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Электронная библиотека книг » Katie McGarry » книга "Crossing the Line "
Crossing the Line - Katie McGarry
  • Книга добавлена: 4 октября 2016, 03:32
обложка книги Crossing the Line  - Katie McGarry

Название книги: Crossing the Line

Автор книги:

1-2Часов на чтение
22 тыс.Всего слов

Язык книги: русский
Издательство: Harlequin
Год издания: 2013
ISBN: 9781459233287
Размер: 47 Кб
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Описание книги

Lila McCormick first met Lincoln Turner when tragedy struck both their lives. But she never expected their surprise encounter would lead to two years of exchanging letters-or that she'd fall for the boy she's only seen once. Their relationship is a secret, but Lila feels closer to Lincoln than anyone else. Until she finds out that he lied to her about the one thing she depended on him for the most.

Hurting Lila is the last thing Lincoln wanted. For two years, her letters have been the only thing getting him through the day. Admitting his feelings would cross a line he's never dared breach before. But Lincoln will do whatever it takes to fix his mistakes, earn Lila's forgiveness-and finally win a chance to be with the girl he loves.

  • Просмотров: 348 |

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