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Red Serpent: The Falsifier
  • Текст добавлен: 31 октября 2016, 02:13

Текст книги "Red Serpent: The Falsifier"

Автор книги: Делсон Армстронг

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“Relax, John,” Richard said, laying his head back and sighing. “I know things will work out for us.”

“Yeah, I hope.” He folded his legs and sat back.

“Is everything okay? Did that girl say something?”

“No, nothing important. Just something between her and Alex.”

“I hope everything’s fine.”

“Yeah, everything’s alright. I’m just nervous, that’s all. There’s still a chance that they might not–”

“We’ll be fine, John. The Senate will have to give you emergency powers. The vampires are going to send an ultimatum and we will send them one of our own.”

“Will our boys be ready?” John shook his head. “I’m not sure they will.”

“We’ll give them time. When the Senate hears of the ultimatum, they’ll know it’s come to war, and they’ll have no choice but to elect you Supreme Leader.”

They arrived at five to eight and stepped out of the limo. “Wait here, Bill,” John said.

“Yes, Mr. Howe,” said Bill.

John and Richard walked up the massive stairs to the Headquarters and entered a lobby. A different receptionist from the one they encountered earlier smiled and said, “Sir, the Senate is waiting for you, in there.” She pointed to the Great Hall.

“Thanks,” said John. As they approached the entrance to the hall, they saw two guards outside. For a moment John was scared that they were there to take him away. “I have come to meet the Senate. Let me in,” he said, trying to hide his fears. The guards opened the massive double door.

Once again, Senator Gars greeted them. “It is time, Leader Howe,” he said. He led them inside the Great Hall silently as the others watched their movements. John stepped up to the podium, and observed the faces of each member of the Senate. There was nothing he could read from them. No news reporters stood by to cover the story. The Senate did not want any more publicity and so strict orders had been given to ban reporters from the Headquarters. They were also not allowed anywhere near John’s Estate, nor the Regnum Central area.

John spoke: “Senators of Regnum, I have come now to hear your voices and to act on your behalf.” A feeling of anxiety crept up his spine when he scanned their faces; he was afraid they might not be with him. Had they perhaps planned to throw him in prison? If they had, there would be nobody to protect him. Despite these thoughts, he continued. “Whatever it may be, let it be heard and let it be followed.”

Senator Blake stood up and said, “From hereon, the Council has been disintegrated. A majority of the votes dictates that all the members, excluding Richard Bacon, shall be detained for further hearing on the accusations put forth by General John Benjamin Howe. They will be tried and the court hearings will be overlooked by the Justices of the Supreme Court.” He read from a scroll, “You, John Benjamin Howe III, General of the Army of Earth and Council Leader, have hereby been appointed Supreme Leader of all Regnum. From now on, after this appointment, the Senate, the Judiciary, and all other governmental bodies will be under your command, for the good of all Regnum. You will be responsible for implementing the return of human life on Earth. Richard Bacon, you have been appointed Vice-Chancellor of the Leadership of Regnum.” Blake rolled up the parchment and said on behalf of his fellow senators, “However, before we grant both of you these posts, we have a question to ask you.” All eyes were on them like predators.

“And that is?” asked John.

“What is your plan for the next year, in terms of this coming war? What will be the fate of the Rebels, if you are to bring them here, and why, more importantly, did they take Alexander Howe, your nephew?”

“Well, let me begin, Senators, by thanking all of you for your decision. I assure you that you have made the right choice in appointing me Supreme Leader with Richard Bacon on my side as Vice-Chancellor. I promise you as I have promised myself and the people of Regnum that soon we shall be the People of the Earth once again! I love the Earth, as much as anyone else does. It belongs to me, you, and to all of us. We are its children and we have been banished against our will. I do not propose that we cooperate with the vampires and let them stay on the Earth, for they will not accept it. Therefore, I say we take what is ours by force. We must train our men to fight in battle, on land, in air, and by sea. We must destroy them and reclaim our home. I propose a mission, firstly to rescue my nephew, Alexander. I admit I allowed it to happen because I knew he would be in safe hands. The Rebel known as General Nikolas Gareng is a very close friend of mine, and before taking away my nephew, he gave me a message.” John took out the canister and the scroll.

“Nikolas,” he continued, “has promised me that Alex will be safe with him and the other Rebels. They have become stronger since the last time we met them, and now they will be our greatest ally. If you did not notice, they were covered in silver at the time of the kidnapping. This shows that the Vampire Government is preparing by testing on the Rebels for immunity against silver, so that they can defeat us in this war to come. We too must prepare, and with the Rebels on our side, with their enhanced powers, we will be unstoppable. I suspect tomorrow we will receive an ultimatum, for we have breached clause 108765. In return we will send them an ultimatum: give us Alex, or it shall come to war!

“Now, there is a confession I want to make.” He thought for a moment about what he was going to say. “My nephew has been captured by the Regime because he is the Falsifier, a man and a vampire, believed by the Anisaei to be the one to bring about their destruction.” For a moment, it seemed like what he had just said hadn’t registered in their minds.

“Wait a minute,” said Senator Keegan, a woman sitting at the far end of the hall, “Are you saying that your nephew, the boy we know as Alexander Howe, who graduated from Regnum University as the valedictorian of his class, is a vampire?”

To this, some of the other senators remarked:


“This is completely wrong!”

“If we had only known!”

Senator Gars ran towards John and whispered to him, “What you’re saying is shocking, John. How do you expect us to believe this and to accept you now as our leader?”

“I just do.” He faced Gars with complete resolve.

Gars returned the look and gestured for silence. As the noise died down, he said to John with a smile. “I’m glad you were honest about it. I’m with you.” The Senators erupted once again and started cursing John. Some of them even left. “Senators, listen to me!” Gars pleaded. “What John Howe has said is quite unexpected. Nevertheless, we mustn’t react in such a way. After all, Alexander has been a citizen of the Regnum as long as any of us has been. He has proved himself to be a man of great caliber, in his thoughts, in his words, and in his actions. Never has he shown contempt for any of us and he has done so much, in terms of helping this society in whatever way he could. Granted, he is a vampire. Yet you would allow other vampires on board the Regnum; those who we call the Rebels. Besides, Alex is more human than vampire. According to Leader Howe, he is our only hope.

“His behavior only shows that vampires, if they are on our side, can be trusted. I say that Alex should be rescued and that the Rebels can come on board the Regnum, under one condition. That is: if any harm is done to any human of the Regnum by any one of the vampires, they are to be deported back to the Earth. We will not send them back to the Government, but to Antarctica, for we know no vampire is allowed to set foot on that land without prior permission from the higher order, from Anaxagoras himself. Under these terms, he shall be accepted. Is that understood?” Gars turned to John. The latter nodded. “All those in favor?”

Total silence. Then, one by one, they spoke the word, “Aye!”

Alex had the same dream as the previous night. He saw the emerald cross with the serpent entwined around it. Once again there was the same comforting, white light between him and the emblem.

He heard a voice, Anaxagoras’s perhaps, calm, yet icy. “Alexander, your time is soon approaching.”

Alex turned around looking for the owner of this voice, but there was none. He saw a stairway, carved into the walls and leading to a cave. There was a dim light coming from it. He walked up towards the cave and entered. The flickering light came from above him. It was not white, but rather like a yellow flame. “Alexander,” the voice said again, “You must follow me. Listen to what I have to say.”

“Why?” Alex said. “Why should anyone listen to you?”

Anaxagoras laughed, “No one listens because they are forced to. Do you really think that? No.” he paused. “They listen because they know what I say is right.”

“I know what is right. So why should I listen to you?”

“You don’t know what the truth is. Do not listen to anyone. That is what I am telling you. Listen to what I have to say and you will see the truth.”

Alex kept his eyes upwards at the flame-like light. “Why are you telling me all this? What do you want me to see?”

The light grew larger, more radiant. “What do you have to lose?” The light, ten feet away from Alex, grew as bright as the sun. A figure stepped out of it: Anaxagoras, cloaked and completely dark. Only the pale outline of his face could be seen. “Come with me,” he said, hovering in the air like the angel of death. “Come and see for yourself what will happen.”

Suddenly, Alex too hovered in the air. He knew Anaxagoras was controlling him. They sped higher and higher. Alex could see they neared to the top when he saw clouds. The edifice resembled the opening of a volcano. When they reached the threshold, Alex saw that the structure was in the ground and did not rise up like a mound.

“Where are we?” He asked. “What is this?” He saw a large amalgamation of structures, a complex of pyramids, marble obelisks, and statues. They had come out of an eight hundred foot pyramid through a small ventilation shaft. The pyramid resembled the ones in South America. “This is amazing!” Alex gasped.

“This, my boy, is called the Mausoleum of the Anu-Sa-Rimh!” Anaxagoras raised his hands and gestured to convey the majesty of the area.

“You mean the Blood Gods?”

“Ah, so you know about them?”

“Is this Migra?” Alex asked.


“But the place we were at before–

“That was Antarctica,” Anaxagoras said.

Migra, the real Migra, was so lush. The complex stretched as far as Alex could see. The gigantic monuments were surrounded by lush gardens and sparkling fountains of gushing water.

“This is the city of the gods,” said Anaxagoras. “This is what people on Earth called Heaven, the Kingdom of God, Devanagari, Nirvana, and all the other names they have for paradise.”

“So, they’ve seen it,” Alex said, confused. “But how?”

“In their visions, they have seen it.”

“Why are you showing me this?”

“This is your destination. This is where you must be, Alexander. You must join me!”

Alex turned hostile, “You will never persuade me! Tell me what you must and let me go!”

“You have no idea what you are talking about. I have the power to kill you here in the realm of consciousness.”

“You killed your son! What’s stopping you now?”

“I’m giving you a choice, like I gave my son.”


“If you don’t join me, then it will mean destruction for everything.”

“I don’t believe that! That’s not true!”

“You have no other choice.”

“That’s not what the Prophecies say!”

“If you do not join me you will see what happens.” In an instant, everything Alex saw burst into flames.

He felt the heat of the fire burning him and heard the violent screams of women and children, begging for mercy. He saw flying ships and objects of fire blazing down from the sky. The ships were massive, as big as the Regnum. As they landed soldiers flew out and attacked everything in sight. They created energy beams that caused mass destruction in every corner. Horrible painful lights flickered here and there as a result of the blasts, leaving behind dust, decay, and debris. The heavily armed soldiers attacked the Mausoleum, the pyramid in which Alex had been. They looked like oversized robots with rigid and bulky armor. They had no features, only two large lights for eyes. He realized these were just helmets. He saw other ships, smaller ships, attacking the larger ones.

They landed and the enemy soldiers rushed out. Alex saw that all these soldiers were humans! He saw John, Nikolas, Richard and so many other familiar faces.

“This is impossible!” Alex yelled.

“It will be so. You shall see,” Anaxagoras said, his voice penetrating through Alex’s veins and beating in his heart.

“But, the war. It’s...who are these people?”

“That’s of no importance. Now, tell me.” Everything disappeared in a flash of light and they were back to the time of an untainted Migra. “Will you join me?” Anaxagoras held out a white hand. His long glassy fingernails reflected the light.

Alex hesitated, pretending to consider. Then he smirked, “These are just your tricks, nothing more. You think I would believe you so easily?”

Anaxagoras said nothing and raised his right arm. Suddenly beams of light formed on the end of each finger. They increased in size, gradually gathering momentum and pulsating. They merged together into one and expanded to the size of his palm. Anaxagoras flung the energy ball at Alex and said, “You fool! You will die!”

Before he was hit by the blast of energy, Alex envisioned the Regnum destroyed. Huge vampire fighter ships were attacking it from all angles. The Regnum split open, spewing people into the cold dark vacuum of space. He felt their utter horror and sense of hopelessness. He saw Angel crying out for him. A large dark figure grabbed her by the hair and pulled her into his ship.

The energy amassed and destroyed his body.


Nikolas awoke in his new suite. From the open window, he perceived the sun just above the horizon. The reflection of its golden hue sparkled and danced on the ocean waves. Magnificent. Nick breathed in the fresh air. He walked to the balcony, yawned and stretched. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the time. 6:40.

Someone knocked on the door, but Nikolas didn’t hear it, engrossed with the sound of the waves and smelling the fresh ocean breeze as it flowed through his thick dark hair. The doorbell rang. He heard it but it didn’t matter. He was happy, peaceful and content where he was. Again the doorbell rang.

“What in the blazes!” he scurried to the door and opened it.

A short man stood in the doorway holding a letter. “Sir, the President wishes you to read this. It’s of the utmost urgency.” He handed him an envelope.

“Thank you.”

The man walked away and Nick closed the door, looking at the envelope with deep interest. He sat down and opened it. There was a letter inside; he started reading:

Dear Father,

I wished to give you my support. But I could not afford to have anyone listen to us; it would be too dangerous.

I want you to know I am ready to join hands with you in our struggle for our own dynasty. Your father was the brother-in-law of the king, and yet he was never given the respect he deserved. He remained in the shadows and was never spoken about. After his death, you swore that you would take vengeance upon the king, and you joined forces with the Rebel, Aidan. But, now the time really has come for our vengeance. Let us forget the past and look to the future, a better future for the Gareng Family.

I will speak to the Council once they have finished with the Falsifier, and you will get your audience with him, privately. Also, I have given permission for the Rebels to roam more freely and have their own rooms as you have. When we speak to the Council, we will let them know that the Rebels are back to their old ways. Once you get the information out of the boy, give it to the Council and show them you are with them. Then, when the right time comes, we will strike them out. I remain forever your loving son.


Nikolas smiled. It worked! What he told Daniel last night had given the boy things to think about. Now he would have the advantage of speaking to Alex alone. He would be able to tell Alex everything he needed to.

Once again, the doorbell rang. It was the same man. He looked different now, his face panicky.

“Now what?”

“Sir, you must come quickly. There is something wrong with the captive!”

“What happened?”

“He’s dead!”

The next day’s conflicting headlines announced victory, tragedy, and shock, all at the same time. People in the Regnum felt somewhat betrayed by John Howe. They respected him but the news of his nephew shocked them, just as it had shocked the Senate. John was to hold a press conference at 9:00 and that gave him two hours to decide what he would say to the public. Though people were shocked by Gars’s statement, they had no problem with the Rebels or Alex coming back to the Regnum. All John had to do was wait for the ultimatum, which would give him a reason to hasten the attack. He contacted the Space Force Commander Kurt J. Lord and told him to meet him at his office at 0830 hrs.

John freshened up and had breakfast with his mother. “So,” she asked him, “are you ready?”

He raised his eyebrows, gave a quick smile and sighed. “I guess so. I just hope all goes according to plan.”

“It has so far.”

“Yeah,” he said chewing on his toast. “I hope Alex is fine.”

“Don’t worry, Nikolas is there with him.”

“Yeah, but I just get the feeling...I don’t know,” he shook his head.

“What? What is it?”

“I just don’t want him to get hurt, that’s all.”

“He won’t. They know that he’s the Falsifier and they aren’t to harm him.”

“Yes, I know.” John sipped his coffee and looked at the clock. It was

7:45. His mother noticed this and said, “You’ve never been late for anything in your life. Relax.”

“Yeah,” he said, “Thanks to dad.” He laughed. “I remember the time I was late for school. Just that one day. I’ll never forget the way he nearly brought the house down.”

John’s mother smiled, “And Miriam was so scared of him,” she said.

John laughed.

“She would have been so happy to see this day,” said John’s mother.

“Don’t forget, she is,” he said. His eyes glazed over and he paused his chewing. “I miss her.”

“Me too.” Helen took her son’s hand and squeezed it. “She’s so proud of you and her son, just the way I’m proud of mine.”

John looked deep into his mother’s eyes. He saw sadness and hurt there. But there was also hope. Hope in Alex. He thought of the pain she must have felt losing both her daughter and her husband. It must have been like the pain he felt when Caryn and his unborn child died. No one knew about the child, not even John’s mother. It was a pain that he held inside and used against his enemies on the battlefield.

The doorbell rang and a butler answered it.

Richard walked in. “Have you seen the crowd outside?”

“No, but I’ve heard it.”

“Coffee, Richard?” Helen got up to get the mug and pour some for him.

“Sure, Mrs. Howe.” He sat down.

“Now, what have you decided to do?” John asked surveying his clothes, “You look good, Richard. Looks like you’re ready to take on the world.”

Richard laughed, “I guess I am.” He was wearing a suit, finely made by the best tailors of Regnum. “You don’t look too bad yourself, mate.”

John fixed his tie in playfulness, “I look better than people would expect from a General, I know that much.”

They finished their cups and went off to meet the crowd. John and Richard gave Mrs. Howe a kiss on the cheek and she gave them both her blessings.

The moment they left the house, they were met with a cheering crowd. “This is amazing,” John said in the limo, “Just yesterday, they were threatening to kill me, and now, now they love me.”

“Yeah,” Richard said, “These people will love you as long as you show them that you have their best interests at heart.”

“And we are very different to Jarad. How is he, by the way?”

“Doctors say another week and he can leave the hospital.”

“Then, we’ll see.”

“What do you mean? I thought you said that we’re going to put them on trial.”

“Maybe not,” John said, waving to the crowd outside, “There’s been a change of plans.” John tapped his temple with his forefinger.

Nikolas, the Rebels, and a few guards ran along the corridor. The door to Alex’s room was already opened. Daniel stood next to the Falsifier, where he lay on his bed. Nikolas said, “It can’t be.”

“It is,” said Daniel. “So much for your Falsifier. He’s dead, father. Dead!”

“But he isthe Falsifier,” cried Nikolas. “Wait! Get some blood samples done. Now!” The guards scurried off to the elevator. Nikolas shook Alex’s body furiously, “Alex. Alex! Get up! Get up!” He took his body and grabbed him around the collar and slapped him. There was no response.

“How did this happen?” Daniel asked.

“Sir,” One of the guards said, “He was...” the guard paused, wondering how he should say this.

“What? He was what? Tell us, damn it! What the hell was he doing?”

“It was about fifteen minutes ago that he was stirring from his sleep. We could hear screams, curses in the ancient dialect coming from inside and then a large burst of energy. The camera footage shows him transforming.”

“Transforming? Into what?”

“We couldn’t see that. He began to convulse, calling out, ‘Uncle John! Uncle John!’ Then he collapsed.”

The scientists arrived and Daniel turned to speak to them. “Find out what’s wrong and what we can do.”

One scientist pricked Alex’s skin and took a blood sample. The wound should have healed immediately but it didn’t, instead dripping ounce by ounce. He put a few drops of blood into a small tube which was inserted into a blood monitoring system. “The cells in his blood are still moving,” he said. “His vampirism is still evident but it’s very faint.

We will need a transfusion from another vampire if there is to be any hope of reviving him.”

“I’m ready to give it,” Daniel said, folding up his sleeve. Nikolas was surprised.

“No, wait!” Nikolas stopped him. “Don’t infect him with your blood. There is only one blood that can save him.”

“Which?” Daniel asked.

“Who else’s but his originator?” Nikolas said.

“You mean...” Daniel didn’t say anything. No one yet knew that Aidan was the Falsifier’s father.

Nick just gave an abrupt nod.

“We will have to meet the Council for this,” Daniel concluded.

“We can’t tell the Council.” Nikolas said. “They will be furious. You know that.”

“What’s going on here?” They all turned to see Erik walk in. He was not to be informed, but had obviously found out. “Is it true? The Falsifier, dead?” Erik laughed. “You’re dead as well, Daniel.”

To everyone’s surprise, Daniel leaned back and punched Erik in the face. Blood flowed from his nostrils. “You’re laughing at this?” yelled Daniel. “Are you insane? This is the Falsifier we’re talking about.”

“How dare you!” Erik spat with vehemence. “Now the Council will surely hear of this!” He stormed out and got back into the elevator.

“Somebody stop him!” Daniel said, “He must not tell the Council what has transpired here.” He sent four guards after Erik and told one of them to send a message to Mikhail to stop the regent. “This is...so frustrating. I hate that guy!” he cursed.

“Now the only thing we can do is get the blood,” Nikolas said.

“Guards, everyone, leave us,” Daniel said, and everyone left. “Not the Rebels. You stay here.”

“Aidan’s blood is essential,” Nikolas said. “That is the only blood that can save him.”

“No it’s not,” said Gavin. “Listen, this isn’t the only solution.”

“He’s right,” said Varenkoff.

“There’s the ritual, the technique,” Joqetu said.

“No!” Nikolas shook his head. “That’s a grave risk. You know that. Besides, not all of us have that sort of energy. It’s not been used for the last twenty years or so. I’m sure everyone’s forgotten it.”

“You mean,” Daniel said slowly, “the Resurrection technique. The one given to Christ?”

“Yes,” Gavin said.

“But it’s illegal,” said Daniel, “Anaxagoras has forbidden it.”

“How does it matter?” Nikolas said. “We’re not working for Anaxagoras anymore. Remember?”

“Right,” Daniel said, “but like you said, it will take time and energy.”

“Do you remember the technique?” Nikolas asked.

Daniel shook his head and squatted down to get a closer look at Alex.

Nikolas said, “Neither do I.”

“It’s not you memory that’s failed, it’s Anaxagoras,” Daniel corrected. “He has taken away all knowledge from our minds so that no one else would learn it, and it wouldn’t fall into the wrong hands. You know that.”

“How can I forget? We were not allowed that information after the Rebellion. But, that does not mean we can’t try.”

“Try? How the hell can we try when don’t know one word of the incantation?” Daniel said, getting up and looking at his father.

“There’s still a way.” Nikolas smiled. “The Vatican.”

“But that has restricted access. Only Council members and government officials can go there.”

“Exactly,” Nikolas’s smile widened.

Central Headquarters was off-limits for press and those who were not in the Senate or Supreme Court. A large crowd gathered at the main building and at Central Square, where the ceremony was to take place. Never before had people been so ecstatic about a man coming to power. Even though John knew the position was temporary, he was happy. But at the same time, his mouth was dry and his heart rate quickened with anxiety. The sound of celebration and press rang in his ears as they followed him. He shook hands, kissed cheeks, waved, and smiled.

John and Richard strode inside the building. To their surprise, they were greeted with mirth and laughter by the Senate, the Supreme Justices, and the Municipal officials. “Well done, you both!” said Justice Herbert K. Marks, an African American man in his late sixties. Herbert was a jolly figure with his white walrus mustache and wide grinning mouth. He effortlessly projected a happy vibe onto all around him. He had always been supportive of John Howe and was one of the first people who nominated him as the then de facto and eventual elected Leader of the Council. While shaking John’s hand, he whispered into his ear. “You definitely are the right choice. That idiot, Jarad, is nothing but a two-faced liar.”

John said, “All will be revealed in time, Herb. Jarad may be two-faced, but I think there’s more to it than that. You’ll soon see.” John smiled. “Anyway,” he patted Herbert’s hand which still clasped his own, “I’m glad and grateful for your support.” John respected Justice Marks and trusted him with his life. The man was a rational thinker with a warm heart.

Herbert patted John and Richard on the back, a little hard but jovially and gave a deep laugh.

The other Justices greeted them along with the Senate. The Municipal officials had little say, but each congratulated Richard and John, shaking their hands and embracing them.

“Now, remember,” said Herbert, “you must realize that this outcome has come upon us for a very good reason.”

“Of course,” John and Richard said together.

John continued, “This is a new chapter in the History of Humankind, my friends. Life as we know it is an unjust, passing existence, full of grief, pain, remorse, and vengeance. Therefore, I want to make it clear to everyone.” He looked at them seriously, “I will not shy from my responsibilities as leader; I am fighting for liberty. I am grateful that you have given me your trust. Make no mistake; I will lead us towards happier days.”

“Of course, we trust you. We trust you both,” Nyazika, one of the Justices, said, turning to Richard. “Do you have anything to add?”

“John has spoken for both of us,” Richard said.

“Well then, we will prepare for the ceremony.” Nyazika projected a grandfatherly smile. “You two go and do what you need to and be back here by 9:00.”

They left the premises, only to be bombarded with shouts of praise and adoration from the crowd. “I think we need to pay Jarad another visit,” said John.

Daniel and Nikolas hurried to Erik’s office. They spoke nothing of the matter to each other and remained quiet throughout. Once they reached the office lobby they saw Sirach waiting alone. “Where is the regent?” Daniel asked.

“He’s inside sir, with your secretary,” said Sirach, standing up.

“Good,” Daniel said. “Let us in.”

Sirach pressed the intercom speaker button and said, “Sir, it’s the President. He wants to see you.”

“Let him in,” said Erik through the intercom.

Sirach smiled and gestured them to go in.

The door opened automatically. When they entered inside, Erik was waiting for them. They were surprised to see a smile on his face. Daniel had a feeling he knew what was going on. Mikhail stood up and Erik bid the Garengs to sit down.

“Look, Erik. Let’s talk straight here,” Daniel said. “Whatever has happened couldn’t be prevented.”

“Really?” Erik shook his head, “I doubt that. I am going to summon Lord Julius and notify him of your lack of care and your sudden allegiance, with this gang of vagabonds... these,” Erik gave Nikolas an evil glare, “Rebels!”

“Listen,” Daniel said, “there’s no need for all this. Just hear my proposal.”

“No, listen to mine. I don’t have to tell Lord Julius about this mishap. All you have to do is...”

“Just tell us, damn it!” Daniel frowned.

“Give me the blood of the Falsifier!”


“That’s right, I want his blood.”

“But why his?” asked Nikolas, “What’s so special about it?”

“It’s obvious, isn’t it? His blood is the most powerful there is next to Lord Anaxagoras’s.”

“But it’s dangerous,” said Daniel. “Drinking his blood will kill you.”

“That’s right,” Nikolas said. “His genetic code is too complex to decipher and his blood is a mix.”

“A mix?” Erik looked at Nikolas with interest. “What do you mean?”

“Yes, it has been said before. He is half human and half vampire. Plain and simple,” said Nikolas, “He is a very important ally to us.”

“To us?”

Daniel laughed. “You don’t realize it, do you? Father and the others have decided to join us.”

“Is that so?” Erik said, scrutinizing Nikolas’s face. “How do you know of this?”

“The truth is Alex, the Falsifier, is from the lineage of Argos I, and the grandson of Anaxagoras.”

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