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Red Serpent: The Falsifier
  • Текст добавлен: 31 октября 2016, 02:13

Текст книги "Red Serpent: The Falsifier"

Автор книги: Делсон Армстронг

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Текущая страница: 15 (всего у книги 16 страниц)

The ship descended.

Alex knew things had changed and that they were going to change some more. He wondered about Angel and her parents. He was sure they would be apprehensive after the events that had unfolded. He thought of Grandma. What was going to happen to her? He was still running the events of yesterday and today through his head.

The massive tanker hauled itself into the Hangar. Once it was on the ground, hundreds of soldiers ran towards the tanker, searching around for their friends, hoping they had made it through and were safe and unharmed.

Alex was the first to get off. The Rebels followed with Richard and finally the rest of them. When Alex and the Rebels were off, there was no commotion whatsoever. Everyone stared at them as if they were unwanted. Richard, seeing their reaction, said loudly, “Is that anyway to welcome back the Falsifier?”

“Relax,” Alex said, already knowing that the people were apprehensive, “I won’t bite and neither will they. I trust my life with these men, all of them, man or vampire! And I suggestyou do the same.” That was the usual Alexander they knew; a dynamic, charismatic leader who would “suggest” rather than dictate. Alex had a way with people and with words.

“Let me introduce you to those you don’t know,” Richard added. He presented each vampire, one by one. Each one of them gave a bow, or a smile, or a wave. As he finished he said, “And of course there is the infamous Nikolas Gareng, Dante Varenkoff, and Liam Tios. But more of them later.”

To say it was awkward would have been an understatement. The backup units wanted to celebrate with their friends, and celebrate they would, but they had not expected vampires to be amongst them.

When the Generals came to greet the survivors, they warmly embraced the Rebels like old friends. Seeing this, the new soldiers thawed a bit. After saluting the Generals, they tended to those who were wounded and escorted them to the hospital.

The second tanker with John and the others inside arrived. As it landed, there was a new burst of cheering. Alex watched the newly arrived mega-ship with wonder and curiosity. The whole vibe of celebration had got to him and put his worries to the back of his mind. John came out, then Nikolas, and the other two Rebels followed by the soldiers.

“Uncle John,” Alex called out as soon as he saw him. He wanted to unleash his thoughts, but he knew now was not the time. He simply hugged him and said, “I know about Grandma.”

“Alex,” Nikolas shouted, as he finished chatting with one of the Generals, “You were brilliant out there, I heard!”

“Thanks!” Alex said and embraced Nikolas. They seemed rejuvenated by the buzzing energy.

“What? Who told you about Grandma?” John asked, perplexed.

“No one.” Alex smiled. “I knew it; intuition I guess.”

“But how? This change is so sudden.” John faced Nikolas and the others.

“We’ll talk about it, old friend. We have lots to talk about,” Nikolas said with a wide smile. “But for now; let us enjoy this day.”

“Wait, I almost forgot,” John said, noticing the physical change in Nikolas due to the blood that he had lost. “Where’s Daniel?”

“I told him to wait. I don’t think the people are ready. Let everything calm down and we will introduce him.”

“What? He’s here?” Alex said, while the other Rebels and Richard looked at the four in amazement and confusion. He turned to Nikolas for an explanation, but instead Dante spoke:

“Alex, he has decided to join us.”

Alex’s face reddened with anger. “I don’t like the look of it. I know that he’s your son, but he’s an Imperial vampire. He’s the president of that Regime for God’s sake!”

“What do you have in mind?” John asked.

Alex furrowed his brow as he thought. Everyone circled around him, waiting for his response. He sighed, “I’m not so sure about him. He just gives me a bad feeling. I know that he betrayed the Regime, but that doesn’t really mean anything.” He shook his head. “I think we better handle him with care.”

“And what would you suggest?” Nick said. He was not angry, but a little worried. “Should we keep him as a prisoner for the time being?”

“Yes.” Alex said, “Keep him as a prisoner of war. We’ll have to test him.”

“So then bind him,” John said gruffly. “Richard, take these,” he handed him a pair of silver handcuffs, “and put them on him.”

Richard did as he was told and went quietly. Nick flinched as he passed and remained silent.

As the third tanker flew into the Hangar and slowly landed, John turned to see which one it was. “The Vatican,” was all he said and ran to it, hungry for news.

Michio, Chang, and Evan came out, with grief-stricken faces. John knew at once what had occurred. “Well,” he said, “Did it work?”

Evan nodded. “We have the holodrives with us.”

“And the enemy?”

“Destroyed,” Michio said, “All of them, along with the library.”

John nodded, “Where’s Ranjit,” he asked, guessing what had happened by the look on their faces. The reserve soldiers talked among themselves, curious to know where their pals were. Then, the electromagnetically levitating coffin came out of the tanker with the soldiers following it. Ranjit was inside, with his sword on top of him. The men looked on in horror and complete surprise. “What happened?” John asked, controlling his grief.

“He went alone into the forest, to pray I suppose, and a vamp stabbed him in the heart.”

“You were supposed to stick together,” said John, a little angry. “What about the frequency?”

“I shut it off. The vamps were down, unable to move.”

“Well it doesn’t seem like it, does it?”

Suddenly, there was an explosion from the entrance of John’s tanker. Richard fell towards Dante who was closest to the ship. Blood covered Richard’s face.

Daniel flew out with an aura of red and black electricity around him. His hair flew in all directions as if he was a madman, and he rocketed into the air. His face darkened and his eyes turned the bloodiest of red.

“Oh, cousin!” Daniel shrieked at Alex. He stuck out his tongue and taunted him like a demon.

“I can’t fight him,” Alex said, as Nikolas pushed him forward.

“Neither can I; how do you expect me to kill my own son?”

Reluctantly, Alex materialized his sword. It glistened with blue electric sparks, brighter than ever before. Everyone stared at it with their mouths open in awe. Daniel materialized his own sword. It crackled with black and crimson electricity, more dangerous and daring.

“I want you, Falsifier!” Daniel said, his eyes glistening with blood, his face now more demonic than ever. His eyebrows slanted angrily and his cheekbones heightened. His nose grew much longer than before. The chin and ears were sharply pointed. He seemed to have spawned from hell.

The crowd backed away, giving space to the two challengers.

“Don’t do this, Daniel,” Alex said calmly, as he walked closer to him. A faint aura surrounded Alex. Daniel’s aura was the same color as his sword and was constantly increasing in size and intensity. The closer he tried to walk, the farther away Daniel moved. He was afraid. “You don’t need to fight; we don’t have to resolve it this way.” Just then, he felt as if a hammer had struck him right on top of the head. He fell to the floor in pain.

Daniel laughed, “What’s the matter, Falsifier?”

“Uncle John, it’s grandma; she’s dying!” He groped at his chest and began to shake uncontrollably.

Just then, John got a message on his nanophone. Andrew appeared on the hologram in front of him and said, “Sir, Dr. Wallace is on the line. He says your mother’s having an attack.”

“I’ll be there!” John said and looked back at Alex. He wanted to help his nephew but something told him he would be fine. “Make sure no one gets close to them,” he said to Richard and Nikolas. “I will not have any more deaths today!” He left.

Alex closed his eyes. He saw his grandmother. Her eyes were closed but he could feel her heart beating fast. She was suffering.

Daniel, looking at his father and the rest, gave them a bitter smile, showing his large fangs. He flung his sword towards Alex. But Alex backed away just in time. He grabbed the sword by its handle before it went back to its master and he threw it at Daniel. Daniel laughed and gloated and didn’t sense the danger. His own sword plunged into his body and he groaned in agony.

I have to stop this,thought Alex. I need to control this power before it kills me, before it takes over and kills everyone.He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and cleared his mind. He opened his eyes slowly and exhaled. Then he smiled at his impaled enemy. Daniel pulled the sword out of himself and rushed towards Alex. Before Daniel could attack, Alex disappeared, teleported behind him, and threw a blue fiery energy ball at him, knocking him to the floor.

The Rebels sensed the energy around them, pure and potent from Alex and wild and uncontrolled from Daniel. Daniel lay there, recharging his energy. Alex let him. He could have simply killed him there and then but he didn’t and it made him wonder why.

John ran into the hallway. Four doctors and half a dozen nurses rushed in and out with medical equipment and shouted frenzied orders. John pushed his way through to see his mother lying completely immobile on her hospital bed. He looked at the EEG and the ECG monitors. There were sharp dips and spikes in the graphs.

A doctor stepped in front of him, his face barely centimeters away. He smelled of tobacco and dried fish.

“Get away from me,” John said, shoving him aside.

“Sir, we need you to wait outside.”

“The hell you do! She’s my mother and I’ll be with her whether you like it or not.”

“Sir,” said a nurse behind him, “We really do need you to be outside!” John scowled at the doctor. He turned around to walk away. The computers made a faint but monotonous droning sound, which brought chills up his back. No! It couldn’t be!

It was confirmed by a voice, “We’ve lost her.”

Alex felt his heart had fallen into a bottomless pit. She was dead! He could feel her soul leave the body. He wanted to cry, to do something, but he had to concentrate on Daniel. “Grandma!” he said softly, “Don’t leave us.” He felt her presence around him.

Daniel had gathered plenty of energy now. He grinned at Alex, trying to taunt him.

“Alex, I have to go,” he heard his grandma’s voice say. “My work is finished.”

“No. You have yet to do something. I know it; I can feel it.”

“I’m not strong enough, now, child.”

“You don’t need to be strong. You just need to be alive.”

Daniel created a massive energy ball in his right hand. The whirring of the energy was humanly audible now, which meant it would be a massive blow. The vampires could feel Daniel’s raw wrath.

“Now that I am gone, someone else will take my place,” said Alex’s grandmother.

“I won’t have it!” he said angrily. She was farther away now, “No! Don’t go!” But it was too late.

John grabbed the doctor by the collar. His eyes filled with hot spiteful tears and his face shook vigorously. “Do something!”

The doctor said nothing. His blood boiled. He stepped away and said, “I told you! There’s nothing we can do.” He stormed out of the room.

John went to his mother and the others left him alone. He laid his head on her hand and cried. Rage took over from grief and he began to smash all the damn machines in the room. None of them could save her, so what the hell use were they? He punched and kicked them and threw them around the room. Once on the floor, he crushed them with the soles of his feet. He yelled curses and flung everything within reach, vandalizing the entire room. No one was around in the hall. They were all so afraid that they left the ward. John suddenly fell to his knees and then onto one side where he bent double in pain. His stomach and throat burned like hot coal. He took out a handkerchief as he coughed into it. The soft white silk was spattered with droplets of ruby red blood.

Alex hovered in the air. He was aware of the energy ball and waited for it to be blasted at him.

Daniel leaned back and threw the ball hard and fast at Alex. Alex put his hands forward and stopped it. The droning noise stopped simultaneously. He flung the ball ten meters away from him where it hovered in the air. Alex moved his right hand backward and then forward, causing the mass of energy to spin faster and faster and out into the vacuum of space, outside the Hangar. As it reached the speed of light, it collapsed in on itself and exploded like a small nuclear mushroom cloud.

Alex wielded his sword, swinging it to and fro. He smiled. Daniel attacked him and the swordfight began. In turn they led and followed each other, circling around as if dancing. The onlookers watched in amazement.

Sparks of steel flew everywhere and the quick crackling of electricity filled the air. The blue, red and black colors converged and created a bubble around the fighters. The floor lit up in a dazzling array of colored lightning. The audience suddenly levitated in the air, thanks to the vampires’ sudden reflexes. Dazed, confused, and scared they looked on.

A swirling mixture of hot and cold air could be felt, as though a tornado were approaching. The humans felt electricity on the minute hairs of their forearms. The Rebels suddenly lost their concentration and the humans fell to the floor. Luckily, the lightning on the floor disappeared. The two fighters locked swords again, creating another wave of lightning. Just before it reached the humans, they were levitated back in the air.

This new burst of energy instantly shut down the entire power supply of the Regnum.

John stood still as the lights flickered and then went out altogether. When his eyes adjusted, he groped for the chair, and sat down, not knowing what to do. He yelled out, “Mom! Oh Mom!” He cried his heart out. How could this have happened!

Alex gritted his teeth. “Daniel,” he said through them, “let go of all this. I will allow you to go back safely, if you just agree to leave us alone!”

“You really think I would do that? You have too much mercy, Falsifier. That is your flaw.”

Alex released a spurt of extra strength and pushed him. “And stubbornness is yours!” He quickly shot six green energy balls at Daniel. The unleashed energy flew past its target and smashed a hole in the wall. Alex head butted Daniel in his chest. He grabbed his right arm and squeezed it tightly, until Daniel’s sword fell to the ground, making a crater. With his free hand Alex choked him.

He wrestled Daniel’s arm behind his back and threw him into space, away from the Regnum. He swung his sword at Daniel’s chest. Daniel used his will to pull his sword from the crater and into his hand and blocked. The impact created bursts of lightning and wild raging energy. As the swords locked, light came from each finger of Alex’s left hand. The small lights swirled and converged together creating one mass of energy. The mass collided with Daniel’s abdomen. In surprise, he let go of Alex, staring at the deadly energy touching him. I can’t,Alex thought.

You must,slithered a voice in his head. Do it!

No! He’s my blood, my cousin!

Do it!

And he did. The balls solidified and pushed Daniel farther away from him. The light surrounded him until finally he was consumed by raw, uncontrolled energy. This indestructible force ripped him apart from limb to limb. His body turned into a mess of raw flesh, then into a fiery black skeleton. Finally, it crumbled and dissolved away to nothing.

Oh my God!He screamed at the top of his lungs into the black emptiness that was peppered faintly with sparkles of diamond dust. But he could no longer hear or make any noise. Was he even alive?

No,he thought. This was space. The eternal.

Grandma!She was still there, suspended in limbo. She wasn’t fully gone yet. He could save her, bring her back. But he felt himself weak now. He was afraid. He had used all the strength that he gained on his first kill. This last thought lingered in his mind like a worm cut in half and still fighting for its life, before it faded into nothingness.

Enough! I have to try and get her back.

He flew to the Regnum, which now had its power reconnected. The lights had turned back on and there was life once again.

He floated down amongst the crowd. Seeing him slouching as he walked and with tears of blood flowing down his cheeks, they said nothing. Nikolas broke the silence. “It’s alright.”

Alex shook his head, knowing it wasn’t.

Nikolas embraced him and said, “I wouldn’t have been able to do it.”

“I...I killed someone?” He looked at his hands with disgust. “I killed him with these hands.”

Nikolas sighed, “We’ll talk about this later. It’s time we get you rested and cleaned up.”

“No! I have to go to Central Hospital!”

The doctors and nurses returned. They saw John sitting in the chair with his head in his hands; around him, chaos. “Sir, what is it we can do for you?” the doctor said, trying to keep his cool. This was after all the Supreme Leader.

“I want to see Dr. Wallace.”

“I am Dr. Wallace,” the doctor replied.

“Why couldn’t you have saved her? Who do youthink you are, telling me she’s dead, telling me you can’t do anything about it? You’re a doctor!”

“Exactly. I am a doctor, but I am not a miracle-worker. Now I suggest you leave, before I call the authorities!”

“Do you know who I am?” John said getting up suddenly and making them jump. “I’m the Leader of this World. I am the authority of all authorities!”

The door banged open, almost splintered at the hinges. Alex entered, panting and tired. His face was sullen and black bags were forming under his eyes. “Wait! Everyone...” he was out of breath, “...remain calm.”

“Catch your breath, son,” John said, “Wouldn’t want to lose you to these frauds!”

“That’s quite enough, Mr. Howe!”

“You’re too late,” John continued, ignoring Wallace. “She’s gone,” he said silently. His hard, straight face, worn out by grief, made him look like he had aged another twenty years. “She’s gone, damn it!” he shouted, “Damn you all!” He jumped up and rushed to the doctor as though he was going to attack him.

“Uncle John!” Alex came between the doctor and his uncle, “Calm down. I can bring her back.”

“Oh, so we have another messiah-complex. Suffering from an unhealthy lack of humility,” said the doctor. “What do you think kid, that you’re the next Christ?”

“Listen,” said Alex. “I am warning you, before...”

“Like uncle, like nephew, I suppose.”

“Back off!” Alex said and hissed at him, suddenly showing his fangs. “Get out of my sight!”

Fearing for their lives, the entire team of medical personnel ran out. “Uncle John,” said Alex softly, “Just sit and relax. I have just enough energy to resurrect her. I need to, for all our sakes.”

“But how?” John asked, his voice like that of a child’s.

Alex shook his head, “No time to explain. For now, trust me.”

John sat down and let the heavy lids of his eyes close, as if he was falling asleep.

The door opened again and this time Richard and the twelve Rebels entered the room. “So?” Nick asked. He saw her corpse. He nodded slowly and went to John. “Don’t worry about a thing, old friend. We’ll bring her back. Or rather,” Nikolas watched as Alex joined the tips of his fingers to form a ball, “he will.”

Blue light emerged from within his hands and emanated a sense of peace and tranquility around. Alex breathed deeply, and exhaled slowly. He closed his eyes and went into a trance.

His consciousness was all that there was. Nothing more, nothing less. “Grandma,” he said, his voice echoing in the deep void of nothingness. What is this?

“This,” the familiar voice said, “is what we call limbo.” The voice was Grandma Howe’s. He could see himself as a spiritual body, floating in the void. His grandmother’s body materialized.

He embraced her and she kissed him on the cheek, “You don’t have to do this,” he said, holding her at arm’s length. “What about Uncle John?”

She sighed, “It will be painful to leave him, but leave I must.”

“But you have things you need to tell me and show me.”

“Your father is the best person to show you.”

“I know you have something my father doesn’t, some secret knowledge. When I was in meditation, I saw you dying. I also saw Angel being murdered.”

“That is why I have to go, Alex.”

“What?” He furrowed his brow. “Look Grandma, I haven’t much time. My energy is waning and I want you alive again. What is it that’s bothering you?”

“Alex, if I don’t die, Angel will.”

“What? How will she die? From childbirth?”

“No. It will be as you saw in your vision.”

He remained quiet. His heart stopped. “What can I do to change all this?”

“I have decided for you, Alex. I am going for Angel’s sake.”

“Uncle John won’t be able to handle it. You have to stay longer; you have to come back.”

“And Angel? What about her life? My time has come. I am old and she is young. She is the mother of your child, Alex. And that child will be the continuation of your heritage.”

Alex shook his head, “My duty is not to extend, but to exterminate my line. That is what I was born to do.”

Grandma Howe squinted and shook her head. “There are still many things you have to learn, Alex.”

“And that is why you must stay alive; to teach me.”

She paused, took a deep breath and said, “I don’t know. The moment I wake up, Angel’s life will be in danger.”

“You don’t worry about that. I will deal with it.”

“You have no such power yet.”

“Then when I do, I will bring her back.”

“You can’t.”

“What do you mean I can’t? Of course I can.” He paused. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be arrogant.”

“It’s not that. There are bigger and more important things in the way.”

Suddenly his face brightened, “I have an idea. No one said you couldn’t be dead and alive at the same time.”

“What? What do you mean by that?”

“I figure as long as you’re not moving and up and alive, Angel won’t be in any trouble.”

“You’re thinking of fooling God? Are you serious?”

“Of course he will know, but that’s the beauty of it. Since you will be immovable and not alive, as such, nothing can happen to Angel.”

“So what exactly are you saying?”

“I will bring you back, but not out of the coma. Then, I will be able to learn from you, you’ll still be alive, Uncle John will have some solace and Angel will be safe.”

There was a long moment of thoughtful silence. “It will work for some time, Alex, but destiny must take its course sooner or later.”

“Don’t worry about that. When the time comes, it will. Before that, you will have to teach me.”

“So be it,” she whispered.

Alex brought forth a great burst of pure white light with his hands. It hovered above him, then went above his grandmother, turning brighter and brighter until it clothed her with a radiant gown of pure energy. When Alex closed his eyes, he saw nothing but the darkness of his lids.

When he opened them, he was back.

“She’s alive,” Alex gasped. This had taken a lot from him. He gave the last of the energy left in his body to save his grandmother and now she was alive.

John turned to look at him and then at his mother, but there was no movement, “It’s alright, Alex. It’s alright. You tried.”

“I brought her back, but...but she’s still in a coma.”

“What?” Nikolas said, “If you could bring her back to life, bringing her out of a coma would have been easy.”

Alex felt like he was at a high altitude. His head felt extra light as if he were about to fall down. “Look, I need...I need to.” He didn’t want to speak and then he fell into the chair, as if he was way too tired. He blinked rapidly, his breath shortening. “I just need some rest.”

“We can’t let him slip away,” Nikolas said. He touched Alex’s chest, right where the heart was and tried to feed him more power.

A day passed, plus one more night. Alex slept for that passing time.

When he opened his eyes, his heart jumped in joy at seeing Angel. He smiled. Angel’s face calmed and soothed his senses. He felt refreshed. She smiled and touched his face. She knew what he was but that didn’t change her love for him. Nothing could do that. “Here,” she broke the silence, “take this,” she held a cup of coffee to his mouth. The fresh fragrance alone invigorated him.

“You’re alright!” he said, remembering. “Does that mean Grandma—”

“She’s fine,” Angel said. “You saved her.” Her eyes widened. “I have no idea how, but you did.”

“I don’t know either,” he said, shaking his head. He paused. “Are your parents okay?”

“There he is!” Nikolas said, suddenly entering the room. He saw Angel there. “Oh...uh...I guess...”

“No. Stay, it’s alright. This is Angel. Angel, General—”

Angel stood up and smiled. Nikolas returned the smile. “We’ve met,” she said.

“Oh, so you know.” he sighed, “I don’t know what to say.”

John came in. “Alex, you’re okay! My God, we were so worried.” He was full of life once again, knowing his mother was still alive. He hugged his nephew and swung him out of bed. “You’re amazing, you know that? Just like your father.”

Alex reddened as did the two onlookers. “It’s alright Uncle John. As long as everyone’s fine, I’m glad.”

“Come on,” he said, “Let’s get some breakfast.”

Angel, Alex, the Rebels, John, and Richard all breakfasted together at the Howe Estate. After the private celebrations the young couple left to be alone, to catch up on things. Alex stood at the balcony, taking in the fresh air and drinking his second cup of coffee. Angel sat on a rocking chair, looking at him. “What happened to your hearing aid?”

Alex smiled. “I don’t seem to need it anymore.”

“But the doctor said it’d never be the same again.”

“Well,” Alex shrugged his shoulders, “I guess modern medicine doesn’t have all the answers.” He rolled his eyes. “And I’m not exactly the average human patient now, am I?” He sighed. He knew that, for this reason, Angel’s parents would be dead against the wedding. “So,” he said, leaning on the railing of the balcony and looking out at the sun, “Now you know everything.”

She touched his arm. “Listen, it doesn’t matter. My parents are fine with it.”

“Don’t lie to me,” he said. “I’m not that daft.”

“What am I supposed to do?”

“What about the baby?”

“I don’t know.”

“It isn’t their choice.” He turned around, his eyes suddenly dark with anger.

“How are you doing that?”


“Your eyes; they keep changing color.”

“It’s a vampire thing,” he said.

“There’s no—”

“No need to what? I can’t believe this. You’re going to abort our child. You want it, don’t you?”

She remained silent.

“You want it, right?”

“There’s more to it than that,” she said, her eyes glazed over.

“What? What more is there? You don’t want to be with the enemy.”

“It’s not that,” She said harshly, “I love you.”

“But not the baby. Damn it, this is another life we’re talking about! You cannot take it away. You don’t want it, give it to me! And back off, if you hate me.”

“I didn’t say that. Alex, my parents have told me everything. About the truth.”

“What truth?”

From inside someone cleared their throat, “Alex,” it was Uncle John.

“Angel.” He stepped out. It was obvious from his grave pallor that he heard portions of their conversation, “It’s time for the funeral.”

“Yes, Mr. Howe.” Angel got up and walked briskly in. Alex lingered there for a few seconds longer with John.

He walked inside, not making any eye contact. “Alex,” John said. Alex stopped midway, silent. “Don’t worry kiddo. Everything is going to be okay.”

“I know,” he tried to smile.

One and a half million people were present for the state funeral of those who died. The casualties of the first battle of this war numbered to twenty one hundred soldiers, including General Ranjit Singh.

In the Regnum, funerals were dealt with in various ways according to religion and culture. But the most common way was cremation. The process for a normal funeral would go as such:

The family and friends of the deceased would stand around the fire waiting till it turned to ash. Then, the ash would be put into small rockets which would be launched into the sun.

This mass funeral was a big event, and one that was performed with extreme solemnity. Trumpets blew out military theme tunes and the soldiers, standing at attention at Central Square, saluted the deceased by firing blank rounds every one minute. They held out their swords, in salute, as the pyres were lit. Ranjit’s was the last pyre to be lit. The ceremony was accompanied by four special funeral hymns. The hymns were in Sanskrit, English, Aramaic, and Latin. Four hundred choir singers accompanied the lead singer. A plaque had been prepared to place on the ground where the pyres were. The epitaph read, “This is to acknowledge the deaths of those who fought in the first battle of the War of Vengeance. May their lives and their valiance always remain in our hearts, and may we never forget their deep sacrifice.”

From a bird’s eye view, it was quite a spectacle. At home, TV viewers could see the great fires and the dense crowds gathered around them. These sacrifices would never go in vain, they knew. The funeral created a sense of purpose and pride.

John stood with Alex on his right, and the other delegates, and Nick on his left. The Rebels stood next to Nick. They intently observed the fire that would carry their fellow general’s soul into the Unknown. Nick held his hands over his heart, saying a mental prayer for the soul. Bloody tears about to burst could be seen in his eyes.

Alex saw this and felt the sudden pain and loss. His heart struck with the understanding that they stood at the dawn of a new age. He felt guilt for a number of things, including murdering his own cousin. He was sorry that so many had had to die for his sake. His heart ached to know what would happen next. He searched inside for some solace, as his eyes looked into Angel’s, who stood on the other side, tears streaming down her face. Finding no hope in himself, or in her, he looked up to God, and prayed. He didn’t pray for himself, but for those who had died for him and for those who had yet to do so.

The guilt subsided when John touched his shoulder. With one touch, he knew so many things. Times ahead would be tough, they would be overwhelming. Life was different now. His mind cried out for this sudden loss of normality, this sudden shift of reality. A new age had begun.

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