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Электронная библиотека книг » Maya Banks » книга "Sweet Addiction"
Sweet Addiction - Maya Banks
  • Книга добавлена: 8 октября 2016, 13:05
обложка книги Sweet Addiction - Maya Banks

Название книги: Sweet Addiction

Автор книги:

6-7Часов на чтение
93 тыс.Всего слов

Язык книги: русский
Издательство: Heat
Год издания: 2012
ISBN: 9781101561577
Размер: 178 Кб
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Описание книги

He awakened a need within her…

Cole is successful beyond his dreams. He can have any woman he wants, but there’s only one he can’t stop thinking about. His childhood sweetheart, Renita. He’s never forgotten his first taste of innocent love and the desire that consumed them—or the pain he brought upon her…

But now she belongs to another…

Her long ago brush with submission awakened a longing in Ren that drove her to walk the darker edge of desire. She’s become a beautiful woman at ease with her sexuality and unapologetic about her need for a dominant man. When Cole finds her again, he’s gutted that she belongs to another. Ren’s current master agrees to give her to Cole for a short time, but then she must return to his keeping. And though Cole agrees to this bargain, he knows he will never be able to let Ren go again…

  • Просмотров: 367 |

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