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Grace Street
  • Текст добавлен: 16 октября 2016, 23:03

Текст книги "Grace Street"

Автор книги: Ella Dominguez



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Текущая страница: 3 (всего у книги 18 страниц)

“You taste even better than I imagined,” he wiped his mouth.

Breathless and with her heart beating rapidly, she swung her legs over the side of the lounger and smoothed her hair down and her ruffled skirt back over her legs. Her first sexual activity with Victor had proven to be just as mystifying as everything surrounding him. Still dazed from her half-asleep kiss, she did her best to compose herself. Even if he had been imagining what she tasted like, she was more than just a little irritated with Mr. Black for taking liberties with her while she was unaware. Quickly slipping her shoes back on, she stood brusquely and grabbed her purse. She pushed past him and as she moved toward the front door, she was halted by his deep voice.

“Leaving so soon? We’ve only just begun our little game,” he stated just as she turned the knob and cracked the door open.

Elsa peered over her shoulder to see Mr. Black watching her with an intense yet smug look on his face. Is that what this was to him? A damned game? “You told me this wasn’t a game, remember?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I lied.”

Her mouth became unbearably dry at the thought of being played with. She didn’t want to be hurt again. “Is that how this game is played? With lies?”

“The game is played in a variety of ways, Ms. Cassidy. Stay and I’ll teach you the rules.”

Playing a game with the intriguing man standing before her sounded like a tempting and nearly impossible idea to resist. She knew it was wrong and stupid beyond comparison to consider, but still… she wanted to play his game.

“You could’ve called and let me know that you were going to be late,” she said softly but with her eyes revealing her agitation.

Passively and without inflection, he responded. “Yeah, I could have.”

If her pussy wasn’t still throbbing from Victor’s oral assault, Elsa would’ve walked out the door, but she missed the kind of attention that a man’s mouth could lavish on her. She vacillated, and finally closed the door and turned to face Mr. Black. When she did, he was seated at the bistro table completely sure of himself. Casually seated in the chair with his long legs leisurely stretched out in front of him, he held her gaze. As if he could sense her need, he rested one hand teasingly on his upper thigh, drawing attention to his still massive erection. It was a heady invitation and one she found impossible to resist. Pushing her shoulders back, she lifted her chin and walked quickly to the table and seated herself across from him and dared to meet his eyes.

“Wise decision,” he simpered, his tongue poking out to moisten his lips.

As she sat watching him stare at her impassively, she wondered if he would mention their little interlude. Perhaps she should bring it up herself. She opened her mouth when Mr. Black cut her off.

“No speaking, Ms. Cassidy. Not yet. Not until I’m done going over the particulars of this agreement. My rules are simple, though you may find them hard to abide by. For that reason, I want your complete understanding and consent as to what you’re agreeing to.” Just then, he reached into a briefcase that sat on the floor next to him and pulled out a piece of paper. Placing it face down in the center of the small table, he held his hand over it, shielding its contents. “My rules are absolute. I don’t negotiate and I don’t concede. Ever. Either you agree to my stipulations or walk away. Am I clear?”

She eyed the paper dubiously and contemplated his words thoughtfully. The seriousness of Mr. Black’s statement sent a ripple of awareness through her, but when her eyes rose to meet his, the possessive look in his hunter eyes mingled with eagerness and signs of hidden tenderness on his rugged face tugged at her soul. He wanted her and she welcomed his rules.

“Perfectly clear.”

5: Anticipation

Elsa touched the contract and a prevailing sense of power and erotic energy pumped through Victor’s veins. She had no idea what she was in for and the anticipation of having her nearly turned his nerves to ash. When he had tasted her only a few minutes earlier, it took every ounce of self-control not to take her right there and then. He wanted to fuck her in painful ways and make her scream. He blinked long and hard, trying to contain the throbbing ache in his rigid shaft. He lifted his hand, allowing her to flip the cream-colored, linen paper over to read the words he had written. She scanned the paper quickly and her eyes flicked up to his with a look of uncertainty on her face.

“That’s all?” she quirked her eyebrows at him.

He inwardly laughed. Yes, that was all. Two simple rules, four straightforward words with endless possibilities: My house. My rules. She may have thought the meaning was uncomplicated, but he would prove her wrong, just as he had done with all the others. To dominate was what he lived for; to break down and make his lover submit and obey was his drug, and his word was abso-fucking-lute.

“Can you?” he asked as he circled his index finger made slow deliberate circles over the corner of the paper.

Elsa’s eyes scanned his face and fixed on his mouth. She was serenely beautiful when contemplative and a curious swooping pulled at his insides. When she didn’t immediately respond and her eyes diverted to the tabletop, he reached over and fingered her chin. He demanded eye contact at all times so he could decipher her emotions. Her breath hitched when he touched her and he couldn’t help but smirk. He enjoyed the way she reacted to him. Her initial confidence melted away when their eyes met, revealing her vulnerability. She was afraid of him. As she should be. He liked her fearful.

Or was it something else she was afraid of? He stared into her eyes as he held her steady, his eyes flicking back and forth between each of her brown irises. No, she wasn’t afraid of him; she was fearful of losing him and what he had to offer. He had seen this look far too many times before and not just on the faces of his Chapters, but the many women whom he had dated.

Her lips parted and she licked them uneasily as he sat silently scanning her expression. When her body shivered slightly and her eyes searched his face for approval, he immediately pulled his hand away and intentionally shut out any awareness of her feelings. He was disgusted, not only with Elsa, but with himself. He hated weakness in any form, but most especially the kind that came from sentimentality and love. Fuck love and anything remotely like it. It was a waste of time and effort and nothing good ever came of it.

He swiftly redirected his focus. He would simply learn what he could from her and move on to the next Chapter just like he had done so many times before.

“Well? Can you or not?” he asked, clipped.

When she answered, the air around them seemed to electrify. “I can.”

Let the games begin.


Elsa knew she was entering the lion’s den by agreeing to Mr. Black’s seemingly simple request and that her resolve would be tested, but she couldn’t resist the temptation. Nor did she want to. How could she when she saw those entrancing eyes staring back at her? Never in her life had she met a man like Victor Laurenzo and not once had anyone looked as exposed as he did when he looked into her eyes. He appeared to be afraid of the very thing she was. Or was she just deluding herself? Maybe it was all part of the handsome yet deceiving mask he wore. She supposed he would either make her his victim or shield her with his life. She hoped for the latter, but she was willing to take the risk of finding out which one it would be.

Digging into his briefcase again, he brought out a pen and held it out to her, but when she reached for it, he pulled it just out of her reach.

“Once you sign this, there’s no going back,” his gruff voice held a note of challenge as did the wistful expression on his face.

Elsa knew better. The make-shift contract in front of her was neither legal nor binding. Surely a man of Mr. Black’s intelligence knew that. Keeping her thoughts to herself, she nodded and attempted to take the pen from him. As if he had read her thoughts, he held the pen at bay once more.

“If you think you can simply back out of this agreement at any point, Ms. Cassidy, you couldn’t be more wrong. Though this piece of paper may not be legal in a court of law, I follow my own set of laws and rules, and I will hold you to this agreement regardless.”

She quickly lowered her hand and placed it in her lap. There was a certainty in his voice – the kind of certainty that told her that nothing less than her all would be acceptable. A loud ringing in her ears blocked out all sounds as she sat unmoving and gaping at him.

“For how long?” the words caught in her throat.

His pupils flared infinitesimally and his response came without hesitation. “Until I say otherwise.”

Suddenly Mr. Black’s simple rules didn’t seem so simple.

“Are you going to hurt me?” she finally found the courage to ask when he sat silently unresponsive.

“Everything done within these walls will be done with safety in mind. No irreparable physical damage will be caused.”

Mr. Black definitely had a way with words, but he didn’t answer her question. Not directly anyway and the secret expression on his face told her he was holding something back. And what about her emotional well-being? Would there be irreparable damage caused to that?

Remembering what she had read about in an erotic book, she asked, “So what you’re saying is: everything will be safe, sane and consensual?”

Victor clicked the pen several times, one side of his mouth twisting upward as he let out a short, breathy laugh. “Not exactly, but two out of three ain’t bad.”

Her eyes widened to his remark. He had already mentioned safe and consensual… so apparently sane was the one thing off the table. Holding the pen out to her, he wordlessly dared her to take the bait he had laid out for her.

It was too easy for Elsa to get caught up in the way Mr. Black was looking at her. With her heartbeat throbbing in her ears, she took in the vision of him one last time before she made her final decision and signed her freedom away. His beauty was devastating, his shimmering green eyes devious and alluring, his deep-crimson mouth inviting, and his sweetly intoxicating musk overwhelming. The possibilities of the unknown, the danger-factor, and the intrigue of a captivating stranger were impossible for her to resist.

She lifted her hand and as it moved closer toward the pen, her limbs suddenly became heavy and warm. She pushed forward, impelled involuntarily by her own passion and curiosity. She was doing this.

With pen in hand, the tip touched the paper when a wicked thought crossed her mind. She glanced up at Mr. Black and licked her lips purposefully.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have my signature in blood?”


Elsa’s words hit a nerve with Victor and the look she was giving him was so galvanizing, it sent a shock wave though him. Their eyes locked as their breathing came in unison and her eyes implored him for his response.

“The blood will come later. For now, I’ll settle for ink,” he couldn’t help but smile.

Her eyes never left his as she scrawled her signature. She was now his to do with whatever he pleased. He neatly folded the piece of paper and placed it into his breast pocket near his heart. It would remain close to him at all times until their time was over.

His eyes roamed over her body while she waited for his command. “Stand and remove all your clothing,” he breathed out softly.

Elsa’s body tensed and Victor began to count down silently. Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven

She stood and started by removing her steam punk corset, and then unbuttoned her blouse hastily. It had only taken her four seconds to follow his order. It was a good start.

“Slower,” he ordered. Her movements slowed, but only minimally. “S-L-O-W-E-R,” he demanded more firmly as he dragged out the syllables.

Doing as she was told, her hands moved unhurriedly as she plucked the last button open, revealing her lace covered breasts and soft belly. Letting the shirt fall to the floor, she began to unzip her skirt, centimeter by centimeter, her breathing becoming louder the closer she came to being exposed.

Victor rubbed his palm over his cock. She was such a little tease. Surely she knew how much he wanted her and how beautiful she was. Elsa’s eyes flicked to his hand and a rush of color stained her cheeks as the skirt pooled around her feet. Standing motionless, she looked to him as if pleading for something.

“Everything, Ms. Cassidy.”

Again, she stood frozen as if fighting an inner battle. Ten… Nine... Eight… Her cheeks and upper chest brightened to an even deeper pink. Seven... Six... Five… he was becoming more impatient and agitatedly shifted in his seat. Reaching behind her, she unsnapped her bra, but held it in place over her breasts as her eyes scanned the floor anxiously.

“I have neither time nor patience for embarrassment,” he narrowed his eyes as they fixed on her panty-covered mound. Humiliation, yes. There was plenty of room for that. But he would not put up with shyness. She was gorgeous; flawless, in fact. No fake tits, not overly worked out. Absolutely fucking perfect. What the hell did she have to be modest about?

Elsa took in a big gulp of air, pushed her shoulders back and let her hands fall to her side. Her bra hit the wooden floor in a soft thud and she met his gaze boldly as her chest heaved with each of her labored breaths.

“That’s better. Now finish doing what I asked.”

Four... Three… Slipping her fingers underneath the lace over her hips, she paused. Victor lifted his bottom off the chair and reached into his pants to retrieve a pocket knife. Apparently she required assistance in doing what he had asked.

Standing, he moved behind her.

“Victor…” she whispered tensely when the knife opened with a click.

Wrapping an arm around her upper shoulders, he pulled her close to his body and placed a hand over her mouth to silence her. “That’s Mr. Black. I won’t say it again. Now I’ve already told you that you’re physically safe within these walls. Now hush,” he barked.

He slid the blade of the knife under the delicate fabric of her panties and in one quick motion, cut them off of her, catching them in his hand.

“I detest undergarments, Elsa. I don’t care how sexy they are, they’re the biggest cock-block known to man. Rule number one: never wear them. Not in my presence or anywhere else. Am I clear?”

He brought the panties to his nose and inhaled deeply. Her scent erased all logical thoughts from his brain and filled him with the kind of lust that made his dick harden painfully. Flicking his tongue over the bend of her neck, he sunk his teeth into her soft flesh just hard enough to leave a mark without drawing blood, causing her to squeal her answer.


He would be content if that one single word was the only one that came from her mouth. Victor laughed to himself. Who the hell was he kidding? He loved the word no, too, when spoken in the right context.


The drafty house sent goosebumps over Elsa’s bare skin. Pushing back against Mr. Black, she tried to sap some of the fierce heat he was putting off. His firm, toned body and stiff cock pressing into her lower back made her pant uncontrollably, despite her best efforts to appear impervious to his touch. His large hand glided down her upper chest and squeezed a breast, his fingers plucking at the tight bud of her nipple.

“I expect you to get back on birth control…” he whispered into her ear.

Her arousal turned to exasperation. He knew too much about her, but how? How could one man delve so deeply into her history as to know she had been off the pill since her break up with Patrick? Why the hell was that any of his business, anyway?

“I’ve made an appointment for you with a gynecologist on Monday afternoon. Choose something that will delay your periods and minimize PMS. I don’t want your menstrual cycle interfering with our time together.”

If the sound of Mr. Black’s voice wasn’t so damned sexy and the hot breath from his mouth so enticing, she might have been a little more put off at how casually overbearing his statement was. He was clearly a man who had done this sort of thing before and every part of his plan with her was well-thought out.

“You’re to be here, in this house, showered and ready for me every Saturday at 9:00 a.m. whether or not I’m here. Weekends belong to me, Elsa, but know that our time is not strictly limited to those days. You are expected to be at my service whenever you receive a message from me. You have exactly forty five minutes from the time you receive my word to be here and prepared for me. Seeing as you have no one in your life, I don’t foresee this being a problem.”

Elsa rolled her eyes and sighed. How fucking polite of Mr. Black to point out the painfully obvious. Without warning, he spun her around and gripped her jaw agonizingly tight.

“Don’t ever disrespect me in my house, Ms. Cassidy,” he growled, his nostrils flaring with fury.

Her body stiffened. She hadn’t meant to be disrespectful. Strange and disquieting thoughts began to race through her mind. Mr. Black had control issues the likes of which she had never encountered. Taken aback with his sudden aggressive reaction, she offered no reply causing him to shake her face harshly as his temper flared.

“Should I write all this down for you?” he spat the words out contemptuously.

“No, I can remember everything.”

“Good, because I don’t like repeating myself,” he replied sharply, his green eyes clawing at her like talons.

“Yes, Mr. Black,” Elsa whispered while offering a demure smile to appease him and reassure him that she would follow his rules.

His anger abated somewhat under the warm glow of her smile and exhilaration fluttered in her belly. What was it about this unpredictable man that made her want to please him? Was she just so desperate for attention that it didn’t matter who the man was? The blatant mischief in his eyes forced her to realize she didn’t care what the reason was.

Leaning into him, Elsa closed her eyes and tipped her head forward. She wanted to feel his mouth on her and to taste the cigarette and mint again. Pulling back, a visible flicker of apprehension passed over his face.

“I’m not interested in anything other than fucking you. I want to make that perfectly clear.”

She thought she detected a hint of sadness in his eyes as he spoke, but he quickly recovered and focused on her with a hard glare. Content to just be his fuck for now, she held out hope. Maybe, just maybe… she shook her head. There was no room to think about the future.

“I understand,” her ironic tone concealed the mixed emotions she was feeling. Looking past him and out at the bright day, she countered, “I’m not looking for anything more, either.”

He gripped her chin, forcing her to face him. His deep-green eyes darkened as they locked eyes and an accusing smile flitted across his mouth. “If you intend on deceiving me, you’re going to have to try harder.”

Her mouth parted, her defense ready to spill out when Mr. Black’s mouth slammed down onto hers. He heaved her into his firm embrace and brutally ravished her mouth, his kiss punishing and angry. His tongue stabbed into her open mouth as his hand glided down her back to her nude ass, sending shivers of desire pulsing through her. Digging his fingers into her fleshy bottom, her moan of pain could barely be heard smothered against his lips. Elsa’s brain went blank and her body went limp in his arms. No one had ever kissed her so passionately before. She couldn’t think or breathe or move. All she could do was accept his forceful tongue in her mouth and his powerful embrace.

Tugging at her hair and undoing her bun, he withdrew from her to breathe against her greedy mouth, “I want your hair down at all times when in my presence,” before recapturing her lips again.

Yet another ridiculous rule. How many would there be? Elsa partitioned off a special folder in her brain titled Black’s Rules. She suspected it wouldn’t be long until the allotted space would be overflowing with absurd stipulations. She didn’t give a damn. She would follow his rules to the end of time so long as he kept kissing her the way he was.


Abruptly Victor backed away from Elsa, leaving her a wet, breathless mess and drew the chair that sat behind him up close to her. His pulse was still pounding from their kiss and he had to fight the irresistible urge to take her. It was all about the anticipation and he intended prolonging it as long as feasibly possible.

Slowly and seductively, his gaze slid down her body as he seated himself. He drank in the image of her, etching into his brain each of her scars and wrinkles He would memorize every inch of her body from the outside-in, from the colorful cherry blossom tattoo that began just above her pelvic bone and crept sexily up her ribcage, to her endearing laugh lines, to the soft curves of her waist, to her firm calves, to the small mole on her left ass cheek and everything in between. Then, and only then, would he learn how she felt from the inside.

Elsa moved forward, but he firmly put his hand up, halting her. She had proven how easy it was to read her lies and now it was time to test her threshold of humiliation.

“It’s time for your physical examination. Face away from me and grab your ankles,” he commanded, his voice thick and steady.

A probing query came into her eyes and her normally inquisitive demeanor darkened with raw mortification. A cherry pink blush slowly crept over her cheeks as his words sank in. Ten... Nine... Eight...

“You can’t be serious,” she suddenly paled, her voice a stifled and unnatural whisper.

Victor was enthralled by what he saw – the beginnings of humiliation and realization. For an instant, his glance sharpened. He measured her with a cool appraising look as he stared back in waiting silence, ignoring her statement.

Seven... Six… He let out an audible and agitated sigh. Five…

She swallowed loudly and woodenly turned her body away. Four... Three... Victor had hoped the day’s activities wouldn’t include punishment, but… Two…

Just as the number one eased into his subconscious, Elsa bent over and grabbed a hold of her ankles, exposing her entire self to him, opening her body to his manipulations. Victor bit into his lower lip until it throbbed. It would be so easy to fuck her, with the way her pussy was inviting him and its glistening folds taunting him. He tipped his chair onto the front legs and took hold of her waist to steady her. Just one more taste. From her clit to her anus, he licked slowly, savoring her feminine flavor. He dug his fingertips brutally into her hips, leaving his mark and making her body quake. As he nibbled a cheek, he slid his two middle fingers deep into her pussy.

“Thoroughly wet and sufficiently tight,” he whispered, making her wince. He liked her reaction so much, he felt compelled to add more to her discomfort. “So tight and so wet. Such a dirty girl…” he drew out the words slowly.

His flesh prickled when he felt her body heat from embarrassment. He pumped his digits in slowly at first, then more rapidly. The newness of Elsa’s body was a welcome change from that of Seven. Even her grunts and groans of pleasure were more appealing. Everything about her was more fascinating. Proud of himself for having chosen her from amongst the crowd at The Brewery, he smiled smugly. Her gasps of delight began to come closer together and her inner walls contracted around his digits. Yanking his fingers out, he sucked at her swollen clit for yet another taste, unable to deny himself the satisfaction.

“More than satisfactorily succulent,” he breathed against her pussy.

Just as his crotch cooled with the wetness of precum, his watch chirped, reminding him of his appointment. He hissed and cursed under his breath. The fucking real world was beckoning him and he hesitantly brought his chair back onto all fours.

“We’re done here,” he griped, annoyed he hadn’t gotten to feel her pussy quiver with orgasm around his tongue, taste her come or finish with his examination.

Elsa stood and faced him with a hurt expression on her face as her breasts rose and fell with her excited breathing. Victor watched her closely, trying to read her thoughts, though it took no genius to figure out why she was frustrated. He was upset at their interruption as well. He had planned on at least fucking her mouth before his appointment and now he was kicking himself for having made her wait so long while he watched her roam about the house and nap. He had almost been caught in the act of playing the voyeur when she had tried to pick the lock of his surveillance room and he made a mental note to have the door more securely fastened before the next weekend.

Standing, he pushed a stray wisp of her hair from her eyes and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. His lips touched her skin before he realized what he had done. Without saying anything more, he retrieved his briefcase and moved toward the entrance.

“You’re to be here waiting for me when I get back,” he gave his final word as he opened the door.

Standing in the middle of the room, Elsa faced him. “When will that be?”

“Whenever I see fit.”

“But I haven’t brought anything with me for a weekend stay…” her melodic voice drifted off as he closed the door behind him.

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