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Fuzzy Nation
  • Текст добавлен: 24 сентября 2016, 07:58

Текст книги "Fuzzy Nation"

Автор книги: John Scalzi

Соавторы: John Scalzi
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Текущая страница: 13 (всего у книги 17 страниц)

Papa Fuzzy followed Holloway’s pointing finger toward the monkey, and then looked back at Holloway with what for all intents and purposes was a noncommittal shrug. Yes, so, it’s a monkey,it seemed to be saying. What about it?

“This has become a very strange day,” Holloway said.

An object was moving forward through the crowd to Holloway, carried by a single fuzzy who held its arms outstretched, and sort of wobbled its way through the group, other fuzzys parting to let it through. The fuzzy came up to Papa Fuzzy, who squeaked something at it. The other fuzzy offered the object to Holloway, who took it.

It was an infopanel.

Holloway wondered for a second if it wasn’t his spare panel, saved from the cabin fire, when he realized that it was a different make and model. This one was a lower-end model than any of Holloway’s, but featured one high-end feature: solar panels on the non-display side. Leave it out in the sunlight for an hour, it’d be charged up for a week. Useful, actually, for people who spent most of their time out surveying.

Holloway turned on the display.

Andy Alpaca, the mascot of the Super Reading Adventures line of skill-adaptive electronic reading primers, beamed back at him, making eye contact with Holloway by way of facial identification software tied into the infopanel’s camera.

“Hi there!” it said. “I’m Andy Alpaca! Would you like to go on a reading adventure with me?”

It was Sam Hamilton’s infopanel, all right. Poor, semi-literate Sam, whose skimmer went down years ago. The monkey quite obviously survived. It didn’t seem too likely Sam did.

“Should have bought that emergency fence, Sam,” Holloway said.

He looked down at the infopanel again, where Andy Alpaca waited for him to respond. Then he looked out at the fuzzys, who stared up at him, patiently.

For the third time that day, the gears in his brain engaged, hard.

Chapter Twenty-one

Joe DeLise was mightily displeased when he walked through the door of Warren’s Warren and found someone occupying his favorite stool. He was even more displeased when the man turned toward him and DeLise recognized who he was.

“I don’t care what that son of a bitch lawyer said,” DeLise said, from the door. “If you’re not off of my stool by the time I get over there, I’m breaking your face.” “You should know that son of a bitch lawyer is right over there,” Holloway said, pointing to Sullivan, who was shooting pool by himself.

DeLise paused. “Can’t go anywhere without your protection, Jack?” he said, after a second. He started walking toward his stool again. “I guess I got you that scared, don’t I.” Holloway peered at DeLise. “Jesus, Joe, what happened to your face?” he asked. “You look like you tried to tongue-kiss a cat and the cat objected.” “None of your damn business,” DeLise said.

“Mind you, I don’t blame the cat,” Holloway said, and looked again. “How long ago did that happen, anyway? Looks like maybe four, five days ago.” “Kiss my ass,” DeLise said. He was hovering over Holloway now. “And get off my stool.” “I was planning to,” Holloway said. “It smells bad. All those years of you farting into it, I suppose.” “That’s right,” DeLise said. “Keep it up.”

“But before I do that, I’ve got something for you,” Holloway said.

“What?” DeLise said.

“This,” Sullivan said, slapping a court notice against his shoulder. He had walked up behind DeLise while the man had been threatening Holloway. “You’ve got a court date. Preliminary hearing.” DeLise looked back at his shoulder but didn’t touch the notice. “What for?” he said.

“For burning down my house, you asshole,” Holloway said.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” DeLise said. “I’ve been here or I’ve been working. And I have people who will tell you that in both places.” “Well then, you have nothing to worry about, do you?” Sullivan said. “You can show up in three days with some of your witnesses and let them chat with Judge Soltan and then you’ll be free to go.” “I don’t recall you calling in your little fire to security,” DeLise said.

“Funny about that,” Holloway said.

“Considering the possible involvement of a ZaraCorp security officer, Mr. Holloway asked the judge to allow him to file a request for a preliminary hearing directly,” Sullivan said. “And I, as legal representative of ZaraCorp, indicated to her that the company wouldn’t have a problem with that. And here we are.” “Surprise,” Holloway said, to DeLise.

DeLise sneered at Holloway and looked back to Sullivan. “Even if it’s true, which it’s not, what do you care?” he asked Sullivan. “You’re ZaraCorp’s lawyer, not his. He’s not a ZaraCorp employee. His house isn’t ZaraCorp property. Shit, I’m the one who works for ZaraCorp, not this schmuck.” “You’re not working for ZaraCorp when you’re allegedly burning down someone’s house, now, are you, Mr. DeLise?” Sullivan said. “That’s on your own time.” DeLise smirked at that. “I don’t think you really want to serve that notice to me, Counselor,” he said.

“A tip for you, Mr. DeLise,” Sullivan said. “Just because you haven’t touched the notice with your fingers doesn’t mean it hasn’t been served to you.” DeLise snorted, took the notice, and set it on the bar. He turned to Sullivan. “This is going to be a waste of everybody’s time,” he said. “And I don’t take very kindly to being made to look like an asshole, Counselor.” He jerked a thumb at Holloway. “You think you’re doing yourself a favor latching on to this piece of shit, but between you and me, Sullivan, I think you’ve picked the wrong horse this time. I don’t think you’re going to like where he’s going to end up taking you.” “Well, Mr. DeLise, coming from a man I once had to stop from killing Mr. Holloway in a ZaraCorp holding cell, that’s certainly an ironic slice of food for thought,” Sullivan said. “You can be assured I’ll give it the consideration it deserves.” “Yeah, I’m sure you will,” DeLise said. “But he’s not in the holding tank this time. He’s not the untouchable you made him out to be. And when this is all done, we’ll just see who the asshole is, won’t we.” He turned toward Holloway, who blinded him with a flash.

“What the hell?” DeLise said.

“Just taking a picture,” Holloway said, lowering the camera. “Your scratched-up face amuses the crap out of me, Joe.” “Get off my stool, asshole,” DeLise said. “Now.” “All yours,” Holloway said, getting up. “Enjoy it while you can.” DeLise grunted and sat.


“Have I told you today how much I hate you?” Chad Bourne said, to Holloway. The two of them were walking Carl, who snuffled happily down one of the side streets of Aubreytown. Bourne had called Holloway to meet with him in his cubicle, but Holloway refused. A little bit of yelling later and they were walking down the street with a dog. It was muggy and hot. Bourne was not dressed for a walk and was already sweating profusely.

“I haven’t done anything today to make you hate me,” Holloway said.

“You made me walk your dog with you,” Bourne said.

“That’s not hate worthy,” Holloway said. “And anyway, you like Carl.” “My cubicle is air-conditioned,” Bourne said.

“Your cubicle is probably bugged,” Holloway said.

“So now in addition to being annoying, you’re paranoid,” Bourne said.

“In the last few weeks I’ve had my skimmer sabotaged and my house burned down to its floor panels,” Holloway said. “I’ve earned a little paranoia, I think. And anyway, I have things I need to say to you that I don’t want anyone else to hear.” “Aside from your voices,” Bourne said.

“Cute,” Holloway said. He stopped while Carl examined a particularly interesting sapling. “Chad, look. We have our problems, you and I. And I’m willing to admit lots of those problems are my fault. And I know that there have been times when you’ve gone out of your way to make a little bit of trouble for me, because I’ve gone out of my way to make a lot of trouble for you. Fair to say?” “Fair to say,” Bourne said, after a minute. Carl had finished his examination of the sapling and left behind a note for future dogs. The three of them started walking again.

“Fair to say,” Holloway said again. “So: ups and downs. But there’s one thing that I respect about you, Chad. It’s that you’re fundamentally a decent human being. There are times when you’ve hated me, but you always invited me to that stupid holiday thing you hold for the contractors you rep. You’ve always been fair in our dealings—and I know not every ZaraCorp contractor rep is. Hell, you even like my dog.” “He’s a good dog,” Bourne said. “Better than you deserve.”

“Well, that’s the thing, isn’t it,” Holloway said. “One thing I’ve always been blessed with is better people than I deserve. Carl. Isabel. Sullivan, even though he’s dating my ex. Even you, Chad. In your own annoying way, you’ve been better than I deserve. It’s clear I’ve been pretty lucky.” “It’s a mystery to me,” Bourne said. “It really is.”

Holloway smiled at this. “It’s because you’ve been fundamentally decent to me that I wanted to tell you something. I think you’re about to get royally screwed.” Bourne stopped. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he said.

“You have a skimmer,” Holloway said.

“I have a company skimmer,” Bourne said. “So what?”

“So I think by the time you get back to your cubicle today, you’re going to find it’s been impounded,” Holloway said.

“What?” Bourne said. “Why? By who? You?”

“Not by me,” Holloway said. “I suspect you’re going to find it’s been impounded as evidence by whoever’s representing Joe DeLise in the preliminary hearing I’ve filed against him for burning down my house.” “What does Joe DeLise have to do with my skimmer?” Bourne said.

“As far as anybody knows, not a thing,” Holloway said. “And that’s the point, Chad. When they impound it, they’re probably going to run some tests on it, and I suspect they’re going to find that there’s residue of fire suppressant on it. The same sort of fire suppressant I have at my place.” Bourne looked confused. “How did it get there?” he said.

“Because your skimmer was at my place when it burned down, obviously,” Holloway said. He started the three of them walking again; he didn’t want to stay in the same place too long. “There might be some other physical evidence as well, I suppose, but I’m guessing that’s the one DeLise’s lawyer is going to use to introduce reasonable doubt to my assertion that he was the one who set fire to my place.” “I didn’t drive it the day your place burned down,” Bourne said.

“Where were you?” Holloway said.

“I had the day off,” Bourne said. “I was supposed to go to that hearing about those fuzzy creatures of yours, but I woke up feeling sick and decided to chuck it. I stayed in my apartment all day.” “Anyone with you?” Holloway asked.

“No,” Bourne said.

“So no corroborating witnesses to you sleeping through the whole day,” Holloway said.

“So?” Bourne said.

“So, DeLise has already assured us that he’s got numerous witnesses who will swear they’ve seen him, either at work or at that piece of shit bar he hangs out in,” Holloway said. “He’s got enough people scared of him that they’ll testify in court he was where he says he was, instead of where he really was, which was at my house, burning it down.” “But it doesn’t make sense,” Bourne asked. “There’s no way for DeLise or anyone else to get access to the skimmer. I keep the key fob in my pocket.” “Has DeLise ever been in your skimmer?” Holloway asked.

“You know he has,” Bourne said. “He was Aubrey’s security detail when we came to visit you.” Holloway looked at Bourne, counting off the seconds while the tumblers in his rep’s brain clicked into place.

“Oh, crap,” Bourne said.

“You left the key fob with DeLise because I wouldn’t let him out of the skimmer,” Holloway said. “More than enough time for him to crack the encryption and make a copy, if he knows how or if he had help. Then later he could pick up the skimmer anytime and when it left the garage, it would be your key fob signature registered as checking it out.” “Why me?” Bourne asked.

“Because you’re myrep, Chad,” Holloway said. “Everyone knows you have your troubles with me. Everyone knows I’m a pain in your ass. There is record after record of you and me wrangling about one thing or another. There are lots of examples of me ignoring you or bypassing you or otherwise running right over you to get what I want. Now with Judge Soltan’s ruling to get more study on the fuzzys, I’ve threatened your job along with the job of every other person on the planet. After everything, it’s not entirely unreasonable for you to snap and decide to take it out on me. You assumed I returned to my cabin immediately after the hearing and decided to burn it down around me. It makes perfect sense.” Bourne stopped and sat down on the curb, wordless.

“It makes perfect sense,” Holloway said. “Unless someone actually knows you, Chad. Someone like me. You and I have had our moments. But I know you’re a decent person. That’s why I’m warning you about this ahead of time.” Bourne just sat there and shook his head.

“Come on,” Holloway said eventually, nudging him. “We’ve got to get you back.” “You could be wrong about this,” Bourne said, after several moments of silence.

“I might be,” Holloway said. “You might get back to your cubicle and then go out to the garage to get your skimmer and find it there waiting for you. In which case, I suggest you give it a thorough washing. On the other hand, you might get back to find I was right—and that you’ve been called to testify in front of the preliminary hearing. In which case, you’re going to find the circumstantial evidence combined with your lack of an alibi is going to get someone off the hook and you on it.” “You’re telling me all this is going to happen but you’re not telling me how to clear myself,” Bourne said.

“I can’t tell you that,” Holloway said. “I’m already telling you more than I should, and the only reason I can do that is because as far as either of us knows, they haven’timpounded your skimmer or called you to testify. You’re not on the docket yet. But you will be. And between now and then, you need to figure out some things for yourself.” “Like what?” Bourne asked.

“Like who it is that’s decided keeping DeLise out of trouble is worth throwing you to wolves,” Holloway said. “Because whoever it is has decided that there’s nothing you can do to them that could possibly hurt them. So when you dofigure out who it is, that’s your next step. Finding out what’s going to hurt them the most.” “There’s no point in that if it’s not going to help me,” Bourne said.

“Chad, this is what I mean about you being a fundamentally decent guy,” Holloway said. “Let me put it to you this way: Sometimes in life you’re going to win and sometimes you’re going to lose. But just because you lose doesn’t mean the other guy needs to win. Do you understand me?” “Not really,” Bourne said.

“Well, think about it anyway,” Holloway said. “Maybe it will come to you.” The three of them turned a corner and stood in front of the ZaraCorp administration building.

“Your stop,” Holloway said.

“I still don’t like you very much,” Bourne said, to Holloway.

“I haven’t ever given you any reason to like me, Chad,” Holloway said. “And I’m not going to pretend I like you all that much either. Just know that I think you’re a good guy. You’re a good guy and you don’t deserve to get screwed. And as much as I can, I’m going to try to keep that from happening. All right?” “All right,” Bourne said. Impulsively he stuck out his hand to Holloway. He took it.

“Thanks,” Holloway said.

Bourne nodded and entered the building. Holloway watched him fade into the murk of the lobby and then maneuvered Carl across the street, where Isabel and Sullivan were waiting for him. Carl made a beeline for Isabel, who patted him happily.

“How is he?” Sullivan asked, of Bourne.

“He’s now completely scared shitless,” Holloway said. “Which was the plan.” “Any idea what he’ll do when he gets called to testify?” Sullivan asked.

“Not a clue,” Holloway said.

“Should be interesting,” Sullivan said.

“That’s a word for it,” Holloway said.

“Stop it, both of you,” Isabel said. “Poor Chad. He is an actual human being, you know. Not just a chess piece for the two of you to play with.” “He’s definitely a pawn,” Holloway said. “The question is whether he’s ours or someone else’s. And at the very least, we’re trying to keep him from getting framed for arson. Or attempted murder, come to think of it.” “He’s a good guy, Jack,” Isabel said.

“I know it, Isabel,” Holloway said. “I really do.” Isabel did not look terribly convinced.

“While the two of you were off having your little chat, both Isabel and I got some interesting news,” Sullivan said.

“What is it?” Holloway asked.

“We’re being transferred,” Isabel said. “Both of us. Mark’s been given a general counsel position on Zara Eleven and I’m being sent back to Earth to head up a lab there.” “Effective when?” Holloway asked.

“Effective immediately,” Sullivan said. “We’ve both been relieved of our duties and have been given three days to pack. Our beanstalk transport is scheduled to leave while you’re having your preliminary hearing.” “How unsurprisingly coincidental,” Holloway said.

“It’s not just us,” Isabel said. “Arnold Chen’s paperwork snafu has magically cleared itself up. He’s headed for Uraill on the same beanstalk transport we are.” “He must be excited,” Holloway said.

“He’s miserable,” Isabel said. “He called me about it and was wailing. He’s waited his whole life to decipher the language of a new sentient being, and they won’t let him. They’ve locked him out of his files entirely. They locked me out of mine, too.” “I still have copies of yours,” Holloway said.

“Which is the only reason I’mnot wailing,” Isabel said.

“They’re clearing us out before the CEPA xenosentience team can get here,” Sullivan said. “Anyone who knows anything about the fuzzys. Except for you, Jack.” “You figure that’s ominous,” Holloway said.

“Don’t you?” Sullivan asked.

“I’ve been in ominous mode since my skimmer fell out of the sky,” Holloway said.

“We’re worried about you, Jack,” Isabel said. “Both of us are.”

“You can’t fool me,” Holloway said. “You’re more worried about Carl.” “I’m serious, Jack,” Isabel said.

“I’m more worried about the dog, myself,” Sullivan said.

“There we go,” Holloway said.

“Mark,” Isabel said.

“Isabel, Mark,” Holloway said. “Your new assignments don’t change anything. None of this changes anything. When we woke up this morning we had three days to prepare. We still have three days to prepare. If we pull it off, three days is all the time we’re going to need. If we don’t, then it’s not going to matter one way or another. For now, let the future take care of itself. We’ve got three days. Let’s get to work.”

Chapter Twenty-two

Judge Nedra Soltan took her seat and peered out into her courtroom. “This looks familiar,” she said to Holloway and Janice Meyer, who were standing at their respective tables. “We talking fuzzy creatures again, Counselors?” “No, Your Honor,” said Meyer, who was representing DeLise, who was standing with her at the defense table.

“I think the defendant is bit of an ape, Your Honor,” said Holloway.

“Watch it, Mr. Holloway,” Soltan said. She held up a sheet with her notes on it. “It says you are acting as your own counsel.” “There’s someone else I might have asked, but he’s being deported off-planet today,” Holloway said. “So I’m stuck with myself.” “You know what they say about the man who represents himself in court, Mr. Holloway,” Soltan said.

“Yes. I do know it,” Holloway said. “But I also know the law. I even used to be a lawyer.” “Disbarred,” Meyer said.

“Not for not knowing the law,” Holloway said.

“Yes, I know,” Soltan said. “After your performance the last time you were here, I looked up your file. You punched your own client.” “He deserved it,” Holloway said.

“Maybe so,” Soltan said. “But do anything like that here, and being disbarred will seem like a cakewalk in comparison. Do you understand me, Mr. Holloway?” “I give you my word I will not punch my client,” Holloway said.

“Very droll, Mr. Holloway,” Soltan said. “Sit.”

Everyone sat.

“This is a preliminary hearing before a judge,” Soltan said in a tone of voice that suggested she had said the same bit of verbiage innumerable times before, in front of people who knew exactly what she was going to say. “In cases where the nature of a colony makes it difficult or impossible to convene a grand jury, the plaintiff and defense may jointly agree to have evidence for a potential suit examined by a judge, and to have witnesses examined by the same, who will then determine if there is sufficient cause to bring the matter forward into a full court trial, either civil or criminal. Do the plaintiff and the defense so request?” “Yes, Your Honor,” said Meyer.

“Yes, Your Honor,” said Holloway.

“Does counsel understand that this hearing is for the benefit of the judge alone for determining the adequacy of the evidence to move forward to a trial, and not the trial itself, and that as such customary trial rules concerning discovery do not apply?” Soltan said. “That is to say, one or the other of you, or both, may not be aware of the evidence or witnesses called by the other.” “Understood,” said Meyer.

“Yes,” said Holloway.

“Does counsel understand that the determinations and rulings of the judge in this preliminary hearing are binding pending full trial, provided there is one?” Soltan said.

Meyer and Holloway both gave their assent.

“Fine,” Soltan said. “Then let’s get on with this. Mr. Holloway, what are you accusing Mr. DeLise of?” “He burned down my house,” Holloway said.

“So, arson,” Soltan said.

“Arson, yes,” Holloway said. “Also attempted arson for attempting to burn down my outbuildings and failing, destruction of personal property, and attempted murder.” “You weren’t home when your house burned down,” Soltan said.

“He didn’t know that before he got there,” Holloway said.

“Let’s not stretch ourselves too far, Mr. Holloway,” Soltan said. “I’m going to proceed for the moment with arson and destruction of personal property. If attempted arson and attempted murder become evident in the evidence you present, I’ll reinsert them.” “Fine, Your Honor,” Holloway said.

“Ms. Meyer, by any chance would your client like to cop to these allegations?” Soltan asked.

“No, Your Honor,” Meyer said. “My client has a roster of witnesses who will account for his whereabouts for the entire day in question.” “Of course,” Soltan said. She made a note and then looked up. “All right, Mr. Holloway, plaintiff first.” “Thank you, Your Honor,” Holloway said, and picked up his infopanel, to connect it to the larger monitor in the courtroom. “The first piece of evidence I’d like to show you is a security camera video from my house. I have a camera on my desk that is constantly running, and the video caches onto my infopanel storage space, which is convenient in this particular case, since the actual camera was destroyed in the fire.” “Is this video from a secure camera?” Meyer asked.

“No,” Holloway said.

“So it’s possible you could have tampered with it,” Meyer said.

“I’m perfectly willing to file an affidavit with the court that the video is unaltered and unedited, and to testify so on the matter in open court,” Holloway said.

“Later,” Soltan said. “For now, show me the video.”

“Yes, Your Honor,” Holloway said. He started the video. It unspooled in the monitor: The skimmer landing at Holloway’s compound, the man stepping out of the skimmer, him trying the door and window, and him meeting the fuzzys, stomping Baby, and fighting with Pinto. Holloway glanced over at Meyer, who looked horrified at what the man had done to Baby, and then at DeLise, who sat there motionless.

“Pause this,” Soltan said, suddenly. Holloway paused the video. The judge turned to him. “Is this a joke, Mr. Holloway?” “In what sense, Your Honor?” Holloway asked.

“This video has yet to show anything related to arson,” Soltan said. “Instead I’m watching some man fight and kill small animals. It’s sickening, but it doesn’t have anything to do with your claim.” “First, I would note to Your Honor that we’re in the process of determining whether the fuzzys which you see being killed here are animals or if they’re people,” Holloway said. “And if they do turn out to be people, then whoever it is setting fire to my house—I am claiming Mr. DeLise—will also have at least one count of murder to contend with.” “Mr. Holloway,” Soltan began.

“However, that is neither here nor there to my claim, and I am not alleging murder,” Holloway said, quickly. “Nevertheless the man’s actions with the fuzzys are relevant, as you are about to see.” “I had better,” Soltan said.

“Yes, Your Honor. In fact, it’s just about to happen.” Holloway resumed the playback. The man threw Pinto to the ground and shot the fuzzy. “There’s the gun. Now, you see the fuzzy runs away, in the direction of my cabin. The man keeps firing. And there, a bullet enters my cabin. This I suspect is what initially started the fire. If you wait a minute, you’ll start to see smoke.” The courtroom waited for the smoke to arrive, and as it did so watched the man kick and shoot Baby, and throw the corpse into the burning cabin. Meyer looked like she was about to be sick. Good,thought Holloway.

Holloway stopped the playback when the camera failed.

“Ms. Meyer,” Soltan said, after a minute. “Any rebuttal?”

Meyer blinked and then coughed to hide the fact she was trying to get her focus back. “The video shows that a man accidentally set fire to Mr. Holloway’s cabin, but it doesn’t show that it was Mr. DeLise,” she said.

“The man set fire to the cabin after trying to break into it, which means it was an action associated with a crime,” Holloway said. “By Colonial law, that’s third-degree arson.” “The man in question could have been there for another reason,” Meyer said.

“In a ski mask,” Holloway said. “In a jungle. On a sweltering day. Besides that, look. The first thing this guy does on encountering someone else—human or not—is to stomp and shoot them to death. If the fuzzys were people, that would be murder. He’s not there for a social call, Your Honor. And now you can see why I think my murder was one of the goals of the visit.” “Attempted murder’s not coming back in on the basis of this video,” Soltan said. “But I agree that there’s reasonable claim for an arson charge, as well as destruction of property.” “Nothing on the video proves that the man in it is my client, however,” Meyer said. “And in point of fact, there’s something in it that points against it. Mr. Holloway?” Meyer held out her hand, requesting the infopanel. Holloway gave it. Meyer ran the video back to the beginning, to the skimmer landing. “There,” she said. “The skimmer.” “What about it?” Soltan said.

Meyer pointed. “Look at the serial numbers on the side,” she said. “That’s a Zarathustra corporate number. This isn’t a security skimmer, which is the sort my client usually has access to. It’s a model given to ZaraCorp’s contractor representatives so they can visit their contractors out in the field.” “So run the number through the ZaraCorp database, and tell me whose skimmer it is,” Soltan said.

“We don’t have to,” Meyer said. “We already know. He’s outside the courtroom right now, waiting to be a rebuttal witness.”

“You understand you are under oath,” Soltan said.

“I do,” said Chad Bourne.

“Your name and occupation, please,” Soltan said.

“Chad Bourne, Contractor Representative for Zarathustra Corporation,” he said.

“You’re up,” Soltan said, to Meyer.

“Mr. Bourne, are you Mr. Holloway’s contractor representative?” Meyer asked.

“Yes, I am,” Bourne said.

“And you have been so for how long?” Meyer asked.

“I’ve been his rep for as long as I’ve been here on Zara Twenty-three,” Bourne said. “That’d be about seven years now.” “What’s your general opinion of Mr. Holloway?” Meyer asked.

“Am I allowed to use profanity?” Bourne asked.

“No,” Soltan said.

“Then it’s best to say that our relationship has been a tense one,” Bourne said.

“Any particular reason?” Meyer asked.

“How much time do you have?” Bourne said.

“Just hit the highlights,” Meyer said.

“He’s lax with CEPA and ZaraCorp regulations, he’s argumentative, he tries to lawyer everything, he ignores me when I tell him he can’t do things, and he’s just all-around a jerk,” Bourne said, looking at Holloway.

“Any positive qualities?” Meyer asked, slightly bemused.

“I like his dog,” Bourne said.

“Have you ever said that you hate Mr. Holloway?” Meyer asked.

“On a regular basis,” Bourne said.

“Mr. Bourne, are you aware that your skimmer may have been used in the furtherance of a crime?” Meyer asked.

“I guessed that when my skimmer was impounded the other day,” Bourne said.

“Yes,” Meyer said. “We found fire suppressant residue on the skimmer. The same brand that Mr. Holloway used to keep his compound from burning down.” “Okay,” Bourne said.

“We’ve also now seen a video where your skimmer’s number is visible,” Meyer said.

“All right,” Bourne said.

“Mr. Bourne, can you account for your whereabouts the day Mr. Holloway’s cabin burned down?” Meyer asked.

“I was at home sick most of the day,” Bourne said.

“So you didn’t see any one, and no one saw you,” Meyer said.

“No,” Bourne said.

Meyer turned to Soltan and prepared to introduce an alternate theory of the crime.

“Oh, wait, that’s not quite right,” Bourne said. “I did see someone.”

Meyer swallowed her intended speech. “How is that again?” she said.

“I did see someone,” Bourne said.

“Who?” Meyer asked.

“Him,” Bourne said, pointing at Holloway. “I needed to tell him I had made a small error regarding that sunstone find of his. Turns out ZaraCorp doesn’t own it. He does.” “What?” Meyer said.

“What?” Soltan said.

“Yep,” Bourne said. “Just before he discovered it, I terminated his contract. For cause, I might add. But when he told me about his find, I guess in all the excitement, I forgot to reactivate his contract, which would have ceded the find back to ZaraCorp. While I was at home, I was reviewing contracts and I noticed his was missing. So I did a little digging. Turns out that by both Butters versus Waylandand Buchheit versus Zarathustra Corporation,he’s the actual owner of the seam. I thought maybe ZaraCorp could try to take it from him, but then we’d be running up against Greene versus Winston,and given what happened the last time ZaraCorp went up against that, I didn’t want to risk it. So I felt obliged to inform him. I knew he was in Aubreytown that day, so I went and told him about it. I figured he might want to know he’s worth one-point-two trillion credits. I would. Who wouldn’t?” There was dead silence in the courtroom.

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