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Электронная библиотека книг » Jennifer Snow » книга "Fighting the Fall"
Fighting the Fall - Jennifer Snow
  • Книга добавлена: 5 октября 2016, 20:11
обложка книги Fighting the Fall - Jennifer Snow

Название книги: Fighting the Fall

Автор книги:

5-6Часов на чтение
69 тыс.Всего слов

Язык книги: русский
Переводчик(и): Микола Дуркевич
Год издания: 2015
Размер: 139 Кб
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Описание книги

Hollywood actress Parker Hamilton will do anything to get back in the spotlight. Since breaking up with one of the industry’s most successful directors, she’s been in a string of box office busts. Now, she’s found the role of a lifetime in a film about a female MMA fighter and she knows exactly who to ask for help learning the ropes…When Tyson Reed sees a blonde bombshell walk into his gym looking for training, he wants to refuse. He knows her type and he doesn’t need any unwanted distractions while preparing for his upcoming title fight. But if he can’t pay off his brother’s debts, Tyson could lose his gym… and the reputation his family has had in the MMA world for three generations.Tyson never thought he’d be going one-on-one with a spoiled, out-of-shape Hollywood actress. But this is one bout he just may not win—or want to…

  • Просмотров: 224 |

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