Текст книги "Black Moon"
Автор книги: J. Tyler
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The morning following claiming his mate for the second time—with much happier results—Kalen was flying high. So high his lover would’ve given him a drug test if she hadn’t known for a fact it was natural.
So he should have known the buzz wouldn’t last.
After Mackenzie had dressed and headed to the infirmary, Kalen went back to his quarters for a change of clothes. He was contemplating asking his mate if they could move in together when his cell phone rang.
Nick’s name popped up on the display and he grimaced. A call from the boss wasn’t typically cause for celebration, and this one was no different.
“I’ve got a location on your parents,” he said without preamble.
“Well, there’ssome fantastic news,” Kalen replied with all the sarcasm he could muster. This conversation required coffee. Maybe he’d add a dash of whiskey to it, too. “I can hardly wait for the heartfelt reunion. Should I bring tissues?”
“Funny. Don’t you want to know where they are?”
“Not particularly. But I guess you’ll tell me anyways.” Yep, coffee. Better leave out the booze, though. He reached for a mug and stuck it under his single-cup brewer, then hit the switch.
“Your childhood address is still listed in their names.”
Kalen froze, watching the fragrant brew steam into the mug. “You’re kidding.”
“No. The weird thing is that my contact says nobody can recall seeing the Blacks for years. Nobody going in or out of the house, no visitors, nothing. But the house is well kept, flowers planted, grass mowed, newspapers and mail picked up regularly. Records show the bills have been paid on time, et cetera. For nine years. All seems good on the surface.”
“Except not a soul has seen them in almost a decade.” A cold finger trailed down Kalen’s spine. He didn’t need Nick to tell him that something wasn’t right. “When do we leave?”
“You don’t have to go,” the commander said, his voice softening. “You know we’ll tell you what we find.”
“I trust you. It’s just . . . As much as I’d love never to set foot in my hometown again, I’ve come to realize I’ve got to go back and get some closure.” He hesitated. “For me, and for Mackenzie.”
“You and Mac, huh?” Nick’s smile came through in his voice.
“I doubt it’s much of a secret.”
“You’re right, it’s not. You’ve claimed her—the right way this time?”
“Yeah,” he said, glad the man couldn’t see his red face over the phone. Or shit, maybe he could. “She’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me. I love her, Nick, and for some damned reason she loves me.”
“I’m really happy for you, kid. And I agree closure is what you need. Can you be ready to leave in an hour?”
“I’m ready now.”
“Eat some breakfast first, then be at the hangar in an hour. Aric is going to fly us there in the jet, and Ryon is going as extra backup. Those two are the least injured from yesterday.”
“All right, see you then. And, Nick? Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Kalen sipped his coffee for a few minutes, then tossed the dregs down the drain. The idea of facing his parents again after so long made his gut churn, and he wasn’t sure about putting anything in his stomach. But there was no telling when he’d be able to eat next, so he’d better do as he was told.
Only about half of the guys, including Aric and Ryon, were in the dining room, stuffing themselves on pancakes and bacon. The rest must have been sleeping off the beating they’d taken from the Sluagh. Kalen stabbed a couple of pancakes with his fork, grabbed three pieces of bacon, and dug in. He was hungrier than he’d thought and made quick work of it. After telling Aric and Ryon he’d see them at the plane and saying goodbye to the others, he hurried to the infirmary.
A tired-looking Noah pointed him in the right direction, and Kalen found his doc coming from Zan’s room. “How is he?”
“Improving,” Mackenzie said with relief. “His vision is clear now and his hearing is almost back to normal.”
“That’s great news.” He gave her a quick kiss—not nearly the hot, passionate one he’d rather lay on her. But it would have to do. “Will he be out of here soon?”
“By tomorrow, I’d say. So what are you up to?”
He released a pent-up sigh. “Going to see my parents. Nick wants to check out any connection they may have to Malik, considering his claims, and a couple of the guys are going along as backup.”
“You mean his claims that he knew your family and that you’re Fae.” She gazed at him in worry.
“Exactly. I’m not sure my folks are going to be real cooperative, or if they’ll even speak to us.”
“Good luck, honey,” she said, pulling him into a hug and squeezing him tightly. “I know how important it is to you to get answers.”
“I just hope I can handle them once I have them.”
“I wish I could go with you.” Her pretty blue eyes were cloudy with concern. “But I have to take this shift with Zan. Noah is exhausted and needs to get some sleep.”
“Don’t worry about me, baby. I’ll have Nick, Aric, and Ryon with me. I’ll be fine. I promise.”
She bit her lip. “Okay, but call me and let me know how it went. I won’t be able to concentrate on much until you do.”
“I will. See you this afternoon.”
One hug and several long kisses later, he was on his way to the hangar. Christ only knew what they’d find in his hometown.
* * *
Kalen could feel the tension in his neck and shoulders as Aric guided the plane to a stop on the private runway they’d appropriated for their trip. He’d sworn he’d never return and here he was. Back in home-sweet-prison.
Except for Grandma. She’d been the sole positive influence in his life, and without her, he’d quickly become lost. Until Mackenzie.
There was no doubt that his mate drove the darkness back. In spite of Malik’s terrible hold over him, his mate’s was much stronger. She was what Sariel had meant by opening himself to light and love—all along, it had been Mackenzie.
Still, he worried about something happening to shatter their fragile new bond. That it could be crushed like a flower in a hurricane, simply swept away on a tide of cruel fate. He wasn’t being paranoid. It had happened before, the loss of his happiness, his soul. If it happened again, he could become a slave to his own darkness, never to see the light again.
“Welcome to Mayberry,” Aric quipped, bringing the jet to a stop. “Jesus, what do people do for fun around here? Knit afghans?”
“Yep. When the old folks are feeling reallyrebellious, they throw money in the pot for the Bingo winners. And I’m not exaggerating.” His three companions snickered, and he smiled at the memory of Grandma boasting of her big score.
“Hammer would be right at home,” Ryon observed as they disembarked. “He could start a knitting circle since everyone knows he’s really a little old lady in disguise.”
Nick laughed. “Don’t let him hear you say that. He swears by the pastime, says it helps him relax.”
Ryon arched a dusky brow. “Dude, I can think of better ways to relax that don’t involve yarn. Seriously, somebody needs to take that boy under his wing.”
“That boy,” Nick drawled, “lived so deep undercover for so many years he almost lost himself. He’s dined with drug lords, walked the edge with homeland terrorists, and has taken out more dangerous criminals than the four of us combined. If he wants to live a quiet life while off duty, then leave him be.”
Interesting. Kalen had often wondered about the big man, and the glimpse into his past made him even more curious. But now wasn’t the time to dig. They’d come here for a reason, and the knowledge brought him back to reality.
A dark SUV was waiting for them on the tarmac, keys under the driver’s floor mat. Ryon took the wheel and Nick called shotgun, leaving Kalen in the back. With Aric. Who eyed him before settling in, unbelievably, without a single snarky comment. In fact, when he did open his mouth, what came out was pretty damned decent.
“This thing with your folks, man, it ain’t shit. You’re gonna wrap up that part of your life, put it behind you. We’ve got your back. Remember that.”
Their truce was uneasy, but it seemed to be holding. Kalen doubted they’d ever be BFFs, and the man took some getting used to, but he was all right. “Thanks. I appreciate it,” he said, and meant it.
The ride was uneventful, and he checked out the town as they drove past the square. Not a lot had changed, except a few new businesses he didn’t recognize. The trees were taller and fuller, and the city had done some work beautifying the place with flowers and such. Other than those minor details, it was like walking into a time warp.
A few minutes later, when Ryon pulled up in front of his old house and parked next to the curb, Kalen was sweating. He took a few deep breaths, willing himself to calm down. His father was like a pit bull—if he sensed the least bit of insecurity in his prodigal son, he’d go for the jugular and they’d end up having that fistfight that had been years in the making.
Kalen wasn’t fourteen anymore. He wouldn’t take the abuse lying down.
But he needed answers more than he needed to deck his father. They got out of the vehicle, four doors slamming. They started up the sidewalk, but Ryon halted in his tracks.
“Wait.” The blond pushed a fall of hair from his eyes and looked around at the quaint, yellow frame house with the white gingerbread trim. The neighborhood was peaceful, leaves on the old trees swaying gently. Somewhere, a dog barked. A street or two over, children could he heard playing. A typical day.
“What?” Kalen asked, voice low.
“There are two spirits here,” Ryon told them grimly. “They’re warning us to leave.”
“They say why?” This from Nick.
“Something about bad juju. Black magic.”
Great. Just what they needed. “Somehow I should’ve expected this,” Kalen told them. “Hang on, let me see if I can get a handle on anything supernatural.”
Opening his magic, he let it flow outward, toward the house, seeking a like power. The backlash was instantaneous and knocked him backward violently. “Fuck!”
Aric caught him, saving him from smacking the pavement. “Whoa! Found it, huh?”
“Son of a bitch!” Straightening, he glanced at the redhead. “Nice catch.”
“You’re welcome. So, what’s the deal?”
“Just like Ryon’s spirits said—black magic. There’s a thick net over the house, acting as a veil or protection ward of some kind.”
“Can you get rid of it?” Nick asked.
“I think so.” If not, they’d need a shovel to scrape him off the ground. But he refrained from mentioning that.
“Great. Just get us inside before somebody calls the cops,” Aric muttered.
There was that. Blocking out thoughts of curious neighbors, Kalen closed his eyes and opened his magic. Let it flow, cautiously this time, toward the spiderweb of wards over the house. He probed the structure here and there, found points of weakness to exploit. He worked on those while expanding his gift, searching for the right type of spell.
It was a simple veil, constructed to deceive all who viewed the house so that they would see it as it had been long ago. And the signature belonged to a creature he was beginning to know well.
“Malik,” he managed. “This is his work.”
He heard a couple of curses at this news, but kept his focus on the ward. On breaking it down inch by inch until finally it collapsed and dissipated like dust. What remained, the true image of the home where he’d suffered as a boy, reflected what he’d expected to find.
The house was in a state of sad neglect, sitting in a weed-choked lot, the porch falling in. The windows resembled soulless eyes, broken and weeping. The once-cheery yellow paint was faded and peeling, making the house appear diseased. That wouldn’t be too far from accurate.
Ryon started up the cracked, uneven sidewalk. “Christ, what a mess. Why would Malik bother to mask the actual condition of the house?”
“I can think of one good reason,” Kalen said. “He didn’t want anyone going inside.”
“Be alert going in.” Nick eyed the house warily. “We don’t need any more of you laid up or worse.”
They stepped onto the porch carefully, and the rotted boards groaned under their combined weight. It seemed to hold, though.
“Ladies first,” Aric quipped, smirking at Kalen. At Kalen’s glare, he immediately attempted to look contrite. “Sorry. Old habits.”
Kalen laughed, surprising the redhead. The others smiled, too. If he was going to be a real part of this team, he’d have to learn to laugh at himself a little. Okay, a lot.
He tried the door and the knob turned easily. Every cell ready to spring into action, he swung the door open. All that met him was the scent of dust, cobwebs . . . and something he’d smelled dozens of times before, in cemeteries all over.
The wolves must’ve picked up on the scent, too, because Nick laid a hand on his shoulder. “You can wait outside if you want. Nobody will think less of you.”
He knew what they were likely to find. But Kalen hadn’t come this far to face his demons only to back down at the last second. “No, I’m fine. Let’s do this.”
At the commander’s nod, they moved inside and began to search the house, sticking close. The interior must’ve been covered in an inch-thick layer of dust. Cobwebs littered the corners. Ryon moved into the kitchen and in a moment he called out.
“Hey, come look at this.”
Kalen followed them inside and stared at the mess. The stench of old, burnt food assaulted their sensitive shifter noses. Two pots sat on the old stove, charred black with something that must’ve been cooking at one time. Ryon opened the oven and started coughing, slamming it closed again.
“There’s a pan of something in there that I think used to be meat of some kind.”
“Gross,” Aric said, wrinkling his nose.
Nick waved a hand at the room. “So, dinner was cooking. And then what?”
“Nothing good,” Kalen said. “Let’s check their bedroom. Mom would often come home after work and change clothes after she started dinner. She always said it was nice to unwind after a long day.”
He really, really hoped they didn’t find anything. He’d rather his parents just be gone without a trace than to discover what he was afraid they would. But his prayers were not answered.
The reality was so much worse than he’d imagined.
Nick, in the lead, stepped through his parents’ bedroom doorway first and immediately spun around, holding out both hands. “You don’t need to go in there.”
“Fuck if I don’t! Move, Nick.”
Peering around their boss, Ryon gaped and Aric shook his head. “Nah,” Aric said. “You really don’t want to go in.”
“I’m a grown man,” he said evenly. “It’s not as if I didn’t know something was terribly wrong the minute I discovered that the wards belonged to Malik. Let me in so I can put an end to this part of my life.”
After several beats of agonized silence, they parted to allow him entrance. What he saw assured him there were some things that were never truly over—for the living, that is. Sometimes there was nothing but horror that would remain with a person for the rest of his life.
The dried-out, mummified husks of his parents lay in the room, as abandoned and forlorn as their once-unhappy home. His father lay on the floor to one side of the bed, his clothing long turned to rags. But that wasn’t the most chilling detail.
He’d been decapitated. His head was sitting on the dresser at the foot of the bed, overlooking the corpse of his mother.
She had been bound to the bed, wrists over her head, and from what he could tell, had been naked when she died. Her face was turned toward the severed head on the dresser, her mouth frozen in a silent scream.
“Their spirits are still here,” Ryon whispered. “They’re telling me Malik did this. He bound Mrs. Black to the bed, then killed Mr. Black while he made her watch. And then he left her here to die slowly, alone with the horror of her husband’s murder and her own impending death.” Ryon’s wide, empty gaze found Kalen. “Mr. Black has a message. He says he hates you. You’re a bastard, and he hopes you rot in hell.”
Ryon’s eyes rolled back in his head and he hit the floor.
Kalen’s stomach lurched. “God. I’m gonna be sick.”
He bolted for the tiny bathroom and barely made it to his knees in front of the grungy toilet before he lost his breakfast. He heaved his guts until there was nothing left and he was sure his stomach lining must’ve turned inside out. A hand clasped his shoulder and he jumped.
“You all right, kid?” Nick gave a humorless laugh. “Dumb question. Come on, let’s get out of here. I’ll put a call in to Grant and have him send a team to make this mess go away.”
“Grant? We don’t need him, boss,” Aric scoffed. He helped a shaken Ryon get up, then came to stand behind Nick at the threshold of the bathroom. “We can take care of this ourselves.”
Nick thought about that for a moment, then asked Kalen, “Do you want anything from this place? What about the house?”
“My grandma’s photo albums,” Kalen answered hoarsely. “My mother got them when she died, and I’d like to have those. Then burn the fucking house down.”
Aric nodded. “I can do that. With pleasure.”
“Without damaging any other homes nearby?”
“You bet.”
Nick gave Kalen a hand up and the guys rallied around him as they left the bedroom, blocking his view of the awful scene. Though it was too late for that, he appreciated the gesture.
The search for the albums was mercifully brief. His mother had kept them on a bookshelf in the living room, and his friends gathered an armload of several dusty books, taking them out to the SUV. Kalen trailed behind, turned and took one last long look at the place that held so many sad memories. So much horror.
Remembering his mother, a lump burned in his throat. Whatever her failings, she’d loved Kalen once. But her many mistakes, like marrying his father, had sealed her fate. She might have loved her son, but she hadn’t fought for him. She’d been too beaten down, without hope.
And whatever secrets she kept had died with her.
Or had they?
Malik was unusually quiet at a time when Kalen would have thought he’d be gloating, taunting him with riddles and more secrets. Not to mention punishing Kalen for his betrayal, for going straight to Nick and the Pack about the planned attack on the citizens. The mating bond must truly be stronger, and he was grateful for the reprieve.
“Cloak us, magic man, ’cause this baby’s gonna burn.”
Aric threw out his hand and a column of fire shot to the dilapidated porch. The house went up like dry kindling, and Kalen barely managed to get another ward in place before the entire neighborhood witnessed a spectacle they wouldn’t soon forget.
They watched as the hungry flames consumed the structure. Reduced it to ash. In minutes it was over, only a heap of smoldering rubble left to mark where his life had begun.
Aric steered Kalen toward the SUV. “Ryon, get us the fuck out of here.”
“I’ll drive,” Nick said. “Ryon’s still a little out of sorts.”
As they climbed into the vehicle, Aric muttered, “Jeez, this town may look like Mayberry, but it’s really Freakville, USA. Givin’ me the goddamned creeps. Whole town’s probably full of goblins or some shit.”
Kalen’s lips curved upward in spite of the seriousness of their grisly find. Aric was just so . . . Aric. One of a kind. They’d had their differences, but he was turning out to be a stand-up guy.
In less than half an hour, they’d returned the borrowed SUV to the spot where they’d found it and were jetting toward the compound in Wyoming.
Toward home, and better yet, the woman he loved.
* * *
Mac’s cell phone buzzed on her hip and she grabbed it and read the text from Kalen.
Landing in five. XOXO.
XOXO back at u. How’d it go?
Bad. Tell u soon.
In my office. Come when u can.
“Crap.” Badcould mean anything. She wished they could talk in each other’s heads like the wolf Bondmates, but while she and Kalen were more sensitive to each other’s emotions and the general direction of each other’s thoughts, actual telepathic communication didn’t seem to be in the cards for them. Anxiously, she paced her office until finally a knock sounded.
She hurried over and flung the door open, and her Sorcerer practically fell into her arms. “Oh, honey! Are you okay?” She tried to pull back to check him over, but he clung even tighter. Tucking her head under his chin, he kissed her hair, his lean body shuddering.
“They were dead,” he choked.
Oh, no. “Your parents?”
“Dead, like for years. Maybe since I left home. Christ, they were mummified.”
“Sweetie, I’m so sorry,” she whispered, aching for him. “It must’ve been such a shock, finding them like that.”
“My mom was bound to their b-bed, and my father’s head was on the dresser. The killer made her watch and then left her there with him like that. Just left her to die.”
She held him for a long time, tried to comfort him while he shook. She felt so helpless, uncertain what to say. “Who do you think did this?”
“Malik’s signature was all over the wards he left on the house,” he said with difficulty. “Ryon said he killed them.”
“What about the scene? Did you guys leave it alone?”
“No. Nick wanted to call your dad and have him bring in a clean-up crew, but Aric offered to torch it instead. It’s gone, all except for Grandma’s photo albums. I brought those back.”
“That’s good. I’m glad you were able to save something that belonged to her,” she said gently.
He fell silent for a moment. At last she managed to extricate herself from his death grip and urged him into a chair. Taking a seat next to him, she held his hand. His eyes were red and he looked so lost, her heart went out to him.
“I feel like it’s my fault that they’re dead,” he said quietly. He looked at her, his expression wretched.
She put on her therapist hat. “That’s an understandable reaction. But let me ask you, were you there when they were killed?”
“And why weren’t you?”
“Because my father had thrown me out.”
“And you were only a fourteen-year-old boy. Therefore, there’s nothing you could’ve done to save them. You might even have been killed along with them.”
“Maybe, but I don’t think so.”
“Really? Why not?”
“They were the target of Malik’s revenge, not me. If he had wanted me dead, I would be by now. I’m too useful to him to die. He’s said as much.”
She managed to hide her shiver of fear. They both knew that if the killer was Malik—and that seemed highly likely—the Unseelie could change his mind at any time. He could decide that Kalen was a liability he couldn’t afford, especially if he failed to win him to his side. Through their bond, she felt Kalen’s worry. He was strung out, on the edge.
“Why don’t we go rest in my quarters before dinner? Zan was released earlier, so I’m free.” She tugged him up and linked her arm through his as they walked toward her apartment.
“I don’t deserve you,” he murmured.
She burrowed close to his side. “Don’t.”
“It’s true. All of the bad shit that’s happening is about me.”
“No. It’s about Malik’s quest for world domination. You had nothing to do with the birth of his plans.”
“But from the time I was a child, those plans had something to do with me. He killed my parents, just like he’s murdered everyone who’s ever hurt me. And he hasn’t done those things out of love—I’m important to him. Or rather, my power is.” He gave a bitter laugh.
“But you’re more important to me and to the Pack. Don’t forget that.”
“I’ll do my best, baby.” Squeezing her hand, he gave her a grateful smile.
The two of them continued to her apartment holding hands and she enjoyed their closeness, the warmth of his bigger palm enfolding hers. Inside, she slipped off his duster and tossed it on the sofa, then pulled him into her bedroom. He gave her a questioning look, hope and desire flaring in his eyes.
“Make love to me, please,” she murmured, skimming a palm over his chest.
He sucked in a breath. “Thought you’d never ask.”
She took care of him, undressing him as he watched her, his expression as vulnerable as a boy’s. But his body was all man, as evidenced by the desire rising to kiss his stomach. He was breathtaking, made of sleek, lean muscle. Dark and dangerous. All hers.
“I love you, Kalen.”
“I don’t understand why, but I’m glad. You make me so happy,” he breathed. “Let me love you back.”
He undressed her with just as much care as she’d shown him, then pushed her gently onto her back. This time there was wasn’t a lot of foreplay. A few heated kisses on her lips, and he parted her thighs, moved between them. Found her moist center with the head of his cock and slid inside. Made sweet, leisurely love to her with sure strokes, bringing them to a breathless peak. Then sending them over.
Clinging together, they rode their climax until they lay spent. And afterward remained entwined, soaking up the golden glow of their bond.
He sighed, sated and spent. When he spoke, his voice was filled with wonder. “God, that was wonderful. What does a beautiful, intelligent woman like you see in a freak like me, baby?”
Rising up on her elbow, she frowned at him. “You are not a freak. You’re the man I love and I wouldn’t change anything about you, except for taking away your hurts.”
He squeezed her tight. “I just wish I’d been born a normal kid from a regular, white-bread family. Then I could be an everyday guy for you.”
“Well, if you had been born any different we wouldn’t even have met,” she said. “Besides, I love you exactly how you are. By saying you wish you were different, you’re questioning my choices and my intelligence. Is that what you mean to do?”
Sucking in a breath, he hugged her tight as she cuddled into his side again, and dropped a kiss to the top of her head. “No, it’s not. You’re right and I’m sorry. You’re the one good thing to come out of all of this, you know that?”
“ Weare the one good thing.” She nuzzled his bare chest.
“Yeah. You make the darkness go away,” he whispered. “You’re my light.”
Her throat tightened with emotion. “Then hang on a bit longer and we’ll beat it together.”
* * *
Mac awoke to a persistent knocking coming from somewhere beyond the bedroom. Disoriented, she glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand and realized it was seven in the morning. She and Kalen had missed dinner and slept all night.
The knocking came again, and she frowned, wondering who in the hell would be pounding on her door at this hour. Her cell phone lay silent beside the clock. If someone needed her, why hadn’t they just called?
With a sigh, she rose and donned a terry cloth robe, ignoring the ominous rumble in her tummy that signaled an impending onslaught of morning sickness, and hoped the visitor didn’t wake Kalen. Her poor mate was exhausted from all the crap he’d been dealing with and deserved to sleep. But later she had something to share with him that she hoped would make him happy. The idea of telling him gave her a little thrill.
She was thinking about whether to share the news over omelets or take him for a walk instead when she opened the door without looking through the peephole—
And found herself face-to-face with General Jarrod Grant of the US Navy.
“Dad!” she squeaked.
“Baby girl!” he boomed, giving her a big smile. “Surprise!”
Instantly she was wrapped in a huge bear hug, the stuffing squeezed out of her. “Oh my God! Isn’t it, though?” Oh, shit. She was almost always overjoyed to see her dad. Except when her new Bondmate was lying in her bed, sexually sated and snoozing.
“Let me look at you,” he said, setting her back from him a bit. “You’re lovely, as always. Almost glowing.”
Imagine that.“You look rather handsome yourself.”
It was the truth. Her father was still a very good-looking man, even pushing sixty. Everywhere he went, he turned heads with his toned, military-hard physique. His dark hair was more salt than pepper these days and there were laugh lines in the corners of blue eyes that looked just like Mac’s, but it all added to his ruggedly masculine appeal.
“Thanks, pumpkin.” He glanced to the kitchen with a hopeful look. “Got any coffee?”
“You bet. Coming right up.” Please don’t let the smell of it make me sick.She kissed his cheek, then moved into the kitchen to put on a pot. They were all going to need it. Idly, she gestured toward his crisp dress uniform. “Here on official business?”
His happiness dimmed some as he took a seat at the small table. “You could say that. Got a call from Nicky a couple of days ago that I couldn’t ignore. So here I am.”
“That’s rather vague,” she said drily, fetching three mugs. She resisted the urge to bite her lip, figuring the extra mug wouldn’t go unnoticed.
It didn’t. “You got company?” he asked, tone carefully neutral.
“Um, you could say that.” Ugh. How awkward. “But it’s fine, really. In fact, there’s something I need to—”
“Hey, baby. Do I smell coffee?”
Yawning sleepily, her Sorcerer walked right past her father seated at the table without noticing him. Her dad’s eyes widened and his brow shot up. Thankfully, Kalen had put on his jeans before venturing out of the bedroom, but given his disheveled state, the top button undone at his waist, and no shirt, it was pretty darned clear that this man was her lover.
Her enthusiasticlover, who wrapped his arms around her and gave her a soul-melting kiss while her father smirked at her behind Kalen’s back.
She managed to pull away with an embarrassed laugh. She was a grown woman and this was her life, but still. “Uh, Kalen, sweetie. There’s someone I want you to meet.”
“Huh?” Confusion furrowed his brow until she turned him to face her dad. “Oh! Damn, sorry! I didn’t realize we had company. I’m Kalen Black,” he said politely, voice uncertain, as he stuck out his hand.
Her father rose to his full six-foot-four height, smirk gone. In her dad’s place was the man who could—and had—made grown men pee their pants. “General Jarrod Grant.” He took the offered hand, giving Kalen the unmistakable once-over that let the other man know he was being measured. And that the jury was out.
“Nice to meet you, sir.” To his credit, Kalen didn’t flinch. He stood straight and tall, meeting her father’s gaze with a level one of his own, silently communicating that while he was respectful, he was no pushover.
“You too, Kalen.” Her dad paused, narrowing his eyes as he released Kalen’s hand. He glanced between his daughter and the man in her apartment. “You’re the Sorcerer Nick was telling me about. You’re the reason the Pack is having so much trouble with that Unseelie bastard.”