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Middle of Knight
  • Текст добавлен: 6 октября 2016, 18:47

Текст книги "Middle of Knight"

Автор книги: Jewel E. Ann

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Текущая страница: 9 (всего у книги 19 страниц)

A do-over. That’s what he needed to prove that nothing Lascivo sold would compare to him.

“Tell me what you think you want and I’ll prove you don’t need it.”

She closed the dishwasher and leaned against the counter with her arms crossed over her chest. “And how exactly are you going to prove it?”

Holding up both hands, he spread his fingers wide. “Sharp teeth, one tongue, two lips, ten fingers, and a very large cock. Take your pick.”

A blush crawled up her neck, slack jaw, lips parted.

Jackson smirked. Yeah … he still had it.

Chapter Seventeen


Samovar defined tea at its best. Jessica loved stealing the occasional evening with her dad working in his garage, but she also cherished Saturday morning tea with her mom.

“How’s my girl?”

A smile overtook her face as she poured her favorite Golden Phoenix Oolong tea. “In love, Mom. But you already know that.”

Sunny winked. “Yes. I do. Have you been making any other progress?”

The other progress always referred to her past.

“I think so. He still devotes several hours three times a week to listening to me. Sometimes it’s just going over what we’ve already talked about and other times he asks me the harder questions.”

“Like what?” Sunny bit into her scone.

“Like things that involve G.A.I.L.”

“If you two get married—”

“I know.” Blowing on her tea, she took a cautious sip. “And we will someday because he is … everything. With each passing day he becomes my new past, and I feel like eventually he’ll be the only past I need. It’s ridiculous, I’m sure, but I wonder if our life together can erase those memories. You know what I mean?”

“I think so. I hope so because I love who you’ve become with Luke. Each week, more and more, the woman before me resembles the girl I used to know: that innocent smile, the renewed sparkle in your eyes—amber like the desert sun.”

“It’s my boys. It’s all my boys.”

Sunny grinned. “How does Luke feel about being referred to in the same company as the dog?”

The dog? You know Jones is our baby. In fact, my boys are meeting me here in a little while for a jog.”

“Jude said you wouldn’t take him to obedience school.”

“I see Luke’s been running his mouth.” Jessica rolled her eyes. “I did take him. He just didn’t fit in.”

“I heard it’s because you gave him a treat even when he didn’t do what he was supposed to be doing.”

“Mom, the other dogs were being rewarded and he saw it. I didn’t want him to feel like he was being punished.”

“Well, if he wasn’t following directions like the other dogs then maybe he really didn’t deserve a treat. If you don’t make him work for the reward, then the reward system won’t work.”

“Now you sound like the instructor. It doesn’t matter. We didn’t return after the first day because all the other dogs were giving Jones a complex.”

Sunny held her tea cup, letting the steam rise near her face while she studied Jessica. “How’s the sleeping going?”

“You mean have I put him in the hospital?” It felt impossible to look her mom in the eye.

“I’ve never blamed you for what happened to me.”

What happened? Are you serious? I happened to you, that’s what happened. Don’t make it sound like you fell down the stairs.”

“It was an accident.”

Pain gripped Jessica’s heart as her mom’s hand rested on hers.

“Luke’s fine. We’ve sort of figured it out.”

“I’m glad.”

She nodded.

“Your father will be flying out to D.C. for the week so I’m going to visit Cathy while he’s gone.”

“I can’t believe you’re still friends with her.”

“We’re still friends because she has been my friend since first grade. It’s not fair to judge her.”

Jessica guffawed. “She cheated on Daniel with. His. Brother.”

Sunny stared at her tea. “Yes, but it’s not that black and white. You don’t know all the details.”

“You’re right. It probably isn’t, but I don’t want to know the details. Cheating is cheating, period.”

“Love is reckless because true emotions are immune to logic. The most beautiful love stories are often the most tragic.”

“God, I hope not. I want my love story with Luke to be beautiful, but not tragic.”

Sunny’s lips pressed into a smile that failed to disguise her concern.

“What is it?” Jessica asked.

Her mom shook her head. “Nothing, dear.”

“You sure?”

“Positive.” She looked out the window. “There they are.”

Jessica waved at Luke then stood. “Safe travels. Call me when you get to Cathy’s.” She bent down and kissed her mom on the cheek.

“I will. Love you, Jess … and hey…” she grabbed her hand “…I hope you know, I guess I hope you’ve always known. What happened after you came home from the hospital … I forgave you the moment it happened. I’ve always forgiven you. Okay?”

Tears stung her eyes as she looked to the ceiling, blinking them away. “Thank you. I love you too.”


“Hey, boys!” Jessica beamed as she began to squat down.

“If you kiss the mutt first, you can forget about kissing me.”

Wetting her lips, she stood back up and wrapped her arms around Luke’s neck, holding on tight as he lifted her up. Luke kissed her whenever, however, and wherever he wanted—except his office. They’d had more than one argument about that.

“How’s our girl?” He nipped at her neck before sliding her back down his body.

“I’m good. You could say I threw another shovel of dirt onto my past.”

They held hands and walked toward Yerba Buena Gardens. “How so?”

“My mom forgave me for the attack that put her in the hospital.”

Luke squeezed her hand. “She hadn’t before now?”

“She did right after it happened and many times since.”

“Today you forgave yourself.” His words stopped her. Jones tugged at the leash while Luke bent down, level with her face.

“How did you know?” she whispered.

Cupping the back of her head, he pressed his lips to her ear. “I have a degree in psychiatry.”

“That makes sense.” She smirked.

“Luke? Is that you?”

He turned toward the woman’s voice as Jessica stepped to the side to see past him.

“Jones!” Jessica chased her disobedient dog after Luke dropped his leash. He just … let go of it. “Dammit, Jones, come back.” Thankfully, another dog captured his attention allowing her to grab the leash. After giving the other dog’s owner an apologetic smile, she tugged Jones toward Luke and the tall blonde in a black, short-skirt business suit, with a good mile of legs and stupidly high heels, who happened to be embracing him.

“Excuse me, sir, I think you lost your dog.” Jessica grinned with bared teeth as the blonde pulled away and adjusted her messy bun of hair while giving Jessica a coy smile.

Luke grimaced, taking the leash in one hand and Jessica’s hand in his other. “My apologies. Jessica this is Dr. Eva Lorenzo. Eva this is my girlfriend, Jessica Day.”

His girlfriend. With a quick look up at him and the hint of a smile, she forgave him for the dog-chasing incident.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Eva extended her hand and Jessica released Luke’s to accept it.

“You too. Are you in town for the medical conference at the Moscone Center?”

“How did you know about that?” Luke asked.

“While I waited for my mom at Samovar, the waiter said they’d been pretty busy because of it.”

“Yes, I am in town for it.” Eva said to Jessica while looking at Luke.

An awkward silence followed.

“Did you go to medical school together?”

“We did.” The grip Luke had on her hand tightened with his answer.

The conversation, if it could really be considered that, felt strained and odd.

“Eva was Fran’s roommate in college.”

Another awkward silence while the two much taller people stared at each other.

“Well, that makes sense. I don’t know who Fran is, but—”

“She was my fiancée.”

Eva nodded, casting her eyes downward for a moment. Maybe it wasn’t such a relief that she caught Jones so fast. Missing the most uncomfortable conversation ever would not have been a bad thing.

“I can take Jones and head home if you two need a few minutes alone to talk behind my back or reminisce about your engagement with Fran.”

Eva’s eyes widened as her lips parted. Not so much as a flinch came from Luke. He knew Jessica’s inappropriate humor and he’d perfected ignoring it.

“It was good to see you, Eva.” Luke gave into Jones’s incessant tugging and pulled Jessica with them.

“I’ll give Francesca your best.”

Luke kept walking, failing to acknowledge Eva’s parting comment.

“I’m sorry.”

Jessica’s legs sped to a jogging pace to keep up with Luke’s long strides. “Why are you sorry?”

“I’ve not told you anything about Fran, including her name. I put you in an uncomfortable situation back there and I should not have.”

“Luke, I’m fine. It’s not like I didn’t know you were engaged. I just don’t understand the weird looks you two were sharing.”

“While you were chasing Jones she told me something and I had trouble processing it.”

“Can I ask what she told you?”

Luke stopped so abruptly Jones’s momentum jerked his arm, causing him to flinch. “You can ask me anything. You know that, right?”

That was a good question. Jessica couldn’t say for sure why she’d never pressed Luke for information about his ex-fiancée. Had she been so self-absorbed with her own past that she didn’t think Luke might have needed to discuss his?

“I think so.” She nodded, narrowing her eyes a bit.

They continued toward his condo.

“Fran is on the heart transplant list,” Luke said in a Dr. Jones matter-of-fact way.


“She has congenital heart disease. I think she had two, maybe three surgeries as a child. For years she was fine.”

“So what happened?”

He shrugged. “Eva didn’t go into detail other than to say Fran needed a transplant because the medications are no longer working. Sometimes there can be scar tissue from childhood surgeries that can cause problems later in life.”

“Where does she live now?”

“Scottsdale with her parents.”

“Maybe you should go see her. Do you want to go see her?”

They stepped into the elevator. “Why would you ask me that?”

“Because you said I could ask you anything.”

Easing his head back against the elevator wall, he closed his eyes on a heavy sigh. “I don’t know.”

Jones looked up, cocking his head.

“Why did you get Jones for me?”

Luke’s brow furrowed then he opened his eyes.

“I thought you’d like him.”

Jones shifted his head tilt to the opposite side. Jessica puckered her lips and blew him a kiss. “Don’t worry, Jonesy, I love you.”

The elevator door opened. Jessica and Jones followed Luke into the condo.

“So you, who thrives on order and cleanliness, just thought, ‘Hey, I think I’ll get Jessica a puppy,’ for no particular reason?”

“Why are you asking me this a month later?” He grabbed a Heineken from the refrigerator.

Luke drinking before noon gave her an uneasy feeling. “It’s crossed my mind quite a bit, especially since you call him ‘mutt’ and I think he’s given you a few gray hairs.”

“Maybe I wanted you to stop calling me Jones.”

She hopped up on the counter. “I don’t buy that.”

A long pull of beer bought him time to reply. “Dogs can be therapeutic.”

“Jones is part of my therapy?”


“How so?”

“You’ve referred to yourself as a monster. Jones brings out your nurturing side. Monsters don’t nurture.”

“So it was a test to see if I’m truly a monster?”

Luke shook his head. “Yes,” he answered, thick with sarcasm.

“Tell me about Francesca.”

Chuckling, he set his beer onto the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re asking a lot of random questions today.”

“I’m not. They’re all about you. I’m just trying to figure out how you tick. It’s my turn to ‘study’ you. That’s not random. Besides, ‘Tell me about Francesca,’ is not a question.”

“What do you want to know?”

“My God, Dr. Jones … you’d make a terrible patient.”

Talking about Francesca evidently required a second beer. Jessica frowned while he retrieved another one from the refrigerator.

“I saved Fran from a burning building.”

The pads of her fingers drummed her lower lip, eyes wide. She laughed but it came out as a cough. “You’re joking.”

“It was my sophomore year of undergrad while I was still a volunteer firefighter. She lived with three other girls in a rundown apartment building. There had been a party in the apartment below them. Someone fell asleep or passed out before putting out their cigarette. Her friends were all out of the building by the time we arrived, but Fran went back for her fish.” He shook his head. “A fucking gold fish in a bowl of water.”

“And you saved her?”

“And the fish from the third floor window. The next week she dropped off a cookie bouquet at the fire station to ‘her hero.’”

“So you ended up dating.” Hearing every little detail felt unnecessary and a bit more nauseating than she anticipated.

“For a year before I proposed.”

Of course she wanted to know how he proposed. Did he get down on one knee or two?

“What did she do?”

“She said yes.”

“No. Her profession.”

“Oh, she was in school, too, at the time. She became a court interpreter.”

“Long hours. Stressful job.”

Staring at the label of his beer, he nodded.

“Who broke off the engagement?”

The muscle in his jaw twitched. “I’m not sure.”

That answer fizzled her desire to know anymore at that point.

“We didn’t get our run in, so I might go for a bike ride. You want to come?”

“No more questions?” He finished the second bottle of beer.

The beer chugger before her looked like Luke, but his actions were that of someone much different—someone teetering on the edge of control. But why?

“No. But if you need to talk I’m always ready to listen.”

Beer number three. Jessica declared it an official what-the-fuck moment.

“How emasculating of you to my manhood and my profession.”

“How sexist of you to assume only men can listen when by nature your gender practices selective hearing ninety percent of the time. And if you’re wanting to flash your doctor badge, I suggest you first do some inner reflection as to why you’re on your third beer before noon in less than an hour after finding out your ex-fiancée needs a heart transplant.”

The impromptu speech filled with valid points did not deter Luke as he popped the top to another beer.

“Take care of my puppy. I’m going for a ride.”

Chapter Eighteen


The list of things that could top being fucked by Jackson Knight against a refrigerator was short. The birth of Maddie held the number one spot, refrigerator sex sat at number two. The fact that there were only two events on Ryn’s Life’s Best Moment’s List seemed pathetic. Dwelling over the sleepy details of her life was a waste of time. As she sat in her car, checking her makeup one last time, the past didn’t matter. It only took forty years to be that girl—the one who got the guy that everyone else wanted.

Maddie needed help moving to her new apartment, closer to campus. Ryn had not seen Jackson since the infamous sex night. He wanted to stay for a do-over, which was ridiculous because perfection was perfection. Period. More than that, she needed a shower and time to think about his lips, tongue, teeth, ten skilled fingers, and one gifted cock.

With twenty minutes before Greta’s party, Ryn couldn’t keep herself from saying hi to Jackson before heading across the street. She knocked on the door anticipating his sexy smile and a mind-numbing kiss to get her in the mood for the party. Instead, Jackson greeted her with rivulets of water racing down his body and a white towel tied low on his waist.

“Jillian is already over there.”

Sexy smile. Check.

“You look amazing, by the way.”

Twenty six letters and infinite ways to assemble them into words, yet she couldn’t conjure a single one let alone remember what she had on that looked so amazing. A short wrap skirt and a sleeveless blouse felt about right, but really she couldn’t remember.

“If you keep looking at me like that you’re going to be late to the party.”

With wide eyes, she nodded yes to … something. Yes to being on time or yes to being late … or just simply yes to him.

“Do you want to step inside for a few minutes?” He chuckled, which brought her attention back to his face after her ogling started to feel like a hallucination.

“Maybe for a minute…” she stepped inside coming to an abrupt halt as she closed her eyes “…or two.”

Another chuckle. “Are you okay?”

“You smell like sandalwood and … patchouli.” Her eyes opened with her head still spinning from the intoxicating fragrance.

“I call it bar soap and shampoo, but I’m glad you like it.”

His eyes were unquestionably beautiful, even mesmerizing, but they didn’t demand her attention like his bare, tatted chest or the towel that looked like it could come loose at any moment.

“You seem distracted.”

She nodded.

“Maybe I should put on some clothes.”

Worst idea ever, in Ryn’s honest opinion.

Pressing his hands against the wall above her head, trapping her under a bridge of muscled flesh, he leaned forward until his lips grazed her ear. “Is that what you want?”

The question was absurd. Barely worthy of an answer. “No.” She swallowed.

He sucked her earlobe, teasing it with his teeth. “Remove the towel, Ryn.”

The strain of her nipples against the lace of her bra and the slide of her new thong between her legs when she shifted her weight had her ready to orgasm from just the words: remove the towel, Ryn.

Jackson moaned with his lips pressed to her neck as she feathered her fingers over the peaks and valleys of his abs, down to the towel. His dizzying scent intensified with each ragged breath she drew into her lungs. She wanted to taste him … devour him.


Ryn jumped, pressing her palms to the wall behind her as Jillian flew through the front door. Jackson grumbled a few expletives while keeping Ryn caged beneath his arms.

“Back away from the girl and go put some clothes on.”

“This coming from my sister who is basically a nudist?”

“I told you to send her straight over if she knocked on the door.”

Ryn felt like a teenager getting caught with a guy. Ten years their senior, yet she shrank beneath the awkwardness of the Knight twins’ arguing over her.

“Come on, Ryn. Chicks before dicks.”

Of course Ryn had no idea what that meant, but she let Jillian pull her toward the door anyway.

“She still has a few minutes before the party starts. I’ll send her right over.”

It was impossible to look at Jackson after that comment. Ryn’s whole body flushed with embarrassment.

Jillian pointed a finger at him. “Knock that shit off. This is Greta’s night. Do you remember when Mom used to go grocery shopping after dinner and she’d come home with twenty dollars’ worth of groceries because after eating nothing tempted her?”

Jackson rolled his eyes to the ceiling.

“Well Ryn needs to show up to Greta’s hungry. Got it?”

Before the door shut, Jackson yelled, “Then you’re welcome. I think she’s starving right now.”

Ryn whipped her head back, mouth agape, as Jillian dragged her toward the street. Jackson winked through the glass storm door with a cocky-bastard smirk. Then he removed his towel, turned, and sauntered away from the door.

“He just flashed you, didn’t he?” Jillian asked without ever turning back.

“Um …”

She laughed. “I apologize on behalf of the Knight family. We have no self-control.”


“Oh my goodness! You are just adorable,” Greta said as she gently touched the ends of Ryn’s hair before resting her palms on her cheeks. “Oh … and your eyes, and these freckles, and you have the cutest little button nose.”

Ryn felt ten years old under Greta’s exaggerated, yet flattering assessment. “Thank you. So nice to meet you.”

“Well…” Greta motioned for Ryn to follow her to the great room “…you’re just lucky Marvin is still breathing, otherwise I would have already snatched Jackson up.”

Ryn equated Greta to warm chocolate cake: sweet, addictive, and sure to evoke a smile.

After handing Ryn a glass of sangria, Greta brought two fingers to her mouth and catcall whistled. “Settle down, ladies, so Jillian can get started.”

The small group of fifteen women, all over sixty years, turned the volume down to a few soft whispers as their eyes bugged out with each new item Jillian placed on the coffee table. Ryn bit back a smile. It was the most unusual group for a Lascivio party. Their fearless leader took them through everything, explaining how each personal pleasure device was to be used before passing it around for everyone to inspect up close.

When the nipple clamps came around, Ryn took a quick picture and sent it to Jackson.

Ryn: What do you think?

Jackson: I think these work better.

He attached a photo of his teeth biting the tip of his thumb. She giggled.

Next she sent a photo of the edible lubricant.

Ryn: ?

Jackson: Let me save you some money.

The photo attached showed him licking his lips. She squeezed her legs together.

Ryn: Jillian said ‘nothing’ is better than this one.

She sent a photo of a “top of the line” vibrator.

Jackson: Your choice.

Greta passed her a textured cock ring as Ryn looked at his text.

“I’ve got it, sweetie.” Greta grabbed Ryn’s phone that fell in the crack between the cushions when she went to pass the vibrator to the next person.

“No I’ve—”

Greta looked at the screen. “Oh my … what or who …” Her other hand covered her mouth.

“What is it?” Lynette asked looking over Greta’s shoulder. “Oh my goodness!”

“He’s just being—” Ryn grabbed her phone back, not realizing he sent a photo after his last remark. “Oh shit.”

“Is that Jackson?” Every eye in the room landed on Ryn.

She flipped the phone so the screen pressed against her leg. “N-no, it’s not what you think. It’s … just a friend playing a prank.” It was exactly what they thought: Jackson’s big, very erect cock.

Jillian narrowed her eyes then stepped closer to Ryn. “Is what Jackson?”

Ryn shook her head like an errant child in school. “Nothing.”

Jillian snatched her phone. Ryn squeezed her eyes shut.

“Eww … not cool, Bro … not cool,” Jillian whispered to herself.

Ryn peeked open one eye. Jillian wore a wicked smile. “Get some more to eat and drink, ladies, then feel free to play with the toys and browse through the catalog.”

Once everyone focused their attention back on all the other embarrassing things in the room, Jillian grabbed the strap-on penis from the coffee table and took a picture of it with Ryn’s phone.

“What are you doing?”

“Reciprocating.” Jillian smirked as she moved her thumbs across the screen.

Ryn: How do you feel about anal play? I’ve always had a thing for m/m porn. Is your sexy ass as tight as the rest of your body?

Jillian tossed Ryn’s phone to her. “No matter what, don’t text him again or answer any of his texts.

Ryn stared at the message—horrified. “What if he takes it seriously?”

“Oh … he’ll take it seriously.”

“What if he’s…” she grimaced “…okay with the idea.”

Jillian giggled. “Then I guess you’d better add a strap-on and a bottle of lube to your order tonight.”

Ryn’s eyes remained glued to her phone. “He’s not responding.”

“Ah … excellent. Just as I suspected, he thinks you’re serious. God, I’m good.”

“Jillian?” Greta called. “Are butt plugs contraindicated if I have hemorrhoids?”

“Oh my God,” Ryn mouthed. Jillian winked before excusing herself to help Greta.

She stared at her phone, willing Jackson to reply, but he didn’t.

An hour and three glasses of Sangria later, she placed her order and walked back across the street while Jillian and Greta finished up with the rest of the ladies and their orders.

The alcohol almost erased the memory of Jillian’s prank—almost. Jackson opened the door with his body covered by a pair of jeans and an Eat Local T-Shirt.


The quiet ones were always the kinky ones. Jackson assumed with a fair amount of confidence that Ryn was the exception. Her skittish reactions to his sexual advances pointed in the opposite direction of kinky. The text, however, surprised him, and he wasn’t easily surprised. The tipsy, sexy, cock-hardening woman at his door was a partial explanation for the bold message. The still slightly disturbing part was drunk people didn’t get new ideas from alcohol. The alcohol just brought out thoughts that were already in their brain.

Her eyes perused his body then a giggle escaped as she homed in on his shirt. “Eat Local.” She bit her lip, glassy eyes meeting his gaze. “I’m local.”

Jackson found the deep, uninhibited tone of her voice to be quite sexy.

“Miss Middleton, are you drunk?”

Twisting her lips, she shook her head twice. After a few seconds she narrowed her eyes and nodded as if her thoughts couldn’t keep up with her body. “A bit, I’d say.”

“Keys.” He held out his hand.

“I love that you’re younger than me, yet more responsible.” She handed him her keys.

Ryn lost her brother in a drunk driving accident. He knew she’d give him the keys without question. “Come on. I’ll drive you home.” He took her hand and led her to her car.

“I love it when you hold my hand. People don’t do that much these days. Everyone’s too busy texting or holding their phones to their ears to pay attention to the people around them.”

He helped her in then got in the driver’s side. “I agree,” he said.

“You do? Aww … see you’re not too young for me after all. If I said the same thing to Maddie she’d tell me something like ‘holding hands is for old people.’ It seems like kids these days are either texting each other from across the table or practically screwing each other on the dance floor of some club.”

Jackson chuckled as they pulled out of the development. He’d been on those dance floors many times, and they usually led to a bathroom, back alley, or backseat fuck before he went home alone. But Ryn was different, he was different. That Jude guy died and there was no reason to wake the dead.

“Greta is hilarious and she has a huge crush on you. God, I hope I have half her spunkiness when I’m her age. She must have ordered one of everything from that catalog. I think she’s secretly trying to kill her husband so she can ride off into the sunset with you and your Woody.” Ryn giggled. “Did I mention that was the best Sangria I’ve ever had?”

Jackson smiled. Ryn’s random chattiness made her a fun drunk, although she seemed just a bit tipsy as her words were not slurred enough for it to be considered drunken babble.

“Did you buy anything?” Jackson asked as he pulled into her driveway.

She turned, wearing a tightlipped grin and a playful sparkle in her eyes. “I did.” Her brow furrowed. “Hmm … the funny thing is I can’t remember for sure what I did get.” She shrugged then eased out of the car.

Since she’d left him painfully turned-on after his shower earlier that night, his need to be with her felt urgent. However, her butt-clenching text had him second guessing where their relationship was headed.

“I really appreciate you going to Greta’s party tonight.” He stopped at her door, hands in his back pockets as she stepped inside.

Her eyes were all over him as she wet her lips. “Aren’t you coming inside?”

A great question.

A sly sexy grin pulled at her lips. “Are you still standing on my porch because of the text?”

The confirmation that it wasn’t a drunken text didn’t help ease his apprehension.

“I … I have an early lesson in the morning and I didn’t run today so I need to get that done first thing tomorrow.”

She raised a single brow. “You drove my car. How are you going to get home?”

Another great question.

“Do you have to work in the morning?”

She nodded.

“I’ll walk. It’s not really that far.”

Ryn sighed. “If I were like … twenty minutes more sober, I don’t think I’d say this, but I’m not there yet so I’m going to tell you. I bought new lingerie: a black lacy bra and a matching thong—the kind I don’t have to hide in my refrigerator.”

A confident Ryn in black lingerie had a good chance of blocking out the vision of her kinky alter ego in a strap-on penis acting out some fucked-up m/m fantasy. He stepped inside and shut the door behind him.

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