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Destiny's Puppets
  • Текст добавлен: 18 апреля 2021, 18:02

Текст книги "Destiny's Puppets"

Автор книги: Henri Mallet

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Текущая страница: 2 (всего у книги 4 страниц)


The Director of the military base Egorov was sitting in his study behind a huge desk. His determined, handsome face had a simultaneous expression of worry and disgust, and there was a hint of fatigue in his hazelnut eyes. Egorov tapped his fingers on the sheet of paper lying in front of him.

«Shit, how did I miss it?» he mumbled again in a low voice.

Egorov took the sheet again and re-read it. The letter, written in a neat woman’s handwriting, was addressed to him. There was a date and a signature at the bottom. At last he drew a deep breath, like before jumping into water, and pressed the secretary’s call-button.

«Svetlana, please, find Morozov and call him here.»

He looked at the sheet of paper with disgust once again. There was a knock on the door.

«Come in,» said Egorov, sat straight in the chair and put on a serious expression.

Morozov, his deputy and a long-time friend, entered the room, stepping lightly. Morozov was a keen sportsman and looked a model Soviet officer. The uniform fit him like a glove.

«Dmitry, come in and sit down. We need to talk. I have a curious document for you. Read it carefully and then try to explain at least something to me.»

Egorov handed Morozov the sheet of paper. Dmitry looked at his boss attentively. His short hair was perfectly combed, and there was nothing but composure and sternness in his eyes. They had been friends for many years and he knew that if Egorov started talking in a dispassionate, indifferent tone it meant no good. Morozov looked at the paper and started reading. From the very first lines he understood what had happened and managed to quickly subdue a wave of rage. He read it and put the paper on the desk, and looked at Egorov. They were sitting silently for some time, staring at each other. Still saying nothing, Morozov got up and walked over to the window.

The boss had a perfect view from his window a feast for an artist’s eyes. Morozov loved just standing there and admiring the scenery, but at that moment he did not feel like enjoying the beauty of nature. He did not know what to tell Egorov, how to explain to him that the letter contained nothing but distorted facts. Dmitry turned back, looked at the paper once again and a hot wave of range welled up inside him, but he realized perfectly well that rage was useless here. Morozov sat down at the table again and, looking at Yegorov, finally spoke.

« Nikolay, we have known each other for many years, and you know me well. You know, naughty where I live and work is not in my rules, and even more so with a girl like Svetlana. She has been working for you for a couple of years, and you know she nips all the attempts of her colleagues to flirt with her in the bud, there is nothing to reproach her with. She is a very beautiful girl, but serious and responsible.»

The boss’s expression did not change. He was staring at his friend for some time, and then he took a file from his desk and handed it to him.

«Have a look – this is Nelly Belov’s file. She was employed here because she is the fiancée of a sailor – Victor Tabunov. They are both from Ivanovo. But for a personal request from the Leningrad KGB she would not have got a job at our military base.

Morozov was briefly fumbling through the pages of the dossier. The girl looking at him from the standard photo was not a beauty at all. She looked suspicious and filled with resent for the entire world. The image of her face was complimented with two large moles and massive ears. Nelly came from the family of dispossessed kulaks, finished the technical school in Ivanovo and kept a low profile. There have been no complaints about her during her work at the base. She is diligent, efficient, and punctual. Speaking of men, she had close contacts only with her fiancé, Victor Tabunov.

The next page was much more interesting for Morozov. It said that Nelly Belov was Valentina Bykov’s close friend, that she was a frequent visitor at her home and even participated in family celebrations. But the most important thing was that Valentina Bykov’s father was the director of the Leningrad KGB office. It was he who made a request that Nelly Belov be enlisted here.

«A provincial girl to have such a friend? Quite weird. Where on earth did, they meet and become friends, one being from Ivanovo and the other – from Leningrad?» Morozov raised his head.

«Perhaps they met when Nelly was an intern in Leningrad. The girls worked together. Nelly seemed to win Bykov’s trust, visited her home.»

«But what does it change?»

«You read on,» Egorov retorted peevishly.

When Morozov resumed reading, he gave way to temper.

«It turns out that she wrote this denunciation of 15 September, on 16 September she and her fiancé filed a request to get married, which they did on 17 September, and on the same day they submitted a request for the fresh husband to be registered in Nelly’s room on Nevsky avenue. A very smart job, indeed! But what do we gain from this? We still can’t prove that Nelly tried to poison Svetlana with intent!» in Dmitry Morozov's voice there was disgust and indignation.

«That is not even the point. Bykov called me this morning. The Bykov from the Leningrad KGB office and the father of Valentina Bykov – Nelly’s close friend. As far as I can guess, Nelly asked her friend Valentina, she asked her father to press me to provide the newly-weds with good housing. And I can say that but for this denunciation I would have found them suitable accommodation even without Bykov’s call. Now you do understand that I have to do something. And it turns out, I have to fire Svetlana or throw this Nelly out! I suspect that she was frightened and turned to her friend's father for help not by accident,» sparks of anger flashed in Yegorov's eyes.

In the silence of the office, the cries of seagulls outside the window began to be heard.

«So I understand you believe me?» Morozov uttered almost in a whisper.

«Of course! We’ve been working side by side for ages. And I know Svetlana from cradle. There is nothing to say here, all is clear.»

The men looked at each other in silence for a while.

«Here’s what I think,» Egorov took another file and opened it, «this is Victor Tabunov’s personal file. There is nothing special in it, but once the situation has turned this way, I have made a decision to demobilize Tabunov! Look, here is the doctor’s report that Tabunov has had several blood pressure jumps. And you cannot allow a person with high blood pressure serve on a submarine. As he has just married, his wife will go with him to the place of residence registration, namely – to the city of Ivanovo.» Egorov sneered at Morozov, «how do you like this gambit?»

«That’s why you are the boss and I am your deputy.»

«Dmitry, please, ask Svetlana to prepare all the necessary documents as soon as possible. The newly-weds need a vacation to go on honeymoon, and their move to Ivanovo will take some time.»

«Of course, I’ll deal with it at once.»


Again, Major Lazarev re-read the dossiers of the people he was going to deal with in the near future. He examined the schedule of rehearsals and performance in the studio theatre «Youth», as well as the plan of the building and Mikhail Fedorov’s comments to it.

«Well, ladies, shall we dance?» he said his favorite joke in a low voice.

He had heard this phrase in an old western. Before the fight with the host of opponents, the main character gripped two huge revolvers in his hands and said in a triumphant tone, "Well, ladies, shall we dance?” He then jumped up high, made a revolution towards his opponents, and stayed clear from their returned fire by producing kind of dancing movements. Shooting accurately, he killed all of his opponents on the spot. And of course, there was not a single scratch on him. Anatoly Lazarev chuckled, put the file away in the safe and left the room.

Anatoly went to the building of the theatre studio «Youth» through the side door. He passed through the foyer that housed portraits of actors, photos from performances and posters on the walls. He found himself in the auditorium, where a unique aroma of theatre dwelled. Only the stage, where the rehearsal was in full swing, was lit. Carefully, trying not to make a noise, Anatoly sat down on a jump seat and started watching. He immediately recognized Mikhail Fedorov. He was an actor of immense charm and talent, famous for many roles in movies, and now was the leader of his own theatre company. Women of all ages went crazy over him.

Mikhail, with a bundle of papers in his hands, was lightly moving around the stage while simultaneously giving instructions. «Sasha, if I say that the music started it really should! What are you busy with? Are you asleep? Masha, please, come onto the stage not between these trees, but from there and at once start hopping and moving right in this direction,» Fedorov stamped his foot slightly in the right spot on the stage.

«Larisa, my dear, what are you wearing? Pick up your skirts, or they will cover everything on the table when you sit on it.»

Major Lazarev looked closely at the girl which Fedorov called Larisa. In the photo she had seemed prettier than in person. She had an amazing figure, a perfect poise and graceful movements. But the face is rustic, and the "duck" nose obviously spoiled the overall picture, but bright, expressive eyes attracted and covered all other flaws in appearance.

«Hard-working, sturdy, talent for dramatic identification, affectionate,» Anatoly’s memory helpfully reproduced Larisa’s characteristics from her personal info file.

«Hi, the future mom of the Crown Prince,» Lazarev looked closely at the girl, trying to find the right way to approach her at once.

«And where is the «Prince»?»

Anatoly called Gleb Svetlov "Prince", because the young man was the grandson and heir of Emperor Nicolas II. Major took a good look at the actors on the stage, but Gleb was not there. He spotted him at once, as soon as he looked in the parterre. Svetlov was sitting next to Roshin.

«Here are our doves,» Major Lazarev observed with satisfaction.

He leaned forward a little and began scrutinizing the actors sitting in the parterre. At that moment Fedorov clapped his hands and began giving orders in a sonorous voice.

«OK, stop sit back. Everybody on stage and let’s run through the whole scene. Sasha, wake up, please, follow the action, the music must merge with it. Igor, no, stay here and only move back … yes, that’s OK.»

Fedorov went down to the parterre and remained standing.

«They began!»

On stage, the actors played the episode, and Lazarev watched what was happening, sitting in the darkened part of the auditorium. The play did not interest him at all, but the acting of those he came here for – really did. A few moments later Svetlov joined the rehearsal – he was saying his lines and moving towards Larisa. Anatoly saw Panko’s eyes light up.

«She is either a talented actress, which, by the way, is mentioned in her file, or she is interested in Gleb not only as a stage partner. And this is already a very good sign,» Major Lazarev chuckled.

Even if Anatoly had not seen her dossier, he could clearly see that this girl was blue-blooded. Panko projected such confidence and harmony that there was no doubt that these qualities had been formed in her ancestors throughout several generations. She reminded him of a gracious panther ready to charge. His memory readily reproduced a picture from his childhood story: the prince riding a white noble steed and the fair princess, waiting for him in her ancient ancestral castle.

«A tough nut to crack… OK, we’ll manage, I have solved harder tasks. If they need this heir at the very top, then, of course, his future will be taken care of. I’ll have nothing to reproach myself for

Meanwhile, the actors finished the scene. Fedorov summed up the results of the rehearsal and let them go and have a rest. Anatoly got up from his place and with a springy gait began to descend in the direction of the stage.

«Mikhail, would you spare me a couple of minutes?»

Fedorov cringed away a little as if he had just received a blow in the jaw, but he quickly put himself together and when he was turning to Anatoly there was already a most courteous and surprised smile on his face.

«And may I ask who you are?» Fedorov threw back his head a little and even in his eyes, of a beautiful steel color, there appeared genuine interest and surprise at the same time.

«Clever, so talented that you should never believe the expression on his face, loyal to our cause out-and-out,» Major Lazarev at once recollected Mikhail’s dossier and moved a couple of steps closer to his aim.

Fedorov was looking at the stranger with interest, but his experience prompted him that only an officer of a certain agency can move like a highbred cheetah and talk in the sincere tone of a good Samaritan. «Good afternoon, Mikhail, my name is Anatoly Lazarev,» with a habitual gesture he produced his KGB major ID.

«Oh, you are from the KGB, hello,» nodded Fedorov, «to what do I owe the honor of your visit? Welcome to my office.»

Fedorov extended his hand for a handshake and a slight sadness appeared in his eyes. Naturally, Major Lazarev noticed all of this, but he could not understand the reason. He decided that Mikhail was tired and willing to get rid of him as soon as possible, because he wanted to get ready for the evening performance.

«I’ve got a little request for you,» Anatoly shook the extended hand.

The men left the auditorium, and, walking through a short corridor, entered the director’s office. Fedorov shut the door tightly, moved the chair to his guest and sat at the other side of the table.

«I'm listening to you carefully,» he said, sitting down more comfortably.

«It has become known to us that your actors Tatiana Roshin and Gleb Svetlov,» Anatoly Lazarev began slowly, «are going to be married soon. We think that this marriage is highly undesirable and are asking you to help us ruin their plans.»

Mikhail was still looking at the major. His face was absolutely expressionless, but there was a storm of different feelings inside and a host of different thoughts were rushing through his head.

«You say! That is, this wedding does not suit the KGB, wow, the alignment. What is so special about this Gleb?» Fedorov was sure that Roshin had nothing to do with it. He had known Tatiana for ages and her tricks had never interested secret agents. But the fact that KGB cared so much about Svetlov surprised and alarmed at the same time.

«There was no doubt that Gleb was talented – nobody would argue that, but here the underlying reason was totally different. Well, he would have to ruin this wedding. If a person like a KGB major personally asked for this, then there is no choice at all. He himself did not like much this farce of a wedding,» his storm of emotions was finally subdued.

« It's clear, how much time have I got?»

«The sooner, the better. But you understand, you need not just upset the marriage of this couple, you need them to end their close relationship, since Roshina's pregnancy from Svetlov is extremely undesirable. We will also take some measures, but I think your help will be useful to us,» Lazarev's blue eyes were calm.

«I see. Do I have to contact you after this mission?»

«No, your activities will be monitored, but, if you need help you can contact me directly,» Major Lazarev handed Mikhail a slip of paper with his phone number.

«OK, anything else?» Fedorov’s eyes expressed neither annoyance, nor discontent – only a question.

«He’ll be able to play anybody without any rehearsals – from the forest spirit in the bog to the Byzantian emperor,» Fedorov was immediately charmed with his interlocutor’s extraordinary talent and the way of moving – this guy was really gifted. «Chameleon eyes changing their color from blue to green are not very common. What a unique talent is being wasted,» a thought crossed his mind, «but why wasted? It is actually not. Only such talented and strong people are fit for this hard work unsuitable for a man in the crowd

«No, that’s all.» Anatoly Lazarev got up and extended his hand to say good bye.

«OK, I’ll do everything as you said. Bye.»

When the door behind his visitor closed, Fedorov came up to a small mirror hanging on the wall. He saw a handsome man, with the expression of fatigue and light sadness in his eyes because he often had to fulfill KGB officers’ orders in order to get a permission to do what he really liked.

«Well, that was not the worst offer, we’ll get through it.»

He looked out into the corridor and saw several actors.

«Has Tatiana left? Do you know where she is?» asked Fedorov.

«She is in the foyer, shall I call her?»

«Yes, please, tell her to come to my office.»

In a couple of minutes Tatiana knocked on the door and entered the room. The neckline of the burgundy satin dress revealed soft, rounded shoulders and favorably emphasized the chic breasts, the object of admiration for men and envy of women. Her big, gray eyes had alarm sitting deep within them and were shining on her round face framed by her curly hair. Plump, discontentedly pursed lips expressed protest and resentment.

«Please, close the door, and stop demonstrating universal grief. I know, you are a talented actress,» Fedorov smiled benevolently, «sit down, we need to have a serious talk,» he motioned to the chair.

Roshin jerked her shoulder, raised her chin even higher and sat down. She was looking at the window away and it seemed that nothing would induce her to look at Mikhail.

«I know that you are mad at me. I’ve told you many times that I cannot divorce my wife and marry you. This will damage my career seriously. This is no selfishness, just inevitable reality. I know you are angry, but, please, try to understand that this is beyond my power. We can see each other, as before. Of course, only if you want it. I implore you not to proceed with what you plan to do. You don’t love Gleb, and he doesn’t love you. I know these things. I don’t know Svetlov’s real motives, but I know yours, perfectly well. I wish you no evil, that’s why I’m asking you to cancel your wedding. This will bring only trouble to both of you. If you agree, I could talk with your fiancé,» Fedorov spoke in a calm, soulful voice and looking straight in her eyes.

No real emotions emerged on the face of the professional actress. She was still sitting motionless, with her chin up, looking at the window. The trendy plastic heart-shaped pendant fell right between her breasts, heaving with breathing.

«That's all, that's enough, you've already sustained a pause enough, then there is a bust,» Fedorov smiled again. He took her palm with one hand and kissed her, and with the other gently ran over her shoulder, coquettishly displayed in the latest fashion.

Tatiana turned her head to Mikhail and looking straight into his eyes she asked him in the coldest possible tone, «would that be all? I can get away?

«You want to leave? Just get up and leave?» Fedorov gently lifted the girl.

Tatiana abruptly writhed herself free. Her eyes framed with thick eyelashes were ablaze with passion and rage. They were not gray anymore – they’d become velvet black. Mikhail tried to press her body towards his, but she propped her little fists against his chest.

«Leave it, I am not the one I used to be. I don’t want to be your lover anymore. Am I making myself clear? I can get away?» the girl was breathing agitatedly.

«Of course, you can go, but think about what I have told you. Trust me, it’s very important for both you and Gleb.»

«And what, are you going to fire us?» the actress haughtily looked at Mikhail and went to the door.

« Tatiana, please calm down and look at this whole circus from the side. You are much older than him, he is still quite young. These are also significant arguments against your marriage.»

«Оh! Now you remembered my age! I’ve wasted several years on you and I have nothing as a result: neither a home, nor a family! Would you like to tell me something about it?» The girl’s voice became shrill. «I will not change my mind, I will marry Gleb!»

She banged the door defiantly, the clicking of her heels died away in the distance.

«No, you will not,» Fedorov sighed and looked out of the window.

Autumn was reigning there, Moscow autumn, the time of magic changes from the warm, tender, sweet summer to icy winter cold and fluffy white snow.

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