Текст книги "Smiley"
Автор книги: Laurann Dohner
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Chapter Eight
Smiley had never had an issue with being called to Justice North’s office but a sense of dread clung to him. He entered and took a seat without being asked. Justice, Fury and Bestial were already present.
“What has happened now?” He glanced at all three males. “I know it isn’t good.”
“No.” Justice cleared his throat. “It’s not.”
“Is Vanni well?” Smiley couldn’t shake the fear that the drug may have harmed her.
Fury leaned forward and braced his elbows on his knees. “The Woods Church is holding a press conference this morning. Pastor Woods is accusing you of drugging and raping his son’s fiancé. He’s saying it happened in the human world so you should face human laws. He wants you charged and prosecuted in the human courts.”
Smiley hadn’t seen that coming. “I didn’t do it.”
“We know,” Bestial growled.
“We need to find Vanni and have her tell them we were both drugged.” Smiley stood. “She knows I wasn’t responsible.”
Justice stood. “She’s holding the press conference with them. I understand that you wished to believe she was innocent but it’s become clear she did drug you. They set you up and she was part of it.”
Jericho entered and paused by the door. “I’m sorry.”
Smiley turned his head and glared at him.
“You need to admit you were wrong about that female.” Sadness flashed in his red-hued eyes as Jericho took a deep breath and expelled it. “I was hopeful for you but she’s accusing you of a forced breeding. She plans to stand in front of cameras and tell them you drugged and harmed her.”
“There is good news,” Justice stated. “The video clip doesn’t support that. She was clearly the sexual aggressor.”
“They’ll use the drug to blame her behavior.” Fury sighed and shook his head. “This is a mess. Tim wants to send a team to grab her before the news conference.”
“I told him no. It will only make us appear as if we have something to hide.” Justice came around the desk and stopped in front of Smiley. “Regardless of how this plays out, you are safe. They don’t have the right to come here to demand we deliver you to their authorities. We will fight this and prove it was them. It just might take time.”
“Why would anyone believe I would need to drug a female to share sex?” Smiley’s temper flared.
“The Woods Church has always stated we must drug or pay females to make them agree to be mounted by us.” Jericho snorted. “Tell the news cameras to pan our gates and get shots of the females who show up here with signs asking us to take them as mates.”
“Not the best strategy.” Justice smiled though. “Some of them are fresh out of prison or believe they’d find sanctuary here from whatever crimes they are about to face. I read the background checks on the regulars. We have our public relations people on this.”
“It would be better if our research on Ms. Abris had found something useful,” Fury said. “She’s clean.”
“You investigated Vanni’s life?” Smiley took a seat. “What did you discover?”
“She has two siblings. One is mated with two children and one is a New York police officer with a mate and one child. Her mother was a full-time housewife, while her father is retired. None of them have criminal records. Travanni was a good student, never in trouble and everyone interviewed had positive things to say about her. She works as an executive secretary in the same building as her fiancé. They met last year, dated and became engaged.” Justice paused. “She pays her taxes, owes only a few thousand dollars in debt on credit cards and most of her charges were for her upcoming wedding. We found nothing in the statements that indicated any illegal activity.”
“Those are some of the things she told me. She didn’t lie.” Smiley frowned. “Wouldn’t she have made up a false background if she wished to fool me?”
“Did she tell you she came with the Woods Church?” Bestial cocked an eyebrow.
“No. She said it was a vacation.” The silence in the room agitated Smiley. “You’re sure she’s going to say I drugged her and was to blame?”
“It’s standard procedure for news outlets to contact us when someone is holding a press conference regarding anything to do with the NSO. They want a statement in advance. We were contacted by at least six major networks half an hour ago.” Justice held his gaze. “I’m sorry, Smiley. You have to remember that you were just the unlucky Species she chose. It could have been any of us at the hotel.”
“Perhaps she suffered memory loss.” Jericho stepped closer to Smiley.
He knew his friend was trying to be kind. “They planned this. The actual details after the drug is given might be blurred but not the events leading up to it.” Smiley noticed a dull ache in his chest but he ignored it. As much as he had wanted to believe Vanni, he had to face facts. Anger came next. “What do we do?”
“Prove they were somehow behind this.” Justice’s relaxed demeanor disappeared. “That’s what I’m having Tim work on. I sent him to Fuller Prison to interview everyone we have from Drackwood. That’s where they had to have gotten the drug. We just need to prove it.”
“Otherwise,” Fury growled, “they’ll say it was a Species drug that only Species had access to.”
“Is there any way I could speak to Vanni?” It was a long shot but Smiley hoped if anyone could change her mind, it might be him. She’d seemed goodhearted. “I could call her and perhaps she’ll reconsider.”
“We don’t know where to reach her until she arrives at the Woods Church to make her statement.” Fury held his gaze. “It will be too late by then.”
“I thought we had males watching her. Couldn’t you have one of them take her a phone? Just ask her to speak to me?”
“They lost her. She was evading the press camped outside her apartment and managed to slip by all of them when her roommate took out the trash. They were focused on her. The only reason we know she’s no longer at home is because her roommate attempted to file a missing person’s report with the police last night and then in frustration walked outside to tell the reporters Travanni had gone to visit her fiancé but hadn’t returned home.”
Smiley tensed. “What?”
“She must have decided to stay with him overnight. She hasn’t returned. Her roommate talked to reporters again two hours ago asking them to help her locate Travanni.” Justice shrugged.
The bad feeling returned. “Her roommate is asking for help to find her? Something is off.”
“That’s what her roommate stated to the reporters. She is worried Carl Woods may have harmed Travanni,” Bestial stated. “She is obviously well enough to hold a press conference though. We have no idea what is going on with her.”
Smiley made a decision. “I want access to the team outside Vanni’s apartment. I need to speak to them.”
“It’s not a good idea.” Justice shook his head. “It’s best if we let our public relations people and the lawyers deal with this. I’ll listen to the Woods Church press conference and address it after I have a meeting with our people. We might need you there.”
“Contact me if you do.” Smiley left the office and didn’t need to turn to know Jericho followed. He stopped walking when they exited the building, spun and glared. “Why are you shadowing me?”
“What are you going to do?” Jericho sounded suspicious.
“Wait for Justice to call me.”
“Bullshit. I know you too well. What is your plan?”
“I want to talk to her roommate.”
“That’s a bad idea.”
Smiley didn’t care. His resolve must have shown in his expression.
Jericho reached into his back pocket and withdrew a folded sheet of paper and then a cell phone. “Her name is Elisabeth and this is her number. This is a blocked phone. I knew you’d be irrational but I’d want to do the same if I were you. Take them before I change my mind. Just remember anything you say could be used against us. She might be involved.”
“Why would she worry Carl Woods would harm Vanni? That implies he’s a danger to her, not us.”
“I had that same question. That’s why I copied the number from her background file and took one of our untraceable cell phones. The task force teams use them. This number is for the apartment and I called in a favor. One of the team members is going to text me if she leaves. She’s still home.”
Smiley moved behind the building, out of sight, and glanced around to make sure he was alone. Jericho waited at the corner, seemingly ready to intercept anyone who came that way. Smiley opened the paper and dialed the number. It rang four times before a machine with a computerized voice picked up.
“Elisabeth, my name is Smiley. I’m—”
The phone was immediately picked up. “I know who you are.” She had a pleasant voice but it sounded stressed.
“I heard you were worried about Vanni. What happened?”
“Can you help me?”
“Possibly. Why do you believe she’s in harm’s way?”
“She left yesterday to get her belongings. Carl wouldn’t give back the stuff she left at the hotel unless she returned his engagement ring in person. She never came home but she would have if he hadn’t done something to her. The police said they couldn’t look for her until she’s missing for seventy-two hours. I know something is really wrong. Now the police told me she’s talking to reporters with Carl later today, implying she’s fine and to stop bugging them.”
“I’m aware.”
“That’s bullshit! She wouldn’t talk to the press. Hell, we’ve been hiding in our apartment to avoid them. They even offered her money to talk and she refused. Nobody believes me when I tell them I think Carl has done something to her.” She sounded as if she were crying. “The police won’t do shit.”
“Do you know where she went?”
“To his father’s vacation house but I called there. The staff said she showed up but left with Carl in a limo. I’ve called but he won’t answer his cell. I even contacted his secretary but she told me she hasn’t heard from him directly but learned that he’d passed his upcoming cases to an associate. He told them it was because he needed to support his fiancé at this time.” She took a gasping breath. “Only she isn’t going to marry him.”
Smiley leaned against the building. “Are you sure? Perhaps he still wanted to marry her.”
“Bullshit! Vanni never loved him. I know my girl. He was nice to her and she’d dated a dickhead before him so boring seemed safe. She was almost relieved it was over. Sure, she felt guilty about what happened with you but not enough to go back to him or talk to reporters about anything. You have to trust me. I know her.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Find her. She’s kind of naïve about men. Carl was just too calm and reserved. That never bodes well to me. Something isn’t right with that jerk. I’d bet my last dollar he made her leave with him and is forcing her to talk to the reporters. She hasn’t called me. That alone is making me freak the hell out. We’re best friends. We tell each other everything.”
Smiley closed his eyes, trying to take in all the information.
“Including that she really likes you,” she added.
That snapped his eyes open. “What?”
“The only reason Carl would want her to talk to the reporters is to say something bad about New Species. I think he’s so far up his father’s ass it isn’t funny, regardless of what he swore to Vanni. He kept assuring her he wasn’t part of that church but he always does what his dad asks. I mean, he stopped sleeping with Vanni because his dad thought it would look bad for his son to have sex before the wedding. He said it was for his career but I call bullshit. He’s a lawyer, not running for mayor. Nobody cares if he’s sleeping with a woman or not. He’s a grown man, for god’s sake. His father says jump and Carl asks him how high. It’s like he’s a ventriloquist doll for his daddy.”
“What is that?”
“It’s a creepy doll that someone sets on their lap and they pretend to speak for the doll. Freaky stuff but that’s the kind of the relationship I suspect Carl has with his father. Is that plain enough? Anyone with a brain would put a few barriers between their career and that church if they didn’t want to offend some clients but I think Carl is totally onboard with them.”
He understood. “I’ll do what I can to find her, Elisabeth.”
“Call me Beth and thank you. Your number didn’t show up on the caller ID. How can I get hold of you? I was afraid to call the NSO because Vanni said you guys thought she might have drugged you. That’s the stupidest thing I ever heard, by the way. She woke up in the SUV and heard those guards talking about arresting her. It’s bullshit.” Her anger rose with her voice.
“They were discussing having her arrested?” He felt some anger too. “That’s why she escaped?”
“Yeah! Duh. She was afraid of being arrested for something she didn’t do.”
“I’ll call you.” He hung up and strode to Jericho. “We need to find Vanni. Her friend believes she’s being forced to talk to the reporters.”
“Shit.” Jericho studied him. “Are you sure that’s not what you wanted to hear?”
“Her best friend is certain. You know me. Wouldn’t you be alarmed if I acted contrary to myself all of a sudden?”
Jericho blew out a deep breath. “You have changed, Smiley. It’s just that I know why. It’s the female.”
“She’s in trouble. I told Beth I’d look for Vanni. Are you going to help me or not?”
“We need to go talk to Justice.”
“Let’s do that.”
* * * * *
Vanni clenched her fists and glared at Mable. The older woman returned the hostile look. The acting coach was a woman who should have been a drill sergeant instead. She issued orders with the same ruthless tone she’d seen in movies.
“Shoulders slouched, Travanni. You want to look beaten down and depressed. You were raped.”
“I wasn’t.” She turned her anger on Gilda. “How many times do I have to say it? This isn’t a production of some play. This is bullshit. Did you see the guard you passed at the door? I’m being held against my will. Do you want to do something useful? Help me escape.”
Gilda frowned. “I don’t think we used enough shadowing under her eyes.”
Vanni wanted to scream.
“I’ll get my makeup bag.” Mable marched into the half bath in the corner of the room.
“Don’t you have any morals at all?”
Gilda shook her head. “This is a war.”
“I’ve heard that before. With who?”
“We’re fighting for our future. Those things are going to take over the world and make us their pets.”
“Did you take your meds today?” Vanni doubted it.
“I don’t take meds.”
“Then go see a doctor. You need them. You’re delusional and paranoid!”
“Shut up,” Mable snapped, returning from the bathroom. “I never liked you.”
“It’s mutual.” Vanni jerked away when the older woman attempted to dot more makeup under her eyes. “Stop that.”
“Do we need to call Bruce in here?” Mable had made that threat a few times. “He said he would hold you down if you gave us any trouble.”
“He’s insane too.”
“Did you ever think the one with mental issues might be you?” Mable tried again to put the makeup on Vanni.
She backed away. “Me? You’re the one who joined a cult.”
“Shame on you,” Mable hissed. “Pastor Woods is a prophet. He knows what the future will bring. Those creatures are going to figure out how to multiply and create more of them. They’ll lure idiots like you into birthing their spawn. Mark Pastor Woods’ words, that day is coming. There will be more of them than us. Let history be a lesson. Look at what the white man did to the Indians. They’ll spread out and we’ll be the ones living on reservations.”
“Wow.” Vanni hadn’t heard that one before. “Just wow.”
Gilda nodded. “We’re saving our race from extinction.”
“Are they going to make us pets or kill us? I’m kind of confused,” Vanni muttered sarcastically. “Which is it?”
“It’s what will happen.” Gilda nodded vigorously. “First we’ll be turned into livestock to breed their evil spawn and then they’ll slaughter us after they’ve built up an army of them.”
“I hate to point this out but um, wouldn’t that make their children more human than New Species? I mean, try to be rational. They look mostly human already.”
“Pastor Woods said otherwise.” Mable glared at Vanni again. “He’s the smartest man I’ve ever met. Mark his words, they are going to be the destruction of mankind if we don’t send them back where they came from.”
“Mercile Industries doesn’t exist anymore. The company was shut down.” Vanni wasn’t sure why she was trying to talk logically with two idiots but it beat crying again.
“Then a new lab can contain them,” Gilda snapped. “Or they could be put down if zoos don’t want them.”
“They aren’t creatures. They are people.”
Mable huffed, shooting a disgusted look at Gilda. “Stop wasting your breath on this one. She’s not listening. I told Carl she wasn’t good enough for him. Miss Slut here had to go and chase after one of those creatures.”
Gilda shuddered. “That’s so sad. I pity her. Don’t you? It must have been horrible.”
Vanni ground her teeth but her anger wouldn’t be contained. “Feel pity for yourselves. You’re the ones with loose morals and you’re stupid. I don’t even want to count the laws you’re breaking by helping Gregory keep me prisoner. I’d stop worrying about what the New Species plan to do and instead start figuring out how much jail time you’re facing.”
Gilda frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“You’re not getting away with this,” Vanni promised.
“Ignore her. Pastor Woods said he’s taken care of it. She won’t dare do anything but exactly what he wants.” Her gaze locked with Vanni’s. “I’m calling Bruce. Do you need a reminder?”
“Fuck you, Mable.”
“Bruce!” the bitch yelled.
The door opened and the guard stepped out of the way. Bruce entered the room. He wore a dark suit and a pissed-off look. “Is she giving you trouble?”
“She’s making threats of jail.”
He opened his jacket and showed off his gun. “It would be the last thing she does.”
“What are you going to do? Shoot me at the press conference?” Vanni’d had enough. “You can’t make me stand up there and lie. I won’t do it.”
“You will.” He allowed his jacket to close and withdrew his cell phone. A few taps of his screen and he turned it toward her. Even from five feet away she could make out the photo. It was Beth taking out the trash. Bruce grinned. “You don’t care about your life? This was sent to me by one of my men. He’s going to drive over there again when the press conference starts. You say anything besides what is on the cards put in front of you or fail to make it look convincing, he’s going to shoot your bitch of a friend.”
Vanni’s knees weakened but she kept upright.
“I also will have that package delivered to the NSO that we talked about. Do you want to know what that means? We’ll want you dead. They will want you dead. You won’t have anywhere to hide and one of us will take you out.”
“I hate you.” She said the words softly but meant every one.
He backed out of the room and the guard closed it. Mable beamed. “I knew he’d shut that foul mouth of yours. Now stand still and let me fix your makeup.”
Vanni froze, allowing it. Beth was in danger. It was bad enough that they were threatening her life. That was something she was willing to risk but not Beth’s. She had to get away before that press conference started and warn her to get out of the apartment.
But how?
Chapter Nine
“It’s time to go,” Mable announced.
“I’m going to be sick.” Vanni ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. She didn’t rush for the toilet though, but instead grabbed Mable’s cosmetics bag. There wasn’t much in it she could use but she spotted a small travel-sized hairspray. She shoved it down the front of her shirt into the gap between her breasts, securing it along the center.
She flushed the toilet, hoping it would mask the sound as she shuffled around the contents of the bag, searching frantically for the eyeliner pencil. It was at the bottom. She tugged it out and hid it inside her underwear, hoping it wouldn’t fall out, then returned the small bag to the counter. She ran water in the sink and opened the door.
Both Mable and Gilda stood there staring at her.
“False alarm. Gas.”
“Disgusting,” Mable hissed.
“I haven’t eaten. No one bothered to feed me last night or this morning. That’s probably a good thing or I would be throwing up my guts. You people make me sick.” She moved away from the door and crossed the room, hugging her waist, hoping it would help keep the eyeliner in place. She pressed her fingertips against it.
The door opened. Bruce and the other guard entered. “Let’s move. We don’t want to be late.”
Vanni meekly walked forward. She didn’t want to give either man a reason to touch her. They might feel her two stolen items. Bruce took the lead with the guard close on her heels as they went down two flights of stairs and out the front door to a waiting limousine. Bruce opened the passenger door.
“Get in.”
Vanni didn’t have a plan but she hoped she could get her hands on Bruce’s gun and maybe hold Gregory hostage. All she’d need to do then was take his phone and call Beth. Her next call would be to 9-1-1. The cops could take the gun away after they arrived and she’d explained why she had pointed it at the jerk’s head.
Gregory wasn’t inside the limousine. It was empty and her desperate escape plan was destroyed. She climbed in and moved toward the bar, wanting to be far away from the big man who climbed in after her. Bruce sat in the center of the bench seat between the two doors. She looked out the window, watching the other guard enter the driver’s side. Privacy glass blocked the front compartment from the back. It was possible Gregory was in the passenger seat.
“We’ll be there in twenty minutes.”
“Great.” She hoped Bruce recognized sarcasm.
“Do you want to go over the cards one more time? I have a copy of them in my pocket.”
“No. Gilda covered it fine. I can read them.”
He grunted but didn’t reach for his seatbelt when the engine started. She didn’t either. She had twenty minutes to escape the limousine and find a phone. Vanni tried to appear relaxed as she sat back, casting sidelong glances at anything she could use for a weapon. The small plastic bottle wedged between her breasts seemed her best option. She could blind him if she flung the contents in his eyes but he was a big man. He sat between the only two exits. She’d have to get past him to get out one of those doors.
“Nervous? Just read the damn cards and act the way you were told.”
She held his stare.
“We’ll enter from the side of the church and go directly to the front where the press will be set up. Gregory and Carl are already there. Carl is going to take your arm and hold your hand. Allow it or so help me, I’ll break your damn fingers one at a time. You’re still a couple and you will pretend to be grateful that he’s standing by your side during this difficult time.”
Vanni clenched her teeth.
“Get that damn look off your face.”
She lowered her gaze and turned her head away. The small bar contained a few glass bottles, drinking glasses and bottled water. Her attention lingered on the dark bottle of alcohol. “May I have a drink?”
“Fuck no. The last thing we need is for you to be drunk.”
“I meant the water.” She pointed.
“Fine. My throat is dry. I’m sure that will sound great when I’m trying to read those cards and clearing my throat two dozen times.”
“Drink the damn water. Just don’t spill it on your outfit.”
She glanced down at the button-up white top. The neckline rose to her throat and it had long sleeves to her wrists. The black shapeless skirt fell almost to her ankles. It reminded her of something a schoolteacher from the early nineteen hundreds would have worn. “God forbid. Does your grandma want it returned to her?”
“Shut the fuck up.”
She faked a cough, turned in the seat and stealthily removed the hairspray. She twisted the cap to loosen it and wedged the small bottle between the seats to make sure it was hidden. The belt buckle for the seatbelt stuck out and she hoped it blocked his view when she leaned forward toward the bar.
“Water,” he reminded her.
“I heard,” she muttered.
She took a bottled water and twisted the lid. It wasn’t a lie that her throat was dry. She took a couple of sips, glancing out the windows. They’d left Gregory’s property and were driving through a neighborhood of upscale homes. In less than a block they’d hit a bunch of shops and restaurants. The freeway would be after that. It was soon or never. She took another sip, sat back and dug down the side of her skirt since her hip faced away from him. She removed the eyeliner and used her thumb to flip off the plastic cap.
The limousine made a turn and she spotted the first shops. They lined the streets close together and would continue for two blocks to the onramp to the freeway. Traffic slowed the car to a crawl. She watched Bruce from the corner of her eye. He appeared relaxed. She glanced at her water and just let it go. The plastic bottle hit the floor and water poured out.
“Son of a bitch!” he yelled. “Grab it.”
She refused. “You.”
He lurched forward and almost fell out of the seat. She twisted the lid off the hairspray. The back of his neck was exposed as he picked up the plastic bottle, cursing about the water all over the carpet in the expensive limousine. She fisted the eyeliner pencil with her right hand and grabbed the hairspray in her left.
Fear and anger drove her to stab him with the pencil. Part of it dug into his skin before it broke. He roared out in pain and grabbed at his injured neck, falling all the way out of his seat. He turned his head, pure rage twisting his features. She shoved the hairspray at him and frantically dumped all of it. The liquid poured over his eyes and he tried to jerk away, squeezing them shut.
“You fucking bitch! I’m going to kill you.” He blindly fumbled at his suit with one hand, while wiping his eyes with the other.
Vanni stood, bent and grabbed one of the almost-full glass bottles of booze. The fact that Bruce had nearly tugged his gun out of the holster motivated her to swing the glass as hard as she could. It smashed over his head. He grunted and the loud sound of the gun going off at close range almost deafened her.
He slumped and the driver applied the brakes. She stared down at the motionless man, shocked. Blood spread along his thigh where the bullet had embedded. He’d shot himself. Horns honked and she looked out the windows. They were holding up traffic. The limo driver suddenly punched the gas, almost knocking Vanni on top of Bruce, who was sprawled at her feet.
She managed to use the bar in front of her and the ceiling to keep upright. The driver seemed to be looking for a place to park as the limo slowed. Vanni dropped to her knees, landing on Bruce’s hand. She dug into his jacket, avoiding the gun. She found the cell phone he’d used to torment her about Beth. As an afterthought, she bent a little over him and dug his wallet out of his pocket. She crawled to the door.
The second the limousine stopped, she shoved the door open, happy it wasn’t locked. She stumbled out and was almost hit by a car. The driver honked his horn as he slammed on the brakes, screaming obscenities.
She ran toward the sidewalk in the opposite direction of the limo so the driver couldn’t rush after her. He might throw it in reverse to give chase but he’d hit the man she’d just pissed since his car was in the way.
People stared as she ran. She turned her head when more horns blared. The limo driver was out of the car and she heard yelling. She faced forward, barely managed to avoid slamming into a pedestrian, and turned into one of the alleys between the buildings. She kept going until she glimpsed a dumpster.
It was a good place to hide so she got behind it. She was out of breath from her mad dash and leaned against the brick wall as she studied the cell phone. Please don’t be password protected! She tapped the button and the screen lit up. She hit the phone icon and the Woods Church number displayed. She tapped again for the keypad and it opened. Her finger trembled while she dialed home.
It rang four times until the machine picked up. God, please be home! It played the automated message and beeped.
“Beth! Pick up the phone. Now, damn it.”
She’d never been so relieved to hear her friend’s voice. “Listen to me. You’re in danger. Gregory has a man on his way to our apartment. He’s going to kill you. Dial 9-1-1 and wait for the police. Get out when they get there!”
“We don’t have time for this shit. Grab your cell and dial 9-1-1. Do it!”
“Okay. What is going on?”
“They kept me locked up. They are going to kill you. I escaped so that man is going to go after you. When the cops get there, you go stay with that guy who loves Elvis. Don’t say his name. You know who I mean.”
“Are you okay? Hang on while I call.” As she waited she heard Beth’s call to 9-1-1. “Yes. I have an emergency. I think someone is breaking into my apartment.” Beth rattled off the address. “I’m here alone. Send someone fast. He might have a gun.”
Vanni pulled her ear away from the phone, listening for any sound of the driver or Bruce. The alley was quiet, the only noise coming from the traffic down the street.
“Vanni? Vanni?”
“I’m here. Are the police on their way?”
“Yeah. What happened? Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
“We don’t have time to talk. I have to go. They are probably looking for me. I’m okay so far though. Dump your phone and go to Elvis. I remember his address. Don’t trust anyone and tell my parents to get in the RV. They need to get out of town. I never took Carl to the cabin. He hates the outdoors. I don’t know if Gregory plans to go after them next.”
“Are you serious?”
“They are nuts. You have no idea.”
“I can guess. I told you something was seriously wrong with that family. I’ll meet you at Elvis’ place. How long until you can get there?”
“I can’t. I’m too far away.” Vanni peeked out from behind the dumpster. She didn’t see anyone coming down the alley. Yet.
“Tell me where you are and I’ll come get you.”
“It’s too dangerous.”
“Bullshit,” Beth spat. “Where are you?”
“I’ve got a killer hunting for me if that bullet to his thigh didn’t cripple him.”
“You shot someone?”
“I don’t have time to explain. Grab your shit and don’t open that door until the cops arrive. Get out of there and leave your phone so they can’t find you. Ditch your car after you get a few blocks away and have Elvis pick you up. I’m probably being paranoid but they have money. Don’t use your cards. No trace, okay?”