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Family Secrets
  • Текст добавлен: 22 сентября 2016, 10:54

Текст книги "Family Secrets"

Автор книги: Kate Kane

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Текущая страница: 12 (всего у книги 13 страниц)

Chapter 20

The fix is in

It was nearing ten o’clock when Lane and Ben left the driveway in the new car.  It was an amazing car, but it was so expensive.  She really needed to figure out a way to give it back.

“All right, here’s the thing, you can’t refuse the car.”  He held up his hand in the universal stop sign.  “Lane, look, there are things you don’t understand about Italian families.  It will insult my uncles if you refuse the gift they’ve given you.  We, you and I, can’t insult them this way.  Please, just take the gift.  I know it’s expensive, but what have I told you?  Expensive should be measured relative to the giver’s ability to pay for it and not dependent on the receiver’s perception.  They can afford to give the gift therefore you can afford to be gracious enough to accept it.”

Lane pulled to the curb and stopped.  “You’re right, if this is something about Italian families, I don’t understand it.  But, I don’t want to insult uncles Sal and Vinnie.  They’re sweet old men who obviously can afford this gift; after all, they wear suits that cost thousands of dollars.  Okay, I don’t get it, but I’ll keep the car.  I’ll tell them when we get back.”

Five minutes later when they pulled into the driveway, the found that Sal and Vinnie had gone.

“Do you have their numbers in your cell?  Dial one of them and give me the phone.”

Ben pulled out his phone.  “I dialed Vinnie,” He said as he handed the phone to Lane.  Uncle Vinnie answered in Italian and she didn’t understand a word.

She waited until he paused. “Uncle Vinnie, it’s Lane.  I’d like to invite you for brunch at my home tomorrow to thank you for the lovely gift.  You can get the address from Ben.  Around eleven o’clock would be wonderful.  No, I’ll call Uncle Sal next.  Yes, I look forward to seeing you too.”  She handed the phone back to Ben.  “Okay, now Uncle Sal, please.” She had an almost identical conversation with him before handing the phone back to Ben.

“You know you’re on the hook to be in my kitchen helping prepare whatever appropriate Italian cuisine that would poison or offend them if prepared by my hands.  I can take care of the normal American cuisine.”

Ben laughed.  “That means shopping on the way home tonight and getting some things simmering before bed.  Brunch at eleven o’clock means I need to start sauce tonight.  I guess I’ll be staying at the Parker’s tonight.”

“It’s a deal,” she said as she noticed Colin Burke talking with Mick.

She and Ben walked over to talk with him.  “Colin, I didn’t see you earlier.  It’s so nice of you to come.”

“I got here late.  I guess I came when you were out test driving your birthday present.”

Lane smiled.  “Yes, well, Ben’s uncles were quite generous.” She motioned Jess over.  “Gentlemen, I’d like to present my daughter Jessica Parker.  Jess, this is Detective Mick McGuire and Fire Captain Colin Burke.  They were a big help this week.  Detective McGuire was in charge of the murder investigation and Captain Burke investigated the car fire.  They’re friends of Ben’s.”

Jess looked up at each of the faces.  Mick was so obviously in love with her mother that she hurt for him.  Colin on the other hand was looking down at Jess as though she might be dessert.  This was going to be fun. She smiled.

“Detective, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said as she shook Mick’s hand.

“Captain,” she said as she shook Colin’s hand.

Jess was five feet four inches tall and usually made up for it by wearing five inch high platform heels but tonight she was wearing shorts so she had on three inch high wedge sandals.  Colin was just over six feet tall making him about six inches taller that she was.  He was a good-looking guy and it was obvious from his demeanor that he was used to women swooning over his title, his muscles, and his looks.  Colin apparently hadn’t taken some things into consideration.  The obvious thing was that with Ben Bellini standing next to him Colin was nearly invisible. Not that Jess ever thought of Ben that way, just that she was stating the obvious.  Then Colin was unaware that Jess was used to Hollywood types, gorgeous men with HUGE egos.  Most importantly was that Jess Parker just didn’t swoon.  Ever. Well, maybe if it was written in a script. She turned to walk away.

“Jess, could I buy you a drink?”

She turned and smiled.  “Captain, it’s an open bar, but I can show you the way.”  As she’d thought earlier, this was going to be fun; after all, she liked a good game of cat and mouse especially since she was always the cat.

“Call me Colin,” he said as he followed her toward the kitchen.  Jess held up a tumbler and raised an eyebrow.  He opted for a Jack and Coke.  She added ice and a generous portion of Jack Daniels before adding a splash of Coke.  Let’s see how the man handles his liquor.  She filled a rocks glass with ice, added Diet Coke, and a splash of Jack for herself.  She handed him his glass and suggested that they go outside.

Meg and Jake had returned to the patio after seeing Lane’s new car and were sitting at the same table they’d occupied earlier.  Jess could have sat down with them, but it’s so much easier to play cat and mouse alone and since she was only home for a couple of days, this had to be a quick game anyway.

Inside, the party was winding down, and it seemed that Lane spent much of her time at the door accepting birthday wishes, shaking hands, hugging people, and kissing cheeks.  She looked around the house.  Ben was such a neat freak, and while the party guests were civilized, there’s always a mess after a party.  Jamie was already making the rounds picking up dirty glasses and plates and carrying them into the kitchen.  Lane wondered where the rest of the Parker clean-up crew was.  She was certain that the kids had promised to do the clean-up if Ben would provide the location.  She was also certain that Ben had hired a professional clean-up crew to come in Sunday and that, the kids would only have to do pick up duty.

“A fire captain.  That sounds like a really important job.”  Jess actually fluttered her eyelashes.  It was like bowling in a way, set ‘em up, knock ‘em down.  “You must have to be really smart and strong for that.”  Yes, she really did touch his bicep.  “Oooh, you must work out all of the time.”

Ben looked through the window overlooking the patio. He pulled out his phone and sent Jess a text.

Jess’s phone buzzed and she looked down.  “Ease up kitty, shoes if u r nice.” It wasn’t fair, Ben knew her weakness.  Okay, she’d play nice.  Besides, it was getting late.

“It’s too bad you got here so late. We’re having a little brunch tomorrow.  Maybe you could come by our house.”  She took Colin’s phone and put her number in it.  “You can text me if you want the address.”  She tossed her head drawing attention to her thick, carefully highlighted, blonde hair, which fell perfectly around her shoulders.  “I have clean-up duty.” She got up, and smiled.  The poor guy hadn’t said a word.  Dessert my ass, she thought as she sent Ben a text.

Ben looked at his phone.  “Loubouton Carlota.” He had no idea what they looked like, but he knew the heel would be over five inches, they’d be Italian, and they’d be expensive.  For years, he’d been using her shoe habit to bribe her. In fact as an announcement that he was dating Lane, he’d sent Jess three pairs of custom made Italian shoes because she’d made an off-hand comment that anyone who got next to her mother was going to have to cough up a specific pair of shoes in red, electric blue and black.

Jake saw Jess get up.  “I guess it’s time to start with the clean-up.  We promised Ben.”  He stood up.  “This was nice,” he said.

Meg stood up too.  “I can help with clean-up.”  She smiled.  They walked around the patio picking up glasses and plates before heading into the kitchen.

Jamie was loading the dishwasher.  “Just put them on the counter. Mom invited Ben’s uncles to brunch tomorrow at home, so Ben and Mom are going to the store.  I’ll stay here and do dish duty.  I can text when I’m finished so you can come back for me.”

“You could probably drive Ben’s Navigator home.  He’ll be with Mom in her new car but he’ll want the SUV tomorrow.”

Jake and Meg made a sweep of the house and ran into Jess.

She looked at Jake and Meg and smiled.  “Meg, why don’t you join us tomorrow for brunch?”

Chapter 21

Sunday Brunch

Ben was glad that there was an all-night grocery nearby.  He only used fresh ingredients.  It wouldn’t be an Italian family Sunday brunch without handmade pasta and Bellini special sauce.

They were at the grocery when Ben’s cell rang.  “Bellini.  Sure, Bambino, you know where the keys are.  I’m going to be up half the night making pasta and sauce anyway.” Ben looked at Lane.  “Jamie is staying to do dish duty.  He’s going to drive the Navigator home when he’s finished.”

When they arrived at Lane’s house, Jake and Jess were already there.  Ben and the kids encouraged Lane to go to bed assuring her that they’d handle the cooking.  Ben said he’d crash for a while on the couch in the family room while the sauce simmered.  He was glad that when Lane remodeled the kitchen she’d put in a six burner gourmet cooking range.

“So, Jess, what’s with that guy you were talking to at the party,” Jake asked.

“He investigated mom’s car fire.  He’s a fire captain or something.”  She smiled at Ben.  “I invited him to brunch.” She raised her eyebrows.  “I might need more incentive tomorrow if he shows.”

Ben was up to his elbows in pasta dough.  “We’ll see.  I haven’t checked the price tag on the last negotiation yet.”

“I could do it as a favor, but then you’d owe me,” she said as she opened the fridge and got a bottle of water. “I’m going to bed.”

Ben shook his head as he laughed. “He might be a fire captain, but maybe he needs to learn not to play with fire since some fires are completely out of his league.”

Ben looked at Jake.  “Hey, will you call the Bambino and tell him to grab some sausages from the freezer.”

Ben had called Jamie Bambino – kid, since their first meeting.  Jamie was the youngest of the Parker kids; and for some reason, Jamie had attached himself to Ben like a magnet.  Jamie wasn’t sassy like Jess, or confident like Jake.  Jess often called Jamie the good kid.  Not that Jess or Jake ever did anything really wrong.  Jamie was just more quiet and introspective.

Jake made the call then looked at Ben.

“What do you think about Mom’s assistant?”

“In what respect, Jake?”

“You know, as a person, as a woman.”

“I’ve only met her a couple of times, Jake.  As a person, she seems nice.  Your mom likes her.  I trust that, you know?”  Ben smiled.  “As a woman? I can’t answer that one for you.  I know she has a kid, and I have to respect that she chose to have and keep the baby.  A lot of women have made a much different choice.  That tells me something about her. You think you’re interested in her?”

“I just met her tonight.  We spent a lot of time together.  But, yeah, I liked her.  Jess invited her to brunch tomorrow.  I was wondering if I should, you know, call her and tell her it’s okay to bring Abigail.”

“Don’t know that I can be any help.  Until your Mom came along, I avoided women with kids like the plague.  With your Mom, I just didn’t care that kids were part of the package.” Ben shook his head and chuckled. “Even when I thought you were all still rug rats.  Truth is it would have been my loss all the way around if I’d run the other way.  But, it’s something you have to decide for yourself.  Maybe you can text her in the morning and give her the choice.  You know, a text would give her some time to think about it without having to give you an immediate reaction.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea.  Thanks. I’m going to head to bed.  You okay here? You need anything, a pillow for the sofa maybe?”

“No, I’m good.  Go ahead. And, Jake, just relax.  Whatever happens it’ll be fine.”

Ben had just cut the pasta when Jamie came home.  “Hey, Bambino.  The dishes all done?”

“Yeah.  I’m sure you have a crew coming tomorrow … today but I didn’t want to leave the mess, especially since I knew you wouldn’t have a chance to do anything with it because you’d be here.”  Jamie held the bag up.  “I brought all of the sausages from the freezer.  Jake didn’t say how many and I’ve heard the brunch guest list keeps growing.”

Ben chuckled.  “That it does.  Although, I think the final count might be in.  Unless you plan on inviting someone at the last minute.”

Jamie smiled.  “I don’t think so.  I don’t know anyone who’s ready to meet the family in a one on one setting let alone the Parkers, Bellinis, and Lucianos all in the same place at the same time.  Mom’s not bad, but Jess is intense, you know?  Besides, you know I don’t plan to get serious with anyone since I’m leaving in a few months for school.  There are rules, you know?”

Ben smiled.  Sure there were rules, hadn’t he taught them to Jamie?  “Yeah, Bambino, I know. You’d better get a little shut-eye.  I’m going to crash on the couch once the sauce starts to simmer.”

“Okay, I’m going to bed.  You need anything?  A pillow for the couch? A blanket?”

Ben laughed.  “You must be related to Jake, I had almost the same conversation with him. I’m good.  I’ll see you in a few hours.”

Jamie got up and started to leave the kitchen but turned around and looked at Ben.  “Ben, you’re really going to sleep on the couch, aren’t you?”

“Bambino, do you mean am I going to sleep in your mother’s bed?  Your Mom would be embarrassed that you even asked.  And, you know even if I were going to sleep in your Mom’s room that it’s none of your business.  But man to man, I really am going to crash on the couch.”

“Ben, you’re the closest thing to a real dad I’ve ever had.  But if you hurt my mother…”

“I know, Bambino.  She’s been hurt by enough men.  I’m just waiting for your Mom to catch up to me, you know?  Believe me my intentions are completely honorable.  Go on to bed.”

Jamie nodded once and went down the hall.

Jess might be five feet four inches of intense and sassy as hell, and Jamie might be quiet, but he was his own kind of intense.  Family was important to all three Parker kids.  It had been them and their mother against the world for nearly 18 years.  They stuck up for each other and for their Mom. God help anyone who hurt any one of them.

Ben woke with a start.  Someone was banging around in the kitchen.  He grabbed his phone to check the time.  It was nine o’clock.  It had been nearly four o’clock when he finally crashed.  He smelled coffee and followed his nose to the kitchen.

Lane looked at him.  He was standing in the doorway barefoot and bare chested in his wrinkled khaki slacks.  He had washboard abs and a lot of beautiful dark chest hair.  Some men wax their chest hair.  She was glad he didn’t.

“I didn’t mean to wake you.”  She couldn’t help herself, she walked over and ran her hand up his abs to his chest until her fingers were buried in his chest hair.  She kissed him and as always the moan she gave as their tongues met sent him over the edge.

He wrapped one hand in her hair the other around her waist and pulled her into a full body caress. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could be patient.  He didn’t think he’d gone this long without sex since he was 16.  But, like he told Jamie just hours before, he was in this for the long haul.

Lane pushed away enough to catch her breath.  Her hand was still on his chest and she could feel his heart pounding out the same frantic rhythm she felt inside her own chest.

He didn’t attempt to move.  “Maybe I should go shower and change before the kids get up.”

Lane didn’t attempt to move either.  “That’s probably a good idea.  You can use my bathroom.  I’ve finished in there.”

Lane’s house had four bedrooms and four and a half baths.  Both Lane’s and Jess’s rooms had private bathes.  The boys shared a Jack and Jill bath.  There was a powder room on the main floor and a full bath in the basement.

He needed to get rid of the erection brought on by his reaction to her moaning before he went walking down the hall, risking running into Jake, worse yet, Jamie and worst of all Jess.  He wasn’t going to lose the erection standing with her like this, but he didn’t dare step away for the same reason he couldn’t walk down the hall. He took a half step back, reached over and got the cup of coffee she’d made for him. He took a drink.  Then another.  Then a third.

He kissed her gently.  “I’ll go shower now.”

She went to the driveway to retrieve the paper.  It had rained overnight.  She smiled.  The weather had finally broken and her sinuses felt great.  Lord, had it only been a week since she found Paul Gardner?

She was sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper and was sipping her Diet Dr. Pepper when Ben came into the kitchen.  He was wearing his weekend “uniform” a polo shirt tucked into khaki slacks. He had shaved and his hair was damp. She watched, as he stood over the stove lifting lids, smelling, stirring, and tasting.  He got a teaspoon, dipped it in the sauce, and carried it over for her to taste.

“Mmm, good.  You’ve made so much, but I still need to get started on some eggs, bacon, ham, biscuits, and hash browns. Do you think I need French toast or pancakes?”

“God, woman, I know the guest list has grown, but are we cooking for an army?”

She laughed.  “No, just two growing boys, and their sister of course.  What do you mean the guest list has grown?  I thought you, me, the kids, Uncle Sal, Uncle Vinnie.  Is Uncle Vinnie bringing his wife?”

“Zia Elena will probably come, but Jess invited Colin Burke, and Meg Kelly who may or may not bring her daughter. Of course, that was the guest list as of two o’clock this morning.  The kids have had hours to invite more friends.”

“If Meg is bringing Abbey, then yes we need pancakes.  Pancakes are easy for little fingers.  And I need to clean in the dining room.”  She jumped up from the table nearly knocking him over.

“The dining room’s fine.  You just need to decide tablecloth or no tablecloth.  Remember we’re having red sauce. Tell me what dishes and glasses, and I’ll give them a quick wash while you get the American cuisine started.”

“Okay, that’s ten and possibly a high chair.  I don’t have a high chair.”

“Red, you have these counter height chairs, it’ll be fine.  Sit down.”  He led her back to the kitchen table. “Relax.”  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little blue Tiffany’s box. “I have a birthday present for you.”

She looked at him through squinted eyes.  Every female in America knew what a Tiffany’s box looked like.  She held up her left hand, and shook the wrist where she wore the tennis bracelet. “You gave me a birthday present last week.”

“That was more a welcome home gift. This goes with that.”

“I hadn’t been anyplace. Why did I need a welcome home gift?”

“No, it was a welcome home gift for me. This really is a birthday present.  Just open it.”

Her aunt Marta always said diamonds and dynamite come in small packages.  This was a small package and she was sure it wasn’t dynamite.  And, every female in America knew what came in a Tiffany’s box.  She cautiously opened it. To her surprise, it contained a pair of diamond hoop earrings.  Like the bracelet, they contained sizable diamonds set in platinum.

Ben laughed.  “Breathe, Red, they’re just earrings.  I told you I’m not rushing you to the altar.”

Not yet, he thought judging from the reaction, she still needed more time.  The other box would have to wait a little longer.  He had stopped in New York last week on his way home and picked up the ring he had designed for her.  He was easing her into popping the question.  It might take a lot more roses, earrings, bracelets, and maybe a necklace, but he could tell she was starting to warm to the idea.

Jess came into the kitchen.  “Nice earrings.  You should go put them in, Mom.”

Lane went to her room to exchange the earrings she had on for the ones Ben had just given her.

“What are you waiting for Bellini, when are you going to pop the question?”

He shook his head.  “She’s not ready yet.”

“You know, I can help with that, but then you’ll owe me.  Again.”

He was laughing as Jake walked into the kitchen.

“Ben just gave Mom some diamond earrings for her birthday.  What did you and Jams get her?”

“I found a teapot when we were in Omaha. Jamie got her a Lladro mother and son figurine.  What did you get her?”

“I got her a wallet to match a Brahmin purse she got recently.  When Jams gets out of the shower, let’s give them to her.  That way she can fuss over us before the guests get here.”

Jake looked at Ben.  “I texted Meg.”

He handed the phone to Ben so he could read what he’d sent. “I’d like to meet Abbey if you want to bring her for brunch – Jake.”  It was a volume in texting lingo.  There wasn’t a response yet.  Ben handed the phone back to him but before Jake could take it, Jess went in for the interception.

“Smart move, texting so she could think about the answer,” she said as she handed the phone to Jake.

“Yeah, it was Ben’s idea.”

“What was Ben’s idea,” Lane said.

“Texting Meg to ask her to bring Abbey.”

“Who’s Abbey,” Jamie said as he came into the kitchen.

Lane walked to the refrigerator and pulled out the eggs, bacon, and ham.

“Meg’s two year old daughter,” Jake said waiting for everyone’s reaction.

“Oh.  Happy Birthday, Mom,” Jamie said as he held out the package he’d wrapped this morning.

“Wait to open it, I want to get mine.”

“Me too,” Jess said. Then the two of them hurried to their rooms.

“Happy birthday,” each Parker Kid said as they put their packages on the breakfast bar.  When they were little, they would have all been clamoring to have their gift opened first.

“I’ll open Jamie’s first since he brought his in first, then in inverse order by age.” She opened Jamie’s gift and tears formed as she found a red haired mother holding a baby boy. “Oh, Jamie, thank-you.  It’s beautiful.” She said as she hugged him.  She wiped at her eyes and opened Jess’s gift. “Oh, my, aren’t you the smart one?”  She held up the wallet she’d told Jess was too expensive.  She didn’t mind paying over $300 for a purse, but paying almost $200 for the matching wallet was too much. “You knew how much I wanted it.  Thank-you.”  She hugged Jess.  Last, she opened the package from Jake.  It held a teapot shaped like the Notre Dame Cathedral with a gold angel as the handle.  She held it up.  “Jake, this is beautiful.  Thank-you.”

The doorbell rang.  “You boys, go put your gifts in the china cabinet.  Jess, put yours in my room.  I’ll get the door.”

Meg Kelly and her daughter stood at the door.  “I thought you might need some help, so I came a little early. This is my daughter, Abbey.  Abbey, this is Mommy’s boss, Miss Lane.”  Abbey burrowed her head into Meg’s shoulder.  “She’s a little shy at first.”

Lane ushered them into the kitchen and smiled as she said, “Believe it or not, Jess was the same way at that age.  I’ll let you all do introductions, but maybe not all at once.  We don’t want to overwhelm Abbey.”

Meg reached into a diaper bag and pulled out a cup, trading a solid lid for a sippy lid; she sat Abbey on a counter chair and handed the cup to her.  “Is there anything I can help with?”

“The Italian cuisine is all taken care of.  I was about to start on the American cuisine.  What will Abbey eat?  I have bacon, eggs, ham, and biscuits.  I was thinking about making pancakes.  Seems like those are good for little fingers.”

“If the pancakes were mostly for her, you can skip those.  She’ll be fine with eggs, bacon, and biscuits and I brought some Cheerios.  As you can see, she doesn’t miss many meals.”

Abbey who was a chubby, blonde haired, blue-eyed cherub was busy at the counter making goo-goo eyes at Jake, Jamie, and Ben.  Apparently, a girl’s never too young to appreciate tall gorgeous men.  Of course, the fact that Jake and Jamie were busy making goo-goo eyes and noises at her may have had something to do with it.  Ben was back at the stove lifting lids, smelling, and stirring.

Lane leaned toward Ben.  “Tell Jess I’ll use the Mikasa Italian Countryside. I have a service for 12 of it and besides, it seems appropriate.  Meg, maybe if Jess washes you can dry, if Abbey will be okay?”

Jess had gone in the dining room and was clearing the buffet preparing it for the chaffing dishes that would hold the food. But, she went to the pantry, got the china, and handed it to Ben who carried it to the kitchen.  Jess also retrieved the silver and the standard glassware.  Since it sat in the pantry until holiday meals, everything needed to have a quick run through some hot sudsy water.

Lane fried bacon and ham, scrambled eggs and baked biscuits.

Jamie and Jake offered to do the dishes since Jess was still getting the dining room ready, which left Meg to sit at the counter and entertain Abbey.  Ben manned the door as first his Uncle Sal, then Uncle Vinnie and Aunt Elena came followed by Colin Burke.

Ben ushered everyone into the formal living room and offered drinks. Lane came in and he introduced her to his Aunt Elena. Brunch was ready and everything was set up buffet style in the dining room.  Lane ushered her guests into the dining room where Jess had carefully set place cards around the table.

After everyone sat, and before anyone went through the buffet line Lane said, “We say grace.  Sunday is my day.  So if you’ll all take the hand of the person next to you.”  She waited, until from youngest to oldest, hands were held.  “Oh most gracious heavenly Father, I come humbly before you today and ask you to bless this food and all of the hands who helped bring it to our table.  For our family and friends gathered at the table to help us celebrate and for those who could not be with us today, may the Lord to bless you and keep you, may he smile upon you and be gracious to you may he turn his face toward you and give you peace.  In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen”

She looked up.  “We’re buffet style, so please help yourselves.  Guests first. Ben will you help your Aunt and Uncles through? I hope you enjoy everything.  Ben was cooking all night.”

Jess stood with Colin while Jake helped Meg. So, Jess was standing behind Zia Elena as she whispered to Ben in Italian.  “La donna non cucinare?”

Ben responded. “Non cuoco italiano, Zia.”

Jess smiled yes, her mother was a good cook, but Ben was right she didn’t cook Italian.

“Ah, ha spiegato.”

Jess almost laughed.  With Ben around, there was no need for her mother to cook Italian and without Ben; there would be no need to cook real Italian at all.

They ate and talked. Lane looked at Colin. “You look so familiar to me and it’s been bothering me since we met.  I knew a Patrick Burke back in Iowa.  Do you have any relatives in Iowa?”

Colin smiled. “Not anymore, but my grandparents did live there for a while.  My Dad’s name is Patrick.  I think he was there in middle school maybe.”

“Oh my, it is a small world.  That’s why you look so familiar.  He was several years ahead of me in school.  I was six or seven at the time.  We were all out at noon recess and Pat Burke threw an apple core which hit me in the face, causing a bloody nose.  All of the 7th and 8th grade girls, who had huge crushes on him, gathered around me to hide me from the nuns until my nose stopped bleeding because they didn’t want him to be in trouble.  You know, Catholic schools believed in corporal punishment when I was little.  Those nuns would have walloped him.”  She laughed.  “Your dad has probably forgotten all about it, but it was the only time I shed blood in the school yard.  It was traumatic for me.”

As they left, Lane kissed each of the uncles and did her best to recite the one line Ben had taught her earlier.  “Zio Sal, Zio Vinnie, grazie.” She had told Ben she wanted to say it in Italian out of respect.  Of course, she had no idea what they said to Ben.

“Nipote, si sarebbe un pazzo a lasciare questo angelo della valle lontano.”

While Jess agreed that Ben would be a fool to let her mother get away, she didn’t understand the Angel of the Valley reference.

After the Lucianos and Colin were gone, Jake let Meg put Abbey down for a nap on his bed and Ben and Lane sat in the living room and relaxed while the Parker kids and Meg did clean-up duty.

“It really has been a good birthday.”  She leaned over and kissed Ben.  “Thank-you.”

Then she rested her head on his shoulder and almost immediately fell asleep.  Ben leaned his head back and within minutes he’d fallen asleep too which is where Jamie found them.  He pulled the throw over them and told everyone to avoid the living room.  Jamie, Jake, Meg, and Jess went into Jamie’s room and used his study table to play cards.  They could keep the doors separating his room from Jake’s open so they’d know when Abbey woke up but they would be far enough that they wouldn’t wake her.

When Lane awoke, the house was almost dark and very quiet. She carefully got up so as not to disturb Ben.  She walked into the kitchen and looked at the clock on the microwave.  Nearly seven o’clock.  She found notes from the kids explaining where they’d gone.

She rummaged around in the fridge for a Diet Dr. Pepper, got a glass and ice, and sat down at the breakfast bar planning her day tomorrow.  She’d told Al last night that she was going to be away from the office until Wednesday afternoon.  Jess would fly out Wednesday morning and Lane would go into the office after dropping her off. Lane planned to use Monday and Tuesday to talk with Kyle’s lawyer and Uncle Vinnie and Babs to get the foundation set up.  She thought she’d set something up to help not just Gracie Paulson, but other people with medical issues needing a full time treatment facility but no means to pay for it.  Uncle Vinnie and Uncle Sal insisted on calling her Angel of the Valley; maybe she’d name it “The Angel of the Valley Foundation.”

She was lost in thought and jumped when Ben bent down and kissed the back of her neck.

“Hey, how long have you been up?”

“Just a few minutes.  I tried not to disturb you when I got up.  I know you didn’t get much sleep last night and you have a trial starting tomorrow, I know you need your sleep.”

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