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Taken Over
  • Текст добавлен: 8 октября 2016, 10:07

Текст книги " Taken Over "

Автор книги: Erika Stevens

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Текущая страница: 13 (всего у книги 14 страниц)

   His smile was self depreciating. “I didn’t want you to know what I was Bethany, ever. I never wanted you to know what I was, what I struggled with. I simply wanted you to see the good in me, to lovethe good in me. The good that you gaveto me, that without you I never would have had. I couldn’t bear for you to see the evil in me. I had to go away Bethany, and I couldn’t come back ii I was going to keep you safe.”

   “Why?” I whispered, my lip trembling. Emotions ricocheted through me faster than a bullet in a metal room. “Why did you have to go? You never would have hurt me Cade. You controlled The Calling as a boy of five, why couldn’t you do the same at seven, ten, or even fifteen?”

   “Because they would have killed you too.”

   I started in surprise. “ Whowould have killed me too?”

   He took a step closer to me. I could see the yearning in his gaze for me, his desire to hold me, to have me understand. “The Marshall’s were not killed during a random home invasion. They were killed because of me.”

   “I don’t understand,” I whispered.

   “We don’t feel emotion Bethany. We don’t care for anything other than ourselves and our gratification. We don’t exhibit love for anyone. I was young; I was unbelievably stunned to have met you. I was in love, and though I thought I hid that fact well, I didn’t. My kind noticed something in me, something different, but they miscalculated where that difference came from. They had assumed that it was the Marshall’s I had come to feel for. After I met you I did grow to like them, they were nice enough people, but I still felt little for them other than thanks for providing me with shelter and food. My love for you did not spread to others. I cared for them more than I had before, but their deaths did not overly sadden me.

   “But after they were murdered I knew I had to stay away from you. My kind couldn’t realize that they had been wrong, that it was youthat had changed me. They would have killed you then, and they would not have been as kind about it as they had been to the Marshall’s.”

   I had been struggling all along to remain standing. My legs finally gave up the battle. Sliding down the bark of the trunk, I stared at him in stunned silence, unable to fully process all that he was saying. Horror filled me, I was half afraid I might vomit. “They died because of me?” I croaked out.

   Cade was suddenly before me. There was so much sorrow in his eyes, so much pain in his expression as his hands gently clasped hold of my cheeks. “They died because of meBethany, because I was not strong enough to hide my newfound feelings, because I could not control what I felt for you. I promised myself that I would stay away from you after that, that I would keep my distance and keep you safe, no matter what I had to do to make sure of it. No matter how much it killed me to stay away when you were the only thing I wanted, the only thing I thought of. It didn’t matter how much it hurt me, how much your feelings were hurt, I had to keep you alive. I had to keep you away from them and I did everything I could to ensure your survival.”

   My chest was so constricted with love and sorrow that I could hardly breathe. “The night of my dad’s funeral…”

   “Your pain was so intense I could feel it all the way across town. No we aren’t empath’s,” he explained at my questioning, stunned look. “But I’m bonded to you somehow, I always have been. I’m connected to you in an intense, intimate way that cannot be broken. I couldn’t stay away from you that night, couldn’t let you go through that alone. I hadto come to you because your pain was my pain. I wished every day after that I could return to you, but I couldn’t risk it. I just couldn’t.”

   I didn’t realize I was crying until he wiped the tears from my cheeks. Didn’t realize how badly I ached for him until he bent and kissed me gently. “Even now,” he breathed against me. His breath was warm, sweet, and reassuring against my flesh. “I should have stayed away from you, I should have stayed gone. I felt your grief for me, your pain and loss even through the distance separating us. I struggled to keep my own agony concealed from them, struggled to convey to them that I was still one of them. That I wasn’t different, and I did well with it. I couldn’t leave right away though, couldn’t flee. To run from them would have put you in even more danger, they would have hunted me, searched for me relentlessly. I had to stay away, but I couldn’t bare your anguish, I had to give you hope…”

   “My dream,” I whispered in awe.

   “Yes, I wanted you to move on…”

   “I couldn’t. I never could. I tried and I accepted the fact that you were wrong but I couldn’t move on from you Cade. It’s not, it’s not like that with me, I simply couldn’t…”

   “Shh love, I know. I understand.” He kissed my cheeks gently as my voice broke off on a wrenching sob that lodged in my chest. “But your life could continue on with some hope in it; that was all I wanted to give you. And to hold you once more, even if it was just in a dream. But when they hurt you…” His words trailed off, his jaw clenched as his eyes simmered with black fire. “If you were killed, I would have known it. I felt your pain through my bond to you, to feel your death…

   He inhaled a shuddery breath, for a brief moment the black shifted throughout his entire eye again. I was breathless as I watched him slowly reel the fury and despair back in. “I couldn’t live with that, I would have snapped. I had vowed to keep you safe my entire life, and in that moment I knew I had failed. I couldn’t stay away from you anymore; I couldn’t let them hurt you again. I convinced my kind that I would be more useful on the ground, as I knew more about humans and was more adept at blending in with them, and they agreed to let me come back. They don’t know where I am, but they believe that I am on their side. If they find me, if they catch us together, what they will do to you…”

   “I don’t care,” I gushed out terrified that he would leave just so such a thing didn’t happen.

   “I do and you will. But to leave you unprotected again, I can’t.” His fingers threaded through my hair, pushing it gently away from my face. His voice was fervent, he clung desperately to me. “I can help keep you safe Bethany. Those things won’t get hold of you again as long as I’m around. Whatever you decide, whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it. If you want me to leave…” His hands tightened on me briefly, a small shudder of agony ran through his body. “I will. Anything you want. Anything.”

   I opened my mouth to respond, to tell him that I never wanted him to leave me. That though I was wounded, betrayed; aching with loss and confusion, I loved him just as much as he loved me. That I needed him just as badly as he needed me. We could deal with this. We woulddeal with this together.

   But he placed his finger over my mouth before I could respond. “But there is one more thing that you need to know before you make your choice. One thing that could make you hate me forever.”

   “That’s not possible,” I murmured around his finger. “I don’t hate you now.”

   “You don’t know the worst thing I’ve done. There is something else I’ve kept from you.”

   I swallowed heavily, fear trickled through me. I was certain that no matter what he said, it couldn’t possibly get any worse than everything that had been revealed tonight. Whatever else he had kept from me, I could take it, and we would be fine. But the fear in his eyes, the beaten look in his gaze caused doubts to filter through me. What could he possibly have done to make him look like a kicked puppy so badly?

   “Ok, tell me,” I said softly.

   I held my breath, my hands fisted, as I braced myself for whatever it was he was about to say. “No matter what happens, no matter whatyou decide about me, you cannot allow Bishop to take anymore of your blood.”

   My breath exploded out of me, my hands relaxed as my body was rocked with shock. I had not been expecting that, not at all. I had expected that he had lied and there were other women, or even other aliens, or something, anythingother than that. “Why not?”

   His gaze searched mine; his hands were gentle yet strong against my face. “You are not completely human Bethany, not anymore.”

   I had not been expecting thateither.














   I froze, trapped like a deer in the headlights as I searched his face, looking for some sign he was kidding. Some sign that he was going to yell “Gotcha!” at any moment. Some sign that this was some sick, twisted joke that only an alien, with their quirky sense of humor would understand. Some sign that he was lying to me.

   But there was none.

   He simply stared at me, his eyes willing me to understand. Willing me to believe what he was saying. I frowned at him, confused, lost, baffled by his words. Then, slowly, a dawning sense of horror began to encase me. All of the changes I had sensed growing within me. The speed, the growing grace as my inherent clumsiness seemed to fade. The cravings .Meat, especially raw meat he had said. A gurgle, half sob and half hysterical laughter, surged up my throat.

   It wasn’t what those creatures had done to me I realized. It wasn’t some strange alien germ that had infiltrated my wounds and begun to infect me. Their attacks on me aren’t what had brought forth the strange changes I felt coalescing through my body. It was him. “What did you doto me!?” I demanded.

   He remained immobile, his eyes didn’t even flicker. “The ships started leaking gas into the air supply two weeks prior to The Freezing,” he explained instead of telling me what he had done. “The gas was odorless, tasteless, and undetectable to the human race. It’s not something your kind had ever heard of before, and to breathe it caused no ill harm unless it was coupled with a high frequency sound that most people cannot hear. Then it caused the muscles to freeze, the organs to shut down, and the brain to become suspended. It’s something similar to what you would know as cryogenics.”

   “But cryogenics doesn’t work,” I mumbled.

   “Yet, it doesn’t work yet. And only because humans haven’t mastered it yet.”

   I was in a state of shock, I felt as if I were trying to wade through a swamp but becoming constantly mired in place by mud. “Your kind has though.”

   “Yes. They also designed it so that it would not affect people with type O blood.”

  My eyes snapped back to his, I struggled to shake the strange stupor clinging to me. “Why?” I breathed.

   “For the hunt, for the thrill. Humans are the most dangerous game after all. Type O is the most popular blood type, but there wouldn’t be enough left to be a serious threat, or at least that’s what theybelieve. They’re murderers; they enjoy the fear, the pleasure of hunting and torturing their kill. However, the human population outnumbered theirs. They couldn’t take the risk that your kind could cause severe damage, and massive casualties to them. They wanted the hunt, but they also wanted the assurance that they could win. It was decided to leave that number of the population mobile, while being able to easily capture and use the others for food and pleasure. Not everyone will be killed during the reaping process though.”

   “They’ll be left behind for a later time.” I was finding it more and more difficult to breathe. The neck of my shirt suddenly felt too tight as it squeezed my windpipe. I slid my finger into it and tugged anxiously at it. I needed to breathe, I couldn’t breathe. “For breeding,” I choked. “For their children to restock Earth, maybe even mychildren.” I shuddered, I was going to throw up, no I would not have kids; I would never allow them to go through this misery. Never let them experience this terror, loss, sadness. And I most certainly would notlose them to the monsters hunting us now. “No children.”

   His eyes were sad, he leaned closer to me. “Bethany…”

   I shook my head, devastated by what he was telling me. I’d never really thought about children before, I’d assumed that one day I’d have them but they were never a real thought or plan in my life. I was stunned by the sense of loss that filled me. “No.”

   “You don’t have to give that up Bethany. Your dreams…”

   “Are changing every day. I’m not even sure I have them anymore Cade, there’s no guarantee past today. I simply want to enjoy every day that I get from here on out. Besides, could we… um is it even possible?”

   Red crept up my cheeks as my hands closed around his. “I don’t know if conception is possible, but sex is.”

   My face was on fire as I managed a small nod. “But if it is, our child, what would it be?”

   He shook his head. “There’s no way to know Bethany, our breeding period is different than a humans. Our gestation is six months, the labor is not as intense, but our babies are larger. There is no way to know what would happen to you, what it would do to you, and it’s not a chance I am willing to take. Not with you.” He took a deep breath, something dark flickered through his eyes. “It doesn’t have to be me Bethany.”

   I was stunned, shocked by his words. “Cade…”

   His hands tightened on mine, he leaned closer, his eyes narrowed intently. “It’s not something I want Bethany. The idea of it...” He shuddered; his entire eye became completely black again. “It would shred me, but if you want a child…”

   “No!” I cried, aghast at his words. “Cade that’s not what I want. That’s not what I meant.”

   “You deserve to have as much of a normal life as you can have under these circumstances. You deserve to have everything that you want in this life. You could even come back to me; I would take you back always.”

   “No! Stop it Cade! Stop it!” I was infuriated at his words, shaken by the fact that he thought I would do such a thing. “How could you think I would do that? What do you think of me?”

   “I think you’re amazing. I also think that you deserve everything that this world has left to offer you, things I can’t offer you. I think I would do anything to see you happy even if it destroyed me. That’s what I think of you Bethany, that’s what I think of us. If one day you decide you want to have a child I will support you any way I can.”

   “I don’t want a child Cade, not in this world, not to be hunted, afraid and hungry…”

   “It may not always be like that.”

   Anger flared hotly through me. “And I most certainly would not want another man’s child Cade. If we cannot have children then I will not have them. I’m ok with that. I am not ok with this conversation though so please stop, please.”

   He sighed softly as he nodded slowly. “If that’s what you want.”

  Though he said it, I knew he did not agree with it, or even consider the matter completely dropped as his eyes remained entirely black. I wasn’t willing to continue with the conversation, not when there were other more important things. “Why do you think I’m not completely human? What did you do Cade?”

   He took hold of my hands, but they still felt eerily cold within his warm grip. “You’re not one of the Frozen Ones because of me love.” I stared at him, but I was having a hard time focusing on him. Here was my answer, finally, and I wasn’t sure that I wanted to hear it anymore. “Because I was able to change you.”

   I struggled to see him, struggled to make out the face I loved so much through my suddenly blurred vision. “I don’t understand; how is that possible?”

   He rubbed his hands over mine, his eyes distant as they slowly returned to the eyes I knew so well. “Don’t hate me.”

   I swallowed the tight lump in my throat heavily. “Cade, what did you do?” I whispered.

   “When they told me that they were going to start to release the gas soon, and who they intended to effect with it, I was determined to find out what your blood type was. I had to know what would become of you and if there was some way that I could stop it. I was able to get a hold of your medical records.” I didn’t ask how, I was certain he could do anything he put his mind to. Hell for all I knew my doctor was one of them too. “I considered allowing you to freeze and trying to keep you safe after that, but I knew there was no way I could guarantee your safety, or any certainty that I would be able to wake you up again. There was no way to know if they would kill you immediately if I brought you to one of the holding cells. To move you…”

   I shook my head at him. I knew how hard it would have been to move me, to keep me safe in that state. We had lost my mom, and Peter, soon after The Freezing had occurred. It had been so difficult to keep my mother alive, so hard to even get her even that far into our journey. I didn’t need to hear it from him now, not when I already knew how hard it was.

   “There was only one thing I could do, no matter how dangerous it would be for you. I gave you some of my blood.” My eyes shot up, my mouth dropped. I could only sit there and gape at him stupidly. “It was a risk, the biggest risk I have ever taken. My kind has performed many experiments on humans over the centuries; giving them our blood has been given to humans in the past. Few have survived.”

   My insides were curdling up, but they were no longer the same insides that I had been born with. I recalled Bishop’s words about my abnormal cells and I wanted to cry. That hunger, that craving .Iron deficiency my ass, I thought derisively. I wanted to scream, I wanted to rip out my hair as I fled headlong into the woods, running until I simply couldn’t run anymore.

   “I hadto take the chance that you would survive the infusion of my blood into your system. You wouldn’t have kept moving after The Freezing if I didn’t take the chance. I hoped that my intense reaction to you, and the way that you affected me meant that you were special, that you would be able to handle my blood when most wouldn’t. That there was a reason I had met you; that you would survive whatever it did to you. After I gave it to you I monitored you carefully, watched you constantly. I searched for any sign that something might go drastically wrong. But you seemed to be doing well with it, thankfully. I didn’t know what I was going to do if it went the other way, it wasn’t a possibility I wanted to consider. If you had died...”

   He broke off, anguish twisted his features. His hands tightened on my face, he leaned even closer. His onyx eyes filled my vision; I could feel his desperate need for my forgiveness, my understanding. I was still too shocked to offer him anything more than numbed silence at the moment. “My blood inside of you was how I was able to find you again; it was also how I was able to enter your dream. My blood linked us permanently; I’ll always be able to find you anywhere as long as you want me to. It’s how I found you the day of The Freezing, how I was able to save you.”

   My eyes widened in surprise. I had thought it was just a lucky coincidence that Cade had been near the store that day; instead he had been following me, preparing to intervene when everything I knew went to hell. The depth of everything I had never known or suspected was staggering. My head was spinning, my heart lumbered painfully in my chest as I struggled to keep a tight grip on my unraveling composure.

   “When did you do this? Howdid you do this?”

   “Graduation. I was able to put some of my blood into your drink when you went to the bathroom.”

   I had been roofied with alien blood at my brother’s graduation. I found sick humor in that knowledge. “What happened to the other people that survived?”

   Cade closed his eyes, looking slightly pained. “They began to exhibit differences at a cellular level. They were studied for awhile, but ultimately destroyed when it was determined that the effects were nothing more than abnormal blood cells.”

   “How long?”


   I cleared my throat as I struggled to get the words out. “How long were they allowed to live for, and studied, before they were killed?”

   “A month, maybe two.”

   I winced at his words. I had been alive for almost five months since he had slipped me his blood. More than double the amount of time than any of the others. “Why didn’t they keep them alive for longer?”

   “They’re not good creatures Bethany.”

   “I know that Cade, believe me I know that. Why?”

   “I believe they grew bored with them.”

   A single tear slid down my face, my head bowed as I gagged at his words. I knew they were right, that he was right about why they had destroyed the people so soon after they had survived the infusion of alien blood. “So there is no way to know if I will become a monster or not?”

   “Bethany you will not become a monster.”

   “You can’t know that!” I cried. All of those strange little differences I had noticed in me. So many of them, but the damn hunger… That was the worst. And it was only getting stronger. What was I? What had he done? “You can’t know what you created! You can’t know what I may do tomorrow or the next or the…”

   He grabbed hold of my shoulders, grasping me tight. “I know you!” he said fiercely. “And no matter what changes this may bring in you, it will neverchange your essence. It will neverchange who youare.”

   I wanted to believe him, but there was no way to know for sure. No way to know what I’d become. Tears filled my eyes; I bit hard on my bottom lip to keep from crying. What if I became emotionless, cold? What if I hurt someone? I couldn’t imagine drinking blood, or having someone’s soul call out to me. I couldn’t begin to fathom devouring someone’s blood and soul.

   “I don’t want to hurt anyone,” I moaned.

   “You won’t Bethany!” he said fervently. “You won’t. You don’t have that in you, and if it ever comes to the day where you might, I’ll take you away,” he rushed out when I opened my mouth to protest. “I will keep you safe no matter what it takes. I will take care of you no matter the consequence as long as you’ll allow me to.”

  I looked sadly at him; I wanted to tell him everything I was experiencing. I found that I couldn’t. Not now. I was terrified by what was happening to me, but he didn’t need to know about it. Not yet. Maybe not ever. He felt bad enough for everything that had happened, he didn’t need this on top of it. I told myself this, but I knew the real reason was that I was too cowardly to say it out loud. If I did, it would be true, if I uttered the words allowed there would be no more denying what was going on inside of me.

   “Abby and Aiden…”

   “I will keep them safe also. With my life I will keep you, and everyone that you love, safe. I will not allow you to be destroyed. What I did was selfish, so incredibly selfish and I’m sorry for it, but I simply couldn’t bear the thought of living without you. Of having you die in such a way. I didn’t know what else to do to keep you safe.”

   “What if I’d been one of the ones that died?” I was not angry that he had taken this chance with my life without my permission; I would have been dead if he hadn’t, or I would have been trapped, frozen in preparation of those hideous things hunting me down. That was a fate worse than death in my opinion.

   Blackness momentarily filtered through his eyes again. “I don’t know what I would have done; I wouldn’t have survived being the one that destroyed you. I didn’t allow myself to think about that consequence. All I thought of, all I wanted was to save you. Please Bethany.” His hands were desperate, crushing as he pulled me against him. “Please forgive me.”

   I burst into tears. I was terrified, confused, but the aching torment I heard in his voice was ripping at my insides. How could I tell him that there was something wrong with me, that he may very well have inadvertently destroyed me, when all he had wanted was to keep me alive and safe? He had sacrificed everything, everythingfor me. He had gone behind my back, and turned me into something different, but he had done it because he loved me. And I would have done the same. I knew that with fierce certainty as I clung to him, pulling at him with an intensity that shocked even me. I needed him. I wanted him. I would forever belong to him and be a part of him. I had been unaware of the fact that he was a part of me, engrained in my cells, bonded with me right down to my DNA.

   I thought I should be mad, I wasn’t. He’d risked his life to save mine, he was willing to do anything to ensure my happiness, even step aside if I wanted him to. “There’s nothing to forgive,” I breathed against his warm neck.

   “I betrayed you, I…”

   “I would have done the same. To you. Foryou.”


   The way he groaned my name caused shivers of desire to race up and down my spine. My muscles turned to Jell-O. I was putty in his hands. “That’s what Ian meant.” I said pulling slightly back as realization dawned.

   Cade frowned at me; the mention of Ian caused fury to flit briefly over his features. “What he meant when?” he grated.

   “When he said to me, ‘He’s inside of you. You smell and taste like him you know.’ I hadn’t understood it at the time, but he must have somehow sensed your blood inside of me. Perhaps when he drank it, or when he tried to get inside of me with that…”

   “What!?” Cade snarled. I recoiled slightly, my eyes wide as black fury filled his eyes. I didn’t know if it was the fact that he was so enraged, or the fact that I now knew the truth, but for the first time his control slipped completely as lines of black zigzagged rapidly across his face and down his neck.

   “It came out of him, it oozed…” I stuttered out. “It hurt like that thing did, but not…” Cade swore violently as he released me. He rose with grace and deadly speed, launching to his feet as he stormed around the forest. His hands were fisted; his arms shook with barely controlled rage. I drew my legs against my chest, suddenly frightened as the blackness began to seep down his neck. It was not him that I was afraid of, he would never hurt me, but his reaction to what Ian had done terrified me. “Cade, you’re scaring me.”

   I barely recognized him as he spun toward me. It seemed as if the devil himself was seeping throughout Cade’s body, highlighting every vein as even his arms began to turn black. I imagined it ran all the way down his chest as well. Perhaps it even started at his heart and pulsed out with every fierce beat instead of originating at his eyes, like I’d first thought.

   He took a step toward me and suddenly I understood where so many horror legends had been born. Vampires, succubae, demons, of course evil aliens, and probably a host of other monsters. They all had gotten their start here, in Cade’s face, in his eyes, in his heritage. Those myths had been created by people who had been terrified to see this same exact visage. Who had witnessed one of these creatures drinking from a human, who had seen the black cloud that Ian had emitted, and the blackness that engulfed Cade. The stories had been twisted; there were no vampire teeth. Succubae were not all women, and demons did not come from the depths of hell. Or at least I didn’t think they did, because I was fairly certain now that they had originated from the sky.

   Cade’s face slowly returned to normal, but his eyes remained a solid black. He came back to kneel slowly before me. The white’s of his eyes became apparent again as he clasped hold of me. His hands were on my face once more, stroking, demanding as he tilted my face to his. “How longwas he inside of you Bethany?”

   I shook my head, biting on my bottom lip. “It seemed like forever, it hurt…” I broke off as his face flooded once more. “I don’t think it was very long,” I blurted quickly in the hopes that it would ease some of the fury radiating from him.

   I didn’t dare tell him I had nearly passed out from it; he seemed on the verge of snapping once more. His eyes searched mine intently, he leaned closer to me. “I don’t think he took much.”

   I shuddered, not at all liking that statement. I didn’t want to think about Ian taking anythingfrom me. Something passed over Cade’s features, his hands tightened on me. “What if he did, how would I know? What would it do to me?”

   He shook his head. “Less of a soul, perhaps a little less human.”

   My eyes widened, my hands fisted as terror tore through me. “I’m alreadyless human,” I blurted. “I can’t be any less than that Cade, I simply can’t!”

   “I’m sure that you are fine Bethany. I would see the difference already, I would feelit. He would have wanted to draw out the torture, extend it for as long as possible. In order to do so he wouldn’t take much from you.”

   “So he said,” I muttered bitterly. “He wanted to punish me, but mostly he wanted to punish you.”

   Despair twisted his features. “I promise you that no one will evertouch you like that again.” I tried to find solace in his words, but I was terrified, and I was suddenly very cold. “Let’s get you out of here. You’re freezing.”

   He helped me to my feet, but it was not the chilly air that was causing my shivers to increase. It was the icy chill that encompassed my bones, encompassed my soul. Even now there may be something growing inside of me, twisting me, changing me into someone that I may not know. I couldn’t even trust my own body, couldn’t trust myself anymore. I tilted me head back to look up at him, his jaw was locked, his gaze focused ahead as he led me through the forest. He was beautiful, nearly perfect, but that beauty hid something dark, something hard and cold that I had never know resided beneath that magnificent exterior. Something that warmed onlyto me. Abby had told me once that I was the only one Cade warmed to; I had wanted to tell her she was wrong that he was not as cold as he appeared, but I’d never lied to my sister and I hadn’t then. She’d been right, I’d known it, but I hadn’t truly gotten it until now.

  The only thing human about Cade was me.

   Without me he was just as harsh, brutal, and volatile as the rest of his kind. A fact that he had proven with his swift and unremorseful slaughter of Ian. The good in him was really good, but the viciousness within him was just as engrained and just as encompassing. I shuddered to think what he would become, what he would doif something ever did happen to me. It would be horrible.

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