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  • Текст добавлен: 7 октября 2016, 11:17

Текст книги "Blindfold "

Автор книги: M. S. Parker

Соавторы: Cassie Wild
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Текущая страница: 3 (всего у книги 11 страниц)

Chapter 5


We'd been at it for two hours and it wasn't getting any easier. I'd been trying not to feel self-conscious with Ash sitting across from me, looking through his own stack of photos and scrapbooks. Every once in a while, I felt his eyes on me, and it took everything I had not to look at him.

It had taken even more strength not to hunt him down last night.

I’d felt more alone in that big, beautiful bed than I'd thought possible. I didn’t want to be alone there.

Fuck it. I didn’t want to be without him, period.

It would have been easier if he'd gone all asshole on me again, but he’d been polite, had smiled at me. Even now, he was being civil.

I didn’t want him to be civil.

I wanted him to...

Stop. I yanked my attention away from all the drama in my head and focused on what I was supposed to be doing. The newspaper articles in front of me were starting to blur together so I shuffled them off to the side. There was no use looking at them if I couldn’t pay close enough attention.

I reached for a leather-bound baby book. Isadora’s name was elegantly inscribed in the leather, making it clear this baby book had been custom made for her. When I opened it, I saw that the pictures and decorations were done by hand, and I smiled at the notes written in the margins or on the lines provided.

Isadora lifted her head today.

Isadora laughed.

Isadora seems to be recognizing her brother. She smiles when she sees Ash.

Next to the last one, there was a picture of a pre-teen Ash holding baby Isadora. She was looking up at him as if he was the most amazing thing she’d ever seen while he grinned down at her with a look that could only be described as brotherly pride.

“You were an adorable baby, Isadora,” I said.

“I’ll have you know that I'm still adorable.” Isadora shot me a grin. She put down her book when she saw what I was looking at and came to stand behind me. Her face softened as she looked over my shoulder. “My mother was big on keeping these.”

Seeing the smile on her face and how she'd relaxed, I turned the page and watched as she reached out to touch another one of the pictures. This one was of the whole family. Then, as she touched another one, her eyes strayed to different images on the page. Her gaze slid away for a moment, and then moved back. I watched as her hand closed into a fist as she sucked in a slow breath and then blew it out hard.

I tensed. Something was up.

“Dory?” Colton was at her side. “What is it?”

I reached over and touched her hand. “Isadora?”

“That’s him,” she whispered.

Ash's head jerked up and he crossed the distance to his sister in a few quick steps. Next to me Isadora swayed, her face gray, lips bloodless. She started to sway even as Ash reached over to take the book from my lap.


I shot up and grabbed Isadora's arm. “Calm down, sweetie. You need to breathe, okay? You’re going to be fine.” As I lowered her into the chair, I continued to talk, keeping my voice low and steady. “You’re safe, okay? You’re safe.” I crouched down in front of her, using my hands to ease her head down. “You with me?”

“Yeah.” Her voice was reed-thin.

Letting go of her head, I gave her a warning. “Don't look up just yet. Take a few more breaths and move slow, okay?”

“Yeah.” Her body shuddered until Colton came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. After a minute or two, she finally looked up at me, her eyes dark and haunted.

“You’re safe, Isadora,” I repeated.

“I know.”

The smile she gave me wasn’t entirely convincing, but I suspected she was trying to convince herself more than anything else. She flicked a look around the room before letting her gaze fall back to the book Ash now held at his side.

“What was it?” I asked, drawing her attention back to me.

“A picture. There’s a picture,” she whispered. “The man in it...I saw him there, Toni. The place where they held me. I saw him.”

She surprised all of us when she held out a steady hand and asked Ash to pass the book over. I sat back down beside her as she flipped through it, Ash pacing back and forth in front of us like a caged tiger. Colton rubbed a hand up and down Isadora’s back as she flipped through the pages. All of us seemed to be holding our breath as we waited.

When she came to the page just before the one where she'd seen whoever it was, she paused, her hands flexing wide before clenching into fists. I heard the deep breath she took in, releasing it slowly before she turned that final page.

“Him,” she said. “It was him. He was there.”

I looked.

Colton looked.

Ash looked – and then he looked again.

Then he swore a long, loud line of expletives that had all of us staring at him, open-mouthed.

Isadora got to her feet and Colton's arm flew around her waist to brace her. “Ash, who is he?”

He turned away and, in a movement of sudden fury, swept his hands across the top of the elegant bar service, sending crystal and glass flying. Isadora let out a startled yelp and Colton pulled her more tightly against him. No one thought Ash would hurt his sister, but her fainting wasn't out of the question.

“His name is Daniel Trask.” Ash’s voice was lifeless. “He was...he used to be Dad’s business partner.”

“Dad had a business partner?” Isadora looked mystified.

“For a while, yeah.” Ash turned to look at his sister, ignoring Colton and me entirely. “You weren’t even in school when it happened. He was arrested, went to jail for embezzling millions from the company. Mom and Dad tried to keep it as quiet as possible.”

Isadora sucked in a breath. If Colton hadn’t been there to steady her and ease her back to the couch, she probably would have collapsed onto the floor. He wrapped his arm around her and she curled against him as we continued to listen to Ash.

“The money was never recovered. Somebody on the inside must have tipped him off. When they caught him, he was home, packing. He had his passport and tickets for some island down in the Caribbean. They barely got there in time to arrest him.”

“Where is he now?” I asked.

He finally looked at me. “Who knows?” He shrugged, but there was nothing casual about it. “He was released from prison a few years after Mom and Dad died.”

“You said his name's Daniel Trask?” I asked.


“Okay. That’s a start.” I grabbed my laptop from my bag. “Any idea if he stayed in New York? In the US?”

“No. He left.” Ash walked over to the window and looked outside.

I didn't need to see his face to know his thoughts had drifted off somewhere. Colton had wrapped his arms around Isadora and was talking to her softly. Every now and then, she’d nod. I turned my attention from the three of them and to my computer.

As I'd hoped, Vic was logged into Facebook and I asked him if he was still any good at tracking people down. For a while, he’d earned money on the side doing skip tracing – basically, finding people. Specifically, criminals. He hadn’t been a bounty hunter or anything, but Vic had always excelled at making money the easy way, and he’d once told me that most of the time, criminals were the stupidest people in the world, hence, easy money.

He replied with a quick, Hell, yeah.

I sent him the name and what I knew about the man. Then I added, Please don’t ask.

He wasn’t happy with my addendum, as evidenced by his lengthy internet silence, but finally, he answered with, I know you, Toni. This isn't about a dinged fender or looking for some old flame. If you don’t promise to let the cops know about anything I find, I’ll take matters into my own hands...and I'm not above going to Mom

I promised. I wasn’t about to go all vigilante. And I sure as hell didn't want Vic telling Mom. Four brothers, I could handle. Billionaire CEO who enjoys bdsm, no problem. My mom? Hell no.

As soon as I promised, Vic agreed, and in less than fifteen minutes, I had answers and some updated pictures.

Vic, you’re a wizard. Thank you.

The room was quiet, but I still felt like I was interrupting when I spoke.

“He went to Monaco.” Skimming the information Vic sent me – and was still sending – I relayed the pertinent facts. I could feel eyes on me. “Made a lot of money in construction over there. Then, no surprise there, legal troubles. One of the companies he was invested in was shut down. Corners were cut and workers got hurt. Two died. The government came after them. One thing after another. He’s broke now. Or close enough. And...”

I stopped, my heart starting to race as I saw that last bit that Vic had sent me.

“And what?” Ash asked sharply. “Where are you getting all of this anyway?”

I closed the Facebook window and cleared my browsing history as Ash came striding toward me. Ash didn't need to know that I'd involved my brother.

“You have your ways and I have mine,” I told him.

For good measure, I closed the top of my laptop, but he grabbed it anyway. Scowling, he flipped it open, but it was set to lock, and I kept it password protected.

“And what?” Isadora demanded.

“He’s back in the US right now.” I looked over at her as I said it. “He flew in last week.”

“How do you know all of that?” Ash demanded again.

“I know somebody who's really good at finding people.” I held out my hand for my laptop. He ignored me, tapping at a few keys. His scowl deepened when none of the combinations worked.

“You’ll never guess my password, so stop trying.”

He shoved the laptop into my hand, his gaze furious.

“This guy's threatening my family now too, Ash.” Moving to sit next to Isadora, I typed in my password and brought up a search, using his full name and the city Trask had listed as his current residence.

It brought up a fairly limited search and there was one image attached to a news article from four months ago. Clicking on it, I skimmed the post, only barely glancing at the image, but when I started to scroll down, Isadora stopped me.

“Wait,” she said, her voice strangled.

Her voice was harsh, her cheeks pale save for a flag of red riding high on her cheekbones.

“That’s him,” she whispered.

I looked down to see her pointing at the man standing behind the man I assumed to be Daniel Trask. He was staring grimly at something off to the side of the camera, while the man behind him stared directly into the lens, like he wanted to punch the man holding it.

Isadora's next sentence caught my attention. “That’s the man who grabbed me.”

Chapter 6


“We have to go to the cops. Call Marcum.”

Toni’s words sounded oddly loud and I instinctively glanced at Isadora. Colton was holding her, but she was still shaking. A surge of protectiveness went through me.

And then I saw Isadora look over at Toni and nod in agreement.

Hell no. “We’re not going to the cops.”

As Toni swung her head around to stare at me, I continued, “We’re not calling Marcum. Not yet. Not right now.”

Isadora didn’t say anything, but Colton’s mouth drew into a tight frown, his shoulders rigid. I didn't care about what he thought though. This didn't involve him. Toni narrowed her eyes, and I braced myself for the explosion that was coming. It didn’t matter. This was my family in danger. My only family. I was going to protect Isadora no matter what it took.

Or who it pissed off.

“And why aren’t we calling the cops?” Toni asked, her voice deceptively quiet.

“I already mentioned that Trask had somebody working with him on the inside. I don’t know if it was inside Phenecie-Lang...or if there was somebody dirty on the force or with the FBI.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I stared down at Toni, refusing to let myself be distracted by her. “Plain and simple, I don’t know who I can trust, and until I do, I’m not risking my sister.”

“She’s not the only one in danger here,” Toni said, fury vibrating in every word. “I deserve to have a say in what happens.”

“This is a family matter,” I snapped. “It doesn’t concern you.”


I heard Isadora start to speak, but then Colton was murmuring something and they were walking out of the room. I didn't have a chance to process any of that though, because Toni was coming at me.

“I had a letter shoved under my door!” Her voice rose and her eyes flashed as she jabbed a finger at me. “A letter that threatened my family, Ash! That sure as hell concerns me!”

“And they kidnapped my sister! They might have been involved in the death of my parents!”

“So because you were involved first that means you get to be in control? The danger to my family is less important? Or do they just not matter?” Her voice cracked. “Fuck you, Ash. I have a right to have a say in what happens to my family!”

“My parents might be dead because of a dirty cop!” I wanted to grab her and shake her. Didn't she get it? What if something happened to Isadora? To her? I could keep security on her family until we had a better idea of what was going on. Her and Isadora, I had to keep close. “I don’t want anything else happening!”

“Yeah.” She curled her lip in a sneer. “To you. To your sister. But fuck the rest of the world. You’re a real prince, Ash.”

“That’s not what I said.” I caught her arm when she turned away, but she jerked back.

“Maybe not, but that's kind of your usual go-to attitude.” She raked me with a dismissive look. “I’m sure you’ve got it in your head that you’ll just keep security on my family while you try to work this out, but what happens when they decide they’ll go after one of my dad’s employees since they can’t get to him? Or Trask sends someone to the school where my sister-in-law teaches? I’m guessing these clowns don’t much care about collateral damage.”

She was coming up with scenarios I couldn’t even try to find answers to, and I could see her fury growing, the distance between us spreading all over again.

But I couldn’t do it.

“Toni, if we call the cops, and one of them is dirty, then everybody is in danger,” I said.

“News flash, asshole,” she snapped back at me. “Everybody already is in danger.”

Chapter 7


I was done. Done with this world where I'd never belonged. Done with this man who didn't care about the hell he was putting me and my family through.

I turned and walked out of the room. I heard footsteps behind me, but I ignored them.


“Go away,” I said shortly.

He didn’t.

I made it up the first flight of stairs, but on the landing, he caught my arm. I whirled around and slapped him without a second thought.

“I told you to stop manhandling me, you bastard!” I growled at him.

I raised my hand to slap him again, but he caught my wrist. In a blur of movement, he shoved me against the wall, and pinned my captured wrist over my head.

Heat and rage merged together, then exploded as he slammed his mouth down on mine. His tongue shoved between my lips, and I bit down as I struggled against his grip. He growled and let go of my hand to shove his between my thighs. I’d worn jeans. I was both grateful and miserable of that fact just then.

As he rubbed against me, his tongue curled around mine and teased, taunted. I should've pushed him away, but my hands clung to him. He shifted against me, grabbing my hips and lifting me. My legs automatically went around his waist, pressing him in just the right spot against me. He rolled his hips and the friction bordered on pain.


If he stopped, I was going to kill him.

When he pulled his head away, I grabbed him and yanked his mouth back to mine.

He bit my lower lip and it made me whimper.

His hand pushed my top up and roughly yanked at my bra until he had my breast freed. As he worried my nipple into a tight little point, I arched my back, pushing my breast against his fingers. The need inside me was a burning, a sharp, painful desire that I knew was going to break me...


“You're not doing this to me again.” I pushed against his chest as I untangled my legs from around his waist. As Ash took a step backwards, I managed to get my feet underneath me.

“Doing what? Look, we can talk about–”

“Doing what? Are you fucking serious?” I shoved him again, just because I had to get rid of some of the anger, some of the hurt. And he was the closest outlet. To my complete and utter horror, my voice hitched, then cracked. “You try to act like I'm not just another piece of ass...”

“You're not,” he insisted. “I came after you because...”

He started toward me, but I slapped at his hands.

“No.” Shaking my head, I backed away from him, feeling sick inside. “You came after me because you wanted to fuck, because that's what you do when you get pissed.”

“Toni...” His voice trailed away as his gaze landed on my face.

Something he saw there must have spoken volumes because he lapsed into silence.

“You might've thought you meant it, but only because you enjoy sticking your dick inside me. It's lust and that's easy enough to satisfy anywhere. You should know.” I wasn't going to listen to my hormones or my heart anymore. It hurt too much. I had to think of my family. “You seriously think I should be okay with letting you call all the shots on this.”

His eyes flicked away.

Clenching my hand into a fist so I didn't reach for him, I shook my head. I understand where you're coming from. You love your sister, but that doesn't mean you've cornered the market on that emotion. I love my brothers, my parents. You think you'd do anything to protect her? Multiply that by four for my brothers, then make it six because I've got my mom and dad. Now add in Deacon and Franky's families. Children, Ash. My nieces and nephews. You think because she's all you got that you love her more? Or maybe because you’re loaded that your decisions somehow trump mine?” I squared my shoulders. “Guess what? I don’t care about your money. I don’t care if you can buy and sell this block three times over. Respect and decency, compassion, all that means more to me than how much money you’ve got. And you don’t respect me.” The truth of that statement made my chest hurt.

“That’s not true,” he said, shaking his head.

“It is. Otherwise you’d already understand this simple fact: I'd die for any of my family, twice over, and they'd do the same for me, but you want me to sit back and twiddle my thumbs while you decide what's best.” I couldn't even meet his eyes. It hurt too much. “You think you get to make all the calls, because your sister is all that matters.”

The misery inside welled outside of my control now and my voice broke. My eyes were burning and I fought not to cry. Not in front of him. This time when he reached out, I moved away so violently, I almost fell.

“Don't you touch me, dammit! I already told you, you're not doing this to me anymore!”

Slowly, his hand fell to his side.

I needed to get out of here.

“Please, just leave me alone.”

For a moment, he looked like he was going to try and say something else, but in the end, all he did was nod. He shoved his hands into his pockets as I turned away.

I couldn’t fall apart.

Not yet.

Not with my families' lives at stake. My heart could wait.

Chapter 8


I could still feel his eyes on my back as I closed myself inside the guest room they'd given me last night. My suitcase still lay open, propped on a stand I’d found in the closet. I hadn’t put everything away. On some level, I must have had an idea that this wasn't going to work out.

“How many times are you going to let him hurt you like this?” I whispered.

To be fair, I hadn’t exactly intentionally set out to let him get to me like this at all today. But something about him just brought it out in me.

Further proof that I needed to get out of here.

“You know better than this,” I said, sighing. The sound came out wet and broken, the tears I was fighting edging closer and closer. I didn’t have time for tears. I had to pack. Call a cab. Get out of here without Ash trying to stop me. I didn’t know if he still would, but I had to do it while this hurt was still looming large in my mind. If I waited too long, I might forget how bad the ache was, or get needy and desperate. And stupid.

Everybody had a right to be an idiot once in their lives, I supposed. My brothers had all done it. Vic more than once. And if I started counting relationships in there...Deacon and Franky might've married great women and hadn't dated much before them, but Kory and Vic more than made up for it.

Considering how the past two weeks had gone, I was going to write this off as my idiot time. Between the finals I'd missed and papers I'd turned in late, not to mention the fiasco of missing my class earlier this week, I was sure pretty much everyone who knew me would agree I'd been an idiot.

It didn’t take more than ten minutes to re-pack what little I'd gotten out, and just as I was closing my suitcase, somebody knocked.

I ignored it.

I had no desire to talk to Ash again although he’d probably just barge in anyway. I should've just locked it. A moment later, the door opened and I clenched my jaw as ugly words boiled up my throat. I spun to yell at him, except it was Isadora who slid inside.

She looked at me, then at the suitcase. “You’re leaving,” she said, her voice calm.

“Damn straight.” My voice was husky, but level. Looking into her concerned eyes, I made up my mind. “I’m also quitting. If you need me to work two weeks for official notice, I will. But I’d rather not. I’m sorry.”

Her lips pursed, and she sighed. “This hasn’t exactly been the easiest way to start out a new job, has it?”

“Oh, the job was wonderful.” I hurried to reassure her. I didn't want her thinking any of this was her fault. “I really enjoyed working with you. It's just...” I let my voice trail off.

“I know.” She moved deeper into the room, tugging her pale ivory shawl more closely around her shoulders. “Do you hate him?”

“What...no.” I wished I could though. Turning away from her, I levered my suitcase off the bed. “I’d like to, but no. And it's not all...I'm down to the wire with my classes and I’m barely able to concentrate. I missed an important class a couple days ago because I was so tired, I slept through my alarm. And I missed another class yesterday.”

Looking defeated, she settled down in the chair. “You’ve worked so hard. I can't let you put any of that at risk. But is now the best time to leave? It’s not safe. You know that.”

“I’ll go to a hotel.” I shrugged. I hadn't really thought further ahead than getting away from Ash. “I’ll order in pizza and watch movies. When it’s time for class...” I frowned. “There's campus security. Or I'll talk to my brothers. Vic'll come with me. I'll be okay.”

“Toni, please.” She had a pleading tone in her voice.

I shook my head and hoped she couldn't see the tears in my eyes. “I–I can’t. I can’t be around him, Iz. It's just too hard.”

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