Текст книги "Bear Necessities"
Автор книги: Dana Bell
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Текущая страница: 7 (всего у книги 15 страниц)
Alex’s voice sounded soft and menacing. Shit. He sounded just like he had at Noah’s that night. The muscles in his arm were tight with tension.
“That’s right. And you are?”
“Tabby’s mate.” She could feel his claws against her waist, but didn’t dare look down. She’d seen Julian’s nails turn black, the tips become deadly sharp. She didn’t need to see them to know Alex’s were the same way.
Gary did look. His eyes widened briefly. “Oh.”
One of Alex’s claws began rhythmically tapping against her stomach. She held perfectly still, knowing he would never intentionally hurt her. “That’s right. We’re not going to have any trouble, are we, boys?”
Gary’s eyes gleamed in the light of the streetlamp. “You’re not Wolf, so allow me to explain a few things to you.” Those tapping claws stopped, scraped across her skin. She twitched when one scratched her belly. “You’re right. I’m not Wolf. I’m Bear.”
Gary laughed. “Wait. You mated a Bear?” His three goons laughed along with him. “A fucking Bear? You’re kidding me, right?”
Tabby clamped her lips shut. Whatever the hell Alex was up to, there was no way she could stop it now.
“Listen, Bear. Tabby is Outcast. That makes her fair game to any Wolf who wants a piece, got it?”
For some strange reason, Alex relaxed behind her. “Is that so? Well, let me tell you something, Wolf. Tabby is no longer a Wolf problem. She’s mine.”
Gary laughed again. He wiped away an imaginary tear. “Oh, that’s good. A Bear.”
He shook his hand at Tabby and Alex. “Run along. I’ll deal with you both later.”
Gary turned his back on them and motioned for his Pack. They grinned at Tabby and Bunny before turning and following Gary down the street, the small Pack still laughing.
“What. The. Fuck?” Tabby turned in Alex’s arms, heedless of the claws scraping along her flesh. The scratches would heal quickly enough. “What the hell was that all about?” And why hadn’t Gary attacked them?
Alex shrugged, but his narrowed eyes were glued to Gary’s retreating form. “I have no idea.” His hands absently stroked her flesh, healing the scratches he’d made.
“I would guess that he didn’t want his ass in jail.”
They both turned to find Gabe standing behind them. “I thought maybe I should update you on the prints we found on the stink bomb.” He gestured toward the door of Living Art. “Mind if we go in, get it all over with at once?”
“Sure, no problem.” Alex steered her back inside. She was still a little dazed at how easily Gary had backed down. Then again a Puma, a Wolf and a Bear could easily defeat his small Pack. And when one of those shifters was not only a Marshall’s Second but a Hunter?
Yeah. One order of Gary’s ass on toast, coming up.
They went back into the store. “Cyn! Glory! I found a sheriff on the front step.
Can I keep him?” She winked at Glory, who giggled behind her hand. She ignored Alex’s low growl and Gabe’s chuckle.
Cyn stepped out of the back room. “Hey, Sheriff. Any news on the vandalism?”
“That’s why I’m here.” He took off his hat and ran his hands through his black hair. “The prints we lifted aren’t on file, either with us or with the national database.”
“Damn it.” Cyn collapsed into one of the chairs lining the walls. “That means we’ll never get him.”
“Not unless he gets arrested, no.” Gabe looked around. “Is anyone else in the store with you?”
“Nope. Mrs. H. left the back way. Said she’d left her Harley back there.”
“Fine.” Gabe eyed the two humans thoughtfully. “Know that the only reason I’m telling you this is because you know about and accepted Tabby.” Cyn frowned, Glory looked puzzled. “I’m running the prints through…other channels as well, just to make sure we’re not dealing with a shifter problem.”
“Shit.” Cyn tugged her hair. “Like Gary isn’t enough of a problem. Any way we can fingerprint him?” When Gabe shook his head, she took a deep breath and blew it out, straightened in her seat and did her best to stare a hole through Gabe. “You tell us what we need to do and we’ll do it.”
Gabe smiled. “Let us deal with it if it turns out to be shifters. I’ll let you know if anything shows up. At that point, it’s out of your hands and I’ll have to call in some backup.” He knelt down in front of Cyn. “I’m obligated to make this offer.”
She eyed him warily.
“I or one of my other Pride members could change you.” He turned his head to share a look with Glory. “Either of you, or both of you. You know about us already, so it wouldn’t be too much of a hardship for either of you.”
Tabby blinked, then bit back a possessive growl. If anyone was changing her girls, it was going to be her.
“What would I be if you did?”
“A Puma.”
“Really?” Glory stepped forward. “I’d be a shape-shifting kitty?”
Gabe dropped his head. “Ah. Not exactly.”
“That would be a really bad idea, Anderson.” Alex pointed with his chin. “At least for Glory.”
She put her hands on her hips. “And why is that?”
Tabby nodded. Alex was right. “Because Ryan would pitch a fit.”
“Who cares what Ryan thinks? I like kitties. What if I want to be a kitty?”
“Ryan Williams, as in Chloe’s brother?” Gabe stood up and studied Glory. “Right.
I’ll talk to him.” He turned back to Cyn, ignoring Glory’s gasp of outrage. “What about you?”
Tabby doubted she was the only one who heard Gabe’s unspoken question. Do you have a mate too?
Cyn smiled, her expression wicked. “I think I’d make a fine-looking cat.”
No. Bad idea. Very bad.“Uh, Gabe?” Tabby grinned weakly. “Not a good idea.”
His brows rose. “ Bothof them?”
She nodded.
He crossed his arms over his chest. “Why the fuck are they unclaimed?”
“Uh, ex cuseme? Unclaimed? Like my ass is in some ratty lost-and-found bin?”
“Glory,” Tabby groaned.
“I have a mate?” Cyn stood, her entire body quivering. “He’s going to fucking claimme?”
Oh hell.“Cyn, calm down.”
“Fuck no! Who is it?”
Tabby pinched her lips together. No way was she getting in the middle of this.
Cyn’s eyes narrowed. “I know where you hide your shoes.”
Tabby’s shoulders shrugged. “So not fair, Cyn.”
“Including your favorite fuck-me pumps. They’re history.”
“Oh, hell, not my black patent leather pumps. You bitch!”
“Hello, Wolfgirl, that’s kind of the pot calling the kettle black. Like those pumps
“Okay, okay, it’s Julian.”
Glory growled. “No need to ask who thinks he owns my ass.” She began pacing, her skirts swirling in a crazy Technicolor display.
That was way better than the controlled ice Cyn was showing. “Julian thinks he can just claim me whether I like it or not?”
“No! Why do you think he’s waited, Cyn? He knows you’re not ready yet!”
Cyn’s glare turned deadly. “Does he, now?” She smiled at Gabe. “Turn me.”
“Uh… Yeah. Maybe not.” Gabe backed off, holding his hands up.
“If Julian thinks he’s going to wait to claim me until hedecides I’m ready, I’ll be fucking old and gray. Put me on equal footing. Let medecide.”
Gabe’s jaw clenched. “You know this is irreversible, right? If I do this, you’ll be answerable to Max Cannon, our Alpha, and his Curana, Emma. You’ll bow before them whether you want to or not. Can you handle that?”
Cyn frowned. Some of the ice surrounding her thawed. “Emma’s cool. I’ve met her once or twice at the coffee shop. I don’t know Max.”
“There’s more than one type of shifter, Cyn.” Tabby took hold of her arm. “If you really want to do this, I could make you Wolf. Hell, I’d loveto make you Wolf.”
She’d have the Pack she’d always wanted, one that loved her.
“Or I could make you Bear.” Alex shrugged when Tabby turned and growled at him. “It’s an option, but I think she needs to know exactlywho and what Julian is before she makes that decision. Being the mate of a Kermode is considered an honor among my people.”
Cyn blinked. “The mate of a what?”
Alex sighed. “The Kermode Bears are also known as Spirit Bears. They live exclusively in Canada, somewhere near British Columbia. They have powers beyond what a normal Bear has, but there are so few of them, it’s rare to meet one. It’s unheard of to find one outside of Canada.
“I don’t know much about them other than they’re so reclusive my grandfather thought they were a myth until Jamie Howard came home from Canada. He told us some stories about the ones he’d met.” Gabe sighed. “If your mate is Kermode, he’s the closest thing we shifters have to a mystical priest.”
“So you’re telling me he has magic powers?” Cyn’s expression turned cynical.
“Not quite. Hell, I’d try to explain it, but I don’t understand it myself. Bunny?”
Alex shook his head. “Sorry, we know a little more, but not much. The Kermode are…” He got a far-away look in his eyes. “They’re treasured. Respected. They have powers other Bears only dream of. It’s said Bear Himself walks with them and guides their dreams.”
“Then why is he here?” They all turned to Glory, who shrugged. “Seriously? Why is he here if they never leave Canada?”
Gabe looked thoughtfully at Cyn. “Good question. Has anyone ever asked him?”
“We’re getting off topic.” Tabby sat in Cyn’s abandoned seat. Her feet were killing her. “I’d really suggest letting your mates claim you. If they scent another man on you, they’ll freak the fuck out.”
“Maybe that would be a good thing.” Cyn began to pace around the room.
“Besides, I’d like the ability to protect myself from Gary and the Gutless Wonders.”
Glory giggled. “I agree. And don’t try to tell me I need some big strapping man to do it, either.”
Alex closed his mouth. “I wasn’t going to say anything.”
The three women stared at him until his cheeks began to turn red.
“So now it’s a matter of deciding what we’d like to be.” Cyn locked eyes with Glory. The mischief in them was daunting.
“It’s like picking out a new dress that will never go out of style.”
“Oh lord.” Tabby put her head in her hands. It was going to be a long night.
Alex took the keys to Tabby’s Jeep out of her hands. “Your friends are insane.”
“Yup. Total Queens of Denial.”
Alex shook his head. At least the sign over the curtained-off area now made sense. He opened the passenger door and waited for Tabby to climb in. “What do you think they’ll decide?”
“Knowing them both?” She scooted in without protest and waited until he was settled behind the wheel before continuing. “Glory will jump the first shifter she sees and beg for a bite. Cyn will think about it and eventually go with her first instinct. I expect she’ll call Gabe before the end of the week.”
“I’m not sure that’s fair to either Ryan or Julian.” He started the Jeep and took off, leaving the Harley behind. It had begun to rain while they were in the shop and he had no desire to get soaked on the way back to the hotel. “They should be the ones to change their mates.”
Tabby shrugged. “Here.” She reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. “Call Ryan. Tell him what Glory’s pondering and see what happens.”
He stared at her. She grinned back. “That’s evil.”
She nodded once. “Yup.”
“You have Julian’s number?”
Her grin turned into a snarl. “I did until someonecrunched my phone.”
He began dialing his cousin’s number. “Right. First stop, the Sprint store.”
“Damn skippy.”
“Hey, Ryan. There’s something you need to know.”
“Shoot.” His cousin sounded like absolute shit.
“Is Chloe okay?” He could be at the hospital in fifteen minutes if he needed to.
“No change. Mom’s…yeah.”
Bunny sighed. “Shit.”
“Yeah.” Ryan sighed. “So what’s up?”
“Anderson came by Living Art and filled the girls in on some stuff he’s checking out. He offered to change both Cyn and Glory so they can protect themselves if Tabby’s attacker turns out to be a shifter.”
“Son of a bitch.” Ryan’s inhuman growl filled his ear. “Where is Glory?”
“We just left her at Living Art.”
The phone clicked when Ryan hung up on him.
Tabby took the phone he handed over and dialed, then put it back in his hands.
He frowned but put it back up to his ear.
Julian didn’t sound any better than he had an hour ago. “Julian, you sound like shit.”
He could hear the rustling of cloth, possibly sheets. “Yeah, well I feel like shit.
What’s up?”
“Anderson came by Living Art. He offered to change both Cyn and Glory so they can take care of themselves if Tabby’s attacker turns out to be a shifter and goes after either of them.”
There was silence on the other end of the line for a moment. “And this concerns me how?”
Bunny pulled the phone away from his ear. “Cyn. Not a Bear.” Still nothing.
“Someone else’s mark on her body.”
That got a reaction. “Shit.” The man sounded more awake now. “What did Tabby tell her?”
Bunny frowned. Wasn’t Cyn’s reaction more important? “She said it was a bad idea, but she gave Cyn the impression that the reason you hadn’t changed her was because you were waiting for something. Cyn didn’t handle that too well.”
“Goddamn mother fucking son of a bitch.” Julian sighed. “Let me see which way the woman’s planning on jumping and if I need to stop her.”
“Aren’t you going to claim her?”
“ It’s not time yet!”
Bunny winced and pulled the phone away from his ear. Damn, Julian could yell.
He checked the driver’s side window to see if his brains were currently sliding down the glass. “Dude, I hate to say it, but your time might be up.”
“Shit. Fuck!” He could hear more rustling cloth. “Who the hell told Tabby she could say anything?”
“I think my matewas trying to prevent your matefrom making a mistake.”
There was the sound of a huge crash. “Any idea who she was thinking of asking to change her?”
“I think she was leaning toward a Puma.”
“That won’t do. Tell Tabby that if she can’t talk Cyn out of it, she has to get your Aunt Laura to change her into a Fox. That’s the only other option.”
“Oookay. Do I want to know, or should I flail around blindly?”
Julian snorted. “Welcome to my world.”
“Trust me, Bunny. If I could have, I would have already taken Cyn. Nothingwould have stopped me.”
Bunny sat up straighter. Something in the other man’s voice called to everything in him that was Bear.
“But the time isn’t right. And until it is, I’ll do everything I can to see that she remains safe. And that means she can’t become either Wolf or Puma, understand?”
“What about Bear?”
“No. Not unless it’s by my hand.”
“I forbid it.”
“Understood.” Bunny’s foot hit the brake. He blinked. Since when did he take orders from anyone other than his father? “Julian?”
“Just…trust me. Please.”
Bunny looked over at Tabby. The clueless, worried frown on her face told him she had no idea what was going on. But she trusted Julian with her life.
And Julian had almost given his saving Chloe.
“I do.” He hoped the conviction he felt was obvious in his voice. If it wasn’t, he’d reassure the man next time he saw him.
“Thank you.” He barely heard the whispered words before Julian cut the connection.
“I’m going to say it again,” Bunny muttered. He pulled back into traffic. “You have some freaky-ass friends.”
Tabby shook her head. “What the hell was that all about?”
“Not a clue.” And something tells me Julian isn’t much better off.If the Kermode didn’t know the answers, who the fuck did?
They couldn’t reach Cyn before they hit the Sprint store, and by the time they were done, it was late. They stopped for some fast food and ate in the car before heading back to Alex’s hotel room.
“Are you planning on living here?” She winced. She hadn’t meant to ask that question yet. They were newly mated, still learning each other. She had no idea whether or not he’d meant what he’d said in Noah’s that night, about possibly starting up a small business here in Halle.
He frowned. “You’re here.” They got out of the Jeep and headed for the front door of the hotel. “By the way, seen any houses you like?”
She stumbled. Real estate? That sounded permanent. “Um. Not recently.”
Okay. That was a total lie. There was this adorable little red brick house not far from Simon and Becky Holt’s that she’d totally fallen in love with, andit was for sale. The cottage-style house had both whimsy and dignity, with a black front door and shutters, but a garden with stone fairies in it. She was sure that the garden would be full of flowers come spring, hiding the fairies behind colorful blooms.
He nodded. “We’ll need to make an appointment, see what we can find.” He led her inside, his hand drifting down to her ass. “In the meantime, have I mentioned I love those fucking boots?”
Tabby grinned up at him. “Do you?” She put a little extra sway into her hips, his low growl music to her ears. After the night they’d had, they both deserved a little something special. After only two times with Alex, she already knew he’d make tonight memorable.
They entered his hotel room. She stepped inside, a wicked smile crossing her face at the sight of the bed.
She heard the door shut. “Tabby?”
“Hmm?” His voice had deepened, sending a quiver of anticipation down her spine.
She shivered at the note of command in his voice. She looked back over her shoulder. Her man stood there, his arms crossed over his chest, his legs spread wide. The bulge of his erection pulsed behind the zipper of his jeans. He looked dangerous.
She had two choices. Defy him and see what happened. Or strip and see what he had in mind.
Her hands went to the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. She was stubborn, not stupid.
The gleam of approval on his face told her she’d made the right decision. She wasn’t in the mood to fight tonight. She was in the mood to fuck.
She sent him a wicked grin and turned around. She kept her back to him and undid the clasp of her bra, letting it fall from her shoulders to the floor. She reached up and played with her nipples, feeling the sting of arousal all the way to her clit. The ring slipped between her fingers, heightening her arousal. She loved having her nipple ring played with. She could hear his breathing speed up, but refused to turn to see what he was doing.
“Now the jeans.”
His voice was a deep, husky rasp. She toed off the boots. There was no way she’d get her jeans off over them. She undid the snap to her jeans, pulled the zipper down and hooked her thumbs into the waistband. She pushed them down her legs, letting him see the thong she’d worn just for him.
She was bent down all the way, her pants almost to her ankles, but she stopped.
“Put the boots back on when you’re done.”
She smirked. Oh yeah. From the husky rasp of his voice, he reallyliked the boots. She tugged her jeans the rest of the way off and put the boots back on before straightening up. She stood there, her back to him, in nothing but her thong and her boots. The knowledge that he was thoroughly enjoying the view sent tingles down her spine. She’d never felt sexier in her fucking life.
She heard a noise behind her and risked a glance. He’d undone his jeans, pulled his cock out, and was slowly stroking himself, his gaze glued to her ass.
She let one brow rise. “See something you want?”
His eyes locked onto her mouth. “Hell, yes. Get over here.”
She turned around and rubbed her lips with the tip of her finger. She wasn’t certain he’d wanted her to see the shudder that passed through him, but damn if the knowledge didn’t make her feel even bolder. From the way he was eyeing her finger, she had a pretty good idea of where his thoughts had wandered. “If you get my mouth, what do I get?”
He stalked toward her, his hand still wrapped around his cock. “Good point. How about an even exchange?”
God, just the thought of his mouth on her pussy nearly dropped her to her knees.
“I do prefer sixty-nine to sixty-eight.”
Those gorgeous lips of his curved. “I don’t mind owing you one, but I’m not going to complain, either.” He walked past her to the end table and pulled out a bottle with a black lid. He placed it next to the pillow and lay down on the bed. He was still fully dressed, only his cock standing free. “C’mere, baby.”
It was her turn to shiver. The thought of fucking him while he was still fully dressed and she was almost naked was an incredible turn-on. She wanted to feel the stiff cloth of his jeans under her fingers, the soft T-shirt between her thighs.
And then she couldn’t wait to turn around and feel the denim scratching her inner thighs while she rode him. The only thing sexier was the feel of his whiskers scratching her thighs.
She pulled off her thong and crawled onto the bed, her Wolf close to the surface.
She was going to take her mate, show him how incredible being mated to a she-Wolf could be. She knew the look on her face bordered on evil just before she bent down, lapping at the head of his cock.
Salty-sweetness exploded onto her tongue. Yum.The scent of her mate was strong here, mingling with the smell of his need. It was a heady combination. She buried her face in his balls and licked, sucking one into her mouth. The zipper dug into her chin, making her moan around the sac.
“Oh, fuck.” His hands buried themselves in her hair. “Get your ass up here.” She lifted her head from his lap and licked her lips. He glared down at her. “Don’t make me say it again.”
Fuck that. If he reacted that way to a little suck and lick, she wanted to see exactly what he would do while his cock was buried balls-deep in her mouth. She slowly sucked him, her lips sliding bit by bit down to the root.
He reared up, his hands pressing against the back of her head, holding her in place. “Oh shit. That’s it, suck it, baby.” He bent over her body, one of his hands going to her ass. He slapped it, hard enough to make her grunt.
She sucked, laving the sensitive opening of his cock with her tongue, drawing out the spicy-sweet taste of his come.
He groaned below her, his cock twitching inside her. His hands moved from her head to her hips, tugging on them. “Gonna let me have a taste, baby?”
“Mm-hmm.” She nodded her head, but refused to release his cock. She’d figure out a way to keep him right where she wanted him while she gave him what he’d asked for.
He moaned, petting her hair one last time before he lay back down. She maneuvered herself until she was straddling his face, eager to feel that hot tongue on her clit.
He pulled on her hips until he had her right where he wanted her. His hands stroked the globes of her ass. “So beautiful.”
That’s when she felt it. The most wonderful thing she’d ever felt in her whole life.
Alex pulled her pussy to his face and sucked her clit into that amazing mouth.
She bucked her hips, riding him, unashamed. He was fucking amazing.
A slap to her ass reminded her of what she was supposed to be doing. She bobbed her head, taking him back down her throat, swallowing around the head of his cock. His rumble of approval was matched by the thrust of his hips as he began to fuck her face. She pulled back a little, wrapping her hand around the base of his cock, letting him control the blowjob while she held on and sucked for all she was worth.
Meanwhile, Alex was driving her insane with that tongue of his. He was eating her like a starving man at an all-you-can-eat buffet, leaving no part of her pussy untouched. His hands dug into her ass, pulling the cheeks apart, exposing that part of her that was still virgin.
He lifted his mouth away from her, much to her disappointment, but was soon back, his lips wrapping once more around her clit. She whined around his cock, so close to coming she was ready to scream from frustration. She tightened her legs, the feel of the cotton of his shirt ratcheting up her desire. She let go of the base of his cock and palmed his balls in one hand, rolling them back and forth to his obvious enjoyment. He planted both feet on the mattress and began to seriously fuck her face at the same moment he gently inserted a wet finger into her ass.
Apparently the bottle with the black lid was lube.
The slight sting, the dark invasion, pushed her over the edge. She came, screaming around his cock, riding that finger and mouth until he’d almost drained her.
He kept fucking her in the ass with that finger, stretching her out. She felt the slight burn subside, the pleasure slowly building again.
“More,” he muttered, lapping at her pussy lips. She heard a click and wondered at it. One of his arms wrapped around her waist, holding her in place while he inserted something wider into her ass. Oh, that stung, stung so good. He must have gone up to two fingers. Warmth spread from where he was inside her. She had no idea what that warmth was, but it felt damngood.
She lifted her head from his cock, ignoring the wet slap of it against her cheek.
Her hands dug into his thighs, the denim harsh against her fingertips. She rode his hand, his lips, felt the orgasm racing down her spine again. “Gonna come again.”
He moaned and nibbled her clit with his teeth and that was it, she was coming around his fingers, whimpering and still wanting.
He pulled himself out from under her. “Down.” He held up the bottle and shook it at her with a dark grin.
She went down, her legs so rubbery they couldn’t hold her up anymore anyway.
His hand stroked one of her ass cheeks, kneading the soft flesh. “I am going to enjoy this.”
She heard the snick of a cap, felt the cold gel glide between her ass cheeks. It began to warm almost immediately. “Alex?”
He bent down and nibbled at her ass. “Mine.”
She felt she’d better warn him. If his cock felt as good as his fingers, she knew she’d enjoy it, but even she knew this wasn’t something you did without some preparation. “Never done this.”
“Good.” The dark satisfaction in his voice had her burying her face in her hands, her hips writhing in the bed. “Gonna fuck this tight hole of yours. You’ll think of me every time you sit tomorrow.”
“Hell.” Like she didn’t think of him too much already!
She jumped when she felt his fingers stroke between the cheeks of her ass, rubbing the lube against the tight pucker. “Gonna feel so good, baby.”
She felt the stretch when he inserted his fingers and wondered if someone could die of pleasure.
Bunny watched Tabby squirming beneath him. He’d never had a lover take to anal play the way Tabby had. She was practically humping the sheets, sucking his fingers into her tight body. And she’d never done this before?
Holy. Fuck.
No way was he going to hurt his virgin mate. Hell, if he’d known she’d never done this before, he would have used even more of the cinnamon-scented, self-warming lube. Not that she’d complained; she’d come as sweet as you please. His she-Wolf seemed to enjoy a little sting of pain with her pleasure.
Despite that, he wouldn’t give her true pain. She might be begging for it, but Bunny knew just how much she could take right now. He reached beneath her and began to strum her clit with his free hand, her sighs music to his ears. He inserted two fingers into her ass, scissoring them, stretching her wide for his cock. He wouldn’t enter her until she was begging for it, her hole wide and inviting, ready for him.
He let her ride his two fingers, taking his time, noticing the way she moaned and squirmed when his jeans brushed her thighs. My baby has a fetish, huh?He’d have to take her more often while still fully clothed if she reacted like this.
He stirred, letting her feel the denim against her skin and inserted a third finger into her ass.
She stilled, her breath hiccupping. “Okay, baby?”
She snarled, the sound inhuman. One dark brown eye peered up at him through a fall of damp green hair. He could see her fangs descending.
He smirked, the satisfaction that he could reduce his mate to nothing but a mass of wanton need coursing through him. It was better than anything he’d ever experienced.
He fucked her with his fingers, gentle at first. He wanted her used to the stretch and burn of three fingers. He was wider around than that, especially at the head of his cock. When she relaxed back into him, he took his fingers out and added more lube.
She snapped at him, those sharp teeth flashing. Thank God. He was veryhappy his cock was currently nowhere near her very talented mouth.
He reinserted his fingers and she smiled. She pushed back as much as he would allow, rode his hand with a smile. His other hand remained busy at her clit, keeping her on the edge of orgasm.
When those sweet little whimpers began pouring from her mouth, he pulled his fingers free. “Gonna fuck you so good, baby.”
Her hips lifted in invitation, one he had no intention of turning down. He put a thick coating of lube on his cock and stroked it, knowing she could hear the sounds of it squelching through his palm. “Ready for me?”
She nodded. “So ready.”
He put the head of his cock against her asshole. “Push out, baby.”
He entered her slowly, pausing every time a wince crossed that incredible face. He moaned when the head passed through the tight ring of her muscles. He stilled, letting her get used to the sensation. When she shivered and relaxed, he inched forward. He paused with each stroke to let her get used to his invasion. When his balls finally rested against her pussy, he sighed. “You okay?”
Her lip curled, a fang peeking through. “Peachy.”
He almost laughed. Damn, she was extraordinary. Her ass pulsed around him.
“Need a minute?”
She nodded, wiggling a little bit. Her eyes widened and she shuddered. “Oh fuck.”
“Like this?”
She reached back and stroked his thigh, her nails scratching the material of his jeans. “Need.”
And he would provide. He began with small movements, swiveling his hips every now and then so she’d feel the rasp of his zipper against her flesh, know he was fucking her still fully clothed. Hell, he hadn’t even taken his boots off.
She began to respond. Tabby rocked against him, their movements becoming surer, sharper, the sensation indescribable. He could feel the tingling at the base of his spine, the pleasure already more than he could bear. He needed her to go over with him, needed to feel the clench of her muscles while she came. She was so tight, she might snap his dick off when she came, but fuck if it wouldn’t be worth it.
There, that was the sound he’d been waiting for, that delicious little whimper that signaled she was close. She was pushing back against him, riding him, barely letting him guide her. He lowered himself over her, forcing her down, his hands on her hips keeping her ass in the air. He pulled her hair roughly to the side. He was almost there, his cock throbbing inside her.