The Vision - Jessica Sorensen

Название книги: The Vision
Автор книги: Jessica Sorensen
Фэнтези → Классическое фэнтези
4-5Часов на чтение
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Язык книги: русский
Издательство: CreateSpace Publishing
Год издания: 2011
ISBN: 9781466415157
Размер: 118 Кб
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Описание книги
Gemma thought she was trapped—that Stephan had finally won. But then time resets and she’s given another chance.The clock is ticking as Gemma tries to figure out how to change the vision that ends the world in ice. If she can, then maybe she can save the world from Stephan and give her and Alex a chance at a real future. But changing visions can be dangerous, and sometimes one small mistake can lead to disastrous results.