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I am Earthman
  • Текст добавлен: 1 октября 2021, 18:03

Текст книги "I am Earthman"

Автор книги: Джора Байрамов

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Текущая страница: 2 (всего у книги 7 страниц)


In a Foreign land

He woke up in an unusually light-bright space. It was not the cabin of a large spaceship, or a huge hall without windows and apparently even without doors. Nearby, dressed in a cloak of gray material, an alien stood silently, looking and describing very similar to the aliens from the fantastic films of earthlings. But this alien was very taller than the ones he saw in the movies, that is, if he determines by eye, then his height was about two and a half meters. At first glance, the alien's face and gaze seemed to him not terrible, not evil and not ferocious, as in those fantastic films about aggressive alien predators-aliens or about terminators-destroyers, but kind and smiling. The Earthman turned to the alien:

– Where am I, where are the rest of the crew? The

humanoid looked at him and did not frame a word, but at the same moment he somehow telepathically transmitted to the human brain, in the form of thoughts brought from outside, words;

– This is our planet, it is called the Green Planet, our Sun is a Blue star. All the time, without interfering in your life, we are watching you, studying the Earth, the Earth's civilization. However, we did not have time to prevent a nuclear catastrophe on Earth. Unfortunately, the human brain is very complex and does not lend itself to our full study. We can somehow inform you about the upcoming catastrophe of a cosmic scale, change the trajectories of a particular cosmic body, potentially threatening the Earth on a large scale. Even by telepathic influence on the human brain, we can stop him from committing any actions if we establish that he is planning something global, not good, but we cannot predict in advance what he is thinking and will do, even in a minute. Therefore, we could not foresee in advance, and will prevent a nuclear war. And although we knew that every day, step by step, the interstate relations of the nuclear powers of your planet were getting more and more heated, however, on the issue of nuclear war, we fully and completely relied on the high intelligence of humanity. We believed that you would refrain from using nuclear weapons because you invented these weapons yourself, you knew in advance that a global thermonuclear war would lead to what tragic consequences, what catastrophic consequences this war would have for the planet, for the entire Earth's civilization, if not forever, then for many, many times. But as you can see, we made a mistake and this disaster happened. It is quite possible that we, of course, except for you, have lost all our earthly brothers in mind as a result of this catastrophe. We will return to this topic later, since our experts have not yet reliably studied the consequences of a nuclear war on Earth and it may still be possible to save the survivors of your relatives and restore your earthly civilization. Now let's talk about the ISS, where you were and survived the thermonuclear war with the entire crew. So, by the time our ship arrived, other members of your crew had died off brain cells due to prolonged oxygen starvation and their brains were already beyond repair, so we did not revive them. Only you were resuscitated. Fortunately for you, our patrol ship was in your galaxy at the time of the nuclear disaster. Our planet is not suitable for you. Although the atmospheric air and all other conditions of our planet are somewhat similar to your planet, but the inhabitants of the upper layers of our planet are very aggressive for human flesh. Without a special protective suit, you will disappear in an instant into the living, green haze of our planet. For our body, the environment of this planet is not only harmless, it is even useful. Therefore, you can only go outside in special spacesuits. And we will feed you with specially prepared food, just for you, so as not to harm your body and will support all the functions of your body at the level. We ourselves never eat, as earthlings eat. Our body is arranged in the same way as in your science fiction films about the terminators, but at the same time we are not robots, but living beings. Inside our body, a biochemical chain reaction takes place all the time, which carries out a continuous exchange at the cellular level and the body feeds and recovers at the expense of the air of our planet. And in the absence of such or similar air, our body can automatically reconfigure itself to an unfavorable mode of existence and on this mode, too, for an indefinite long time, we can eat and exist at the expense of any gaseous substance of biological, plant or even sometimes chemical origin. However, with a very long unfavorable mode of existence, our body is very weak, but we do not die at all. Therefore, we live a very long time, compared to human life, almost forever, with the exception of …

The humanoid did not finish the sentence and the telepathically transmitted thoughts to the human brain were automatically blocked. But the person immediately thought that humanoids can only be destroyed in some physical way and immediately thought to himself, " why, why do I think so, they saved me, they want good for us. Only for us, that is, for human nature, these qualities are inherent, to kill and take possession." Putting these thoughts aside, he also asked a question;

– And, how long has it been since you took me from the ISS?

"Eight years by your earth standards.

The man asked in surprise and quickly;

– Your planet is so close to Earth. Why did we never know about the existence of your planet, or at least a Blue star?

– No, the distance between our planets is measured in several hundred light-years. But, our ships overcome this path in just eight earth years. Our galaxy is located next to your galaxy, almost on parallel planes of outer space and they rotate equally parallel and only in one direction. Due to the fact that the galaxies are located on parallel planes, your Solar system is always parallel almost next to our Blue star, respectively, and with our Green planet. This explains the proximity of our planets. However, despite this, your telescopes do not see our galaxy, since there is a huge, dark, dusty cosmic-scale nebula between our galaxies, making it difficult for your telescopes to see.

–This is incomprehensible to the mind and according to all the laws of the universe, this is not possible. How is it possible to overcome such a distance so quickly and why have our telescopes, and scientists who make their theoretical conclusions based on a comparison of other scientific data, not yet noticed this dusty nebula and have not discovered your galaxy?

–Your telescopes do not notice the dusty nebula because it is reflected in your telescopes as a dark and huge empty cosmic abyss of the Universe, and for the same reason your scientists have not discovered our galaxy. As for the Law of the universe, we do not understand what Law of the universe we are talking about. The universe has its own comprehensive Laws in this regard, the knowledge of which will allow us in the future to develop the speed of our ships even several times faster than the speed of light. Therefore, it is possible to overcome such a distance even faster. Our time is also measured by other standards and the technology of the structure of ships, their movement in space is completely different…

The alien, apparently knowing the abilities of the human brain for rapid assimilation, remembering and processing of the received information, most likely, even most likely, for a completely different reason, even if in the form of telepathic thoughts, did not want to give out to a person the technological secrets of shipbuilding that they had achieved. It is very possible that they are strictly prohibited by their internal rules, and therefore he stopped for a moment and then went on a little sharply;

–Do not ask any more questions on this topic, you will not get an answer to them yet. Maybe a little later I will tell you our secrets of shipbuilding. Now they will put on a spacesuit for you. Then you will be taken outside, and there you can admire our planet.

– Oh, can I ask you one more question?

And without waiting for the alien's consent, the man asked a question;

–Apart from us earthlings and you, is there life on other planets, in other galaxies and in the Universe in general, do intelligent beings, so to speak, like people or similar to people or like you, beings, individuals, live there?

–There is life in one form or another everywhere, even in many planets of your galaxy and in all other galaxies that we know and there are different, intelligent and non-intelligent, simple and complex in the structure of the organism, small in size, microscopic and gigantically huge, and innumerable diverse living beings by origin. However, we have not met any living beings whose mind and intellectual thinking are similar to our or human minds. All other intelligent beings that we have met are very aggressive and use their minds only to enslave or destroy other living beings in order to satisfy their food needs or to eliminate competition in certain territories of their habitat. We call them beings with a dark mind. However, everywhere, throughout the universe, there is an echo of a high, kind, noble mind, which we feel every day, but by whom and how this good mind spreads throughout the Universe, we cannot establish. Even if living beings are the distributors of this high, kind mind, then they probably live in the vast expanses of the Universe far from us, where our ships cannot yet fly. Therefore, we can definitely not say who or what is the source of this mind, from where, from whom, from a living being or from any cosmic body of the Universe, this good, high mind comes from. Maybe the high mind has always existed, exists and will exist forever in the Universe itself as a particle of it, and moreover, perhaps the bottomless Universe itself is the high mind, from which our, and your brains are more and more exhausted, more and more knowledge and we are developing further. Although we do not know the source from which this intelligence comes, our consciousness and our modern intellectual level of development tells us that if this high intelligence did not exist in the universe, we would no longer develop intellectually, but would stop at the level of development of an innate instinct. And perhaps they would not even have been born. Therefore, we, too, like you, are inclined to believe that the so-called "gods" described in your sacred religious books may be the distributors of this high intelligence and the original creators of all living beings in the Universe. Perhaps we, you and others, unknown to us, living, but intelligent, similar and not similar to us beings of the Universe are projects of even more comprehensively highly developed intelligent beings who, having created us, gave us a chance to exist, live and determine our fate in the Universe. One way or another, we exist and are the owners and carriers of high intelligence, and we must use this right.

The alien, having interrupted telepathy, stopped a little and apparently he was confused to transmit or not to transmit to a person information that is at their disposal and is very important for earthlings. But apparently deciding that this cannot be left for later, but it needs to be done now, he continued;

– Not far away, a few hundred light-years from your galaxy, there is a dwarf galaxy called "Ovf", which means "Disgusting" in translation from our language into human language. We did not give this name for this galaxy because the galaxy itself is like this. No, the galaxy itself is no different from other galaxies, except for the small size of the coverage of territories in the space of the Universe. And, they gave such names and entered them into the registry of the mission control center of our ships specifically, for a quick and unmistakable distinction from other galaxies and determining its location. There are three planets in this galaxy that are very similar to the planet Earth in all their parameters, atmospheric air, vegetation, biological and ichthyofauna and all other conditions, that is, with the locations and periods of rotation around their star, circling around their axis, even in masses, density and diametrical dimensions. The difference between these three planets is that all these planets, being at a uniform distance of remoteness from their star, rotate around their star in the same direction and in the same orbit, at a uniform distance of remoteness and sequence from each other, with absolutely the same speeds and rotation periods. These three planets are inhabited by living, very highly intelligent, but not similar in appearance to us or to humans, but at the same time physically very strong, hardy, too tenacious and very aggressive against other living individuals of the Universe, biological beings. But their mind, the intelligence of thinking, as well as their appearance, are significantly different from our mind, that is, as mentioned before, they have a very aggressive "dark mind". As I have already mentioned, the mind of these biological beings, like our mind, is very developed. They also have modern large intergalactic ships that move them in space at a speed exceeding the speed of light. And in general, in all spheres of life, in the fields of science and technology, weapons, they are developed, just like we are. The difference between their mind and our mind is that they continuously develop and use their mind not for good purposes, but only for enslaving and eating other living biological beings other than them. In a word, they are strikingly highly developed, intelligent parasites-predators of the universe. According to our sources, several thousand years ago, these three planets of that galaxy were previously inhabited by biological beings, not very developed by reason, whose appearance is very similar to you, that is, to earthlings, at an early, primitive stage of human development. But having arrived, unknown to us, from the distant depths of the Universe, these amazingly intelligent, predatory parasitic creatures, taking advantage of their advantage in technological development, occupied these planets without much resistance. After defeating and enslaving the inhabitants of these planets, they drove them all into special reservations. Then, at a genetically high-tech level, their reproduction was put on stream as cattle, they were used to performing everyday work in everyday life, and mainly they were used as food. According to our data, the resources of these planets for the residence and reproduction of predators have recently significantly decreased, because due to the long and incompetent use of genetic technologies for reproduction, the biological resources of these planets, which were the main food for predators, began a mutation, which in turn led to their gradual mass extinction. For this reason, it is very likely that these parasitic predators will soon begin, if they have not already begun, to search for new planets inhabited by biological beings to enslave their inhabitants and satisfy their food needs. It is possible that for this they will choose your Land, which according to all the data, that is, parameters, atmospheric conditions and all other criteria is suitable for them.

–But, neither the Earth's civilization, nor humanity is no more. Why do they need our naked planet Earth now?

– The invasion will not begin soon. According to our calculations, it will take several more centuries, or even a millennium, before the invasion begins. According to the calculations of our scientists, by that time the Earth itself and the Earth's biological, plant life in one form or another will definitely be restored. Whether the human race will recover or not, we don't know yet. Our scientists will work on this.

– How about the guinea pigs?

– No, no one is going to conduct any experiments or experiments on you. According to our, but not yet fully reliable and not fully verified data, man is still the only highly intelligent living biological being in the entire Universe, very similar in mind to us. Only unlike our brain, which can be encoded and programmed even before we are born, the human brain is very complex, develops quickly, continuously and does not lend itself to any long-term or even short-term coding, programming. Just think about the fact that your scientists, both biologists and doctors, have been studying your brain for centuries, but in terms of knowing the very process of the human brain, how and how such an accurate mapping, perception and evaluation of the external world around you takes place in your brain, they have almost no achievements. They can only put forward various hypotheses on this topic, passing off these hypotheses as scientific discoveries in the field of studying the brain and stating the fact that a person, unlike animals and other living beings, is made by their mind, which is introduced from outside and contained in the neural cells of their brain. Perhaps they are right in some ways in their scientific works, but your and our scientists are still very far from a full and comprehensive study of the origin of the human mind and the work of his brain in order to reliably draw absolutely correct conclusions in this direction. Our scientists know absolutely exactly what substances, what parts and particles human brain cells are made of, that a human cub acquires an intelligent soul already in the process of its intrauterine development, with the first movement of a human fetus, and from this moment the active development of cells, that is, neurons, of the human brain begins. However, due to the fact that the brain cells of the intrauterine fetus and then the newborn baby are not yet sufficiently developed, although their brain neurons also receive the same information from the mind as the neurons of the adult brain receive, these brain cells cannot process even the meager information received from the mind. The brain performs all this as it develops, until the end of the physical life of brain cells, which occurs in connection with the onset of biological death of the brain and all other internal organs of a person. However, for our scientists, the process of brain formation after the birth of a human cub, its subsequent development, as well as the process of processing information received from the mind by its cells, in contrast to the work of your other organs, remains the most mysterious. And therefore, the human brain for us is still not fully studied and not solved, we can even say a mysterious human organ. Now, if it were possible to separate a person's soul from his brain in a controlled way, then it would be possible to study both the soul and the human brain separately. But in such cases, that is, when the soul is separated from the brain, at the same second losing its ability to think and its other physiological and cellular-metabolic properties, the human brain also dies quickly and irrevocably. And the human soul, in such cases, reliably knowing that clinical death will necessarily be followed by biological, that is, final, brain death, initially without losing its configuration and integrity, already at the stage of clinical death, leaves the brain in a thousandth of a second. However, after the soul has left the human brain, it is in close proximity to the physical body of a person, waiting for the onset of biological death of his body. And with the onset of biological death, the body, finally convinced of this, the soul irrevocably leaves it and after a certain time, gradually losing its integrity and configuration, but not disappearing at all, dissolves in the environment in the form of undetectable particles of the atmosphere. To determine the particles and assemble the human soul into one whole, to study it, after his death, have never been successful before, since the speed of movement of the soul in space is several times greater than even the speed of light and no high-tech equipment will help here. In a word, after the onset of biological death, it is not only practically impossible to do this, but we can say that by now even scientifically proven solid theories on this matter do not exist. But, science also allows for such a hypothetical theory that, theoretically, the human soul can be separated from the brain and studied separately. This theory can be put into practice only if, I emphasize this, if a person is still alive and practically healthy, the work of all his internal organs is stable and his brain cells are fed as usual with a healthy body, but he himself is in a state of passive, regulated artificial sleep. In this case, the human soul, as a whole, intelligent, but as an invisible and elusive being, without losing its configuration, will be guaranteed to know that at any time it can return to its habitual environment, that is, to the brain, where the brain cells have everything necessary for its further existence. Taking advantage of this, with the help of high-tech equipment, it will be possible to artificially squeeze the soul out of the brain, and then study both the brain and the soul separately. After all, science has irrefutably proved that during sleep, a part of the human soul, namely, its intelligent part, for a short time, voluntarily leaves the human body. In this short period of time, this part of the soul, moving in space at unimaginably high speeds, manages to visit everywhere, even in the planets of your Solar system, and at the same time, without losing contact with the brain, transmits everything seen to the brain of a person who perceives all this as a dream during sleep. Our scientists believe that in some cases, for example, when a person falls into a state of prolonged coma or a long lethargic sleep, the intelligent part of his soul, leaving the brain cells, during this allotted time, without losing contact with the brain, manages to visit not only other planets, but even other galaxies. When the mind leaves the human brain during sleep, it sometimes, moving in free space, meets and communicates even with the memorable particles of the soul of their relatives or friends, but long-dead people. Therefore, in your dreams, as if all this is happening to you in real life, sometimes you seem to meet and communicate with your relatives, friends or acquaintances, but people who have long died, and sometimes even receive information from them, in the form of advice or warnings. Our scientists have established that during sleep, when a reasonable part of the human soul voluntarily leaves the human brain for a short time, another, that is, the life-supporting part of the human soul, necessarily remaining in the brain cells, in the absence of a reasonable part, without losing connection with each other, ensures the normal functioning and rest of the entire human body. This whole procedure with the human brain and its soul happens as usual, often and arbitrarily, sometimes even every day, without any artificial compulsions. Moreover, our scientists are inclined to assume that this is an obligatory, everyday procedure of your mind during sleep, so that your brain cells, in addition to everyday visual or other perception of the world, even during rest, receive more and more information from your mind and develop and enrich more and more knowledge of the world around you. But, in turn, your still developing brain, due to the low level of development of the cognitive part of your brain cells, does not yet have time to physically accept, scan and process all the information provided to it during sleep, in the form of dreams, by the intelligent part of your soul. Therefore, when a person wakes up after a dream, filled with different, but not yet processed information, his brain does not immediately think and assess what is happening around him, the situation. In addition, he then quickly forgets everything or only fragmentally remembers his dream, unless of course the pictures seen and transmitted by the mind are previously familiar to him and are connected with his daily life. Sometimes, in such cases, if the dream is very complex and the cognitive part of his brain cells is not previously familiar with the pictures of the dream, he does not even remember what he saw during the movement in space and transmitted his mind to the brain, being in other, far places from the location of his physical body. And, everything else, what he remembers fragmentally in such cases from this dream, is perceived by a person as a nightmare. Over time, that is, as your brain cells develop, your brain will be able to receive, scan and process all the information presented to it by your own mind, and then you will see, evaluate and even know everything that is happening in the Universe without much effort, even without telescopes, without space probes and high-tech equipment. Although our scientists, everything I have said now, has been theoretically proven on a scientific basis, but practical evidence in this direction has not yet been received. This can be practically proved, as I have already said, if we separate the soul of a person from the brain, of course, still alive, and study them separately. But so far, for scientific study, no one, that is, your scientists, and our scientists, has managed to artificially separate the inseparable connection of the intelligent part of the soul and the human brain, without harming the further functioning of the brain. However, we have accurate information that your scientists on Earth were working on a project in secret laboratories, so that later, in any still alive, healthy person, at the right moment, of course, without harm to his body and health, especially without harm to the brain, he would be able to separate the intelligent part of his soul from the brain cells. The ultimate goal of their work was to, after separating the intelligent part of the soul from the brain cells, make the necessary changes in the mind of the person being tested, correct and direct the action of his mind at his discretion and return it back with an altered mind to the human brain and thus control the mind of any person. In a word, this meant attempts to create biologically living, thinking biorobots, whose appearance, body structure, behavior, habits and all other anatomical structures and physiological properties of the body are no different from ordinary people, but programmed and unquestioningly fulfilling all the instructions given to them. What results they have achieved, most likely we will never know now. At the same time, we know that the possibilities of the human brain are infinitely huge and infinite, like the universe itself. Therefore, as carriers of a high, noble mind, we will need each other not only now, but especially in the distant future. And we think, and even know, that all is not lost for humanity yet. It is only necessary to find optimal ways to overcome the consequences of a nuclear catastrophe and develop methods for the maximum rapid restoration of biological and plant life on Earth. Our scientists will help you with this. If, by the time the invasion of predators begins, the human race is restored, we will definitely help you to repel the invasion of these intelligent parasites-predators. And, the human race will definitely recover sooner or later, we believe in it.

– After the nuclear war, were there any survivors on Earth? Well, at least someone, that is, people, animals, birds, vegetation?

– After the nuclear disaster, we study the Earth all the time. Very little time has passed, and therefore it is difficult to assert or deny anything now. But one thing I can say for sure is that in the deep waters of the oceans, where underwater volcanoes did not erupt, the life of waterfowl was preserved in immeasurably small quantities. In addition, when we were saving you, our radars detected one, the only nuclear submarine that survived the thermonuclear disaster in the northern latitudes of the planet, but we do not know anything about the further fate of this boat and its crew. We then unsuccessfully tried to contact the crew to pick them up from the nuclear submarine and save them. However, for some reason, their means of communication for contact did not work, perhaps in order not to reveal themselves, they were in full radio silence, and when our small landing ship appeared for visual contact with the crew, the boat hastily plunged and disappeared under the water, apparently taking us for an enemy. After that and the subsequent time, no signals came from them. Due to the fact that we are well aware of the potential for survivability and autonomous existence for a long period of time of your nuclear submarines, we rate the survival of the crew of the boat after the disaster very highly. This is possible if at the time of the disaster there were large food supplies in the boat, and during this allotted time they found a place on the shore where they can then periodically replenish food supplies. It is still possible that there are living people in government bunkers and billionaires ' bunkers who built these bunkers of life in order to wait out, survive and stay alive in the event of nuclear wars or other global natural disasters and cataclysms on Earth. But the territories where these bunkers were located were subjected to such targeted, furious nuclear attacks by opponents that we even doubt that even if there were survivors there, they have very little chance of getting out of the bunkers to the surface, since in many places they were flooded by ocean waters. And where the water did not flood, there the earth turned into a charred, black lifeless radioactive mess and in these places directly on the surface in the soils of the earth and, accordingly, in that radius and in the atmosphere, a disastrous concentration of radiation for biological life has accumulated, which will persist for centuries. Whether they will survive in such circumstances depends on the reserves of water, food, oxygen and the technical equipment of these bunkers for autonomous existence for very many years. And after a certain time, when they run out of these supplies, their survival depends on the fact that if they have a sufficient number of protective suits against radiation, and if they get out safely, and also if they leave these places safely quickly. In addition, in large megacities or in cities where there were subways, in metro tunnels where water did not flood, a certain number of people who were there directly at the time of a nuclear war could remain alive. But due to the fact that they did not have food and other necessary means of subsistence, all of them may have died long ago. However, there are also territories on Earth that have suffered less from nuclear explosions, volcanic eruptions and flooding of ocean waters. The radiation background in these places, as well as on the entire surface of the Earth, was quite high immediately after the nuclear explosions, but after the passage of time, unlike other places, due to the fact that there were no nuclear charges exploding in the immediate vicinity, the concentration of radiation in these places significantly and rapidly decreases. Therefore, it is very likely that people, animals and vegetation may have survived in these territories. We are carefully studying these territories and if this is the case, we will definitely inform you. By now, most volcanoes have passed the active eruption phases. In addition, our scientists have done everything to ensure that the thermonuclear winter does not last long, that is, that the dust and ash shroud from the atmosphere quickly settles on the earth's surface and the vital rays of the Sun penetrate to the Earth. These works have already borne fruit and the sun's rays in some places pass through the veil and the nuclear winter is gradually receding. And how long will it take for biological life on Earth to be revived again and everywhere? There is no answer to this question yet, since the scale of the disaster was terrifying and immeasurably very large. But the main thing is that the Earth withstood the catastrophe, did not split into parts, did not descend from its orbit, as before, rotates around its star and revolves around its axis, retained its attraction, and as a result, although very polluted, it also retained its atmosphere. However, the widespread super-powerful earthquakes and the eruption of large and small volcanoes that occurred on the surface layers of the Earth subsequently echoed very negatively in the inner layers of the planet. So, after the nuclear catastrophe, some strong changes also occurred in the bowels of the Earth in the form of tectonic shifts, mixing and multiple faults of the lithospheric plates, resulting in subsidence and separation of continents, which led to the formation of numerous, large and small islands on the Earth's surface. But we do not yet know what the further consequences of these shifts and faults will be for the planet Earth, whether it will retain its life-supporting properties for biological beings in the future. I also want to inform you that the Earth rotates around the Sun, in its orbit at the same speed as before, but it rotates around its axis a little faster than before. This was due to the fact that the powerful fiery explosive waves of thermonuclear explosions in the form of hurricanes, which circled the Globe several times in only one direction, in which direction the planet also rotates, increased its rotation around its axis and now the speed of rotation of the Earth by your time-measuring standards is a little more than twenty-three hours.

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