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Электронная библиотека книг » Jennifer E. Smith » книга "The Geography of You and Me"
The Geography of You and Me - Jennifer E. Smith
  • Книга добавлена: 15 октября 2016, 06:01
обложка книги The Geography of You and Me - Jennifer E. Smith

Название книги: The Geography of You and Me

Автор книги:

4-5Часов на чтение
67 тыс.Всего слов

Язык книги: русский
Издательство: Headline
Год издания: 2014
ISBN: 9781472206299
Размер: 132 Кб
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Описание книги

For fans of John Green, Stephanie Perkins and Sarah Ockler, THE GEOGRAPHY OF YOU AND ME is a story for anyone who's ever longed to meet someone special, for anyone who's searched for home and found it where they least expected it.Owen lives in the basement. Lucy lives on the 24th floor. But when the power goes out in the midst of a New York heatwave, they find themselves together for the first time: stuck in a lift between the 10th and 11th floors. As they await help, they start talking...The brief time they spend together leaves a mark. And as their lives take them to Edinburgh and San Francisco, to Prague and to Portland they can't shake the memory of the time they shared. Postcards cross the globe when they themselves can't, as Owen and Lucy experience the joy - and pain - of first love.And as they make their separate journeys in search of home, they discover that sometimes it is a person rather than a place that anchors you most in the world. 

  • Просмотров: 340 |

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