes. “Not bad. But I’m at work, Leandra. I thought we were no longer close?”

“That’s right, but…” Leandra hesitated, “Unfortunately, it was my fault. But I want to see you. See you at the hotel tonight?”

“Wait, are you here? In Los Angeles?”

“Yes!” Leandra shouted enthusiastically, “I arrived a couple of hours ago and immediately called you. So what do you say?”

Leandra’s proposal caused mixed feelings, but the thirst for curiosity had some elusive advantage, and Mireya agreed to meet with her. Her hotel was a high-rise building in downtown; upon arriving there, Mireya climbed to the 25th floor admiring the colonial-style corridors in red and gold colours.

Knocking on the door of Room 247, Mireya froze, realizing that she probably didn’t want to be here. But the door handle turned.

Leandra, a girl with long blonde hair, greeted her with a slightly childish smile, straightening her creamy jacket, which was paired with a black T-shirt and jeans. “Mireya! You’re here!” She hugged the one she still considered her friend tightly and let her in.

Mireya mentally grinned, studying the situation – she was in an expensive room with a double bed, three night lamps (it was strange, but Leandra was afraid of the dark, but didn’t like the light of the lamps on the ceiling), a red soft carpet, a Russian drink, probably from a Russian store (Leandra’s grandmother was from Siberia), several suitcases of stuff, and this awfully familiar smell of perfume that Mireya would recognize from a thousand. She turned to look at Leandra, who was staring into her miniature mirror, fingers running down her thin eyebrows.

“Well.” Mireya walked around, “Why am I here?”

“You as always, start the dialogue outside the box”, Leandra sat down in a wide chair, which almost merged with the colour of her jacket.

Mireya looked back and looked at herself in the reflection of the floor hotel mirror. A striped T-shirt, a black leather jacket, black jeans and gothic boots – Leandra must have thought she hadn’t changed in all this time. However, she would be right… in part.

“You probably wondered many times why I did it?” Leandra said, “Why did I so abruptly leave college, where I was so fanatically striving to get, but I thought it was all worth it.”

“Is your job in a casino hotel worth it? By the way, you still haven’t said what you were doing there?! Mireya looked at her suspiciously, “This is not… what is connected with…?”

“No, no.” Leandra waved her hand, “Nothing like that.”

Mireya breathed a sigh of relief, but her tension returned instantly. “But it was something illegal?”

“Why did you decide so?”

“Otherwise, why should you be silent about it?”

Leandra fell silent for a couple of seconds. “There were people who illegally worked as hackers for jealous guys or girlfriends. It was almost like a hobby.”

Mireya spread her arms, “Well, if you say so.” She suddenly caught herself thinking that she was almost not interested in everything that happened to… perhaps still her friend for the entire time of their remoteness.

“Do you want something to drink?” Leandra said, smiling too sweetly.

Mireya felt a slight irritation. “A water?”

While Leandra was pouring mineral water into a glass, Mireya distracted her cell phone, checking the message she had just received from her boss: “There was a technical error. Please, send me the results of your work over the past three days. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

“Here,” Leandra handed a glass of water to Mireya.

Mireya put her cell phone aside and took a couple of sips, once again seeing Leandra’s typical overly cute look.

“Probably, I should go – I have unresolved problems at work,” Mireya said, putting her glass on the wooden table. “Is there anything else you want to tell me?”

Leandra smiled slightly, for a second panic flashed in her eyes, but Mireya was too distracted to notice it. Her cell phone ringtone shattered the silence between them. Mireya looked at its screen again. “I have to answer the call.”

Leandra nodded.

Mireya came out into the hotel corridor and moved away from Leandra’s room. She didn’t want her to ask questions about her work, her personal life and her life in general. It was too late.

After finishing the conversation with Rick, Mireya returned to the door of room 247, but after pushing it she realized that the room was locked. She knocked on but got no answer. “Hey?” Leandra, what the hell?” She said and again, she received no answer. Mireya wearily lowered her head and hit the wall with her palm. “If you don’t want to see me, you could tell me about it face to face. This is so stupid”, she snorted, “Goodbye, Leandra”, Mireya pressed the elevator button and after leaving the hotel, she disappeared into the night city…

… The Sun’s rays passed through the window, burning her face … Mireya opened her eyes. Being in her downtown skyscraper apartment, she tried to remember how and when she got home, but the last thing she remembered was walking into the hotel’s elevator after she visited Leandra. There was nothing more. She got up and looked around – three empty cups of coffee from a local coffee shop were on the coffee table next to her open laptop; the check next to them showed she had bought a refreshing drink within half an hour while she arrived at the hotel. How could she forget about this?

Mireya checked her laptop – she sent the archives of her work, which Rick asked, also she started working on a new project, but she didn’t remember at all how she did all of this, there was just a blackout. It dawned on her… Leandra. Leandra gave her water; she probably mixed some kind of a sleeping pill with a side effect. At least it was the only one explanation.

The sound of her cell phone ringing pulled her out of her thoughts. She took it out of her jacket pocket and looked at the display. “Leandra Calling”. Right now, she had no desire to talk to her, but she wanted an answer to the main question – why did she come back? But there was no point in talking about it on the phone, and after giving herself a few minutes to recover, Mireya took her backpack and jacket and left the house.

After taking a taxi, she returned to the hotel where Leandra was staying in. Passing the reception and tourists with a large number of suitcases, she entered the familiar elevator, smelling a slight smell of tobacco in it. The door opened, she went out and froze… The door to Leandra’s room was open, several police officers were working inside and two others were standing outside, not letting in strangers. What the hell happened here?

Under the cold gaze of these two officers, she looked inside and saw a girl she knew. “Adrianna?”

Adrianna Hale was a detective and Mireya’s and friend for quite some time – their fathers were investigators for the Chicago Police Force until their families moved to Los Angeles. But the presence of Adrianna made Mireya feel trembling in her body and growing excitement – Detective Hale was investigating the murders.

Hearing Mireya’s voice, Adrianna turned around and having said something to her colleagues, she approached her. “Mireya? You already know?”

“What about?” Mireya involuntarily took a step back.

“Let’s step away, okay?” Adrianna put her hand on Mireya’s shoulder, and they walked to the window at the end of the corridor.

Adrianna tried to find words. “I’m sorry to say that. I don’t know if you were still friends. But it’s always hard to lose someone who was your friend once. Mireya…” She slowed down. “Leandra was killed last night.”

Mireya froze. But she did not feel the expected shock, but still tears dripped down from her eyes. “How did it happen?”

“Someone strangled her.” Adrianna answered. “Our people are checking her room, but… All the fingerprints were deliberately erased, so the killer obviously tried to cover up the tracks.”

“Wait…” Mireya raised her hand. “Someone called me from her cell phone this morning. I thought she wanted to talk, and I came here. I didn’t know that she…”

“Her cell was stolen, but we will try to track where the incoming call came from.” Adrianna said. “Tell me, when did she return?”

Adrianna knew Leandra from the beginning of her friendship with Mireya, but they almost didn’t communicate with each other – different interests, different opinions, and even a mutual friend couldn’t make them at least “just friends”.

“She said she came back yesterday.” Mireya answered. “Can you check it out?”

“Of course we can. So, she called you?”

“Yes, she did. It was too sudden.” Mireya chuckled. “After so much time, our conversation took only a few minutes and now… I didn’t even ask why she came and…” Mireya felt the current pass through her body. “I left her room when we talked, and she just locked the door.”

Adrianna raised her eyebrows inquiringly.

“Well, it was strange of her.” Mireya looked along the corridor. “What if her killer was there when I was outside? I could stop this one?”

“Or this one would have killed both of you. All right, listen to me…” Adrianna took Mireya by the shoulders. “Theoretically, you are the last one who saw her alive. And sorry, that makes you a suspect. You need to go with me to the station; our people have already checked the video surveillance cameras. Mireya, the time of Leandra’s death coincides with the time of your visit. I’m afraid you need a lawyer.”


Arriving at the police station, Mireya passed through a typical working chaos – the detectives’ desks were clogged with documents, phone calls did not ever stop, the sweet smell of their favourite donuts and coffee spread, it seemed throughout the building. Adrianna led her to the interrogation room, where there was a silver table and two chairs, also cameras and microphones that recorded everything was happening in it.

“Is it all so bad?” Mireya asked, sitting down at the table.

Adrianna sat down in front of her, opening a folder for entries. “That’s what we have – you left Leandra’s room, the time of your departure coincides with the approximate time of her death. After you left, someone left her room, but a couple of hours after she left, and it wasn’t Leandra because the door was opened with an electronic key, but someone hacked it to open it; the sensor still worked. So Leandra wasn’t alone there. The cameras were turned off when that unknown came out and left the hotel.”

“The police think it was me?”

“Listen. In her hotel room, all fingerprints were erased, except from a glass of water – there are yours and Leandra’s on it. Yes, the detectives believe you could leave after you committed the murder, but then you came back to cover up the tracks and therefore found a way to turn off the cameras.”

Mireya chuckled. “So I did not turn off the camera before committing the murder and just so quietly left the body of the murdered friend? But then I came back and… Heck! I decided to cover up the tracks, hiding myself. God, that sounds stupid!”

“Maybe it does.” Adrianna wrote something down. “We checked her calls out. Leandra called only you while being in Los Angeles. You were the last one to see her… except her real killer. And there are your fingerprints. But Mireya…” Adrianna leaned back. “All of this is not enough to charge. We need a motive and a weapon of murder.”

Mireya shrugged her shoulders. “We did not communicate for several months, I had no offense – I knew her nature. I was surprised, but not overwhelmed by her decision to suddenly move to Las Vegas, so I probably did not have a motive?”

“Probably you don’t?” Adrianna agreed.

“Okay, what about a weapon of murder?”

“It was a denim belt.” Adrianna said after a short pause.

“A denim belt?” Mireya repeated. “Well, that’s very original. So, am I the main suspect now?”

“That’s partly.” Adrianna smiled sympathetically. “Do not leave the country until the end of the investigation.”

“The country? Wow. I thought, usually the police order not to leave the city limits. Why there are such privileges for me?”

“We are going to Las Vegas.”

Chapter 2

The bright lights of Las Vegas night greeted them.

Mireya and Adrianna left the airport and were sitting in the backseat of the taxi; they studied the information that was obtained during the investigation. Leandra lived in a multi-story elite hotel, which was paid for by someone named James Smith. Of course, the name was fake as well as its bank account, which suddenly ceased functioning in the early morning. But it was only the beginning of the road.

Casino-Hotel Domiani Grand Plaza included a lot of slot machines, gaming tables and other gambling entertainment on each of the floors. Standing in front of it, Adrianna was talking to someone from the staff; Mireya was inspecting the streets that were saturated with the smell of hot asphalt and stuffy air. Tourists, police, entertainment… Everything seemed like some kind of game like in an epic action movie about casino players who arranged this beautiful life around themselves.

A few minutes later, Adrianna and Mireya got on the 31st floor of the Domiani Grand Plaza, where Leandra lived on. Her room 31-18 was just next to the rooms of Adrianna and Mireya.

“I’ll see you in the morning, when I get a search warrant.” Adrianna said and handed Mireya a key with number 31-20.

Las Vegas had a special reputation as a “city of gambling” and was kept afloat by an endless flow of tourists, so that’s why the local police agreed to cooperate with Adrianna even though it wasn’t about her jurisdiction.

Mireya entered her room and switched on the light; she felt the shivers covered her skin – a two-story room in gold and red colours, huge royal bed, kitchen, spacious dining room, and expensive furniture were in front of her, welcoming with brilliance and order, also showing a dazzling appearance on the city. For a moment, Mireya forgot herself, feeling like a princess in a fairy-tale castle. She thought it odd that Adrianna would allow her to accompany her on the investigation – too much was allowed for the prime suspect, given her private hotel room and lack of 24/7 surveillance – but she wanted to believe there was a good reason for that.

Her senses were distracted by the mobile phone, which began to vibrate in her pocket. Reluctantly, she pulled it out and looked at the caller’s name – Leandra.

Mireya retreated. Leandra’s mobile phone wasn’t found in her hotel room in Los Angeles, perhaps that the killer is contacting her? Feeling that she almost pressed the button of the nuclear bomb, Mireya decided to press the green button. “Hello?” She said to someone at the other end of the line.

“Mireya! I’m so glad to hear you; we have not seen each other for so long!” Leandra said from the other end of the tube.

Mireya’s hands trembled. “Who the hell are you?”

“You’re asking the wrong question, dear. But you need to find the right one. He’s still here.” Leandra coquettishly said.

“What?” Mireya put her hand to her forehead. “Who?”

“His name is Tom. He will like you!”

“Who are you?”

“Take care of yourself.”

A knock at the door made Mireya jump up because of her own surprise, she looked at the display again – the call was interrupted.

“Mireya, are you all right?” Adrianna said behind the door.

Mireya opened it, still trembling.

“What happened to you?” Adrianna looked at her, entering and closing the door. “You look like a ghost.”

“I think I just talked to this one.” Mireya exhaled. “Someone called me on her behalf.”

For a couple of minutes, Adrianna listened to the repeat of the last call from Mireya’s phone, analysing the details and thinking about the theories. She already asked her colleagues to track the call.

“So what do you think?” Mireya asked, sitting in a wide soft armchair.

Adrianna spread her hands. “Of course, this is not Leandra. All the rest can be the result of excellent computer skills.”

“What you mean?”

“There are programs, Mireya, that are able to copy someone’s voice, replacing them with your own. Whoever it is, he or she certainly wants to either confuse us or frighten you.”

“Me?” Mireya giggled. “Well… Yes, that’s just a problem – it’s unlikely that someone from Leandra’s friends knew about me. And who is Tom?”

“If it’s her friend or maybe a boyfriend, we’ll find him. But if it’s just a random name, then it’s unlikely that it will give us a result.” Adrianna looked at her wristwatch. “It’s too late night already. See you in the morning?”

Mireya nodded.

The morning will have even more questions.

Through the huge window, Las Vegas lights lit up the bedroom that was filled with the silent ticking of the outdoor clock and serene tranquillity. Mireya slept on a soft airy bed, covered with a warm blanket. Her dream was always sensitive, and when she heard something approaching, she opened her eyes… Something made her rise abruptly; sitting on the bed and covering herself with a blanket up to her face, Mireya examined the darkness breathing heavily. Nothing strange… probably it was just a nightmare.

“Please don’t be afraid.” A man’s voice said from somewhere.

Mireya froze.

The bathroom door was opened. A young guy with brown dark hair went out with his hands. “I will not hurt you.”

Without knowing the reasons, Mireya did not feel fear. She stared at him. “Who are you?” She noticed some Rock band badge on his black leather jacket.

“My name is Tom. Tom Walt.”

“Oh…” Mireya shuddered a little. “How do you know me?”

“I worked with Leandra Ray. She was a girlfriend of my brother, they broke up a few weeks ago, but she said she needed help. She asked if she did not contact me until tonight, I would have to find you. She gave me information about you.” He smiled a little. “Don’t be scared, there are just your full name, phone number and address of your work.”

“Well… It’s impressive.” Mireya hesitated. All this was quite unexpected, but she must cope with it. “Did you call me?”

“No. I thought it would be too strange to come out of the phone.” Tom ran a hand through his hair. “My friend tracked your name in the bases of airlines and even railways. I thought I would have to fly to California, but… you’re here. What happened?”

“Wait… you don’t know?”

Tom shook his head.

“Leandra was killed.” Mireya told him the whole story, which began with Leandra’s phone call.

Tom nodded understandingly and fell in his own thoughts, he walked around the room. “Then I don’t understand… why did she ask me to meet you? She… she knew what would happen?”

“Maybe she suspected so?” Mireya pulled up the blanket; she wore a transparent pink shirt. “Could it be related to her work?”

Tom sighed loudly. “No, I don’t think so. I mean, she didn’t do such serious things. She wasn’t even involved in reading other people’s messages or e-mails, although many people think so. She only tracked phone calls and operations on bank cards. Although… even if there is a danger… Our employer never communicates with dangerous people; it could create problems with his illegal business. And if Leandra did something, Mireya… It was something out of the picture.”

“Tom…” Mireya appreciated his gaze, being still not sure she could trust him. But she decided. “Can you at least just guess who could have done it to her?”

Tom spread his hands. “No, unfortunately. I wasn’t even close to her, Mireya. By the way, what do you think about that? You are her friend, are not you?”

“Well, I’m some kind of.” Mireya lowered her eyes. “We stopped talking soon after she moved to Las Vegas. And actually, I was one of the last one who saw her alive and because of that, the police didn’t find other people, who could see her before her murder… Tom, I’m the main suspect right now. I need to prove my innocence, even though the police don’t have enough evidence to arrest me. I just want all of that to end, and her killer be punished… at least for the sake of what we had before.”

“I see.” Tom smiled sympathetically.

“You know, here is the detective who is leading this case. You could…”

“No!” Tom stopped her. “I will not talk to the cops. You know, I told you everything I knew. I’m sorry, I have to go now.”

Mireya didn’t have time to say something else as Tom left the room, closing the door behind him.

Mireya spent the rest of the night in her own thoughts, trying to create a complete chain of events. Dressing up in jeans and a gothic t-shirt, she sat down at the table in front of the window, took a notebook and a pen. So, Leandra “hits the wheel” in Las Vegas, she probably needs help, or she just tried to escape from the one, who became her killer, so she flies to Los Angeles. All her friends from Los Angeles also stopped communicating with her sometime after her move, but somehow Mireya was the closest so-called friend, she called her, but she didn’t say anything important, just gave her a glass of water… And she just closed the door. Everything could have ended on this, but Mireya lost the whole night of memories, probably because of something that Leandra mixed into her glass with water. Everything ended with her murder.

Mireya took a deep breath. “What the hell happened to you?” She uttered in a half-voiced voice and her cell made her distracted. She took it and looked at the display – Leandra. “Oh no…” Mireya didn’t want to receive another call from the phone of the murdered girl, but she did not seem to have a choice and she pressed the green button, taking the call. “Hello?”


“Hello? Who is it? Listen, no matter, who you are, it's not funny, okay? Leandra is dead! If you killed her, at least have the honour and do not call from her name, damn it!” Mireya swore and calmed down again. “And what are you trying to get from this?”

“Mireya!” Leandra’s voice said on the other side.

Mireya froze. No, it was Leandra’s voice, and it was not recorded on a Dictaphone or something else – it was her.

“Mireya, oh God… This way was originally wrong. Look! Where are we now?” Leandra spoke. “Oh, we’re between the two cities, right? We are already approaching the gas station; I can see it right now! You good, girl!”

Mireya got up. She recognized this speech and remembered that day. It was a summer vacation, and she and Leandra decided to spend a couple of weeks traveling in California, taking a capacious Mireya’s car in case they were lucky and they would have to spend the night somewhere on the side-lines. They rode without a map and any navigators, and at one point, they thought they were lost – for several hours they rode along an asphalt road through some desert, hour by hour and did not see a change on the horizon as if they were traveling in a circle. Leandra insisted it was due to a wrong turn, where Mireya turned the steering wheel, being between two roads. Gasoline was almost exhausted, but a miracle happened – they saw the same gas station and finally found out where they were. Undoubtedly, it was unforgettable, but something strange happened in Leandra’s behaviour… she constantly looked back as if fearing someone was watching them, two days later she just threw away her old mobile phone, saying, “It bothered me, and I have long been looking for a reason to change it. But do we need reasons to change something?” At that moment, Mireya didn’t attach importance to all of this, knowing that the essence of Leandra was full of surprises or even jokingly thought that she was suffering from bipolar disorder, but perhaps it was something more personal. Who could record this conversation? Maybe someone got this by connecting to her mobile phone? What did you do, Leandra?

“This way was originally wrong. Look! Where are we now?” She repeated it again.

Mireya listened.

“This way was originally wrong. Look! Where are we now? Where are we now? Where are we now? Where…?”

Mireya’s trembling hands dropped the call, unable to listen to her friend’s dead voice anymore and hear her dead breath. If it’s a murderer, why does he or she do it? Is not it like a way to let the police find themselves? Or maybe killing was not enough and he or she decided to start this “Find me” game then it probably could some psychopath with mental disorders? So many options, questions… in the end, the initial path must be completed.


“I’m telling you! It must be her killer!” Mireya waved her arms vigorously, telling Adrianna about her conversation with Tom, about his words and, of course, a call from Leandra’s number. “You understand someone could be watching her, even behind us when we were together and all of this is in front of me now!”

“Okay!” Adrianna raised her hands as if surrendering. “I understand, but calm down, okay? Let’s start from the beginning, who is that Tom? Do you know his surname?”

“Tom Walt. But he does not want to talk to the police, besides he said he shared with me everything he knew about her. Do you want to find him?”

“I think it would not be superfluous. And by the way, our Los Angeles police have already worked with her phone number – her phone, Mireya, has a built-in tracking protection program.”

“That means you can’t find where it is?”

Adrianna shook her head. “Our Captain agrees that it’s probably the one who is her killer, so insists that his programmers work hard with this. We need time.”

“Time is the thing that is always not enough.” Mireya looked at her arms.

“By the way, if Tom said he worked in the so-called IT sphere, he could know and deliberately protect her phone from unwanted persecution.”

“Agree.” Mireya snapped her fingers. “Do we have anything to begin with?”

“We checked her credit card – Leandra often bought drinks in the same cafe daily. Let’s go there, Mireya. Perhaps there we will find something that will help us find the first answer.”

After a couple of minutes, Adrianna stopped the rented red car in front of a small cafe, which was located between the next casino and some sort of night club. Sitting next to Adrianna, Mireya noticed a guy, who was smoking a cigarette; he looked up into her eyes… He put out a cigarette and threw it into the urn, still looking at Mireya he went to the club as if he saw a ghost. Mireya blinked. He recognized her. No doubt.

“You’re going?” Adrianna brought her out of her thoughts.

Mireya nodded and got out of the car. The cafe with the name Ice Tea was a one-story building, from which the smell of fresh food coffee and baking came; Mireya looked at the signboard the Hot Moon club, where that guy had fled from her field of vision.

“I don’t know what she could do here so often.” Adrianna said looking around.

On the way here, she and Mireya found her profile on Facebook, where Leandra posted her photos of her everyday life – expensive cars, elite areas of the city, expensive clothes and a decent environment was put on a public display, but now, they were in the place that was a few miles from the “crowded zone” closer to the suburbs, there could only be local residents and local workers who worked at the construction site that was actively raised only half a mile away from here.

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