Текст книги "Black Moon"
Автор книги: J. Tyler
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Kalen’s bloodlust rose, hot and shameful. He needed to kill. The next one was his, and he’d enjoy every second.
Good, my son. Feed your need. It matters not what your Pack believes they’ve accomplished today. What matters is that you use this as your training. Give in to your desires and we’ll rebuild together. No one will stop us then.
Dammit, the Unseelie had broken through. The hypnotic words tightened their grip on his soul. He could take out the guards, all the staff here, and that was acceptable. He could channel this need without risking his friends. Right?
A bead of sweat rolled down his face. Control was hard. He wanted to give in to the seductive darkness. Needed to.
As expected, the actual labs and holding areas for the captives were located in the middle of the building. They knew they were upon them when sounds of activity reached their ears. There was a voice here and there. The roll of a cart’s wheels along the tiled floor. Beeping from a monitor. An assistant inquiring as to which subject would be brought to the OR next.
And Dr. Gene Bowman, answering, “Bring the wolf to OR-4. I want to try and splice his DNA with human subject 356 again. I’m on the verge of a breakthrough. I can feel it.”
Did you hear that, Nicky?Ryon asked. Then he nodded to Kalen and the others. “His group has taken out the guards in the front and they’re approaching from the other side of this central area. We’ve got them boxed in.”
To everyone, Ryon said, Let’s wait and see where they retrieve this captive from and who he is.
They didn’t have to wait for long. Dr. Bowman disappeared, presumably into OR-4, and the assistant buzzed into a cell by punching a silver button on the wall across the hall. It seemed this setup allowed their captives to be conveniently located right next to their torture chamber. The bars slid open and the assistant went inside.
When the lackey came out, he was dragging a tall man with long, filthy golden hair that hung to his waist. He jerked his captive and for a moment his body faced them before both men vanished into the OR.
“Goddamn,” Jax hissed, fists clenching. “That was Nix!”
“Those sorry bastards,” Ryon said, his voice low and deadly. “Let’s go get him and bring him home.”
They’ve got Phoenix! We’re on the move.
They closed in fast, and Kalen could see Nick round the corner at the other end of the hallway, the rest of the team behind him. Kalen glanced into the cell the lackey had retrieved Phoenix from and spotted three more figures huddled together in misery. For now they’d be safer where they were.
Ryon led the first strike as they burst into the OR. Bowman looked up, shock blooming on his face. The man grabbed a nearby scalpel and brandished it over Nix’s inert body, but the weapon was scant defense against a roomful of enraged Pack brothers out for his blood.
“I’m gonna tear out your fucking heart,” Jax snarled. Then he pounced, taking Bowman to the floor. The man’s scream as Jax ripped him apart echoed eerily in the enclosed space. The asshole had it coming. He’d hurt and killed so many in the search of world domination, and now it was over.
Kalen turned toward the assistant, who had managed to pull a gun from his lab coat. Throwing out a ball of energy, he zapped the weapon out of the man’s hand, and Ryon took him down, ending him in the same manner as the doctor.
Hammer glanced around uneasily. “Is that it? That was too easy, man.”
And then the world exploded into chaos. Literally. All around them, the very walls of the research facility detonated, blowing them off their feet. Kalen’s back hit a counter hard, and then he was thrown to the floor. Pain radiated through his vertebrae, and he sucked in a sharp breath only to get a lungful of debris.
He coughed as dust and dirt rained down. Chunks fell from the damaged ceiling, which threatened to cave as well. Where the hell was everyone?
Wiping the grit from his eyes, he saw his group struggling to rise. The scent of blood hit his nostrils and this time it wasn’t rancid. The aroma was sweet and delicious, and he instantly recoiled. The blood belonged to his Pack brothers. He wouldn’t betray them.
Kill. It’s what you do best.
He pushed to his feet, and his heart sank as more Sluagh emerged from the shadows. Malik had sent them here. This was another test. Kalen wouldn’t fail. But for which side?
Sounds of battle came from somewhere beyond them. Nick’s group. There was no longer a corridor or distinguishable rooms. Just a mess of ruined walls and rubble.
His friends threw themselves into battle with fervor, dispatching Sluagh right and left. More took their place. Using his claws, Kalen slashed, stabbed the beasts’ hearts. He used rapid-fire balls of energy to take some down before they could overwhelm his brothers.
But somewhere in the fight, the line began to blur. The craving for the next kill, and the next, mounted with each life he took. It was all too easy and satisfying. Watch the light die; take the next one. Death and more death. So good.
The darkness took him and he was powerless against it. Without a sliver of the light to guide him, the need to deliver death knew no bounds. He turned, searching for his next victim, to find himself staring into wide, light blue eyes, the face surrounded by layered blond hair.
“Kalen! Don’t—”
The Sorcerer’s hand whipped out almost of its own accord, and he gathered a massive ball of energy. This one would burn right through his opponent’s heart, leave nothing but scorched flesh in its wake. And death. Bittersweet and delicious.
But before he could release the fire, a body slammed into him, knocking him to the dirty floor. He roared, trying to dislodge his enemy, to no avail. He fought to gain purchase. Barely understood the words shouted near him.
“Christ, he’s gone feral! Hold him!”
He struggled harder, but more bodies held him down. He hated being pinned. When men did this, it was for one reason only.
And then he went wild. It was all they could do to subdue him.
“Somebody put him out, goddammit!”
“Sleep, kid,” Nick ordered, palm on Kalen’s forehead.
And he had no choice but to obey.
Mac picked at her sandwich with disinterest. She’d hardly been able to stomach three bites before nausea played ping-pong with the roasted chicken. The food in the compound’s cafeteria was excellent, but nerves and pregnancy were getting in the way of any enjoyment.
The creamy tomato basil soup, one of her favorites, settled much better. She was halfway finished with the bowl when her father came jogging into the dining room. The expression on his face had her on her feet in an instant. She didn’t think she’d ever seen the man look nervous before.
“Daddy?” She reached for him instinctively.
“Baby, the Pack is on the way in. They’re six minutes out.”
“Injuries?” She hurried out, jogging beside him. Stay calm. Professional.
“A few lacerations. Hammer had a broken leg, but Zan healed it.”
“So why the hurry?”
When he didn’t answer right away, she grabbed his arm, stopping him outside the entrance to the infirmary. He gave it to her straight.
“It’s Kalen. He’s gone feral and Nick had to put him out—”
“Oh my God!” she cried. “He’s dead?”
“No! I mean put him to sleep for a while. But it’s wearing off and they’re having trouble keeping him under control. They’ve bound him in silver chains and they’re bringing him here as soon as they land.”
She thought fast. “It won’t do them any good to bring him to the infirmary if he’s not injured.”
“Nick wants him sedated.”
“No. That won’t help. Sedation will render him incapable of defending himself mentally, and that will only give Malik an easier path into his mind.”
“Shit.” The general scrubbed a hand through his hair. “Then what do we do?”
God. No. It killed her to say it, but there was only one solution at the moment. “They need to take him to Block R.” My mate, forgive me.“Call Nick back. I have to ready a cell.”
She ran toward Block R, where they kept the creatures that required rehabilitation. The block housed several residents, chief among them Raven and Belial. Raven was the Pack member and former SEAL who’d been stuck in wolf form for more than five years. Belial was a sneaky, seductive basilisk who had yet to earn freedom to roam the compound.
And now it would house Kalen. Her heart ached for her Sorcerer. Quickly she used the keypad to unlock a cell away from the other residents, opened it, and studied the interior. There was nothing in it but a bed bolted to the floor and a mattress on top of the frame. No sheets or pillows. Nothing that he could use to harm himself.
Her father came around the corner and she heard the commotion heading their way from behind him. Kalen was screaming profanities, out of his head, and she braced herself for a horrible confrontation.
Or thought she had until Nick and several others came in to view, barely holding on to the Sorcerer, who was bound in silver chains. Her mate was enraged, twisting his body and slashing with his fangs to try to take a chunk out of his captors. When that didn’t work, he tried to utter a spell in Latin, but Nick slapped a hand over his mouth hard, risking a nasty bite to stop the chant.
“Bring him here!” Mac called.
They struggled but managed to maneuver him into the cell, where Nick and Jax tossed him across the space, then let him go and hauled ass out of there. As soon as they cleared the door, Mac and her father slid the heavy bars home. They locked into place with a loud clang that was awfully final.
Hands still bound behind his back with the chains, Kalen hit the bars, causing the whole door to rattle on its track. Mac stood immobile, watching the man she loved slam himself into one wall, then the other, totally out of his head.
“Let me go!” he screamed. “I’ll fucking kill you! Every last one of you! And I’ll laugh while I’m doing it!”
Tears welled in her eyes, trickled down her cheeks. She couldn’t stand seeing him like this. “Daddy,” she whispered, grabbing his hand. He held on to her tightly. “What can I do? How do we help him?”
“I don’t know, baby girl,” he murmured. The entire team gathered around, looking equally stricken.
“Feast on your carcasses,” Kalen raved. Laughing, he slid down the far wall next to the bed, uttering curses. Perhaps parts of spells that had no effect in the iron-and-silver-fortified room. His eyes were those of his cat, green, glittering, and elliptical. He smiled, showing off the huge fangs that had almost gotten a piece of his friends. “This is what I am. Blood will tell, won’t it?”
Nick stared at Kalen, his eyes suspiciously moist. “We can’t let him suffer like this.”
“I agree,” her father said.
Aric spoke up. “If we can’t reach him, he’ll eventually bring this place down around our ears. He’s too strong to be kept in a cell for long.”
Nick withdrew his gun from his waistband. “I’ll do it. He’s my responsibility.”
“What?” Mac shouted. “No! You can’t give up on him just like that! I can reach him. I know I can!”
“Honey,” her dad began, his face wretched.
“Please. I’m begging you. Give me a chance to get through to him.” Her voice broke. She trembled from head to toe, terrified that Nick would deny her plea.
“Mac, he’s too far gone,” Nick said gently, eyes sad.
“He’s a man, not a dog to be put down,” she spat angrily, wiping her cheeks. “He promised me he would fight this, and I know he’s in there somewhere.”
“God,” Jax breathed. “Where’s the justice in this? We gave him our word that we’d have his back. What’s our word worth if we let him drown the first time his head goes under water? Even Raven is still here, though he’s been stuck in wolf form for almost six years.”
“Raven isn’t a Fae Sorcerer with an Unseelie sire and the power to destroy the entire world as we know it.”
“Another chance, Nicky. Please.”
One by one, the guys voiced their agreement. Against their united front, Nick wavered, then finally relented. “Forty-eight hours. If he’s not showing signs of improvement, I won’t allow him to suffer any longer. Or to endanger us all.”
Even against the backdrop of Kalen’s vile rampage, the guys were visibly relieved. Kalen was one of their own, and they didn’t want to give up on him.
Nick slumped, looking wiped out. “I need to go check on Phoenix. Melina’s taking care of him.”
One by one the guys hugged Mac, then headed for the infirmary to await word on their old friend, found and home once more. Mac was torn, but opted to stay with Kalen for a while. Nick wouldn’t hear of her remaining behind alone and ordered A.J. to stay with her. Just in case. A.J. nodded, lips pressed into a thin line. He understood the situation very well. And he was trained to handle it.
Mac eyed the rifle with the wicked-looking scope slung over the sniper’s shoulder and her gut cramped in dread. She sent a prayer to whatever deity might be listening for her mate to come out of this safely. Alive and whole.
After the others were gone, Mac turned to A.J. “What happened at the research facility?”
The man shook his sandy brown head. “I was on a hillside doing my part to pick off the uglies. I didn’t know what was going on inside, but suddenly the central area of the building exploded and fell in. I raced down there, but it was all over by the time I picked my way to where the guys were.”
“Surely Nick told you something?”
The handsome man looked away. “Doc, all I know is that the team was ambushed. They were able to get into the research lab and the prisoners way too easily. Then a shitload more Sluagh arrived and they were outnumbered.”
“They don’t think Kalen had anything to do with that . . .” The idea was horrid. But given the way he was acting now—not unreasonable.
“Nick doesn’t think so. But the bloodlust of battle got to your mate. The others said he went into a rage and killed practically the whole damned bunch of those monsters on his own. But they didn’t realize he’d stopped distinguishing between ‘them’ and ‘us’ until he turned on Ryon and came close to killing him, too.”
Mac looked to Kalen, sitting on the floor of his cell. He had his chin tucked to his chest now, dark hair hiding his face, babbling to himself. She couldn’t tell what he was saying, but he seemed a bit more calm. But only just. He was still plenty agitated, rocking back and forth, oblivious to her and A.J. watching.
She moved a little closer to the bars. “Kalen? Sweetie, it’s me—”
His head came up and he growled, baring his fangs. His elliptical, kohl-rimmed eyes showed not the slightest hint of recognition. He was angry, straining at his bonds. And he was afraid too. Confused.
The emotions slammed into her hard, and she gasped. She felt his fear through their bond, and a ray of hope made a pinprick in the gloom as she recalled that he could feel her emotions as well. She could use that to their advantage. Try to reach him.
Moving slowly to avoid agitating him more, she sat cross-legged on the floor. A.J. leaned on the wall nearby, ready in case of trouble. She blocked out the terrible image of his scoped rifle and concentrated on her bond with her mate. Thought of their baby. Her dreams for the three of them. Sent waves of love to him in an endless stream.
His snarling gradually stopped. His fangs receded and his eyes were humanlike again. But humanity was still absent. He remained confused, but the awful rage had subsided. He studied her for long moments before his lids began to droop. Worn out from the events of the day, he slept.
Slumped against the wall, separated from her mate, so did she. Fitfully.
* * *
Kalen was holding her. Stroking her hair. Placing kisses on top of her head. “This is nice,” he murmured.
“Yes, it is.”
He paused, and she sensed he had more to say.
“This is good, isn’t it? Me, holding you?”
He sounded so uncertain, and yet hopeful; her heart swelled. “It definitely is,” she said, hugging him. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
“This is new to me. Holding someone, being held.” His voice resonated a note of wonder.
“Then you’ve missed out on a lot.”
“I’m beginning to see that,” he said softly.
A subtle shift was happening between them. Then, gradually . . . comfort became something more. They didn’t have to be alone and afraid. They’d begun to bond tonight over a shared terror, and now that connection solidified as he held her against his heart. Tilted her face up to his.
And placed the sweetest of kisses on her lips. He started slowly, one nibble at a time. Paused in between, giving her the chance to put out the flame that had been kindled between them. But she wanted him every bit as much, wasn’t about to say no.
Sitting up, he pulled her into his lap. They were both still dressed in their jeans, but situated like this, she had no trouble discerning the erection pressing against her bottom. She wiggled against the hardness, wanting more.
“You’re trying to kill me.”
“Far from it.” Sitting up, she pulled her shirt over her head, baring herself to his gaze. From the sliver of light filtering through the part in the curtains, she could see his green eyes glittering with desire. With need. But also with uncertainty.
“I’ve never done this before.”
“Had sex?” She found that difficult to believe.
“Made love,” he whispered. “With someone I care about.”
Sweet man. “It’s fantastic. Like nothing else you’ll ever feel.”
“Tell me what you want.” Reaching out, he caressed her cheek. “I have to hear it.”
“Make love to me. Give me everything.”
Capturing her lips again, he lowered her to the bed. Kissed her thoroughly for several long moments. He had the best mouth and he knew how to use it—as he proved by nibbling his way down her throat, teeth scraping. Long ones.
“Are you using your panther teeth?”
She gasped as one canine grazed a tender nipple. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
His mouth latched on to the nub, suckling, and she moaned, burying her fingers in his long hair as she’d itched to do for weeks. The black mass was as silky as it looked, thick and just right to get a good grip. She enjoyed the feel of it as much as she loved him lavishing attention on her nipples.
He moved south, kissing her belly. When he moved lower, she had to relinquish her hold on his mane, and whimpered in protest.
“You don’t want this?” he teased, settling between her thighs. “You said to give you everything.”
“And I meant it. I just love my hands in your hair.”
He looked pleased. “Well, you can have it back in a few minutes. Promise.”
Unzipping her jeans, he worked them down and off, along with her panties. Pushing her knees apart, he lowered his head. Flicked out his tongue and lapped at her clit. With a sigh of pleasure, she spread for him as wide as possible. It had been much too long, and she wanted Kalen to have her. Like this, or any way he desired.
His mouth was every bit as talented in this area, too. He licked her folds, delved his tongue in between to fuck her channel slowly. Driving her mad. Then he’d withdraw and suckle the little clit, taking her to the edge. And withdraw again. Lick and suckle. Over and over until she was mindless, writhing.
“Oh, God!”
“What do you want, honey?”
“Fuck me,” she begged. “I need you.”
He didn’t require further encouragement and shed his jeans quickly. Crawling over her, he settled between her legs, placed the head of his cock to her opening. Pushed inside.
There, in the darkness, they came together.
Rocking his hips, he began to move inside her. Deep, to the hilt, and out again. Slow and easy, stoking the fire once again, searing her to the depths of her soul. She buried her fingers in his hair again, watched his face as he made love to her. The pupils of his eyes had gone elliptical and smoldered with passion. The muscles of his shoulders bunched and his fangs protruded as he panted with each thrust, the disk of his pendant hanging from his neck, resting between her breasts.
“Harder,” she urged. “Faster.”
Increasing the tempo, he did as she asked, moaning. Driving them higher. She knew he was close when he gathered her to his chest, hips pumping furiously. She clung to his back, her own release building until—
She shattered with a cry, pulsing around his length. Her release triggered his and he came with a hoarse shout, sinking himself as deeply as possible. He stayed there, convulsing, holding her close, until at last they were spent. Then a bit longer as they came down from the high, kissing the curve of her neck.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
* * *
Mac came awake slowly. It took her a moment to realize she was still lying on the floor in the corridor of Block R—and that someone had placed her on a cot and put a pillow under her head. She was grateful for the kindness.
It took her another moment to realize that her sex was wet and warm, and she squirmed in discomfort. Lord, she hoped she hadn’t been dreaming out loud! Twisting, she saw A.J. sitting a few feet away, resting against the wall with his eyes closed, rifle propped beside him. He didn’t know she was awake yet, so she settled again to let herself wake up.
She’d been dreaming of Kalen. Of their first time making love, in the Wall-Banger Motel, right after the Sluagh had attacked them outside the Cross-eyed Grizzly. That was when they’d made their child together, and no matter what happened, she could never regret it.
Tears pricked her eyes and she finally sat up, searching the inside of Kalen’s cell. He was lying on the bare mattress, asleep, his chest rising and falling slowly. He looked alone and forlorn. It was so far from the beautiful memory of their first lovemaking, and all the times they’d been together since then, that it made her ache inside.
A.J.’s low voice broke through her sorrow. “You’ve both been out for a while.”
“What time is it?”
“Two in the morning.”
“I’m sorry,” she said contritely. “I didn’t mean to keep you here this late. I know you’re ready to fall into your own bed.”
He shrugged. “Got nobody in my bed to make it worthwhile, so I’m just as good staying here, guarding you and Kalen.”
She was touched. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes, watching Kalen. “Melina and Noah brought you the cot and pillow. Said to tell you that Nix is gonna be fine. He’s dehydrated and traumatized, but nowhere near as bad as the shape Micah was in when he was found. He was cracking lame jokes in the emergency room, trying to take the edge off the emotional situation.”
She smiled in spite of everything. “That sounds like Nix. He reminds me a lot of Aric.”
A.J. snorted. “God help us all, then.”
“Not with the snark, necessarily. He’s got a quick wit that’s cutting like Aric’s, but he’s funny at the same time. He’s got the most generous soul of anyone I’ve ever met, and that’s saying a lot considering everyone in the Pack. And he’s a notorious womanizer, too. As soon as he’s healed, I’m sure he’ll round up all the single guys and head to Vegas to party.”
“I’ll be sure not to miss that trip.” He winked at her, and she laughed.
“So, no special lady for you? A.J.’s not going to be the next bachelor to fall?”
“Not on your life,” he said with a cocky smile. “I’ve seen what true luuuv does to you guys, and you’re all insane. I’ll pass, thanks.”
“Hmm. He doth protest too much.”
“Say that with a mouthful of crackers.”
She giggled. She hadn’t really gotten to know A.J. before, and she found she liked him. He was good company, if a bit taciturn sometimes. Though he certainly wasn’t being that way right now, with her.
A low growl caught their attention, and she looked through the bars to see Kalen glaring at A.J. Pushing from the bed, he stalked forward, a bit awkwardly with his hands bound behind his back. Wincing, she hoped his shoulders weren’t too strained from sleeping like that.
He walked up to the bars, leaning his chest against them. His eyes never left the other male’s. “Mine.”
Mac’s breath caught. If he was aware enough to reassert his claim on her to the other man, then there was hope she could reach him. “Yes, mate,” she said softly. “I’m yours.”
His green gaze went to hers, and she saw that his eyes were no longer the slitted ones of his cat. They were no longer feral, but sad. “My mate.”
“Need you.”
“I’m sorry, but you can’t let him out,” A.J. told her. “You can’t trust him yet.”
The knowledge scored her heart. “I need you too,” she said, her voice catching. “But you have to stay there for now.”
“Need you,” he repeated plaintively.
But the battle in his soul still raged. Though there were no outward signs of anger, she could tell by his difficulty forming his thoughts into words that he was struggling. He still wasn’t “all there” and she couldn’t risk herself, their child, or the others.
“You’ll have me soon. I’m here.”
“I will, promise.”
“What’s happening to me?” he whispered. “Why am I here?”
She bit her lip to keep from bawling. The good side of him had battled to the surface and couldn’t understand. When he’d lost it at that research facility, the rush of darkness had been too much. It had damaged something inside him, and she prayed he could recover.
“You’re not well, love. We’re trying to help you, but you have to try hard, too. Do you understand?”
“No. I want out.”
“I’m sorry.”
Head hanging, he slid to the floor and rested his head against the bars. He didn’t move again for a long time.
Mac sat on her cot and cried, hot, silent tears of misery.
* * *
The cold bars of the cell pressed into Kalen’s forehead. He sat still and tried to understand what was going on. Struggled to remember.
Why was he locked away like an animal? What had he done?
Flashes of memory assaulted him, but they were from other times, long past. Bad nights when he sold his body for a few dollars or a crummy meal. That was awful, but nobody had been hurt. Well, nobody but himself.
That wasn’t why he was here. And where was this?
The compound. Right. Block R, where Nick put the creatures who were almost beyond hope. Almost.
He scoured his brain. Where had he been tonight? Or last night? Something about a mission. A research facility . . .
You did well, my boy. I am very proud of your progress.
“What?” he rasped. “What did I do?”
You defeated my Sluagh, and while that is inconvenient for me, it is important training for you, son. You killed dozens of them and allowed the true predator in you to take over. The bloodlust became one with your soul, and you turned your rage on the one called Hunter.
“Ryon?” Sweet Jesus, no. “I killed him?”
If not for the untimely intervention of those meddling dogs, you would have. The war is near, and when the hour comes, you’ll help me destroy them all.
“No. I won’t do it.”
You will, and you will revel in their blood. Remember the pleasure of bathing in it, boy? Of feasting on your kill? That can be yours, always. You and I will rule, father and son. No one will stand against us.
“The blood wassweet.” God, no. He was losing his mind. Falling again.
Yes, son. It sustains us, the juices of our prey. Every night we will feast, not on those mangy Sluagh, but on young and succulent meat. Would you like that?
No, no. “Yes, Father.”
“Kalen?” a sweet voice called from far away. “Don’t listen to him! He’s poisoning your mind!” But her pleas faded.
I’ll bring the most beautiful specimens for us both, each night. They’ll be trembling with desire, eager to sacrifice themselves to the world’s most powerful creatures. They will be helpless against our seduction, spread their legs for us so we can feast on their essence before we slide our cocks deep.
Kalen panted, his cock lengthening in his jeans. Fought against the image, but hunger won. His cock throbbed as Malik continued.
You’re sinking your cock deep into your willing prey now. The tight clasp of heat writhes against you, and you own this body. You are lord and master and this is your due. More?
“Yes, please. Tell me how it will be.” He ground his hard cock underneath himself. Beyond saving.
You own your prey then, for that is what this body is—not woman or man. Simply a sacrifice to satisfy a superior beast. Your rod joins you both as you stroke inside, fanning your flame. Seeking the ultimate high. Just before the peak, you sink your fangs into the delicate throat. Do you taste the sweet, warm blood?
“So good,” he moaned.
It fills your mouth as your prey screams out a release of joy at having experienced this joining. Of being your Chosen One for the evening, your body to enjoy. The prey dances on your cock as you fill it with your seed, until at last the life force begins to leave it. You take the soul into yourself, this precious gift.
His cock erupted, spasming on and on as the decadent scene ended. So wicked.
The sacrifice your prey has given to you is an honor and shall not be wasted. You tear into the throat and feast, and soon move on to the heart, for that is the best meat and will sustain you until the next night. This I promise you.
“You promise,” he whispered.
Yes. You are my son. You are the prince of the Unseelie, and this is your destiny.
“Father, I’ve waited for you for so long. No one else ever wanted me.”
I know, my son. We’ll be together. In mere hours, it will all be over. You know what to do.
He did, and though the light fought to defeat the darkness, it dimmed to almost nothing. “I’ll lower the shields.”
Good. And then?
“I’ll kill them for you. Kill them all!”
Except the woman. She carries our future.
“Of course.” He frowned, but the wisp of light faded away again.
My Sluagh are coming, by the hundreds. You will fight at my side. And when it’s all over you’ll be rewarded with your first prey. Save your appetite.
He laughed. “Can’t wait.”
* * *
“Oh my fucking God,” A.J. croaked, stunned. He stared at Kalen curled on the floor of his cell, consumed by Malik’s poison. They’d heard enough of the Sorcerer’s side of the conversation to glean what was about to go down. “That’s not Kalen anymore. I’m calling Nick.”
Sobbing, Mac fled Block R. She didn’t know where she was going at first, only that she had to get out of there, now.
Help. She had to get help. She’d get Melina and they’d give him the sedative after all. At least he’d be unable to carry out his father’s orders.