Текст книги "Brawn"
Автор книги: Laurann Dohner
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The raspy promise against her ear notched up her desire and she ground her ass against his sweats and the rigid length of his erection still trapped inside them. His finger and thumb left one breast and slowly slid down her side and around the curve of her bent ass. His hand left her and she knew he shoved at his sweats when his hips backed away. The thick, blunt tip of his cock brushed against her slick pussy, teased her when it rubbed against her clit, before he slowly pressed against the entrance.
Becca moaned softly at the feel of being taken, stretched and parted by his nudging sex. Brawn growled. It could have been a scary noise but it just turned her on more. He sounded more animal than man, reminding her he wasn’t fully human but she urged him on by wiggling her ass.
“You don’t know how good you feel, beautiful.” He growled the words. “So hot, tight and right.” He lightly nipped the sensitive column of her throat.
“Brawn,” she moaned.
“I’m right here.”
His mouth and tongue ran along the bottom of her ear. He pushed inside her pussy deeper, made her take more of his thick shaft but seemed careful not to go in too deep. His hips rocked against her ass, a steady, slow motion that drew pleasure from both of them.
“How does that feel?”
“Amazing,” she groaned.
“Fast or slow? You tell me what feels best.”
“Fast,” she answered in a heartbeat.
His hand slid back up her body and he gripped both breasts. His finger and thumb rolled her nipples, pinched and it drove her insane. Her body jerked and she moaned, shoving her hips back into his. He purred softly and growled while he thrust his cock into her pussy faster, going a little deeper and hit a spot that made her cry out in ecstasy.
Becca released the bedding and her hands slid to the edges of the cot. She wrapped her fingers there to get leverage and shoved her ass back at him, trying to urge him to stop holding back. She could sense he was and wanted to experience all he had to give.
His teeth suddenly gripped her shoulder through her shirt. It caused a sharp stab of pain when he bit down hard enough to hurt but not break the skin and both of them froze. His teeth opened and he let go. He moved inside her again, slow at first, gradually building in speed until he was moving fast.
One of his hands left her breast and he pulled her body a few inches away from the edge of the cot where he kept her pinned. His hand slid to her clit and rubbed fast, timed to the beat of his thrusting hips.
Becca moaned loudly, twisted her head to press her cheek against his upper chest and began to tense. Her sensitive bud slid between his fingers as he stoked it, tugged on it and pinched a little. She’d never experienced that amazing feeling before and moaned louder.
“You feel so good,” he rasped. “Can you take more of me?”
She nodded, moaning. Brawn thrust into her deeper, moved slowly at first, seeming to test if she could handle him and she could. His hips picked up the pace again and he squeezed her clit tighter between his fingers, rubbing faster to match the rhythm of his hips. Becca felt almost raw but she didn’t want Brawn to stop as the climax built.
Her body exploded around Brawn as pure bliss struck. He kept moving, worked his way in and out of her pussy as her vaginal muscles convulsed, fucking her harder. He eased off her clit but kept moving as he drew out her pleasure until she was sure she’d die.
“You’re killing me,” she whimpered. What a way to go.
“No.” He growled. “I’m going to make you come again.”
He continued to drive in and out of her rapidly, a sensation she’d never experienced before and it nearly caused pain but in a way that hurt so good. His finger returned to her clit and Becca thrashed under him, on sexual overload, driven beyond the limit of her pleasure threshold. She tensed around his cock again, muscles clenched hard and she screamed against the bedding as she came a second time.
“Yes,” Brawn snarled. His body trembled violently and she felt him inside her, so hot, thick and stone hard. He threw back his head and drove into her deeply one last time. A roar tore from his throat. He came so hard and hot that Becca could feel every warm blast of his semen filling her, every jerk of his pleasure as his hips ground against her ass until his body collapsed down on top of her, nearly crushing her under his weight.
Brawn recovered first and lifted off enough to allow her to catch her breath. He spread kisses over her neck as his tongue licked the skin between her ear and her shoulder.
Becca’s eyes were closed, recovering from the best sex she’d ever had in her life and she ignored the sweat that tickled her body. She wasn’t sure where she ended and he began with their bodies so tightly pressed together. She felt fused to him and didn’t even care that her ears still rang a little from the sound he’d made when he’d come. His weight felt solid and good on her.
“Becca?” he rasped softly.
“Did I hurt you?”
She smiled and shook her head.
“Are you a little sore?”
She hesitated. She felt a little hot and raw where they were connected. She nodded.
He kissed her shoulder. “Okay.”
She flinched a little when he withdrew his still-hard cock from her pussy slowly. He softly cursed. “I should have been gentler.”
“It wasn’t that. I’ve never come two times in a row and you’re a little impressive in size. You weren’t kidding about being bigger.”
His body eased totally off her and he backed a few inches away. She lifted up enough to turn her head to watch him pull up his sweats. Their gazes met and he blindly gripped her nightshirt, which had ridden up to her waist and jerked it down to cover her ass. He looked down, bent to retrieve something and lifted her destroyed underwear.
His cheeks darkened with a blush as he glanced up. “I’m sorry. I destroyed them.”
“It’s okay.” She wished she had them still but it was worth the loss. The nightshirt fell to her knees so she would be covered.
He used them to clean her and shoved them under a corner of the cot. She pushed off the mattress to straighten her body and felt a little shaky from the sex and lack of having a decent meal. Brawn reached out and cupped her cheek, stared deeply into her eyes and a tender expression softened his features.
“She likes you, kitty cat. I guess if anyone knows pussy it would be you.” Randy’s voice startled them both.
Horror filled Becca as her head whipped toward the side of the cage to gawk at the vile man. He stood there smirking, his arms crossed over his chest. Two other men stood behind them. They all stared at her with expressions that assured her they’d been watching long enough to have gotten a show.
Brawn rose to his feet and snarled menacingly at them, reached down and grabbed her arm. She was pulled a little roughly to stand, too stunned to get up from her knees on her own and was shoved behind his big body to block her from the men’s view.
“I see why you like her.” Randy chuckled. “Tight, huh? I told you he was holding back on you, Becca. He gave it up eight times and could still bang you.”
“Don’t say her name,” Brawn threatened. “Don’t talk to her.”
“Possessive bastard, aren’t you? I guess I’d be protective of a fine piece of ass too. The doctor is real happy with the samples you gave up. Get some sleep because in seven hours, she wants more.”
Becca heard them walk away. Brawn turned, their gazes met and she leaned in to him. His arms wrapped around her and he lowered his chin to the top of her head as he pulled her tighter against his body.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t hear them.”
“We were kind of distracted.” Embarrassment and dismay still gripped her that those assholes had been watching her and Brawn together. “I didn’t hear them either.”
“I should have.” His voice deepened to reveal the extent of his rage. “I am so sorry.”
She hugged him tighter. “It’s not your fault.”
It is, Brawn disagreed silently. With his heightened senses, he should have been aware of every sound and smell. He inhaled, couldn’t miss the human-male stench of their captors and their lust. His arms tightened. Those men wanted his Becca. He turned his head, his gaze narrowed as he watched his enemy leave the room and realized how much danger he’d exposed her to, even if she didn’t.
Human males were the animals. They wouldn’t harm Becca as long as they could use her to keep him in line but once they didn’t need that anymore, he feared the men would plot to touch her. He held back a snarl of outrage.
He needed to get her out of there, to escape with her and he was still outraged that she’d even suggested he allow her to die so he might break free at her expense. She believed the Species males were his priority but she was wrong. He nuzzled the top of her head, breathed in her scent and held her tighter.
His gaze left the double doors once the threat was gone, glanced at the two cages containing the sleeping males and could still pick up the scent of the third. Worry ate at him for those three males and the smell of drugs in the air assured him that’s what kept them so docile and he knew that if he had to choose, the choice had already been made.
Becca was the most important thing to him. Without hesitation, he’d give his life and those of the males and kill every human who posed a threat to her. He adjusted his hold, lifted her gently in his arms and saw how pale she looked when she stared into his eyes. Tears made her blue eyes glimmer and he felt like a total bastard. He’d promised to shield her body yet he hadn’t. He’d selfishly taken her at a great expense.
She’d never forgive him regardless of her being generous enough to share the blame. He knew the truth. Even if they survived somehow, if they got out of this nightmare alive, their time together was tainted by the ugliness of being locked inside a cage by their captors. He laid her down on the cot, curled up tightly to her on the small bed and tucked her firmly against his body.
“Sleep,” he urged. “I am here and will protect you.” As much as I am able. Shame burned deeply that he felt so helpless. She deserved a better male. He’d failed her miserably.
Chapter Nine
Tim Oberto was fit to be tied. “What the fuck is taking so long?”
Tiger, head of security for the NSO, watched the man grimly. “We lost the signal.”
“How the hell could this happen?” Tim paced like a caged animal. “They took my daughter.”
Tiger knew what it was like to pace that way. He’d been caged. He watched the human male and could relate to his worry. Tiger felt that emotion too. He didn’t know the man’s daughter, Rebecca Oberto, but he did know Brawn.
“We have to search the area and it’s taking time. You have your men out here too, going to every building.” Tiger took a deep breath. “The signal was last active in this section and they have to be within a mile radius. It’s an industrial area and hundreds of buildings are close together.”
Tim spun. “You know this guy, right? This Brawn? I want you to tell me everything about him now. He’s with my daughter.”
“Brawn is a council member. He’s—”
"Explain the council to me."
Tiger took another breath. “Each of the four testing facilities that we were rescued from appointed a Species to represent them after we elected Justice to lead. We knew he would be busy dealing with the outside world and trying to handle our people as well. Some human suggested each set of survivors from the testing facilities have one spokesperson to represent their needs and issues. They keep track of all the Species from their labs and report to Justice if there is a problem. Brawn was chosen for his ability to remain calm under pressure, his fighting skills and his intelligence. He’s known among my people to have a good sense of humor and to be very reasonable.”
“His fighting skills didn’t save him and my daughter,” Tim raged. “If he was any good they’d never have been taken.”
Tiger immediately took offense. “He never would have been captured if he wasn’t protecting your daughter. He could have fled and left her. He’s feline. He could have easily leapt onto your roof from the window or to the ground below without injury on his own. We believe he was mixed with black leopard. I have hunted with him myself and he’s really fast. I told you that there were at least six men inside your daughter’s home and you saw the body. He fought but they had drugs. He didn’t flee because he stayed with your daughter. Do not dare insult him.”
Trey Roberts cleared his throat. “Gentlemen, everyone calm down, please. This isn’t helping.”
A man sitting in front of a laptop computer cursed suddenly. He turned to face his boss, Tim. “I’ve got really bad news.”
“What is it?” Tim tensed.
“It was tough but I have hacked into the dead guy’s financials. He’s been getting regular deposits from a shell company. I was able to trace that to the real source of money.” He held Tim’s gaze. “Mercile Industries is behind this. The money is coming from a slush fund they have. All the deposits in that account were made by their investors. The dead guy was getting paid by them.”
Tim fisted his hand and jerked his head to Tiger. “Why would they want my daughter when they killed my neighbors? Why keep her alive?”
Tiger tensed as he studied Tim, trying to judge if the man could handle the truth without coming completely unglued. Tiger took a deep breath. “You need to assign one of your men to handle the task force. You’re too emotionally invested.”
“No!” Tim yelled.
Trey suddenly reached out and gripped Tim’s arm. “He’s right. You can stay but you have to step down for this one. I know you are going out of your head. This is Becca, Tim. I understand but you need to let me take this one.”
Tim cursed viciously. “Why?”
Tiger hesitated. “Mercile Industries took another human once who had an association with a Species male. I am afraid if I tell you and you are heading this that you will be very unreasonable. I can’t inform you of facts without you being a father and becoming unstable.”
Tim tensed and rage swept through him. “What do you think they are going to do to my daughter?”
Tiger hesitated. “Give over command to your second and I will share the information we know.”
Tim turned and punched the inside of the van. He nodded at Trey. “You’re in charge.”
Trey nodded and stared at Tiger. “What do you think is going on?”
Tiger hesitated. “Are you very close to his daughter?”
Trey nodded. “Yes but I’m more rational and objective. Becca and I are friends but I can stay cool-headed.”
Tiger regarded him carefully and saw a calm control there. He nodded but he focused on the father of the missing female. “A human female was kidnapped by a Mercile doctor and his team recently. She is mated with one of my kind. Since this Rebecca was with Brawn they might have mistaken her for his mate. They don’t have our sense of smell, which would make it obvious to one of us that she slept in her bed alone. She only ended up in his room because of the attack. He put her inside his bathroom because they had to fight him to get to her there.”
Trey nodded. “Rebecca isn’t the type to jump into bed with someone.”
“Brawn wouldn’t touch a female human either. He likes our women and has been very clear that he holds no sexual interest in your females.”
“Just tell us what you think they took my daughter for and why I’m only hearing about this other woman being taken now. I’m supposed to be informed of all issues that arise and my team should have been called in if a mate was kidnapped.” Tim’s voice shook.
Tiger hesitated. “We handled the situation and didn’t want to call you unless we had to. They took the other human to breed with Species they’d stolen from Mercile before the testing facility they worked in was breached by your law enforcement. They wanted her because she was mated to a Species. The doctor assumed that since one Species would take her to bed that another of my kind would without killing her, perhaps believing that because she carried one of our male’s scents would make her irresistible. They probably took your daughter alive to breed her to a Species male. They want to see if a human female can get impregnated by my kind.”
Tim paled and leaned back against the inside of the van. He shook his head. “No.”
Tiger nodded grimly. “They shoved the other human female into a cell with a Species male who had never been freed but he didn’t touch her. He could smell her mate on her and protected her as if she were Species. We’re hoping Brawn is the only male they have and that’s why they came after him. She should be safe if that’s the case.”
“Should be?”
Tiger hesitated. “They forced us to breed with our females. When we refused they would harm the female until we agreed to breed or they used drugs to send the male into a mindless state where he was left without option.” Tiger hesitated again. “If that happens and they use the drugs, your daughter would not withstand it well, if she isn’t killed. Our females barely survived a forced breeding. The males lose the ability to control or to think. Afterward the male will not even remember what he has done. He would not be responsible for his actions. You have heard of a date rape drug? This is similar to one only the male gets aggressive and his body is in torturous pain unless he breeds with a female. The drugs strip him to the animal inside.”
“I’m going to kill the assholes,” Tim ground out through clenched teeth. “You’re saying you think they took both of them to force him to rape my daughter?”
Tiger nodded. “He will not harm her if they don’t use the drugs and he will refuse to have sex unless they threaten to kill or torture her. Brawn knows we are trying to track him if they didn’t find the device. He managed to hide the coin tracking device we gave him long enough to get us to this area. He will do anything to keep her alive if he can.”
Trey softly cursed. “You know this guy well?”
Tiger nodded. “Yes.”
“If he’s forced to, uh, touch her, he won’t hurt her?”
Tiger gave him a sincere look. “He wouldn’t. Brawn is very resistant to touching a human female. He doesn’t hold interest in them. I am more afraid that whoever took them will use drugs. That’s my biggest fear.”
“Will he kill her?”
Tiger shrugged. “It would depend on whether they use the drugs. I told you how they work. He wouldn’t be responsible for what happens if he’s out of his mind.” Tiger studied Tim. “If that’s the case, it would be an accident if he killed or seriously harmed your daughter. He is a victim in this too. That is why you had to step down.” He stared at Trey. “If you can’t guarantee his safety from your men if they drugged him and the worst has happened, you need to say so now. Your task force will be removed from this mission. That’s why we insisted upon coming here with our own team of males.”
Trey looked grim. “On the drugs he’d rape her, wouldn’t he?”
“On the drugs he wouldn’t be himself. He would be mindless and in agony. It would be like someone injecting you with drugs that made you so crazy you would have no recollection of what you’d done. You would be in so much pain that it would turn you into a mindless animal. When you woke later you would be horrified if you had harmed someone. Do you understand?”
Trey nodded. “He won’t be harmed, no matter what. I give my word.”
Tiger nodded. “What about your men? If we find the worst will they react and just kill him?”
Trey sighed. “I’ll talk to them now. I swear we won’t kill him, regardless of the circumstances.”
“There is one more thing.” Tiger paused. “You remember the raid in Colorado on that testing facility we took down? We have talked to our recovered people. We did not rescue all of them. There are about two dozen males and one female still unaccounted for and we might find them there. They may have taken Tim’s daughter to another Species male to breed. You cannot kill them either, even if you find his daughter’s body inside one their cells. But, if another of my kind has harmed his daughter or if she was killed without the male being drugged, I’ll put him down myself. Some Species were driven mad and may be beyond saving.”
Trey nodded grimly. “Understood. I’ll give my men the heads up that this might be a bigger recovery than we thought and that no matter what we find, you are in charge of your people who are inside.”
Trey left quietly to go talk to his teams still searching buildings alongside the twenty Species males who had shown up to help them look for the missing couple.
Tim stormed out of the van and started to hit the exterior of the vehicle with his fists. Tiger calmly watched the dents appear inside of the van and understood the father’s rage. He stepped out of the command van and waited for Tim to calm. Eventually he did and Tiger saw the grief in the human’s eyes.
“Brawn will do anything to protect her if he can.”
“This is my fault. I took him to her house. I did this.”
“Mercile Industries did this by hiring vicious humans who have no regard for life. Hate them, Tim.”
He nodded. “We have to find my daughter and your man.”
“We will. The signal was lost in this area. It’s just taking time because there are so many buildings where they could be hiding. By morning we will have searched every single one and we’re pretty sure they are here. They would have destroyed the tracking device long before it led to this area if they were aware of its existence.”
“You can’t smell them at all?”
Tiger shook his head. “I wouldn’t scent them from outside unless I am close to a building and there is a breeze coming from their direction. Our males are with your teams, they are some of the best hunters we have and I have faith we will locate them. The waiting is the hardest, I understand, but we’ll know by morning for sure. You just need to hang in there.”
“This is my fault.”
“We’ve been over this.”
“I should have made her leave her house or gone home after my date. I should have made sure she was sleeping in her old bedroom. I—”
Tiger gripped his shoulder. “You would have died too if you’d been home. They were well trained to take one of our males. I don’t mean to offend you but we’re stronger and faster. If Brawn didn’t stand a chance, you wouldn’t have either.”
Tim’s voice choked with emotion. “I just want to get my daughter back alive.”
* * * * *
Brawn jerked awake when he heard a noise. His hold instantly tightened around Becca, who was curled in his arms. She breathed slowly, sleeping soundly. Her hand rested around his arm and he studied her face as he sniffed the air. No stench of his enemy offended his nose. They were currently safe from harm.
She was beautiful. He’d never thought he’d find a human so appealing but she was. She was so different from his kind. Her nose wasn’t flattened, just a cute bump on her face. The bones in her face were softer, not dominant. She felt small and fragile in his arms and he could break her easily if he wasn’t careful.
His body responded instantly when she shifted a little and her thigh rubbed against him. They weren’t even naked but just being close was enough to make his dick harden and lengthen between their bodies. He wanted to mount her again. Sharing sex with her was different and wonderful. She was so soft and tight. So wet, hot and fragile. He bit back a groan.
The memory of the sounds Becca made while he’d mounted her made his desire to take her again grow stronger. He physically ached to be back inside her but she’d been sore afterward and probably still was. He should have been gentler but she’d taken him so well that he couldn’t stop the need to feel every inch of his dick buried in the soft, tight heat of her sex, which encased him perfectly.
His shoulders burned a little where her nails had dug into his skin during their passionate encounter. He glanced down at the bite she’d left on his chest and mourned that it wouldn’t scar. She had delicate, flat teeth but they’d felt good when she’d sunk them in enough to cause slight pain. No female had ever marked him and he was glad she had. He only regretted the reminder wouldn’t be permanent.
He suddenly understood how Justice and the other Species males could take a human mate. They were not as strong as Species females but their softness and kittenish responses gripped a man inside his chest. His gaze returned to study her face. He was unable to stop staring. He doubted he’d ever be able to look at her enough.
He lifted his hand to stroke her soft auburn hair and some of it curled around his finger. It was too short, only just past her shoulders and he wanted to see her grow it long, to her ass. He fantasized about winding his fingers through the long strands that could spread across his stomach when her head rested on his chest while she slept. His fingers brushed her cheek.
She’s so soft all over. Her body was not muscular the way their women were. Everything about her was unfamiliar and yet he wanted to hold her forever. Protect her. Keep her. His hand stopped tracing her skin and he closed his eyes.
He was Species and had no business thinking about a human female, wishing he could be with her long enough for her hair to grow to her waist. There would be no future with Becca because they were in hell, captured and confined by the monsters who’d tormented him for most of his life. Their ugliness had even touched the one beautiful, perfect thing in his life and he held her a little tighter.
He knew he should expect that they would be rescued but his hope had died. He’d never tell Becca, crush her spirit that way, but too much time had passed. Even if a miracle occurred twice in his lifetime and someone came to set him free from a cage, Becca would probably be lost to him forever. The memories they made would be overshadowed by the horror. She’d never be able to look at him without reliving their nightmare.
Another soft noise drew his attention, his eyes opened and he turned his head. The Species male in the other cage was off his cot and stood watching him silently. Brawn carefully extricated his body from Becca’s. He used the blanket to keep her warm, tucked her in and moved to the corner nearest the other cage.
“Are you well? I am Brawn.”
The male tilted his head, peered at him with confusion and he understood. “When I was freed from Mercile I chose the name.” He refused to say his old number, had sworn to never utter or hear it again and feared the male might try to address him as such. “Can you speak? You are 919, correct?”
“Yes,” the male rasped. His gaze lowered to stare at Becca, a soft snarl came from his throat and rage twisted his features.
Brawn moved, blocked his view of the cot and gripped the bars. “Easy. She is not the enemy.”
“They all are.”
“Not all. Some humans are good. They freed me and many others from the testing facilities.” He kept his voice low. The males who worked for the female doctor believed it was safe to talk softly so he figured it probably was. “How long have you been here? Do you know?”
The male shrugged his shoulders. “A while.”
Brawn understood. It was easy to lose track of time with no light to show the days pass. His gaze drifted to the other cage and the sleeping male who hadn’t woken since they’d been there.
“Who is he?”
919 glanced at the form. “358 is in bad shape. He breathes but he is weakened. They tested him for days straight with too many drugs too close together and in the insanity he harmed his body much by smashing into the walls.” He stared at Brawn. “He will be physically fine but when the drugs wear off I fear his mind will not fare well.”
“What about the other I smell?”
“880.” Rage tensed the male’s body. “He wasn’t known to me and there was a female with him.”
Alarm gripped Brawn. “Human?”
“One of us.” The male revealed his fangs as he snarled, showing off his canine traits. “They murdered her in front of him as punishment. They were here before we were brought. I never spoke to her and they kept them back there.” He pointed to the concrete wall blocking their view of the back of the room. “I could hear them softly talking and he cared for her. I think she was ill. When the humans killed her, he went insane.”
Brawn mourned the loss. He wondered if these were some of the missing Species from the Colorado testing facility who were unaccounted for. A female had been on the list. Their numbers were not known to him but he’d read the reports.
“He doesn’t speak?”
“Not to me but they killed her right after we arrived,” 919 growled. “He howled for days, tore up the cage and the stench of blood was strong. They had to drug him and tend to his severe injuries. I saw him pass out a few times. They have to go by when they drug and move him. I believe he tried to end his life by using the bars.” The man touched them. “His mind is gone. It happens.”
Brawn knew that well. “Were there any others?”
The male shook his head. “Not until you and her.”
“Have you ever heard the word Colorado?”
The double doors opened and two humans stepped into the room. 919 snarled, backed away from the bars and began to pace. Brawn inched closer to Becca, watching the enemy with dread.
They approached the other cage and 919 snarled louder, backed up as far as he could get and the humans laughed as they pulled their weapons.
“What’s wrong?” The blond human snickered. “You have a problem getting sucked off by a machine? I wish my dick got as much action as yours does.”
The other one aimed the Taser. “They are fucking animals. What do you expect? He’s too stupid to appreciate his dick getting so much action. It’s not like any of us are allowed to leave here to hunt up some pussy. I’d take a toy any day compared to my hand.”
They targeted the male, he howled when the electric volts shot through his body and he fell to the floor. Brawn snarled, hated to watch the male taken down and a soft hand gripped his arm. He nearly hit Becca from pure reflex alone but his palm halted inches from her face.
Wide, terrified eyes peered at him and he cursed. He hadn’t known she’d woken. He dropped his hand and watched as the humans shot another Taser dart into the already suffering male. He jerked and twitched until he passed out. The men unwrapped the chains from the door, opened it and entered the cage. They just grabbed 919 by his arms, dragged him out and took him away. Brawn didn’t relax until the doors closed. He turned to apologize, staring at Becca and hated that he’d frightened her.