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Электронная библиотека книг » John C. Dalglish » книга "Detective Jason Strong: The Early Cases"
Detective Jason Strong: The Early Cases - John C. Dalglish
  • Книга добавлена: 12 октября 2016, 03:15
обложка книги Detective Jason Strong: The Early Cases - John C. Dalglish

Название книги: Detective Jason Strong: The Early Cases

Автор книги:

6-7Часов на чтение
92 тыс.Всего слов

Язык книги: русский
Издательство: Amazon
Год издания: 2012
Размер: 176 Кб
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Описание книги

(Book #1)-"Where's My Son?"What would you do if your son went missing? How far would you go to get him back?***Michael Barton comes home to find his infant son gone. There is no trace of the kidnappers, and the police have no leads. Michael is driven by a promise and he won't stop.Detective Jason Strong led the task force to find Michael's son and has become his friend. But as Michael's darkness grows, Jason fears he may be the only one who can stop him.It is a race against time, as the detective tries to stop the events that will change everyone, before it's too late.(Book #2)- "Bloodstain"What turns a man into a killer? Can simple words drive a man to commit murder?****Detective Jason Strong must find a killer whose signature is a wine glass. That is about all the police know except that his victims all share certain similiarities. The case gets personal when someone close to Jason is targeted and time is running out.In the exciting follow-up to "Where's My Son?", Jason will be pushed to find a way to solve this case before the unthinkable happens.Can visiting a grave connect us with the dead? What happens when a man thinks he can hear his dead brother?(Book #3)- "For My Brother"Can visiting a grave connect us with the dead? What happens when a man thinks he can hear his dead brother?****Billy Jarvis suffers an untimely death, leaving his little brother Donnie, alone with his mother. Donnie thinks his dead brother has told him how to make things right and Detective Strong is pushed to figure out why people are disappearing.In the third book of the series, Jason is without his regular partner Vanessa Layne and must rely on a new partner to help him solve the mystery.

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