Текст книги "Wild Silver "
Автор книги: Iris Johansen
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caught her eye. He experienced a hot thrust of emotion that
was totally new to him. „You appear to be exceptionally
generous in your giving. That could be very dangerous for a
woman. Some men prefer that such generosity be confined
solely to themselves.“ His lips twisted. „I’m beginning to
believe I may be included in that group. I find it quite a
surprising discovery.“
A bewildered frown wrinkled her brow. „Half the time I
don’t understand what you’re talking about. Do all Russians
say one thing and mean something else?“
„Probably, though it’s a trait not confined entirely to my
„What a waste of time and effort. It’s far more sensible to
say exactly what one means.“
He threw back his head and laughed. „You like honesty?“
His ebony eyes were suddenly dancing roguishly. He took a
step closer to her. „All right, I’ll stop being Russian and adopt
your American ways.“
„Nicholas,“ Mikhail said warningly. It was the first time he
had spoken since she had entered the room and Silver’s gaze
flew to the face of the huge Russian. The Cossack’s gaze was
fastened on the prince with apprehension and rueful
„She wants honesty, Mikhail,“ Nicholas said in a reckless
tone of voice. „Why not give it to her?“ His gaze held Silver’s.
„Shall I tell you what I want? One, I want Dominic Delaney.
Two, I want to take off all your clothes and carry you to a bed,
even one in this nunnery. Not necessarily in that order. At the
moment the urgency is definitely for the latter.“
Her eyes were wide and wondering as a child’s. „You wish
to fornicate with me?“
He chuckled. „Good Lord, I’d wager you didn’t learn that
word at the staid Mrs. Alford’s academy.“ He nodded. „That’s
exactly what I want to do and shall do at the earliest
She gazed at him for a moment, her cheeks scarlet. Then
she shook her head, hard. „No.“
„Are you afraid I can’t please you?“ His tone was only a
level above a seductive whisper. „I promise you won’t be
disappointed. Come with me now. I have a carriage waiting
and we’ll go back to my boat. You don’t belong here among all
these prim young misses.“
A pained expression appeared on her face but quickly
veiled. „No, I don’t belong here. No one knows that better than
I do.“ Her chin rose. „But I don’t belong in your bed either.“
„You’re wrong; that’s exactly where you do belong.“ He
bowed mockingly once more. „But I can wait. It may even
whet my appetite.“ Something hot and wild flickered in the
darkness of his eyes. „Though I doubt it, because I’m already
very hungry indeed.“ He glanced over his shoulder at Mikhail.
„You see, my friend, I was very good. I didn’t throw her down
on the rug as you thought I might. Now we can go.“
„A good idea,“ Mikhail said dryly. „This is no place for you
Nicholas made a face. „You’re right. It’s difficult to breathe
in here.“ He turned back to Silver. „Good afternoon, sweet, I’ll
be looking forward to our next meeting.“
„I’m not sweet, and we won’t be meeting again.“
He tilted his golden head and regarded her apprais-ingly. „I
was mistaken. You’re quite right: there’s nothing sweet about
you. You’re like the vodka made in the Kuban. Hot going
down and explosive after. I’ve always had an insatiable thirst
for that vodka.“ He turned to the arched doorway and then
turned back as a thought occurred to him. „Silver Dove?“ He
burst out laughing. „Good Lord, what a misnomer. You’re
more like a firebird.“ He put on his black silk hat and strolled
leisurely out the door.
Silver found herself staring after him, seething with a wild
confusion of emotions. „He’s mad,“ she muttered. „He
couldn’t have meant…“
„He meant it.“ Mikhail Kuzdief had paused beside her and
was gazing down at her, his deep brown eyes oddly
sympathetic. „And he is not mad, only a little wild. Still, it
would be better if you ran away.“
„Why?“ She looked at him in surprise.
„Nicholas is used to getting what he wants,“ the big
Cossack said simply. „But if you are not here…“He shrugged.
„He saw you only once. Maybe – “
„Why are you warning me?“ Silver asked curiously.
„Because I think Nicholas is right. You do not belong
among the tame hens in this place.“ His gaze gravely searched
her face. „But I am not sure you belong anywhere else either.“
She flinched. „If I don’t, I’ll make my own place.“
A faint smile touched Mikhail’s lips. „Yes, that is what we
must do.“
„I also belong nowhere.“ He put on his big black sheepskin
hat and turned toward the door. „Except with Nicholas. I have
warned you, but my loyalty is to him.“ The glance he gave her
over his shoulder was sober. „Always.“ He strode out of the
Nicholas was waiting for him in the carriage and cast him
an amused glance as he climbed into the carriage. „You
warned her?“
„Yes.“ Mikhail closed the door of the carriage and settled
himself across from Nicholas.
„Do you think she will heed your warning?“
The carriage started to move, the horses hooves echoing on
the cobblestone street.
„Neither do I.“ Nicholas leaned back on the leather seat.
„Thank God. I believe I would be ready to break your head if
you’d made it difficult for me.“
Mikhail looked at him in surprise. He had known Nicholas
since they were children, and one woman had always been
much the same as another to him. He had assumed it was the
rebellious defiance of Silver Delaney that had caused him to
react so explosively. Now, as Mikhail studied Nicholas more
closely, he was conscious of something else. „You want her
that much?“
„That much.“ Nicholas closed his eyes. „God, I’m so damn
hard, my guts are twisting.“
„We will be back at the levee soon. I’ll fetch one of the
women to your cabin. Which one do you want?“
None. He wanted none of them, Nicholas realized with
amazement. He wanted Silver Delaney or no one. What kind
of a spell had she woven over him? He didn’t answer for a
long, time, his gaze on the neat little hedges that bordered the
equally neat little houses lining the street. „We’ll be leaving St.
Louis tonight. Tell Robert to be ready to cast off by nine
Mikhail nodded.
„I’m taking Silver Delaney with me.“ Nicholas’s gaze
shifted to Mikhail’s face. „You don’t have to help if you
choose not to do so.“
„I will help,“ Mikhail said quietly. „I will send her carriage
away and be waiting for her when she leaves to go to the
circus tonight.“ He paused. „But I want to do it alone. The
more men there are, the more chance that she will be hurt. I…
I like her, Nicholas. Do not hurt her.“
„Rape?“ Nicholas made a face. „My God, when have I ever
raped a woman? I have no taste for using violence on any
But Nicholas had never been placed in a position where
force was necessary, Mikhail thought worriedly, he’d only had
to smile or speak sweetly and women flocked to his bed. But
Silver Delaney was not’a woman who would yield without a
struggle. She would be as fierce as the women of his own
people. „I would like your promise.“
Nicholas looked at him in surprise. „What the hell is wrong
with you? I told you what Bentsen reported on Silver Delaney.
The girl is no blushing virgin. There have been men aplenty
between her thighs.“ His expression hardened. „And she stood
there and watched while they hung Andre.“
Mikhail merely gazed at him, not speaking.
„Oh, very well,“ Nicholas said with exasperation. „You
have my promise. I’ll not force her no matter how much I’m
provoked. Satisfied?“
Mikhail nodded.
Nicholas slowly shook his head. „Why are you so
„I do not know. You are right, she is probably able to take
care of herself, even with you, Nicholas.“
„Exactly,“ Nicholas said. But would Silver Delaney want to
protect herself? He had known a plethora of passionate women
and had learned to recognize the signs when he saw them.
Silver Delaney possessed a potential for fiery sensuality
greater than any he had ever encountered before. If he wasn’t
mistaken, it would take very little to arouse her to the point
where she would be pleading for him to come into her.
Just the thought of her lying in his bed, her arms
outstretched with yearning, sent an aching heat to his groin.
His heart was suddenly slamming hard and fast against the
wall of his chest. Tonight. He drew a deep harsh breath and
tried to relax. Damnation, he didn’t know if he could wait until
Silver moved slowly, heavily, through the arch of the parlor
entrance toward the curving staircase. She must get to her
small room on the third floor, she must close the door, close
out what had happened between her and Nicholas Savron.
„Silver.“ Mrs. Alford’s dulcet tones rang through the hall.
„I do hope nothing is amiss with your family. No one has
suffered an illness?“ The headmistress’ pale blue eyes were
bright with curiosity as she hurried forward. „His highness
was most insistent on speaking to you alone or I would have
been there to support you.“
Silver gazed at her blankly. She had never heard that note
of concerned sweetness in Mrs. Alford’s voice in the two years
she’d been under her roof. At least, not when the woman was
addressing her. „No, there’s been no illness.“
„Then perhaps it would be proper to invite his highness to
dinner. It would be a social coup of the first order to entertain
Prince Nicholas. You have no idea how prestigious it would be
for the academy. I’ve just been speaking to Miranda’s mother
and she says the entire city is in a tizzy about his arrival.
Rumor has it that he’s fabulously wealthy and his mother is a
favorite at the court of the tsar.“
So he hadn’t been lying; Nicholas Savron was truly a
prince. The thought sent an unexplainable rush of
disappointment through her. Why should it matter? Nicholas
was only an extraordinarily handsome young man who had
spoken words of lust to her. Such words had been spoken
before and been stopped by the little knife she always carried
with her. The knife could stop Nicholas also, perhaps he would
be even easier to discourage. His exquisite attire and cultured
manners could reflect a will that was equally soft.
„Silver! You’re not listening to me.“
„What?“ Silver glanced absently at Mrs. Alford’s
displeased face. „Oh, no, I’m not.“ She started up the stairs.
„And no, I won’t invite Nicholas Savron to dinner.“
„You won’t invite his highness?“ The woman’s voice was
„No,“ Silver said again, even more clearly. „I will not see
him again.“
She heard the headmistress’ indignant gasp and then
proceeded to ignore the woman as she climbed the stairs.
He was gone. Why did she still see his face before her? She
had behaved so stupidly. Pray God he hadn’t noticed the effect
he’d had on her. She had blushed and trembled like one of the
giggling ninnies who were her classmates. He had smiled at
her with that wicked golden charm and she had felt a melting
somewhere deep within her. She had wanted to reach out and
touch him, run her fingers over the clean outline of his upper
lip and then up the broad plane of his jaw and perhaps – What
was she thinking? Of course she did not want to touch him.
She had always found it difficult to touch any person with
Yet, if she had wanted to touch Nicholas Savron, it could
mean only one thing. Lust. She was beset by the same malady
that was common to all young animals, the same fever that had
driven her mother to lie with Boyd Delaney. Fear shivered
through her as she remembered how strong had been the
response of her body as she stood before Nicholas. She had
never dreamed how terribly strong that response could be. She
must fight it. Who should know better than she how dangerous
lust could be? She had lived all her days on the fringe of life as
punishment for her mother’s yielding to that siren call. But she
was stronger than her mother; she’d had to fight to prevent
herself being crushed by the contempt of both Apache and
white. She could close her ears to that siren call even when
sung by a golden warlock.
Good Lord, the man was actually a danger to Dominic. A
Russian prince could not be Durbin’s pawn as she had first
assumed, but Dominic had made many enemies during his
years on the run. It was entirely possible Savron could be one
of them. He wanted to use her only for his body’s pleasure and
to get the information he wanted from her. She had no
intention of letting him reach either goal.
No, under no circumstances would she ever see Prince
Nicholas Savron again.
„My word, what have we here?“ Lee Bassinger straightened
away from the rail, his pale green eyes avid with curiosity as
he watched Mikhail Kuzdief stride up the gangplank. The
blanket-wrapped burden slung over the Cossack’s broad
shoulder was squirming and kicking vigorously, and a swath
of long, silky dark hair suddenly became visible as the blanket
loosened. „What, or should I say who, have you brought for
our friend Nicholas? I would have thought he’d have enough
feminine companions to choose from without importing
more.“ His thin lips curved in an empty smile. „I suppose it
could be that he prefers unwilling women occasionally. Well,
so do I. Perhaps we could share her.“
Mikhail did not answer, and his glance brushed Bassinger
as if he didn’t exist when he strode past him down the deck
and then up the wide staircase toward the staterooms.
Bassinger’s gaze followed him, the smile on his face never
wavering until Mikhail disappeared from view. Then he turned
back to look at the gleaming lights of the city. Interesting, He
knew very well that Savron did not force his bed partners. All
the bastard had to do was smile at a woman and she would
perform acts Bassinger had to use a whip to persuade the little
pullets to do for him. Why, then, had he sent that huge bull to
bring this woman to him against her will?
A flicker of excitement touched him and his hands
tightened on the rail. A weapon at last? He wasn’t a patient
man, and having to smile and be civil to Savron and his coterie
had caused the hatred to fester within him until it almost
choked him. Yet he had learned a long time ago that deceit was
a quality that must be fostered if a man was to have everything
he wanted in life.
And he would have everything. He may have been born
dirt poor but he had fought his way this far and he wasn’t
about to let a fop like Savron take anything from him. He
would have the Mississippi Rose again, and his highness
would be punished for humbling him.
He consciously relaxed his grip on the rail and
straightened, the smile returning to his face. There was always
a key to be found to bring a man to his knees, and his instincts
told him that Mikhail had carried that key on board the Rose
tonight. It was only for him to wait and watch until he had the
opportunity to use that key.
Mikhail threw open the door to Nicholas’s cabin and strode
into the stateroom. Nicholas rose easily to his feet, his gaze on
the bundle over the Cossack’s shoulder. „Good, God, Mikhail,
did you have to use two blankets? She must be smothering
under there.“
„I should have used ten,“ Mikhail muttered as he strode
across the room and dropped his burden on the bed. „And I
should have let you come with me. I should have let an army
come with me.“ He unwrapped the blankets with two quick
jerks and Silver tumbled free, rolling over to the opposite side
of the bed. Her wrists were tied behind her back and a
handkerchief gagged her mouth, but her eyes blazed up at
them as she continued to struggle to free herself. Mikhail
tossed the blankets on the floor and reached over to pull the
gag from Silver’s mouth, quickly jerking his hand away as her
strong white teeth snapped at him. „She is a wild animal.“
There was a curious note of pride in his expression as he gazed
down at Silver’s face. „If I had not taken her by surprise, I do
not think I would have been able to overpower her. She is a
fine, strong warrior.“ He carefully brushed a strand of hair
from Silver’s eyes, his expression gentle. „It is all right now.
No one is going to hurt you.“
„But / will hurt you.“ Silver glared up at him fiercely, still
struggling desperately against her bonds. „You can’t do this.“
„It appears that he can because he has.“ Nicholas strode
forward to stand over her. Her long hair was lying in wild
silken disarray against the peach-colored velvet of the spread
and he felt a sudden thrust of desire tighten his groin. He had
been sitting there imagining how she would look lying on his
bed, and the reality was even more erotic than his vision.
„Though not without some effort.“
„You!“ Her light eyes were glittering with rage as she
began to curse him with venom and amazing proficiency.
He lifted a brow. „My, my, she’s quite talented isn’t she,
Mikhail? The last time I heard a vocabulary so explicit was
from my groom at the estate on Crystal Island. Should we
release her, do you think?“
„Only if you wish to relieve yourself of a few fistfuls of
excess hair,“ Mikhail said dryly, gingerly touching his own
tousled red mop. „Before I got her hands tied I was sure she
would strip me bald. Best wait until you have talked reason to
„Reason?“ Silver struggled to a sitting position. „There is
no reason connected with this outrage. It’s madness, as I’ll
soon show you.“
„I’m sure you’ll try.“ Nicholas smiled. „And it will be
fascinating to watch your attempts. I may even be sorry to see
you depart after you tell me where your uncle has disappeared
„You’ll be sorrier to see me stay,“ Silver hissed. „Do you
think I’ll let myself be trussed up and served to you like a
turkey for Christmas dinner?“
„The trussing is only temporary. I’ll untie you as soon as
we get far enough away for it to be safe.“ He tilted his head,
listening. „Hear the paddles? Since I gave orders to cast off as
soon as Mikhail came aboard, that should be very soon. I have
no liking for bondage of any kind.“
„You lie! And my presence here is proof of it.“
A flicker of anger crossed his face. „I believe you’re
beginning to annoy me. So far you’ve cursed like a sailor,
threatened me, and called me a liar.“
„Let me loose and I’ll do more than that to you. I’ll stick
my knife in you as I did your friend.“
Nicholas stiffened. „Knife?“ His gaze flew to Mikhail.
„She stabbed you?“ His attention had been so absorbed with
the girl, he had scarcely glanced at Mikhail. Now he saw that
the Cossack’s tunic was torn and a rivulet of blood stained the
whiteness of the left sleeve.
Mikhail shrugged depreciatingly. „A pinprick.“ He bent
down and pulled a small dagger out of his boot and tossed it to
Nicholas. „Yet it might be wise to remember she is not without
„Like all vipers.“ Nicholas looked down at the dagger, his
beautifully molded features hard as the marble of a tombstone.
„She could have killed you. I should have gone myself, my
A touch of anxiety clouded Mikhail’s features. „A
pinprick,“ he repeated. „She was only defending herself. The
wound* will be gone by tomorrow.“
Bewilderment pierced the seething fury Silver was
experiencing. It was clear the big Russian was defending her
from Nicholas Savron’s anger. Why would he help the prince
abduct her and then rush to her defense?
„Do you need a doctor?“ Nicholas asked gently. „I’ll have
Robert dock again and send someone for help.“
„The woman – “
„The woman is not worth one drop of your blood.“
Nicholas gave Silver a glance as cold as winter sleet. „I
will deal with her later.“
Mikhail shook his head. „I have no need for a doctor. She
did not hurt me.“
„Only because you – “ Silver broke off as Mikhail shook
his head warningly at her. „I will speak. Do you think I’m
afraid of either of you?“
„You obviously have no need to fear Mikhail. It seems he’s
been foolish enough to take a liking to you,“ Nicholas said
softly. „But you’d do well to be afraid of me. I value Mikhail,
and I don’t think I’ve ever been quite so angry with anyone in
my entire life.“
„Liking? He abducted me.“
„On my orders. And he insisted on going alone because he
felt it would be safer for you.“
„Or because you were too cowardly to go with him,“ Silver
said contemptuously.
Mikhail inhaled sharply and took an impulsive step forward
as if to place himself between Silver and Nicholas. „Nicholas,
she is only a woman. She did not –“
„Only a woman,“ Silver repeated indignantly. „A woman
can do anything a man can do. She can do more. Why do – “
„Shut up!“ Nicholas enunciated with great precision.
„I should not have taken the gag off her.“ Mikhail sighed
morosely. „I should have known her tongue would be as sharp
as her dagger.“
„Go take care of your wound.“ Nicholas’s gaze was
narrowed on Silver’s face. „I have a fancy to prove myself to
the lady.“
Mikhail gazed at him helplessly. Nicholas was dangerously
infuriated, and it was evident that Silver Delaney was not
about to try to placate him. „You gave your word.“
Nicholas gave him an incredulous glance. „Good Lord, she
stabbed you and you’re still defending her?“
Mikhail’s jaw squared stubbornly. „You promised me.“
Nicholas – muttered something fierce and obscene beneath
his breath. „And I’ll keep it, dammit.“
Mikhail turned toward the door and then glanced over his
shoulder at Silver, a gentle smile lighting his craggy features.
„I will be back soon. Do not be afraid.“
Silver glared at him. „I’m not afraid and I need no
Mikhail slowly shook his head and shut the door quietly
behind him.
Silver immediately turned to Nicholas and opened her
mouth to speak. Nicholas raised his hand. „Not one word or
I’ll put the gag back on you.“ She hesitated and then pressed
her lips together. „Very wise. I’m holding on to my temper by
a very precarious margin, Silver.“ He sat down on the bed
beside her, not touching her, but close enough so that she
could feel the heat emanating from his body. The faint scent of
musk, brandy, and tobacco drifted to her nostrils. „I’m about to
give you the rules that will govern your stay while you’re on
the Rose. Are you listening?“
She gazed up at him mutinously.
„I see you are.“ He smiled faintly. „First, let’s discuss why
you’re here.“
„You want Dominic.“
„Exactly. I suppose I should give you the option of telling
me where he is.“
„Would you let me go if I did?“
„I’m afraid I’d be forced to do so. Do you wish to oblige?“
Silver drew a deep breath. Lord, she hated lies. Still, if it
would give Dominic a little more time. „He and Elspeth went
back to Killara in the Arizona Territory.“
Nicholas’s expression hardened. „I see you’re as prone to
falsehood as the rest of your sex is. Randall’s investigators
ascertained that your uncle was most definitely not at Killara.
It’s obvious asking you for the truth will accomplish nothing,
and I admit I’m a trifle disappointed. I thought you more
honest than most.“
A flush stung Silver’s cheeks. „I’m honest with those I
respect. You deserve only lies from me. I’ll tell you nothing
about Dominic.“
„But when he finds you’re gone from Mrs. Alford’s
nunnefy, I’d say there’s an excellent chance of him coming
after you,“ he said softly. „I posted a letter to your former
headmistress telling her you’d decided to accompany me on a
little pleasure cruise. If he’s as loyal to you as you are to him,
he should be waiting at the levee when we return to St. Louis.“
„He won’t even hear that I’m gone. There wouldn’t be – “
She stopped. „You’ll be disappointed if you think you can use
me to draw Dominic to you.“
His gaze narrowed on her face. „You seem very certain.“
He shrugged. „No matter. Then you’ll remain on the Rose until
you tell me where he is.“
„You can’t keep me here.“
„Oh, but I can. Shall I tell you how?“ Nicholas’s long,
shapely hand reached out and smoothed her hair back from
one temple, his touch as delicate as the brush of the wings of a
butterfly. „There is no one to help you here. This boat belongs
to me and you’ll find no one interested in any plea for aid.
Mikhail and my friend, Valentin, are completely loyal to me. I
have a party of acquaintances on board, but I assure you their
only interest is to have an amusing time. They include fifteen
or so strumpets from a New Orleans brothel and a number of
gentlemen whose idea of pleasure would cause even you to
blush.“ His gaze ran over her, touching on the primness of her
dark blue school uniform. „I’ve told Valentin to inform them
you’re the resident of a similar baudy house in St. Louis and
that you specialize in a pretense of little-girl purity. A certain
kind of man finds that pretense very exciting, you know.“
She hadn’t known, but she brushed the knowledge aside as
unimportant. „There is still the crew.“
He nodded. „Who would lose very lucrative positions if
they displeased me. I think they, too, would prefer to believe
my story.“
So she would be alone in her struggle with Savron. For a
moment she felt a tiny frisson of apprehension before she
dismissed it impatiently. Her struggles had always been alone,
except when Rising Star had been there to support her. This
was no different. „I don’t need help. I’ll still get away from
A flicker of admiration crossed his face. „No tears? No
pleas? I can almost see why Mikhail has developed a fondness
for you.“
„I never cry.“ She met his gaze. „And you will never hear
me plead.“
„Oh, but I will.“ Passion flared in the darkness of his eyes.
„And it will be my very great pleasure to grant those pleas.“
Silver felt a breathless twisting sensation in the pit of her
stomach. Lust. But it could not be lust when she felt only fury
at this golden-haired man. Was her body’s response so
mindless that it took no note of her mind’s bidding? She tore
her gaze away. „You will see.“
He was now looking at her with curiosity as well as
sensuality. „Why are you not threatening me with the wrath of
the Delaneys? I was told they’re a very powerful family.“
„I do not belong to them,“ she said haltingly. „I have
friends among them. My cousins Brianne and Patrick, Elspeth
and Dominic, but the others – “ She stopped and raised her
chin proudly. „I would not ask them for help. I told you I had
no need of the Delaneys.“
Nicholas experienced a strange aching tenderness that took
him by surprise. Pride, isolation, and courage were all there in
her face, and there was something beneath that armor that
stirred him to pity. He understood armor. He had worn it
himself since he was a small child and he knew what hid
behind it: loneliness, hurt, and wariness. He felt a sudden
impulse to reach out and draw her to him, cradle her in his
arms as he had never been held himself in that time so long
ago. His hand moved from her temple to her cheek. „Silver, I –
“ He broke off. My God, what was he thinking? This was the
tiger cat who had just sunk her fangs into Mikhail, who had
watched Andre die a horrible death, who had taken lovers as
casually as any court demimondaine. Surprisingly, it was this
last thought that brought the welcome anger that burned away
any hint of softness. „Good, then I needn’t worry about being
punished for my sins.“
„Worry. / will punish you.“
He suddenly chuckled. „If I give you the opportunity,
which I have no intention of doing. You will be confined in
this cabin unless I give you permission to leave, and I promise
you that if you bash me over the head while I’m sleeping or
steal your little knife back and stick it in my heart, Valentin
and Mikhail will be very displeased with you. I know you
won’t believe this, but they’re both quite fond of me.“
„I don’t believe it,“ she said flatly.
„Pity. I’m a very charming fellow.“ He smiled wickedly.
„I’ll be glad to demonstrate how agreeable I can be.“
She stared back at him unsmilingly.
„No? Well, then I suppose I’d better show you how
impossible it would be to escape even if I were no longer an
obstacle in your path.“ He leaned forward and quickly sliced
through the ropes binding her wrists. He stood up and strolled
toward the door facing the bed, pausing with his hand on the
knob to gesture to the other door to the left of bed. „That door
leads to the grand saloon, where you would encounter any
number of gentlemen eager to drag you into the nearest
stateroom and have their way with you. Please refrain from
using that door under any circumstance. I intend to be the only
one who’s going to have his way with you on the Rose.“ He
opened the door and inclined his head mockingly. „And this
door leads to the deck.“
Silver swung her legs to the floor and stood up. She crossed
the room, her gaze fixed warily on his face. He stood aside to
let her precede him.
Cool, moist air touched her cheeks and a lazy breeze
ruffled through her hair as she walked out onto the deck. She
heard the door close behind her as she moved over to the rail
and looked down at the churning waters below. It had seemed
as if only a short time had passed, yet the lights of the city had
almost disappeared from view. Now there were only dark
forests, high bluffs, and the river.
„I understand the Mississippi is over a mile wide in many
places,“ Nicholas said softly in her ear. „An impossible swim
for a woman. And I hardly think you’re stupid enough to risk
drowning yourself.“
„No, I’m not stupid.“ Silver did not look at him as she
deliberately fought down the flare of anger she felt at her own
helplessness. Anger would blur her thinking and put her at a
disadvantage, and she already felt more uncertain in Nicholas
Savron’s presence than she ever had before in her life. She
needed all her wits about her to find a way to escape this boat
and get back to Etaine. What if the child suffered another
attack and she weren’t there to help her? She had gotten better
and Silver had been filled with hope, but what if the recovery
did not last? Fear edged her voice. „You’ll not hold me. I’ll
find a way.“ She glanced sideways at him and drew in her
breath sharply. The moonlight frosted his golden hair with a
silver sheen, and he was as beautiful as any ancient god. It was
almost an irresistible temptation to let her gaze linger, but she
forced herself to look back at the river. That angel-devil beauty
was a snare, a weapon he no doubt knew well how to wield.
She must not let herself become entangled in his web.