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Animorphs - 04 - The Message - Katherine Alice Applegate
  • Книга добавлена: 8 октября 2016, 17:10
обложка книги Animorphs - 04 - The Message - Katherine Alice Applegate

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Язык книги: русский
Размер: 54 Кб
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M y name is Cassie. I can't tell you my last name. I wish I could. But I can't even tell you what town I live in or what state. We have to disguise our identities, we Animorphs. It's not about being shy. It's about staying alive. If the Yeerks ever learn who we are, we'll be done for. If they don't kill us outright, they'll make us Controllers. They'll force a Yeerk slug into our brains, where it will take control of us, making us slaves - tools of the Yeerk invasion of Earth. And I really don't like the idea of being under the control of an alien. I don't like the idea of being dead, either. On the other hand, there are some things I do like about being an Animorph. Some very cool things. Take the other night. It was late. I should have been in bed. Instead I was in the barn, get ting ready to turn into a squirrel.

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