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Электронная библиотека книг » Louise Voss » книга "Killing Cupid"
Killing Cupid - Louise Voss
  • Книга добавлена: 6 октября 2016, 03:10
обложка книги Killing Cupid - Louise Voss

Название книги: Killing Cupid

Автор книги:

6-7Часов на чтение
92 тыс.Всего слов

Соавторы: Mark Edwards,Louise Voss
Язык книги: русский
Издательство: Kindle Edition
Год издания: 2011
Размер: 182 Кб
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Описание книги

When Alex Parkinson joins a creative writing class, he soon realises that he and his tutor, Siobhan McGowan, are meant to be together. Alex will do anything to be with her. Like buying her designer clothes and lingerie...with her own credit card. Like breaking into her house and reading her diary. Like threatening her ex-boyfriend – and watching his love rival plummet from a rooftop.But when Alex finally admits defeat and seeks solace elsewhere, Siobhan decides to take revenge. How dare he lose interest in her? He picked the wrong woman to stalk then just back off! As their lives begin to unravel and the past closes in, Alex and Siobhan embark on a collision course that threatens to destroy both themselves and everyone around them...Optioned by BBC TV for a two-part drama, KILLING CUPID is a dark, twisted psychological thriller that examines what happens when two people who are unlucky in love meet their soulmate - but still manage to get everything wrong. Filled with suspense and dark laughter, and with a unique twist at its conclusion, KILLING CUPID is written in alternating chapters, showing the male and female viewpoints, by renowned author LOUISE VOSS and newcomer MARK EDWARDS."I've just finished reading this and really enjoyed it: it's a stalker novel with a twist and an unexpected lightness of touch. You may think the plot will take a predictable course but it doesn't. The creation of voice and the wit of the observations create immediacy and verve." LORNA FERGUSSON, Author of The Chase.

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