Текст книги "Music of the Heart"
Автор книги: Katie Ashley
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His blue eyes blazed with emotion when he finally met my gaze. “I remember some of it. I know I said I wanted to fuck you, but didn’t I say something else? Something more…heartfelt, I hope?”
“Yes,” I whispered.
“What was it?” he prompted.
Somehow I remembered everything he had told me verbatim, so I repeated it. Jake’s eyes widened, and he sucked in a sharp breath. “But don’t worry about the wanting someone-like-me-to-love-you part. I mean, I know you were drunk,” I quickly added. I popped out of my seat like a Jack-In-The-Box and grabbed his bowl. After hustling over to the kitchen, I put it in the sink and turned on the water.
I gasped when Jake’s body pressed into my back. “Angel,” he murmured, his breath hot against my neck. I shivered in spite of the heat. “I meant every word of what I said—the good and the bad.”
Spinning around, I stared into his eyes. When I saw the sincerity in them, my heartbeat accelerated. “You did?”
“Yes, I really want to have sex while you’re wearing cowboy boots,” he deadpanned.
I laughed in spite of myself. I knew for someone like Jake, all the feelings stuff was getting too intense for him, and he needed to lighten it. “That’s good to know, but sadly, I don’t see it happening any time soon.”
“Bummer,” he replied. He reached over to sweep a lock of hair out of my face. Once he pinned it behind my ear, he smiled.
The sound of my phone ringing brought me out of the moment. When I glanced at the Facetime request, I grimaced. “Sorry. I have to take this.”
“Your parents?”
“No, it’s the guy opening for my brothers. We’re supposed to be singing a duet my first night and throughout the tour.”
“Hmm,” was Jake’s reply.
As my thumb reluctantly slid across the button, I plastered a smile to my face. “Hey Garrett.”
His smiling image reflected back at me. In some ways, Garrett reminded me of a late 20’s version of Justin Bieber, although he was a lot more talented. “Hey beautiful. How’s it going?”
“Good thanks. You?”
“Just ‘good’ is all I get? I mean, your brothers told me all about your little adventure on Runaway Train’s bus.”
I laughed. “Yeah, I’m sure they did. I’m kinda the family black sheep at the moment.”
“You’re kinda my black sheep too. I mean, I’m going to be denied precious rehearsal time with you for our duet.”
I gasped. “Oh no! I totally forgot about that. I’m so sorry. Listen if you don’t think I’ll be ready, I don’t have to do it.”
Garrett chuckled. “Abby, I’m only teasing you. I know you’ll be fine if we get only one run through.”
“Oh,” I replied before exhaling in relief.
“I’m just bummed I miss out on all that time with you.”
As my cheeks warmed, Jake muttered, “Douchebag,” under his breath.
“Excuse me?” Garrett said.
“Oh nothing. Must’ve been the TV on in the bedroom.” Trying to change the subject, I asked, “So are we still on for Sunday night?”
“Hell yeah. I can’t wait to have you on stage with me. I mean, Don’t You Wanna Stay is a hot song, don’t you think?”
I nodded my head.
“Maybe as the tour goes on we can add a few more duets in there.”
“Sure. That would be great.”
“Five minutes, G,” a voice came from over Garrett’s shoulder.
“I gotta go Abby. I just wanted to call and check-in on you.”
“Thanks. But I’m fine. I promise.”
His expression darkened a little. “And trust me, if any of those assholes lay one finger on you, they won’t just have your brothers to answer to.”
At Jake’s growl beside me, I quickly added, “Aw, that’s sweet. But they’ve been perfect gentlemen.”
“They better. See you Sunday.” He gave a short wave to which I waved back. Then he ended the call.
“Ugh, what a tool!” Jake exclaimed.
“He’s really being nice letting me sing with him. It’s a good introduction to the crowd.”
Jake rolled his eyes. “Of course he wants to let you sing, Angel. He wants in your pants.”
“According to you guys and my brothers, doesn’t every guy?”
He scowled at me. “Trust me when I tell you to watch yourself around him.”
I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter what his intentions are with me. I’m certainly not interested in him.”
“You aren’t?”
The corners of his lips turned up. “Is that because of his epic douchery or because you might be interested in someone else?”
I stared at him in disbelief for a moment. Sweeping my hands to my hips, I asked, “Do you always talk in circles when you’re not man enough to make your intentions known?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You really have the nerve to stand there and ask me that?” When he didn’t respond, I practically growled as I took a step towards him. “You blow so hot and cold with me that I’m not sure which way is up. It’s a wonder I don’t need a chiropractor from your emotional whiplash. One minute you’re telling me you want a girl like me to be interested in you and the next you’re coyly asking how I feel about Garrett.” Finally toe to toe, I glared up at him. “You’re really good at charming the panties off girls at ten paces, but you can’t even tell a girl how you really feel when she’s up close and personal!”
Jake’s eyes bulged while his mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. “Abby…I…wow,” he finally murmured.
“Excuse me?”
A sheepish grin curved on his lips. “I don’t think a girl has ever talked to me like you just did.” A shudder rippled through him. “Damn, that was hot.”
I shoved him against the kitchen counter. “You’re impossible!”
“And you’re everything I could ever want.”
My mouth, which had opened to lay into him with more insults, instantly snapped shut. Crossing his arms over his chest, Jake chuckled. “Don’t tell me I’ve rendered you speechless, Angel?”
“You keep me in a state of confusion, so I don’t know why you would be so surprised,” I countered.
“Fine. You ready for this?” He pushed himself off the counter to stand in front of me again. “I like you, Angel. I like you a lot. It’s been a whole thirty-six hours, but I like what I see, and I want more. But I’m clueless how to do this, so you’re just going to have to be a little patient with me, okay?”
My heart fluttered both at his words and in the way he delivered them. “So we just keep getting to know each other?”
“Yeah, I think so.” He scratched his chin thoughtfully. “So I guess normal people go on dates to get to know each other, right?”
“Yeah. Like dinner and a movie.”
He bobbed his head. “Well, we sorta had dinner. So how about a movie?”
I grinned. “That sounds great.”
“Can I count on you being down for inane comedy rather than a chick flick?”
“If you guys actually have a chick flick movie on this bus, I think we have to watch it.”
Jake grimaced. “Yeah, well, Lily might’ve left a few DVDs behind.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, but there’s Disney shit for Jude too.”
“Hmm, let me see what we’re dealing with here,” I replied before I went over to the entertainment center. It was stuffed full of DVDs along with video games.
As I perused the contents, Jake made a pained noise in his throat. “After the dick way I treated you, you’re going to punish me with the video choice, aren’t you?”
Glancing over my shoulder, I threw him an innocent glance. “Me? How could you possibly think such a thing?”
“Whatever,” he grumbled, collapsing on the couch.
I turned around. “Okay, how does Dodgeball sound?” I asked.
His eyes lit up. “Fanfuckingtastic!”
Shooting him a wicked grin, I replied, “Good. We’ll watch that after Tangled.”
I bobbed my head. “Must I remind you that you puked on me earlier this evening?”
“You’re never going to let me forget that, are you?”
“Nope. But besides that, you have a lot of work to do to prove to me you’re worthy of my time.”
“So I have to watch fucking Disney to prove it?”
“It’s a small start.”
I eased the DVD into the player and grabbed the remote. Without even hesitating, I plopped down beside Jake on the couch. “I still can’t believe I’m letting you make me watch a fucking Disney movie,” he grumbled.
“You don’t have to watch it. You can always do your own thing. But if you really want more from me, than you’re going to have to work for it.”
He mumbled something under his breath. Although he may have hated the idea, he gave the movie his full attention when it came on. I think something about it having music in it peaked his interest as much as he hated to admit it. When I snuggled closer to him, he glanced down at me in surprise. “I’m cold,” I admitted.
“Here,” he said, digging in a drawer beside the couch. He pulled out a blanket and wrapped us in it. “How’s that?”
“It feels wonderful. Thank you.”
“No problem.” He then slung an arm around my shoulder, drawing me closer to him.
Halfway through the movie, my eyes grew heavy, and it wasn’t long before I nodded off. I don’t know how long I was asleep before loud voices and laughter, not from the movie, startled me awake. Rubbing my eyes, I looked up to see Jake begin to come back to life as well.
Back from their evening out, the boys were clambering up the bus steps. At the sight of me and Jake wrapped up in a blanket together, they froze. “What the…” AJ began.
He and Brayden then barreled forward like they were about to protect me from Jake’s unwanted advances. I snaked my hand out from under the blanket and held it up at them. “Guys, calm down. Everything is fine.”
Brayden glanced between Jake and me before cocking his eyebrows. “Seriously?”
I laughed. “Yes, it is. Jake’s apologized for his previous bad behavior, and we’re fine now.”
With a wicked gleam in his eyes directed toward the guys, Jake added, “Oh we’re more than just fine. We’re sorta dating.”
A collective gasp of shock rang through all the guys. “That’s not entirely true,” I replied.
Brayden threw his hands up in disbelief. “Excuse me if my mind isn’t able to process such a thought. I mean, just how the hell do you make the quantum leap from banging Bree earlier in the day to dating our Angel?”
“We’re not really dating—we’re just getting to know each other better. He’s going to have to prove himself to me before I’ll date him,” I explained.
Jake bobbed his head. “And I plan on working my ass off to do it.”
Rubbing his hands over his face, Brayden replied, “I’ll be damned.”
AJ’s gaze swept from the TV over to us. “He apologized and he’s watching Tangled. I think Abby brainwashed him while we were gone,” he joked trying to lighten the mood.
Jake and I laughed at his assumption. “Nah, there was no brainwashing involved,” Jake replied. He winked at me. “She just helped me to see the light about what a complete and total jerkwad I was.”
Rhys stood staring at us with a dumbfounded expression on his face. “Dude, I’m not gonna lie and say this doesn’t surprise the shit out of me.” He then stared at me. “Are you sure you know what you’re getting yourself into?”
“No, not really, but then again, does anyone really ever know?” I countered.
“I guess not.” He winked at me. “I guess that’s why I steer clear of any relationships.”
“Sure it is,” Jake snorted.
When Rhys opened his mouth to argue, Brayden cleared his throat. “Okay, okay, I think we oughta call it a night. It’s been a helluva long day with way too much crazy shit going down, not to mention we gotta show tomorrow night.”
“Yes, Daddy,” AJ teased.
“Douchebag,” Brayden muttered under his breath as he headed to the bedroom.
I unraveled myself from the blanket before making a quick bathroom break. When I got out, Jake was waiting outside my roost. He held the curtain back like a gentleman would a door. “There’s that good side showing through again,” I commented.
He grinned. “Goodnight, Angel.”
“Goodnight, Jake.”
Leaning in closer, he whispered, “Thanks for giving me another chance.”
“You’re welcome. Just make sure you toe the line from now on out, and I’m sure we won’t have any more problems.”
He chuckled. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
I blew him a kiss before shutting the curtain. “Sweet dreams, Angel,” he murmured. Drawing the covers around me, I fell asleep with the goofiest grin on my face.
The next morning we crossed over into Indiana—the next stop on Runaway Train’s tour. As we sat around the table eating breakfast, the electricity in the air was palpable. It was amazing seeing the change come over the guys the sooner they got to their next performance. As we got closer and closer to Indianapolis, the more restless they became. The bus could barely contain the four of them. AJ drummed relentlessly on a smaller, plastic version of his real drum set. Rhys’s Ivy League background showed through as he focused on playing golf on the Wii. Although Brayden was usually the one who was most level-headed, he paced the floors like a caged animal, occasionally stopping to text back and forth with Lily.
With ear buds jammed in his ears, Jake was the least restless of the guys. I guess he needed the music to tune the others out. He sat across from me at the kitchen table coloring in some sketches that Brayden had made for the band’s next album cover.
As for me, I stayed the hell out their way and studied for my nursing exam. It was a little after two when we rolled into the parking lot of the Klipsch Music Center. I’d been reading and trying to tune out the guys’ antics. But then Jake appeared in front of me, bouncing on the balls of his feet and held out his hand. “Come on,” he instructed.
I cocked an eyebrow at him suspiciously. “Just where are we going?”
He grinned. “You’ll see. It’s a surprise.”
“I’m not real big on surprises. The last one had me getting on the wrong bus and falling into the bed of the notorious Jake Slater.”
With a smirk, he replied, “That sounds like more of a dream come true than a surprise gone wrong.”
I laughed. “You would say that.”
“Come on. Trust me on this one.” His tone had become almost whiney.
Pursing my lips, I couldn’t help the tremor of excitement that went over me at his hopeful expression. “Okay. Wow me then,” I replied, putting my book down.
“Ha! I knew you’d cave. No one can resist my charms.”
“Such an egomaniac,” I muttered under my breath as I put my hand in his.
As we started down the aisle of the bus, Brayden grabbed Jake’s arm. “Where are you going? We got sound checks and rehearsal in an hour.”
“I need to do something for Abby.” He glanced over at me and smiled. “You know, make up for being such an unimaginable bastard and asshole yesterday.”
Brayden’s brows lifted in surprise, but he didn’t argue. “Okay, man, whatever.”
After pounding down the bus steps, Frank was waiting for us along with a beefy African American guy who looked like he could bench press me and Jake at the same time.
“Abby, this is Lloyd,” Jake introduced, motioning to the guy.
Lloyd glared at Jake. “That’s LL, thank you very much.”
Jake laughed. “I love to tease him about his real name.”
“Yeah and one day, I’m gonna make you pay for it, you little tool,” LL threatened menacingly.
I hesitated for a moment before I held out my hand. “Um, nice to meet you.”
His dark expression lightened, and he gave me a smile. “Likewise.”
With LL trailing behind us, Frank led us into the arena. Once we got inside, Jake held up his hand. “We got it from here.”
“I’ll hang back, but I ain’t leavin’,” LL replied.
“No problem.”
As we wound around through the darkened back of the arena, I snickered. “Hello Cleveland,” I murmured under my breath.
“What?” Jake asked.
“I was just thinking that we seem kinda lost, and I was totally having a This Is Spinal Tap moment.”
Whirling around, Jake’s mouth dropped open. “You actually know that movie.”
“Of course I do. I used to watch it with the boys all the time.”
He shook his head slowly back and forth. “How is it that you’re actually real?”
Jake smiled. “You’re like a guy’s wet dream.”
Wrinkling my nose, I replied, “Ew, thanks for the compliment.”
“Okay, that didn’t exactly come out like I wanted it to.”
“I’d hope not.”
He winced as he ran his hands through his hair. “I just meant that you’re a musician’s dream girl—a complete and total package. You understand what it’s like to deal with the industry and what a gift and a curse the muse can be. Plus you know all about music and singing. To top it all off you’re someone a guy could just hang out with and watch stupid comedies. Do you know what it’s like to have a beautiful girl in front of me that totally gets you?”
“Thanks,” I murmured. My cheeks instantly flamed at his words. When he stood there just staring at me, I finally admitted, “By the way, that was much better on the compliments.”
“You’re welcome.” He took my hand. “Now come on. I have a big surprise for you.”
“Once again, I really, really don’t like surprises,” I protested as he dragged me further back stage.
“You’ll like this one.”
Finally, we walked through the wings. Instead of stopping, Jake pulled me right on stage. I gazed out at the empty, but huge arena. Tilting my head, I spun around and took it all in. “Wow, this place is intense.”
“I love it when it’s like this,” Jake confided, motioning to the crew who were rushing around with equipment. “It’s like the calm before the storm.” He bounced on the balls of his feet, and his whole body hummed with excitement.
“The storm that is Hurricane Jake?” I teased.
He laughed. “That would maybe be Tropical Storm Jake and more like Hurricane Runaway Train.”
I smiled. “I love the fact you never leave the guys out of the equation. No Adam Levine and those other dudes in Maroon 5 kinda thing.”
Jake shook his head. “The label tried that bullshit for a while right after we hit. But it’s me and the boys or it’s nothing.”
Reaching over, I tapped his chest. “Such a good heart in there.”
His hand closed over mine, and he pressed it flush against his shirt. “You don’t know what it means to me that you’re able to see that through all the bullshit.”
“I see you a lot better than you’d ever imagine.”
“And?” he prompted.
I swallowed hard under the intensity of his stare. “I like what I see. A lot.”
He then brought my hand to his mouth and tenderly brushed his lips across my knuckle.
“I’m glad to hear that.”
My heartbeat thumped like a cannon blast in my ears, and I was sure Jake could hear it. Just when he leaned closer to me, a voice boomed from below the stage, “We’re ready when you are.”
His eyes momentarily closed. “The worst fucking timing,” he grumbled before turning to the guy. “Thanks Joe. We better get this show on the road.”
“Show?” I questioned in a squeak.
Jake turned back to me. “Yeah, last night after your phone conversation with that assmunch—”
“Garrett,” I corrected.
“Whatever. Anyway, I thought about how scared and nervous you were at the prospect of not getting much rehearsal time to duet with the douchebag, so I thought I could help.”
Suddenly Joe was at my side thrusting a microphone into my hand. “Jake, what’s going on?” I asked.
“You’re going to practice your duet to where you’ll be perfect for Sunday night.”
“But how—”
He waved his microphone at me. “We’re going to sing it together.”
“What?” I practically screeched.
Ignoring my shock, he said, “I know it won’t be the same since we’re going to have to use canned music. I mean, the guys wouldn’t have had time to learn the song, but I know all the words.”
I thought back to this morning when he’d had his headphones in, and my heart shuddered to a stop. “You memorized the song?”
“Sure did.” He winked at me. “Lucky for you, I’m a fast learner.”
“I can’t believe it,” I murmured.
Jake grinned as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “Are you ready to rock this arena?”
If I had any doubts before about the depth of my growing feelings for Jake, they evaporated in that moment. I’d been with him for all of forty-eight measly hours, but somehow I had fallen for him. Wait, how was that even possible? I’d always scoffed at the notion of love at first sight. Stuff like that didn’t happen. Sure lust at first sight, but love?
But now as Jake stood before me, I wondered if it could be true. Well, it was partially true since right after I laid eyes on him it wasn’t love, but anger that I felt, especially when I nailed him in the balls.
“Angel, did you hear me?”
“Huh, what?”
“I asked if you were ready?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” I cleared my throat and tried to catch my breath. How the hell was I supposed to sing when my breathing was so erratic?
Jake appraised me with a skeptical look. “Are you sure? Your face has turned green like you’re about to puke.”
A giggle escaped my lips, and I covered my mouth. “I guess I’m just nervous.”
Jake’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Seriously? It’s only me here.”
You’re exactly what makes me incredibly nervous. “I know, but I haven’t really done any warm-ups or scales either. I might sound like a sick cow or something.”
He waved the microphone in his hand dismissively at me. “You don’t need to do any of that. I mean, what are rehearsals for, right?”
“If you say so.” I then bobbed my head. “Let’s do it then before I lose my nerve.”
Jake winked at me before calling, “Okay, hit it, Joe.”
Within seconds, the music came blaring through the arena, causing me to jump. Jake brought the microphone to his lips, “I really hate to let this moment go,” he began.
I couldn’t move—it was like I had been shot with a taser gun and was completely paralyzed. I didn’t blink or even draw breath. I just stood staring at Jake as he sang his lyrics with passion and feeling. It was only when he stopped singing that I came back to myself.
“Cut the music!” Jake shouted. Once the song came to a halt, Jake gave me a puzzled look. “What happened?”
“Um, you didn’t chime in with the chorus.”
Oh God. I had been so totally enthralled by Jake’s voice and performance that I had completely forgotten to sing. “I—uh—I guess it was nerves that got to me, and I blanked,” I lied.
With a smile, he reached over and rubbed my arm. “Come on, you don’t need to be nervous. Just tune out everything around us and focus on me and the music.”
Yeah, right, focusing on you was what got me in trouble to start with! I decided it would be better to focus on the music along with the lyrics I should be singing. “Okay. Let’s try it again.”
“Again Joe!” Jake called.
This time I was just as into Jake’s performance as I was before, but I managed to come in with my part at the chorus. When my voice echoed through the auditorium, I jumped, which caused Jake to bust out laughing. “Hey, you totally messed me up this time!”
He held up his hands in surrender. “I’m sorry. But if you could have seen the look on your face!”
“Jake,” I growled.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” He turned to gaze off the stage. “Sorry Joe. Let’s take it from the top again.”
This time we made it through without any problems. When it came time for me to sing alone, I kept my gaze locked on Jake’s the entire time. The gleam that burned in his eyes made me shudder, but I kept my focus and eventually became entirely lost in the music. The lyrics had so much meaning for what I was experiencing with Jake. I wanted to stay right there in that moment with him for as long as I possibly could.
When the music came to a close, Jake grinned. “You did it, Angel.”
“I did!” I squealed. I then proceeded to do a little happy dance on the stage, which caused Jake to laugh.
“Is that your victory dance?” he asked, his voice vibrating with amusement.
As I continued shimmying my hips and high stepping on my feet, I nodded. “Yep, I think it is.”
He shook his head and then reached over to ruffle the top of my hair. “You’re such a goofball.”
“Hey, the very fact I just sang in a huge arena deserves something.”
“You wanna try it again?”
“Ooh can we?”
“Sure we can.” A wicked grin curved on his lips. “I’m Jake Fucking Slater, and I can do whatever the hell I want.”
Rolling my eyes to the ceiling, I huffed out a frustrated breath, which blew some of the stray strands of my hair out of my face. “Just when I think your ego couldn’t get any bigger.”
“Leaving my ego out of it, this time you need to focus not just on your singing but the delivery as well. Sure you hit all your notes last time, but you were a little stiff.”
“I was?”
Jake laughed at my mortification. “I wouldn’t say you were robotic, but you need to loosen up quite a bit. Let your body feel the lyrics just as much as your mind does.”
“Okay,” I murmured.
This time when the music came on, Jake became completely different. It was like he tuned out everything else. His singing was more heartfelt and filled with emotion. If I thought it was hard focusing before, it was even harder this time because I was so mesmerized by him—both as a performer and as my crush.
As I started my solo, Jake stepped closer to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. Since I thought he might be trying to trip me up, I kept my intense focus, but at the same time, I let my body follow with his. When it came time for the chorus again, his hand came to cup my cheek. Closing my eyes, I kept singing as I leaned in to his touch.
When he stepped away from me, I followed him, taking his hand in mine and intertwining our fingers. We finished the song hand in hand with our eyes locked on each other. As the music came to a close, I felt at any minute Jake would be able to hear the thundering of my heart.
“That was amazing—you were amazing!” Jake exclaimed.
“So I did better at the performance part?”
He gave a quick nod. “But I would suggest you don’t get that into it when you’re singing with Garrett.”
He grinned. “Because you’ll make me jealous if you look at him the same way you just looked at me.”
I tried not melting into a puddle of emotion on the stage floor at his comment. “Okay then. That’s only for you.”
“Good. I’m glad to hear it.”
The rest of the day was a whirlwind of events. After Jake and I finished singing, the other guys arrived at the arena to do their sound checks and rehearsals. Frank put an Authorized Personnel lanyard around my neck, and I stood in the wings and watched them. Once the sound check was done, we were hustled across the street for an early dinner. I couldn’t believe how much food the guys put away. I was too nervous for them to eat, but they packed it all away, including dessert.
Then it was back to the arena to get ready for the show. While Jake and the other guys were ushered for last minute wardrobe fittings and then to the dressing room, I just milled around, watching the backstage rooms fill up with people I’d never seen before. Runaway Train had a huge crew and entourage compared to my brothers’ outfit. I was trying my best to stay out of the way when my phone dinged with a text.
It was Jake. Where r u?
Just waiting on you guys to get ready.
Come back here with us.
I don’t wanna be in the way.
U r never in the way. U r with me.
At the sight of his words, I had to take in a few deep breaths. R u sure?
Get your fine ass back here now!
I grinned. You’re so bossy.
Now, Angel.
Yes sir!
As I started across the room to find Jake, a hand reached out and grabbed my arm. I yelped as he pulled me down onto his lap. A lustful gleam burned in his dark eyes. “Hello sexy, where you’ve been hiding all this time?”
It was then I recognized him as Tyler Mains, the lead singer for Vanquished, the group opening for Runaway Train. His dark hair was already styled to perfection along with his heavy stage makeup. I guess his idea of killing the last few minutes before he went onstage must’ve included thinking he could molest me.
“I’ve not been hiding anywhere!” I snapped, smacking his hands away. I started squirming out of his lap when his arms slithered around my waist.
His eyes drank in my appearance. “It’s just I don’t see your kind around here often. I mean, you’re certifiable Grade-A Pussy.” He grinned as he fingered the hem of my sundress. “Mmm, this is to die for when it comes to a quickie. You already got plans after the show?”
“Yeah asshole, and they don’t involve being your plaything, thank you very much.”
He grinned. “Ooh a feisty one. I like that.” Intertwining his fingers through my hair, he jerked me closer to where his alcohol-laced breath fanned across my cheek. “Do you fuck as feisty as you talk?”
“Let go of me!” I shouted.
“Get your damned hands off her before I break more than just your playing hand, Tyler!” Jake snarled.
My gaze snapped from Mr. Asshole Mains to Jake who stood towering over us. His fists clenched at his sides while the vein in his neck pulsed in anger. Tyler immediately let me go. “Sorry, Slater. I didn’t know she was your piece of ass.” He smirked at me. “Man, you must really be an amazing fuck if Jake’s willing to get so defensive about you. But since I’ve shared pussy with him in the same night before, you think while he’s on stage you could show me what’s so amazing between your thighs?”
“You son of a bitch! I’ll beat your fucking ass!” Jake snarled as he lunged forward.
“No Jake!” I cried. For a moment, I was pinned between the two of them. I shook my head at him. “It isn’t worth it—he’s not worth it,” I argued.
As soon as Jake backed down, Tyler chuckled and murmured, “Pussy,” under his breath. Blood boiled within me, and I reached out and slapped Tyler’s cheek. Hard. “Don’t you dare talk to me or about me like that ever again!” I then scrambled off of his lap. “And for the record, you’re the last man on earth I would ever let touch me!” Without a word to Jake, I stormed off to his dressing room. Jake was close on my heels because I almost slammed the door in his face.
AJ and Rhys looked up from their makeup chairs in surprise at my outrage. “What happened?” Rhys asked.
I was almost too upset to speak, so I sputtered, “T-That asshole Mains tried to molest me and then said things…” I shuddered.
AJ shot out of his chair. “I’ll kick his ass!”
Jake held up his hand. “Easy, Terminator, but there’s no need. I took care of it.” He glanced over at me and grinned. “Well, I could say Angel here handled it on her own.”
AJ’s brows rose in surprise. “What did you do?”
“I slapped him.”
With a chuckle, Jake added, “Yeah and she told him off too.”
A wide grin curved on AJ’s lips. “Hell yeah, baby girl. You keep on kicking ass and taking names!”
I giggled. “Thank you, I will.”
From behind me, Jake’s arms snaked possessively around my waist. He nuzzled my neck, and I shivered pleasantly. “I’m sorry you had to go through that. I know he said some pretty vile shit to you.”