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I am Earthman
  • Текст добавлен: 1 октября 2021, 18:03

Текст книги "I am Earthman"

Автор книги: Джора Байрамов

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Текущая страница: 3 (всего у книги 7 страниц)

After listening carefully to the alien's answers, the earthman thought about the people who might have remained in the bunkers, that is, about those people-hawks who started a thermonuclear war, who probably dreamed of a blitz victory and clearly did not expect and perhaps did not even expect the onset of such irreparable catastrophic consequences. Most likely, they expected that the consequences of a nuclear war would not be so catastrophic and disastrously long for the planet, and perhaps they thought that during the time they would sit in bunkers, the Earth would quickly recover, and they alone, then their descendants, would be the owners of not estimated energy and other earthly riches. However, as you can see, this, initially erroneous, calculation of their specialists was not justified, and even if they with their families and with their entire team, servants and their families survived the nuclear war and remained alive, now being in bunkers or even going outside, they are probably already reaping the terrible fruits of their atrocities.

After conversations with an alien (if the telepathic information and the humanoid's answers to human questions and his instructive message about safety measures and precautions can be called a conversation), spacesuits were put on him and another humanoid in spacesuits, standing next to him, took him by the hand, only somehow lifted him up with an eye movement. In the bright space, a small opening opened for the blink of an eye, and he, along with the humanoid, at the same moment found themselves among the green thickets. The alien disappeared so quickly that the man could not even figure out how he did it. He felt the hardness under his feet, the upper layer was soft like a carpet, but it looked green, and slowly began to step forward. There was no one nearby, but continuing to move, wherever he turned his head, a single phrase "north, south, east" immediately sounded in his native language, indicating the direction of his gaze. He sat down on a lonely protruding object that looks like an earthly mountain stone, but is absolutely green in color. I looked around, there was not a living soul around, on the vast and flat expanses of this planet, only greenery, similar to terrestrial algae, was covered. There were no trees, mountains, rivers, there were no mosquitoes, birds, animals, in general, no living creatures and no other vegetation except greenery. There were no cities, factories and factories on the surface of this planet, well, absolutely no infrastructure, there was not even that bright-bright hall where he had recently been, there were no clouds, a cloud like on Earth, but only an unusually clear, pure blue-blue sky. The blue star shone so brightly that it was impossible to look in its direction. There is only an endless green space around. He wanted to touch this green, but it immediately stuck to the suit as if it were alive and immediately retreated. Apparently, the spacesuit has some protective properties that repel this greenery. He repeated this movement several times, but after three attempts, the green, when the person's hand approached, began to retreat. "So, this green is not a plant, but some kind of intelligent living being," he thought. And it also seemed to him that it was green, for some purpose, an artificially created living being by someone. Whatever it was, the monotony of the nature of this planet so quickly tired and his soul was suddenly seized by an irresistible longing for everything earthly. Although he knew that after such a nuclear and subsequent man-made and natural disaster, which he saw with his own eyes, it is not possible for living biological beings to survive there, however, in his soul he did not lose hope for a minute that everything is not lost yet, that all Earthly life will be restored. He missed home so much, his family and friends, although for some reason he no longer remembered their names and could not recall in his memory what they looked like, but he intuitively felt that he was not alone. He wanted so much to return to Earth, his soul was tormented by loneliness, spiritual emptiness. From loneliness, from the thought that there is no more Earthly civilization, that everything is irretrievably lost for humanity, and from the hopelessness of his situation, desperate, no longer able to control himself, he screamed so loudly and began to sob. He didn't even notice that in the same split second, one of the humanoids appeared next to him. Taking his hand, he lifted him up with the same movement of his eyes, and he did not even have time to comprehend how humanoids move themselves by teleportation and move him in space, as he found himself back in that bright hall. Previously, he had read a scientific article about the teleportation hypothesis, but, as he knows, there was no scientific proof of this hypothesis on Earth. And now, although I didn't even have time to comprehend how the aliens teleport, but I myself was a participant, that is, the subject of this action.

While his thoughts were occupied with these questions, the alien turned to him with a question;

– We don't understand why you were shouting and crying. According to our doctors, your health condition is normal. They keep an eye on it all the time. Are there sensors in the spacesuit that also did not detect any deviation in your body from the norm?

– My health is all right. I am a living person and I miss my mother, my relatives and friends, my native Land, which we ourselves destroyed, where everything was, my relatives – earthlings, birds, animals, vegetation, rivers and mountains. Like in the old days, I want to hear the singing of birds, see the joy and laughter of children, the happy faces of couples in love and everything, everything that was on Earth. Perhaps these human feelings are alien to you. I do not know and do not understand how it is possible to live in such a planet where there is only greenery, monotony all around, there are no forests, mountains, rivers, where there are no birds and animals, I have not even seen your children, maybe they do not exist at all. It seems to me that you live a monotonously gray life just for the sake of living. And, we lived on earth, enjoying life, rested, ate, drank, went to concerts, listened to the music of our great composers …

– Yes. And if we add to it that all the time they were dividing the territory and wealth of the Earth, for which they were always fighting among themselves, killing and blowing up innocent people like themselves, and now, being living biological owners of high minds, they themselves destroyed their entire earthly civilization.

The Earthman did not answer, because the alien was right about that.

The alien continued;

– We also have cities where we live, factories where we make not only spaceships and other technical means, but produce everything that we need in life. And we also have children, young people who study, we can say even better than on Earth. The only difference is that already at the birth of each of them, it is possible to determine in advance by the genetic code who he will become in the future, that is, scientists, factory workers, astronauts, and so on, this can no longer be changed. In addition, our children have a very short childhood, since they reach an absolutely mature age in three years after birth, according to your time-measuring standards. Therefore, our children are born not often, but as needed, if for some reason there is a need to replenish our gene pool. At the same time, we do not have any sense of attachment of parents to their children and vice versa, children to their parents. The birth of children and their upbringing are taken for granted by us, the fact that our ranks are replenished strictly to perform work in a particular industry where for some reason there is a shortage of personnel. And, the greenery that covers our planet is only an artificially created living outer protective shell of our planet. This shell is located at an altitude of more than thirty kilometers above the planet and everywhere encircles our planet like a large green ball. The thickness of this living green protective ball, artificially created by us, is more than one kilometer. It absorbs the rays of our Blue Star, regenerates them and illuminates the entire surface of our planet evenly, regardless of whether it is night or day on the back side of the planet. In addition, absorbing the already spent harmful gases, it releases back in a uniform and in the right amount of atmospheric air, which we feed on. But, one of the main functions of this greenery is to protect our planet from the outside. When you came to the surface, you sat down on a green, solid object. In fact, this object is nothing more than one of the devices placed among the greenery, a lot of evenly distributed such devices that control this living greenery and determine "their" and "strangers"in the outer space around the planet. This device, like your radars, telescopes and other technical means of detecting targets in space, detects from afar any cosmic body moving in the direction of our planet, whether it is an asteroid, a comet or an alien ship. Automatically continuously observing these observed objects, it determines their volume, mass and flight path in outer space as accurately as possible and sets objects among them that are potentially dangerously threatening to our planet and transmits this data to our specialists. He opens an opening in the greenery in the right size, freely admits his ships, and when "strangers" are detected, whether it is an alien alien ship, a meteorite, a comet or other small space bodies, this device collects and puts a powerful stopping electromagnetic barrier on their way out of the greenery. This electromagnetic barrier, purposefully affecting the object long before it approaches the planet, first counteracting as a weak repulsive anti-gravitational force, gradually slows down its flight speed, and later catching it in its placed nets, stops their further progress and after that the greenery, dissolving these "strangers" in its depths, absorbs them.

– And whether this green copes with large space bodies. Well, for example, with a very large asteroid or comet?

– No, for this we have special, large and small, security spacecraft that ensure the safety of the planet. After receiving and processing all the data, these ships fly out to meet a large asteroid or comet, potentially and inevitably threatening our planet, long before they approach the orbital boundaries of our planet. Having approached these objects, during a parallel flight with those objects, our specialists carry out the appropriate necessary accurate calculations, and then, by soft, safe contact with subsequent repulsion, they change their flight trajectory to a safe direction for our planet. The number of ships participating in such operations is determined by the size, mass, speed and other parameters of the space body.

– Well, if this protective green, as you said, swallows and dissolves all strangers in its depths, then why didn't this green swallow me, I'm a stranger to them?

"If it weren't for our spacesuit, you would have been dissolved and swallowed up in this green haze in an instant. I warned you about this at the beginning of our conversation. These greens are artificially created and genetically encoded by our scientists to protect and maintain life on our planet. On Earth, a similar function is performed by the ozone layers and other layers of the atmosphere of your planet. Earlier, as on Earth, our planet also had its own atmosphere, similar to that of Earth, which protected us from the destructive rays of the Blue Star, from radiation and the cold of outer space, and from all other, small and large threats coming from outer space. But a thousand years ago, having descended from its orbit as a result of a collision with an asteroid of enormous magnitude, a wandering, huge lifeless planet of our star system passed dangerously close to our planet. This planet, by its gravitational attraction, tore the atmosphere from our planet, and we were forced to artificially create this protective green, which is vital for us, resistant to cosmic cold, harmful rays of a Blue star and radiation. We could not have changed the flight path of this huge wandering planet with all our desire then, and even now, in any way. And therefore, long before the dangerous approach of this wandering planet to us, we calculated its flight path in advance. And only after we were guaranteed that this planet would not collide with our planet, but would fly past, having approximately determined in advance the distance of its flight from our planet and its gravitational force of influence on our planet, we prepared for its approach. So, in a certain, calculated safe depth of the planet, they built extensive networks of tunnels and buildings, and all factories, factories and other important infrastructure and life support communications were transferred there, and they moved themselves so that their gravitational pressure on our planet, this planet at the same time, did not destroy us and our vital infrastructure. A wandering planet, flying past us, ten million kilometers away, that is, by cosmic standards, in very dangerous proximity, without causing any other tangible damage to our planet, tore off its atmosphere and after that, this wandering planet ended its existence in the Universe, in the arms of our Blue star. And we, in turn, continuing to live in the depths, were forced to create this living greenery with artificial intelligence. Moreover, when we created this protective greenery to protect our planet, it was covered directly on the surface of the planet and as it strengthened and multiplied, at first we ourselves gradually raised it to a height, and as the technology developed, we programmed it in such a way that it automatically rises above the planet. At present, there is already a kind of stable atmosphere between the planet and the greenery covering its surface, which, in proportion, has composite gases that are very close to the compositions of gases with the former atmosphere of our planet.

– Does this green mean an artificially created robot by you?

– No, the definition of robot is not quite suitable for it. Our greens are a living being, but at first with an artificially embedded thinking intelligence, and now they are developing independently. Inside this green, as well as in our body, a chain biochemical reaction occurs all the time and due to this, it feeds on harmful gases used in our planet, and from above and the rays of a Blue star. As I have already mentioned, our protective greenery is very resistant to cosmic cold, harmful rays of our star and the harmful effects of cosmic radiation. When creating this greenery, our scientists took as its basis the genetic characteristics of our body, the absorption of gases and its processing to meet the body's need for food.

– As I understand from your stories, artificially created by you, a living protective green-the shell of your planet, protecting the planet and its inhabitants from any external threats emanating from space by dissolving and absorbing them in their depths, growing even more and expanding in size, also has a continuously developing artificial intelligence of thinking? If all this is really true, then are you not afraid that someday in the future it will grow even more, devouring your planet, along with you, turn into a huge and all-consuming dangerous monster of cosmic scale and will not spread throughout the Universe?

– No, we are not afraid. When we conceived and artificially created this vital living protective greenery, we took into account everything that you have just talked about. When creating this greenery, we laid in its genetic basis that we, that is, the inhabitants of this planet, are for it, irrevocably and quickly killing its body, an allergen-a poison for which there is no antidote and it is impossible to invent. In addition, in its existence, this green organically and genetically depends entirely on the gravitational attraction of our planet alone. If trouble happens to our planet, it, in the absence of the gravitational attraction of its native planet, at the same moment ceasing to exist as a living organism, will disintegrate and turn into unnecessary cosmic dust. She understands all this perfectly well, and therefore, in order to avoid her own death, she will never want or even try to absorb at least one of us and will do everything in her power so that nothing happens to her home planet. For these reasons, our protective greens will never turn into a dangerous, all-consuming monster.

– Why are you telling me all this, that is, revealing unknown to others, the secrets of your life and the secrets of the life support of this planet?

– What I have told you is not a secret or a secret, it is our everyday life and the life of our planet, and we are thinking and working on the fact that someday in the future we will completely restore the atmosphere of our planet. In addition, we do not consider humanity to be our enemy. Although we differ significantly from each other in appearance and structure, we are the only brothers in mind. And we value this very much. Surrounded on all sides by an excessively cold, dark and large-scale radiation cosmos that is unfriendly to us, and to you too, which is fraught with innumerable various cosmic-scale dangers visible and invisible to us, thanks to you, that is, humanity, we know that we are not the only soundly intelligent beings in this part of the Universe.

– And yet, why did you not communicate with earthlings earlier? We would have known that there are intelligent aliens besides us, that we are also not alone in the universe, and perhaps, even quite probably, there would not have been a nuclear catastrophe on Earth.

– In this matter, perhaps, you are right. But as I said before, we have been following the development of civilization on Earth all the time, we have not discovered ourselves and have not interfered in your life, so that you yourself, through your evolutionary path of development, know the world, the Universe, the laws of the universe, so that your process of development and knowledge of the world occurs naturally, without any gaps. And if we had interfered with your earthly life earlier, then we already knew for sure that besides you in the Universe, and by cosmic standards relatively close to your planet, there is a planet where intelligent life exists and there is a very developed civilization compared to your achievements, you would not want to develop yourself, but would want to adopt from us all our achievements in the field of science and high technologies. Thus, in the process of the evolutionary development of the human brain, there would be an undesirable gap to develop naturally in the field of cognition of the world, invention and development in all other, different directions. This gap sometime in the future, when making a very important decision on a planetary scale for the salvation of the human race, would have a very negative impact on your actions. After the nuclear war, we had no other options but to interfere in your life, to help revive the Earth civilization that you destroyed and save the human race.

– I am interested in one more question, can I ask it?

– Ask them.

– In the conversation, you mentioned that, without interfering in our lives, you were watching us all the time. Can you tell me how and when life originated on Earth, that is, when and how we appeared there, that is, humanity, the animal and plant world?

– There will be no answer to this question. Earlier, only on the basis of a scientific study of space and a comparison of the data obtained, as well as the hypothetical assumptions of our scientists, we came to the conclusion that there is intelligent life in the neighboring galaxy located parallel to our galaxy, that is, in your galaxy. And we began to observe you since the time of the Sumerians and Orkhons, because we could not do this earlier for a purely technical reason, that is, because we did not have intergalactic spaceships capable of safely and quickly overcoming the distances between our galaxies and returning back. In the early days, when we learned and discovered that in addition to us, in the Universe, by cosmic standards, not far from us, there are intelligent, biological beings like us, we, that is, our ancestors, were very happy about this. Our pioneer missionaries, having arrived on intergalactic ships, for direct communication with earthlings, landed on Earth in small landing ships, but to prevent any possible misunderstandings on their part, they always communicated with earthlings in protective spacesuits and helmets, with dark closed visors. When we communicated with earthlings, that is, not only the Sumerians and Orkhons, but also other peoples who inhabited the Earth at that time, they all took us for the celestials, that is, for gods, deified us and worshipped us as gods. After a certain time, we realized that we had made a big, gross and irreparable mistake, that we were harming their natural development with our appearances and communications, and therefore, without further interfering in the life of earthlings, without revealing ourselves, we only began to observe you from the outside. How and when did life on Earth begin? You will find the answer to this question someday yourself, but now, after the restoration of the Earth's civilization and as your level of knowledge and technical equipment develops, you have reliably studied well first the planets of the solar system, and then the other planets of your galaxy.

– Are there any other types of living beings on your planet, well, say, various living biological or other organisms, as on Earth, that is, animals, birds, fish or other forms of life?

– No, there is no other form of life on our planet except for us.

After these conversations, the alien ordered that the earthman was again put on spacesuits and taken out of the hall. Only this time the person turned out to be on the territory of a large alien city. It was light all around, light, and the light came from above from everywhere, but the source of the light itself was not visible. The alien who was talking to him and the third humanoid, who was waiting for them on the street, put him next to them in a chair of some kind of aircraft and the three of them flew in an unknown direction on this aircraft. There was a huge city below, with various bizarre buildings, and it seemed to a person who was looking at this alien city with special curiosity that the city was so huge and there was no end to this city. Nearby, in different directions, flying machines of different shapes and sizes flew in which humanoids were sitting. There were no streets in the city, there were no alien citizens in sight, only bizarre different buildings without windows and doors. After flying some distance, the device landed on a platform near a building. When they were inside the building, they took off his spacesuit and showed him a room consisting of several rooms and said;

–This is your home, make yourself at home. The dwelling with all the comforts of the earth belongs to you. In our archive, in an electronic version, there are copies of all films and books created or published up to the present time by mankind. So that you can order any book or movie, or even music. It bothers you, no one will be without special need. You can communicate with us at any time by clicking on this button. After that, the alien showed him a tiny red button mounted on the wall, next to the bed.

– No. I will not watch movies or read books. After I saw with my own eyes the destruction of our earthly civilization, I, the only remaining living person, an earthling, being on a distant planet, already knowing that there is no more earthly civilization, I will now never be able to afford to have fun, watch movies, listen to music or read books created by humanity that no longer exists. On my part, this will be an outrage on their bright memory. If you still have copies, then this is good. If, as you have already said, the human race is ever reborn and restored, all this will be useful and will be needed by our future generation. From the cultural heritage of their ancestors, they will know how beautiful our blue planet Earth was, what the Earth's civilization used to be, and how their ancestors, possessing a high intellectual mind, without any interference from outside, destroyed all this essentially heavenly beauty and their thousand-year-old civilization with their own mind and hands.

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