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Middle of Knight
  • Текст добавлен: 6 октября 2016, 18:47

Текст книги "Middle of Knight"

Автор книги: Jewel E. Ann

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Текущая страница: 12 (всего у книги 19 страниц)

Chapter Twenty-Three


Jessica had balls that were arguably bigger than most men’s. However, they failed to meet the size requirement for sharing with his parents the riding-Luke’s-face-just-shy-of-an-orgasm incident. He played her, used her for his own pleasure, then tossed her aside to prove a point—he was a worthy adversary.

“Hope you like fajitas, Jessica. I am in the mood for margaritas and guacamole tonight,” Felicity said while filling the glasses, complete with sugar and salt rim garnish.

“I love Mexican.”

Luke handed her a glass. The shit-eating grin needed to be wiped off the smug bastard’s face. “Did you get everything finished up?”

Evil coursed through her veins as she cocked her head to the side while accepting the drink. “Did Luke tell you about Fran?”

Felicity and Tom jerked their heads in Luke’s direction. The easy mood vanished, leaving an eerie silence and tension so tight it felt as if the floor could crack open and swallow them whole.

Jessica thought she’d seen every one of Luke’s facial expressions. She was wrong. There wasn’t a hint of adoration left. The icy look he gave her left her heart pounding in her throat.

“So … you two have discussed Fran?” Felicity asked. Each word sounded cautious as if she, too, could feel the dangerous tension.

Luke swallowed, glaring at Jessica. She wanted to take back every word.

“We discussed how Fran and I met.”

“Oh …” Felicity’s nervous smile hid something. Jessica didn’t know what.

“I … we found out last week that Fran needs a heart transplant.”

Tom and Felicity nodded slowly.

“Jessica thinks I need to go visit her in Scottsdale.”

What was going on? The three of them knew something … something Jessica didn’t.

The victim turned monster had been in some very uncomfortable situations in her life, but nothing quite like that moment. Nobody spoke, yet everyone looked at one person: Jessica.

Finally, Tom cleared his throat. “Shall we eat?” He might as well have said “at ease.”

Felicity dumped a bag of corn chips into a bowl and handed it and the dish of guacamole to Tom as though the previous two minutes never happened. Except they had happened and Luke’s lingering gaze filled with anger, disappointment, and pain reminded her that she had somehow epically fucked up.

“Have a seat,” Luke said, devoid of all emotion.

She sat down. Jones plopped his big body on the floor behind her chair because he was a mama’s boy.

“So did you get your place sold since moving in with Luke?” Felicity asked.

“I rented. Only wealthy or very old people own property in San Francisco.”

“I anticipated starting work on my sailboat before cooler weather hit, but now I think it’s just going to have to wait until spring. You still in on the project with me?” Tom asked.

“Of course.” She glanced at Luke for confirmation that they would still be together in the spring. He gave her nothing.

“Lake has a boyfriend and he has family in San Francisco, so I think you’ll be seeing your sister a lot more.”

Luke nodded, dipping the same chip into the guacamole over and over without ever taking a bite.

“What are your plans for the holidays?”

Luke stayed in his zombie zone as if no one else at the table existed.

Jessica smiled at Tom. “My parents have invited us to their house for Thanksgiving, but we haven’t really committed to anything yet.”

Tom nodded, much like his son. She questioned if he even registered her answer to his question.

“Of course, my other boyfriend invited me for a sex-filled weekend on his private island off the coast of Italy.”

All. Three. Nodded.

“Dammit, Jones!” Jessica stood, resting her palms on the table.

Three heads jerked up and the dog scampered off to the living room, certain he was in trouble. Old habit. Luke may have bought her a dog and named him Jones, but when she was pissed, Luke’s name was still Jones. Actually, first name Dammit, last name, Jones.

“I didn’t want to have it out right here in front of your parents, but it would seem they know more than I do so maybe this needs to be a group conversation. You know damn well that I, more than anyone else, believe the past should stay buried with the dead, but yours is not, so out with it. Francesca—I want every. Little. Detail.”

Tom and Felicity frowned at Luke with pain in their eyes.

“Jessica, sweetie, he might not be ready to talk about this,” Felicity said.

“Is that right, Luke? Because you said I could ask you anything, and now I want everything.”

“Maybe we should give you two some privacy.”

“Sit. Down.”

Tom and Felicity didn’t move. Jessica could be cutthroat—literally.

“I’d been drinking Heineken with my college roommate, Levi,” Luke spoke in a grave tone. “We’d both had at least four or five too many. He told me about his friend back home who was screwing his roommate’s fiancée. He asked my advice … asked me what his friend should do if the roommate found out they were screwing around behind his back. I couldn’t even think that night … I was completely wasted. So I laughed and said he should put a bullet through both of their heads.”

His parents watched him. Pain. The pain was palpable, and she still didn’t know why.

“A week later I found Levi in the shower with blood and bits of his brain scattered on the wall, a gun next to his limp hand. In the note on the counter he said he wasn’t worth going to jail over so he saved me a life sentence, and he chose the shower to keep the mess contained because of my obsession with cleanliness. Then he asked me to forgive Fran and raise his kid as my own.”

Tom wrapped his arm around Felicity as silent sobs shook her body. But Luke … he said every word without an ounce of emotion, eyes locked to Jessica’s the whole time.

“Fran had his baby?” Jessica whispered.

Luke shook his head. “Nope. While he positioned his newly purchased forty-five at his temple, Fran was off having an abortion and then she planned on ending it with him because she still wanted to marry me. I’ve always wondered whose heart stopped first … his or his baby’s.” He blinked slowly several times. “I think you can guess why Fran and I didn’t work out. We both had blood on our hands.”

“Luke,” Jessica said but no other words came out.

“Anyway, I started college majoring in business. After my first year I switched to pre-med, inspired by my work as a firefighter. Psychiatry has been my own personal quest to figure out why, even in my plastered state, I thought death was a fair payback for cheating. And even more than that … what makes a person give up absolutely everything because he broke some sort of bro code.”

He stood and before completely unfolding himself from the chair, he kissed Jessica on the cheek. “That’s everything, my love,” he whispered over her skin before he turned and walked out of the dining room.

The slam of the front door felt like a book closing at the end of the final chapter.

“Luke made his peace with Francesca after Levi’s funeral. It wasn’t pretty, but it was final. Even though he doesn’t blame her, she’s been dead to him for years. If she dies, maybe he’ll feel some sort of peace that Levi’s been reunited with the woman he loved and the mother of his child. But Luke doesn’t need to see her.”

Jessica heard every word Felicity said, but she couldn’t determine if they were words of wisdom or those of a mother trying to protect her child from any more pain.


Luke stood at the end of the dock, squinting against the cool, numbing breeze as the sun set behind a scattering of clouds suspended in the orangish-purple sky. He missed Levi every damn day.

New bro code: save the bro, kill the ho.

Levi would have laughed at that. He had the best sense of humor. The guy actually giggled like a girl. Luke gave him shit about it, but secretly he loved watching Levi laugh. At the same time, he was a total idiot—missing half of his classes to watch The Simpsons and lift weights. Levi looked like an ironman. He claimed muscles and an accent was all it took to get the ladies. Fran certainly helped prove his point.

“That blood on your hands …”

Luke sucked in a quick breath as Jessica’s voice drew near.

“… it never disappears. At best, you might be like me and find someone who loves you so completely that they see past that blood to the naked, untainted flesh beneath it.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her cheek against his back.

He squeezed her hands. “I figured you’d be like everyone else and try to convince me that I’m not responsible for Levi’s death.”

“I suppose I should, but we both know I’m not like everyone else.”

“Amen to that.” He turned, holding her like the lifeline she was while releasing a long breath.

“Why didn’t you just tell me all of that a long time ago?”

“I would have, had our relationship not started out as doctor/patient. You were my focus and I needed you to trust and respect me enough to let me help you. I felt like sharing the weakest moment … the darkest time of my life would lessen my credibility as a psychiatrist.”

“But you told me to ask you anything.”

“I did.”


“Because you trusting me as the man who adores you beyond words has become more important to me than your opinion of Dr. Jones.”

“I think you overestimated my opinion of Dr. Jones.”

“I think you eat men’s egos for breakfast.”

Jessica smiled, looking up at him for a few seconds before it reversed into a frown. “I was rude to your parents. I think I need to apologize.”

“We were all rude to you.”

She took his hand, pulling him toward the house. “I hadn’t noticed.”

“Of course not … you were too busy planning your holiday getaway with your lover on his private island.”

She whipped around. “So you were paying attention.”

“I’m always paying attention … but only half of the things you say to me deserve a response.” He jerked his hand from hers then gave her a playful body check. She stumbled a few steps to the side.

“First one to the house gets to swim naked in the lake tonight,” he said, sprinting to the house.

“Dammit, Jones! You did not just shove me.”

He’d fallen hard for a fiery little woman, but he knew without looking back, she chased his ass with a huge grin on her face. Even if he didn’t die with her, he’d die loving her.


Jessica apologized to Felicity and Tom. They both dismissed it, insisting they were the ones who needed to apologize. After the truce, they ate lukewarm fajitas and finished the rest of the melted margaritas and browned guacamole.

“Luke’s jumping into the lake naked tonight. I think we all should.”

Luke choked on the last ounce of his drink while his parents smiled, eyes wide.

“I—it was a joke.” He cleared his throat.

“I’m in.” Felicity looked at Tom.

He winked at her, white teeth peeking through his boyish smile. Jessica hoped decades and a slew of kids later that Luke would still look at her that way.

“Great! We’re going to need blankets, a roaring fire in the back fire pit, and more alcohol.” Jessica stood with a slight wobble to her tequila legs.

“I’ll get the blankets and alcohol.” Felicity eased out of her chair with Tom holding her steady at the hips.

“Luke and I will start the fire.”

“No! No. No. No.” Luke shook his head. “Did you not hear me? It was a joke. There will be no jumping in the freezing lake naked. I am not … I refuse to get naked with my girlfriend and my parents. God … just no.”

“Come on, Son, live a little.”

Luke glared at Tom. “As a doctor I should warn you of the dangers. You could go into cardiac arrest or—”

Tom laughed. “I hate to disappoint you, but this isn’t my first skinny dip in the lake … not even my first this week.” He swatted Felicity on the ass. She blew him a kiss over her shoulder.

Luke remained glued to his chair at the table with his face buried in his hands.

“Oh my God!” Jessica giggled in Luke’s ear. “I love your parents so much.”

Luke looked up with a wrinkled, pleading look etched on his face. “Do you two jump in the lake naked with any of my siblings?”

Felicity tucked a six pack of beer between the pile of blankets. “No. But only because they’ve never suggested it.”

He glared at Jessica.

“This is happening … it was your idea. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Now, up.” She tugged his arm until he lumbered to standing.

Surrounded by the chirping and rustling creatures of the night, they made their way down the hill to the fire pit Tom stoked to life with more kindling.

“Who’s going in first?” Felicity taunted her son with a sly grin.

“It should be Luke, but the stick in the mud is always the last one to join the party so …” Jessica shimmied out of her jeans.

“Jess, don’t … please.”

“Sorry.” She giggled. “I lost all inhibition three drinks ago, Jonesy.”

Top. Bra. Panties.

“Carpe diem!”

The air was cool in the lower fifties. The water—arctic. Rising to the surface, she gasped only to be greeted by Tom and Felicity midair, holding hands. Boobs, balls, and bare booties.

“Ahh!” A creature from the deep attacked her. “Oh my God, Luke.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I d-didn’t s-see you j-jump i-in.”

His bluish lips sucked on hers until their teeth chattered against each other. “F-fucking cold.” Luke grinned, his whole body shivering.

“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one … out!” Felicity yelled as she and Tom raced to the ladder on the dock.

Tom showed no signs of aging as he leapt up the ladder and helped Felicity out. Jessica and Luke quickly followed, all four staggering in a shivering race to the fire and blankets.

“H-here.” Felicity tossed Luke and Jessica a huge blanket. “W-wool.” She and Tom wrapped up together in the other blanket, plunking down in a chair by the fire.

As their bodies regained a bit of feeling, dodging hypothermia by mere seconds, Jessica started giggling. “We’re completely naked, wrapped in a blanket together four feet from your parents who are also naked, wrapped in a blanket together.”

Tom and Felicity shared her humor with big smiles while Luke rolled his eyes.

“My parents are pretty cool, but they would never do what we just did.”

“Hear that, Luke. Jessica thinks we’re cool.” Tom smirked.

“Yeah, Dad. Jumping in balls first, practically two feet from my girlfriend’s face … that’s real cool.”

The cackling around the fire pit grew with each new remark. Everyone had their own assessment of the sixty seconds of complete insanity. It may have been the cold water, the crisp fall air, the flicker of the flames, or the amazing company, but Jessica felt so alive. A weird feeling enveloped her for that small moment in time: normalcy.

“I love your son,” Jessica said with a soft voice.

Three sets of eyes fell onto her as the only sound that remained was the flames whispering into the night. Luke hugged her tighter to his naked body. It wasn’t sexual, it was natural, destined, perfect.

“He saved me from a dark place. He proved I’m worthy of love, physical touch, endearing words, and complete adoration.” She interlaced her fingers with his over her belly. “My best friend and I were kidnapped before our senior year in high school.”

“Jess …” Luke whispered.

She shook her head. A quivering smile tugged at her lips. “It’s okay.” Her hands squeezed his. “I’m … better now. I’m better because of you.”

He leaned forward and kissed her neck.

“Claire, my friend … she died. My innocence died that day too. To say I’ve had trust issues would be a monumental understatement. I’ve done some things that are truly unforgivable, even … unimaginable. But your son never wavered, not even a blink. Luke’s never looked at me as broken, even though I am. He’s just loved all my pieces—even the ones that have made him bleed.”

His parents had no reason to take her words literally and that was fine. They didn’t need all the details. Her confession of where she’d been and how far she’d come segued to the most sincere thank you ever.

“I know he doesn’t live in the ten-mile Jones radius with his own bed and breakfast. But thank you for letting him find his way in life … thank you for letting him find his way to me.”

The dam broke. Felicity didn’t even try to wipe her tears, she just let them stream down her face.

Fate. It was a mysterious concept, an unknown destination, and often a heartbreaking journey. For the first time since Claire died, Jessica saw a glimpse of light beyond the cold, eternal darkness. She hoped it was a new day—the dawn of forever.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Jillian and AJ headed south, running from the colder weather while keeping a good state or two between them and the West Coast. AJ’s body gained some strength, rebounding a bit since the radiation treatment. With that extra boost of strength came pain—debilitating, death-would-be-a-sweet-relief type of pain. Forty-eight hours after the last pain pills were taken, Jillian thought she would have to physically put him out of his misery for good. But she couldn’t … not to AJ.

“I’ll be right back,” she whispered to AJ as he thrashed in bed, releasing painful moans and grunts that broke Jillian—someone who was nearly impossible to break.

Grabbing her phone she stepped out of their hotel room into the hallway.

“If someone has a gun to your head, it serves you right for being so fucking far away from where I planted your ass.”

“I’m sure you wish someone had a gun to my head, McGraw¸ but that’s not why I’m calling. I need a favor.”

“Sorry, sweetheart, I’m all out of favors.”

“I’m sending you a photo of the label from a bottle of pain pills. I need refills … unlimited refills at the nearest pharmacy.”

“I’m not a doctor.”

“You have the power to make the fucking sun stop shining. Pills. Lots of them. Now.”

“I don’t like how you talk to me.”

“I didn’t like how you fucked me.”

The line went silent, but she knew he was still there.

“You’re wasting your time. Just put your highly-decorated sergeant out of his misery.”

“Time is all I have these days and you know that, asshole. There’s a Walgreens on the corner. Fifteen minutes.” Jillian pressed End.

As she opened the hotel room door, she heard a clattering of glass.

“What are you doing?”

AJ twisted the cap off a bottle from the minibar refrigerator and gulped it down then reached for another.

“Stop!” She grabbed it from him and shoved the rest of the bottles back in the refrigerator then slammed the door shut. “Twenty minutes. Give me twenty minutes and I’ll have some more pain meds for you. Okay?”

AJ sat back on the edge of the bed and pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes. “Fuck!”

Her heart felt like it could explode into tiny pieces from witnessing him in so much pain. “Twenty minutes. Stay out of the minibar.” She grabbed her purse and phone then raced out the door.

When she returned, AJ looked up at her from the bed, shaking and sweating.

“Here.” She helped him sit up and handed him two pills and a glass of water.

“How did you get these?”

“You don’t want to know.”

AJ nodded and swallowed the pills.

“Maybe I should take you back.”

The bloodshot glare from his tired eyes gave her real physical pain. She stared at the bottle of pills, contemplating how much longer she could go before needing to pop a few too.

“If you want to take me back…” he grimaced “…I understand. I know I’m asking for a lot. But if you’re asking if I want to go back, the answer is no.”

She gently pushed him back onto the pillow and crawled up beside him, resting her head on his arm, her hand over his heart. “Then we keep going.” Where they were going, she didn’t know.

“If you need to get back home—”

“Nope. I’m yours.”

She stayed by his side as he rolled and turned, flinched and shook with torment until the pain medication took hold and pulled him under. After sliding out of bed, she grabbed her phone and settled into the other bed.

Jillian: U awake?

Jackson: Am now.

Jillian: Sorry. Just wanted to let U know I’m OK.

Jackson: Where are you?

Jillian: Utah.

Jackson: WTF?

Jillian: AJ wanted to leave, but he doesn’t want to go back to Omaha.

Jackson: He’s running.

She smiled.

Jillian: He’s living.

Jackson: He’s dying.

Jillian: Aren’t we all? I need an escape, just while he sleeps. Make me lol.

Jackson: I’ve got nothing.

Jillian: BS – U always have something, Mr. Snuffleupagus.

Jackson: Ryn hits like a girl.

Jillian: I’ll remedy that when I get home. Not funny tho – try again.

Jackson: She doesn’t like pussy or cunt.

Jillian: I’m lol, but I don’t know why. R U telling me she’s not a lesbian?

Jackson: She doesn’t like the terms. Vagina, just vagina.

Jillian: Sounds like a boner-killer or “erection-killer”

Jackson: You’d think, but my penis still likes her vagina.

Jillian: The fun buzz is wearing off. Enough about you and Ryn’s genitals.

Jackson: Love you. Pissed as fuck that you left, but I still love you.

Jillian: Told U to make me lol not cry. <3 U 2! TTYL

“Pussy,” she whispered to herself with a big smile.


“You’re staring,” AJ said with his eyes still closed.

“Just making sure you’re still alive. Is that kind of gruesome?” She picked at the frayed knee of her jeans while sitting cross-legged on the bed beside him.

He peeked open one eye. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.”

“Do you think there’s a manhunt for you?”

“You make me sound like a criminal.”

“You did escape.”

He pushed himself into a sitting position with a grimace and a low groan. “I did, out the front door.”

“True. So are you hungry?”

“Not really, but I’m guessing you’re going to make me eat.”

Jillian leaned forward and kissed the corner of his mouth. “Yep.” She popped the p. “Continental breakfast near the lobby. Maybe they’ll have cloth napkins and it can be our first official date.”

“You and your cloth napkins. I don’t get it. You really don’t think we’ve had an ‘official’ date because we haven’t had cloth napkins?”

“How many times do I have to tell you? A girl’s gotta have standards.”

He eased out of bed wearing only half a grimace. It was progress. After a shower and packing up their minimal belongings, they ate breakfast sans cloth napkins and continued southeast, taking the byways through southeastern Utah into southwestern Colorado.

“Let’s stop here.”

“A brewery?”

“Food and beer. No beer for you. You have drugs.”

“I’m actually feeling a little better today.”

Jillian wrapped her arm around his waist as they walked through the deserted parking lot for a late afternoon lunch. “I noticed. You’ve been eyeing my boobs all day.”

“Because you’re not wearing a bra.”

“The shirt has a built-in shelf bra.”

“I see your nipples.”

She laughed. “It’s a little chilly today. What are you going to get? Bacon cheeseburger? Steak and fries?”

“Probably just a salad.”

“Fuck the salad. You need some meat and potatoes.”

AJ opened the door for her. “Maybe they have a good Tofurkey dog.”

“Ooo … wouldn’t that be grand.”

The waitress sat them near a large wall of windows with a picturesque view of the lush valley sprawling all the way to the majestic Rockies. Jillian ordered for both of them, a veggie burger and the house burger both with fries and two beers after AJ gave her an intense glare when she tried to order him an iced tea.

“Do you happen to have any cloth napkins?” AJ asked when the waitress brought their food.

“Sorry, sir.” She shook her head.

Jillian sniggered. “Nice try, Sarge.”

“She’s not going to get a good tip.”

“Absolutely not. Teach that bitch a lesson for not being more accommodating.” Jillian squeezed ketchup and mustard onto her bun. “Don’t roll your eyes at me. I’m not the one who asked her about the cloth napkins.”

“True, but it wouldn’t be an issue if it weren’t for you.”

“God … this is to die for,” she mumbled over a very unladylike mouthful before catching how inappropriate her words were. “Shit. That’s not what I meant. I just meant that it’s good or—”

“Stop.” AJ trapped her feet between his under the table and leaned forward. “If you choose to die for a sandwich, then I’ll respect that.” He sat back and shrugged. “It’s not a bad way to go. I’d much prefer it to this cancer shit in my fucking brain.”

Wiping her mouth with the non-cloth napkin, she grinned. “I love you, Aric James.”

He nodded with an intense look, the kind that made her feel his eyes everywhere, but most especially between her legs. Grasping his sandwich with both hands, he lifted it from the plate. Before taking a bite he slowly licked the sauce that had squeezed out along the edge.

How desperate was she to be envious of a cooked piece of meat? It had been a while since she’d had sex or even brought herself to orgasm. AJ took a big bite then slowly licked his lips. Thankfully Marvin Housby saved the day. Jillian giggled.

“What’s so funny?”

Jillian felt herself blush which was a very rare occurrence for her. “I was getting…” she looked around the restaurant “…turned on by you looking at me and then your tongue lapping along your sandwich.” Her laughter turned into an actual snort as she lost control of the moment. “But then it reminded me of Marvin Housby.”


She nodded. “Greta told me he masturbates to the pictures on the ValuPak coupons, like the girls on the Hardee’s ads.”

AJ cleared his throat, blotting his napkin against his mouth to hide his own humor.

“You looked like one of those girls on the Hardee’s commercial, and I looked at you like Marvin Housby and burger babes.”

“You think I look like a girl?”

“No. Just the way you were tonguing your sandwich.”

“I wasn’t tonguing my sandwich.”

The growly beast that sat across from her brought such life to an otherwise barren existence. The uniqueness of their love could never be compared to anything else. Luke had the best of her and she didn’t want it back—not ever. But AJ filled her lungs with life after death, he gave her so much hope that there was in fact light beyond the darkness.

“What’s the first thing you remember?”

“About what?” He dipped a French fry in ketchup.

“Your life.”

All she wanted to do was crawl inside his head as he looked out the window past the mountains to many years ago. Just a glimpse, that’s all she needed, a small piece of his innocence.

“I’m not sure. I think it’s the first time my mom took me camping. My father had been deployed for almost a year and so we went camping with my aunt, uncle, and my two cousins in Northern California.”

He smiled at the window. For a small moment in time he wasn’t fighting the cancer or PTSD. It was just a boy and a memory so special he kept it safe for over forty years.

“It was in the fall like now, and cold, as in freeze-your-ass-off cold. I must have been three or four. We huddled around the smallest fire ever. If any of us breathed too hard it nearly snuffed it out. My mom made s’mores except she forgot the graham crackers so we just sandwiched burnt marshmallows between two pieces of milk chocolate. I went to bed with sticky hands but my mom didn’t care. She still zipped me up in her mummy bag with her to keep me warm. When we arrived home my dad was waiting on the front porch.”

Jillian—Jessica—knew how it felt to not know if or when her father would come home. Every time he walked through the door felt like Christmas.

They finished eating, letting his childhood memory linger in the air around them like a delicate bubble that neither wanted to pop. Eventually their waitress popped it for them.

“Can I interest either of you in dessert?”

They both shook their heads so she handed AJ the bill. “Your daughter has your smile.”

AJ shot a lethal scowl at the back of her head as she continued on to another table.

“Lunch is on me, big daddy.” Jillian grabbed the bill.

“No tip. Not one penny.”


A private call to an unreceptive and pissed off McGraw and thirty minutes later they were pulling into a parking lot of a sporting goods store.

“Did you forget your yoga mat?”

“Funny, big daddy, but you know I don’t do yoga.”

“If you call me that one more time—”

“Make it good … really good. Maybe even a little sexually deviant.”

AJ glared at her as she killed the engine. Big daddy’s eyes slipped to her boobs again.

“Wait here.”


“It’s a surprise.” After blowing him a quick kiss she shut the door and jogged to the entrance. Less than ten minutes later she and two employees pushed out carts overflowing with gear.

“What’s all this?” AJ asked, stepping out of the Jeep as Jillian opened the back and loaded everything with the help of the store employees.

“I’m taking you camping.”

“You’re serious?”

She nodded her head, signaling for him to get back in the Jeep as she climbed into the driver’s seat.

“How did you get all that stuff in such a short amount of time?”

“I offered to screw anyone who gathered my list in under five minutes. As you probably noticed it took closer to ten so I’m off the hook.”

AJ frowned.

“I’m joking.” She squeezed his leg. “I know a guy.”

“A guy?”


“By any chance is he the same guy who’s responsible for the pain medication?”


“A doctor?”


“You sold your soul to the Devil for me?”

With a slight head cock, she stared at the road, thinking about that assessment. “No. I’d say the Devil sold his soul to me.”

Jillian felt AJ’s gaze on her, but she kept her eyes trained ahead—to the future, a million miles away from her past.

“Grocery store?”

“Of course. But you can come in this time. We need grub for a few days.”

Ice for the cooler and four bags of groceries later, they were on their way again. AJ started to drift to sleep just as they pulled into the parking area of a primitive campsite.

“Looks like we’re the only ones here.” Jillian smiled at AJ as she got out. “I’ll set everything up. You just rest.”

“I’m not sitting on my ass while you set everything up.” He climbed out with slow, stiff movements.

“You should take a few pain pills anyway so they’ve kicked in by the time we get the tent set up.”

“I’m fine.”

His grumpy reply that she suspected to be a lie gained him an exaggerated eye roll straight to his face.


They set up the tent, an eight-person castle that allowed AJ to fully stand at the tallest part in the middle.

“S’mores?” Jillian called from outside the tent.

AJ grinned as he stepped out, seeing her roasting four marshmallows to a toasted-brown perfection over the low flame of their little camping stove. She had graham crackers and chocolate squares waiting on their plates. Pride beamed from her whole face as she pressed everything together and handed him his plate.

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