Текст книги "Brawn"
Автор книги: Laurann Dohner
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“Cha-ching.” Becca winced. “Major money to those pricks. I get it.” Horror washed through her. “You think I haven’t had nightmares about that? I have.”
“I know.” Trisha looked grim. “There’s also the jerks who hate Species and believe they are nothing more than rabid animals to be put down. It’s why we haven’t told the world they can have children. It’s a horrible situation. My son is the only second generation Species baby born so far but we have two more women who are pregnant. Maybe in the near future it will be safer for the world to know but right now we need to protect them. This baby will look like Species and there won’t be a doubt of that if anyone sees him. The only thing you can do is stay here or at Homeland where he’ll be safe from discovery. We’ll restrict any humans besides myself and the other mates. You won’t be alone. You’ll have the four of us to support you emotionally.”
“Myself, Ellie, Tammy and I believe you know Jessie Dupree. She worked with your father.”
Shock tore through Becca. “She’s pregnant? She’s uh, mated, to one of the New Species?”
“She married Justice North secretly but they decided to wait a while before trying to have a baby. No one who knows about their wedding has leaked it to the press yet but that could change at any time. Tammy lives at Reservation full-time and Ellie has moved here since we have the better medical facility and they are safer from prying eyes. We’d rather be safe than sorry. So far all pregnancies are healthy and we’re hoping it stays that way. Ellie is due to have her baby soon and Tammy is just a little farther along than you are.”
“This is so much to take in. I thought I was alone.”
“You aren’t. You and your baby just got a really large family, Becca. New Species will consider you that.”
“But I’m not one of them.”
“Your baby is and you are his mother. They treat mates just as if we’re one of their own.”
“I’m not a mate.”
“You’re still family.” She paused. “Why don’t you want to see Brawn?”
Becca hesitated, not sure her pain at his abandonment was enough to justify it but she had a list of reasons besides that. “He was clear from the moment I met him that he doesn’t want anything to do with women like us. He never would have touched me if we hadn’t been kidnapped. We were forced to be together and we thought we weren’t going to be rescued. He was going to be sold at some point and they probably would have left me there to die when they abandoned the warehouse or put a bullet in my head.”
“It must have been very stressful.”
“It was and that’s how Brawn and I ended up getting so close.”
Trisha hesitated. “I am curious. I gave you antibiotics. Did you take them?”
“No. They were horse pills and I just tossed them. Why do you want to know?” She reached up and touched her forehead. “I don’t have a fever, do I? I’d have noticed if I had some kind of blood infection from the needles they used.”
The doctor hesitated. “They weren’t to fight an infection. Those pills were to prevent you from getting pregnant.” Her gaze dropped to Becca’s rounded belly. “I wondered if you either hadn’t taken them or they just weren’t effective. I have the answer now.”
Anger instantly surged inside Becca. “What?”
“I know. It was really wrong not to give you a choice but you should realize how much we needed to protect this secret. As you stated, you aren’t a mate and we couldn’t let you leave if there was a chance of you being pregnant.” Trisha met her gaze. “Try to understand our position. Would you have preferred we kept you here against your will until we knew for sure you weren’t? That was the only other option. It’s not just about you and your baby. It’s about my son, Ellie’s and Tammy’s. All future Species infants.”
It took a lot for Becca to fight through her anger and the feeling of betrayal. They’d tried to abort her pregnancy. She clenched her teeth.
“I’m sorry. Honestly. You were traumatized enough and we were trying to protect you from further harm. Tell me honestly that this pregnancy hasn’t torn up your life.”
“I want this baby.”
“I know.” Trisha’s features softened. “Believe me, I can guess how much you’ve gone through to try to hide and protect your child. I’d have done the same.” She bit her lower lip. “Why couldn’t you just tell us? You’re a smart woman and I can’t figure out how you thought you could do this on your own.”
Becca slipped on her shoes. “I would have had to admit to being locked inside a cage with Brawn and told my father what happened between us. You didn’t see how he acted for weeks afterward. He…” She sighed. “He was really angry and irrational. Kind of insane, to be honest. I had to swear to him that nobody touched me. He would have killed Brawn and still will when he finds out.” Tears filled her eyes. “Put yourself in my place now. My dad loves his job, he loves New Species but he swore to kill any of them if I’d been touched in any way. He is willing to go to prison and Brawn is the father of my baby. I just wanted to protect them both.”
A roar tore through the building. Becca and the doctor both started.
Becca grabbed Trisha. “What was that?”
“My best guess? Brawn is outside. He’s living at Reservation. He and another council member are assigned here and he was just told about the baby.”
“I don’t want to see him.”
Something crashed down the hall, glass broke and someone snarled. Trisha cursed, a panicked expression on her face. “It sounds like you aren’t going to have a choice. Oh crap. I need to get out there.” She tugged out of Becca’s hold.
A roar pieced the air and something else crashed.
“Slade!” Trisha shouted his name as she jerked open the door and rushed into the hallway.
Becca stared out the doorway. Trisha ran and nearly collided with a big body that suddenly filled the end of the hallway. Two strong hands gripped the doctor, prevented her from falling and Brawn lifted her to the side to set her out of his way.
“What did you do to my husband?” Trisha yelled at Brawn.
He growled loud enough for Becca to hear, his gaze lifted until she had no doubt he focused on her and he took a step closer, then another and kept right on coming. A furious expression masked his normally handsome face and she couldn’t miss seeing a lot of skin since his shirt had been torn open to reveal one entire side of his chest.
Terror gripped her as she stumbled back and darted a look away from the threat to search for an escape but there wasn’t one. The small room had a window but she didn’t see a release on it to get it open and all she could do was put the exam table between them.
Chapter Fifteen
Brawn entered the room, his gaze locked on her and his hand shot back to grab the door. It slammed loudly, sealing them inside. His lips parted, he was slightly out of breath and a soft growl came out of him.
“Stay back.” Her voice shook and she felt raw terror.
His gaze lowered down her body to her protruding belly. It was obvious she was pregnant. He snarled loudly, a vicious sound. He reached back again and the sound of the lock being twisted was undeniable. He took a threatening step closer.
She grabbed the table to keep from collapsing. “Please don’t hurt me or the baby, Brawn. I know you’re mad, that you don’t want me having this baby, but it’s mine. I love it.”
His eyes widened, he paled and another snarl tore from his parted lips. “You think I’d hurt you or my child?” The words came out harsh, his tone rough.
“You’re pissed.” She released the table with one hand and protectively curved it around her middle. “I don’t want anything from you, okay? I wouldn’t even be here if some of your men hadn’t flown me here against my will.”
He took deep breaths, his eyes narrowed into near slits and he took another step. “I’d never hurt you or the child. Why did you refuse to see me?”
She swallowed hard. “There’s no reason we should have to spend time together.”
His eyes lowered to her stomach. “No reason?”
She took a calming breath. “I have nothing to say to you. Why see each other? This happened and we just have to deal with it. I’m going to have my baby. I’m sorry if that upsets you but that’s too bad.”
His fists balled at his sides. “Your baby? Try ‘our baby’.”
Becca was afraid, seeing how mad he was at that moment. “You can see the baby any time you want. I was informed I need to stay here but we’ll just avoid each other. After the baby is born we’ll work out shared visitation rights. Someone can pick up and drop off the baby so we don’t ever have to see each other again.”
Another growl tore from Brawn and his nose flared. His eyes suddenly seemed to change color, darken to near black. “You’ll let me see my child? How generous.”
“I’m trying to figure out a way this is going to work, okay? You don’t have to see him if you don’t want to. I know how…” She was at a loss for words. “This shouldn’t have happened but it did. We’re just going to have to be adult about this and figure out a way to get along peacefully for the baby’s sake.”
Someone tried to enter the room but the lock held. Brawn glanced at it. “Stay out. We’re talking.”
“Damn it, Brawn,” Trisha called out. “Let me in. You’re lucky you only threw my husband and Tiger. You could have really hurt them.”
“Go away,” he snarled. “This is between Becca and me. I won’t harm her. Leave us alone.”
“Becca?” It was Trisha. “Are you all right?”
“I’m fine. It’s okay.” Becca frowned at Brawn, not sure that was the truth.
“I’ll be down the hall putting ice on the guys.” Trisha didn’t sound happy. “Yell if you need help.”
Brawn growled and snapped his head back to stare at Becca. “Come here.”
She shook her head. “You’re really angry and I’m really happy to be on this side of the table. Don’t you dare touch me, Brawn. I know you are upset but this isn’t my fault any more than it’s yours.”
“Come here.”
She refused to budge. “You’re angry.”
“Yes,” he growled. “You should have told me.”
Her anger flared. “When would that have been? When you came to get your stuff from my house? Maybe when you called me?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “That’s right. You didn’t do either of those things. You had my father pack your stuff and send it to you. You never called to even see how I was. Why should I have called you?”
“You won’t come to me?”
“No. I like this much distance between us. I’d like it better if you just left.”
He came at her, his graceful movements reminding her of an animal slowly stalking his prey, and Becca backed up until the wall stopped her. Her breathing increased to a near pant from fear when his hands lifted to flatten on the wall on each side of her.
She watched as his eyes closed, his features softened and to her stunned surprise, he slowly lowered down her body to his knees. His face inched closer until he pressed his nose against her shirt, his hands released the walls to gently grip her hips and he nuzzled her belly.
“What are you doing?” She was frozen.
He sniffed, softly purred and turned his head to nuzzle his cheek over her belly. His hands slid on her pants, hooked her shirt and pushed it up enough to reveal the rounded mound. He pressed his warm cheek to her skin, another soft purr rumbled out of him and he just stayed there.
“Brawn?” Her voice quavered. “What are you doing?”
“I can smell him.”
He lifted his chin and his eyes opened. The blue was back in his irises, the darkness gone and he held her gaze. “I scent my son.”
She wasn’t sure what that meant but his anger seemed to have totally dissipated. She breathed a little easier and tried to calm. She relaxed more against the wall and tried to slow her racing heart. The danger of him exploding into a rage seemed to have passed.
“Did you think I wouldn’t want him?”
She hated to see tears fill Brawn’s eyes but couldn’t miss them. Regret slammed into her. “I didn’t know.” Emotion choked her voice and she had to swallow. “I was afraid.”
“You believed I’d hurt you?” Some of the anger returned to his steady gaze.
“I don’t know. I’m hormonal, just afraid of everything and tried to do the best I could on my own.”
“You’re not alone anymore.” He pushed her shirt a little higher on her ribs, gently released it, and dropped his attention to her bare stomach. “I’m here.”
But for how long? That stray thought made her tense. If he said they were a team, she’d have to slap him. She’d heard that before. Staring down at him made her heart soften though. They were having a baby together, had created a life. Hot tears filled her eyes.
Brawn’s calloused fingertips caressed the skin over her belly, so warm and gentle that she closed her eyes to hide how she reacted. He rubbed his cheek against her stomach again, softly purred and the baby kicked in response. His fingers lowered and he lightly gripped her hips and gasped.
“Yes,” she told him softly. “He kicked.”
“My son,” Brawn rumbled, his voice too gruff to sound totally human.
Becca turned her head and remained still, allowing him to enjoy the awe of her pregnant belly. She’d had countless of those magical moments since learning of her pregnancy. His fingers moved, hooked the top of her pants and nudged them down a little. She allowed it, figured he wanted to see her lower belly, but gasped when he tore them down to her knees, baring her panties. Her eyes flew open and she gaped at him.
Brawn stared into her eyes, not glancing at the skin he’d revealed or the scrap of satin covering her mound as she tried to twist away. Strong hands gripped her hips quickly and held her in place against the wall.
“What are you doing?” Her gaze darted to the locked door and back to Brawn. “Move.” She tried to twist out of his hold again, knowing she couldn’t jerk her pants up with his body in the way. “Cover me up.”
He let go of one hip, gripped her shoe and tugged.
“Brawn! What the hell are you doing?”
“I want to see you.” He wrestled her slip-on shoes off her feet, tossing them aside.
“You are.” Her gaze darted back to the door, more than a bit alarmed that someone might unlock it and find her pants around her knees. She grabbed his thick, broad shoulders and pushed. “You’re seeing more than my belly. Let go or back off.”
He straightened up, towered over her and softly growled. “Becca.”
She pushed on his chest but shouldn’t have bothered since it was like trying to move a solid wall. She gasped when his foot stepped on the material between her legs. Her pants were shoved down more to tangle at her ankles. Brawn shocked her again when he pulled her a few inches from the wall, one arm wrapped around her and her feet left the floor as he lifted her.
“Put me down!” She didn’t yell, too afraid someone would come in, but Brawn just turned and laid her on her back over the exam table. She stared up at him in shock as he reached down, fisted her pants trapped around her ankles and lifted her legs.
“What are you doing?” She tried to roll away but her legs were straight up, held there, and it kept her on her back.
“Exploring. I won’t hurt you.”
“This is totally rude, inappropriate and wrong!” She reached for her shirt, tried to shove it down to cover something, anything, but Brawn had other ideas.
He pulled her down the table. She forgot the shirt to grab at the sides to keep from being dropped on the floor but he stopped when her ass reached the edge. To her shock he dropped to his knees, released her pants and gripped her inner thighs. She hadn’t expected that move or for him to dip his head to get between them.
“Relax,” he demanded, his voice deep.
“What are you doing?”
She was exposed with her thighs spread apart. She stared into his amazing eyes, remembering why she’d been so drawn to him. A sexy purr filled the room. Memories were instant of their time together inside that cage, all the nights she’d remembered every vivid detail of his hands and mouth on her. Her libido flared to life. It had been a lonely, hormonal nine weeks filled with desires she had been denied.
He wiggled in to force her thighs farther apart so he could fit between them. She couldn’t get away with her pants linking her ankles together and wasn’t sure she wanted to even really try. Curiosity overrode any fear at his aggressive actions. He spread her more, her ankles feeling a bit squeezed by the material that ended up stretched across his upper back. His gaze lowered.
“That’s not my stomach!”
He glanced up. “I dreamed of this.”
“Of pinning a pregnant woman on a table and holding her ankles behind you with her own pants? Get out of there and stop whatever you’re doing.” She wished she was sure she meant the words but was proud she got them out.
He dropped his gaze and her cheeks warmed, knowing he stared at her blue, satin panties. She gasped when his palm covered her there, the heat of his hand soaking through to her skin. His fingers hooked one edge of them as he pulled the fragile material to the side to expose her pussy to his view. He growled softly, inhaled slowly and licked his lips.
Becca was stunned as he seemed to be breathing her in, not something she’d seen coming and could only think of one thing. “That’s not my stomach either.” He’s not going to go down on me, is he? That question made her heart rate rocket.
He held her gaze and repeated, “I dreamed of this.”
Brawn suddenly opened his mouth and lowered his head. His face burrowed against her inner thighs and she gasped when his hot tongue lightly traced over her clit. She jerked, her fingers released the sides of the table to grab at his black hair and fisted long strands of it. She tugged but he only pressed his face tighter. He growled, caused vibrations to transfer from his tongue against the sensitive bud and her entire body tensed. He licked her again, growled deeper, more of a rumble and applied more pressure. Sensations of pleasure jolted through her.
“Oh God. That’s not fair.”
Becca tasted so good. Her feminine scent mixed with the Species one coming from her because she carried his child was intoxicating to Brawn and made him lightheaded. Everything inside him screamed that she was his, marked by him in every way possible and he wanted to claim her for good.
The sharp jerk on his hair only made him more determined to show her that he was her male. He growled louder, deeper, and his entire body quivered from the strength of his emotions. Her fingers eased and instead massaged his scalp, her fingernails lightly scoring him there as he feasted on her.
The heady aroma of her arousal urged him on as it grew stronger and he tore at the object in his way. Delicate fabric easily gave way and he threw her destroyed panties to the floor. He wanted her pants gone too but needed them to keep her legs wrapped around him. She required some coaxing into accepting him and he used his mouth to tame her.
“Brawn,” she moaned.
Her legs tightened around him and her hips arched against his tongue. Triumph struck. She was his, knew it, and the wild side of him pushed forward to take her. He forced it back, wanted to bring her to climax first and make sure she was prepared to take him. He’d never forget how tightly she sheathed his cock and he wanted to make sure he could enter her easily. A little fear held him back as well. She carried his child and he’d have to take her with extreme care.
His tongue left her clit, licked lower and he groaned. She was so wet, her cream so sweet and he couldn’t get enough as he dipped the tip of his tongue inside her. Her vaginal walls were squeezed together, he had to fight to penetrate even a few inches and she ground her hips against his mouth.
Her breathing increased—soft pants and moans, music to his ears. Becca was his. That thought kept replaying over and over, soothing some of his desperation to fuck her into submission. He withdrew his tongue, hated to leave the heaven he found there, but focused on her clit again. He frantically stroked the bundle of nerves, determined to make her cry out his name. His dick ached so hard it threatened to break the zipper on his jeans.
He knew she was close by the way her fingers fisted his hair again. She didn’t tug at him to leave her pussy this time, instead held him there and her thighs gripped him tightly. Her legs shook as she sucked in air and he tested the slit of her pussy with his fingertips. One finger sank into the slick heat, exploring how soft she was inside and stroked her by fucking her with the thick digit.
Becca was his mate. She carried his child. She was just his.
Becca thrashed on the exam table, bit her lip hard and tried frantically to remember that people were nearby. Brawn had shocked her by going down on her but she hurt to come. She was so close and then he breached her pussy with a finger, pushed in deep and she threw her head back, turned it to the side and pressed her shoulder over her mouth. His finger drove in and out of her as he sealed his lips over her clit and sucked. An explosion of rapture rocked through her body as she cried out. The sound was muffled against the cotton top.
Brawn released her clit and slowly withdrew his finger. Spasms of pleasure still ebbed through her belly, made her shiver and she barely realized that he rolled his shoulders and did something to free her legs as one ankle slipped out of the stretch pants. It wasn’t until strong fingers gripped her under her knees that she forced her eyes open.
Brawn rose to his feet and she met his gaze. The blue of his eyes showed his passion and he settled her ankles on the tops of his shoulders. He reached down and the sound of his zipper opening made her realize what was going to happen. She didn’t protest. She’d missed Brawn, had fantasized about him making love to her, but the setting wasn’t ideal. They were in an exam room. The door was locked though and no one had tried to get in, at least not that she’d noticed, but she’d been distracted.
He leaned over a little, one hand gripped her thigh and his other hand remained between them. Her rounded belly hid the sight of his cock but she felt the thick head of it slide through her folds, hesitate at the opening of her pussy before he pushed a little against her.
“You’re mine, Becca.” He softly growled at her. “I claim you as my mate.”
“What?” One of her legs jerked and her ankle slipped off his shoulder. Her bare foot flattened on his chest and she pushed at him a little.
Exotic eyes narrowed. “You’re my mate. My child. My female. Mine.”
An icy sensation of dread tore through her with brutal force that sobered her from the sexual haze she’d experienced. Her hips jerked, she wiggled her ass sharply and her pussy was slick enough to make the crown of his cock slip up to rub against her clit.
The look of instant confusion blanked his features.
“No,” she repeated more firmly.
He growled. “You deny me entry?” He glanced down. “You want me. You can’t deny that. I won’t hurt you.”
She shoved at his chest again with her bare foot. Her heel rubbed on his shirt and shoved it up a few inches. “No! I’m not your mate. Claim me? No!”
Rage gripped his features and he threw back his head. A roar tore out of him and Becca screamed, instantly terrified. He released her and jumped back. She rolled and nearly fell off the table but managed to just slide off without hitting her belly. One ankle still held her pants and she backed up, almost tripped on the damn fabric, and put the table between them.
“You’re my mate,” Brawn snarled. “Mine.”
Becca bent, tried to make sense of her tangled pants and panicked when she couldn’t figure them out.
“Open the door!” Trisha yelled. “What is going on in there?”
“Move,” a male voice demanded.
Something hit the door and it crashed open. All Becca could do was duck down a little to hide her bare lower half behind the table and shove her shirt over her exposed belly.
Slade stumbled into the room. The New Species glanced at her, his gaze seemed to take in everything in a sweeping gaze and he spun when the doctor tried to get around him. He grabbed her around her waist, jerked her off her feet and shoved her at the other New Species male who tried to enter the room.
“Take her down the hall,” Slade ordered.
“What is going on?” Trisha kicked at the other male, twisted her head and got a view of Brawn because she gasped.
Becca followed the woman’s wide stare and saw that Brawn’s pants were still open, his cock out and he was as hard as a rock. The New Species holding her softly cursed.
“My man, zip up. That’s more of you than I want to see.” He turned, still holding the doctor and kept his back to the room.
“Put me down, Tiger. What is going on?” Trisha fought his hold.
“I think that’s obvious,” Slade snorted. “Zip up, Brawn. My mate doesn’t get to see anyone’s dick but mine.”
“Get out,” Brawn demanded. He shoved his stiff cock into his pants but didn’t close the front of them. “This is between Becca and me.”
Speak, her mind demanded. “I won’t be your mate. I don’t care if I’m pregnant and you’re the father. That’s no reason to fling words like that around and what the hell is claiming? Just don’t even go there.”
“Shit,” Tiger muttered, turned and eased Trisha down onto her feet. “You too, my man? I was sure you’d never go down.”
Becca’s face heated fast with embarrassment. How had they known what Brawn had just done to her? It was probably their sense of smell, which only made it worse. She breathed through her nose, couldn’t pick up anything but the sterile smell of the exam room, but she didn’t have their enhanced traits.
“That’s my baby and that makes you mine too.” Brawn’s angry gaze fixed on her and he flashed his fangs her way as he growled.
“Screw you.” She forgot to be embarrassed over the situation of having people in the room who had just caught them after an intimate moment. “I’m not marrying you, mating you, or allowing you to claim me.”
“It’s kind of the same thing,” Tiger offered.
She shot him a glare. “Thanks.” Her focus returned to Brawn.
“I will screw you.” He advanced a step toward her but Slade grabbed his arm. Brawn’s head swung in his direction, glanced at the hand on his biceps and he snarled, “Let go. Don’t interfere.”
“Calm down,” Slade ordered, his voice deepening. “She’s human, with child, and you’re showing your teeth. Take a deep breath through your mouth and get a handle on your emotions.”
“Don’t fight.” Tiger gently pushed Trisha against the wall by the door. “The room is too small and the females will get injured.”
Brawn jerked out of Slade’s hold and tried to step away but the Species male grabbed him again. “Calm down!”
“Get out and leave us.”
“Don’t you dare,” Becca gasped. “You said I’d be safe here. Prove it. Get him away from me.”
“That’s my child.”
“I’m not denying that but it doesn’t give you the right to make rash statements like we’re together. We’re not.”
“We are.”
Becca opened her mouth but a dizzy spell hit, spots appeared before her eyes and she nearly crumpled forward over the table. Her hands caught her weight but she couldn’t miss the sound of a harsh snarl. Two strong arms wrapped around her body—one around her rib cage and the other around her hips, under her expanded belly.
“I’ve got you. What’s wrong?” Brawn was alarmed.
“Everyone turn around,” Trisha ordered the men. “Brawn, put her on the table. She’s pregnant and this has been a stressful day. The last thing she needs is men gawking at her while she’s half naked.”
“I’m okay,” Becca sighed. “I missed breakfast and lunch.” The dizzy spell passed and she wiggled, trying to get free of the strong arms holding her. “Let go.”
“Hang on,” Trisha muttered, rushing to a cabinet. She yanked it open, grabbed something and turned. “Here. We keep sweatpants here for spares in case of emergencies. You have no idea how many guys I treat with leg injuries when they are training. Let me help you.”
“I’ll do it myself.” Becca turned her head and glared up at Brawn. “Let me go. I can dress myself.”
He wanted to argue, she could see it in his eyes, but Trisha was suddenly there. She knelt. “Lift a leg.”
The doctor jerked the sweats up while Brawn continued to hold her. She was grateful that he did but wouldn’t say it aloud. She felt weak and knew Trisha was right. It had been a really stressful day.
“Tiger? Get her to the hotel and I’ll order food. She needs to eat and rest.” Trisha glanced at Slade. “Nobody is to know she’s here. Spread the word to all the Species. I’d have you take her to one of the cabins but I want her close by. That means the hotel. No humans are there and Species won’t mention her being there.”
“I’m on it, Doc.”
She smiled. “Thanks, lollypop.”
He softly growled at her. “Tease.” He left the room.
Tiger turned to face the room. “I have an SUV outside. Let’s go.”
Brawn released her and tried to pick Becca up. She stumbled away and smacked at his hand. “Don’t. You’ve touched me enough, thank you very much.”
“I’ll carry you.”
“You won’t. I’m fine now. I just need to eat.”
“Argue later.” Tiger inched closer. “She’s pale and carrying a child. She needs to be tended to and keeping her here longer is detrimental.”
Becca turned her back on Brawn, met the doctor’s eyes and nodded. “Thank you for giving me an ultrasound.”
“Eat and get plenty of rest. I’ll be by later. Call me if you don’t feel well or need anything. Just contact the desk and they’ll transfer the call to my cell phone.”
“I appreciate that.”
Tiger led the way and Becca followed him out of the room, down the hallway and outside. An SUV waited just as he’d said and Pink was behind the wheel.
“In you go,” Tiger said as he opened the back door.
She allowed him to touch her arm to help but a soft snarl startled her and she found the source. Brawn glared at the Species who touched her as though he wanted to tear the guy’s head off. She wiggled into the seat and Tiger let go. Brawn suddenly stepped forward and arched an eyebrow.
“Scoot over and make room for me, Becca.”
She refused and reached out to grab the door handle but his body blocked the way. “I’ll talk to you later when we’ve both calmed down a bit. Back off. I’m hungry and want to go lie down now.”
Brawn’s gaze softened. “I didn’t mean to scare you, Becca. I am sorry.” He suddenly gripped her hand with his, removed it from the door and curled his warm fingers around it. He dropped to his knees and buried his face against her thigh.