Текст книги "Globalization: beginning of a new stage (“About the current moment” №2 (109), March 2013)"
Автор книги: Internal Ussr
Соавторы: Internal USSR
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[9] The full control function (term of the Sufficiently General Control Theory, Russian acronym – DOTU) includes: 1) identification of problems, 2) setting aims with respect to problem resolution, 3) generation of a conception of achieving the set aims, 4) implementation of the conception into life, 5) ongoing control in coherence with the accepted conception and 6) improvement of the conception as required, 7) freeing up resources used for control process after the process is completed (i.e. the aims are achieved or the total control failure).
[10] Conceptual power controls the initial stages of the full control function.
[11] Terms of SGCT (Russian acronym – DOTU)
[12] Rationale of this view is managerially primitive: there are no global administrative structures and building them is impossible, since all separate states are against it: so how to control globalization?
[13] In post-soviet Russia it has been called "Washington ReCom" (Regional Committee), in Iran – "USA – the great
[13]Satan", etc.
[14] In Russia, at least from the middle of the XIX century, this was characterized by an expression “Englishwoman takes a dump”; also the “London CeCom” (Central Committee) of bourgeois liberalism, which rules the "Washington ReComm."
[15] In Russia this version of the globalization is called "Jewish-Masonic conspiracy."
[16] This silence of the mass media could mean, from the point of view the vast majority of journalists-political analysts, that either these organizations have very little power, or that they have power over many things, which should be kept away from the commoners’ attention.
[16]In our opinion, activities of these organizations are associated with long-term ("long-playing") processes of global-political character lasting several decades, which do not fall within the range of interests the vast majority of journalists and ordinary people living by momentary sensations.
[17] Alternativity to the biblical project may be twofold: either in the terms of cultural singularity, implementing crowd-"elitism", or in the terms of denial of the crowd-"elitism".
[18] See SGCT (Russian acronym – DOTU): processes in supersystems, interactions of mutually nested supersystems with a virtual structure.
[19] In the article: “London Congress of the RSDLP“ Stalin wrote: “No less interesting is the national composition of the congress. The figures showed that the majority of the Menshevik group were Jews (not counting the Bundists, of course), then came Georgians and then Russians. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of the Bolshevik group were Russians, then came Jews (not counting Poles and Letts, of course), then Georgians, etc. In this connection one of the Bolsheviks (I think it was Comrade Alexinsky 4) observed in jest that the Mensheviks constituted a Jewish group while the Bolsheviks constituted a true-Russian group and, therefore, it wouldn't be a bad idea for us Bolsheviks to organise a pogrom in the Party” (J. V. Stalin, Works, Vol. 2, 1907 – 1913). The last phrase should be understood as a statement of unacceptability of the biblical globalization project and an intention to replace it from the practical policy with the Bolshevik project to build a society in which there is no room for exploitation of “human by human”.
[20] See analytical note IP USSR “Japan and Russia: “copycats” or “predictor-corrector” in action?” of the series “Of the current moment” №6 (54), 2006
[21] “For China the only way to eliminate the “yellow threat” paradox is re-globalization. Current globalization is, in essence, spreading over the world of Western order, Western spirituality and the materialistic culture. But we need globalization of a different order, globalization of values, which would respect and express all existing cultures in the world, as well as approaches and models of development; fully reflect the diversity and richness of the civilizations.
[21]Historically, Western civilization's dream was triumph of the human values ??in their Western understanding, the chinese civilization – the “great unity” Datong. Nowadays, the world requires these chinese values, because only in them universal values were expressed to full extent.
[21] In modern times, pro-Western “universal values” chained the world in shackles, and Western civilization began whittle down the cultural diversity of the Earth. However, european intellectuals has realized, that Western culture can not cope with the perpetual changes of the world, or even to offer an effective way out of the debt crisis. They are eager to place their hopes on the Chinese civilization, hoping that it will be able to pave a new, different from Western way into the future. In other words, the world needs the Chinese dream. And for us, it is an inexhaustible source of strength and confidence that the theory and order chosen by us are correct, and that we are on the right path" (http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90883/8092980.html – translation of the “People’s Daily” newspaper “‘Chinese Model’ breaking hegemony of Western universal values” 14.01.2013).
[22] “In the past, the banner of internationalism was lifted high in the foreign policy of New China. However, during the thirty years, since the beginning of the policy of reforms and openness, the ideological component of foreign policy had gone to the sidelines, the direct public interests had been put at the forefront, and banner of internationalism had slumped. But now it's time to take the reins in the pursuit of profit and strike a balance between the material and spiritual needs. Announcement of the course to the "new internationalism" in foreign policy clearly indicates that there the blossoming of Chinese values?? is coming.
[22] Course to the "new internationalism" meets the needs of China's diplomacy in maturing. By its real power, China has risen to second place in the world, but China's international prestige does not comply with this provision, so we absolutely need to increase our moral involvement in the affairs of the world. The new internationalism will allow us to fully realize the positive energy of China (…)
[22] In the early stages of the New China, we firmly believed in the superiority of the socialist system and fearlessly engaged in peaceful competition with capitalist countries. But there was a time when the path of socialist development of our quest almost stalled, the economy was on the brink of disaster, and we did not have the strength to really influence the world. But then the global financial crisis erupted, which once again clearly showed all the flaws of capitalism and again many questions have arisen to the Western political system. Comprehensively» analyzing the difference between the different political systems and models, people again turned to the ideals of Marxism. In thirty years we have ensured that our rapidly growing economy has become a real economic miracle, gradually the advantages of the socialist system have began to come to light again. Our confidence that our system, the theory behind it, and the chosen way – is right, got stronger. Thirdly, we have already gained a strong base, since the ideas of internationalism cut across the history of China's foreign policy. Fourthly, it is promoted by our traditions and culture. Peacefulness, the desire for greater mutual trust and good-neighborly co-existence and harmony in relations with all countries – all this is reflected in the traditional culture of China, and all of this here, and there is something in common with the ideas of internationalism, calling for greater unity, mutual assistance and cooperation. Remember the "Conversations and judgments" by Confucius: "the philanthropic person – the one who, seeking to strengthen himself [on the right path] helps in this the others, trying to get the best of all cases, and in this helps others." "Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself". In all these statements, which are an integral part of traditional Chinese culture, the spirit of internationalism could be felt" (http://opinion.huanqiu.com/opinion_world/2013-01/3486363.html – “Huanqiu” newspaper, article “China takes course to the new internatiolism” 14.01.2013
[22]http://www.inosmi.ru/world/20130115/204641939.html#ixzz2OH7NGNR7 – russian translation of the same article).
[23] In the mainstream of this version the CPRF (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) is drifting, politically unwilling, without making any effort to change the world.
[24] See analytical note IP USSR “The long-term strategy to overcome Koranic Islam with the help of wheeler – dealers of the Biblical Project” (2010)
[25] “Spiritual community of many jointly living people.” The term was coined in the 19th century by A. Khomyakov and does not have an english analogue.
[26] For more information about psyche types – see the works of IP USSR: “The basics of Sociology”, “From corporatism under cover of ideas to the Sobornost in Kingdom of God on Earth” (this book is only available in russian, for example at www.dotu.ru). Once again the term “Sobornost” is a “spiritual community of many jointly living people”.
[27] They themselves are convinced in their peacefulness, but beyond the borders of China they are feared because of more than 1.5 billion population, as well as because of the growing military and economical power with undeclared purpose. One of the first reactions in the mainstream of defense again the chinese globalization, “yellow threat”, is the statement of India’s desire to join the Customs Union formed by Russia (note, that the past counts numerous conflicts between PRC and India because of the demarcation of their territories).
[28] Example of such idle waffling of the young russian psyche-trotskyite you could see by following this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2idKheYxvk.
[29] Constructive discussion is such that the participants come to identification of mistakes and fallacies of each of them and adopt a common view on the situation, free from the initial errors and fallacies evoked from outside.
[30] One of these discussions at the global level is the discussion with the US on the problems of missile defense deployment in Europe, which had been going on for decades.
[30] Another example – perestroika and the following it market-economy reforms. In order to drag the society into the discussion, under cover of which the USSR was being purposely destroyed, the “glasnost” of the perestroika times» was necessary. It had nothing in common with freedom of speech and opinions, since denouncing the psyche-trotskyist policies of perestroika opinions were not allowed in the mass media.
[30] Nowadays, in best traditions of psyche-trotskyism, S.E. Kurginyan is attempting to impose upon the society another discussion about the “Russian destiny”. The basis for identifying him as a psyche-trotskyist is the fact, that in two decades of his public political activity, he still has not desired to reveal the content of that “Red project”, for the revival of which he supposedly stands: there is no "sociology of Kurginyan" in the conceptually certain statement. There are numerous dissatisfactions with the past, the present and the future prospects, many emotions, fantasies, that substitute reliable factology in the absence of access to it (so-called "analytics"), many criticism of political rivals, sometimes substantively correct, but no exposition of the content of the project, which he serves. For example, see http://video.sibnet.ru/video556445-Proekt_KGB_SSSR_Andropova_Berii_Putina_provalilsya/ [rus] or recordings of television programs of the series "The essence of time” (2011). All that, similar to Trotsky, is aimed at manipulation of crowds, which believe without the realization of the essence of what they believe.
[31] See works of IP USSR “Muslim face of trotskyism?” (1996), «Sad heritage of Atlantis. (Trotskyism is “yesterday”, but in no way – “tomorrow)”» (1999), “The work of Trotsky under Stalin’s banner – the new product of “political chemistry” (2003).
[32] One of the brightest faces of psyche-trotskyism has revealed B.N. Yeltsin: see his talk with A.A. Zinoviev on a french TV channel “Antenna 2” in the programme “Apostrophes” №709, 9th of March 1990. (http://www.ina.fr/video/CPB90002759/la-rencontre-eltsine-zinoviev-video.html [fr]; http://zinoviev.info/wps/archives/136 [rus]) and compare his declaration with his following actions as the head of state in the 90s.
[32] In particular, from the statements of B.N. Yeltsin in that interview (statement about unwillingness to replace M.S. Gorbachev as a president of USSR, with explanation – “the future is with Russia”)it could be understood, that then he already consciously worked to destroy the USSR. However, neither in the USSR, nor in post-soviet Russian Federation this interview was ever shown on TV.
[32] Mass media state that after this “duel” with A.A. Zinoviev, B.N. Yeltsin has finally withdrawn from public debates. But A.A. Zinoviev also did not perform so well, did not "see through" the vile nature of Boris Yeltsin and drew political prospects of "perestroika" and the Soviet Union, rather different from those that have been implemented by Boris Yeltsin and his team of puppeteers. Why this discussion has been named a “duel” is unknown, since every participant talked about his own thoughts, not delved into the views of the opponent and did not try to either develop nor deny them, nor to show their inconsistency.
[33] On the other hand, Trotsky’s approval is one of the constant topics of speeches of Geidar Jemal, the chairman of Russian Islam committee of Russia.
[34] A default, in a general sense, is understood as information that is not declared, but is assumed without declaration and adds to the information declared. The information by default may contradict information declared.
[35] Many representatives of the political establishment of the US have trotskyist past (for example, see http://neofit.narod.ru/doktrina/neokon_usa_genisareckaja.html [rus]; http://www.anti-glob.ru/mnen/neotr.htm [rus] and others)
[36] See work of IP USSR “Basics of Sociology” (Part 3).
[37] The team and corporate crowd manipulation is characteristic to liberalism, in contrast to individual-leader manipulator, which historically often conceals a background team that manipulates the “leader”.
[38] See work of IP USSR “From corporatism under cover of ideas to the Sobornost in Kingdom of God on Earth” (2003).
[39] Marxism in this sense – is originally a psyche-trotskyist teaching. Claims of true marxists-trotskyists to Stalin are that he has build a policy, suppressing defaults of marxism and supplementing its declarations by his own, which reveal the defaults of Bolshevism.
[40] TV series “Highlander” about MacLeod is about that metaphorically, although wrong in many places, due to authors’ preconception in unalternativity of crowd-”elitism” in universal scale (ie even beyond Earth).
[41] If judged by his memories, then Anatoly A. Vasserman (popular journalist and political analyst and commentator) is following this path. Although, he has not walked the entire way of liberation from psyche-trotskyism (in particular, he considers himself a marxist; and marxism is originally an expression of psyche-trotskyism, due to the denial and suppression of good declaration by existing defaults), since he has not yet developed a clear understanding of psyche-trotskyism as a personal-mental as well as social phenomenon: http://www.odnako.org/blogs/show_20233/ (article “All and now. Trotskyists change colour but still stay the same”).